Legion World
Posted By: MLLASH The ALL-glaring at Cleome and Rickshaw thread - 12/29/10 09:37 PM
No reason, really, I just want to.

>glares at Cleome and Rickshaw<
*tips back in his chair, grabs a long tall cool glass of iced tea and a really nice La Gloria Cubano ceegar, tips his hat forward on his forehead... and snoozes, waking occasionally to take a gulp of iced tea and stank up the room with a cloud of ceegar smoke.

"hunh? whadd'ja say?"

>glares at cleome's hairy hobbit feet<
>glares at Rickshaw for not paying attention<
>glares at MLLASH because it's not nice to glare<

>glares at Lardy for going rogue<
>Glares at Lash for glaring at Lardy for breaking ranks over the top of his glasses<
>glares at Dev for not having my back in this glareathon<
>glares at Lardy for making him glare at Lash because Lash was glaring at Lardy for not glaring at the right glarees<
Ugh. How can you all even keep your eyes open to glare when this place reeks to high Heaven of cigar smoke?

[cracks open a window]
Originally posted by Lad With Glasses:

/gets out OmniPod(tm)/

/cranks up "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"/
>now also glaring at hobbit feet<
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Originally posted by Lad With Glasses:
[b] confused
>glares at LASHie for glaring at LWG<
>glares at Cleome for opening a window<
>glares at Cleome, closes window<
>glares at window<
>glares at hobbit feet again<
DON'T you use your Feet Vision, Lardy! Luck Lords know what might happen!!!!!
>glares at Kent for not glaring while he said that<
Originally posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain:
DON'T you use your Feet Vision, Lardy! Luck Lords know what might happen!!!!!
I was glaring at cleome's hobbit feet, K.E.N.T.! My powers don't work on the feet of others...do they? confused

>glares at K.E.N.T. as he waits for an answer that is sure to disappoint<

>also glares at K.E.N.T. for making him alternate caps with periods<
>glares at Dev because he didn't go to the effort of alternating caps and periods while glaring at K.E.N.T.<
>glares at Lardy for not using caps-lock<

/slips off to the kitchen while everyone else is busy glaring/

/puts up a pot of chili/
>glares at chili<

That'll make you gassy, you know.

>glares at air freshener<
/puts dishes in dishwasher/

/sets out round of cold beer and optional bottle of Beano(tm)/
>Glares at self eight posts ago for forgetting to glare<

ind if I join you for chili and beer, Lad?
>Glares at Lash. Soon it turns into something other than a glare. <
>glares the glare of a jealous ex<
>glares at cleome and Rickshaw1, getting this thread back on track<
>rickshaw's wife glares at rickshaw for making her listen as he reads each post out to her, even though she laughed the entire time<

>glares at K.E.N.T. for interrupting his jealous glare<
>glares at rickshaw for using this thread as foreplay<
/ponders glaring at somebody/

/stirs chili/

/opts instead to go on FB while chili simmers and find out if K.E.N.T. is single/
>glares at the glare from Lad With Glasses' glasses.<
>glares at K.E.N.T.'s heterosexuality<
/cleans glasses, then offers HWL the first bowl of chili/

/ponders glaring at Chief Lardy, but then wonders if it's actually normal in this strange place to make one's tortilla double as a napkin/
>graciously accepts the bowl of chili and is too busy enjoying it to glare<
>glares at Rickshaw, then at watch<

It's about TIME you got back here.
/notices beer running low/

/wonders if LASH will glare if asked to chip in ten bucks for replenishment of same/
>glares at empty wallet<

Can't until Friday I'm afraid.
>rickshaw feels people glaring at him... but is currently in food coma. goes back to sleeping with Iced Tea and Lit cigar while riding in Ford Pinto<
LASH, don't worry. I'll go glare at mr_cleome while holding up an empty beer bottle. That usually does the trick.

The Chief made fun of my feet, though. So he springs for his own damn brew for once.

