Legion World
Hi All - as promised here are few of the initial design sheets I did while coming up with the new look for the Legion. Please bear in mind these are just very fast doodles!

With the exception of the Shadow Lass piece I think all these show designs that ultimately weren't used!

Lots of folks have asked about the process behind the work I do - so here's a quick explanation of these. Basically I just doodle letting ideas form on the paper - I'll start in pencil and then as something seems to be coming together I'll go over the doodle in felt-tip - no fancy pens or anything as this is just trying to catch ideas as quickly as possible. As I'm working I'll make notes too as I go along - these are NOT always relevant to how the characters end up in the stories! smile

I send the sketches I do to Mark and Steve and we'll discuss them before I take another shot at sketching the character. Eventually we'll hit on something we're all happy with - or at least we can all agree on smile

Hope you enjoy seeing these 'thoughts on paper' and behind the scenes stuff! If you have the appetite for it I'll be happy to post more.

Thanks, as always, for all your support and feedback!

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Wow this is really gonna enhance my micro version! I like this Colossal Boy look the best out of the other stuff I've seen of him!

Shadow Lass and Light Lass are two of my fave designs and they look great here!

I'm sold on Saturn Girl's cape! And Cos looks very cool.

Thanks Barry


Feel free to keep these coming Barry! These are spectacular!
Barry, it's great to see these! I'm usually pretty open minded about costume designs. You'll find as you get to know me, that I'm VERY interested in HAIRSTYLES!

Shadow Lass has a pretty simple, plain style. I'm sure you've heard how popular Coipel's old Hollywood style on her was. It will be interesting to get to know this new Shadow Lass' personality. Maybe that "don't notice me" hairdo makes sense for her? I'd like to see something a little wilder, maybe even goth, on her.

Cosmic Boy looks like Cosmic Boy! That's a good thing.

Ayla looks really cute. With that body and that outfit, even I don't care what's going on with her hair, but she does seem to have the standard Light Lass style.

I love that in your Saturn Girl notes you've mentioned the slightly tossled blond hair. I've always noted how Imra's hair, in all of Legion publishing history, is just a bit off. At first it was too stiffly perfect, then it had weird swirling wings, then no style, then a terribly out of stlye mullet, and so on and so on. My line has always been that Imra is very very beautiful and has naturally blonde healthy hair, so she really doesn't worry about it much and just lets it do whatever. That's what it appears you've drawn. Her hair is pretty and blond but it's a bit messy so she just puts it back.

Sorry, I do ramble about hair, especially Saturn Girl's...

Love this sketch of Colossal Boy! He looks like an American football player, a lineman! That'd be perfect!

Thanks for sharing these! So fun!
I love it! It's wonderful!

I like the alternate versions of Cos uniform,specially the one on the right!
Thanks all!

I was pretty happy with this Colossal Boy, but Mark wanted a more 'stream-lined super-hero look' so that's what we went with. Who knows, I may sneak some of this back in along the way smile

That was exactly my thinking on Saturn Girl's hair - don't be surprised if she does make an effort with it for special occassions. I don't know any girls with long hair that don't have it in various styles from time to time, so I'm expecting our long-haired legionnaires to change theirs occassionally - tied back, let down etc.

Glad you're sold onthe cape now Jorge! smile
What an incredible treat to see these.

I think nearly all the versions of Cos would have been good and I particularly favor the bottom two on the set posted here.

Colossal Boy - I really favor the sketch here to to final version.

And I'm ready to set aside ALL my reservations about Saturn Girl in a cape based on what I've seen here.

I'm so glad to see how much these characters look like young adults (a la the Corckrum redesigns) rather than kids.
Hi Joe - Thanks - always glad to win another convert to the cape! smile

Maybe if enough people prefer this CB costume I can win Mark round to it! laugh
This rocks Barry!

Love the Shadow Lass.Cosmic Boy looks awesome in every design you had.I don't think Saturn Girl has ever looked any better then in these sketches. And I will have to agree that I like this version of Gim in this outfit.

Please keep bringing them on Barry!
Posted By: Vee Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 10/28/04 01:12 PM
These are great to see, Barry. Thanks for posting them. Tasmia looks awesome as does Cos. I really like the arrow idea for Ayla but I'll disagree with you in the sense that I really liked the one piece design in the upper right corner. (Not that there's anything wrong with the other)

As for Imra & Gim (Is that still his name?), I'm still trying to get use to Imra's cape. It just seems out of place to me yet, perhaps because the costume is so similar to her previous one. If it had been a complete redesign I might not be struggling as much with the cape. Gim is interesting but I'll need to see more of him beofre I can get a feel for him.

Your "doddling" reminds me very much of what my dad used to do when he was at work drawing something. Brought a smile to my face.

Thanks for sharing them!! laugh
Posted By: Vee Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 10/28/04 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Hi Joe - Thanks - always glad to win another convert to the cape! smile

Maybe if enough people prefer this CB costume I can win Mark round to it! laugh
I do like this costume design for CB than the other one I've seen, BTW. That one didn't grab me at all.
WOW! Thanks for sharing these Barry. Simply incredible!
These are FANTASTIC Barry!!
Please post more. I'd love to see all of the design work that you're willing to share.
Thanks for sharing, Barry! Those are cool, especially Shadow Lass. Your "process" for styling the Legion is very logical--shows that you are a true Legion fan!

I agree about long haired heroines. It never made sense to me that they'd always wear their hair the same way! Real women sure don't!

Can't wait to see your sketches for Dream Girl and Sun Boy, since they've always been my favorite Legionnaires.
Thanks guys! laugh
Nightcrawler is being kind enough to host these images for me so I'll try to send him a few each day until they've all been seen!
Hey Barry,
I'm gonna have to come down on the side of Colossal Boy's costume as seen in the preview pages. Sorry, but I agree with Mark. I love the clean lines of the costume you've got him in now. And I love the logo on his chest! The blue squares are the coolest, most succinct graphic representing his powers I've ever seen.

Between the new Legion series and the Red Sox winning the World Series, this is turning out to be a pretty good year!
Posted By: Pov Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 10/28/04 02:59 PM
Aw, yeah, THIS is the stuff I love to see! It's always great to get a peek at the "behind-the-scenes", development-style work.

Ironically, my favorite design for Shady's medallion is the one you've scribbled out... smile
Hi Sudro - I'm definitely not going to be upset about you liking any design I came up with smile
That is an interesting look for Colossal Boy. He looks a lot gruffer than any other version. But then, after the postboot version, maybe that's exactly what he needs.

I still love the costumes for Shadow Lass and Cosmic Boy. The cape for Saturn Girl has grown on me a bit, too. I'm still not sure about that arrow on Light Lass, but I'm sure I'll adjust.

Another think I like is that, like someone else said, I no longer have to translate code names in my head. smile
Thanks for posting these, Barry! Really I just like seeing different versions of the costumes, so I can't positively say that I like some over others. I'll be happy to see some variations as the series goes along too.

One thing. I like Ayla's new costume. But, for some reason I only noticed with these sketches how similar it is to Element Lad's from the 70s. I think it only really became obvious with the one-piece version. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.
Allow me to add my "WOW, COOL!" to the general good feelings. Mr. Kitson, you've made a big impression so far. Please continue to visit. I know Mark writes 87 monthly books, but maybe he could drop by? You could mention that we're not ALL crazy...
Barry, a thousand thanks for sharing these! Even these sketches look just as beautiful as the final product!

I really love all the designs and have to admit a preference for the original Colossal Boy costume over the one we ended up with. It makes him look like someone who should be taken a bit more seriously, as any giant should!

Thanks for sharing and we'd love to see what other pieces you'd like to share when you find the time.
i love these!!! thanks barry. keep'em coming.
all of these sketches makes me appreciate the final results a bit more. i was cool towards the saturn girl and cosmic boy from what i saw in the preview, but these sketches win me over. they do capture the characters.
i like the "giant characteristics" take on colassol boy. the brow, the thick proportions...it gives him more of a personality and a way to stand out from all the brunette good looking all-american guys on the team. i like the arm-band treatment in the sketch, but also like the chest logo on his "preview" uniform. i love the light lass look. it really brings back the cockrum/grell feeling. I find shadow lass to be serviceble. i miss some more exotic, mysterious feel. especially in current comic book costume standards, it's kind of run of the mill. i do like your description of a leather-clad warrior woman and wish to see more in that direction. why do ALL the girls have bare midriffs? your personal taste? 30th century style? the LSH's interpretation of 21st century super-heroine styles?
please keep sharing, barry. my respect for your craft is growing enormously.
Barry, is it possible that some of these alternate costume designs may show up? I know that superheroes tend to stick with one costume, but is that necessarily realistic? I can understand someone liking a particular look, but wanting variations on it or different accessories from time to time. That's what real kids do. If I were a superhero, I would have several different costumes (they do get dirty) and while the theme would be the same, there would be some variety.
I can't believe how excited I am about this new version of the Legion! Barry, you've been great to come on here and give us even more tempting teasers! I've been reading LSH since the late 70s and wasn't thrilled that things were changing again. With the preview story and everything we've seen so far, I can't wait for issue #1. Haven't felt that way in a looong time.
Thanks again guys! smile

I'll try to tackle a couple of the latest points brought up-

The midriff count is officially three bare, two partially covered and three completely covered. I think that's a pretty good mix - after all, it is a very popular 31st century fashion laugh
(remember Saturn Girl's midriff is covered in the final version)

I do very much like the idea of variations - and will try to get away with a few, but I think the licensing side of the biz prefer characters to be fairly stable so toys/figures etc don't become outdated too quickly...but thinking about it, I guess if we had limited variations that went back and forth, then the original wouldn't be outdated would it? As long as the character continued to return to it...
Posted By: Pov Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 10/28/04 05:24 PM

Then why does everybody get so upset when Rob Liefeld can't draw the same costume from panel to panel??? confused lol wink
Speaking of licensing...

Man, oh man...I hope this is a big fat hit so we can get DC Direct Figures of this "new" Legion.

Sun Boy, Dream Girl, Shadow Lass and Star Boy in WAVE 1!

Yeah, I know...cart before the horse and all that. But I can dream can't I?
Originally posted by Pov:

Then why does everybody get so upset when Rob Liefeld can't draw the same costume from panel to panel??? confused lol wink
Taking my time to look at these again I am still blown away by how good these so called doodles are.

I liked the version of Cosmic Boy with the shoulder wings. I thought it was a nice link to the past.

I am pleased Imra got a covered midrift as I think this is more in character. Plus the cape works really well, it flows almost organically from the costume.

I think I prefer Gim from the sketches. This is much more giantish and marks him out from the others.

Shadow Lass looks really good, remind me, do those high boots make it into the finished version?

Mind you, if you guys like these sketch's wait till you see Chameleon and the rest. wink
thanks for posting these pictures, Barry !!!

it's so cool to see them again !!! as everyone else has said, your imput here on "LEGION WORLD" is truly amazing, and it's making us all so excited for this new era of the .... Legion of Super Heroes !!!

can't wait to see the rest of the pages tongue

Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
That was exactly my thinking on Saturn Girl's hair - don't be surprised if she does make an effort with it for special occassions. I don't know any girls with long hair that don't have it in various styles from time to time, so I'm expecting our long-haired legionnaires to change theirs occassionally - tied back, let down etc.
that's great to hear !!! the girls should look different from time, to time !!!

i also wanna see the LEGIONNAIRES in their own clothes, when they are relaxing and not off on a mission tongue .....

Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
I do very much like the idea of variations - and will try to get away with a few, but I think the licensing side of the biz prefer characters to be fairly stable so toys/figures etc don't become outdated too quickly...but thinking about it, I guess if we had limited variations that went back and forth, then the original wouldn't be outdated would it? As long as the character continued to return to it...
i hope we do get to see some variations !!! this would really show, that the LEGIONNAIRES are young adults that like to wear and look different from time, to time !!!

i know, that i would hate to have to wear the same outfit day in, day out !!!

let's see the LEGIONNAIRES having fun with their fashions !!!

from what we've seen so far in the preview, the youth of the 31st century, seem to "follow" the LEGION like a top selling pop/rock band !!!

so wouldn't they have branded type t-shirts etc ???

and like most FOOTBALL teams in the UK [ don't know what the US, ones do ??? ] but here, they change their strips every season or so !!!

just a few ideas smile

I wish my finished drawings were HALF as good as your doodles Barry! Excellent stuff - can't wait to see the rest!

As for the costumes - you've sold me on Imra's cape! I really like it now! Re: Gim (can you confirm that that is his name by the way Barry?) - I think I've gotta agree with the majority on here and say that I preferred this take on him too. Maybe you can blend the two looks somewhere down the line?

Ayla's is still my favourite by the way - great re-design!

P.S. I know we haven't seen it yet but after seeing his strapped hands I thought it would be great if Karate Kid, rather than wearing boots, had strapped feet as well (i.e. exposing the toes). That would be a cool look IMO and really emphasise the point that his hands and feet are his power! Just a thought. smile
I really wish Mark had gone with that version of Gim. He's everything a friendly giant should be: he's intimidating but lovable at the same time. Sensational!

I had a few misgivings about the picture of Shady in the TT/L special mostly because I didn't think she was sexy enough but she looks just right in that picture.

And count me in as a convert to the Imra cape.
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
I do very much like the idea of variations - and will try to get away with a few, but I think the licensing side of the biz prefer characters to be fairly stable so toys/figures etc don't become outdated too quickly...but thinking about it, I guess if we had limited variations that went back and forth, then the original wouldn't be outdated would it? As long as the character continued to return to it...
Does this mean we won't get to see civilian clothes sporting each Legionnaire's personal symbol? That was one thing I liked about the Levitz/Giffen era.

Love the idea of "film noir" lighting on Tasmia - she has "femme fatale" written all over her.

Your Cosmic Boy and Light Lass are spot on. You were right to go with the two-piece look for Ayla. Imra looks good too - I like the idea of changing the hairstyle around from time to time. The cape still seems odd to me, but I'm sure I'll adjust.

Gim I'm not sold on yet, but I'm not unsold on him either, if that makes sense.

Thank you for taking the time to post these and provide commentary. It is much appreciated.
Thanks for sharing Barry smile

I'm also warming to Imra's cape after seeing these sketches. I like the dark black areas on the red part of her costume and hope it's depicted that way in the book.

Shady also looks great but I still miss the previous hairstyle.

I think the final version you came up with for Rokk works the best out of the variations you show in the sketches.

I like how you're thinking of making Gim's features distinct, but didn't you say Jo's going to be a bit more brutish as well? It'll be interesting to compare the two.
Crashing comets! What a delight to wake up to - that Shadow Lass sketch has to be one of my all-time favourites for that character. The chunkier Colossal Boy was very striking and distinctive as well.

I love capes! And we seem to be getting different types of capes now, which is fun - long, short, lighter/more floating and heavier/stiffer material. Capes can serve a lot of different purposes - warmth, protection, fashion, symbolic (like academic robes), utilitarian (superhero capes often have pouches - with velcro I guess!)

A variety of costumes would be a lot of fun. You'd think the licensing guys would be slobbering over this - they could sell multiple costumes for the action figures. But maybe that's too much of a Barbie doll/little girl thing?

Colossal thanks, Barry!
Hi Guys - thanks again!

I answer to one question, you will see the Legionnaires in 'civvies' as the series gets going!

I've sent another batch of sketches to Nightcrawler - so with a bit of luck there'll be new ones to see later today! smile
...and here they are already!

The group shot featuring some costumes that were updated - some that stayed - is an exercise I do just to get an idea how all the characters look together, to be sure they look different enough as individuals but still look as if they 'belong' together.

The design sheet with the male characters on features mostly unused designs - other than Lightning Lad and Ultra Boy I think. Star Boy is close to the finished one, but I decided the boots weren't quite right. The Invisible Kid design is NOTHING like the final one! smile

The Shrinking Violet sheet shows just how much is 'up for grabs' at the early design stage - even her features haven't been settled on in these sketches.

Hope you enjoy them! smile

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Whoa! I *much* prefer the robust Colossal Boy from your original sketches! WOW! What a great look!

Thanks for sharing these!
Figures. Garth gets longer hair again and I lose mine.

Love all the sketches Barry. And I agree with Lash. I prefer the bulkier Colossal Boy.

I must admit I was NOT thrilled to have Barry on art for the new Legion, and especially not after my first glimpses of the costumes.

I'm 100% reveresed after seeing these sketches.

These costumes are great - in several cases better than the final version, for my money. I really like several versions of Vi's look.

Barry's Legion costumes beautifully marry sleek futuristic style with enough layers and details to seem real.

The only costumes I'm still unhappy with are B5 and Element Lad. Maybe Cham. I'm otherwise pretty thrilled - and still hoping to see more of Barry's original costumes in the book.

I'm impressed by what a difference inking makes - I think there's a lively spark in Barry's sketches that, for me, gets a little squelched by the inking process.
Notice the stars on CB's gloves! smile

I think Barry's done a fantastic job of trying to pick the most iconic images of the Legionnaire's past look and incorporate them in his new designs. You can see the Cockrum influence in the Violet sketches.
I liked the Vi sketch with the Cockrum like designs on the arms. The others are nice too -- interesting to see that one sketch has Vi with guns(??). Everything really was up in the air...
Wow, seeing these sketches is really cool! And seeing the notes and thoughts that went into the designs is winning me over even on the costumes I didn't originally like.

A slightly sinister, wirey Brainy? Hmm, I can go for that... laugh
I don't have any real preferences about costumes, but I do enjoy seeing all the variations you've come up with Barry. I'm easy to please.

Weighing in on Colossal Boy/Micro Lad - I love the big giant look. He's definitely not from a human species. Finally Colossal Boy is going to shine.
What I'm digging the most about all of these is how DIFFERENT they all look from each other. That's one of the first things that drew me to the Legion---this large group of heroes, each with a sometimes complex costume. I went through reams of paper when I was a kid drawing The Legion--and sometimes had to keep a comic nearby for reference. The uniform look of the last 10 years or so had its merits, too; I just like this "individuality" so much more.
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
I answer to one question, you will see the Legionnaires in 'civvies' as the series gets going!
yeah laugh laugh laugh

can't wait to see that !!!

and thanks for posting more of your design pages, Barry !!!

there's still a couple more to go, if i remember correctly !!??

I like several of the Shrinking Violet designs. The guns are sure an interesting idea. I do like that one, and the third one in (with the skirt and thigh-highs). Actually, giving her thigh-highs would be a huge selling point for me. I also like the one with the swirly things on it and the one all the way to the right (as well as the hair that goes with that last one).

I like all of the designs for the men in the second set of sketches. In fact, I think I prefer the top right Brainy design to the one seen on issue #1s cover.

Everything in the third sketch looks great. I think I'll like Colossal Boy's costume.
Show us the Phantom Girl ones! She's got the best costume ever!
I agree, and I'd love to see what else Barry had in mind.
Sorry about the lack of new sketches - it's been cider-making weekend here in the wilds of Norfolk - I'll try to get some more to Nightcrawler for tomorrow! smile
Hey, take your time. You've been more than generous with all you've shared so far.
These are awsome Barry- Thank You..I can not wait to see this all pulled together.
Why do the gals get to show some skin and the guys are always covered from head to toe?
Hi Guys - here's probably my last additions before heading out to Dallas. Hope you like them smile

The Chameleon sketches will show you just how far out I was willing to contemplate laugh

The group shot did have another character or two in it, but I've obscured them to keep a few surprises up my sleeve. As with the first group shot some of the costumes were yet to get to their final versions.

To answer li'l Rhino's question - I guess I was probably subconsciously mirroring current fashions...there are a lot more female midriffs on display over here than male ones. Cham has bare arms smile

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I love that group shot!

And the rest are just gorgeous!
I LOVE that group shot too! And I'm HUGELY interested in who the 2 characters who've been rubbed out are! Hints of future members? Very exciting!

Really like your character notes for Element Lad and Princess Projectra. These two characters look to be very interesting in this new reality.

I see Karate Kid is wearing boots rather than my strapped feet idea. Oh well maybe he can change them?

Who's the person in between Ultra Boy and Princess Projectra by the way? An early Colossal Boy? Invisible Kid?

I'm still not swayed by Element Lad's look, but Dream Girl and Projectra are fantastic.

I think I'll need to see Cham in action. Interesting that he went from an amorphous look to a very rigid, geometric one.

Did Violet finally end up with a skirt and thigh high boots?

Barry, it's such a treat to see the Legion get their own unique looks again.

Barry, your notes are just as interesting as the costume designs. Your thoughts about Element Lad, Lightning Lad, Chameleon, Projectra etc. are fascinating teasers about the characters. I'd trade my first born for a look at Mark's "philosopical notes" about Element Lad. Dr. Strange, indeed.

A few random thoughts: Give Sun Boy a pair of boots, please; there's something a bit too feminine about his look, imo (perhaps that's intentional?). Love the "human torch" thing, though. Cham's "blank slate" face is a brilliant concept. Can't wait to see more of Violet's costume. Looks like the short skirt/thigh-hi boots design in the group pic. I see three (3!) Luornus. Is she called Triplicate Girl or a new codename? Is that Lyle (wearing the head piece) behind Ultra Boy and Projectra? Ultra Boy looks so buff. Projecta is simply gorgeous; it sounds like Saturn Girl's "ice queen" attitude has been transferred to her. Where does that leave SG? PP drawn to Element Lad? I never would have thunk it. Lightning Lad (I sing the body electric) and Dream Girl would make a *sizzling* new romantic duo (hint, hint). Is Dream Girl the only one without gloves? Yes, give her a tattoo. Why is Karate Kid's face blank? They all look so lean, mean and ready for action. What rhino said -- more male skin! I've run out of breath.

Thanks so much for your generosity. Is there more? smile
Wow, I'm loving the Dream Girl and Projectra looks! Sun Boy even looks better in these sketches.

Not crazy about Triplicate Girl's cape, but she's never been one of my faves anyway. But I'm betting that in this new Legion, she'll finally be interesting to me.
I daresay Jeckie and Nura have never looked better.
And I'm really excited to see that the Question is joining the LSH! See him? On the far right? Huh? Not finished? Never mind....
these are great! I sorta like the new e-lad. I like the ideas behind it.

Also Cham looks awesome. I sorta like what has been done with him.
Oh dear. frown

Element Lad is still too weird for my liking and Cham ain't Cham without his antennae!

More Phantom Girl though please!!!
So cool! Joe Mondo and I have more info to base photomanipulations on now! Maybe I should hitchhike to Dallas so I can see these in person? Please usually survive hitchhiking right? Do we reaaaaaally have to wait until the end of December to see the finished, colored, finalized goods? frown
I'm absolutely floored by that group shot! Gorgeous! We have to get these sketches collected in a special edition of the book. Maybe a second printing of the first issue after it sells out. smile
I know you must get bored of hearing this Barry but your work is gorgeous!

