Legion World
Posted By: Sketch Lad Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 11/17/07 10:54 AM
Hosts: Dreamy and Tenz
Judges: Imra, Coz, Hatey and Emerald Eyeful Ethel

Timber Wolf
Kid Quantum
Ben Pares
Stone Boy

Shvaughn Erin
Dawn Allen
Calorie Queen
Shrinking Violet

The whole contest is has been planned out and most of the first two rounds have been pencilled.

Stay tuned!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 11/17/07 11:00 AM
Some of you may be saying to yourselves,
"Hmmm... Sketch Lad, none of those contestants have ever been featured in a holo model competition before, except for Shrinking Violet! She was in the Raven Haired Edition!"

I'd say, "Hey Sharp Eyed Legion Worlder, you're right! I've made an exception for her. 5YL Vi appeared in the Ravens contest, Cockrum/Grell Vi will be who we see in this one. She's practically a different character, really.

I just couldn't resist drawing characters who haven't been in one of these yet, so I did.

Some of you might be thinking,
"Hey Sketch Lad, didn't you say you were going to do contests for those obscure characters?"

I'd say,
"Yup. Later."
Posted By: Caliente Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 11/18/07 09:18 PM
Hahaha-- you took all the questions out of my mouth, Sketchy! wink I can't wait to see Dawn in action. Yay!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 11/21/07 02:08 PM
I've created 6 holos for this so far, but I have several more to go.

I'm addicted to creating holo model competitions!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 11/28/07 05:56 AM
So, the introductory round of holos are done, but all the judging stuff still needs to get done. It's plotted out, though!
Posted By: Future Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 11/28/07 06:41 AM
This sounds pretty cool, Sketch. Can't wait to see what you have cooked up.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/01/07 08:41 AM
Thanks Future, and welcome back to LW!

My current plan is to proceed with this competition without judges. The first round of holos will be posted soon.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/03/07 02:19 AM
The first round of holos have been posted! Please name your male and female favorites and your male and female least favorites. Bonus holos will be made for both categories.
Posted By: Caliente Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/03/07 03:33 AM
Calorie Queen-- Even though I sort of feel like I've seen this image before, it works so well that I don't care! I really like it. smile Brilliantly done.
Kid Quantum-- The boys were a bit tougher but I loved James' hair. It was so... curly. laugh Overall, I thought the holo was great.

Shrinking Violet-- I love Vi, I do, but her hair just isn't doing it for me.
Stone Boy-- I also feel like I've seen this one before, too, only not in such a good way. It's just kind of dull for me. Which I suppose might work for Stone Boy but... not for me.

Mon-El-- Love it! He was a close second to James. The gold in his uniform was especially sparkly and neat. (I do love shiny things.) Great work.
Timber Wolf-- On notice because this holo really didn't work for me. I didn't get a sense of his personality, really. I think Brin can do much better! But his neat look saved him this time.
Ben Pares-- I liked it! I'm not really sure who this is but he has a funky mustache, and I can get down with that.
Shvaughn Erin-- I'm really glad to see her here! I've been thinking she deserves a turn. And I do like her image. Definitely the runner-up for me.
Mystelor-- Very nice. I'm interested to see more of her. smile I definitely think she has potential.
Dawn Allen-- Aww, so cute! I like this one, too. Jenni's mum owns that retro look. For realz~
Posted By: Set Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/03/07 06:46 PM
Timber Wolf - love the swept, angular, vaguely distorted feel to that one. He looks all lean and hungry and a little bit otherworldly. (I woulda said fey, but it doesn't mean what it used to.)

Shvaugn Erin - I don't even like redheads, but she's totally working it. Her hair looks really natural like that. I expect to see her looking up and puffing it out of her face any second now.

Ben Pares - I have no idea who this is, but he looks like a '70s porn star. That's not a plus in my book.

Dawn Allen - oh so terribly precious. Yes, I'll buy the darn Do-Si-Dos, and some Tagalongs, take the money and get off my porch little girl! (It's amazing how something as simple as having the character look upwards towards the viewer can change one's perspective!)