[glares at Chief Lardy]
>glares at cleome for blaming him for her own hairy hobbit feet<

>glares at beer for being watered down<
[glares at Chief Lardy again, as a way of reminding him that people who use their Feet Vision to get an X-ray view through somebody's boots without permission deserve whatever they get]
>ponders asking Lardy about his foot fetish but instead just glares at him<
>totally doesn't get all of that out of cleome's glare<

>glares at her for being so presumptuous...and for not being on FB<

>glares at Rick for same<
>glares at Lash's feet<
[glares at Lardy for not owning up to his Hobbit foot fetish, given that we're all supposed to be friends here]

[drinks more beer]
>glares at cleome's beer<
>squints at people glaring. Takes huge puff of ceegar and drains entire glass of iced tea so cold it makes his teeth hurt. Also squints at son's new puppy that is eating the furniture.<
>also glares at Cleome and Rick for not being on FB<
>glares at Lash for apparently being FB friends with Rick's wife<
>glares at Lardy<

She's as pretty as Rick says too.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
>glares at Lardy<

She's as pretty as Rick says too.
>rick says "Big Gay Leo has competition...<
>glares at Rick<

You should know I'm going to win.
>rick rouses long enough to say "Dunno, man, he has proximity, and her back at work."<
>glares at Rick for trying to make me doubt myself in-between his snoring<
>rouses long enough to say "Elvis Pompadour on fat baby... cool."<
>Glares at Rick and Cleome.<

>Glares at Lash. Again, it turns into something other than a glare.<
>glares at Rick for calling me fat<
>Glares at everyone for forgetting that Lardy likes way-out feet, having fairly recently dated someone whose feet are webbed.<
Originally posted by MLLASH:
>glares at Rick for calling me fat<
>rouses long enough to say "Babies supposed to be fat. Taste better that way." then goes back to sleep.<
>Glares at Rick for making a Swiftian comment.<
>glares at Rocky's webbed feet<
>ALL-staring at Rickshaw's hot wife< drool laugh wink
>glares at Povvins because he suspects Povvins' days might be numbered when Rick gets back<
/glares at the universe, because this is the most way-out message board LWG can recall ever visiting/

Of course, it's also the only message board that LWG can recall ever visiting.
>Glares at LWG for not italicising the word "only" in his spoiler message<
>glares at Lad with Glasses<

So, where have you been and what have you been doing since March 2009?
/glares at Lardy for being a nitpicky so-and-so/

/holds up an omnicom for MLLASH to see, with the following message:/

<font face="chalkboard">I wish I could tell you for sure, Stranger. But it apparently involves lawmen with foot fetishes.</font f>

/glares at Lardy one more time before departing/
>glares as Lad with Glasses departs<

Who IS that bespectacled fellow???
/Sticks head into Lash's Glaring Parlor/

Glares at everyone, and everything, just because.

/Departs silently/
Originally posted by Pov:
>ALL-staring at Rickshaw's hot wife< drool laugh wink
>rouses long enough to realize that POV is staring at his hot wife, shakes head, feels sorry for POV who doesn't realize said hot wife is also deeply in love with child and Hubby, and will castrate someone with a rusty spoon for attempting to breach said relationship. Goes back to sleep after replacing warm tea and cold ceegar.<
>glares at Abin's glasses<
>Glares at Rick and cleome. And Rocky, too. Just because.<
>Glares back at K.E.N.T. Glares at Lash for glaring at webbed feet.<
>glares at monitor until eyes hurt<
>glares at Ram Boy, who as far as I know, is not on Facebook<
/Glares at Lash and Chief Lardy for No Specific Reason/
>glares back at Abin, but then cracks up<
>Glares at Abin who got in the way of a really nasty glare that was intended for Lash, the Facebookaholicwhore<
Ohmygod! Like Glaring is so Infantile.
>Glares at Lash who got in the way of a truly heinous glare that was directed at Mr. Buttinski, Abin Quank<
>Gives up and glares at EVERYBODY<
Ohmygod! Mr. Rammed Boy I like hope you're not glaring that like glare at me...