Thanks for sharing it with us

Aha! So Jan _is_ still from Trom! That's good to hear. Actually, in this close-up view, I like this costume a lot better than I thought. And it seems like Trom might be a Medieval style culture who happen to have in-born alchemical powers.

The Projectra costume looks nice. Her costume looks less like Polaris's current costume thatn I originally thought. She does have a sort of regal air to her.

Dream Girl looks great. I still not sure about Sun Boy, but we'll see.

The idea of a fluid costume is interesting. I might have liked to see it. And if your view of Chameleon Boy's facial characteristics are what makes it into the book, I'll definitely like it. It gives a greater sense of how alien he is and how much the form he wears is not his own. Perhaps he needs to learn how to be "human".
Hmmm, now why would Karate Kid's face be blanked out?? We've seen him in the special and the cover to #1 and there doesn't seem to be anything odd about his face. My guesses:
-- Something else else will happen early in the series that leaves him scarred or somehow disfigured and Barry didn't want to give away the story.
-- He's blind (or is that too daredevil?)
Wow. Wonderful stuff. smile

I'm really intigued by Princess Projectra and Element Lad.

I love the designs for Violet. The guns are interesting. (Another connection between Imsk and the military?) I'm not sure what I think about a Legionnaire carrying guns. I guess it's no different than a police officer. Is that a tatoo on her cheek in the portrait on the right?
Maybe it's Ferro Lad, not KK? And he's not wearing a mask and whatnot.
Although that certainly looks like a KK outfit.
I like the Lava Lamp Lad look for Cham. Fluidity of form is how I always wanted to see his character represented. My bet is that the antennae will "pop" out when he needs to do "research" for a new form.

This is the most fun I have had with the Legion in years! I hope you can use the extra page count to incorporate neat features like your character sketches into the actual book.

Cham's appearance is, like many of your designs, intriguing and thought-provoking. Previous versions of Cham (Levitz and afterward) contrasted a shapeless chameleon with a very centered, strong-minded personality. I can't wait to see if this Chameleon has a harder time knowing who he really is--something that occasionally happens to talented actors and impersonators.

Cheers, and enjoy Dallas. This is a nice time of year to visit there.
Wow, I love Element Lad's new look! I love the hair and goaty. I can't wait to see his attitude.

Princess Projectra is beautiful.

WHY?? Has Karate Kid been blanked Out??? Does it reveal his Nationality?? Whats the big deal. Why can't they reveal what Nationality he is??? confused

Dammit!!! I was hoping to she Shrinking Voilet in a skirt!!! I love her Oringinal Costume!!!

Anyway, looking great!!
The art looks amazing! I love all the Shrinking Violet's! I really liked the pose with the guns.

Brainiac 5 looks awesome IMO. Cham? Well the ears without the antennaes don't look right BUT the costume with the ears covered IS cool.

Sun Boy looks pretty darn cool as does Dream Girl and the rest. LOVE the group shot.

Invisible Kid? Eh. Doesn't do much for me. Maybe when I see it colored.

Who is the guy behind Jo in the group shot? Would be an interesting look for Mon-El. wink

thanks Barry!

I'm really excited about this, the more I hear, the more I like it.

You know, I actually prefer the lava-lamp look for Chameleon (Boy?). I've never quite understood why, being able to change shape at will, in former incarnations he chose to spend most of his time as an orange fellow with antennae. Why didn't he choose a human look? Or something closer to his original Durlan shape (whatever that is)? Why that sort of in-between look?

Chamaeleon is the only non-humanoid in the team at the moment, I would prefer if he looked as alien as he is. So, no problem here with the lack of antennae and the lava-lamp look (I would actually prefer it to the other, more traditional look)

Anyway, thanks for all this stuff, Barry, I really appreciate it. I am travelling in India at the moment and don't get to post very often anymore, but I'm really excited about this new Legion.

I'll take Element Lad however I can get him, but am a bit leery about that "Sees all life as transmutation" note on the side. Sounds a bit post-boot, new-age, progenitory for my comfort. Nevertheless, I'm quite happy with the potential for he and Projectra to be drawn to each other. Reminds me of the pre-boot when he was leading a team dying to know who Sensor Girl was. It feels right for those two to be able to have a close relationship.

Like your thoughts on Cham. Plus I'm happy to see the triplicate girls on the loose. Thanks again, Barry, for nursing us through the 3-month gap with these.
Thanks again everyone!

Don't take any of these as final unless you've seen them in the preview though smile

It's really interesting for me to read your responses - particularly to things like the 'lava-lamp Cham'!

The only reason KK was blanked out in the group shot was that we were in the middle of changing his features and the sketch just never got finished.

The IK costume shown in the design sketch is NOT the one he'll be using (that's what my 'Nope!' note is for) smile

I'll be absent for a while now while I jet off to Dallas and spend a couple of days at DC in NY. I'm very much looking forward to meeting as many of you who can make it Dallas as I can and to reading your reports on the panels etc! smile

Thanks again for being so kind - more sketches etc when I get back!
Have a safe and fun trip Barry! Wish I could be there.
Thanks LL - maybe next year? smile
Yeah, have a great time Barry!

Howsabout San Diego next year? smile
Thanks Nightcrawler - I really hope so! I was intending to go this year, but had to postpone.

All being well I shall be there in 2005! smile
San Diego, the place to be in 2005! Maybe I'll see if I can get a room at the Marriott while its early. Any idea of the dates yet?
July 14-17, with "Preview Night" on the 13th.
It's nice to see Triplicate Girl return to her *cape roots*. One thing I never understood during the post zero hour legion was the color coding of her 3 selves. One purple, one orange, and one purple/orange.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have one purple, one orange, and one white. Each representing 1/3 of the colors of her uniform (purple, orange, white)

Will this version of Triplicate Girl also have 3 distinct personalities?

Thanks for all the preview sketches Mr. Kitson, I haven't been this excited about the legion in YEARS.

LL, some of us on the East Coast (and Tennessee) have been discussing a "road trip" to San Diego next year over in the MMB. I seem to remember that SD is quite nice in the summer.
Hi Guys
I'll sign off for now - hope to see a good many of you in Dallas! I should be able to start posting sketches again in the week beginning November 15th.
If you spot anyone asking me questions on the boards between now and then I'd appreciate if someone would be kind enough to let them know I'm away - not just being rude! smile
Thanks as always for the kind words and support!
Originally posted by Gizmo321:
It's nice to see Triplicate Girl return to her *cape roots*. One thing I never understood during the post zero hour legion was the color coding of her 3 selves. One purple, one orange, and one purple/orange.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have one purple, one orange, and one white. Each representing 1/3 of the colors of her uniform (purple, orange, white)
Because it was based on her eye colour, and Triad still only had two eyes. The middle body was Neutral, rather than White, as well.
Plus, Lu's original costume only ever had purple and orange in it. I think later artists followed up from the original color scheme in deciding how the color split went.
The question I have about Cham is: is this how Durlans look? We've seen Durlans in the present DCU - is this the same race? Have they evolved or is it just Cham who has this look? Or is this Legion in a totally different dimension altogether? (probably not)
I had a strange dream last night that this Durlan was not Reep but a new character named Om (hence the slightly different appearance) who would die sometime in the first year paving the way for Reep to join the team! How weird is that! eek

Spill Barry! Have I the gift of the Sibyl? wink
Blacula really is Nura.
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
The question I have about Cham is: is this how Durlans look? We've seen Durlans in the present DCU - is this the same race? Have they evolved or is it just Cham who has this look? Or is this Legion in a totally different dimension altogether? (probably not)
Well to be fair Durlans *are* shape-shifters, so they could easily choose to look just about any way they would like. Their "default" appearance would be the one of the Durlan in the L.E.G.I.O.N. series, not the humanoid one that Reep usually reverted to when not in disguise. Maybe in this version of the future the Durlans choose this appearance when off of Durla, or maybe each chooses his or her own unique form?

Of course in this reality Chameleon Boy might not even be a Durlan at all. We don't know that yet.
some how I thought I remembered that the various tribes of Durla had taken different shapes, especially when off world, so as to differentiate themselves. In other words the physical shape they had was little more that the “traditional” dress of various regions, nations in Europe.
That's what I remember, Faraway. Each tribe had their own form. But I don't remember if that was a preboot or reboot convention - or both.
It was both. It was started in preboot, and Waid made a refernce to it in the JLA: Heaven's Ladder oversized comic.
I hope no one minds but I went ahead and featured this topic so it would be easy to find for everyone. Plus the sketches look great!
Those sketches..Wow.
That's all I've got, just..Wow!
Posted By: MYG Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 11/14/04 04:54 AM
Those sketches are awsome!!! I can't believe that I'm getting excited about the Legion after all of these years of mere content!
Barry's sketches are amazing, to echo what's already been said, I am SO excited about the new Legion!
Many thanks for sharing the sketches Barry, you are truly a great talent!
Wow, I should have visited here sooner.

I started a costume post on the DCBoards, but it has died down.

I love seeing Barry's sketches. Hope they get included if DC does a Legion 0 or a TPB.

I'm really amped for the new series...especially after seeing the previews. Love the more mature sensibility that was lacking in the last reboot.

Favorite costume has to be Lightning Lad. Basic Cockrum with a snazzy update. I like the new version of Starboy with the white pants. While I loved Cockrum's design, this is another great update. Also love Light Lass. Although the arrow reminds me of Element Lad, it works better for Ayla. Also...the costume is a subtle homage to the Cockrum era costume designed by fan Carol Strickland.

I do like Barry's original costume for Colossal Boy, but I also like the version seeing print. I do like the stockier build on Gim. Gives him a bit more personality.

Most of the Legion hasn't been really seen close enough (in color)to judge their costumes, but I'll comment on what I've seen.

I haven't seen a good preview of Shrinking Violet yet, but I like ther version here with the swirls on the arms.

Dream Girl doesn't look bad here...wasn't sure I liked the costume seen in Legion/Teen Titans on the final page.

Saturn Girl looks better here than in the preview...maybe that's because of the black & white (the red just seems old-fashioned and dated to me). The cape looks better here, but the crop top doesn't work (IMHO).

I also like the fluid Chameleon Boy costume better than the version on the cover of issue 1. Maybe his look can evolve over time.

Wasn't sure about Element Lad at first, but the costume does work with alchemy. Red and yellow wouldn't have been my choice for colors...maybe they'll grow on me...or maybe he'll change them.

I saw Barry's notes about Sun Boy looking too perfect. Maybe that's why I don't like the new costume. Although the Sun Boy costume in iteself isn't bad, it doesn't work for Sun Boy. It's too altar boy. The hair do is even worse. I really liked when Giffen used the flaming hair effect when Sun Boy used his powers.

Some constructive criticism Barry...a few too many crop tops and shorty gloves. While the crop top works for Ayla...I don't think it works for Imra. I don't think Phantom Girl would need gloves.

Looking forward to Timber Wolf (and maybe Infectious Lass?!!).

Love the artwork I've seen from the first issue. I think this may be Barry's best work since Azrael...which I loved until Barry left.
Hi Guys

Wow kc, considering you posted that you'd never liked my design sense previously and were not expecting to like them, I'm more than pleased with your response to the look! smile

Thanks Brigort! laugh

Thanks MYG - it's been really great how many people have expressed similar feelings - we'll do our best to live up to your expectations. smile I know everyone here will keep us on our toes!

