Legion World
I am thinking specifically of the election here.
The ending date is based on the server time but if you adjust your date/time in your profile then it will all read correctly for you. Make sense?
I just checked - it shows the same end date when I'm logged in (and I have adjusted the time in my profile) and when I'm not. Is that right?
I'm no expert but it probably has to do with those cookie thingies the board sets up for you.

I like chocolate chip, myself. With M&Ms.
I suppose the real question is why the server's date at the Web provider hasn't been adjusted, after more than a week. You're not getting the service that you're paying for, Scott. When is he going to fix this? You deserve to know by now.

It's more a matter of inconvenience and confusion here at LW.net. The X-hours-from-what-should-be adjustment doesn't work, by the way, for anything but reported posting times in threads. Edit times and "alt" cursor-hover times (such as in the main-page Last Posts list) all use server times.

Where it would be more than just an inconvenience is for businesses with their sites being hosted at this provider. This discrepancy can, among other costly errors, screw up credit-card authorizations. LW.net may not be at such risk, but it deserves to have this fixed.
We were, indirectly, the cause of the crash that killed first his harddrive then the server. Right now I don't have a problem where we are. But should something (knock on wood) happen again, I'll find us a new home.

As for the server time, I believe you are incorrect. The edit stamp and the Alt tags are showing correctly for me. If I edit the time shows my PC time. Same goes for the Alt tags on the posts, most noticable those on the recent post island on the front page. If they are not showing correctly for you then it must be a personal setting not working.
Well, this is the first inkling I've seen that "we," LegionWorld, in any way "caused" the hard-drive failures. If you were acting so as to respect the agreement you made with that Web provider -- and some event over which you had no control, such as Google spiders, overwhelmed his equipment -- I can't see how he could hold LW.net responsible, in any causal or legal sense.

As for the times, you may not see this from your being in the same (Mountain Daylight) time zone, but edit and "alt" times do reflect the server time and date, despite any varying offset I've used in My Profile. Before this change, an offset of -1 hours (for Pacific Daylight) was sufficient. Changing it to +23 does "fix" the display, but doesn't affect it for edited posts. I only report my experience -- obviously, I can't test it from another location.
Here is an example of what I was referring to. I posted it at 11:31 am Sunday, Pacific time, and that's the time stamp at the top of the post when I view it, since I've set the time offset in my profile to "23." (The server is 24 hours behind what it should be, but Scott's time zone is 1 hour ahead of me.)

When I edited it 20 minutes later, though, it wasn't time-stamped in the message as being done at 11:51 am Sunday, or even at 12:51 pm Mountain time Sunday, but at "[Saturday] September 13, 2003, 12:51 PM", 23 hours earlier. That stays in the message, and isn't altered to fit who's viewing it. So it gives us a sort of Time Bubble.

As I've said, this isn't world-shaking, but it is confusing, and its not being fixed after (now) two weeks shows that the provider is not being professional.
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