>Alan Rickman\'s glare tops you all!!!!!<
Quietly sets up a first aid station in the corner with large quantities of eyedrops and a glare proof shield.
>glares at Everyday Girl< Don't make me fetch Umber, darling. No one wants that.

>glares at Ram Boy< If you don't friend me on Facebook--!! I'm gonna... gonna take a bottle of PILLS!!-- and it'll be YOUR fault--!!!

>glares at Ram Boy defiantly, hoping he buys it<
>Rolls eyes instead of glaring, hoping this doesn't mean Lash is going to turn evil again (and tries to remember where he placed his orange plaid thong).<
>Glares at MLLASH<

Careful, Lash, you might give yourself a cavity if you take that whole bottle of Flinstones Chewables all at once.

>Glares at Rocky<

/Tries to glare at Lash, but breaks into a fit of giggles instead./
[glares at the entire room because nobody went out to get more beer after breakfast this morning]
>Glares at Ram Boy, realizing this is another glare with potential to turn into something else.<
>Glares chillingly cleome<

How's that in lieu of a frosty beer?

>Glares at Rocky again<
>watches Cleome intensely and glaringly, certain that she has possession of Dr. Gym'll's arm.<
>glares at Krypton Kid with all 3 eyes<
>glares at Rocky< Evil is SO 2010.
>Glares at Ram Boy and Cleome<

I'm having the beer delivered any minute. And I'm going to chill it myself.
>rouses, scratches butt, belches deeply and impressively, see that a whole bunch'a glarin' goin' on, yawns, de-rouses<
>Holds up a mirror in order to deflect Rocky's glare back onto himself<

Behold thine own glare, Rocky!

>Glares at Lash, the arbiter of taste on Legion World<

I'll make a note of that on my 2011 Stuff It Up Your Butt, Lash Calender.

>Glares at Narcoleptic Lad<
>Glares around mirror at Ram Boy.<
>realizes that these dweebs can't use their super-glaring powers in the dark. Glares randomly around the room and slowly moves toward the light switch....<
>glares at this thread<

It's all gone space-tits up!!
(writes in journal)

<font face="chalkboard">The future has so much glare, I gotta' upgrade to some space-shades!</font f>
Originally posted by Lad With Glasses:
(writes in journal)

<font face="chalkboard">The future has so much glare, I gotta' upgrade to some space-shades!</font f>
THE POST OF 2010!!!!!
>glares at self with third eye<
>glares at Lash for daring declare LWG's post the "Post of 2010<
But it was so cute! >glares at Lardy<

And at least it wasn't an inane 1 word post! >glares at whomever started that nonsense<
face font = chalkboard???

>glares at nonsensical quote stuff<
>glares at Ram Boy<

If only he knew how popular his "Imra smacks Ayla" art was on the Facebook page... but he doesn't because he isn't there!!

Or... IS HE?

>re-glares at Ram Boy, with added paranoia<
/Glares at Lash for talking to himself and for another unnamed reason/
>Glares at Abin for glaring at Lash for talking to himself.<
>wakes up from nap following that delicious bowl of chili several pages back and glares at people for still glaring at each other<
>Glares at He Who for glaring at him for still glaring.<
>Glares at Rocky, coveting his Rockhopping powers<
>Glares at KK in an equally covetous way.<
>Glares at Rocky, coveting his Jockshopping powers<
>glares at Rocky and KK for glaring at each other<
>Glares at He Who and KK, just because he can.<
I feel all glared out. Maybe I'll go fix some more cookies. How do you all feel about either oatmeal cranberry or chocolate mint?

[preemptively glares at all the killjoys who want to whine about how fat they allegedly are]

It's freakin' New Years Eve Day, ya' mugs! So live a little! You can diet tomorrow!
>glares at cleome and makes a request for chocolate mint<
Crapola! I'm plum glared out! Anybody got some Visine?
/Glares at Chief Lardy/

/Then turns and Glares at Sam Pureheart's first aid station/

(Glaring is thirsty work)

/Glares at his empty glass/
>glares at this thread for being inactive for several hours<
>glares at Lash for not giving us New Year's off<
Even with all the mid-day sun and all the blinds pulled up, there's remarkably little glare 'round these parts today.

