Legion World
Posted By: PolarBoy Grace Kelly - 01/26/08 02:27 AM
I saw a doco on her the other day and I was wondering if people think that her and prince renior were actually in love. When they were married they hardly knew each other at all and the few times they were seen in public together they never kiss or embraced. However she did give up her acting for him and they were married for 26 years and had 3 children (the first born 9months and 4 days after the wedding). Also after her death in 1982 he never remarried for the remainder of his life.
So I really don't know what to make of them as a couple and wondered what the general opion was of them.
Posted By: Language Arts Dave Re: Grace Kelly - 01/26/08 04:27 AM
At the risk of sounding like a sentimental dope, I've always thought it was love. PDA's aren't regal.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Grace Kelly - 01/31/08 12:02 AM
I know very little about Grace Kelly's marriage, as she had passed before I was born. But I am familiar with her work (truly one of film's greatest beauties).

The first time I ever saw her was when I watched High Noon when I was like 8 years old. I thought she was the perfect wife in that movie and should try and find a woman like that if I ever decided girls were worth talking to.
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