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21CL: Legionnaires #6
#123546 08/02/10 08:53 AM
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Spark's Day
A Lords & Masters prelude

I'm floating in the air, in the middle of a room. I try and grab for something, anything to pull myself down... but every time I touch anything it turns to gossamer and floats away. Nothing's got any weight, and the frustration gets to me and I scream and I...

...wake up. Ye olde nightmare again, I realise as I look at the clock. 04:20. My head lands heavily on the pillow as I shake it, trying to clear the dream. Every part of me is screaming to shut my eyes - but if I do, I realise I'll go straight back to That Dream again.

Sighing, I turn the light on and head to the bathroom for a drink of water.


07:30 - Wake-up call

The alarm goes off punctually at half-seven, as usual, and I stretch over to punch it into silence. Nothing wants to work - I never got back to sleep, my head hurts and everything feels like it's made of lead.

I have a silent argument with myself for eight minutes, telling myself that nothing was going to happen (Washington could be levelled and they'd still leave me behind as it stood) and that no-one would notice if I spent the day in bed (only half-true).

At the nine-minute mark, the snooze on the alarm expires and I just let it run. I tell myself I won't turn it off until I'm at least sitting up, as I try to move limbs that don't want to obey.

Ninety seconds later, though, I finally make it to my feet, and stretch to see if it'll help. It doesn't. I hope the shower will.


13:20 - Lunch

I might be last to the cafeteria, after Leviathan decides to bawl me out for ten minutes for "not trying" (bowdlerized) in the training session, without so much as a trace of irony - everyone except me and Paul are working on teamwork, and we're shunted to the side because we're not part of the team (yet), doing stuff I could do in my sleep. What's to try?

After I get the plate of stodgy macaroni, I flop down on the nearest seat, at an empty table. The place is half-empty - most of the team have eaten & ran, and everyone else is bound up in conversation anyway. Garth tries to catch my eye for a minute when he sees me eating alone, but I'm not much in the mood for chatting - and anyway, it's a pity-offer. He'd rather I didn't interrupt him and Irma.

I'm not alone the whole lunch, though - Quentin, being Quentin, rushes in at the last possible moment, just as the room is emptying. He crashes down at my table, across from me, and asks if I'm still going to be there at the Pier (his private workshop) at three-thirty. I've got bad news: "I probably won't make it before five. Leviathan was a complete Gene, and followed up sticking me in the corner at training with giving me phone PD after therapy for 'insubordination'.

"What did you call him...?"

"Nothing, really." I try to sound sincere... "He was just in one of his better moods."

"I'm sure." I think I see the ghost of a smile, just a little curl at the edge of his mouth, just before he throws the last of his food down. It's gone by the time he swallows. "I'll see you at half-past five then."

"I said five."

"I'm allowing for the fact you're always late."

I've already started to object by the point I realise he's winding me up. Great...


14:15 - Therapy

"...I mean, it's getting to the point that I'm wondering - when is it that I actually count as 'well'?" I realise my voice has raised itself and dial it back a notch. "It's getting me down - correction, it's got me down. I'm having nightmares where everything I try to hold onto floats away..." I continue into a description of my day that turns into a bit of a tirade, while Dr Ryker just sits and listens the whole time, taking the occasional note, until I finish off by complaining about the idiots who think a cape is a superpower who want to be Legionnaires and form most of the Legion's telephone traffic, which I'll have to deal with after I leave, and my lungs finally, implosively get to take a breath.

She just sits there thoughtfully for a minute, as if considering how to react. "You called yourself and Paul 'pariahs' there when you were talking about the training session. Did you mean it?"

I purse my mouth and sigh deeply. That word was a slip. "Kind of, I suppose..." I pause, trying to find the words, "Everyone's polite enough, but they've all been together for months and bunched up into little cliques, and they ain't looking for new members. Plus, they all seem to want to see me as 'the She-Garth' and I'm not. I'm really not. And it's like they don't want to deal with the complication."

"And Paul?"

"He..." something hit me. "--wait, you're his therapist too. Wouldn't me talking about him be some sort of conflict of interest for you?"

"Only if you want it to be. Nothing you say about him gets back to him, the same way nothing else you say is disclosed without you seeing it first. And I'm spoken to him enough that whatever you say isn't likely to change my report on him."

I still hesitate. Paul was something else I hadn't meant to bring up. Over the weeks, I'd got used to talking to Dr Ryker, but I'd deliberately avoided talking about Paul, because I didn't want to mess anything up for him, even if we're not as close as we once were - but now that I'd slipped and left the door open, surely avoiding the subject would be as bad or worse... After all, she might decide I was hiding something big, which I'm not.

"He... you know how I said I didn't want to be seen as a 'She-Garth'? It's like he's happy here just to be seen as a 'mini-Cos'."

"And that makes you feel... angry?"

"Yeah. He just hangs around with Cos as much as he can, and plays at being Cos when he's can't. And yet, he fits in better than me because of it."

"So, not being seen as a 'She-Garth' is really important to you?"

"It's not--" I feel myself getting annoyed again, and stop for a moment. "You make it sound like it's an act. Like I really AM some sort of 'She-Garth', nothing more to see here. I'm not, plain and simple. We're twins, not clones."

