Legion World
1) Make him the best man when Blaze and I get married.

2) Dress up like him for a day, complete with blue fur, elf ears and tail.
3) Crawl to his bedroom at nighttime.
4) But only if you ask Mowgli for permission first!
5) But we'll only say "thank you" and begone.
6) Custom healthy snacks delivered to his table at SDCC, every day of the con-- absolutely free! (No more overpriced dubious "wraps" or flat sodas, ever!)
Originally posted by Blaze:
5) But we'll only say "thank you" and begone.
7) Say "thank you" with a song-and-dance routine!

8) Find a wealthy donor to fully fund Legion World and buy Nighty a new house and car while we're at it.
9. Big hugs! hug hug hug
10) Send him and Mowgli on a two-month, all-expense paid vacation throughout Europe and Asia.
11) A lifetime supply of combs, for all that luxurious blue fur
12) Gold statues in his honor, in every home on Legion World!
13) chocolate
14) "Thanks."
15. Continue to show how much we all enjoy Legion World and this community through posting.
16. Nominate him for president for life.
17. More hugs!
hug hug hug
18. Free Legion Logo throw-pillows-- ideal for pillow fights or just for resting tired feet at the end of a long modding day.
19) Nightcrawler plush toys in every house!
20) Worship at his feet!
21: A year's worth of any kind of baked good he wants! My cranberry oatmeal cookies are particularly nice.
22) send him a pomegranate a day.
23) Free use of my pal Oprah's luxuriant Winter home in Hawaii.
24) A robot to brush his fur daily.
25) Styx
26) Fake blue furry tails for everyone!
27) ...and elfin ears and cute fangs, to complete the look!
28) A new house for him and Mowgli, complete with all the furnishings, and enough money to pay the utilities for the next two decades.
29) Stiletta
30) Nightcrawler smilies all over the Boards!
31) An All-LW Orgy in his honor! love
32) Paint everything on LW dark blue!
33) Present him with some Dave Cockrum original art from the classic Nightcrawler miniseries.
34) Rub his feet and massage his tail
Pelt people in the posterior with pellets that say he smells like Brimstone.
36) Color our hair blue for the week!
37) Pointy elf ears for everyone!
38) An all-male naked shirtless Legion miniseries!
39) Fireworks that go BAMF! Nightcrawler
40) Go back and turn Bastion into scrap.
Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
34) Rub his feet and massage his tail

Careful, that tail might go off... angel lol

41) Let him ban people again. (careful, Pov! :p) banned
42) Hold a seance and coax Dave Cockrum's spirit into drawing an original Nightcrawler sketch.
43) Get him a team of BAMFs to do the household chores.
44) Have his babies!

45) Or at the very least, dress up our pets to look like his babies.
46) MLLASH jumping out of a huge birthday cake. (Flavor to be decided later.)
47) IB and Blaze perform a private risque dance for him and Mowgli!
bump for our discussion about the awesome smilies Nighty has made

48) Take him to his favorite restaurant.
49) Use his smilies everywhere! On Facebook, on Twitter, in your emails, pasted as stickers on your bedroom wall, tattooed on your arm...
50. Bring him some nice soup.
51. Give him some little Nightcrawler dolls.
52. Call ourselves his "BAMF! Brigade"
53. Invite 2000 new members to Legion World in the next month!
54. Write a fanfic starring his ID namesake and favorite Marvel mutant.
55. Buy him a free pizza every day.
56. bump the thread about showing gratitude to him!
57. Posting on this thread about showing gratitude to him!
58. Seconding posts to this thread to remove doubts that there's only a lone gratifier out there.Which sounds wrong on a few levels now I see it typed. smile
Semantics. You could change "gratifier" to "grateful person" wink

59. Cleaning up posts that are prone to misinterpretation in order to keep Nighty's image and reputation squeaky clean
60. A custom-made "BAMF" plush doll to keep him company on those long, solo business trips.

(Well, that's sorta' similar to other ideas, so how about...)

61. A classic red import sports-car, with black trim, of course. Because sometimes you want to get away from those S.F. hills and just sight-see on the open road.
62. All of us buying his comic book every month... oh, wait...
63. Drawing Excalibur from its stone*, and giving it to Nighty to form any gosh darn team he wants around the concept.

*or getting it from that bird in the pond, as sources vary.
64. Nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize
65. Attend the next comic-con and help out at the booth (easier said than done, I know!)
66. Making sure that his warm milk is just right and that the cookies to go with it are homebaked and have that perfect texture of not being just baked but also not left too long.
67. Fluff his pillows just right.
68. Avoid euphemisms in posts concerning him.
69. Use his graemlin with care. Nightcrawler
70. Care for his Graemlin, while he's away, so he doesn't have to book it into a Graemlinery.
71. Clean up after his graemlin, we all know how naughty those things can be
72. Giving him the day off while we run the site wink
73. Not mind when we have to reiterate we said "run" and not "ruin"
74. Ensure that the site doesn't fall into ruin by always being nice, respectable and thoughtful posters.
75. Get in some nice, respectable and thoughtful posters.
76. Commission a talented artist to design said nice, respectable and thoughtful posters.
77. Get a time bubble, go back and secretly fund Dave Cockrum to produce oodles of work. Actually, why secretly, let the chips of time fall where they may!
78. Create an alternate timeline where Nightcrawler joined the Legion, becoming its greatest leader, and ushering in a golden age of peace and security throughout the United Planets.
79. Nighty shall never have a marker pen that dries out because someone left the lid off! Not while we remain ever vigilant!
80. Put in a good word for him with Santa Claus, Papai Noel, Dun Che Lao Ren, Weihnachtsmann, Babbo Natale, Father Christmas, Kanakaloka or whatever else you want to call him.
81. Get him a personal teleporter... oh, wait...
Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
65. Attend the next comic-con and help out at the booth (easier said than done, I know!)

This is officially the post of the year. Congratulations!
Yay! I'm going to put this award on my resume!
82. Stay as active on these forums as you possibly can, because the Legion World message boards community is one of the last of its kind. Thanks ever so for keeping it going, Gary.
83. Keep making LW the fun, welcoming and respectful community that it is!
© Legion World