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Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109328 02/06/07 01:53 AM
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6: Where the Heart Is

Rockhopper Lass sat in a wingback chair in the Deputy Leader’s office, waiting for Rockhopper Lad. So much had happened to her lately. She needed some purpose. Faraway Lad had told her there was still no way for him to reach the Earth of her universe or any other planet in it. The SMB was to be her new start. Now she had no idea what would be next for her. She felt like a person without a country. Did she have a home anywhere?

Presently, Rockhopper Lad entered his new office. “Adelie, I would like to formally introduce you to my staff!”

She stood and smiled. Eudyptes could always make her smile. He was so enthusiastic about his new role as Deputy Leader of the LMB. If only “her” Eudyptes could have–no, she mustn’t think that way.This was her Eudyptes now.

“My Scheduler: Time Teller Lad,” Time Teller Lad entered the office with a big grin on his face.

“My Press Secretary: Old Dutch the Super-Cow.” Old Dutch entered, got a rather confused look on her face and then went to stand next to Time Teller.

“My Chief of Staff: Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle.” Hyvvie bounded in and ran up to Rockhopper Lass, licking her, and then stood with the others.

“And my Personal Secretary: Lad Boy!” The scantily clad LMBer walked in with a steno pad in his hand.

“Lad Boy?” she smiled and shook her head.

Rockhopper Lad shrugged. “He was promised a cushy government job if either Kid Marvel or I got in and, well, what could be cushier than being a fairly superfluous secretary? TTL, Old Dutch and Hyvvie take care of most of the business I can’t handle myself.”

Lad Boy smiled. “I essentially get paid to sit around and look cute!”

“Which you do quite well,” Rockhopper Lad grinned.

Rockhopper Lass chuckled. “Oh, Eudyptes, everyone, you make me feel much better.”

“I’m glad, Adelie. So what do you have planned?”

She sighed. “I don’t know. I can’t go home to my Pyngwyn Colonies or to the SMB. I thought about going to your Pyngwyn Colonies, but, well–they already have a Princess Adelie. She’s wonderful, but I don’t want to make her uncomfortable.”

“You really are just like her,” Rockhopper Lad said. “She would probably say the same thing. Always thinking of others first.”

“So, Boss Man,” Lad Boy smirked, “What do you have for me to do?”

“At the moment, nothing.”

“Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. If you need me, I’ll be at SHAKES.”

“SHAKES sounds awfully good,” Time Teller Lad said. “I think I can spare the 12 minutes 13 seconds it takes to walk there, then the twenty-one minutes it takes...”

“Why don’t you come with, TTL?” said Lad Boy, rolling his eyes. “Anyone else?”

“I could use some refreshment,” Old Dutch said. “Where were we going again?”

“We’ll catch up to you,” Rockhopper Lad smiled. “Adelie and I need a moment.”
Hyvvie nuzzled his master. “Of course, you can stay, precious.”

After the others left, Rockhopper Lad sat in a chair next to Rockhopper Lass. Hyvvie lay down between them.

“Adelie, I have a proposition for you.”

“What’s that, Eudyptes?”

“Now that I’m Deputy Leader, I’m not going to have a whole lot of time to take care of the Rookery. I’m going to need someone I can trust to run the place and make it a centre of Pyngwyny culture here on Legion World.”

Adelie smiled. “I’d be honoured, Eudyptes. I think that’s just what I need.”

“I hope you’ll at least consider reserve status with the LMB as well.”

“Of course. Anytime you need me, I’ll be glad to help out.”

“That’s really great. I’m glad you’ll be staying, Adelie.”

“Well, of course I’m staying,” she smiled. She thought for a moment about Eudyptes, the LMB and all the friends she had made and realised that for the first time in ages, she felt like she belonged somewhere. She smiled again, “After all: Legion World is my home now!”

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109329 02/06/07 02:03 AM
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7: A Mutual Acquaintance

Offices of The Legion World Herald

Clark Marlowe stares blankly at his Omnicom screen. He has a deadline to meet for his retrospective piece on the 52 affair, and he hasn't written the first word yet. Time is running out.

He's at a standstill. He's gotten a lot of praise from his peers and readers alike for his firsthand accounts, but it all rings very hollow to him. He's embellished so many details in order to honor Chloe's wishes, but also to hide the true role he played.

Yes, he reported Chloe's sacrifice, but not as Bat-Fem, as per her wishes. Because of him, the public record shows that Chloe Lane, who he revealed was actually a heroic Mordra from Earth-4 all along, carried the bomb outside of Legion World. Various witnesses reported seeing Bat-Fem fighting on the streets. His account confirmed that but claimed that she survived, as far as he knows.

And what of the "human whirlwind" observed clearing the Dark Oval Embassy site of conspirators? Marlowe characterized him as an anonymous samaritan.

Some hero, he thinks, hiding from what happened. Even if my powers hadn't totally disappeared right after the crisis had passed, I still would've probably taken this tack. I'm a writer and a reporter. As much as I did to help while I had the Kryptonian powers, I'm not even a fraction of the hero Chloe was as Bat-Fem. Not even close.

I was invulnerable. Fast. Incredibly strong. She had nothing more than a few gadgets, the body she was born with and skills she honed every single day the hard way. If I hadn't lucked into those apparently one-shot powers, I would've continued to hide in a hole and just watched as untold numbers of sentients died in agony. If I wasn't pretty sure I couldn't get hurt, I would've continued cowering...and taking notes.

He touches the crystal still imbedded near his Adam's apple that granted him temporary bravery. He recently went to a specialist who told him there was absolutely no way to remove the crystal from its home. It was unbreakable, as was its connection to Clark. "Damndest thing I've ever seen," the specialist said.

Funny thing is, Clark muses, those looks Chloe gave me...she didn't see me as a coward at all. She had complete faith in me to do what was right. And I've never known a better judge of character in my life. Somehow, I fooled her...or maybe she was right after all. Gods, I miss her...

And as he wipes his eyes as they begin to tear up, he suddenly knows what his article's focus will be: he's going to tell everything he knows of Chloe Lane and her heroism, minus the small detail of her costumed identity. They will know the truth about this remarkable woman, and he'll do everything he can to make sure this woman is never forgotten. In short he'll tell (almost) the whole truth, and it'll write itself.