And yet I feel... strangely empty inside.

[stocks kitchen with Nachos and a cold pitcher of Margaritas, just in case anyone feels glare-ish later on in the day]
>glares while nomming<
I just ate a plate of crinkle fries... >glares at belly<
>my belly glares at Lash's<
Remember, LMB: The 101st Glare posted to this thread in response to our host-- MLLASH!! wins its owner a complementary bag of Funyuns™-- courtesy our host-- MLLASH!

<span style="font-size: 12px;">(offer not valid outside the continental U.S.)</span>
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
>glares while nomming<
Oh, close your mouth when you chew, you ruffian!

[doesn't bother to glare, just :rolleyes: ]
>wakes up long enough to eat wife's newest creation, homemade peanut butter and jelly cookies with glass of tea, admires full belly, lights ceegar, and falls back asleep with lit ceegar in mouth. And that takes skill, baby<
>glares at Rick, posts something amusing on Rick's wife's Facebook page<
>Glares at Rick, because if Lash does it, it must be cool.<
>glares at Rocky because if Lash jumped off a bridge, would he also jump?<
>Wakes up and puts on shades. All this glarin'... its to damn bright.<
>Glares at Lardy for trying to make Rocky feel bad<
>It's glar ingly obvious I shouldn't be in this thread.<
Can't glare. Long story. Tragic accident today involving wayward forklift + slippery floor + only pair of glasses.

Glare amongst y'selves. shrug
Is too exhausted in posting orgy to glare at anyone.
>Glares at cleome and rickshaw for their inability to get it together for their own thread<
>Also glares at Rick and Cleome for same<
Is tired of all the glaring and expresses it by glowering.
Is exhausted from work week, incapable of even glowering, settles for a scowl in your general direction.
There's quite a glare from the sun right now. It's tough to believe that I'm actually in Portland, OR in Wintertime.

>Glares at Cleome and Rickshaw<

click to enlarge
wow. scary. I'm glad you're glaring at them.

Great glare. BETTER hair!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
>Glares at Cleome and Rickshaw<
click to enlarge
Now that is a glare.

The French would say "glarée".

<span style="font-size: 8px;">(No... no, they wouldn't. Just stop that, now.)</span>
< glares at Exnihil for saying that about the French >
Has anyone checked to see if cleome and rickshaw1 survived the glare?
Ah wuz hurted, bhut ah got beddah.

Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Great glare. BETTER hair!
Yer jest postin' thet ta flirt with Big Gay Leo on facebook, ain'tcha.
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Ah wuz hurted, bhut ah got beddah
Whew! Looks like you had a close call, rickshaw!

I wasn't even targeted, and there's STILL a big, smoking hole in the wall behind my desk.
Don't worry, it's fine.
Cleome and Rick are both made of rubber, so .... "anything you say .... blah, blah ... sticks to you"
I don't know, FK. I'm pretty sure that glare could melt rubber pretty easily.
It melted mine.
>glares at Lash's bedhead and at those who chose to praise it<
>Glares at Lardy for mocking Lash.<
Glare all you like, I wanna go on Top Shot.... country boys'll shoot yer eyes out....

>Glares at Rick for reference I don't get.<
>Glares at Rocky for not getting that reference<
>engages Lardy in glare-off<
History Channel. Top Shot. Braggin' right as to whose the best marksman. It's freakin' awesome. I wanna go on it.

they dropped a guy on a line from a Crane from 125 feet in the air and he had to use a Browning pistol to shoot balloons on the way down. AWESOME!

they did the old Bill Cody Wild West show shots, they did the thousand yard shot with a .50 cal round... Tomahawks, shooting arrows through pvc tubes for thirty feet to shatter eggs at the other end....