The rest
Calorie Queen - her node id mithing. Or maybe it's just the interaction between her nose and the blue eye-paint, at that angle, but it looks odd.

Mon-El - I think I know this guy. I too, like the shiny gold medallions. Who knew Lar was into bling?

Stone Boy - very clean-cut and sober. I kinda miss the really, really old-school Legion, where everyone was terribly clean-cut and preppy looking.

Shrinking Violet - yikes! Too much hair! Salu, you are no Lydda Jath!

Kid Quantum - nice purple eyes. Otherwise, bleh. Nothing compares to your picture of his sister with Donna Summers hair. That rocked.

Mystelor - my, she's looking pert. Very direct and challenging. I like it! Normally accessories distract me and feel like a cheat to get my attention, but she manages to overpower the accessories. (Wear the dress, do not allow the dress to wear you!)
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/03/07 08:50 PM
Thanks for the comments Cal and Set! I'll tally up as more votes come in.
Posted By: Doctor One Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/03/07 09:20 PM
1. Cal. Like Caliente said, I have a feeling that I've seen this before. But it doesn't matter, this is the best of the bunch. Lots of personality shines through.

2. Ben. This look is so... old fashioned! But the moustache, the long-ish hair, it's quite interesting. Would anybody please remind me who Ben Pares is?

3. Mon-el. Yes! I've been waiting for a competition that includes him for ever! And he's working it here. Excellent job!

4. Shvaughn. Love the texture of her hair, she should be in a shampoo commercial (there's an idea for a competition...)

5. Mystelor. Very serene, bordering on catatonic. But no, the picture actually does work. I'm looking forward to seeing these people actually doing something

6. Kid Quantum. Like that strange hair-do. I thought this kind of do was a comic book thing, until I saw it in Africa. It looks good! KQ's face is somewhat asymmetrical, though.

7. Dawn Allen. Too fifty-ish for me. I'd love to see Dawn with her hair down (i.e. without hairspray).

8. Stone Boy. Meh. I'm having trouble finding anything to say about him at all, and that's bad...

9. Violet. Nice picture, but the do is wrong. Too much hair, somehow. It makes her look like a cone-head.

10. Timber Wolf. Oh, this is not working for me at all. You know, this is the TW version that I like the least, I've never liked this look. Maybe because it makes him look utterly inhuman

so, winners are Cal and Ben, losers are Timber Wolf and Violet
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/03/07 09:30 PM
Favorite: Shavaugn and Kid Quantum

Least Favorites: Tmber Wolf and Shrinking Violet
Kid Quantum radiates.
Shvaughn. I'm not sure this is my favorite, really, but she stands out.

Least favorites.
Timber Wolf. I think this is a fine holo, really, but I like the others better.
Mystelor. Her features seem pinched and I hate that lipstick.

I like the other contestants' lipstick though -- very nice!
Please let Dawn let down her hair. Modern-retro rather than full-on retro, please!

PS about Violet's hair -- I seem to recall her hair being drawn like that in the 1970s. And, despite the fact that it's not a big bouffant style, Vi's hair probably took more space-hairspray than Dawn's.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/04/07 11:22 AM
Kid Quantum - Very striking!
Mystelor - she looked like she was in a trance or hypnotizing someone, very mysterious. (But I must go back and check out that lipstick - I was more focused on her eyes and hair.)

Least Favorites:
Stone Boy - he looks a whole lot better than he ever looked before! but the other guys outclassed him.
Dawn - too wide eyed and innocent looking for me, even if that's how she really was/is.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/04/07 11:50 AM
BTW, for those who don't know him, Ben Pares was a master thief from the mid-70s series - a Jim Shooter creation. He tried to steal the Miracle Machine from inside Legion HQ. He was almost my #1 holo favorite because he looked so 70s (I was thinking more like Magnum P.I. than porn star, though!). I'd like to see him return as Stuck-in-the-70s Guy, like the 60 year old hippie.
I know who Ben Pares is, but I haven't read that issue. Anyone got a scan of the man with the plan (and moustache)?
I would have to say my favorites were Shvaughn and Kid Quantum followed very closely by Dawn and Mon El. Calorie Queen gets a mention as well as T-wolf. I'd like to see more from ben Pares. Mystelor did not impress and was almost my least favorite, except that Vi's head seems to have been squeezed. Stone boy is too... static. If he survives we will need to see some animation from him.

