Legion World
Or meta-human, whatever we call them today...

I was reflecting that I grew up so immersed in superhero stories, and continue to be so, yet there are many people who aren't - and how would our reactions differ if news came, with credible evidence, that someone existed with some sort of superpower.

I suspect I'd be more accepting of it, perhaps as some wish-fulfillment. For example, I don't know if Uri Geller can really bend spoons or not, but don't consider it impossible. I just wonder to what extent this thinking has been shaped by superhero comics.
I think I'd be very intrigued and very supportive of any type of super-hero. And in a way, I'd be incredibly satisfied and at peace in knowing that there is so much more to what we know about ourselves (re: strange 'abilities' or even just someone 'fighting crime').

Hell, I'd be more worried about me deluding myself into becoming a side-kick!
I would say that we (superhero comic book readers) would be like the people in the movie "Independence Day" just before the aliens attack - excited and hopeful. Hopefully we wouldn't be surprized like the people were too.
I largely agree with Quis, although, depending on said hero's abilities, I think there would be some trepidation involved as well.

He or she would certainly become an instant media celebrity once they went public, with everything they say subject to major scrutiny.
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I would say that we (superhero comic book readers) would be like the people in the movie "Independence Day" just before the aliens attack - excited and hopeful. Hopefully we wouldn't be surprized like the people were too.
Good analogy -- because reality is never as clean-cut as ideals, and power truly does corrupt. A Superman-class person would initially seem as a godsend, but within a few years would likely become a nightmare.
It might depend on what the meta-human does with his or her powers.

If they use it to bend spoons, like Geller, then they will be seen as charlatans or hucksters trying to capitalize off circus-level talent.

If they are out trying to stop bank robbers, save lives, etc., that would be whole different dynamic. Who wouldn't have wanted some supernatural force to intervene in Oklahoma City or on 9/11?

They probably would become media celebrities for a few years. But depending on how powerful they were, people might grow suspicious of them (see RISING STARS) or ignore them and go back to their regularly scheduled lives and reality shows. After all, it's easy to take the police, etc., for granted, until we need them.

A third possiblity which intrigues me is that meta-humans might inspire people to consider their own potential and the possibilities that we are capable of. We had that sense of optimistic wonder with the moon landing in 1969, but it seems to have been missing ever since. When the most people get excited about is what possessions we can buy or what technology can do for us (as opposed to what we ourselves can do), then we're missing something, I think.
I don't usually consider myself a cynic, but these posts are awfully optimistic. If metahumans out there were to exist, I'd be afraid they'd be more inclined to use their powers for selfish gain than good. After all, the news is unfortunately saturated with crime and death and not enough human interest inspirationals (which are often relegated to a back page, a "Life" section of a newspaper, or the final moment of a news program to bring that smile segment at the end of a depressing news coverage).

Pseudo-Cynic Out.
I would be surprised and somewhat worried. Given the fact that governments fund a lot of cutting edge research, you could almost bet that the first powered person would be the result of military research.

I am thinking of something along the line of Ultimates, or an older mini series called Psycho. In the world of Psycho, instead of the atom bomb, WWII was ended when a genetically engineered metahuman killed Hitler. other countries developed them and they were used as soliders/terriost.
Originally posted by wamu2:
I would be surprised and somewhat worried. Given the fact that governments fund a lot of cutting edge research, you could almost bet that the first powered person would be the result of military research.

I am thinking of something along the line of Ultimates, or an older mini series called Psycho. In the world of Psycho, instead of the atom bomb, WWII was ended when a genetically engineered metahuman killed Hitler and other Axis leaders. other countries developed them and they were used as soliders/terriost.
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