Legion World
The more I learn about the original intentions for the Baxter Five, the more I wish they'd stayed closer to them. I love color-changing Tellus, Sensor Girl as Kara, and wormlike Quislet.

So, Steve, is there anything you can tell us about plans for the other two members who joined in v3 #14?
Hmmm...this all I can find so far that involves Brek's Baxter duds.

[Linked Image]
Regarding the Shady design above: maybe Steve had just seen an Elvira Halloween movie marathon wink ... guess you can't hit it out of the park all the time.

Btw, did y'all see that "Justice League Advnetures" issue that had "Polar King" (I think that was the name)? He was a villain who wore a costume based on the Polar Boy design.
I drew two different Polar Boy costumes in the Baxter issues. During the war with the LSV, I made only a slight modification, so that he'd still be recognizable. Later, I got to get rid of that fake fur nightmare that kept him a second stringer for all those years. He had the powers and the heart ... the poor guy just didn't have the costume of a hero.

Magnetic Kid was easy. That costume was pure Swan, and I tried my best to follow Curt's early Cosmic Boy design. It was a tip of the hat to Curt, as well as an acknowledgement of the Legion's proud history.

Posted By: icefire Re: Insights on Magnetic Kid and Polar Boy? - 10/12/03 07:49 PM
Polar Boy, Magnetic Kid, Tellus, Sensor Girl and Quislet rank as some of my favorite Legion members!!!!
"He had the powers and the heart ... the poor guy just didn't have the costume of a hero."

What's a shame is that Paul Levitz decided to turn him into an incompetent jerk and put him repeatedly at odds with Brainiac 5. I understand Levitz felt really burned out by the end of Greg LaRocque's run on the book, and might well have left sooner than he did, except for Keith Giffen's return helping him to feel revitalized and inspired again. But with their 2nd issue back together, Polar Boy was kicked down once again with the pointless "trial of Brainiac 5" issue, which made it hard to have any respect left for him. (It was spooky, as the way PB was portrayed during this period reminded me SO MUCH of someone in my department at work at the time the issues were coming out. It was another of those "Twilight Zone" moments.)
Originally posted by icefire:
Polar Boy, Magnetic Kid, Tellus, Sensor Girl and Quislet rank as some of my favorite Legion members!!!!
laugh I'm glad I make it on your list of favorites wink
Originally posted by SteveLightle:
Magnetic Kid was easy. That costume was pure Swan, and I tried my best to follow Curt's early Cosmic Boy design. It was a tip of the hat to Curt, as well as an acknowledgement of the Legion's proud history.
Not to mention Pol's feelings about his big bro I would imagine.
Of course, Pol's respect for his big brother worked perfectly. Ideally, the clothes you put on a character should be an expression of the character, and carry a message about his or her personality.

In this case, what we wanted to say about Magnetic Kid was consistant with the return of the classic uniform of Cosmic Boy.

Or, to put another way, Drake ... Yep. CosmicBoy

Posted By: MYG Re: Insights on Magnetic Kid and Polar Boy? - 11/14/03 10:46 PM
Pre-boot Pol Krinn was a good kid, and he wore "the uniform" with pride. I think he and Grev Mallor would have made a great team, as members of the Legion anyway. But as we know, Grev had other goals more connected to his home planet of Talok VIII. I think if pol had lived longer, He and Ayla may have made it as a couple. Ayla, being slightly older, would have taught Pol many things, in several aspects of life. I think pol would have provided Ayla the opportunity to trust and hold on to the innocence she once had as a young Legionnaire.
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
The more I learn about the original intentions for the Baxter Five, the more I wish they'd stayed closer to them. I love color-changing Tellus, Sensor Girl as Kara, and wormlike Quislet.
Now, that is something new to me. Sensor Girl as Kara? Where could I read something about that project?
Posted By: Greybird Re: Insights on Magnetic Kid and Polar Boy? - 11/16/03 11:30 PM
Well, as to Steve's "What was I thinking?" design for Tasmia above ... I always thought it was magnificent! Literally so, in giving a grandeur to her powers. It's both dramatic and highly functional. I'd have thoroughly enjoyed seeing it on her!

The current redesign Steve made for Umbra is indeed beautiful, but approaches being just a touch overornate. Also, I fear that the colorist in "Legion" 24 didn't, and future ones won't, quite follow through properly in showing Tasmia's blue skin on those cut-away areas.
Originally posted by Lumpen (AKA Diente):
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
[b] The more I learn about the original intentions for the Baxter Five, the more I wish they'd stayed closer to them. I love color-changing Tellus, Sensor Girl as Kara, and wormlike Quislet.
Now, that is something new to me. Sensor Girl as Kara? Where could I read something about that project? [/b]
Hmmm... I'm sure Steve himself would be happy to talk about it when he drops by if you ask him to!
Yeah, that would be great.
Oh, by the way, are there any scans of Steve's notes about Sensor Girl as the ones shown in this forum about Tellus?
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