Up: Shvaughn and James
Down: Vi and Stone Boy
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/04/07 06:42 PM
Favorites: Calorie Queen and Kid Quantum

Least favorites: Mystelor and Timber Wolf
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/05/07 09:23 AM
So far...
Shvaughn 4 votes
Cal 3
Mystelor 1
Least Favorites -
Vi 4 votes
Mystelor and Dawn 2 each

Kid Quantum 6 votes
TWolf and Ben 1 each
Least Favorites-
TWolf 4 votes
Stone Boy 3 votes
Ben Pares 1

Polls will remain open for a while longer...
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/05/07 10:59 AM
Scan of Benn (SLSH 213 "The Jaws of Fear"):

[Linked Image]

He also wore cool anti-grav shoes and had a hideaway (complete with drinks, floating recliner chair and holovision) inside a galactosaur... of space. Really!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/06/07 05:34 AM


Well, in my book, Dean has become THE Calorie Queen artist. No one else can touch his renditions of her. I recall a Dean Lee-drawn Cal wearing powder blue to match her eye makeup somewhere hereabouts, just fab. Like this holo. (hmmm... I dream of Cal in a white tank top and blue jeans...) FAVORITE FEMME.

Boywise, James Cullen has been a favorite since the Sprouse LEGIONNAIRES days (though it was difficult to like the post-boot short-lived version). Dean does him very well. BEST BOY.


Violet... I wouldn't mind seeing the hair go a notch or two further, Amy Winehouse-ian even.

Stone Boy and T-Wolf get passes this round.

Mystie was probably my second-fave femme. (If Vi gets the boot, maybe some Winehouse-ian locks for her?)

Shvaughn looked lovely.

Mon looks very handsome (though I had to check to see who the fifth boy contestant was... not a good sign).


Ben just looks way too... not what I want to see right now. Or anytime soon, probably.

Dawn looks like a kewpie doll to me, she's not revvin' my engine this round, even in a retro-pastiche way.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/06/07 09:10 AM
D'OH! I knew it was Benn with 2 n's! I second guessed myself. I should trust my Legion trivia knowledge!

I'm amazed by you for using your Titanian telepathy on me! I have a holo of Vi already completed that shows her with even bigger hair. I intend on using it for either the next challenge or as her farewell holo. Also, the top three (meaning 6 total) contestants will be seen in white tank tops in black and white holos! And now I've given away the surprise for at least one of the upcoming challenges!

ooooo eeeee oooooo!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/06/07 09:15 AM

Kid Quantum is the clear winner in the male category.

Cal and Shvaughn are tied, making me the tie breaker. I choose... to allow the tie! They will share a bonus holo!

I kinda want to cheat to keep her, but I'm not that kinda guy, so... Shrinking Violet is out.

I kinda want to cheat to keep him, but I'm not that kinda guy, so... Timber Wolf is out.

You'll get to see Vi's big hair holo and Brin'll get one, too.

Thank you for participating. I know it can be hard to get on and stay on LW right now, so I really appreciate you all spending a moment or two with the Holo Model stuff.
Posted By: Dain Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/06/07 09:00 PM
Oh, drat! I missed the chance to vote this time! frown
You'll get to see Vi's big hair holo and Brin'll get one, too.
Brin'll have a big hair holo, too?
Are you gonna draw him as Furball? lol
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/07/07 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Language Arts Lad:
You'll get to see Vi's big hair holo and Brin'll get one, too.
Brin'll have a big hair holo, too?
Are you gonna draw him as Furball? lol
Timber Wolf as Furball with an afro.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/08/07 08:43 PM
Well, I strongly considered making a Furball holo for Brin's farewell, but I went the easy route and used what I already designed.