"And yet, you've said before about how close you and Garth once were, and how you wanted to be 'a twin again'."

I opened my mouth to speak, but a bubble of emotion inside me had been popped by that, and I only got an "I..." out before my voice choked off. I closed my eyes for a minute, trying to sort it all out.

"It's not as if I've ever been just a female him. We're not even identical twins - when we were kids, we were like two different Tetris bits that fitted together, not the same bit twice. After the Workforce, and the brainwashing, and the deprogramming and all of that... I was groping for some sort of sense of 'me' and I grabbed for that. But we're not the kids we were. He's got a girlfriend, is a core part of the Legion, while I'm..."

"You're...?" The doctor had a concerned look on her face - I wondered if she expected some grand revelation I didn't have. I'd stopped because I'd had absolutely no idea how to put it, and still nothing specific came to me.

"...different. Just different, that's all. And I should never have pretended otherwise with that stupid matching costume." That one hurt to admit, since it was one of my stupider ideas - in my search for 'twinness', I'd copied the layout of Garth's costume for all of five minutes. Being honest, even though I used slightly different colours, it probably had a lot to do with the 'She-Garth' thing. Fortunately, it was three o'clock and she had another appointment, so couldn't follow up just then. Saved by the bell.


16:25 - Walking

First off, the telephone session was every bit as enraging as I'd expected. If I'd had to deal with those brain-donors in person, I would have fried at least one of them. I'm amazed I never zapped the phone itself. Fortunately, the walk out to 'the Pier', Q's private workshop - basically just a warehouse on the riverfront, but I never argued the name - gave me a chance to work some of it off non-lethally. (Say what you will about New Yorkers - at least they don't tell people to "cheer up, it's a wonderful day" like back home. Always hated that.)

As I approach the Pier, anyway, I notice a loud buzzing noise, and look up to see an unmistakably humanoid shape taking flight through one of the back windows, a pair of insect-wings strobing almost faster than my eyes could follow providing the sound effects. I know I've seen her before, but not where - I resolve to ask Q about her when I see him.


16:35 - The Pier

After typing the entry code and heading in, I quickly discover he's not on the main level. Surprising, considering that's where he's always been before when I walk in. Since one of the windows near the roof was open, unusually; I have a moment where I wonder if the flier grabbed him and I missed it, before dismissing the idea - I got a better look than *that*. Obviously, me being here twenty-five minutes earlier than I said never occurred him. With, I admit, a smirk on my face at Mr Brainiac being thrown by something so simple, I head towards the spiral basement stairs and shout "Q, you down here?" as I descend.

There's a quiet crash as I come round the final stair and get a first look at his basement workshop. Now, there's a running joke amongst certain Legionnairesses (who shall remain nameless), that all Q does in his spare time is blow stuff up in some private lab. And while I know him better than that by now, I still wasn't quite ready for seeing him in a pair of shorts, having fallen off a bench press machine while attempting to pretend he hadn't been using it.

I pull my eyes away from his clear embarrassment, and take a look around. Every part of the walls, surfaces and floors not taken up by equipment is filled with papers and other objects. Just how much stuff can he be interested in? How long does he need to spend learning this stuff?

"Fifteen hours."

I turn back to face him. He'd pulled on a robe, and had obviously taken the minute or two I'd given him to pull himself together, although his cheeks still have a trace of the darker green he blushes.

"That's the most it takes me for any given subject to degree level - given a decent set of texts, of course. I haven't had to recreate any fields from scratch, yet."

"Show off."

"Basic learning's the easy pa--"

"No, I mean the 'guessing what I was thinking' routine."

"Oh," he flicks his hand in an 'idle' gesture, "that's not hard. Mostly. People tend to be pretty transparent. I was right then?"

"Close enough. You seemed pretty surprised when I got here, though."

"Hey, it's the first time you've ever been early. You won't catch me so off-guard next time." He gave a little smirk that said that was a challenge.

"We'll see. Who was it that was flying out when I was walking up? They left a window open."

"Oh, just one of the Academy instructors asking for a hand with something. Could you give me five minutes to get sorted, then I'll come up and get started?"

"Sure..." I headed up.

16:45 - Mechatopia

I'm staring at it when I finally hear him make it back upstairs (One to complain about being late, he is!). "Looks like you've done some more work on it," I yell in his direction as he grabs his "input device" and laptop and carts them across the room.

"Not much, just some final checks before Lonestar turned up. Since there wasn't anything more to do before you got here, I just headed downstairs for a while."

"So it's ready for me to have a go?" I grin widely.

"Yes and no. Powering and controlling it are two different things, and I'd like to know you can keep the supply steady enough for the regulators to hold before we start debugging the onboard control systems."

'It' was an eight-feet tall battlesuit, scaffolding joined by universal joints and moved by hydraulic rams, made mostly from scrap. Weeks before, not long after I'd started my 'provisional membership', Q had had the idea for it, explaining that he'd wanted to try it for years - but inventing a power source to fit it would breach his 'parole conditions', as he'd put it, that put strict limits on what he was allowed to invent. If I was the power source, then it'd be useless to anyone but me & Garth - so he could work on everything else without too much fear. I'd leapt at the chance.

