Legion World
Posted By: Spellbinder Boomerang - 07/21/03 03:48 PM
I was soooo excited when my cable company first got the Cartoon Network. I was like "Oboy! Cartoons, 24 hours a day!" Well, then I looked at the line up. Dexter's Laboratory? Power Puff Girls? Courage the Cowardly Dog? What are these cartoons? And why are they all played like 12 times a day? Well, I was mostly disappointed by that network.

I just signed up for digital cable, and included in that is Boomerang. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Yesterday I watched:

Valley of the Dinosaurs!
Josie and the Pussycats!
Galactic Guardians: The Super-Powers Team!
The Arabian Knights!
Thundarr the Barbarian!
The Herculoids!
Goldie Gold and Action Jack! (well, okay, that one was kinda dorky, but I can't believe that I used to watch it!)

And tonight I plan to watch the Fantastic Four and Jonny Quest!

I was so happy I almost did a little dance around my bedroom smile

Kids today think they got it so good. Give me 70s/80s cartoons in a heartbeat, baby! smile

Now if I can just get them to play "Drak Pack" and "Tarzan and the Super Seven" I'll be all set smile
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Boomerang - 07/21/03 04:33 PM
Ohh I want Boomerang too! What cable company are you using? We're finally getting converted over to digital but no Boomerang, just Cartoon Network.
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/21/03 04:48 PM
We have MetroCast in this area, although there is also TimeWarner Cable and Adelphia throughout Maine. The one thing I'm disappointed about is that we still don't have TVLand. You'd think that EVERYONE would have that one frown
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Boomerang - 07/21/03 05:15 PM
TV Land will be included in our new basic package, which will be fun. I'll have to call our company (Castle Cable) and find out why they don't have Boomerang in their offerings.
Posted By: the boy with UltraPowers Re: Boomerang - 07/22/03 04:18 PM
Hey Princess !!

you mentioned getting "BBC AMERICA" ??

have you watched anything on it, yet .... and what is on it ??

i'll tell you whats good, etc !!

Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/22/03 06:55 PM
Well, I watched Keeping Up Appearances the other night, but we used to get that on PBS, so I was familiar with it (I love Hyacinth).

I also watched Changing Rooms (I love the American version, Trading Spaces, so I figured I would like it too).

I watched part of The Office on Sunday, but I wasn't really getting into it. I saw that there was an Eastenders weekend recap on, but I didn't watch it... not sure if I wanna get hooked on a daily soap.

I saw a few minutes of some kinda talk show last night, with Cher on it. It wasn't So Graham Norton... I can't recall what it was called.

I also saw part of some show that involved a guy that was debating asking his girlfriend to marry him, and his ex-girlfriend was at some party and for some reason was nekkid except for a coat, and the guy's current girlfriend was pretending to be married to some guy, apparently to impress an old friend of his? I dunno... sound familiar? wink

I haven't really had a chance to really look through the lineup to see what's on. I know that there's a show called Jonathan Creek that my brother likes, but I haven't tried it yet.

You Brits are certainly more liberal when it comes to TV. Cher was telling a story about being at a party with Salvadore Dali, and she was holding some kinda toy vibrating fish, and he told her that it felt better if you put it on the vagina. I just can't see that happening on Oprah wink
Posted By: Greybird Re: Boomerang - 07/22/03 07:43 PM
I adore "Keeping Up Appearances," it leaves me in stitches. It's a tie between Hyacinth and Onslow, frankly, as to who cracks me up more.

Also "As Time Goes By," with (now Dame) Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer, and its witty writing about parted lovers who reconnect after four decades.

They're shown one after the other on Orange County's PBS station every Friday night, then on L.A.'s PBS station every Saturday night! Yowsah!
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/22/03 08:00 PM
My other favorite British comedy that we got on PBS was Are You Being Served?, although I have only learned recently that it was called something else in the UK. Mollie Sugden is a treasure, and her run as Mrs Slocum has got to be one of the funniest characters ever, in my opinion. Although it's nearly a tie between her and John Inman's Mr Humphries. Those two crack me up.

Unfortunately, we haven't had AYBS on PBS here for over two years. I miss it. Even though I've seen every episode several times, it never fails to entertain and amuse me smile
Posted By: Kid Prime Re: Boomerang - 07/22/03 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:

You Brits are certainly more liberal when it comes to TV. Cher was telling a story about being at a party with Salvadore Dali, and she was holding some kinda toy vibrating fish, and he told her that it felt better if you put it on the vagina. I just can't see that happening on Oprah wink
I think that I may just remember this ancedote for all time. My only question, is how did Dali know??? I didn't think he HAD a vagina! And how does it feel if you put the vibrating fish on the penis, I wonder?
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/22/03 08:46 PM
From what I remember, Sonny, Cher and Francis Ford Coppala were invited to dinner with the Dalis. When they got there, there were people all over the place in various states of undress, whom Sonny and Francis watched while pretending to look at book about Dali's paintings.