So, you can see that Vi and Brin's holos were done "Familiar Challenges, Fresh Faces" style, and that is the idea for the next round for the Neo Holo Models. Please check back for that round -- but first, I've sketched but haven't colored the round winners' holos. That's coming soon.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/09/07 11:36 AM
I love love love that Farewell Vi holo with the pearls! That's like a whole new Violet.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/10/07 12:40 AM
Thanks, FC! I was emulating the Cockrum/Grell Vi. I've always had a fondness for their renditions (both individual and combined) of her.

So now the farewell holos and the bonus holos are posted. The next round is in production. I don't know exactly when it'll be posted.
Posted By: Caliente Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/10/07 03:10 AM
Aww, very cute, Sketchy! smile I too like Vi and the pair of winners are adorable. So sweet!
Posted By: Dain Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/10/07 03:11 AM
Vi is fantastic! Naturally I'd like a Grell-like rendition but I never thought of her as a sultry seductress. Sketchy made her look like that, and more!
Sometimes you win by losing...that Vi farewell pic is superb.
Posted By: Set Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/11/07 03:39 PM
I think that's the coolest Vi pic ever, actually.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/12/07 03:39 AM
Art Director's Confession Booth....

My plan was to do the "Familiar Challenges, Fresh Faces" round as the first round, but I only got a few of those holos done. Vi's pearl picture was one of the first ones I did. I really liked it. I appreciate the nice words about it. Thank you.

Meanwhile, I went ahead and drew all of the face close ups, so I figured I'd go ahead and use them for the first round. I tried to make Vi's facial close up look consistent with her pearl picture. Oh well....

The sketches for the Familiar Challenges are done, but only a few are colored. They're coming along.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/15/07 03:54 AM
Whew! Busy real life, ya'll!

So, I color these sketches when I get a chance, but I don't often get much of a chance. I used to work on these really late at night, but I just can't do that anymore.

So, right now I have about half of the next round colored.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 02:13 AM
... and they're posted!

Please name the male and female winners of this round. They will receive bonus holos.

Please name the male and female rejects from the competition. They will receive farewell holos.

Thank you!

Dawn Allen. Hands down.
Benn Pares. Damn, sentient knows a little something about dramatic impact.

Least favorite.
Shvaughn "Jessica Rabbit" Erin. While the red-red-red aspect was intriguing...this doesn't work. Obvious pose. And what's with those WHITE gloves...in that length? Better to have skipped them and had the (Spiffany!) crystals spiralling around a wrist.
Mon-El. Stonier than Stone Boy. Nope, I'm not going to give the boring-but-OK stuff a pass while punishing risk-takers, not this time!

On notice: Stone Boy. Heed what I have just written above. Also, steer away from the Zaton Glissand. (Everyone is welcome to that bit of advice.)

Cal, I want to love your next holo.
Posted By: Set Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 04:26 AM

Dawn Allen just barely beats out Calorie Queen. Both look amazing!
Ben Pares takes the high ground. I would have bet money that you couldn't make me vote for him instead of Mon-El or Stone Boy, but I guess I owe someone money...


Kid Quantum, your sister is a hottie. You, not so much.
Mystelor, like all of the girls, looked amazing. You only looked slightly less amazing than the others. Sorry!
Posted By: Caliente Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 06:26 AM
Ben Pare-- I love it! He looks so angelic. laugh Brilliant.
Shvaughn Erin-- She looks amazing! The red just works. Fabulously.

Calorie Queen-- I just don't like the look. Can't explain, it just really doesn't work for me.
Mon-El-- Just sort of eh. Not my style.

Other notes:
Stone Boy-- On notice. I am not a fan of this one. Only slightly better than Mon.
Mystelor-- BEAUTIFUL! Definitely a close second to Shvaughn for me.
Kid Quantum-- I like it! He's really owning the room. Such a pimp... wink
Dawn Allen-- Love it! Also a close second. It's so dynamic and... just... cool! laugh Great job with the ladies this week.
Posted By: Doctor One Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 08:46 AM
Two men in the top spots this time around...

