Legion World
Posted By: Pov Ex-astronaut wants evidence tossed out - 09/19/07 07:17 PM
Yeah, those old used diapers have to be pretty ripe by now... lol

But seriously- "I didn\'t consent, I nodded!" :rolleyes: tongue
From what I read, the police should have gotten a verbal consent or else just held everything until they could get a warrant.
Posted By: Pov Re: Ex-astronaut wants evidence tossed out - 09/19/07 07:58 PM
Nobody's saying she's not smart... just a psycho b!+c#... lol
I'm actually not commenting on her intelligence, but the intelligence of the police officers who conducted the search. I seriously doubt that she was thinking about this or knew about the law at the time she was arrested and the car searched. I think a lot of people consent to a search because they think the police can search without consent or a warrant.

PS: the diaper remark was funny.
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