Now, with it standing before me, basically finished and ready to climb in, I'm excited and more than a bit nervous. Rather than asking if it's safe, though, I just jump up and in. After the day I've had, I hardly mind if the whole thing explodes as long as it takes my mind off what's been going on.


17:25 - Mecha Mania

Of course, it's not quite "get in and go". Besides getting strapped in, there were a lot of wires to get stuck to me - both for power, and for the control systems that wouldn't be used at first. Frustrating, but the hope I'd drive the thing before the day was done kept me going in a way that hadn't worked earlier.

Finally now, we're ready for the first test run, Q using his all-purpose "input device" - a pair of theramins, which I've long got over sniggering at, especially after he showed me how quick he could "type" with them - to do the control. I hear him ask if I'm ready. I nod, and start to feed the thing power. Lights come on, but for now, I'm meant to focus on one particular light - a large white one right in front of me - and keep it at a constant brightness.

Then, of course, the whole thing just collapses around me. I'm plummeting down, face heading toward the floor, and I'm too busy screaming to figure out whether to cut the power or not.

Then everything stops moving. It takes a moment for my brain to wake up and realise I haven't hit anything.

And Quentin's laughing.

"You absolute--" I verbally let loose for a minute before it even hits me what I'm saying. Once I stop, my position shifts, pulling me forward and up a bit - I'm still lying down, but now I'm facing forward through a clear gap, and Q's kneeling right in front of me, still with a smile on his face.

"Like the party piece?"

"What the hell just happened? You're lucky I didn't fry this stupid thing!"

"Watch." He stands up and moves out of sight. It's not as if I can do much BUT watch - either I see what he'd planned, or cut the power and wait for him to help me out.

Then it rolls forward, and I clock the wheels at each corner in front of me for the first time. "You built a ^&^&ing TRANSFORMER?"

"Yup." It stopped moving, and started shifting about, getting back into the mode where I'd first seen it.

"Whew." My relief alone could have powered a small village for a month. "Don't EVER, EVER pull a stunt like that without warning me ever again!"

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it," he said, a mock-innocent look on his face. It *had* been a rush, I admit to myself, but not to him. "Besides, there was a point - if you didn't blow all the electrics in the middle of that, chances are you're going to keep it together wherever you use it."

"So now I can drive?"

"So now we can test your control systems, anyway."

I breathe for a minute, put visions of crushing him out of my head, then nod. Still going to be fun.


22:00 - Bedtime

The test went well, thank grife. The thing is fiddly to operate, but another few goes and I'll be practically ready for the ballet.

Now, I'm tired, sore, but there's still a bit of satisfaction at the progress we made on the battlesuit.

As long as I don't think about Gene, I can almost call it a good day.


07:30 - Wake-up call

The alarm goes off punctually at half-seven, as usual, and I stretch over to punch it into silence. For once, I slept through the night, and it only takes a couple of minutes to wrestle my body into moving. It's not until I've been for a shower, though, that I've woken up enough to see that someone's been in my room during the night. Things have been moved around, almost deliberately, and nothing seems like it's in the right place. And to top that off, there's a note pinned to my wardrobe door:

Dear Sis,

Notice anyone missing?
If you want to see him
again, don't mention this
to anyone. Especially not
blonde telepath "anyones".

If you're a good girl,
you'll get another note
telling you where to come.

Love, M.

Oh ####.

To be continued in 21CL: Lords & Masters!

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
21CL: Academy L #3
#123547 08/05/10 01:54 PM
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Academy L: Emerging
A Lords & Masters prelude

"Nori, come in." In a break from the norm, it was Tikhik Miraz who appeared at the door to invite Noriko Ashida into the training room for her emergent assessment.

"You running the test, Tik?" she asked her bug-like friend and teacher.

"No, Moonstar does that. She just thought it'd help if I 'got you settled' first."

"Tch." Air rushed through Nori's clenched teeth. As usual, she didn't bother to hide her annoyance if something wasn't right, and the couple of times she'd met Danielle Moonstar had left her with the impression of someone who put on a good 'face' for the students without showing what she was really thinking - a cardinal sin in Nori's book. She fiddled with the baggy robe that was meant to help control her power, but which just seemed to make her sweat - only the collar Gear had given her helped, and that had a limited lifespan. "I take it I have to wear this?"

"I don't know - she might want you to test both with and without the robe. Do you want me to run down the tests, or would you rather she did?"

"If she's doing the test, might as well let her do it."

"Okay. Good luck..." Tik smiled as best as his beak was able, and went through the other door, which creaked as it opened and shut.

While waiting for Dani, Nori took a look at the room she was to be assessed in. It was a large hall, fairly bare except for a desk and blackboard at one end, and a larger table, holding an old-fashioned pair of meters attached to a couple of metal handles, off to the side. The door creaked again, and Nori turned to see Moonstar entering with a smile.