1. Mon-el. Don't know why. He looks... right.

2. Benn Pares. Love that pose, the wind in his hair. Good job.

3. Dawn Allen. That's more like it! Now that she has lost her hairspray she really looks better.

4. Mystelor. Very misterious. Love that straight black hair on her.

5. Cal. It's an OK picture, but I really prefer coloured holos.

6. Shvaughn. I really had to laugh at Teed's Jessica Rabbit comment. She's hit it right on, this is Jessica Rabbit. And that's not good.

7. Stone Boy. Just not doing it for me. I'm just bored with him.

8. Kid Quantum. Another pseudo black-and-white holo. And he just really does not look that good.

So, winners: Mon-el and Dawn Allen. Least Favourites: Shvaughn and Kid Quantum.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 10:26 AM
Current standings:

Dawn 3 votes
Shvaughn 1 vote

Mon 1 vote
Benn 3 votes

Shvaughn 2 votes
Mystelor 1 vote
Cal 1 vote

Mon 2 votes
KQ 2 votes

Polls remain open...

Edited with correction!
Oops! I think that's

Dawn 3 votes
Shvaughn 1 vote
Posted By: Dain Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 11:52 AM
Mon and Shvaughn winners (Calorie Queen and Benn Pares are awesome too)

Farewell Dawn and Kid Quantum
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 12:18 PM
Winners: Benn Pares and Mystelor

Losers: Dawn Allen and Stone Boy

Gosh! I wasn't very enchanted by Dawn, unlike other people, and thought Shvaughn looked great, all Christmassy and stuff. It's funny how different our reactions are.

I think Benn is rivaling Mekt in my affections for top bad guy!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 11:45 PM
Mon and Shvaughn stood out as my favorites.

Stone Boy and Dawn, while very nice and all.... didn't.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/16/07 11:51 PM
A little rhymey inspiration...

Mon and Shvaughn
Stone Boy and Dawn
did battle on the runway

We knew it was on
Two more would be gone
We were all having fun anyway!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/17/07 08:25 AM
Sorry about my earlier typo! Current update:

Round winners:
Dawn 3 votes
Shvaughn 3 votes
Mystelor 1 vote
Cal 0 votes

Benn 4 votes
Mon 3 votes
Stone Boy 0
KQ 0

Dawn 3 votes
Shvaughn 2 votes
Mystelor 1 vote
Cal 1 vote

KQ 3 votes
Stone Boy 2 votes
Mon 2 votes
Benn 0 votes
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/17/07 08:29 AM
I'm picking up the pace on this competition...

POLLS CLOSED! Thank you to all the participants and apologies to those who missed the voting window. I need to move on in order to have a peaceful RL schedule. I need to break a few ties...


Round winners: Dawn Allen and Benn Pares!

Rejected from the competition: Shvaughn Erin and Kid Quantum!

The next round is now in production.
Mind you, I'm pulling for Dawn this round, but didn't she not only win but lose?

I like the idea that the winner can't lose too (although Chu got the space-shaft for doing both a few rounds ago) because sentients feel strongly, one way or another, about the holo....
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/17/07 11:01 AM
You got it! I've decided that if a contestant wins a round, they cannot be rejected in that round, anymore. We can call it the Chu Clause! heh...

I try not to be the tie-breaker very often. I prefer the group generated majorities, but I really do need to push this contest through!

ho ho ho!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 07:26 AM
Well, Doctor One probably won't care for this round... duo tones! Also, somehow, way back, Lash mentioned something about the white tank tops. How'd he know? It was weird!

So, which male and female win this round?
Which male and female are rejected from the whole thang?

Cal. I appreciate the naturalness of her expression and pose. (Can't say I'm blown away, but this is a nice entry.)

Stone Boy. Ditto, to some degree, but to be honest, this win can chalk a lot up to default.