He turns the article in just before the deadline and feels a catharsis like no other. The tears he cries then cleanse his mind like never before. And, unnoticed to him, the crystal glows slightly for little more than a second before returning to normal.

And months later, when the Galactic Pulitzer is awarded to him for this article, he knows, wherever she is, that Chloe is proud.

A Derelict Building in Legionnopolis's Old Town Borough

Jada Konti finds a hidden flight of stairs leading to a basement.

Took some effort to find out what this passkey you left me goes to, Mordra. Had to enlist Matlock's help to analyze it and trace the subharmonics of the lock it's meant to open. Definitely was no easy task.

The stair leads to an area cloaked in total darkness. Luckily, she has a glow torch with her and ignites it. The hallway she finds herself in is totally bare except for a single door at its far end.

"Guess that's the door, Mordra!" she says aloud, and her words echo slightly in the dark hallway. "I have no idea why you want me here. Is this where you keep your memorabilia from your marriage or something?" She shakes her head, "damn, expect her ghost to answer or something?"

Finally, she reaches the door and inserts the passkey into a small console. After a moment the receptacle flashes a green light, and the door opens.

Suddenly, the room's lights flash on, and Jada is blinded. Instinctively, she shields her eyes, but only sees red fireworks for several seconds. And as her vision clears, she's startled as she sees the outline of:


But it's not. A moment later she sees that the fuzzy outline was that of a featureless mannequin wearing one of her friend's costumes. Looking around the largish room, she sees more spare costumes hanging up, weaponry, utility belts, a hover cycle, grapple guns and much more. This was obviously where Bat-Fem made her base of operations.

Momentarily dumbfounded, Jada stutters, "b-but why would she want me to come h--?"

And realization hits.

"She wants take her place?"

Her mind boggling at the implications, Jada has to sit down a while.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109330 02/06/07 10:02 AM
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8: Exhaling

As the things grow more routine and a normal pace begins to set in on Legion World—well, as normal for Legion World that is—the Office of Security once more delves into shuffle of non-stop traffic and intrigue. Its odd then, when My Whee Fem notices that Jailbait Lass has not shown up for work. She checks the time clock to be sure, and there it is: Jailbait Lass has actually taken a vacation day. Her first ever vacation day since she began working!

“But…” said My Whee Fem, “…this is Lolita. She never takes vacation days! Its like against her religion!”

“Omygod!” yelled Everyday Girl, “its about time! But what’s she going to do all day?”

“Oh, leave her alone,” says Matlock walking past with a smile, “I think she deserves a day off…” he finishes turning the corner, then adding under his breath, “…after all she’s been through…”

Across the city, at the Legion World Cemetery, Jailbait Lass stands before a familiar tombstone and smiles as the spring air blows through the cemetery. There are flowers all over the graves, freshly put there, and it makes the cemetery look beautiful and fitting. The grave before her says ‘Paula Shultz’, though Jailbait Lass has no clue who that is. She knows this grave because this is where the Red Bee buried her alive. She used to visit it all the time, as if she should say something, but the fear would choke the words up inside of her, and she would barely be able to stumble home.

But today she was smiling. She placed a bouquet of lilies (her favorite) on the grave. And now she spoke aloud, to the cemetery, to Ms. Shultz and to herself. “Well Ms. Shultz,” she began, “I feel I owe you an apology. But I’m here to tell you that I won’t be bothering your resting place anymore.” The breeze picked up again and she continued to smile. “The grave is yours again, to be buried in. And anything related to me is no longer buried, but simply gone. Good bye,” she smiled, and turned around, and walked out.

As she got to the entrance, she saw a familiar face, as Cobalt Kid was waiting for her. He had his old trenchcoat back on, given back to him by Jailbait Lass. His face was completely healed, all that remained of the scars was a scarred ‘X’ above his right eye. He looked at her with his cool eyes, unsure of what she was feeling. “I thought I might find you here,” he said. She smiled at him, and he knew. So he smiled back. They started to walk, quietly, enjoying the silence. “C’mon,” he said, putting his arm around her, “let me buy you a cup of coffee at Café Cramer…”

“Cobie,” she said laughing, “cups of coffee are free.”

He laughed back. “Then how about we just hang out for a little while? That’s free too,” he added.

“I know it is,” she replied, and hugged him tightly.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109331 02/07/07 01:47 AM
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9: Precipice

Lard Lad enters the penthouse he shares with his fiancee and finds her sitting at their dining table, her head propped on her elbows.

"Babe?" he asks her tentatively. "What's wrong?"

Raising her head from its support and straightening her posture, she puts on her bravest face.

"Anthony, there's something I've been putting off talking to you about for a while. But I can't do that any longer."

A look of concern painting his face, he sits next to her and takes her hands into his. "What's wrong, babe...are you all right?"

"It's nothing like that, honey. But it's difficult to talk about it."

"Just talk," he assures, "I'll listen."

"O-okay," she begins, "well, you, of couse, know that I ran for LMB Leader a few weeks back..."

"Yeah," he smiles, "that may've been a bit premature, y'know."

"Yes, I know. But it was something I felt I had to try. You see, I'd just lost my world a few months ago. When I ruled Rudlab, I had the authority to make a difference in the galaxy. But then, the Dark Oval destroyed Rudlab, and I was left with nothing..."

"Yes, you were, Dru. But then we found each other!"

"Yes, and that means so much to me! I-I never had a clue what real love was before we discovered each other. And it fulfills me in so many ways..but when I look at the mess the galaxy's becoming--just the threat that Caracalla and his Khanate pose alone--I know that if I still had political power, I could make a difference!"

"Dru, you are making a difference! You helped save Legion World twice recently!"

"But, Anthony, even today, walking through Legionnopolis, I got the looks, the ones that don't even bother to hide the fact that they still don't trust me! All they see is the wicked witch who terrorized them on many, many occasions. Even most of the LMBers still have that look! If I could read minds, I'd bet you anything that they think I'm just playing the hero, waiting for them to drop their guard before I unleash probably the most dastardly plot yet! They may never trust me...and deep down, I can't blame them."

"Dru, just give them more ti--"

"More time, Anthony? Honey, out of all the LMBers, I got exactly one vote--YOURS! Can't be much further away than last place, huh?"

"But that was before the 52 affair and--"

"What did I just tell you? I'm still getting all the looks, honey, from everyone! And at this moment I still haven't been given LMB membership, or even been granted Legion World citizenship! They'll be forced to after we marry, but that still won't equal acceptance...I'll just be let in on a technicality, and that's not what I want."

