Legion World
This is the official thread to discuss the Summer 2006 election of an LMB Leader.

See the Official Rules Thread for details.

Use this thread to make general comments about the election or various candidates.

Also, candidates should declare they are running on this thread.
It is long past time for the LMBP and Legion World at large recognize and support the supremacy of Elia, the truest and staunchest ally Earth has ever had.

With this in mind, I hereby declare my candidacy to lead us into a new golden age of peace and prosperity!

Reject the failed politics of devisiveness of the UP! Vote Kent! Dominion forever!
Posted By: ActorLad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/05/06 11:28 PM
I the one & only Actor Lad, am throwing my hat into the ring. It's the role I was born to play! Under my leadership LW will be a big boffo box-office bonanza!
Posted By: Reboot Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/05/06 11:38 PM
[Linked Image]

...whoops, wrong one smile

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 02:03 AM
As Usual I'm running for Legion World Janitor.

<And also as usual, I'll most likely be running unopposed... Unless...>

So, when the various candidates start with the ticker tape parades and the "all you can eat" political fund raising dinners, remember there is only one person qualified to clean up after them...

<marquee behavior=alternate>
<span style="font-size: 20px;">VOTE FOR TAMPER LAD!</span>

<span style="font-size: 20px;">THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS!</span>

<span style="font-size: 30px;">TAMPER LAD!</span>

<span style="font-size: 20px;">THE EVIL GENIUS OF A SANITATION ENGINEER!</span></marquee>

Paid for and brought to you by: The new and improved auto-response generator in Abin's Computer!
Jillikers! Only two candidates have declared so far? Maybe I should let one of my alt-IDs, like Thora, Giant Robotic Lesbian, or Outdoor Miner, run!
I would have run, but I need both hands free to handle Cobie. I just don't have the time to lead the LMBP, too! laugh
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 03:18 PM
I don't think its too hard for anyone to guess where I'm expecting my hands to be wink
Greetings LMB!

I'm here to announce my candidacy for LMB Leader in these summer elections! I swear to uphold the standards of truth, justice, bad jokes, inanity and debauchery that have come to symbolize everything you believe in!

I also hope that I will become the first fully non-human LMB leader to prove once and for all that all sentient beings are considered equals on Legion World!

For, I feel I am a part of a new generation of LMBers, who have become immersed in this group in recent years. And yet, I still feel the spirit of all past LMBers flowing through my very veins.

Legion World is very different now. For the LMB holds in their mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human sadness and yet all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the multiverse—the belief that the rights of the LMB come not from the generosity of the leadership, but from the hand of the the membership at large! We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that very first squadron of LMBers. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of LMBers—born in this era, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this group has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home on Legion World and around the the multiverse!

We will let every message board know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much I pledge—and more.

To those old LMBers whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. Let all sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

LMBers, I am Calamity Monkey, and I hope to lead you during this new bold era of greatness.

Good luck to all my fellow candidates.

- Calamity Monkey
Posted By: Kid Prime Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Calamity Monkey:
And yet, I still feel the spirit of all past LMBers flowing through my very veins.

I don't think what you feel flowing through your veins is what you think it is. confused
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 04:33 PM
Bah!!! Why would anyone run?

Elections are a sham perpetrated by the intelligensia under the category of circuses. Frequently the candidates provide 'bread' by making outrageous promises. THis provides the Bread and Circuses needed to keep us in charge.

I pledge my vote to the first bimbo with boobs bigger than her IQ that declares.
You rang?

Though my IQ is fairly immense (as befits a member of the fifth house of Bgztl,) I think you'll find my bosom more than ample enough to welcome all sentients who desire the twin forces of change and progress to sweep through the halls of Legion World!

Sentients, I find myself once again heeding the call of my legions of loyal supporters by throwing my garter belt into the ring of national LMB politics. It is only through my election that the truly transcendental self-actualization of all LMBers can commence. I would beseech all sentients to go to the voting booths with open minds and hearts, and...


<span style="font-size: 5px;">Paid for by the Winema Wazzo Political Action Committee, not affiliated in any way with LMB organized crime, racketeering, or any other dirty linen the rumor mills may have associated W.W. with in past elections. There is no evidence whatsoever that W.W. is in any affiliated with or supported by any such entities. And if anyone insinuates such, W.W. will be only too happy to introduce such sentient(s) to her private army of 6'8 thickly-muscled tri-jitsu champion brawlers... er, lawyers.

Winema Wazzo... taking a bite out of crime!</span>
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 05:20 PM
Hello Winema, its good to see you.