I didn't like either of the other two guys. Lar, ya look space-weird! Benn, get a shirt and a space-shave! Benn.


um... Stone Boy (tough choice)


Benn Pares

um... really tough choice, but I'll have to go with Dawn.
Posted By: Caliente Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 10:36 AM
Dawn Allen-- I just love the waz she looks with her hair brushed to the side. Like she was running before she sat down. wink And I love the color you chose for her. It really worked.
Stone Boy-- Great expression! I'm glad he broke the stony facade.

Mon-El-- I really hate his hair. Like, whoa.
Mystelor-- The frizzy hair just isn't doing it for me. A bit too bohemian without enough expression.

Calorie Queen-- Actually, I really love this one. It was really hard for me to pick between her and Dawn.
Ben Pares-- I don't really like it, but I like it more than Mon-El.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 11:15 AM
Mystelor - gypsy woman!
Benn Pares - a little hairy, but he doesn't care what we think.

Stone Boy - looks like he's been up to something he's guilty about.
Dawn Allen - very tough choice, Cal looks more serene so she edged out Dawn.
Posted By: Dain Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 02:28 PM
Mystelor and Mon-El.

Bye-bye: Stone Boy and Dawn Allen.
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 05:54 PM
Favorites: Calorie Queen (though I'm now wondering if that blue mask/makeup/tattoo has been hiding some sort of weird birthmark or skin condition) and Stone Boy.

Least Favorite: Mystelor (a little too Anita from West Side Story "a boy like that-- who killed your brother...a boy like that-- choose another... stick to your own kind...") and Mon-el. He just didn't look like himself.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 06:12 PM
It's still early and close, but currently, Mystelor has the most votes for female winner, and she ties with Dawn for female reject. By evoking the Chu Clause, she'd win the round and Dawn would be rejected, but as I said... it's early.

Stone Boy is currently a strong leader for the male winner. There's a 3 way tie for reject, but evoking the Chu Clause makes it a tie between Mon and Benn for reject.

It's so interesting now that we have round winners as well as rejects! As the artist, I'm confused, but I intend on continuing to to things the way I do them.

And just to clarify, I really only like to break ties when I gotta move on. I normally like to wait for group consensus.

So, the polls are still open. Things can (and usually do) change a lot!

Have fun!!!
Posted By: Doctor One Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Well, Doctor One probably won't care for this round... duo tones!
You're wrong! This was a great round!

Favourites: Cal and Stone Boy
For elimination: Dawn and Mon (and I really HATE to vote against them)

1. Cal. Lovely pose, looks very serene. Say, is she gaining a little weight around her hips? Probably all that eating...

2. Mystelor. Beautiful holo. I like that frizzy hair on her.

2. Stone Boy: A bit mischevious, but looking good

3. Benn Pares: A lot of hair. Looks good on him...

4. Dawn: Although I do like her picture, I can't imagine a situation in which she would get her hair up in a pile like that. It just looks weird.

5. Mon. He has been my favourite in this competition this far, and I really hate to be the one casting the deciding vote (as of now, hopefully someone will save him). But this is the only drawing in this round that I didn't like. The anatomy looks wrong.

Great round, Dean!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 09:23 PM
Heh, thanks Doc! I had planned on this round being done in black and white, so when you made that comment about preferring the color holos....
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 09:25 PM
New update...

Cal and Mysty are tied for fem round winner. Dawn is ahead for fem reject.

Stone Boy is way ahead for male round winner. Mon is ahead for male reject.

I won't close polls quite yet....
Please don't close the polls. I keep trying to post my vote, and it keeps getting lost. Let's try yet again:

Benn Pares -- He could use a little trim on the neck, but everything else is hot, hot, HOT!!!!! (Can extra exclamation points be counted as extra votes?)
Mystelor -- Tough choice, but I had to pick one.

Mon-El and Calorie Queen -- Nothing bad to say, but I had to pick one for each. I think this was one of the toughest choices in a while.
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/19/07 11:58 PM
Hmmm I can't get the Ben Pares picture to open.

