Legion World
Posted By: RED-001 A superhero themed Sims game - 06/06/07 01:45 PM
Would you play it? Giving your Sims a heroic identity at the age range of toddler,child,teen, young adult,adult and maybe elder!?

Imagine clicking on the select Sims and the choices are:

"Change to Hero"
"Train super powers"

And once in heroic identity,the following can be selected:

"Attend Team Meeting"
"Go on patrol"
"Do training session"
"Change back to normal identity"

Of course the NPCs(Non-Playable Characters)should be pastiches and/or homages to various DC, Marvel,Image and other comic book heroes.

If your child Sims are heroes as well and use their powers recklessly,a NPC police officer would contact the parents and suggest that their kids get proper training before using their powers first!

I hope it'd be an expansion of the Sims2 line or maybe part of the stand-alone Sims Life Stories called Superhero Stories or perhaps part of the rumored upcoming Sims3?
© Legion World