Now that you're around Legion World again, perhaps you can stop by the Office of Security to answer a few outstanding questions regarding your relationship with Phineas B. Fuddle, the Royal Inquisitor and an army of Legion World terrorizing StuBots during what we, among the LMB you so wish to serve, refer to as 'The Dark Stu Saga'.

Surely you can help us out, since you seem so willing to serve the community these days?
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 05:50 PM
are those tri-jitsu championship brawlers walking this way?
With Calamity Monkey in the race, I hope the various campaigns don't resort to mud (or similar substance) flinging.

Oh and Kent, if you can find my old Back Porch thread, feel free to us it. It helped me get elected.
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 07:02 PM
I encourge - I can do that right- Disaster Boy for LMB leader.

Disaster Boy for LMBP Leader! flag

(sorry for not reading more carefully...)
I could be mistaken, but I believe only self-nominations are accepted in this election.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 07:15 PM
Point of Clarification
The LMB Leadership Elections only allow 'self-nominations', in other words, the person has to declare themselves as a candidate. This is because of years of problems/debates in the past.

However, given the fun spirit of them, you're post is acceptable Vu, on basis that there will be a subsequent post from Disaster Boy saying "I'm running for LMB Leader". In other words, you can of course encourage DB to run (I encourage your encouragement laugh ), but DB has to state that he is running.

Fun, encouraging and loving posts trying to get people to run in the election = yay!

'Nomination' posts from Legion World at large = booo!

Anyway, how about it DB, you running? laugh
Posted By: Caliente Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/06/06 09:50 PM
I'm standing behind my man!!

Er, I mean Actor Lad, of course!! sigh He's so sexy when he's being political... wink
Jillikers! I'm tempted to jump on the Actor Lad bandwagon, but Calamity Monkey is proving himself quite articulate. Plus... he's a member of my Legion of Calamity Pets!
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/07/06 02:47 AM
So, so far we have:

Kent Shakespeare
Actor Lad
Calamity Monkey
Winema Wazzo
Disaster Boy

Quite the line-up! A few more days for declarations too--it'll prove interesting!
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/07/06 02:53 AM
no we do not have disaster boy!

sorry folks, i would be the most absentee leader despite the limited responsibilities of the position.

besides disaster boy versus calamity monkey?!?!? all hell would break loose, i mean you see what my having my own thread already did to this place.

RTVU2 did offer to be my "campaign manager" though, complete with "costume".
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/07/06 03:56 AM
I declare MY candidacy!


Well...I haven't been on the ballot for several years.

Ummm...I've got this all-powerful thing going for me, so I can kick some ASS if it needs kicking!

And, well, dontcha think the LMB needs to go back to the days when the leader partied really, REALLY hard?!

Haven't you noticed how things get really SEXED-UP when I'm around? Who doesn't like things more sexed-up?

Anyhow, if nothing else I could be this election's Perot or Nader. Always good to have someone you can piss away your vote on!

Thank yew!
Ah, sod it.

Count me in.

My campaign promises are thus - free rowies and oral sex for all!

Am I allowed to say that?
Posted By: Bevis Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/07/06 11:43 AM
Lardy standing for leader? Oooh, nostalgia hit, I'm gonna have to be careful my powers don't kick in and end up with us all realising it's 2000 again.

But, as long as they don't then how could i not support Lardy? A fellow LMBPer who has been known to go ever so slightly evil on occassion. I'm supporting the Lardster!
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/07/06 11:52 AM
Jeepers H. Tutu!

Lardy running--awesome! The very first LMB leader running again! Who can argue with sexing things up?

Numf running--awesome! I'll definately be by the campaign tent for the oral sex--er, I mean the rowies part!

The ballot continues to impress! Despite *choke* DB not running in the election (first list of nominees and already I've got it wrong... laugh )

Each candidate is very impressive so far. Now all I have to do is arrest Winema Wazzo and we can continue nicely wink
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/07/06 12:11 PM
Again an electoral process unworthy of genius. Since no regime will grant me licence to mass produce Khundish-Human-Panda hybrids, I will vote as per my original criteria.

So, Which lovely bimbo candidates have boobs bigger than IQs again?

Little known fact, Why do you think they allow Thora of Taltar to cut into line. Hint when she let her hair down we got some footage for the next volume of "Militant Alien Feminists Gone Wild"
So we have:

Kent Shakespeare
Actor Lad
Calamity Monkey
Winema Wazzo
Ghost of Numf-El

Any progress on the prop1a front?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/07/06 02:04 PM

None, I'm afraid.

And bribery to the founders of LW for his/her password is not working either. Er, I'm told.
In order for a bribe to work, dear, you would have to offer me something I'm not already getting wink
Your most beautiful Princess - don't forget to check out my campaign promises above.

Numf cool
Is Calamity Monkey truly running?