Oh well

My winners are Mystelor and Stone Boy. Stone Boy looks so cute.

Rejects: Dawn Allen and Ben Pares (even though I can't see his picture.)

I thought Calorie Queen's picture was great, but mystelor's was better.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 03:29 AM
WOW... the tank -n- jeans round may be the best EVER...

I liked ALL the guys...

Mon and Ben are undeniably hot, but Stone Boy is just about perfect in every way, sparking more interest in me than the uber-burly Mon and the somewhat sleazy (though sexy nonetheless) Ben.
Yeah... Stone Boy's holo is just about the ideal guy.

I liked ALL the girls...

Mystie's look is an utter departure for her (one I like)... Dawn looks innocent and sultry at the same time... but for me, Taryn takes it all, 'cause she works her regular look in a fresh new way.

Rejects, rejects... well, the current Legion ACTION arc teaches us not to be too quick to reject anyone... but I gotta vote someone out. Sleazy/sexy overtakes burly/sexy... MON-EL out. And the hot fresh departure overtakes the innocent sultry... DAWN out.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 03:35 AM
(and special props to Tenzil, who looks great in his tank.... I'd holla for Nura too but that kinda is her regular look...)
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 06:16 AM
Quis, sometimes hitting "refresh" does the trick when an image doesn't show up. I hope it works for you.

Thank you all for the comments and votes. The finalists have been chosen and the finale is posted!

Please name your choices for male winner and female winner!
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 11:28 AM
Sticking with Benn and Mystelor to win.

Cal & Stone Boy looked great. I think I just liked Benn's leaner look. Mystelor & Cal were a toss-up.
Posted By: Dain Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 01:08 PM
Mystelor because she's so, well, "mysterious".
Stone Boy because he looks real tough (pun not intended). wink
Wow, they look like they're all ready for the 369,000th performance of the 1996 revival of "Chicago" on Broadway!

I'm going with Benn and Mystelor for the win.
Posted By: Doctor One Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 03:15 PM
Stone Boy and Mystelor for the win.
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 06:37 PM
Finally saw the Ben Pares T-shirt. It would not have changed my vote.

Now for this round.

Ben is looking pretty hot and oh so 70's chic, but Stone Boy is fabulous iwith his hard chiseled features.

Stone Boy to win.

Both Mystelor and Calroie Queen have the same outfit, but Mystelor seems to work the outfit much better.

Mystelor to win.
Posted By: Set Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/20/07 06:50 PM
A solid look for Stone Boy. (yes, that was intentional) Ben can go away now.

Calorie Queen blew away last round, IMO, but Mystelor was just biding her time and blazes to to the finish line.
Posted By: Caliente Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/21/07 01:04 AM
Stone Boy and Mystelor for the win! smile I'd add comments but no time. Congrats on another great contest, Sketchy.
<strike>Zatanna</strike> Mystelor

Benn looks like he's up to something. Well, okay then!
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/21/07 04:17 AM
Stone Boy (best male pic of the competition, IMO) and Mystelor, who *is* working the look, for the win.

Hee-hee for the CHICAGO revival crack! Benn and Cal look like they're a beat behind.
Ya, Stone Boy and Black Ca- Mystelor for the win.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Neo Holo Models Discussion Thread - 12/21/07 07:41 AM
Polls closed!

Congrats to our winners and thank yous to each of you who participated.

I'll be taking a little holiday, but oh yes, there will be more Holo Model fun in the new year!





...and for the first time ever announced in public... expect to see:

Quislet's Dance Party! What Fun! Contestants chosen by Legion World's own...Quislet Esq.

Senorita Caliente! Contestants chosen by Legion World's own... Caliente.

Mr. 2995! Contestants chosen by Legion World's own... Thriftshop Debutante.

Those are some examples of how I'd like to run things in '08... ever more involvement by YOU!!!
Rats, I missed the voting. However, I agree wholeheartedly with the winners smile
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