Legion World
Posted By: rickshaw1 The one food you refuse to eat?! - 06/03/23 01:02 AM

Yeah yeah, I'm from the South, supposed to love it. Well, I don't.

It was okay as a kid, but I was about six and had a cold or something, and it literally changed my taste in food. I also liked granola, but afterwards I didn't.

Well, I was getting over the cold or whatever it was, and Mom made supper. Squash was on the menu. I suddenly couldn't stand the stuff. Of courseI got the old "you don't leave the table without finishing your plate." It could but probably doesn't go without saying that I sat there so long (Yeah, I was stubborn and contrary even then) that the hot squash went cold.

Wanna know what's worse than hot squash?

Cold squash.

Have never eaten it since and never will agin. And yeah, if I'm trapped on a barren island with no food except squash..when you find my bones, slap a bourbon in one skeletal hand and a cigar in my tha other and lemme be. I'd rather be dead.
how you feel about squash, I feel about Napa Cabbage and about celery. Napa cabbage was always prepared disgustingly when I was young - in a sauce too bland, and too soft, and felt like it was getting stuck in my throat. celery, I just never liked the taste.

I learned how to eat most other vegetables (carrots, squash, pumpkin, tomatoes all grew on me in time). never these two though
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