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Kill This Thread XLVIII

The following rules were established by Kent Shakespeare at the start of the first 24-hour version, adapted from the original rules by EDE:

The rules:

1. The Basic Idea: Post to this thread, if no one posts after you for 24 hours, you win!

2. Posts that are not direct responses to one of the five preceding posts are ineligible to win. The topic can drift, but no complete non-sequitors. Posts that are responses to non-sequitors are also ineligible to win. Posts that are responses to responses to non-sequitors, and response nses to those posts, etc., become eligible, however.

3. In the event that this thread is locked, there shall be no winner unless a new thread is started for the contest. Furthermore, any post that results in the banning of the poster shall also be ineligible to win.

4. So, more precisely, one wins if one makes a post, and then no one makes another post that's eligible to win for 24 hours.

Here's a history of our various felons, along with a few missed opportunities.....

I - walkwithcrowds (7-day version)
II - none
III - none
IV - Quislet, Esq
V - Rockhopper Lad (the first 24-hour version)
VI - Rockhopper Lad
VII - cleome
VIII - Rockhopper Lad
IX - Rockhopper Lad
X - none
XI - none
XII - none
XIII - Invisible Brainiac
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - Invisible Brainiac
XVI - Invisible Brainiac
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - cleome
XIX - cleome
XX - cleome
XXI - Jfposey
XXII - Invisible Brainiac
XXIII - jfposey
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - PALADIN (eff YEAH!!!)
XVI- Quislet, Esq.
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - none
XIX - none
XX - Quislet, Esq.
XXI - thoth lad
XXII - Ann Hebistand
XXIII - Quislet, Esq.
XXIV - Invisible Brainiac
XXV - Invisible Brainiac
XXVI - Quislet, Esq.
XXVII - thoth lad
XXVIII - Quislet, Esq.
XXIX - Eryk Davis Ester
XXX - Invisible Brainiac
XXXI - Invisible Brainiac
XXXII - Ann Hebistand
XXXIII - Invisible Brainiac
XXXIV - Invisible Brainiac
XXXV - none
XXXVI - thoth lad
XXXVII - Ann Hebistand
XXXVIII - Invisible Brainiac
XXXIX - thoth Lad
XL - Invisible Brainiac
XLI - thoth lad
XLII - Ann Hebistand
XLIII - thoth lad
XLIV - thoth lad
XLV - Ann Hebistand
XLVI - Invisible Brainiac
XLVII - Invisible Brainiac
The whys and wherefores of these threads' refusal to die are not for the faint of heart. shudder
I can only deal with either a why or a wherefore. But never both!
Originally Posted by thoth lad
I can only deal with either a why or a wherefore. But never both!

What about a whyfore?
Steady on! I can't handle that kind of pressure!
I can't handle any song by Billy Joel, but especially not "Pressure." puke
how about Surface Pressure from Encanto?
Under Pressure from Queen doesn;t get put on as it causes too much anxiety.
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Under Pressure from Queen doesn;t get put on as it causes too much anxiety.

I never put it on because I hate David Bowie's voice.
Maybe I should not try to listen to his voice
Listen to my voice... as the bad guy in the Ipress File started saying in a bid to trigger his brainwashed agent.
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Listen to my voice... as the bad guy in the Ipress File started saying in a bid to trigger his brainwashed agent.

"The Ipcress File" is a great movie that influenced the look of every spy thriller that followed it.

Mind you, I find the scene where the protagonist frees himself by breaking his own fingers hard to watch. eek
Eh... Breaking fingers, dislocating shoulders....

Days ending in y as far as I'm concerned....
Maybe he can't feel pain...
Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Maybe he can't feel pain...

Just like Darkman.

Bruce Campbell makes a cameo right at the end.
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Bruce Campbell makes a cameo right at the end.

Yes. When Darkman becomes just another face in the crowd. Very clever of Sam Raimi.
I liked the movie. I didn't know anything about it going in, and that Raimi was the director.
It's a very well-made movie. The action sequence with Darkman hanging on to the helicopter is especially impressive.
It is, and well ahead of it's time, much like a lot of Raimi's directing.
Nura Nal is also often ahead of her time
Konk is a head in her time.
She used to dance with The Feet.
It's a shame that didn't work out, and she experienced the agony of de feet.
The feet definitely led to ago-knee
Ouch! Anatomical puns really make you groin in pain.
"The Anatomy Lesson" is the story from Swamp Thing v.2 issue #21. This is the 2nd issue of Swamp Thing written by Alan Moore, and the 1st penciled by Steve Bissette and inked by John Totleben. That trio is almost undisputed as the best Swamp Thing creative team.
One of my early issues was a Swamp Thing one by that team. While lovely to look at, it was a quiet issue with themes that were just a bit too grown up for me to appreciate at the time.
Looking at the cover gallery, I picked up one from a thrift store much later in the run. But I recall getting a lot of the back issues en masse even later than that.
There are also a few pieces that I was only able to appreciate better after I growed up a bit
We don't want to grow up too much though!
Off to Neverland !
On the crew of Captain Hook!....what?....we're on the other side?....really?
Dang, I lost my beard! and my deeper voice! and... and...
It's going to be a bit awkward chatting to the folk of Neverland, after the number we've just made walk the plank into shark infested waters. Especially, with all the time we spent training the sharks.
Alas, they should have learned to fly first!
Welll, yes. Being able to fly with giant weights on their legs would have helped a bit too.
They shouldn’t have skipped leg day at the gym
It's important to work out all parts of the body.
Yes, each and every bit
And one day, I shall.
"As god is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!!!!"
Originally Posted by Gaseous Lad
"As god is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!!!!"