"So what is it, Dru? What alternative do you have?"

Taking a deep breath, she rustles up the courage for what she has to say next. "Anthony, just before the election process started, I got an offer."

"An offer?" he says amping the volume of his voice considerably as he stands up and gesticulates. "You got an offer over a month ago, and you're just now telling me about it? What kind of offer?"

Looking up with resolve in her eyes, she answers, "it's from the Sorceror's World, honey. They've offered me a chair on the ruling Council of Seven. They've monitored the changes I've made for the better, and they feel my experience is needed to help with the changing galactic landscape. They're accepting me unconditionally and giving me the opportunity I crave to make a difference, Anthony."

"Why are you telling me now, Dru? Why not a month ago?"

"My first idea was to try running in the LMB election. If I could somehow win, or at least have a good showing, I could have something as good here. But we know how that turned out. And almost immediately afterward the whole 52 affair hit the fan. Things are only now starting to settle down. So--"

"So, just like're going to take it?!?!" he almost yells.

"No," she says calmly, "not 'just like that'. I don't want to sacrifice what we have. I... I want you to come with me. I want us to make the Sorceror's World our husband and wife."

" want me to leave Legion World?!?! Dru--you know this is the only real home I've ever had all my life! This is where I belong--I can't just-just..."

She walks to him and gently strokes his chin. Her eyes begin to tear up as she says, "look, Anthony, this is not an ultimatum--no matter what, I'm not walking out on us! If you can't bring yourself to leave Legion World, I'll decline the offer, and we'll stay here. As you said, maybe things'll get better over time. Maybe I--"

"Maybe you'll resent me forever, Dru!" Lardy almost screams as his own tears begin to flood out. For a moment the conversation--the kiss--he had with Hummer Lass flashes through his mind, but he shakes it off. "Don't you see the position I'm in! You just poured your heart out to me about what it's been like for you here! I can't guilt you into staying here--it would eat us up inside and tear us apart! I can't do that to you...and-and I don't think I can leave Legion World, either!"

He screams in an anguish that comes from his soul and suddenly disappears with a pop of Lard Force.

"A-Anthony? Honey?" Dru cries. Then she collapses to the floor in a fit of sheer heartbreak.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109332 02/09/07 02:11 AM
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10: World's End

Dr. One looked at those the had called to a special meeting. “I suppose you’re all wondering why I’ve asked you all here,” he said to Faraway Lad, Kid Marvel, Rockhopper Lad and Rockhopper Lass.

“The thought did cross my mind once or thrice, Doctor,” Rockhopper Lad noted.

“As an early Terran holo character would say,” Kid Marvel added, “ ‘What’s up, Doc?’”

“I think I may have at least found a way to contact Earth-4.”

“Oh, that’s marvellous!” cried Rockhopper Lass.

“I’ll need Faraway Lad’s help,” Dr. One added. “Faraway, if you’ll just allow me to put this helmet on you, thank you, I’ll show you what I have.”

Dr. One produced a device that looked like an early ancestor of a holo-vid viewer that would have been used around the mid-20th Century on Earth.

“This device can channel Faraway Lad’s powers to at least get an image from another universe. We may not be able to make actual contact, but we’ll be able to see what’s going on.”

“You’re a bloody genius, Doctor,” Faraway smiled.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s try it!” Kid Marvel said, rubbing his hands together.

Dr. One pushed some buttons and threw some switches. The machine made a high-pitched noise, rather like a theremin. Faraway Lad closed his eyes as the machine used his powers to peer into Earth-4 universe. After about two minutes a picture appeared on the viewscreen.

A planet appeared in view. The picture was fuzzy at first, but slowly it became clearer and clearer.

But this couldn’t be Earth-4.

Instead of the familiar oceans and continents of an Earth, this planet seemed little more than a lifeless hunk of rock, much of the surface of which was scorched.

“Doctor, what’s wrong?” Rockhopper Lad asked. “Is it the machine?”

“It checks out fine! Faraway’s fine It’s–it’s the planet.”

They all stood silently for a moment as what appeared before them sank in.

Rockhopper Lass began sobbing in Rockhopper Lad’s arms. Rockhopper Lad looked to Kid Marvel. Even the wisdom of Solomon was at temporarily at a loss.

“Are you sure that’s Earth-4, Doctor?” Kid Marvel asked at last.

“It’s in the correct space for Earth-4. It’s the right size and mass,” the doctor answered as detached from the situation as he could be.

“That’s why I couldn’t contact my doppelgänger,” Faraway said.

“The SMB! And all those billions of beings!” Rockhopper Lass wailed.

Kid Marvel looked at the screen. “There’s some sort of writing on the surface. Doctor, please increase resolution.”

As the letters that were carved into the surface of the planet came into view, both Rockhoppers’ jaws dropped, the red bills inside their mouths very clearly showing.

“That writing is Pyngwyny!” Rockhopper Lad gasped.

“What does it say, Rocky?” Kid Marvel asked.

“This planet was destroyed on the whim of his Imperial Majesty, Eudyptes XXIX.”

“That’s your name, Rocky.”

“Eudyptes is my name, KM. Eudyptes XXIX will be my regnal name when I ascend the throne. My dad is Eudyptes XXVIII.”

“My brother was Eudyptes XXIX,” Rockhopper Lass sobbed. “When he usurped our father’s throne, he became Eudyptes XXIX.”

“Does this mean the Evil Emperor Pyngwyn destroyed Earth-4 and all the people on it?”

“It would appear so, Faraway,” Rockhopper Lad sighed. “I wouldn’t put anything past my double. He is one of the most vile beings I’ve ever met.”

The Rockhoppers and Kid Marvel all held each other close and all began weeping openly for the sheer horror of the situation. Dr. One and even the usually stoic Faraway began to tear up as well.

The image stayed on the screen, almost taunting them. The SMB was gone. A whole Earth was gone. And they could do nothing but cry.

And they did.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109333 02/09/07 10:23 AM
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<span style="font-size: 25px;">Epilogues Section II: One Month Later</span>

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109334 02/09/07 10:29 AM
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11: No Checkmate in Sight

The Dark Oval
One month had passed on the intergalactic calendar, and though the war remained fresh and horrific in the memories of the citizens of the 31st century, the blurriness and haze naturally caused by time casually began to filter the collective memories in regards to the Dark Oval/Legion World War. But there were those that would never see it with anything but crystal clarity despite any passage of time.