Gimme something like this over a dating show any day.
Confirms my decision. If there's a Zombie Apocalypse, I'm headin' east to feed ammo to rickshaw.

shootin' zombies. I'll concentrate on the politician zombies first. Then zombie mimes. They just deserve it. Invisible box my ass....
>Glares at Rick for dissing politicians, mimes and zombies!<
Glare breaks into laughing upon reading the words "invisible box my ass".
>Glares at Lash because he's too damn chipper for his own good<
Originally posted by MLLASH:
>Glares at Cleome and Rickshaw<

click to enlarge

[ruffles LASH's hair in a sisterly way]

[goes out to buy more beer and chips]
/looks around/

<font face="chalkboard"><span style="font-size: 15px;">
My, but it certainly has gotten quiet in here. I suppose that it must be the change in the weather.
</font f></span>

/puts on sunglasses, just in case/

/writes note, apologizing for missing all the excitement/
Do you prefer a hot glare or an iced glare?
I'd glare at all of you, but what's the point? With my tiny little eyes, every glare goes unnoticed frown
> glares at Rick for forsaking us here on the MMB <
>glares at FK for not changing his name to Fubar King<
> glares back at Dev - Em for changing the subject <
>Blithely ignores Future for glaring at him for foresaking MMB. thangs going on and less time spent here means more time on sum'in else. will be back when time is less crunched.<
>Glares far across the Detroit river to the Canadian on the other side.<
> Canadian on the other side just glares back at Yank doing the glaring <
and so begins the great Border Glare War.

(It won't last long. Their eyeballs will freeze.)
> Glares at Legion Tracker for his comments <

Starts pricing out eyeball warmers on Kijiji.
>glares at FK for glaring at LT<
>Rubs eyes and applies eye drops in order to better glare at people ... starting with DEV!<
<glares with a squintier look at FK for trying to get an unfair advantage<
[glares halfheartedly because it's just not the same w/o Kent]
The MLLASH glare it ain't what it used to be
Ain't what it used to be
Ain't what it used to be...

Razza' frazzin' @#$!%& Facebook...

Originally Posted by MLLASH
>Glares at Cleome and Rickshaw<

click to enlarge

How come only cleome and rickshaw get to be glared at? How about the rest of us?
Now, who would you glare at? Some nice guy from the phillipines or some redneck that somehow, some way managed to make it into the super powerful time trapper clubhouse, and then stops up the toilet? Hmmm?
Nice guy from the Philippines? You can't be talking about me or Blaze now, can you?
Oh, please. Everyone knows rickshaw1 bribed his way in. Which would have been fine if his checks could actually be cashed at a bank that will exist prior to the 52nd Century.

Tacky, rickshaw. Reeeeeeeally tacky.

Now I know why the toilet's all clogged. All those bouncing checks.
And Slovaks, too.
Seems to be quite a glare from the heavens right now.


>glares at Lash's empty chair thru tear-stained eyes<
I can't even glare. I'm crying too much.
This was naturally the best-ever thread on Legion World, because it had my name in the title AND a guest-appearance by nachos.

It's a good thing LASH was around to start it, because I would've been too modest to do it myself.
That's excellent Lash logic!

Tomorrow, I plan to rise extra-early and start 50 threads with my name in 'em! I know that's what he would've wanted. Life is too short for false modesty!

I read thru this entire thread earlier today. I was pleased to see I'd contributed throughout and that there was such a fun vibe going on.