Right, that's the first line in my new cannibal themed movie sorted...
For the love of god, don't make it zombies...
Oh come on! As if I'd go for something as tired and over used as that...

... quick guys, quit that shuffling and put on these antennae. You're Future Aliens now! ...
Alien zombies... from the future!
Can they change the past...before it kills them?!
That eat brains...
Or Soylent Green Premium Chunks, as we know it by.
"Now is the time
To let out the slime
It's a product of nature
It ain't no crime
Now is the time
To flush down the slime
Be sure to yell for help
If it clogs up like last time"
Beware, the Blob!
The Blob that Ate Everything!
Greedy Blob! Need to have a word with Mr and Mrs Blob about their offspring.
They should have taught it to share
Generally, it's just the one Blob per town destruction. I think they're quite territorial about it. Mind you, it would be embarrassing to have spent ages going through space in a meteor, only to find the first planet you land on, already has a Blob.
I'm turning into the blob... really need to get serious about that diet
That bit from the original 1958 movie when the old man pokes the stick into the meteor and watches the jelly-like substance slowly slide down the stick only for it to keep coming up towards his hand when he turns it upside down always creeps me out. Really well done.
when I was younger, I would literally scream in fright at scary movies.

when I was 5, I ran out of the theater during the dinosaur segment in Fantasia...
Ibby, I was scared by one sequence of Fantastia, too, but it wasn't the dinosaurs. It was Night on Bald Mountain, with all those demons.

Why, yes, as a matter of fact, I was raised Catholic. smile
I missed that one, Fanfie smile we never went back to the cinema, I believe. and my mom cut it out of the video she recorded...
That Night on Bald Mountain segment was amazing! Really stuck in my mind for years. Very well done and yes scary.
I didn't run out of the theater for Fantasia.

I did run out of the theater when Lois Lane died in Superman.
aw frown
I didn't see Superman in the theater, but on TV. I think it was around 1982, which would mean I was in grade school. Lois' death was heavy stuff for a kid to see.
I think I was about 10 when I watched it on video
It took me a while to even remember it was part of the plot. I guess war comics had already desinsistised me by then smile
I remember Superman going back in time... but I may be misremembering, it's been so long
Originally the reversing time trick was to be the resolution for Superman II and Zod and his cronies because they filmed both movies at the same time, but then with finances becoming tight they decided to put all the effort into the first movie - which I think was a good decision and resulted in a movie still held up today.
Reuse and recycle!
I still keep a little printout of what goes in each bin handy.
We separate our paper and glass, too.
The last time I checked a number of council, spent lots of pennies on the recycling schemes only for it to end up in landfill. Probably as they cut funding in later years. A fair amount of resistance to an incinerator being built in the county. Elsewhere, a number of related scams.

Why save the planet, when you can line your pockets.
Some people just care about themselves
When they should be caring about me! Me, I say! Bwah ha ha ha ha!
The most important person in the universe !
Well, I don't like to brag...

Next issue: The Avengers Vs Ego, The Living (and smug) Universe!
Mogo will put Ego in their place
Mogo reads Pogo, watches Logo, and likes to shop B.O.G.O.
And the Main Man Lobo takes 'em all!
except Wolverine, that one time
Pogo and Lobo's Lego World was an unlikely marketing comic, aimed at youngsters before being quickly removed from shelves.
They should have used Little Lobo instead!
Young Justice, where Little Lobo made all his appearances, was a wonderful series!
Li'l Lobo, Li'l Lobo skipping up the hill
Because it's the best place to throw grenades from
Little Lobo and Little Lulu should totally have a crossover
I think Little Lulu is coming out the winner in that one.
Arnold Drake, who created the Doom Patrol, wrote Little Lulu during the 70s and 80s.
Thanks for sharing that.
Elasti-Lulu vs The Animal, Mineral, Vegetable Fellers.
Tubby the Negativity Man
Negativity Man, Fatalist Femme and Ennui Lad: Somehow never got round to recruiting Superboy.
ugh, it was just too much!
I think Ibby just won again!
This is getting to be a habit smile
If you hadn't won before, you certainly have now.
wow! thanks stile, can't believe it's been like 2 weeks!
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