Pinnacle Command of the Dominion and Lord Hrykos of the Hrykosian Cartel met for one last time before parting ways and going back to their respective sectors of the Dark Oval, knowing that they would need each others support in the future to survive whatever political struggles would follow. They were alone now, and no one was allowed within hundreds of yards from them. Both were grim, and both had an air of arrogance, but also dead seriousness.

“Never before have the Dark Oval forces suffered such a loss,” said Pinnacle Command. “Though we annihilated the Black Sun and were able to negotiate our treaty, there is no doubt that we lost, Lord Hrykos.”

“Do not speak of things I already know of,” said Lord Hrykos calmly, “and I swear I will have the blood of the LMB running like a river throughout the streets of Legion World one day. It was that damnable traitor that started a war with the Barbarian Hordes, and that arrogant LMBer Cobalt Kid, whose double-standard I shall not forget.”

“Yes,” said the Dominator, “we will have our revenge. And plans are being set I motion as we speak, to enact it. But where outright war failed, subterfuge we will have to settle with—for a time. Then we will march on them again. But now we must be alerted to the struggles here within the Dark Oval.”

“Yes…” said Hrykos, “…him. He’ll have his new favorites now, with the Black Sun replaced and the other rising to power. They’ve prospered while we have not, and I do not like being anywhere other than on top of the food chain. We’ll play it carefully now and await what he wishes.”

“Agreed,” said Pinnacle Command. “He ever moves closer to his goals while we move towards our own. But he may call us to him soon, and we will answer. And if somewhere along the way, the United Planets, Legion World and the LMB cross our paths…”

“…they will not live to regret it,” finished Lord Hrykos, neither laughing nor smiling. Both parted company and went back to their sectors.

The United Planets
Eryk Davis Ester and Cobalt Kid faced the monitor screen, as the Admiral of the United Planets fleets looked back at them. He was the highest ranking military figure in the United Planets.

“So, Admiral,” said Cobalt Kid, “I’m handing back all control of the UP military to you, and I thank you for your help, and indulging me with my requests for troops a few months ago. I hope that…something…was accomplished,” he said, hesitating as he spoke.

“Nonsense, son,” said the Admiral, “the Dark Oval invaded the UP and Legion World, and you did what needed to be done. We had to show our strength and we did. And you were able to free so many planets from their grasp. We now have a whole slew of new candidates for UP membership. You Triumvirs have come through for us again. I never look forward to war, but I look forward to working with you again soon.”

“Thank you Admiral,” said Eryk Davis Ester, “and we appreciate your compliments, and share your sentiments.”

“Good day to you then,” said the Admiral, in response, signing off.

“The Legion World Triumvirate, out,” said Eryk. He turned to Cobalt. “Well?” said Eryk, “how do you feel? It’s finally officially over, this Dark Oval War, and some people thought it might go on forever.”

Cobalt didn’t smile or laugh, but looked at his friend. “I can’t help but feel I was on the verge of making some terrible decisions Eryk. It was like when I first formed my army…I was uncontrollable…savage…I was…”

“Ggrrggian?” said Eryk. “Yes, I know. But the Admiral is right Cobie, in that you did some good. Whether you conducted yourself to the standards you hold yourself to, or the standards of the LMB, well, that’s up to you.” Eryk put his hand on Cobalt’s shoulder. “But we have to move on now. I’m sure the Dark Oval will be planning something, and you’re the only one with an active army now guarding Legion World.”

Cobalt looked up with a half-smile, and appreciated his friend’s ability to move on. He wasn’t sure if he was quite as ready yet, remembering how he unleashed Hrun and Shark Lad, and deposed kings as if his own law was the rule of all....but no, he’d deal with it in time in his own way. “Legion World is safe, Eryk,” said Cobalt, “the Sol Invictus battle proved that, and even more so, the citizens of Legion World did,” he added, remembering the forces that fought the 52 at the Dark Oval Embassy. “I’m wondering about the Contested Territories on the edge of the Dark Oval, recently won over by our armies and now part of the UP. They’re in grave danger…and they’re on the cusp of a lot of knowledge that you and I have been searching for…for a long time.” Now Cobalt looked at him and smiled.

Eryk cocked his head quizzically. “If only everyone else could see the wheels turning in your head,” he said smiling, but then stopped. “But I think I know what you mean.” Now Eryk was silent. “But the Triumvirate, we can’t…we hardly even function anymore.”

“The Triumvirate is long gone Eryk,” said Cobalt, “and we did a great job. It was all worth it to destroy the Naturals back in the beginning. But we’ve built something great here and it can change with us. Let the Triumvirate come to a close.”

“And in its place?” said Eryk. “You know my armies aren’t soldiers anymore. They’re monks. Science and self-actualization, spirituality, and so much more.”

“Not soldiers Eryk,” said Cobalt, adding “…but not monks either…”

Eryk suddenly laughed. “Tell me, loyal brother,” he said in a mock voice mimicking Cobalt’s, “…how do you feel about Knighthood…?”

Cobalt smiled.

To be continued…in an LMB Event coming soon near you!

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109335 02/13/07 01:48 AM
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12: Rebirth

Old Town

In a back alley Grev Mallor and his gang of two-bit thugs are unloading merchandise from the back entrance of a pawn shop they've broken into. The gang has seen better days. Grev himself is wearing leg braces to help him walk since he suffered massive knee injuries a month and a half ago during a skirmish with a certain vigilante.

"Easy does it, guys," Grev sneers confidently, "there's no sign of Bat Bitch this time! Seems those reports of her bein' offed during that 52-thing last month were true--Old Town's ours for th--"


Grev looks puzzled for a second but refuses to look up. "W-was that you, Shil?"

Grev turns to his gang and sees them running away.

"It wasn't Shil, Grev," answers a voice from above.

His heart pounding he looks up, and there she is. His worst nightmare. "Aw...sprock..." He's angry but frozen to his spot with fear.

"Language, Grev! As you can see, 'Bat Bitch' is still very much alive. And are never going to learn, are you?"

"I...please don't hurt me, Bat-Fem! I'll...I'll change my ways...I promise!"