Cher, determined not to look at the nekkid people, reached down in her chair and found a toy fish, with a tube and a hand pump attached to it. She found that working the hand pump made the fish flop around, which she found amusing. Dali spoke to her for the first time that evening, informing her that it felt even better when placed on the vagina. Cher then put the toy down, afraid of where it might have been, while Sonny and Francis were laughing hysterically behind the book smile

They went to dinner shortly afterwards in a nice restaurant, and apparently Dali's wife was getting too close for comfort to Cher. Cher told her if she didn't back off she was going to punch her. Ten minutes into the meal, the Dalis excused themselves, claiming to have forgotten a previous engagement. They then got up, walked over two or three tables, and sat down with other people smile
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/22/03 08:48 PM
Oh, btw... I just checked the BBC America website, and the show she was on was called Parkinson.
Posted By: Stu Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Greybird:
Also "As Time Goes By," with (now Dame) Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer, and its witty writing about parted lovers who reconnect after four decades.
I've seen this a couple of times and it's pretty amusing. And Geoffrey Palmer has the most... distinctive cheeks...
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
I also saw part of some show that involved a guy that was debating asking his girlfriend to marry him, and his ex-girlfriend was at some party and for some reason was nekkid except for a coat, and the guy's current girlfriend was pretending to be married to some guy, apparently to impress an old friend of his? I dunno... sound familiar?
That was "Coupling" -- it's a pretty good show, imo. It's basically the British version of "Friends" which is actually being adapted into a new show on NBC this fall (talk about intellectual ping pong).

"The Office" is also very good - it's got that "Larry Sanders" kinda tone where the jokes aren't in the punchlines, but lie within the behaviour (British spelling since we're talking BBC) of the characters.

Way back when, I used to watch a bunch of British shows --- "Dr. Who", "Blake's 7", "Monty Python's Flying Circus", "Dempsey and Makepeace" etc...
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 02:22 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot -- speaking of "Coupling", "Friends" actually ripped off one of their plots this past season (the one where Chandler finds a tape of Monica and her ex and when they see it, it turns out he taped over her).
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 02:33 AM
NBC has actually been running ads for Coupling starting here in the new season. I don't know how much it'll vary from the Brit version but I'll probably give it a look.

I also LOVE AYBS and AYBSA. And how could you all forget Faulty Towers? Cleese and Company created one of the mose enduring comedies ever with that series.
Posted By: He Who Wanders Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
My other favorite British comedy that we got on PBS was Are You Being Served?, although I have only learned recently that it was called something else in the UK. Mollie Sugden is a treasure, and her run as Mrs Slocum has got to be one of the funniest characters ever, in my opinion. Although it's nearly a tie between her and John Inman's Mr Humphries. Those two crack me up.
"Are You Being Served?" was the UK name, as well. It did, however, have a sequel series called "Grace and Favour" in the UK and "Are You Being Served? Again!" in the US.

I agree; Mollie Sugden was a hoot, as was John Inman. But Frank Thornton's Captain Peacock was so deadpan and stuffy, he held it all together.
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 07:09 AM
I forgot to mention "Secret Agent Man" (aka "Danger Man"), "Man About the House" (which became "Three's Company" in the states) and of course "The Prisoner".
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 10:39 AM
I watched "So Grahama Norton" last night. Wow. A little... well, a lot... raunchier then "The Tonight Show." I liked it. Gee, ya don't suppose that Mr Norton might have one or two homosexual tendencies, do you? wink

The main reason I tried it last night was that I saw that Adam Rickett was gonna be on. I had lusted over him in pictures that I had seen on the internet, but had never actually seen him on TV before. Woof! Even better in motion smile And he was pretty funny, too. Cute and funny... nice combination.
Posted By: the boy with UltraPowers Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
I watched "So Grahama Norton" last night. Wow. A little... well, a lot... raunchier then "The Tonight Show." I liked it. Gee, ya don't suppose that Mr Norton might have one or two homosexual tendencies, do you? wink

The main reason I tried it last night was that I saw that Adam Rickett was gonna be on. I had lusted over him in pictures that I had seen on the internet, but had never actually seen him on TV before. Woof! Even better in motion smile And he was pretty funny, too. Cute and funny... nice combination.
glad you're enjoying Graham !! are the shows that you are watching called "So, Graham Norton" ??

this version ran for around 4 seasons, it was on Friday nights for about 6 months at a time, and then during the last year, a new series has started which is called "V Graham Norton" this on each night Mon - Fri !!

this current series is a bit more hit and miss, because he doesn't get really good guests on all the time !!

when it was only on one day a week, he ALWAYS had a big HOLLYWOOD guest on !!

but ... they're all enjoyable shows, and they can be pretty rude, the US guests always say, they couldn't talk about this stuff back home ....

btw ADAM RICKETT was on one of our soaps "Coronation Street" for a few years [ and is due to return shortly in a storyline involving his sisters current boyfriend doubting his sexuality after becoming friendly with his character !!!

he had a short lived POP career over here too ...