And, of course...cleome's hairy hobbit feet! lol

This thread of course led to Dev posting a selfie doing a full blown glare on Lash's FB wall, which was hilarious.
I remember that! grin

You know, reading this thread, I have to think that the cleome/hobbit feet thing originated somewhere else because otherwise, it seems so random! hmmm
shrug I swear, I don't remember which thread is responsible for that. I feel an urge to blame rickshaw1's denouncing of Hot Pockets™, though. Just because.
I'm pretty sure at some point I described MYSELF as having hairy hobbit feet, because, well, my feet ARE hairy.... blush ....so maybe at some point I cursed you with them as well because you're into gardening? confused That's all I got. shrug
I'm just glad you two can discuss your hairy hobbit feet out in the open. Why even 10 years ago we'd have burned you at the stake.
Burning hair smells incredibly bad. Aren't you glad that now you just levy fines against us instead?
>glares at lack of foretold 50 Cleome threads<
>Glares at Heaven<

Really? All the jerks, assholes, deadbeats, creeps, politicians, scum of the earth and you take Lasher?

>stops glare<

Guess you need him more.
*wakes up late for a party. glares at everyone who didn't wake him up*
Originally Posted by Dave Hackett
>glares at lack of foretold 50 Cleome threads<

I swear they were all there the last time I checked. I bet some jealous mod removed them in the night!

Teeds has been undermining me from a distance ever since I got those atomic-powered shin guards. This is probably her doing. [glares]
Originally Posted by rickshaw1
>Glares at Heaven<

Really? All the jerks, assholes, deadbeats, creeps, politicians, scum of the earth and you take Lasher?

>stops glare<

Guess you need him more.

I am even now studying the clouds and taking notes of which ones look the most Fandango-ish.
Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
*wakes up late for a party. glares at everyone who didn't wake him up*

Don't worry. It's Daylight Savings here again, so everyone on North American soil should be feeling your pain in just a few hours' time.
I sort of get the concept of Daylight Savings Time, but I still have trouble seeing the practical benefits. Sorry all smile It's a bit hard to wrap my head around.

I believe that D.S. is very much a holdover from the era when most of us were rural laborers, and not city dwellers. I confess that I cannot much see any modern-day necessity for it either, IB.
Thank you, Lad with Glasses. I agree, DST makes sense for rural laborers who had to get as much as possible done during daylight hours. But for the typical office worker or urban dweller... Nah.

Of course, this proposal to impose one time zone for the whole world is much, much worse IMO.
<glares at clock and its impending betrayal>
<glares at time zone differences>

<glares at people spouting platitudes about getting up as the sun rises>

<glares at boss for being a clock-watcher despite all the overtime I put in>

Ow. My eyes are sore from all that glaring.

<glares at eye drops for not soothing my eyes fast enough>
My Glare-O-Meter is temporarily shut down due to contentment borne of a good stretch followed by meditation.

Cats have the right idea.
Originally Posted by cleome49
Cats have the right idea.


/glares at 2016 for taking the good ones too soon/

I can only hope that our old friend isn't glaring too hard at the likes of Andrew Sachs and Mose Allison right now.

Originally Posted by Lad With Glasses

/glares at 2016 for taking the good ones too soon/

I can only hope that our old friend isn't glaring too hard at the likes of Andrew Sachs and Mose Allison right now.




Vaya con Dios, Manuel.

The interview he gave on the BBC retrospective discs was so interesting. I'm gonna' go watch it again tonight after my errands are done. nod
>glares at Who's Online<

Don't think I can't see you Cleome! Don't think I ca...oh you've gone now...

>glares at absence of Cleome's name<
I'm always the one who nets the most glaring, just because I'm an out-of-shape old hippie and rickshaw1's always bristling with armaments and cheap cigars! Bah!

[rolls eyes rebelliously]
> glares at glare collecting nets with utter jealousy <
If you stay off rickshaw1's lawn, I'm sure he'll set you up.
<glares at Riskshaw's lawn>

Originally Posted by cleome50
If you stay off rickshaw1's lawn, I'm sure he'll set you up.

Can you get the glare collector nets combined with the trespasser collecting nets? I'd feel silly capturing another trespasser, only to see their glares fly off.

I'm not so bothered about only having glare collector nets, without the trespasser ones. As long as I get the glares, the minefield will take care of the rest. smile
Check in with Teeds. A lot of her hat collection seems to have netting on it. She can probably set you up.
© Legion World