Dox was doing some fiddling with the mechasuit - with Spark delayed, it was worthwhile to give it a final checkover and improve what he could - when he heard a loud buzzing above, which got louder until it suddenly stopped. When this was followed by the sound of a window opening at ceiling level, he began to get nervous and looked around for anything he could use if the flying intruder proved hostile. There was nothing bar a few spanners which could make serviceable clubs, and he cursed his carelessness - wielding a club, when you had only human strength, against a superhuman intruder was like expecting a feather to be a useful weapon. He picked the largest one up anyway for want of a better option, but continued with the fiddling since a confrontation wasn't likely to go well. He heard them drop to the floor.

"Smart Legion... Dox?"

The thoughts ran instantly through Quentin's head: Female voice. Sounded inquisitive rather than threatening - a good sign, especially since they weren't trying to sneak up. Unfamiliar, but the buzzing flight combined with a female voice... there were only... three insect-winged fliers in the records, and one of those was male. And addressing a Legionnaire as "* Legion" before correcting herself narrowed it down to one. And since that one worked for the Legion Academy, that practically confirmed the 'no threat'. He put down the spanner, stood up and walked out, careful to wipe his hand on a rag for show as if her turning up was the most natural thing in the world.

"Ms. Lonestar, isn't it? What can I do for you?"

"I need to ask you about interdimensional travel."

Dox's eyebrows almost hit his hairline.


For Nori, the test part of the assessment was simple and boring - Dani explained that they'd already got most of the data they needed on her from the tests the Legion had already done. So she just had to run around in a circle for a bit to let Moonstar gauge her super-speed, and show how precisely she could hit marks both physically at speed and electrically with the meters. None of which was especially hard.

Then came the interview part of the assessment...

"I understand you had no control over your powers until you got that collar, is that right?"

"Right, I'm stupid." Nori wanted to pull the words back as soon as they made their way out, but instead she just sat back and folded her arms.

"It doesn't make you stupid. You had a bad emergence, didn't get the help you needed, and that stuck you in a vicious circle where you couldn't even communicate properly. Blaming yourself for what happened is like blaming someone with epilepsy for having fits."

"Yeah, like you'd know." Stupid stupid stupid. She's going to make your life hell for this... Nori screamed at herself internally, while staying still externally.

Dani stopped for a moment and sat back. Clearly Nori wasn't going to co-operate like this, and she had to take a different angle if she wanted Nori to open up. Sometimes opening up herself had helped with difficult pupils, and Tikhik had warned her that Nori prized openness - perhaps because of her closed upbringing and what it lead her to. "I know that I could easily have ended up like you, but for a piece of luck. My emergence went badly - and I was only the... I think third... one we have record of happening in the world, so almost no-one had ever seen anything like it, ever. The luck was that a friend of my grandfather was visiting, somehow realised what was going on, and managed to pull me out of the fantasy world I'd zapped myself into. If he hadn't been there, I'd probably have ended up locked away from the real world."

Nori's set face cracked a bit, betraying some curiosity, but she found herself saying "But you got this help just in time, and then you were okay."

"Oh no, it gets better. I moved here so he could help me more - I'm being literal, this was his house - and just as I was beginning to get a hang of things, my powers changed completely on me. For no apparent reason. It took me three years to get a power set to stick AND learn how to control it, and they still wax and wane somewhat. The guy was a saint to put up with it all. It's what set me on the path to doing this for a living - I was a private tutor for a few years until this place came along."

"So what happened to him?"

"He died, about eight months ago. He left this building to be used to help kids like you and me, but no-one bit until the Workforce fiasco finally got the attention of the right people."


While Dox hadn't had any expectations as such on what Shikari would say, somehow the idea that someone would just fly in and ask him about interdimensional travel had never occurred to him.

Quickly, he ran through what little he knew about her. Physically, she was an insect/human hybrid, but biased toward the human in form - with short green hair on her head, grey human features and shape (including breasts) and yellow eyes that showed no sign of facets. The insect side supplied colours, and her retractable dragonfly-esque wings and exoskeleton. Odd hybrid, but less so than some of McCauley's subjects. She also had a superhuman tracking ability. He knew nothing of her background or prior history, though, which meant she could... hmm... "You're from another dimension?"

"Yes." Quickly, she laid out her history to him - coming from an alien people called the Kwai, she'd met a future version of himself and others, and ended up joining their Legion of Super-Heroes before being lost in the timestream, ultimately coming to this world and their Legion Academy - along with her powers.

"Fascinating." Dox murmured when she was done. "And your tracking power works or doesn't work in that situation?"

"I can pathfind even in the timestream, yes, but I cannot move in the direction I aim at. And here, I have no way to leave this dimension at all."

"Here's my guess - when you 'pathfind' for a moment you 'see' all the possibilities available to you from your situation, and collapse it down to the best one. Ergo, you turn left and find the bomb, not right and get delayed so it goes off, and so on. Quantum mechanics, skewed in your favour."

"That's similar to what the other Smart Le- sorry, an old habit - Brainiacs have said. So, then why cannot I just find a way home, or at least from this dimension?"

"It's that word - possibilities. You can only use the knowledge and tools you have available or can obtain with what you have available, rather than an infinite nest. Anyone could happen down the right corridor and find the bomb, you just get all the benefits of that sort of trial and error without having to actually having to go through the trial and error. Given a gun, you could have pinpoint accuracy, even at ridiculous odds... as long as the bullet is capable of reaching the target under the conditions which exist and you can't alter. Or, for another example - you can know the train you're due to catch won't reach the station in time, but if there isn't an earlier train you can't create one."