Thanks LoneWolfLondo! smile

Sorry if I've missed anyone - I'm rushing a bit to catch up from the Texas trip!
I admit it. I've always liked your art, but haven't been crazy about the costumes you've designed in the past. Although, after seeing your notes...I wonder if you haven't been constricted by your co-creators.

I hope Mark doesn't bring to much of a Silver Age influence to the look of the costumes...especially as his script shown in Horizon certainly seems up-to-date.
Hi KC - Thanks!
All comic creation is collaborative - which is partly what makes it such fun! I would certainly never say Mark constricts me at all - if anything he pushes me to try more angles than perhaps I would left to my own devices!

We're definitely aiming for an entirely modern take on the LSH - there won't be any more Silver Age echoes than you've already seen.

Thanks again for the kind words!
Barry or Mr. Kitson. Whichever you prefer. You have done an outstanding job on all of these Legionaires. Please do something better for Sunboy. His costume is awful. I also hate to be the one to tell you but Light Lass costume looks alot like Element Lad's during the Grell years. Light Lass original costume had a cloud on it. I do respect you and your art since I have no artistic ability. bsl
I actually like Sun Boy's costume. So I guess you can't please everyone. laugh

I like the scketches it's very interesting to see that stuff. I still have reservations about the new series but I like some of the costumes. Has the rational behind changing star boy ethnicity been discussed?
Hi Barry,
Now that you're back are you going to post more sketches/costume designs? I hope so. I have really enjoyed the previous ones.
I gotta say - now that I've seen Sun Boy's costume in more detail, I like it too! LOVE the glowing sun thing on his chest and am very grateful that it actually looks like a sun at last and not a star! He could possibly benefit from some boots though, or something on his legs.

And I echo the call for more sketches.
Hi Guys - I'll be posting more of the design sketches in a day or two... maybe the guys that saw them all at Texas could suggest which unseen ones I should send next? smile

On the Sun Boy topic - let me know if you still feel the same way after you've seen #1...
Hi Barry - Would you pleeeaasse post some pics of Lyle?? Im dying to see what you have in mind for him. :-)
this stuff is brilliant!
thanks, barry!
definitely whets the appetite for the new Legion!
I like all the costumes, especially Princess Projectra's.

Someone said that they didn't care for the colors of Element Lad, the only thing about them is that I know I'm going to constantly think that it's Sunboy.
Hi All
I think we're getting near to the end of all the design sheets I can let you see so far (unless any one can think of any I had in Texas that I haven't posted yet?).

Thanks to Nightcrawler as always for helping me post them...and in this case with the nifty new 'thumbnail' link smile

A few more changes were made to the design after these early passes as you'll see in the first issue.

Thanks, as always for all the support and encouragement!

click to enlarge
I like Karate Kid's second look a lot, the only thing about the first one, is that it's extremly close to the suit Dragonmage had.
Hi Princess - that was exactly what I felt in retrospect! smile

Obviously the colors could have been totally different, but I preferred the second anyway!
I LOVE Karate Kid's second outfit Barry! Val's never had a bad outfit IMO - and this continues the tradition.

I like that you've noticed that the boots are a bit hard in this picture too. Hopefully they will be softer in the final version, if you haven't gone with my earlier 'strapped feet' suggestion. wink
Both of Val's (I use their old names hoping they'll still keep the same civilian identities in the new series) costume designs look great Barry. But I definitely like the classic look best.
The first design would be great for Dragonmage if he ever makes it back. KK's outfit doesn't really excite me though. I appreciate that Val wouldn't wear anything flashy, but the pajamas look doesn't do it for me. I also hope the yin/yang symbol means something to the characterization.
They both look good to me. I like Blacula's strapped feet idea.

And definitely use the first design for Dragonmage when he appears! smile
Posted By: .. Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 11/17/04 02:59 PM
I've been avoiding the new costume design sketchs, till i actually read the first issue, but after that all bets are of and a new LSH photomanip series will begin........
I like it! The second one suits KK more...
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 11/17/04 04:53 PM
What's left that we haven't seen here?
Maybe the SciPol page but I think that's the one Steve said he'd rather we find out about as we go along 'cause the notes on the page have info relevant to the long term in the series.

Thanks for letting us take a look at those too, it was a fanboy dream come true.
Always a pleasure YK!
Reckon I must owe you personally a sketch or two BTW! smile
I wil try to come up with some more bits and pieces for LW though - even though I think you;re right about the SP page.
That second costume for KK definitely looks great. I like the logo, too. While the first one is nice, it reminds me too much of Dragonmage.
Was there a page for Phantom Girl?

Also, is it possible to see the SP's with the notes blanked out?

No pressure. laugh
Given the high quality of the new designs, Barry, I can't wait to see how you'll envision other classic Legionnaires if/when they pop up in the storyline, especially Bouncing Boy, Wildfire, and Chmeical King.

This is the best I've seen the Legion looking in years!
Good call Nightcrawler - I think there is one sheet with PG on I could post - check your mailbox tomorrow smile

Thanks Knightsfyre! smile
very sexy look for karate kid -- i heartily approve!

(always had a crush on him)

and i echo the sentiment that the girls got to show more skin than the boys -- and i want to see some equality in the sexes!

he he he

all in all, though, you've done a great job of updating the looks and keeping the team "teenager/early 20s" in terms of physicality

the "archie legion" drove me crazy because they were boppy smiling cheerleader things without any real sex (sex appeal, sexuality, sex identity, etc) ... but upon looking at the Grell Legion (for instance), i could see where that might be too much sex for the new book

the designs really pop, Barry ... i really wish there was some promotional work that could incorporate your sketches
Now if I could just learn to spell "Chemical"...

Barry -- I know that some artists, when coming onto a new series, do sketches of a variety of characters who don't end up making the final cut/roster, just to get a feel for things and "play" with the milieu a little.

Was there any of this for you and the Legion work, or did you only work up designs for the set of characters that Mark provided?

If there are sketches of "unused" Legionnaires, I'm sure we'd all love to see these as well.
Originally posted by Knightsfyre:
Now if I could just learn to spell "Chemical"...
You can use this link - [Linked Image] above any post you make and edit those spelling errors out before any of us notice, Knighty! laugh

And looking forward to it, Barry! smile
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Originally posted by Knightsfyre:
[b]Now if I could just learn to spell "Chemical"...
You can use this link - [Linked Image] above any post you make and edit those spelling errors out before any of us notice, Knighty! laugh

Thanks, Nightcrawler -- it's especially galling for me to make slip-ups like this, considering I get paid to correct other people's spelling errors...

And looking forward to it, Barry! smile [/b]
Thanks, Nightcrawler -- it's especially galling for me to make slip-ups like this, considering I get paid to correct other people's spelling errors...
KK seems a natural for a group of anachronistic heroes -- who in a techno-utopia would focus on fighting with his hands? As such, this outfit is perfectly appropriate.
Hey Barry two questions if you have time:
1) Who decides color schemes for the redesigns? Is it collaborative or maybe more you or more the colorist?
2) Which characters' costumes that we've seen in previews will have the most significant changes made when we see the finalized versions debut in issue #1 and subsequent issues?

Monkey Eater Lad
I guess my choice for KK's uniform would depend on what his personality will be in the new series. Is he going to be a hot-head or is he going to be a tranquil contemplator with an inner storm.

If he's going to be more flashy and vocal, I guess I'd opt more for the 1st uniform, but with a different symbol, like a fist or something. Dragons definitely make people think of Dragon mage, but I like the higher collar and head band.

If he's going to be more of the quiet-type like the post boot, then maybe the "Gi" look would work better but I'd rather see him with loose pants as well. Something else else about the tight pants and high boots doesn't look right. Also, fist wraps aren't terribly practical for open-hand fighting/grabbing/throwing. They're more suited for closed-fist punching like Mui-Thai (preventing knuckle scrapes). But I guess that's just the practical, analyzing person I am, not trying to be a h8'er or anything. frown

Heck, just put him in some baggy pants and a "wife-beater" like Bruce Lee. Just joking, but I wouldn't mind seeing a sketch of KK in some traditional Chinese-type garb either (even though karate is more of a Japanese thing). Anyways, those are my random ramblings, carry on.

Thanks for the sneak-peaks, Barry.
Thanks as always guys!

To answer ONE of Monkey Eater Boy's questions - I guess I had most say where I had very definite ideas, but on the costumes where I was totally committed everyone got to chime in - as you may have gathered this creative team is a very collaborative unit!

To NOT answer the other - it's a definite 'wait and see'! smile
[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

hey Barry so I am guessing Sunboy looks like the 2nd version here? In the preview pages and sketches there are some changes here and there. wink I guess I will have to wait for the final product.

And not that your busy enough but do you ever alter things slightly just for fun. I mean I know Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman all have their famouse costumes. But in the Legion do you consider altering a costume for a storyline just cause Sunboy was getting tired of the last look? Nothing like the Wasp that changes costumes constantly mind you...but seeing a few characters have 2 to 3 different costumes sounds fun.

thanks Jorge
[Linked Image]

Speaking of different looks? Some thoughts on Element Lad. laugh

I prefer to the blue/yellow version to the red/yellow version. But some folks have mentioned Dr. Fate here and there. Others say the red/yellow may conflict with Sun Boy?

Silver and blue look nice methinks. smile
Barry one more question. Can we sketches of the SPs??? Especially that cool bukly armor with the visor? thanks smile
Y'know, it's funny how a little stripe of color can change one's outlook on a costume...

I have to say I prefer the "red/yellow" split look of Sun Boy's pants/undersuit (as hinted at in Barry's sketches and shown in color by Jorg-El above) to the solid yellow version we've seen in the preview for issue #1. Now, if we could add red gloves or at least a red wristband above bare hands, that would complete the "retro" look.

Of course, I love all of Barry's costume designs -- even Sun Boy's, though this one'll take more time to grow on me.

To repeat a question for Barry I posted earlier (but which likely got buried by subsequent posts:

I know that some artists, when coming onto a new series, do sketches of a variety of characters who don't end up making the final cut/roster, just to get a feel for things and "play" with the milieu a little.

Was there any of this for you with the Legion work, or did you only work up designs for the set of characters that Mark indicated he wanted to use?

If there are sketches of "unused" Legionnaires, I'm sure we'd all love to see these as well. Mind you, you'll probably want to hold off on these, so as to not spoil any surprises...
Jorg El, how about some of Element Lad's more classic colors on the new costume?

Blue and green? Pink and white? Pink and gray?
I really like the silver and blue Element Lad costume!
Knightsfyre, I also prefer the sketch version of Sunboy's costume better...but honestly like them both. That is why I asked Barry if Dirk might change his look often? wink

joe mondo, the green/blue version may look good on E-Lad. I added the silver cause the gold had that element feel...thought silver would as well...something metallic.

Blacula i really like the silver as well. smile
Interestingly, I noticed that in the penciled but un-inked flying group shot/splash page image found on Yellow Kid's site, the central figure was Ultra Boy, not Cosmic Boy.

I imagine that the change was made to bring the three founders into the image, but it's interesting to see the variant versions.
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 11/20/04 09:30 PM
Notice that there are two different versions of the pencilled page? Barry told the story of a misunderstanding in communication and originally drew the group as smiling when he was asked to NOT have them smiling. Personally I like the one where they look happy together.

...and thanks. I wasn't all that sure that anybody was looking, just reading that makes the effort worth it.
Ummm... wither Phantom Girl? Or at least the tantalizing tease of her preview sheet which Barry alluded to previously. smile If I can't actually have the comic in my hands, then I at least wanna have something to wet my whistle... especially considering how much I've enjoyed the sheets thus far.

