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Kill This Thread XXXVIII

The following rules were established by Kent Shakespeare at the start of the first 24-hour version, adapted from the original rules by EDE:

The rules:

1. The Basic Idea: Post to this thread, if no one posts after you for 24 hours, you win!

2. Posts that are not direct responses to one of the five preceding posts are ineligible to win. The topic can drift, but no complete non-sequitors. Posts that are responses to non-sequitors are also ineligible to win. Posts that are responses to responses to non-sequitors, and response nses to those posts, etc., become eligible, however.

3. In the event that this thread is locked, there shall be no winner unless a new thread is started for the contest. Furthermore, any post that results in the banning of the poster shall also be ineligible to win.

4. So, more precisely, one wins if one makes a post, and then no one makes another post that's eligible to win for 24 hours.

Here's a history of our various felons, along with a few missed opportunities.....

I - walkwithcrowds (7-day version)
II - none
III - none
IV - Quislet, Esq
V - Rockhopper Lad (the first 24-hour version)
VI - Rockhopper Lad
VII - cleome
VIII - Rockhopper Lad
IX - Rockhopper Lad
X - none
XI - none
XII - none
XIII - Invisible Brainiac
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - Invisible Brainiac
XVI - Invisible Brainiac
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - cleome
XIX - cleome
XX - cleome
XXI - Jfposey
XXII - Invisible Brainiac
XXIII - jfposey
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - PALADIN (eff YEAH!!!)
XVI- Quislet, Esq.
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - none
XIX - none
XX - Quislet, Esq.
XXI - thoth lad
XXII - Ann Hebistand
XXIII - Quislet, Esq.
XXIV - Invisible Brainiac
XXV - Invisible Brainiac
XXVI - Quislet, Esq.
XXVII - thoth lad
XXVIII - Quislet, Esq.
XXIX - Eryk Davis Ester
XXX - Invisible Brainiac
XXXI - Invisible Brainiac
XXXII - Ann Hebistand
XXXIII - Invisible Brainiac
XXXIV - Invisible Brainiac
XXXV - none
XXXVI - thoth lad
XXXVII - Ann Hebistand
XXXVIII - Invisible Brainiac
My new broadband product went pear shaped. No doubt we'll hear similar tales of Ibby's sabotage to kill this thread from other returning posters.
It’s for your own good Thoth, you have too much blood on your hands already

And on your trousers, in fact all over
What?! How...how did you know about the moiders.... oh wait... you just mean this thread....whew....

Anyway, you have dedded this thread more than anyone! Which makes you a winner or the most boring poster. It's a double edged thread to do well in. smile
There's a darkly funny song titled Marie Provost, written and sung by Nick Lowe, about a down-on-her-luck silent film actress who killed herself, and whose body was discovered while her pet dog was eating it. The chorus goes,

"She was a winner
Who became a doggie's dinner
She didn't mean much to me"
Poor Marie, what a way to go…
Poor doggie too. Reduced to that, with no access to noms. I hope it was okay too. Some people are funny about animals who have previously nommed humans.
Today, I nommed black beans for lunch.
I had some chicken salad, and my last packet of crisps. I've been buying too many of them and have little self restraint with them. So avoidance is best until Festivus time, at least.
We ate all the pasta we cooked. It was both amazing and terrible at the same time... We are both stress eaters, apparently.
I'll pick up something while I'm out today for lunch. I managed a walk down to the shore last Wednesday. So hope to do that again today. Last week, I got an urgent bit of work 2 mins after I 'd left the house. So rushed when I got back. Today should be easier.
we are also aiming to actually stick to our diet resolutions today... let's see if we have the willpower. if only we could recharge it with a power battery
I bet Robotman had days where he'd leave himself plugged in a bit too much.
too much power! eek!

hope he didn't stop and pet, hug or cuddle anything on those days
RoboDog, RoboGirl and RoboKid didn't last long. Fortunately RoboCat peed on Robotman, short circuiting him, in All Fun Comics #251.
And RoboHamster got eaten by RoboDog.
That's the sad truth about the Legion of Superpets. Krypto attacked Streaky, who had bumped off Micro Mouse, who had terrified Super Horse into the waiting paws of Talky Tawny. It was carnage. The Legion just closed off the Satellite of Super Pets and never went back. At least Beppo escaped, using the teleporter, although it was months before the Legion discovered the culprit of the Phantom Poo Thrower. Poor Brin got expelled over that.
It was chilling, how snooty and holier-than-thou Brainiac 5 and Saturn Girl were when they accused Brin of throwing poo. that they did it in a kangaroo court, with a live kangaroo, didn't help.

Brin went all "but the kangaroo could have done it!"
It's any excuse for some of them to expel their team mates. Miss Marsupial did make a decent member though. Who can forget her producing the Miracle Machine from her pouch to defeat the Time Trapper?
Rumor has it, they ganged up on Star Boy cause he drank all the silverale one time
This stuff you guys have been posting is better than any Canon Legion from the past 20 years!
yay! thanks Fanfie! all we had to do was add some petty drama to it! tongue
Or some (super) pet drama to it anyway.
You know pets, always competing to be the cutest
My feline overlord was particularly rascally today.
Originally Posted by thoth lad
My feline overlord was particularly rascally today.

Oh, that Lion-O. Snarf will be outraged.
Snarf wanted to join the Super-Pets, but Streaky said there was only room for one kitty on the team!
Both are members of the Space Cat Patrol. Each member has their own sector to explore. Not in some Green Lantern tribute, but because none of the members can stand each other. The last briefing lasted 10 seconds before Atomic Tom and Power Puss destroyed the HQ.
Nine of the ten minutes of that meeting were full of hissing and scratching
Hissing, scratching, heat vision and super mewing.
and hairballs all around.

Actually, Krypto, Comet, Beppo and Proty tried to oust Streaky too - too many hairballs and dead mice. They only stopped cause Supergirl gave them all a year's supply of treats
I'm normally a big defender of Streaky, but the dead mice being reanimated by Mord-gnu, nearly ended the Super Pets.
They also nearly ended when Glorfish deaged them to baby Pets!
I thought Glorfish made a nice change from having an evil brain in a bowl, to having an evil fish in one.
She tended to poison the waters around her though. Especially when she kept ranting about Dormousedru
I believe that's a win for me. More than 24hours between my last post and yours.
Looks like it indeed, well done!
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