"So--" she started to speak, but he wasn't finished and cut her off.

"So in other words, an exit ultimately needs to exist for you to find it. And making a time machine, or one of the interdimensional "Threshold" doorways you were telling me about - that's not only beyond what you personally know, it's beyond the collective knowledge of everyone on this planet. There'll be parts you need which not only haven't been invented yet, the processes to make the machines to make the parts to make the machine to make the parts you need won't have been invented yet."

Shikari's head went down. It was what she'd guessed, but hearing him say it made it all the more real. "So you are saying I may be trapped here? For the rest of my life?"

"Not necessarily. You say you were drawn to the Academy. Someone there, or who will go there, could well have the power to send you either home, or to somewhere or somewhen that will have the means to get you closer to home. Perhaps you became a teacher because you'll be instrumental in them developing their power to the point they could do it."

"A point."


"So, what, we're all sweetness and light, and no-one ever does anything wrong as long as they've been trained?"

"Obviously not. Some people are born bad, some achieve badness, and some need a shock to the system to knock the badness out of them."


Dani nearly rolled her eyes at this point - on the one hand, Nori was getting very nosy. On the other, she needed to get her trust if she was going to get anywhere with her... "Remember the speech I gave at the opening? About telepaths?"


"Well, someone wasn't listening or didn't care, because when I had a room full of telepaths in here earlier on, one of them tried to make me strip."

"Seriously? What happened?"

"Oh, I let him get a couple of buttons on my blouse just so I could show he tried - the CCTV cameras all around the school aren't just visible light, there's also secondary cameras that pick up the wavelengths telepathy works in for just that sort of event - before I stunned him, but I can deal with that sort of thing. What makes me worried is if he tried it on someone who COULDN'T, who didn't have the right sort of powerset or training to override it. Right now he's down in the cell cooling his heels while I decide whether to press charges."

"There's a prison?"

"Obviously. Power dampers are big, bulky and expensive - so we've only got the one, and the room it's installed in has been turned into a makeshift cell - which is another reason for you to master your powers enough that you don't need one to live..."


Her question answered as best he could, Shikari thanked Dox for his time, and flew back through the window, on a loose bearing for the Academy - she wanted to fly for a while, rather than take the most direct route. It seemed appropriate. She sighed.

Two years, eight months, thirty days, five hours, eighteen minutes and twenty-two seconds.

That wasn't quite the way Shikari naturally broke down time, but she knew the exact time in her own units since she'd been cast adrift into the Void, the space between universes. Soon, she'd fallen randomly out of that Void into an unfamiliar universe, and when she'd managed to find a way out of that within days, getting home had seemed easy for someone who could always identify the path to success.

As this universe's counterpart of Brainiac 5 had observed though, that assumed there WAS a path to success. Getting back into the Void had been easy. Not being swept away on the intertemporal currents therein hadn't - even as she'd wanted to go one way, she'd been pushed another, into another random universe. An occurrence which had repeated all-to-often-since. This universe was the thirty-ninth she'd landed in - by various means, and with varying attempts to beat the currents and steer a course, all to no avail - but the first primitive enough to actively stymie her attempts to at least move on to somewhen better-equipped.

Over time, some clear patterns had emerged in her direction of travel - firstly, and without fail, whether she landed in the twenty-first or ninety-ninth centuries or anywhere in-between, there was ALWAYS a Legion of Super-Heroes of some sort, some recognisable, some bearing no resemblance to the one she knew. Secondly, her temporal arc of travel was getting wider - the previous earliest stop she'd made was in a twenty-third century. And thirdly, she would never find any record of a counterpart to herself; even in a universe like this, where seemingly all the Legionnaires she'd known in her own timeline were native to one planet. This last point had begun to disturb her - she'd met or heard tell of thirty-three Cosmic Boys (whether they called themselves that or not), thirty-one Brainiac 5s... even six Gears and four Infectious Lasses; but not one other Shikari. Was she so alone in the omniverse?

Her sense of hopelessness and loneliness had combined, after a month of fruitless searching for a way to move on, to take her to the point that she even missed the quietness of the township she'd once been so desperate to leave. She'd stopped scrabbling, and become a nursery assistant in a quiet corner of Europe, tired of fighting and losing, tired of meeting false versions of her true friends. Then, suddenly, a path had lit, a way onward, giving her hope. It had taken her to the new Legion Academy of this world, only for her to find there... nothing. And so she'd visited this world's Brainiac 5 on one last errand of desperation, hoping for some new insight she'd missed. To little avail.

Shikari hoped her senses weren't failing her now as everything else had. A lost pathfinder was tragic. One blind to the path before her was unforgivable.


With the power dampers answer, Dani had managed to turn Nori's interview back to the latter's history, and it had progressed without further incident. Now it was time to sum up.

"So, right now you're a C with the assistive-collar, and a fail without - but that's no news to you, I expect."

"Obviously not."