BTW, Barry, I'm really pleased that you, Mark and Steve (and the rest) all worked so hard to get a release date which landed on my birthday. Even tho you don't know me, I'm thrilled that you all made such a huge effort to make my 30-somethingth birthday so special. Your dedication to your fans is truly astounding!

I mean, that is why the book's being released on that date, right? nod
Hey Barry,
Great stuff! I'm really excited about
this take on the legion. Can't wait. LLL
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 11/21/04 01:12 AM
Yeah! What happened to the PG sketch page? I thought for a minute I'd left one out but it hasn't been posted that I can find. Did Barry get that to you Nightcrawler?

I promise we'll be really nice to you for the rest of the day if you'll post it here for us.
On the comicartfans.com site they have a pic of Barry's pencil drawing for cover #1. Very nice.

Hi Guys - thanks as always!

There are some design sheets I can't share yet - don't want to give anything away about upcoming events - but I will get that PG sheet to Nightcrawler today! smile

Nice to see Eddy posting the pencils - and that they aren't for sale laugh
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 11/22/04 04:29 PM
Cool. Is Eddy the gentleman that we chatted with at the DC booth, Barry? Or is that the collector friend he mentioned? I thought he was pretty nice.

...and Hamzz, if you'll click the link in my sig you'll see the original art pages that Barry has been kind enough to let us see here at LegionWorld, including his inked version of that page.

-nice to see the pencils posted too-
Hi Barry...I'm 1 of the newest members of the forum...may I ask you a little spoiler? very little!!

there will be "legionnaires' symbols" in your new series as they were in the pre zero hour era?
I'd like to know if the symbols will be important as in that era or simple brands on the costumes

thank and ciao!!!

ps: If I ignore a rule with my spoiler-question to Barry, sorry!
Hi Luca - nice to make your aquaintance! smile

I hope I understand the question properly - if you are refering to the individual legionnaires symbols, yes, they do all have symbols of their own that can be used to represent them - in fact there's a certain logic to most of them that I've tried to bring in - but I'll save most of the theory behind it for another time. smile
(You'll probably be able to work most out anyway by looking through the design sketches)
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 11/22/04 07:42 PM
Oh no, don't worry too much about that Sensor Kid. There's no written rule about spoilers as far as I know - just please be courteous if you do post spoilers and be sure to add a large space to your post so those that don't want to see spoilers don't accidentally see the information.

I've seen that sometimes we get a little close to info that DC doesn't want us to see yet and Barry's been very good about following the company's rules and not giving anything away to ruin the upcoming stories.

-believe me we have been trying- lol

So ask whatever you want about the Legion and if Barry says, "Wait and see." then we have to 'bite the bullet' and wait it out. On the other hand you might be the guy that thinks of something we didn't and get an answer or two that'll make us all happy.

Thanks Barry!!
(hey...I spoke with Barry Kitson...it has been a suprise for me to meet an autor here.)

Yes! I was referring to the symbols importance in the Legionnaires organization: in the series "Legionnaires" they have a brand like sups or batman, but in the previous era there was always scene in the multilab or in the hq with Element Lad or Braniac in front of a big screen with all these symbol and other interlac words! so every members had his symbol, his logo...It was amazing to see this inner symbolism!

Thank Yellokid!! anyway, I not a spoilerfan...it can happen that I read something, but not so often! ^_^
Always late to the party...

Random comments on the sketches:

--I preferred the original Gim sketch. But I'm so glad he's back I don't care how his final outfit looks.
--the "bizarre" Cham is very novel. Wish they'd voted that one.
--First chance you get, have Element Lad t-mute his excellent costume to the Dr. Fate colors. Just because.
--That cowl neck totally makes Lu's cape work. This is already my favorite of all her costumes in all of hypertime.
--I love every one of the Vi concepts. Every one. So cyuuuuuute!
--Jeckie is "too perfect?" Must be an illusion to cover up her REPTILIAN SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!
--KK's is the one outfit I just don't like at all. Too poofy for the fighter's mystique and yet still raggedy-looking.
--Best Ultra Boy version ever? Might be. This iconic suit just keeps improving. (Of course after the so-ugly-you-had-to-end-up-loving-it original and the "Dragon" outfit on the Run, there was nowhere to go but up...
--Light Lass...2-piece is better, yes. If a little too...modern day.
--I prefer the Moy costume to all others. But this is a way cool Shady. PLEASE followup on the noir-lighting. Great idea!
--Cos: all the concepts are good.
--Sun Boy: Hmm. Well-tailored? If that was the intention, perhaps the "business suit" aspect needs to be played up. I definitely like it better having read the notes.
--Tinya....Hey, there's no Tinya sketch yet! GET WITH IT! But I like what I've seen so far a lot. Flares are back in, baby!
--The scruffy hair really sells me on Saturn Girl's outfit.
--Brainy, I'm not sold on. The wires definitely seem archaic.
--Lyle is still invisible...? Well, some surprises are a good thing.
--Star Boy's costume's white color and CG starfield are just a way for Barry to do less drawing. Expect to see a lot of Star Boy panels when deadlines get tight. (Yeah, I got your number, dude. wink )
Sure looks good, though.
--Garth looks great. I've preferred the shorter-haired SW6/reboot Livewire look, but I'm already converted to this one.
--Dream Girl's look is the opposite of a nightmare. A pleasant blending of the pure cheesecakey preboot and the too-utilitarian DnA era versions.

I'm another who's never been impressed with Kitson's character design in the past. But here he's not only outdone himself, but he's joined the ranks of the great Legion outfitters of yore. And surpassed many of them.
I was thinking blue/purple/silver for Element Lad. Something else else a little more mystical and mysterious looking. Even black & silver.

The red & yellow colors are just too primary and showy...of course, bright pink and white would have been worse (IMHO).
I agree about E-Lad being not so showy. I actually pictured a pale kindof yellow with a muted kindof mustardy brown (it'd actually be slightly reminiscient of a monk's robe).
I like the idea of Cham's antennae being retracted when not in use or perhaps they're internal. He really needs a change, I think, so Barry's design for him is good by me.

I like the Gim character as a heavy planet type, too. The new take on him is pretty inspired, while playing on his old image as being rather slow, sometimes, compared to some of the other legionnaires.

Lightle played with the idea of Shady/Umbra having a 'cloud' of shadow around her in his planet issue with her. I think it's a great idea and I'll love to seeing Barry's take on it.

I find Imra's and Ayla's outfits to be a little boring and too much like previous designs, though. Sorry, Barry.

But those aren't any big deal. I just want them, especially Ayla, to be a little more exciting.

Thanks for all of the beautiful sketches and I've enjoyed everyones comments, too.

"Ayla's outfits to be a little boring and too much like previous designs, though"???? Since did we see Ayla having an arrow-emblem on her costume?? This is her first time using an arrow as her symbol instead of cloud, feather, and lightning bolts.
although I do agree with Saturn Girl's costume...but it works well on her. or maybe a combination of Grell-era design (yep, a bikini!!) and a cape will do? (similar to Grell's Shadow Lass?)
The arrow-up was seen for years... on Element Lad, so it could count as a previous dessign.

And speaking of Jan, what the heck is wrong with his old blue & green? He was BOSS in blue & green.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
The arrow-up was seen for years... on Element Lad, so it could count as a previous dessign.

And speaking of Jan, what the heck is wrong with his old blue & green? He was BOSS in blue & green.
Jan's arrow IS what I was thinking of when I made the comment. The colors and sleeveless design are also previous Ayla costume design elements.

I was rather hoping for something flashy.

The only time I've ever liked Element Lad was when he was in the pink and white! ... But that's probably just me.
Particularly early on when he had the "E" (not the interlac version) on his costume. I did like him a lot during the Levitz era, but looking back now I can't say I have that same feeling.
I liked Jan's pink and black...but gotta go with LASH that the blue/green with arrow was very boss. Very cool color combo IMO. Wouldn't mind seeing it again...the arrow didn't do much for me.

Ayla's latest costume I think kicks ass! wink
Originally posted by Jorg-El:
I liked Jan's pink and black...but gotta go with LASH that the blue/green with arrow was very boss. Very cool color combo IMO. Wouldn't mind seeing it again...the arrow didn't do much for me.
That costume actually make him look more manly. It was miles better than the black and white one from the reboot.


Ayla's latest costume I think kicks ass! wink
It actually has grown on me, despite an initial dislike of it.
I love the new looks for Phantom Girl and Light Lass

But I HATE Element Lad's and Sun Boy's. Dirk looks really gay! And Jan's is just horrible! Give him his big arrow back! And a long blonde mullet perm please!

Shadow Lass should keep her Coiepel hair-do. This new look is really bland and 80s ish. Same goes for Projectra. It's really boring.
Originally posted by Comet King:
I love the new looks for Phantom Girl and Light Lass
I really enjoy Tinya's costume, but I don't think I'm too thrilled with the "P". I realize her first costume had one, but I'd ditch the letter in favor of an oval.
1.Love the Shady idea about the ambient dark lighting.

2.OUTSTANDING shout out to the old schoolers here to have Jan's "up arrow" show up on Ayla's uniform. JUST LOVE IT!

3.Saturn Girl looks great.

4.The Cham on the far right really looks great.

5.BEST E-LAD COSTUME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6.See above for Ultra Boy.

7.The Brainy wires and skinny body were OK, but I think that they would be a great "Brainy's gone bats again" look.

8.Why keep doing this? They ALL look good to me. Only 22 and a wake-up until I see for real. Dammit, where'd my time bubble go???
Just got word from Barry and we will see something new soon!
Originally posted by RTVU2:
Just got word from Barry and we will see something new soon!
cool !!! can't wait .....

Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 12/07/04 01:33 AM
That's so cool! We're finally getting close to issue#1 so maybe Barry will start teasing us with pieces out of issue#2?

I can't wait to see more!
Hi Guys - sorry about the silence - been working VERY hard - and with some AMAZING collaborators (to be announced soon)so we can keep to the 30 pages a month schedule. I am having to appear as co-plotter only, for one issue - but with the work we've got ready now and the planning in place, that should only be a one-off...(though I'm sure there are one or two who'll actually enjoy a rest from me smile especially when you find out who is working on that issue)

Anyway - I sent the design sheet with Phantom Girl on to Nightcrawler yesterday - so with a bit of luck I'll be able to post a link to it inn the near future (thanks as always Nightcrawler smile )

Apologies again about being so 'invisible' for a week or so - but you always know where I am if you want to get hold of me by email! smile
can't wait!! I love the new costumes, especially Element Lad and Ultra Boy. They all look great!
I'm a bit confused...is E-lad's costume red & yellow (as in the preview pages) or blue & yellow (as seen on the cover to issue #1)?
Hi Guys
Just a quick note - I just got notification that the email I sent to Nightcrawler with the design sheet on has been delayed...hopefully it'll get to him soon! smile
Yeah. Sorry. My hotmail account has been giving me mail in odd order and often the server is busy when I check it.

Barry, if you like you can send it to my other account at glc_sd@yahoo.com.
Done! smile
What's up Mario. I think Barry gave a clue that his costume colors may change. The only time we've seen the blue version was on the cover. Every time we've seen him in the interior preview pages it's been red/yellow. The cover may (or may not) have been a mistake.

The latest preview rocks!

Hi guys
Here's the link to the design sheet with Phantom Girl

[Linked Image]

- I think the pencil doodles at the bottom may have been my first Projectra takes smile

Hope you enjoy these thought processes in doodle form!

I was going to say those look like Jeckie.

I also like the Duo Damsel inspired aspect of the first PG. The bell-bottomed ensemble at the bottom is the absolute best.