"Yours is a family with a very heroic legacy, Grev. And you're putting them to shame!" Bat-Fem emphasizes as she slowly lowers herself down her line, so that she's hanging upside down looking him in the eyes. As far as he's concerned this is the same dark-eyed, raven haired creature of the night he remembers, thanks in part to a handy image inducer.

Tears stream down his face. "I-I know!" he cries. "I've literally been in Tasmia's shadow all my l-life!"

"It's time to be your own man, Grev! Turn yourself in to the Office of Security right now, and I'll put a good word in for you as a candidate for their criminal rehab program."

"I-I will! R-right now!"

"Then what are you waiting for? RUN! As fast as those leg braces will carry you!"

And he does, as awkwardly as a bipedal robot made by a child.

As he does so, she yells back at him, "don't even think about breaking your word--or I'll break more than just your knees!"

And he picks up the pace that much more.

Oh, Mordra...that felt so good! Your files are going to be invaluable to me, I can see. she thinks. Being a spy in Cobalt's network was a worthy undertaking, but it didn't do much for my soul. Street crime took my parents from me when I was young, and doing this feels like I'm beginning to heal that old wound. Starting tonight, Bat-Fem's back, and she won't rest 'til the streets of Old Town are safe for everyone!

And then, Jada Konti, the second Bat-Fem unbeknowst to Legion World at large, charges off as she hears a distant scream.

And somewhere in the afterlife, Mordra of Earth-4 is smiling.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109336 02/13/07 10:40 AM
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13: The Khanate of Sol Invictus

The citizens prayed, as what was once known as the Barbarian Hordes now expressed their loyalty to the religion of the Black Sun, showing in full force how the emergence of the Khanate of Sol Invictus had been completed. At the center of this massive empire was the former Khanate of Carthac, now the home region of the Black Sun’s highest ranking members of the clergy. This clergy was all but new, however, as all but one of the old clergy had been killed. That one, the High Priest and some believed a divine presence himself, was Caracalla, who now stood before the masses and offered his prayers to them, and to Sol Invictus.

The masses responded by praying in turn, and Caracalla felt their prayers funnel through him, and he felt his power grow ten-fold once more. All throughout this sector of the universe, other planets prayed in unison, and their prayers reached Caracalla on the capital planet. He was like a divine messiah to them, Sol Invictus’ servant here in the living world.

They would never know that Sol Invictus himself had returned weeks earlier to battle the LMB, and Caracalla would make sure of it. He knew, of course, and he’d always known. But things had a tendency to work in his favor.

He finished his prayer now, and turned to the young boy who sat by his side, and lifted him up, as if to present him to the crowd. They knew now what Caracalla had been preaching for years, that this boy was indeed the living vessel that would herald the return of their deity, to strike down the enemies of the Black Sun, devour the suns, and ignite a new era upon the world. It would be Elagabolus who was the deity among the living, and they cheered him on and visibly cried in his presence. These great warrior nations, collectively called the Barbarian Hordes, because of their infamous ferocity in battle, now wept before what they perceived as a divine message to them that a higher power was now here for them.

Now Elagabolus prayed before them and they followed suit, and Caracalla walked over to the altar and picked up a silver crown, with a star at its forefront. This had been the crown of Dominus, the former Khan of the Carthac Empire, and Caracalla had ensured that before Dominus committed suicide (though in truth, he had been murdered), Dominus would name Elagabolus as his heir. And so Elagabolus now was officially coroneted as the Emperor of the Khanate of Sol Invictus, a new title bestowed upon the leader of a new Empire, but with the legitimacy of the old Kingdoms giving him a justifiable claim to this new throne. The people cheered as their young Emperor rose before them, his new title evident in the crown he wore, as well as in the physical appearance of him, which was truly exotic: fearsomely tall, a shaved head, and covered in tattoos. Caracalla had been preparing for this for a long time.

Caracalla would be his regent, ruling the Empire until the boy—young man—was ready to do so, on his own. And the people had confidence in this arrangement, and looked forward to future years of prosperity, and to expansion, and to the complete obliteration of their enemies and the spread of the Black Sun religion.

They finished their prayer now, and cheered: “Long Live Caracalla, Long Live Elagabolus! Love live the Sun-Eaters! Long Die the Suns!”

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109337 02/14/07 02:34 AM
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14: Good to be King

The Hive. Dark Oval Space.

The man known as Harold Ryan Wyandotte, an evil double of Lard Lad from a parallel dimension, has just completed a vid conference call with some allies of his.

"Ah, yes," he remarks, "things could have gone better with my well-laid plans on Legion World, but I really can't complain, can I?"

Satisfaction oozing out of his pores, he takes a moment to survey the scene displayed on one particular view among his countless screens.

"With Hrykosia and the Dominion severely weakened by their vendettas, Black Sun gone and replaced with a new power of my choosing and the other one remaining as blissfully isolationist and neutral as ever, it's all too clear that this Hive I control is holding all the trump cards in this game."

On a particularly large screen, he watches with pleasure as millions of the insect drones under his power (through his domination of their Queen) work tirelessly under their mandate to build quite possibly the most formidable armada of warships this galaxy has ever seen. He doesn't have to worry about such hindrances as free will and labor unions in this position of absolute power he wields over his subjects. Soon, he knows, with this armada at his command his umbrella of power will cast an ever-increasing shadow over more and more sectors.

"Still," he adds as an afterthought, "there are challenges ahead. Legion World has survived once again, and the Master of our Dark Oval remains atop the food chain here. However, He still appears to be content to have the Oval as His powerbase and seems more a figurehead (though one known only to the five leaders) than anything else. Should He some day decide to take a more active role, though, I must not stop working on my plans to take Him down as a contingency."

Looking again at the monitor showing the shining blue and green planet that is the replacement for Black Sun he helped install, Wyandotte says, "oh, the irony!" And laughs for a disturbingly prolonged period.

Calming back down, he turns his attention to a monitor displaying Legion World. "And I haven't forgotten you, either. When I was there, I had me a canister, the contents of which I had a specific purpose for. Well, my plans changed due to the bumbling of an ill-chosen ally, but I found a new use for it, oh yes! Freed of its entrapment, I have left it on Legion World where it will be a sleeper agent of mine. And when the time is right, it will be activated--and the LMBP will rue that day!"