"I'll give some more thought to a specific program for you then, and in the meantime..." Dani's cellphone went off. "Sorry, text, give me a second." She sighed on reading it. "In the meantime, I want you to keep your charge level low insofar as you can, okay?"

"Fine." Nori was still surly, but less so, Dani thought.

"I'll see you for classes on Monday then," Dani eased her pupil towards the door. "Bye."

Once the door was closed, she took another look at her phone screen. "Check requested on young schoolchild in outer NYC area. Details sent to your email." Nori had been her last student of the day, and at quarter to five it was too late to visit a school. It would need to be done early the following day - not to mention that she'd probably need to bring Shikari - which would screw up the assessment timetable for the day even if, as was likely, there was nothing to it... "Great", she muttered, and headed off to get coffee.

To be continued in 21CL: Lords & Masters!

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
21CL: Legionnaires #7 & Academy L #4, part 1
#123548 08/08/10 05:03 PM
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Thirteen Months Ago:

At a nondescript student party at New York's Empire State University, a redhead suddenly clutched her temple in surprise. She looked around for the source of the surprise, and aimed at a man sitting in a corner, nursing a drink. He looked surprised himself to have been picked out. They talk for a minute, and then leave the room to discuss matters further.

Unseen by her, though, as they walked away, black goo began to ooze over his hand...

Lords & Masters
Part 1: Master-Bound

It wasn't even light yet as Dani pulled the minibus out of the Academy grounds. With blacked-out windows to prevent prying eyes staring at any kids who looked "inhuman", it was meant mostly for the occasional trip out; but they had to use it for "scouting missions" within a five-hour drive so that the Academy got value for money.

She didn't much like it, but she liked less losing at least the whole morning from her & Shikari's timetables (two hour drive there, two hours back, plus the time at their destination school meant there was no chance of getting back before noon) to what was virtually certain to be a wild-goose chase. Especially not when there were a load of kids whose emergent assessments really had to get done before Monday - they were running late enough as it was.

Not for the first time, nor the last, she wished she'd stayed a private tutor. Much, much simpler life.

In a school not far from New York City, a six-year old girl wakes up and stretches her arms. Her name is Gemma. She enjoys hopscotch and colouring-in. She goes to boarding school, and never sees her parents, but she doesn't let it get her down - she's a smart girl, and she knows she'll go far.

Meanwhile, all Rachel wants is for Gemma to go away - she gets on her nerves all the time, but she can't escape her. Not even for a second.

Because "Gemma" isn't real.

She's a shell personality forced over Rachel's own, and all Rachel can do is watch as her powers keep up the illusion of being a six-year old girl, when all she wants to do is be herself - go back to college and live her twenty-one year old life as she should be doing....


Spark, of course, was already awake, and looked at the note in her hand with shock. "M." "Sis." The handwriting. Obviously, her elder brother Mark had been the one to pay her the visit in the night. That made the odds on the missing "him" twenty-to-one that it was Garth, still moreso with the specific warning against telling Irma.

First things first - was Garth actually missing? And if he was, what did everyone else think had happened to him? And how had Mark got in, abducted Garth and left a threatening message in her room in the first place?!

She threw on her costume quickly, and headed to the canteen for breakfast. Most of the team would be there, and any info on what was perceived to have happened (if anything) wouldn't be hard to come by.


"Oh, thank heavens you've come! You see, I've always been sure there's something... odd... about the boy, but now..."

"It's all right Mrs. Hargreaves. Could you show us the class in question? We should be able to sort this out quickly one way or the other."

"Of course, this way please..."

"Good morning class."

"Good morn-ing Miss-es Har-Greaves"

"Now, this is Miss Moonstar..." Dani entered the room, "...and Miss Lonestar..." Shikari's entrance produced minor rumbles and a few "Cool!"s from the children on seeing her grey skin and short blue-green hair. "They are looking for a few specific children for something special and they think there may be one of them in this room. They should only be a moment, so continue with your work," she finished before going to speak to the class teacher.

When most of the children had at least mostly settled down, Dani prompted, "Well 'Kari?"

"One moment," Shikari said before armouring-up, a light-effect appearing from a red spot in the middle of her forehead. "None of the boys are metahuman, but there is something very odd..."

Rachel felt something odd and looked up from "Gemma's" colouring-in. For the first time in months, she had hope, as she thought she felt something one of the two women did prick the illusion she was forced to maintain. She wanted to jump up and wave her hands - her real hands - in the hope that one of them might see them.

"There," Shikari whispered to Dani, "she is far older than the others in the room. An illusion makes her look of the same age, but I see the true woman beneath."

"Woman?" Dani whispered back with a raised eyebrow. "All right, lead the way..."

Rachel wished she could explode with joy as Shikari took "Gemma's" hand to lead her out of the room, while Dani stopped to have a word with the teachers to explain that they were taking her, if not exactly why. Mrs. Hargreaves looked very disappointed that they were taking a "quiet, shy" girl rather than the "little monster" she'd hoped for.


Info wasn't hard to come by for Ella, but nor was it helpful - everyone seemed to think Garth had gone home for a visit. He'd even supposedly cleared it with Gene and Cos. And no-one was volunteering anything about a break-in, which - given the Legion propensity for gossip - meant no-one thought there had been one.