Thank you sooo much for sharing these with us, Barry!
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
(though I'm sure there are one or two who'll actually enjoy a rest from me smile especially when you find out who is working on that issue)
Hints, Barry?

Speculations, Legionworlders?
Great costume for PG. I do miss the cleavage however. wink Maybe when she phases we can see cleavage! lol
Originally posted by Bureaucracy Boy:
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
[b] (though I'm sure there are one or two who'll actually enjoy a rest from me smile especially when you find out who is working on that issue)
Hints, Barry?

Speculations, Legionworlders?[/b]
I missed this part! Steve Lightle? Dave Cockrum? laugh Maybe George Perez or Jim Lee? smile

Although from what I'm seeing I think I want Barry all the time. Those L.E.G.I.O.N. issues without him lost a great deal of detail and depth. And although I'm a Grummett fan, I'd have loved to see Barry finish off the Thunderbolts/Avengers series.
I'd like to see Mike Wieringo(?) on the title, someday...
Posted By: Vee Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 12/08/04 10:25 AM
It would be awesome were it to be Dave Cockrum. Not only is he one of the Legion's best all time artist but mainly because we would know for sure that he was finally back on his feet after his medical problems.

Steve Lightle would also be great of course. Another of my favs!

Maybe Gail Simone is making another guest appearance?

Or maybe they tracked down Mike Grell! Wouldn't THAT be cool! BouncingBoy
I got the impression that Barry's help was in the scripting department so the first name that I though of was Gail. But it would be cool to see a Dave Cockrum back-up story wouldn't it? Or one by Steve or Mike Grell. So many possibilities.

Great sketches again Barry. I like the beginnings of Projectra. Especially the larger one. You really, to me, get across a regal quality with that pose. 3 more weeks! scream
Originally posted by Jorg-El:
What's up Mario. I think Barry gave a clue that his costume colors may change. The only time we've seen the blue version was on the cover. Every time we've seen him in the interior preview pages it's been red/yellow. The cover may (or may not) have been a mistake.

The latest preview rocks!

Kinda liked the blue...ah well.

I'm loving the preview sketches. They've turned me from a "maybe I'll look at it" to a "Must buy it!"
Is it just me, or is there just something right in the universe when PG wears bellbottoms?

I love these new costumes. They really give us the sense of the team as a collection of individuals in a way that the reboot stripe costumes never could. These are Costumes, not Uniforms, and that distinction fits the Legion very well.

Thanks Barry!
Those are excellent as the previous ones!

Congrats Barry!

And i think Director Lad is right telling these are costumes and not uniforms, that made each character more cool and fits well with the personnalities of young heroes, as each one does want to be unique and recognisable.
Originally posted by Director Lad:
Is it just me, or is there just something right in the universe when PG wears bellbottoms?
100% agreement here, man! tinya could pull off bellbottoms even before they came back in style

and she had the original low-riding hip huggers
Thanks guys! smile

Not long now...
Nice sketches! I think the one that's like Duo-Damsel's preboot costume looks cute. It could even work as casual wear when this Legionnaire goes for a night out on the town! The one to it's left reminds me a little too much of the style of costumes worn in the reboot, so I'm glad you didn't go with that one. The one to the far right is my favorite of those in the sketch.

The central "Jeckie" sketch looks VERY nice. I wouldn't have minded if that were the costume she actually ended up wearing.
such great sketches... thabnks for sharing Barry!
Posted By: MYG Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 12/11/04 02:46 PM

You are bringing back an (across the board) enthusiasm for the Legion that I haven't seen in a long time. I've been a Legion fan since 1980, and this truly feels like a rebirth...and that's just based on the incredible previews.

I'm also glad to see the return of individuality. I don't mind "uniforms" that much, but the large "L"'s with the over-sized ultilty belts were ridiculous in appearence. Your sketches are fantastic and I can't wait for it all to begin on the 29th!!!
I have to agree with Myg. Barry is really helping to sale this new series. Unfortunately, some of Mark's comments (no Fatal Five?!!) have irritated me.

I love the Phantom Girl costume with the Duo Damsel boots. Though I always liked Dave Cockrum's bell bottom outfit, I just think the first design by Barry would work better. But the design being used is fine...as long as she loses the black gloves...they look out of place.
I can't say I'll miss the Fatal Five. Oh, sure, I might like to see them at some point down the road, but their overuse in the reboot era doesn't make me want to see them anytime soon.
Ok, ok...no Fatal Five. I can handle that.

But what about a Grimbor or Charma cameo?? Surely they could squeeze that one in for old time sake. Yes?
Hi Guys - thanks as always for the support and enthusiasm! I have to admit - I'm really looking forward to being able to discuss #1 with you soon! smile

As far as elements like the Fatal Five go - we've taken a decision to NOT retell any old LSH stories and to steer away from using the enemies they've fought time and time again...at least for the first three years wink

As for cameo appearances and tips of the hat to LSH history go... they'll be all over the place...just keep your eyes peeled! smile
Originally posted by kcekada:
I have to agree with Myg. Barry is really helping to sale this new series. Unfortunately, some of Mark's comments (no Fatal Five?!!) have irritated me.
I agree with you there... I'm not too sure about Waid writing the book either... I wasn't convinced by the preview. The only thing that's making me want to buy the new comic book is Barry's art so far.
I like how a lot of their logos/symbols help describe they powers. Phantom Girl is the oval passing through the line but it also can be seen as a stylized "P", Chameleon has three shapes to connote shape changing, Colossal Boy has the nested shrinking quadrilaterals, etc.

Oh and hey Barry, if you can't wait to discuss #1 with us, you could just leak us the goods early wink No? Well it was worth a try tongue
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
...at least for the first three years
Barry's committed for at least 3 years?!

I think I'm in Legion heaven, sigh!
(Yes, fan gushing, but I don't talk this way often!)

Originally posted by Starbucks Kid:
Ok, ok...no Fatal Five. I can handle that.

But what about a Grimbor or Charma cameo?? Surely they could squeeze that one in for old time sake. Yes?
I would think those two are an absolute must! We did go without them for the entire reboot era, right? Same with the LSV.
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by Starbucks Kid:
[b]But what about a Grimbor or Charma cameo?? Surely they could squeeze that one in for old time sake. Yes?
I would think those two are an absolute must! We did go without them for the entire reboot era, right? [/b]
Grimbor: LSH Secret Files #1
Charma: Legionnaires #66
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
As far as elements like the Fatal Five go - we've taken a decision to NOT retell any old LSH stories and to steer away from using the enemies they've fought time and time again...at least for the first three years wink
Ok, but remember that they haven't fought the LSV in at least 13-15 years. laugh
Originally posted by Pariscub:
Originally posted by kcekada:
[b] I have to agree with Myg. Barry is really helping to sale this new series. Unfortunately, some of Mark's comments (no Fatal Five?!!) have irritated me.
I agree with you there... I'm not too sure about Waid writing the book either... I wasn't convinced by the preview. The only thing that's making me want to buy the new comic book is Barry's art so far. [/b]
Actually, the "no Fatal Five" is a selling point for me. I was never that impressed with the reboot version; they just didn't seem to live up to the originals. And that fact that the Legion fought them at least three times (but I'm thinking that number is higher) in 10 years didn't help matters.
Originally posted by Reboot:
Grimbor: LSH Secret Files #1
Charma: Legionnaires #66
Ok, ok, but...did they do anything interesting? And wasn't this "Charma" actually someone else?
With the exception of their first story, every reboot story involving the Fatal Five was awful IMO - especially that hideous one that had Timber Wolf single-handedly take them all on and WIN!?! No wonder Waid doesn't want to use them! What threat or menace could they possibly pose now?

The Grimbor and Charma stories were big disappointments too. In fact - I'm having a hard time thinking of a single pre-boot villain that came off better in the reboot. Can anyone?
Mano. Up until the DnA F5 story you mentioned as being bad for other reasons. He should never, EVER have been anywhere near the Five after that...

[Linked Image]
Actually, I always thought the inclusion of Mano in the Fatal Five was incredibly forced in the reboot to begin with.
I'm not talking about the reboot Fatal Five. This is a whole new Legion that is hopefully using the best elements of the original series (the one that worked).

Really, I don't care about the name. Individually, the Five were pretty interesting and nasty characters. The reboot version of Empress with knives was lame, lame, lame. Vi as the Empress wasn't much better.

But I'm okay with none of the original villains being used in the first three years.

Charma and Grimbor were okay for that one (disturbing) story in the 70s, but I don't think I want to see that story told again. In fact, I don't want to see new versions of any of the old stories, but I don't want to see great characters like the Fatal Five and Mordru discarded.

Universo and Starfinger? Discard as much as you like.
I believe Grimbor was in #13 and 14 of Legionaires maybe LSH issues at that same time too...the Beerbum saga (mispelled on purpose).
I'm all for brand new villains. Hope we don't see any old ones at all. It's a good balance with the Adv lineup which is too reminiscient. (did i spell that right???)

As for the Fatal Five in the postboot? I wasn't a big fan of the postboot early on but did get the FF appearances. I gotta agree for the most part but I liked them in the last series. I think they needed to be explored a bit more IMO. They were cool looking but seemed a bit flat overall.

Originally posted by Jorg-El:
They were cool looking but seemed a bit flat overall.

I agree.

I enjoyed the FF in the middle boot, though, with Cera as the Empress and McCauley trying desperately,to control them.
I liked the Chris Sprouse art, very much.

I hope the new team can come up with villians as memorable as the original Legion had. Some were silly but many were classic, like Batman's and Spidey's were.

The L.E.G.I.O.N. had a few great villiansin the beginning, mostly Vril smile , but ended with the 'terrible green baby from hell'! Ugh.

Barry was gone by then, of course, so I'm looking forward to what's going to happen soon.

Here's a design sketch we did not get to see before anyone else. Looks like the artwork for the billboards we see in the preview section of the Titans/Legion Special.

click to enlarge

Its from a new interview with Barry over at The Pulse .
Ugh! When I saw that sketch show up in the TT/Legion special, I was glad Bouncing Boy wasn't part of the cast. Barry does some great work, but his BB just doesn't have that look. It's like comparing apples to pears.
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Ugh! When I saw that sketch show up in the TT/Legion special, I was glad Bouncing Boy wasn't part of the cast. Barry does some great work, but his BB just doesn't have that look. It's like comparing apples to pears.
Well, to be fair to Barry that fat guy isn't supposed to be Bouncing Boy -- people just like to speculate and/or wish.
I'll grant ya that. And the artwork was used in a billboard, so it was suppose to show the less attractive side to being overweight. I meant no disrespect to Barry's work, it's well done.

Just a character tic of mine...
Hey, howzabout them Vikings....
I think it's intriguing that every single new Legionnaire we've seen so far wears gloves (though KK's and PP's are fingerless) except Dream Girl, who wears armbands.

Are gloves the new press-on nails, or what? Maybe they all did time scrubbing washboards on Takron Galtos and don't want to show their dishpan hands.
Even worse... it could be Gil'Dishpan hands...