Posted By: the boy with UltraPowers Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 12:15 PM
oh yeah !! as HWW said "Are You Being Served" was called that in the UK and the spinoff was "Grace And Favour" ....

Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 12:58 PM
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
oh yeah !! as HWW said "Are You Being Served" was called that in the UK and the spinoff was "Grace And Favour" ....

Yeah, that was it. On PBS a few months ago, they had a special tribute to Mollie Sigden for her brithday, and it was during that that I first heard of Grace and Favour... I guess I thought that the original run had a different name too.
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 01:05 PM
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
glad you're enjoying Graham !! are the shows that you are watching called "So, Graham Norton" ??

this version ran for around 4 seasons, it was on Friday nights for about 6 months at a time, and then during the last year, a new series has started which is called "V Graham Norton" this on each night Mon - Fri !!

this current series is a bit more hit and miss, because he doesn't get really good guests on all the time !!

when it was only on one day a week, he ALWAYS had a big HOLLYWOOD guest on !!

but ... they're all enjoyable shows, and they can be pretty rude, the US guests always say, they couldn't talk about this stuff back home ....
Well, they call it So Graham Norton on BBC America. I'm guessing that the one I watched last night wasn't too recent, cuz it had Adam's floppy hair from his earlier days, yet was after his Attitude photo shoot (cuz Graham whipped out that magazine, as well as Adam's calendar). However, they are advertising a new episode to air on Friday, with Liza Minelli and her new hubby, so I would think that one can't be too old...

Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
btw ADAM RICKETT was on one of our soaps "Coronation Street" for a few years [ and is due to return shortly in a storyline involving his sisters current boyfriend doubting his sexuality after becoming friendly with his character !!!

he had a short lived POP career over here too ...

The boyfriend gets friendly with Adam's character? That would be fun to watch wink Is Adam's character gay? Actually, Adam gives off a bit of a gay vibe, or at least he did on SGN. Probably he and Graham did a little backstage snogging after the episode was taped smile
Posted By: the boy with UltraPowers Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 03:06 PM
Adam's character in "Coronation Street" is called NICK TISLEY and he isn't gay, at the moment he's been living in Canada, but is due to return shortly ....

his sister is currently going out with a boy called TODD, but at some point Todd will start to be come friendly with Nick and then doublt his sexuality !!

in 'real-life' the press/celeb magazine have talked about ADAM being gay, because he comes across quite 'camp' !!

and his POP singles were very much aimed at 12 year old girls or the gay audience [ disco/HRG tracks ... ]

Posted By: the boy with UltraPowers Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 03:08 PM
i think Liza Minnelli and David Gest have been on three times recently ??

the first being to INVITE Graham to their wedding, and they returned not long after it .... and only a month or so go they were on [ around the time of his birthday ]

we have an interviewer/celeb here called RUBY WAX [ she's from the US, but i don't think she's known there ?? she was the script editor on "Absolutley Fabulous" ]

she does interviews in the same vein as Graham, and she was with Liza and David on Monday night .... they come across as an odd couple !!!

Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 03:46 PM
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
she does interviews in the same vein as Graham, and she was with Liza and David on Monday night .... they come across as an odd couple !!!
I think that might be because they ARE an odd couple wink
Posted By: Spellbinder Re: Boomerang - 07/23/03 03:51 PM
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
Adam's character in "Coronation Street" is called NICK TISLEY and he isn't gay, at the moment he's been living in Canada, but is due to return shortly ....

his sister is currently going out with a boy called TODD, but at some point Todd will start to be come friendly with Nick and then doublt his sexuality !!
Oh, I see now. Well, perhaps Nick will find out a little something unexpected about HIMslef, then smile

I don't believe that we get Coronation Street on BBC America. I think we just get Eastenders frown

Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
in 'real-life' the press/celeb magazine have talked about ADAM being gay, because he comes across quite 'camp' !!
Well that's proof enough for me wink

Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
and his POP singles were very much aimed at 12 year old girls or the gay audience [ disco/HRG tracks ... ]
Hmmm... well, if Justin continues his solo career, there may be an opening in N*Sync... although they would have to change their name to "M*Sync" wink
Posted By: Floating Foxlike Creature Re: Boomerang - 07/24/03 03:57 AM
It's like a pu pu platter without the platter.
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