Legion World
Posted By: thoth lad Lost Tales of the Legion - Vrykos - 10/19/13 12:00 AM
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This is Vrykos. He’s a minion of Mordru, but is the most independently minded person in the sorcerer’s court. He’s also a vampiric creature, who can obtain certain traits through drinking the blood of others. Vrykos is quite obsessed with increasing his own power through his voracious appetite for powerful victims.

Vrykos was to eventually become a member of the Legion, but the 5YG team didn’t get anywhere near bringing him in.

You thought Earth Man was repellent? Vrykos was not only aware that Rond Vidar was being constantly eaten alive, but taunts him. He was aware of the abuse suffered by Mysa Nal at the hands of Mordru and blamed Mysa when she tried to rebel. Vrykos also tried his best to kill the Legion when it arrived to free Mysa.

Just the guy you would want on your team. But where did he come from? Was he always quite the monster he was portrayed as?

Back in Adventure Comics #301, some of the applicants certainly had more than an appetite to simply join the team. It was the first appearance of Tenzil Kem*. But what of the other youth, who shows that his powers could very well have involved feeding.

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Could this have been Vrykos, marking out his slightly ghoulish ability on his costume? Perhaps he’s not looking at Bouncing Boy out of admiration, but as his potential first step in obtaining the powers of the Legion.

Adventure #301 was the issue that brought us Lester Spiffany trying to buy his way into the Legion. It also introduced us to Storm Boy, who tried to cheat his way in. So it was an issue that gave us some classic attempts to join the Legion for less than selfless reasons.

Having been rejected for Tenzil Kem, what actions would result in Vrykos ending up in the court of one of the Legion’s arch foes, Mordru? Did he try and betray what little he knew of the Legion as Mentalla later did? Did he simply find his rejection hard to swallow**, ending up drifting across the UP? Perhaps he focused his attentions on obtaining greater powers, dragging him towards Tharn and Mordru.

There’s no doubt he enjoyed the suffering of the Legion under Mordru’s grip. Perhaps his rejection years before gave him that added pleasure.

*obviously >cough<

Hmm... maybe he was another Bismollian?
Posted By: thoth lad Re: Lost Tales of the Legion - Vrykos - 10/19/13 12:06 AM
The dark side of Bismollian culture. When sorcery and their natural abilities are combined.
After Tenzil wins admission over him (no doubt in some sort of super eating-contest), Vrykos vows to return after perfecting his super-eating powers to be even greater than Tenzil's, eventually turning to sorcery to help him!
Originally Posted by thothkins
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The way he's staring at Chuck's belly... brrrr.

"Oh, nice PLUMP human. Looks tender, too."
Posted By: thoth lad Re: Lost Tales of the Legion - Vrykos - 10/19/13 12:51 PM
Creepy isn't it? Also, the way he subconsciously looks to be loosening his belt a notch in preparation for the feast. Yeah, that's Vrykos all right.

Yikes! Chuck came this close to being vampire food! So much for the happy, halcyon days of the Adventure era.
Posted By: thoth lad Re: Lost Tales of the Legion - Vrykos - 10/20/13 06:53 AM
It's a dark issue. Poor Storm Boy ran off to begin surgery on himself right afterwards smile

Don't fall for all that happily working in weather control. That was just to fund his addiction to operations.
Who knew Earthgov paid so well?
Posted By: thoth lad Re: Lost Tales of the Legion - Vrykos - 10/20/13 05:37 PM
or that a subscription to Household Appliance Surgery Monthly would be so cheap.

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