Posted By: Vee Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 02/16/05 08:54 PM
Awesome ded! Can't wait to see them!
Any chaces of getting the opportunity to buy these sketches????
Hi guys - thanks! There should be some new design sheets I can reveal to coicide with #5 being published

Hi mwf6171 - sorry, but I've actually agreed to sell all the design sheets as one 'lot' already - which will include all the sheets relevant up to and including #5. I liked the idea of them being kept together. As new ones become available after #5 though, I will be posting them here and be happy to discuss selling them! smile

I really appreciate the interest and encouragement - thanks again!
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 03/15/05 06:05 PM
Any new updates Barry? With the solicits for number six out, can you drop any new hints we can chew to death? Maybe some Lightning Lad or Saturn girl stuff since we ought to be seeing them soon!!
Hi Yellow King
I'll probably be starting a new thread for the 'second phase' of character design sheets very soon! smile
Posted By: Vee Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 03/15/05 09:04 PM

Can't wait!
Originally posted by Vee:

Can't wait!
i can't wait either !!!

Wait? But... I can't! wink
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
I'll probably be starting a new thread for the 'second phase' of character design sheets very soon! smile
Yeah!! I hope its soon Barry. I have really enjoyed seeing your design work. You are doing a fantastic job on this book. Keep up the great work. smile
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Hi Yellow King
I'll probably be starting a new thread for the 'second phase' of character design sheets very soon! smile
Hi Barry!
I came back 5minutes ago and this is the first topic I read...wowow I come back and a new topic full o img will start soon!!!
Hey Barry!

When can we expect the second phase to come out!
Haven't visited in awhile (I usually post messages regarding Legion on the DC boards), but I like what I'm seeing.

Missed Barry last issue, but Leonard Kirk did a good job filling in. I'd like to see DC get the creme de la creme for future fill ins. Guys like Jim Lee, George Perez, Karl Keschl (he's gonna be big).

Regarding the costumes, when I first saw Garth's costume, I loved it. No change there. When I first saw Imra's costume...well, I wasn't impressed. However, it looked really good in this issue...as did Imra (was that her name?). Still unsure about the short cape, but I can live with it.

Brin's looks was...I don't know. I understand that he isn't in a Legion costume...so the dark colors and trenchcoat are...okay. The hair though is just about the same as every other guy's hair in this series. Where's the variety? If he can't go Cockrum, maybe he could at least get a buzz cut.

Anxious to see how Shrinking Violet is going to look. And still hoping that Element Lad gets a new color scheme in time.

That's all for now.
No buzzcut for Brin I hope, I'd like to see his hair longer if anything.
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 05/01/05 03:42 PM
I agree. I like it when Brin's hair is shaggy. Not the feral wolfboy look but just a guy in need of a haircut.
I am SO looking forward to Barry's design sheet for Timberwolf...I mean Lonewolf.
Me, too. The only "feral" version of Timber Wolf I ever like was the one from the Conway(?) era, when he had the pointy hair, the white eyes, and the mean look on his face. I hated Furball, I hated that thing we got out of "The Quiet Darkness", and I hated the reboot version. I think this current Brin is, visually speaking, my favorite to date.
Sorry about the tardiness on my part guys - I'll try to send the scans to Nightcrawler tonight! smile
Yeah! smile
Hiall - after some delay, which I apologize, here's the design sheet for Timber Wolf as I call him smile

The colors were by me as a rough guide to Chris so he knew what I had in mind - the notes are pure early speculations on my part - don't read too much into them...or do so at your own peril laugh

Hope you like the design - thanks to Nightcrawler as always for the hosting of the image!

click to enlarge
Awesome Barry thanks! Personally I love it as well as the notes!!! I like the mystery of the character. Too cool for boy/lad all the way! thanks!

A few years ago I did this costume as something I would like to see him in. Yours is MUCH cooler but obviously I dig the all black with brown hightlights lean look. wink

[Linked Image]
Wow! They're not a million miles apart are they! smile Glad you like my version too!

BTW I should have added in the original post that clicking on the thumbnail will open a larger image....but I bet you all knew that! smile
It may be a bit hasty, but this Brin is my favourite version of the character, too. I sort of hope he doesn't join the team - he's great as a loner - but works with them (frequently). He really does look dark; the trench coat is a great touch. Reminds me a bit of Dream (coat and shaggy hair), but more of the gunslinger or hardboiled detective type of character.
By far my absolute favorite version of Timber/Lone Wolf to date. He's got just enough of Steve Lightle's design, but with a cooler color scheme. Beautiful!

Thanks for sharing these with us as always, Barry!
Absolutely fantastic, Barry! This is the best Brin has ever looked. Very nice work.

Nightcrawler, is there a way to post the image a little smaller. When I print it out all I get is his head because the image is too large. Or is there something I can do to alter it myself?
Awesome Barry! This has to be one of the best versions of Brin and his outfit yet.

Thanks again for sharing!
Wow - thanks guys!
You've made my day! laugh
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 05/02/05 02:32 PM
[Linked Image]

The big one is just fine by me. I love it!
Here's a more printer friendly version for Hamz.

Thanks Barry. This Brin is awesome. I'll add him to my -Kitson design sheets gallery- later today.
Did I miss the Science Police design sheet or haven't you sent that to Nightcrawler yet? I'd hate to have overlooked such an important bit.
Are those tattos on his forearm?
Hairsuit? Did you mean hirsute?

I don't like the trench coat. Doesn't fit the character for me. Seems like it would always be in the way during his acrobatics and fighting.

Add me to the list of those who are glad he's human this time. I hated his various werewolf appearances, especially his last one with the Lily Munster hair.
Thanks for sharing these, Barry! So glad Brin Londo is in this series and his debut was cool. He looks GREAT!
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I don't like the trench coat. Doesn't fit the character for me. Seems like it would always be in the way during his acrobatics and fighting.
Yeah, I was reading the panels where he's fighting his way through the Terror Firma guy's waterblast and going "Take your damn coat off, boy! You wanna be streamlined here!"

Still, I think it looks good enough to make up for it...and hey, if Shady has to fight in a trenchcoat and heels...

Originally posted by RTVU2:
Are those tattos on his forearm?
Sure look like it...and I think they're in the final version, too. You can just see 'em when he's flying with his coat off on storypage #10 of issue #5.

And they look an awful lot like the ones on Lemnos' head, don't they? Interesting.
wow Barry !!!

those designs for BRIN are amazing !!! love his hairstyle and costume, these how Brin should look !!!

are there any other costume designs we can see ??? how about the villians that turned up this issue .....

<strike>Tattoos? I think that's supposed to be hair.</strike>
And I second Matthew's request. smile

[EDIT: Nevermind. I looked again. Does look like tattoos.]
Cool. I've been waiting a long time to see a Legionnaire with tattoos! Brin's look great! I hope to see other members with some down the line too.

I've never been much of a Timber Wolf fan but the little we've seen of him in this series so far I've very much enjoyed. This one's easily my favourite of the various versions. I really hope he stays Lone Wolf and acts independently of the team for a while though. I think he works best as an outsider.

I echo other people's criticism of the fact that nearly ever guy on this team has the EXACT SAME HAIR but I'm hoping Brin is one of the few who gets to keep his as is. I never liked the long, shaggy looks he had and I think I'd rather see Gim or someone with a buzz-cut.

Keep up the great work Barry!
i just noticed the TATs !!! and they do look like the same ones that LEMNOS has on his head !!! interesting .........

Originally posted by jimgallagher:

I don't like the trench coat. Doesn't fit the character for me. Seems like it would always be in the way during his acrobatics and fighting.

It doesn't seem to bother the X-Men's Gambit.
Thanks for sharing with us again Barry. These look great!
I love the detail work on this costume; very cool. The notes are intriguing, too. Can't wait to find oout more.

I didn't think Coipel's version was that bad, except for the white streaks.
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:

Here's a more printer friendly version for Hamz.

Thanks Yellow Kid. I appreciate it. smile
Fantastic, Barry! It's definitely my favorite costume since his preboot "feral" costume. It's nice to see what it looks like underneath the overcoat. You've created some great costumes overall. I haven't liked some of them, and some I just thought needed a change (like Saturn Girl's), but I really like most of them.
Best Timber Wolf costume since Cockrum's.

One of the very best of the WaK Legion.

I just looked at the sketches for Violet again. In one of them she seems to have triangles on her face, too. Not quite the same as Lemnos though. I wonder if this is a fashion trend (would Shy Vi follow the trends?) or do they have some other significance?

Of course they might not be a part of the final design.
The trench coat IMO makes him more mysterious as well as less "superheroy". I like it.
hi Guys
Once again, 'Thanks!' for your kind words about the new Timber/Lone Wolf design! smile

Yes, they are tattoos...but as to their significance (if any)...that's a 'wait-and-see'...but I'm sure you knew that! smile

I'll post more design sheets as the characters appear - I have wanted to avoid spoiling any surprises, which is why I've held some (like Brin) back.
Yummmy! I loves me that rough trade!!
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Yes, they are tattoos...but as to their significance (if any)...that's a 'wait-and-see'...but I'm sure you knew that! smile
Thanks for confirming that!
Barry, you brought Brin back in a Major WAY. Thanks. This design and the new/old attitude work much better than the last few. If i never see him werewolf out again it will be too soon. The rest of the book was...nice, comparatively.

But Brin...now this is the guy i wanna read about in the legion. Perchance you noticed my avatar, lol.
Agreed rickshaw1.

I like how they played up the mysterious factor and not the violent factor personally. Brin is too cool for school...and the Legion! Seriously Brin is awesome!
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
[Linked Image]
Hey Barry! Any chance we can see the unedited version with Timber/Lone Wolf? in it?
Yeah, Yeah! I would love to see that. smile And I'm sure Karate Kid fans would love to see his face put back in.
Are we sure it was T-Wolf who was edited out??

Btw, I like that Brin has human features as well, but.... I hope the trenchcoat comes off a lot - it doesn't make sense for an acrobat (if that's even what he is) and I wish the new outfit weren't so black. But hey, word is Barry's the Brin fan, so thanks for bringing him back at all!
How many acrobats have we seen with capes? wink

I say keep the trenchcoat for style. Waid has his entire anti-black leather anti-matrix stuff thru the whole series...it's nice to see one of the heroes anti-bright cape. smile
it's already my favourite timberwolf costume ever!
greetings, barry! wink
this costume is essential!!!
Hmmm, the essential Brin Londo.

Thought provoking.
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
i just noticed the TATs !!! and they do look like the same ones that LEMNOS has on his head !!! interesting .........

Hmm... note the tatoos on the face of at least one early version of Shrinking Violet...

[Linked Image]
Cool costumes. I think Karate Kid's is my least favorite out of all of them. I dont really like the chest wrapped in bandages, or the white tights. The giant yinyang on his back is also a little cliche to me. Still, I like the rest of them a great deal.
I like all of Violet's costumes except the one where the black doesn't go down the middle (all the way to the right).

I especially love the one all the way to the left with the guns!!! My first ish wsa #305 where they saved Vi from Imsk. So I was introduced to the "tough" Vi and darn it I loved her!

I am guessing Vi is going to be a black ops style of girl not the shy girl that always shrinks to avoid conflict. wink
I don't see why she can't be both. smile
Wow Barry,

Timber Wolf looks incredible!! You have hit the nail on the proverbial head!! I love the entire design. I think the longer hair was all wrong for him as I think the Keith really took him out of the realm of where the character was intended. He's back to being more human when not PO'ed or over excited about something going on.

Not to crazy about the coat though!! Coats are as cumbersome as capes (just watch the Incredibles and you will understand!! wink )

Sorry for my absenteeism, been very busy saving the galaxy, on my own, as usual!!

I miss Violets thigh high boots!

Arachne, hmmm maybe that is why I am not a comic book writer. A shy kick butt black ops Imskan? I like it!
Well, I mentioned this in the post discussing LSH#8, but it merits repeating here.

