Legion World
1) Tryouts and resulting insults and degradation

2) Every thread on page 1 is new, no longterm threads

3) No in-jokes exploding exponentially from this point forward

4) Alt IDs swapped between posters, new ones created, no one knows what the hell is going on anymore (ha, as if most of you ever did tongue )
5) No more jokes about posters like STU, CJ Taylor, and Hrun the Barbarian being alternate ids rather than real people!
6) Absolutely NO references to <strike>Superboy</strike>---er, who?
6) Arbitrary rules that, when violated, result in show trials, with various posters making up convoluted reasons why the poster should be expelled.

Stuff like, "New Poster Lass, your powers are too similar to Some Person I Just Made Up, so you'll have to either leave, or submit to experimental and perhaps dangerous Naltorian technology that will randomly change your powers!" or "Lo3W Fanboi, we've discovered that you are using a *computer* to post to these boards, which means that your powers derive from a device! Our Constitution strictly forbids members who don't have innate powers!"
7) The return of long lost members.
8) No matter how much stuff gets retconned into the Legion, pretend that's the way it always was. Support this by saying stuff like "If you want to see how Wildfire came to occupy Red Tornado's body, see the back-up story in Adv. Comics #539.)
9) Subtly encourage mistaken notion that posters such as Cobalt Kid and Hrun the Barbarian are actually members of the comic book Legion of Super-Heroes that just haven't been seen in a long time.
10) Refrain from devoting whole months to very obscure Legionnaires from former continuities.
11) Increase references to the one character all fans, casual or not, can recognize: Dr. Mayavale!
12) Really kewl charts that show relationships among the 600 or so most important characters in the LMB Universe.
13) Alexis Luthor month.
14) All new avatars for every poster!
15)Prevent Cobie from impregnating new members!
16) But not from lack of trying wink
17) Jokes about Brainy-Superman romance. (As opposed to Brainy-Supergirl Robot romance, that is.)
18) Light Lass or Lightning Lass Which Is it??
19) An original, rebooted, and threebooted version of each poster.
20) Start a new roleplay alluvasudden that relies on years of LMB continuity to understand--newbies'll eat it right up!
21) Inane names for Dark Circle members.
22) Fast facts sheet that shows up when you click on each LMBers logo.
23) Make everyone wear costumes with their names printed on.
At this point, we need to make Lo3W accessible more than the MMB!
24) Have the writers of the Dark Oval Novella rewrite LO3W.

25) Follow up with an LO4W - and the 4th World is obviously the LMB world wink

26) Make that last one an Elseworlds, as the internal continuity is sure to make all non-LMB Legion fans' heads explode.
<-- and you never know, some writer might steal some of our best characters such as *gasp* Nads-Kicker Lass, Salad-Tosser Lad, Globe Girl or Stoopid Cat!
© Legion World