A phone call to her parents more or less confirmed that the "home" story was bunk - she hadn't mentioned Garth once, not to set them on edge, but they indubitably would have mentioned his visit or anticipated visit if there was one. She knew her parents, and they wouldn't pass up a chance to pressure her into a visit home.

Okay, she reflected, so the letter seemed real. Garth had vanished, and somehow Mark had snuck in... how? There were all sorts of security precautions against someone just... walking in. Teleporter? Intangible?

The note had promised a follow-up if she didn't say anything. She hadn't yet, so it was worth going back and checking for another one before she decided what to do next.


Back on the minibus, Dani and Shikari sat and looked at their subject.

"You can drop the illusion now - we know you're not really a young girl," Dani said.

While her 'Gemma' avatar looked down at her feet, Rachel tried to scream, to explain what had happened, but Dani couldn't hear or see a word of the whisper that actually made it out.

"Dani, I believe she is saying she cannot."

At that, Dani thought for a moment, before realising what the most fervent desire of someone trapped as a six-year old would probably be, kicking herself for not thinking of it straight away.

At that, Rachel's world dissolved and appeared to reform atop a lighthouse, with her sitting on a deckchair in a bikini - as herself, no 'Gemma' in sight.

Before she could celebrate, however, she looked up and saw Danielle and Shikari standing there. "It's just an illusion," Dani explained, "so could you explain what's going on, Gemma?"

"Rachel. My real name's Rachel. And makes sense that an illusion's more real than reality for me right now," murmured Rachel. "You must be in my head to do this, can't you just find out directly?"

"I'm not a full telepath. I can make illusions like this - of desires, like this, or fears - and go into them, or make telepathic weapons, but I can't read human minds. I need you to explain."

"I don't remember much about it - there are gaps in my memory, big ones, where I think I've been mindwiped on top of everything else.

What I do remember is that a year ago I met someone... or maybe even something, I can't remember anything about who did this to me... at a party at college. I could feel that it was another telepath - the first one I'd met, ever. I left the party with them... and then it's mostly a blank until three days later. I woke up, and I was meant to be 'Gemma,' a five-year old enrolled at this school, and I was projecting an image of her without trying, and couldn't stop it, or go away, and no-one could see me, only 'Gemma,' and I was trapped into playing the role and couldn't break free..." she began to cry, and Dani put her hand on her shoulder.

"You remember nothing of that person or those three days?" Shikari asked.

Rachel shook her head in response, and forced out "No." She forced herself to stop for a moment, and added "One other thing - there's a red skinsuit-thing sealed all over my real body from the neck down. I can't take it off..." her voice broke, and she started sobbing again, louder than before.

When Rachel had calmed down a bit, Dani excused herself and Shikari, and took them out of Rachel's illusion.

"We're going to need to bring the Legion in on this," Dani said as soon as she and Shikari were back in reality, looking at the sleeping 'Gemma.' "Rachel must be powerful to be able to keep this illusion up 24/7 for a year, voluntarily or not, and that means anyone powerful enough to play with her mind like this is scary. Can you call Tikhik to pick us up? I don't want to waste time with driving."

"Of course."

"So you expect me to drop everything and jump off to teleport after you, correct?"

Shikari counted down from eight. This Gates could be as... testing... as her own at times. "Small Le... Tikhik..., we believed we were going to find a young child for recruitment. We found a woman forced to act as a child for a year, who needs Fair L... Tela's help. Given your known feelings of brainwashing..."

"Fine, fine..." Tikhik tried to keep the façade up, but shuddered inwardly. Even with McCauley down, there would have to be others... "How do you expect me to find you? Unlike you, I can't blink and know where you are."

"There is a..." Shikari struggled momentarily to find the word. Even after months of practice, guided by her power, her use of English was not perfect... "a tracer in this vehicle. Use the screen to find us."

"The screen? Oh, perfect..." Tikhik had a stressful relationship with computers, given his claw "hands". He swore inwardly as he tried to find their location, and use it to calculate the distance and direction he needed for the gate...

Meanwhile, Dani had just finished explaining their plan, such as it was, to Rachel.

"And you think 'Tela' will be able to help?"

"Well, she managed to deprogram quite a few people - including some of my students - after they'd been brainwashed a few months ago, so she has experience."

"That's not an answer."

"I think she has the best chance outside of whoever originally did this to you, alright."

"Sorry, I'm just..."

"...tense, I know. That's understandable."

"You said you could make 'telepathic weapons' - couldn't you just...?"

"No! No - not, at any rate, unless there were no other options. They're fairly crude - I don't have the fine control for it."

Rachel noticed an odd edge to Dani's voice when she said this, conveyed even in the illusory setting, and Dani in turn caught her reaction. "My powers have waxed and waned quite a bit over the piece," she said with a wry grin on her face. "It drives me nuts sometimes."


Spark saw the next note as soon as she entered her room. All it gave, though, was a location and a few directions to get there - not even any more taunting. Another warehouse on the docks, quite a long way away from Q's.

She sat on the edge of her bed, thinking. If she told anyone, Mark might follow through on his threat to kill Garth - if he, or someone working with him, could get in with impunity, they could be watching her right now. Not to mention that she would play no role in any rescue attempt.