Sun Boy and Element Lad's costumes are too similar. Both are wearing yellow tights (horrible to begin with) and have red tunics/shirts with a blazing white emblem.

Now, I've never been crazy about Barry's design for Sun Boy, but I can live with it. However, I hate that Element Lad is using Sun Boy's color scheme. Please change it Barry!!!
What if they changed the colors of E-Lad's costume - Cause that was Jorg-Em\'s problem too .
That would be fine. Some suggestions:

Black/green (like his 70s duds)

As someone else suggested...something a bit more mystical looking.
You know, I think we considered early on that to reflect the transmuting nature of his powers, we would have his costume in changing hues...but somehow we seem to have let the idea drop - I'll bring it up again to Steve and Mark! smile
Thanks Barry.

NC I forgot about those. But yes I also complained about Element Lad and Sun Boy *again* in #8 when they shared a panel.

Ya know looking at it again the sliver/blue works best IMO. Gold/Blue is a bit too much like Dr. Fate.

Black(navy?)/green like his 70s duds are also cool colors.
Posted By: MYG Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 09/11/05 09:58 PM
Element Lad with long hair was cool...please don't bring that "perm thing" back whatever you do!!!
Long hair on guys is soooo 70's...
MOre guys should where their hair long. smile
Thats like saying women should go around with short hair...
Cheez LAM. You'd think you of all people would be a little more open-minded.
I should, shouldn't I... shocked
Bah! I tend to hate long hair on guys, as well. And I prefer longer hair on women. I can deal with women with short hair but long hair on men very rarely works for me.
Ultra Boy should shave his head, so there's one less brown-haired guy to confuse with the others.
One of them will tease

Just want to take a moment to thank you for all the extra support you give the LW....and for all the years of wonderful artwork you have provided for everyone.

Cool idea with the shaved head. Probably Ultra Boy. Timberwolf has that shaggy look...and really isn't confused with Jo or Gim. Not sure how a giant with a shaved head will look. I can see Ultra Boy doing it and it would look good.

Thanks again Barry!
Hi Jamie - Thank you! As always it's a pleasure to be part of LW, just wish I could spend more time here! smile

Hi Jorge-Em - amazingly the plan for a shaven headed legionnaire has been around since we began the series - but I think you'll be surprised how it fits into the story!
Posted By: Vee Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 09/16/05 03:34 PM
Barry, you just LOVE teasing us, don't you? wink

Okay here's my guess about the shaven headed legionnaire....

I think it Cham!!!!!!!! laugh

Seriously, I suspect it will be Cos. Last issue implied that his father was ill and undergoing treatments of some sort. Pol was happy that Rokk was going to be home for those. With Braal now sealed off, Rokk could shave his head in imitation of his father losing his hair to the treatments. This way, Mr. Krinn will know whenever he sees a picture of Rokk on the news service, that his son is with him in spirit during his medical battle.

(Yes, I know this is the 31st Century and medicine should have progressed enough to avoid loss of hair as a side effect to radiation or chemotherapy-like treatments but it does make for a very human story and one that many readers would empathize with, having been through similar tragedies in their own families. In fact,in Legion history, the Krinn's have always been the Legion's "reality check" on the family front.)
But Rokk has black hair versus all the brown heads. wink
Jeepers! I wonder if this story will involve someone discovering they're a clone of Lex Luthor?
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Jeepers! I wonder if this story will involve someone discovering they're a clone of Lex Luthor?
Now that's a plot you'll never read in a modern comic book! That's so Silver Age!
I think Mr. Mxyptlk's haircut would look awesome on Brainy!
While on the subject of Chrome-Dome: Is Urthlo going to be making an appearence in the book? wink laugh
I think Urthlo is long overdue for an appearance. Except this time he'll replace Laurel Kent as a descendent of the Superman Family. smile
Posted By: Vee Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 09/19/05 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
But Rokk has black hair versus all the brown heads. wink
Yes, and when he finally lets it grow back, it comes back in black! laugh
Originally posted by Vee:
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
[b]But Rokk has black hair versus all the brown heads. wink
Yes, and when he finally lets it grow back, it comes back in black! laugh [/b]
A black head? Havent these teenagers got bigger problems to worry about than acne? scream
I think it will be a girl. Maybe Violet will be bald if she ever shows up.
oh she'll make quite an entrance! tease smile
Posted By: Yk Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 09/21/05 05:59 PM
Hah! You're such a tease.

A shaved head on one of our girls? We haven't seen that since Legion On the Run. This could be interesting.

My prediction: Projectra! After the total destruction of her homeworld and all her family with it she goes totally berserk in battle and afterward decides to turn everything in her life around and becomes a front line nass kicking valkerie!

...it's that or an all NEW all DIFFERENT Matter-Eater Lass!
Or worse - another Moondragon?
If Lyle made just his hair invisible, he'd have the appearance of a shaved head... smile
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I think it will be a girl. Maybe Violet will be bald if she ever shows up.
Wouldn't be the first time. Better her than Brin.
I hate-hate-hated the short crop on Violet! (during the time of the Yera/Micro lad kidnapping) It totally destroyed her femininity and turned her into an "aggro" fighting machine! mad
well, later on she "softened" up when she got into a "deep intimate" relationship with Ayla. I have often felt that Shrinking Violet should have some "quiet" spunks (have a fire in her eyes) and that she should have some brilliant hand to hand combatting skills. that's who I really liked her when she "blossomed" into that person. Never liked the shy Violet. That's too stereotypical, in my opinion.
I think Cockrum started revamping Violet's image when he designed her funky v-necked "catsuit" with the thigh boots - by then Violet wasn't the "shy" type any more smile
Just to keep things straight (and to help set us up for more! smile ), here's links to what we have thus far -

Shadow Lass

Cosmic Boy

Light Lass

Saturn Girl

Colossal Boy

Shrinking Violet

Invisible Kid

Lightning Lad

Brainiac 5

Star Boy

Ultra Boy

Group Shot A

Element Lad

Princess Projectra

Dream Girl

Sun Boy


Group Shot B

Karate Kid

Phantom Girl

Bouncing Boy? and others

Timber Wolf
Beautiful Barry! I am new here. I met a LegionWorlder at Wizard World Boston this past weekend. I had done a golden age green lantern commission for him and when I hit him up later for a picture he told me about the site. I'm a big Legion fan, always have been. I am amazed that I didn't know about this site earlier.
Originally posted by Cartoon Lad:
Beautiful Barry! I am new here. I met a LegionWorlder at Wizard World Boston this past weekend. I had done a golden age green lantern commission for him and when I hit him up later for a picture he told me about the site. I'm a big Legion fan, always have been. I am amazed that I didn't know about this site earlier.
That would be me, Welcome Cartoon Lad.

And this is the Fantastic Drawing:

click to enlarge
Hi Cartoon Lad - thanks!
I'm sure you'll enjoy the site - I know I'll enjoy seeing more of your work too - great piece!
Thanks for sharing Abin!
Sorry these have been a while coming, but here from first doodle to just about finished designs are the work sheets for Terra Firma - you'll see some names and powers changed between this stage and their first appearances.

Also the design sheets for some of the Legion kids we meet for the first time in issue #5.

As always, thanks to Nightcrawler for hosting the images.

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]
laugh I already said how great these are, but it bears repeating!

I hope we see these particular kids again.

I'm also curious if the alien-ness of the Terror Firmans plays a role in the storyline as opposed to the mostly human Legion (as others have noted).

I said it once, I'll say it again: We're spoiled here with all this behind-the-scenes art goodness.
Thanks guys!
Good observations Nightcrawler - the answer is 'yes' to both seeing the kids again and the significance of the make up of Lemnos' forces and the LSH roster! smile

I wonder if any of them will be Legionnaires!
Hey Barry you have any Lemnos designs and notes? wink Last issue his costume appeared to be upsidedown M. heh...heheheh.

Anyways I love Terror Firma! I like those LSH kids as well. When is Poison Touch Kid joining?!
I'll dig out the Lemnos design sheets ASAP! smile
Wow! those are great! Each time i'm stunned by your designs, Barry.
So is the chick with the advanced metabolisim & limited super-reflex & strength a reboot of Calorie Queen?
Just a thought.

Two new designs sheets show up in the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: TEENAGE REVOLUTION -

[Linked Image]

click to enlarge
Hmm, that last pic might make a good wallpaper with a bit of work. (I'm finally getting Photoshop, and I'll need something to practice with. smile )
Timber Wolf appears to have a more traditional costume on the "Bronze Age" Legion cover.

Me likey!
Hi, Barry. Great work as always. I love seeing your design work. Is that going to be Lyle's official costume? If so, what is the color scheme? If not, can you post what it will look like? Thanks, Cary.
Thanks guys!
Well as always I won't revealing the final version until after it debuts in the book...but when it does it'll be here on Legion World! smile
Originally posted by Hamz:
Hi, Barry. Great work as always. I love seeing your design work. Is that going to be Lyle's official costume? If so, what is the color scheme? If not, can you post what it will look like? Thanks, Cary.
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Thanks guys!
Well as always I won't revealing the final version until after it debuts in the book...but when it does it'll be here on Legion World! smile
My best guesstimate .
Just got my copy of LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: TEENAGE REVOLUTION in the mail today.

I must say that while I enjoyed seeing all of the chracter designs on my computer, I REALLY enjoyed seeing them in print.

I highly reccomend to all that if you have the money, go out and get this. Support the Legion AND get a great tpb!

I loved seeing all the covers in the back of the book in print, sans the logos too!

Thanks for the extra goodies Barry!

I got a great pic of PHASE from Barry about ten years ago....Glad I got him back in the day.

Barry, are you having any input into the animated series designs?

Thanks guys!

My pleasure, Ultra Boy! smile

Hi wayniac5
Always great to hear from L.E.G.I.O.N. readers!
Glad you liked the Phase sketch! smile
I haven't had any input for the animated series - keeping up with drawing as many LSH pages as I can has to be my only priority! Not that I'd have it any other way! laugh

I missed you and Mark Waid at the NYC Comic convention ... wish you guys could have been there ... it would have made my day!
Can we petition DC to get Barry at San Diego!?!
Yes please! wink
Barry who's your favorite inker?
Of all time or that I've worked with? (Cos that last one I think I better keep to myself smile )
I guess that depends on if they're one and the same. wink

Good point, Jamie lol Guess that proves I hadn't thought my answer through carefully enough!!!
edited to confer dawning intelligence.
Posted By: izi Re: Costume Design sketches...up dated..TF added - 07/03/06 05:36 AM
These drawings are fabulous, thank you so much for sharing them. It's because of you Mr. Kitson that I've kept "Legion of Superheros" to my "Must Collect" and you've made me a fan of Dream Girl,Element Lad and Timber Wolf.Thank you for doing such a wonderful job on such a great series.
Thanks izi!
Much appreciated!

Now that we're nearly 2 years into this new Legion, are there any plans/thoughts for some costume changes?

Now that Projectra is a member, it'd be nice to see her in costume. Also, Brainy's and Vi's costumes are a bit utilitarian. I think some of the other version shown in your sketches are more interesting.

Also, any chance that Timber Wolf will ever show his feral side?
Hi Kcekada

There WILL be some costume changes in the coming months - as were planned right from the getgo.
You're right about Brainy and Vi's being somewhat utilitarian, but that is really a reflection of their characters...so until they change they'll probably stick to what they have now....but of course they may change.... wink

As to TW...watch and wait tease
Yeah, Ok, I'm gunna take that as a "Yes."
Thank you, sir, and thanks for flying with us.
My pleasure! smile
Sounds good.

Thanks Barry.
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