And the disturbing laughter is renewed and won't die down for quite some time.

Visible on the floor of his study is an open canister inscibed with the words: Caution: Protoplasmic Contents Unstable!

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109338 02/14/07 10:35 AM
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Epilogue: Destination Blurry

The Time Institute
Developed by Dr. One during the first year of Legion World’s creation, the Time Institute remains a major center of scientific study in the United Planets.

Jailbait Lass walked up the steps to the Time Institutes rooftop laboratory, amazed that she had never bothered to visit this place before. At the top of the stairs, she saw who she was looking for up ahead, the LMBer known as Stoopid Cat, and the LMB ally called Time Boy. Time Boy was starting up the time-cube transporter as he prepared to return to his home in the 19th Century. The two were chatting, as old friends as Lolita approached.

“Ah, our space traveling heroine,” said Time Boy with a smile. “I hope you enjoyed those peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches!”

She blushed. “I did, and thank you,” she replied, “what an odd sort of food that was.”

“Its better with milk,” said Stoopid Cat plainly, then transitioning the topic without hesitation, “but I take it that’s not why you’re here. We figured you’d come to your own conclusions so we never bothered to ask…” he started to say.

She hesitated, as if trying to figure out how to put into words what she meant to say. “Well, I believe I have. The 5,200 days into the future, moving at a constant in equal acceleration to our own time…you should never be able to travel back there again. At least, that’s what I hope I accomplished…”

“And you probably have, in your own way,” said Time Boy with a smile, “though that is a decision and a struggle that many more will have to make, and continually make, for a long time,” he added. “Destiny is something we all struggle with, Jailbait Lass, and there is no easy answer.” He smiled now, and Jailbait Lass felt bad that he would one day die helping the LMB, though he did not realize it yet. At least it would be when he was an old man.

“Well, I believe in firm easy answers,” said Stoopid Cat. “And no, we should not be able to return. But one day, we probably will, as man and science are inclined to learn all the secrets of the universe and set us down a path that we cannot break away from. So long as we move forward without thinking things through, we eliminate decisions before they can be made, and we ultimately put up walls that cannot be broken. But what do I know,” he said, stretching and yawning, “I’m just a cat.”

She smiled at him, and remembered tearing up the prophecy. “I’m glad I did it…” she said, “…even though so many of the things have come true. But we have to hope that we’re free.”

“Exactly,” said Time Boy, “we need chaos, we need creativity. But I think it will all work out for us all,” he added, stepping into the time-cube transporter.

“How can we ever know?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

Stoopid Cat leapt into her arms, as Time Boy smiled at her. “Only time will tell,” he said smiling, as he disappeared.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109339 02/14/07 01:24 PM
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16: A Loose End Knotted Up

At Cobalt's Midnight Lounge a special intimate ceremony is taking place. One of the original LMBers is being married to one of the LMB's original antagonists. Lard Lad and Dru the Sorceress are exchanging vows.

Presiding over this small service is Cobalt Kid. As the commander of his own army, this is one of the more pleasant powers having that status authorizes him to do.

In attendance are only a handful of witnesses: Loser Lad, Faraway Lad (serving as best man), Eryk Davis Ester, Shady and a delegation from the Sorceror's World. Also present and serving as Maid of Honor is Princess Crujectra. Though she still has major issues with this couple, Jeckie knows that doing this means the world to her Cobie.

Months ago, this impending union was all over the tabloids in anticipation of what was believed to be the social event of the millenium. But Lardy and Dru have learned a lot about each other in the weeks past. Their love is their own, and staging their wedding as a media event didn't feel right. Such fineries seemed inappropriate after all Legion World andthey themselves have just been through in the last month.

Lardy wanted to run away, as far as his formidable powers could take him after their argument a month ago. He stayed away from her for a week, but the pain he felt in her absence was overwhelming. Finally, he went back to her and poured his heart out. He had learned much about himself during all his recent turmoil.

He was through running. He'd been running for what seemed all his life. From bed to bed. From bottle to bottle. From responsibility to irresponsibility. It was time to be a man. More importantly, it was time to be Anthony as someone recently told him. He loved Dru with all his heart, and he would do anything he could to keep that love alive and in the process, grow as a person.

They decided to marry and begin their lives anew.
And here they are.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" Cobalt says grinning. "Well, Lardy? Kiss her already!"

Anthony smiles and lifts his wife's silvery veil and does just that to the applause of the wedding party.

Later, Cobalt catches up to the groom as he's sharing a cocktail with his new bride.

"I can't believe I just married you off, Lardy!"

"Yeah," Lardy laughs, "I bet you had money on 'not gonna happen' in the betting pool, eh?"

And all three share a laugh.

"Excuse us just a minute, okay, babe?" Lardy prompts Dru, and he and Cobalt step aside.

"So," Cobalt laughs, "where's the honeymoon gonna be?"

"Well," Lardy shifts, "there's not exactly gonna be one--that's something I need to talk to you about, man..but not right now. Can we--can we meet tomorrow night and have a drink?"

"Yeah...sure," Cobalt replies with a hint of concern. "Can I Omnicom you tomorrow, after I've a chance to check my agenda, with the time and place?"

"Sounds good! Meantime...I really appreciate you agreeing to marry us. It means a lot!"

"Anything for you, man. You know that." They exchange a quick hug.

"Tomorrow!" Lardy says and gives his friend the old thumbs up.

Moments later the newlyweds depart for a night of more private celebration.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109340 02/15/07 01:40 AM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
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A few days later was the day of the Coronation of the new Emperor of Earth.

Thousands of citizens crowded the frigid Plaza to celebrate the change in regime, for they had been so ordered. There had been some talk about postponing the ceremony or making it more private, but the Emperor and his Consort both insisted it be held on schedule and on the Plaza where all they wanted to could participate. After all, the people of this world had been defeated. They belonged at this celebration because they now belonged to the Emperor.

As one of his lackeys began to speak, The Emperor, Eudyptes XXIX, known in some circles as the Evil Emperor Pyngwyn, who standing to the side with his consort, Blaine Fey, surveyed the scene and thought about all they had done recently. He then thought back to a visit he had paid to certain would-be enemies the day before in the dungeon of his Ice Palace:

The entire membership of the SMB were in these miserable little cells. This was their Earth, but now it was his. The Emperor approached the Faraway Lad of this Earth, known as Earth-4 by LMB.