I find it inappropriate for an Alt-ID to be a candidate.

If this stands, I shall withdraw from the race and will lead a boycott effort.
Bigotry, I say, Bigotry! In this day and age to think an Alt ID not being allowed to run for office? After all Space Ranger fought for, year in and year out, and to have it so callously discarded away while his body is still fresh in his grave!

This cannot be Kent Shakespeare! I hope you can shake off the effects of these Dominators and grow strong again! The poison they have set forth in your mind will consume you!

Whether Alt ID, non-mammal or any species, all must be represented! For Oligarchy must ever be feared as greatly as tyranny. Not until all have a say can anyone ever truly believe in the system.
This is typical Dominion patriarchal behavior. First they exclude the alt-IDs and animals, then the women, then anyone who isn't of the right "caste".

Ever wonder why their leaders are so obsessed with painting those big red dots on their heads? A classic case of over-compensation.
Originally posted by Kent SShakesspeare:
Is Calamity Monkey truly running?

I find it inappropriate for an Alt-ID to be a candidate.

If this stands, I shall withdraw from the race and will lead a boycott effort.
<Rolls over in his Grave>

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(If I was alive I'd...)
At the request of several, I shall remain in the race. I still feel that an Alt-ID should not be leader. There's enough of that in real life.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/09/06 01:18 PM
Although, you have to admit, Stoopid Cat as President of the US could make for a change for the better laugh

(Really glad to hear you're still in Kent!)
Jeepers! With 15 votes in thus far, it's shaping up to be a very close election!
21! that's 3.5 votes each! It's neck and neck...
Great gravy! Will you people stop all voting for different people?

Of course, this could be evidence that the voters are picking their candidates through the very rational method of rolling a die!
I think that it's up around 25 now - it just goes to show how many alt-ids there are around here. wink
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/15/06 03:18 AM
Man, I hate not having any idea how the race is going!!! Guess it's that way to preven tampering, eh?
Yes. Unfortunately we've had a few voting/election scandals in the past, so this seemed the best way to prevent that.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/15/06 03:39 PM
Understand, sweetness.
Next time out, three days of voting should suffice, methinks. One week was a good timeframe for campaigning.
Don't forget to post on the Voter Registry thread, as well as PM the Election Tyrant when you vote. You must do both in order for your vote to be counted.
Just to be clear, does the election end tomorrow or sometime on Monday?
It's theoretically at noon, board time, on Monday.
So there's still some time to curry Lash's favor, but not much, so you may want to bust out the big guns wink
Posted By: SharkLad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/19/06 12:25 AM
any chance we can get a peek at your big guns, your highnessness?

Will Calamity Monkey pull off a victory? I can't wait to see tomorrow!
Only a few short hours to go!

This waiting is agony!
The winner of the Summer 2006 Election for leader of the LMB is...

Actor Lad.

With Kent Shakespeare as Deputy.

Congratulations, and may your term be successful.
Posted By: Vee Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/19/06 06:05 PM
Congratulations Actor Lad & Kent!

Good luck in your term.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/19/06 07:08 PM
Congrats Actor and Kent!

Good luck in your term! smile


Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/19/06 07:11 PM
Well, with the election now over, I guess we can unheadline some of these threads! As some of these whipper-snappers might not remember, what happens next is that we un-headline the threads (should we lock them?) and then the leadership starts its own headquarters thread!

So let the congrats continue on here (this is the 'discussion' thread after all) and we'll eagerly await Actor and Kent's term's official beginning!
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/19/06 08:06 PM
Don't lock the threads, lock the LMB Treasury. All those promises of food and drink could cost a lot of money! Not to mention the bobsled run with the frozen margaritas.

Congratulations to Leader Actor & Deputy Kent! And thank you to Lardy, Numf, the monkey and Winema for running great campaigns! (Winema was sort of the strong, silent type, wasn't she?)
Well done Actor Lad!

All over to your place for a party then is it?
Posted By: Caliente Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/19/06 09:25 PM
Oooh, that's my man!! laugh

Say, does that make me the First Lady of Legion World..? wink Kidding, I kid.

Anyway! Congrats to both you boys-- you deserve it!! cheers
Posted By: SharkLad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/19/06 09:47 PM
congrats actor lad!
Posted By: ActorLad Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/20/06 12:12 AM
Thanks for all the votes everyone, I imagine that our term will be full of "Interesting Times".
Congrats to the new leaders!
Thanks, all!

Congratulations to the voters, and the other candidates. too! A good election... and they said it couldn't be done!
Posted By: Vee Re: LMB Leader Election Discussion Thread - 06/21/06 08:57 AM
Now that the new Administration Utopia has been created, I'm going to sticky that and unsticky this one...
© Legion World