“So, Faraway Lad, tell me about this lack of power of yours,” the Emperor sneered. “Oh, not much to tell is there? I have all of you fools trapped and powerless.”

Faraway said nothing.

The Emperor continued. “Still, I imagine you’re wondering what happened, especially since I used your powers to do some of it. Fine. I’ll tell you.

“Some time ago, Blaine and I were contacted by a man called Wyandotte. The Dark Sun planet was destroyed. There needed to be something in its place to fill that void. He suggested an alternate Earth. The Earth of my own universe was the obvious choice. But how to cause two whole planets to switch places in different universes! Quite a challenge! But our friend Wyandotte had a nifty little device that might have been able to handle the job, given the right amount of power. And so, with the help of your own Faraway powers, my magic, Blaine’s reality-warping and some of the energy released when a being called Sol Invictus entered this universe, we were able to affect the change. Oh, it would have been easier if I’d been able to convince my goody-goody double, Rockhopper Lad, to join our cause, but he refused. The fool!

“I carved a little message on that scorched hulk so that all who gaze upon what they think is your Earth will know that my power is supreme. And now, this world is mine! I have reached forth my icy hand and made this Earth a frozen land, like my native world. And soon everyone will kneel before me! The Emperor of Earth, the once and future Emperor of the Pyngwyn Colonies and someday, Emperor of All.

“And what do I see before me right now? A group of idiots who, thanks in part to one of your own, were defeated so easily that I barely had to blink. And you will be joined by your friends the LMB and my stupid double.”

Faraway stood silent then turned away to cry as the Emperor laughed.

“Eudyptes!” Blaine’s voice broke his husband’s reverie. “It’s time.”

The Emperor and Blaine walked to the centre of the Plaza where a young human man, the Time Teller Lad of Earth-Four, who had betrayed the SMB, stood holding a cushion with two crowns.

The Emperor raised one crown and placed it on his own head. “I crown myself Emperor Eudyptes XXIX, Emperor of Earth and the Pyngwyn Colonies.”

He then raised the other crown and placed it on Blaine’s head. “I crown thee Consort Blaine of Earth and the Pyngwyn Colonies.”

Addressing the crowd, the Emperor shouted, “My subjects, behold your new ruler!”

There was much cheering and shouting. If they hadn’t done so, those gathered would surely have faced the emperor’s wrath These next months would be a difficult time for all of them. The SMB was gone. Their world had changed beyond all recognition. Many of the nearby buildings had been razed to make way for architecture more to the Emperor’s liking. It was time for a new beginning: For Emperor Eudyptes, for Blaine Fey, and, sadly, for the SMB and for what had been Earth-4. And as for the SMB and the people of Earth-4 , they could do nothing but cry.

And they did.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109341 02/16/07 12:43 PM
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18: Cheers


A quiet Sunday afternoon brings a sense of calm to SHAKES, as various Legion Worlders go about their business, paying little attention to everyone else around them. Time has passed, and although memories are as potent as ever, a sense of ‘business as usual’ is returning.

Cobalt Kid raises his glass to Lard Lad, the two being two of the oldest friends in the LMB.

“Cheers,” says Cobalt with a grin.

"Cheers," Lardy responds, returning the smile. He then takes a sip of his virgin Winathian ale. He had quit drinking alcohol after the whole affair with Mordra and the Hrykosians, but had gotten off the wagon during the week he had separated from Dru…an all-night bender with Dedman and Caliente at the Security Office. It was one slip, but it’s made every day since a little more of a struggle. After letting the bitter, somewhat unsatisfying beverage slide down his throat, Lardy begins, “Des, thanks for agreeing to meet me today. There's so much to talk to you about that I don't know where to start…” He thinks for a moment and says, “well, I guess I do know--today I got an encrypted Omnicom message from Helen. Long story short, I'm a dad--and it's a boy!"

Cobalt stares at him in disbelief. At first, he has a look of panic, but that quickly subsides to a wide grin. “Another baby? Lardy, I don’t know what to say…hell, forget that—congrats buddy! Quite a lot of changes in your life recently…”

"Yeah, I know...just married Dru, and here I've fathered a child with Helen! Well, it's a long remember Mordra's kid that I took after I...well, you know?" Lardy has trouble making eye contact with his friend with that last part.

”I remember…”

Re-establishing eye-contact, Lardy continues, "I think you guessed this on the cruiser from Hrykosia after you rescued me, but Mordra's daughter, whom we call Helena, was fathered by me over two years ago when she stole my powers by tricking me into sleeping with her. And then nine months ago, when she, you know…raped me…she had used a spell so that I impregnated her again. After Mordra...died...I was able to remove the baby's lifeforce from her with my powers. Helen agreed to take the life within her and carry it to term."

”That’s good Lardy, Helen is a terrific person. She’ll make a great parent,” adds Cobalt, although a small hint of sadness is in his words, an underlying hurt over his own doubt about being a parent.

"I know, Des.” Then Lardy bites his lip to reign his emotions in. “So I've left Helen, a woman who adores me through and through, with two children to raise on her own while I married the woman who hurt her all those years ago! Helen would do anything for me, and I’m using her. I feel like shit, Des, and I do love Helen--but there's so much darkness inside me...I'm not ever going to risk hurting Helen and our children. Dru and I…we understand each other, you know? We both have our demons. But Helen's just so innocent and pure to her core. I will support Helen and our kids financially for the rest of my life, but I just can't be with them! Does that make me a monster, Des?"

”No Lardy, I don’t think it does. I think it makes you human, and I’m glad you’re acting like one. You need to be able to recognize that you can’t save the world and everyone in it every single time something goes wrong. I think you’re being responsible. Maybe one day, you can be with them. It couldn’t have been an easy decision…but I think perhaps you made the best one.”

"Appreciate that, man, even if I don’t deserve it.” And then Lardy’s face brightens a little. "By the way, our son's name is Hugh Desmonius Taylor!"

A small smile goes across Cobalt’s face, and a genuine sense of warmth comes over him. “Lardy…I’m…honored…” Instantly, a plethora of the last ten month’s of memories come over him, as he remembers both the times they’ve stuck together recently, as in the Dark Oval, and the times they disagreed vehemently, as both had punched each other in the face. But through it all, their friendship was never in question. Cobalt smiled wider. “Thank you.”

"What can I say? You're the best friend I ever had? Funny thing is, this is the first time we've really talked the way we used to since you socked me on the chin!"

Now Cobalt laughed, and Lardy laughed too. “I figured I owed you one for the left hook you threw at me…”

"Yeah, you did.” Lardy’s expression darkens significantly then, and he says, “I want to apologize for all I put you through before, during and after the Invasion. It was flat-out wrong for me to do that, Des! A friend shouldn’t do that to a friend…”

“Its okay Lardy, we all went through some conflicting emotions and crazy times because of the Invasion,” he said, reflecting on his own incredible rage that caused him to lead a UP military force into Dark Oval space. Though the UP cheered him on, many on Legion World were dismayed by his actions, and he secretly was too. “I pushed too far at one point…” he said.

“You tried to defend the UP, Des,” said Lardy, “remember that. And you stopped before you went too far.”

“I stopped because of Crujeckie,” he replied. A smile went across his face. “Its odd Lardy, but I never thought I’d feel this way. I’m happy with her—complete.”

“I’m glad for you,” said Lard Lad. “In a way, you two being together was a long time in the making. You complement each other nicely.”

“Spacey was there too. She’ll always be there for me, and I for her. I wish things could have worked out better, but we’ll always have all the fun times we had,” he said, and Lardy nodded. Few knew better the relationship between Cobalt and Spacey than Lardy. “And Jailbait Lass,” said Cobalt with a smile, “her most of all. I ended it for her, because her opinion of me means so much.”

“Its an odd relationship you have with her,” said Lard Lad matter of factly, “but it seems like a really good one.”

“It is,” replied Cobalt, “although most don’t get it, presuming me to be robbing the cradle. I’ve been telling her she’s my sidekick lately, to annoy her. Although history will show that Cobalt Kid left the Dark Oval on his own accord, no one will ever know that it was because of a young girl named Lolita that a horrendous war was averted,” he said. Then, after a moment, he added “…if war is truly averted. Two grave enemies are at war now, and will want to include us as the spoils…”.

Suddenly, Lardy wishes his drink had some alcohol in it, “About that…there's something I have to tell you about what I did during the Invasion that I'm not proud of…" Come on, Lardy, he thinks, just say it! He has every right to know! “…I…I helped instigate the Barbarian Hordes attack on Hrykosian space."

Now Cobalt’s faced changed completely, and a serious, wide-eyed look took over. “What?” he asked calmly. “You did what…?” he asked again, even more coldly, looking at his beer and letting his thoughts come together. He looked up. “But why?”

Breathing deeply and staring at his drink, Lardy explains, "to help take the pressure off Legion World during the Dark Oval's Invasion when things were looking really bad. I worked with Kalla Hryl to use a Hrykosian ship to attack that Barbarian outpost. I..I never dreamed that your army would get caught in the middle of that conflict…or that you'd lose Scipio in the process…or that Kalla was a sprocking psychopath who would try to destroy Legion World! Nothing can justify the pain I caused doing that--nothing!” He looks Cobalt in the eyes again. “But I was in a different place back then, desperate to protect Legion World from my own mistakes. And I came up with a dirty solution, with even dirtier consequences."

”Yes…even dirtier,” said Cobalt, although he grew quiet. What he did not say was that Lardy had sent events into motion that he had been trying to prevent for years—the consolidation of the Barbarian Hordes under one single banner, which was now the Black Sun, under the form of the Khanate of Sol Invictus. The Khanate might end up being one of the greatest threats the United Planets would ever see…but…at the same time, Lardy had dealt a serious blow to the Dark Oval Invasion of Legion World and the United Planets, and helped ensure their victory. And Lardy and Cobalt knew full well that the Invasion had little to do with them, but everything to do with conquering the UP. And then there was Scipio and Danger Damsel—Cobalt blocked that out of his mind for now. “Your actions have changed the course of many things…” said Cobalt now, trailing off again. “…everything is going to be different now.”

"I know, Des," and Lardy wipes a rogue tear from his eye, “and, I--I hope some day you can forgive me for that. But the main thing I came here to tell you about is that you won't have to worry about me anymore. I won't be a problem to Legion World, the LMB or anyone after tomorrow."

”What do you mean?” replied his friend. Despite everything, despite all the good and bad decisions, these were still two best friends, and Cobalt would not want Lardy to leave.

"I'm leaving, Des. Dru has accepted a position in the Sorcerer’s World's Council of Seven. And I'm going with her to live there."

”Wait Lardy, you don’t have to do that. You just came back to us.”

Angry at himself, Lardy yells, "yeah, and look at all the good that’s done Legion World!” He gathers himself for a moment and continues calmly, “I'm resigning from the LMB and giving up my Legion World citizenship. I'm not even going to be on the LMB Reserve--'Lard Lad' is history! I'm going to concentrate on being the best husband and the best Anthony I can be! Thing is, I'm not good enough in the head to wield these powers responsibly. If I keep trying to be a hero and keep abusing my power, I'm going to turn into something people will fear some day! I think the universe will be better off without Lard Lad in it than it was with him."

”But think of all the good you can do! We’re going to need you—I’m going to need you. Things are moving at an accelerated pace…I’m going to need you with the Khanate and the Dark Oval. And Eryk and I, we’ve got things moving quietly on other fronts. Lardy, we’ll need your power, and we’ll need your camaraderie.”

"Look, Des, I owe you, so I'm here to tell you there is one exception to all I‘ve said. If you need my help for something, whatever it may be, I will help you. Any time. No argument. All you have to do is ask! In any case, though…I think the LMB and Legion World is going to be in good hands,” he added, and raised his glass to some people down the bar. It was Rockhopper Lad, deputy leader of the LMB and his ‘sister’ Rockhopper Lass, sitting down to enjoy a drink together. They both raised them back with a smile, the mutual respect, love and camaraderie one LMB feels for another present above all else.

“I know it will,” said Cobalt as if Lardy had cemented his argument in that gesture, “and we’ll be ready for anything the universe throws at us. As long as we stick by each other,” he said, nodding to Semi-Transparent Fellow, who poured them both another drink.

“Amen to that,” Lardy says.

They raised them up slightly to toast one another silently, and took a sip.


<span style="font-size: 9px;">This post co-authored by Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid</span>

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PEI, Canada
Posts: 132
Joined: August 2003
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