On the other hand, it was an obvious trap. If they captured Garth, they logically had a way to capture her. But if it was such a trap, why not grab her when they left the notes? Either they couldn't, or Mark wanted her there conscious and free to discuss something.

She looked up at the clock. Nearly ten am. She had to decide what to do, and quickly.


The receptionist tried not to jump when she saw a green hole appear in mid-air and a giant bug, a grey-skinned woman with dragonfly wings, a Native American woman and a six-year old girl stepped from it. And failed.

Even working for the Legion didn't mean you were inured to anything and everything.

"Hi, is Tela around?" Dani asked, flashing her Legion Associate card. Shikari could have found her instantly and guided Tikhik directly to her, of course, but there was something to be said for politeness. Sometimes.

The receptionist inwardly counted to ten and looked, firstly to see if the Legion were out on a mission, and, after finding they were not, asked for details before she would contact Tela via "personal communicator" (i.e. cellphone) to arrange for them to see her.


Meanwhile, Spark had taken advantage of the commotion created by the Academy group teleporting into the foyer to slip out quietly, civilian clothes over her costume. It was her brother's life at stake, and her other brother to deal with. She couldn't leave that to just anyone, trap or no trap...


Five minutes after the group's arrival, there was no sign of anyone paying attention to them. Tikhik spotted Starboy through a window to the Legion's rec room and headed off to talk to him. Meanwhile, Dani & co got more and more frustrated.

Fifteen minutes after that, Dani, Shikari and Rachel were still waiting when Tela, bored, ignorant of what was going on and wondering if Garth would call, entered the foyer on her way to the roof for some air. After a brief explanation, she eagerly agreed to help, and the four of them headed to the Legion's medical room to set things up, with Dani making a few notes of what to say once she found the receptionist's bosses...

Irma concentrated slightly, establishing a superficial mental link with Rachel - more so she could talk directly to the real person behind the child than anything else - and immediately felt an inrush of combined fear, anticipation and relief wash over her.


«Hi...,» she could hear the nerves in Rachel's "voice", which was only to be expected

«One stupid thing before we start - could you sign this?»

«What is it?» Rachel asked as she looked it over.

«Legal stuff,» Irma grimaced.

«If I was of "sound mind", I wouldn't need this,» Rachel protested.

«It's not my choice; if I do this these days without going through this farce first, I get taken off active duty. Use that line as a loophole if you need to.»

Rachel reluctantly signed after feeling Irma's genuine disgust for the "farce." She needed what had been done to her reversed, and she couldn't do it herself.

«Okay, have you ever met another telepath before?»

«Only once...»

«Right...» Dani had repeated in full what Rachel had told her, so she didn't need details. «Have you ever gone deep into someone else's mind under your own power?»

«No, why?»

«It's just that I'm going to have to go pretty deep to see about this, and it would help if you'd known what it was like. Physicians may not be able to heal themselves, but it sometimes helps them if they need surgery to know what's going on», she smiled.

«What's it like?»

«Well, every person's mindscape is different, so it's hard to describe, and I've never tried entering another telepath's mind to start with. Have you been able to use your power this past year or so?»

«Yes and no», Rachel grimaced, «It's been on constantly to keep up the "Gemma" illusion, but I've not been able to consciously use it.»

«Okay. First I'm going to put you into a light sleep, but I need your mind fairly active though to do this, so you'll probably have some odd dreams while this is going on - images of what I'm doing, memories I trigger - some accidentally, but some I might need to look at to try and reverse the damage - or just plain weird stuff if I hit the wrong synapses.»



«I guess...»

Irma's own eyes shut as she fully entered Rachel's mind, laying a black curtain over it as she went.

At first "glance," there was nothing particularly special about it to Irma's view. All minds were unique - different metaphors for the underlying mental processes, different priorities - although there were some commonalities to latch onto. This first chamber was represented as a mine cavern, with what looked like electric blue jelly babies taking data from Rachel's senses - telepathy included - in the form of small red blobs and tipping them down a mineshaft to processing. The time dilation deep in a mind, where a minute could last anything from a second to an hour, always threw her initially and she stopped to get her bearings.

Looking around, the only inherent difference she could see was that Rachel's mind seemed slightly busier than normal, as her subconscious processed data from other minds to maintain "Gemma". Clearly, the first task was to shut down the telepathy "line" in case it interfered with her own when she reached the next level. She set to work...


The place had been easy enough for Spark to find from the note. It seemed, to her at least, to show every sign of having been abandoned for a long time, with the high-up windows broken and plants growing in the gutters, although some of the other warehouses around looked busy enough. Most of their workers didn't give her a second glance though - "if some girl is dumb enough to come wandering down there, let her, we've got work to do", she guessed.

The note said to go round the back, where there'd be a basement door "lying open". She found it, in the narrow gap between the back and a large metal fence, and jumped down with no hesitation, landing lightly in the dark. As she prepared to create a flare, the lights suddenly came on, revealing a huge solid concrete structure built within the crumbling warehouse.

"Ella." The voice echoed in the huge space.

She turned, very deliberately to show no weakness, to face the source of the sound. "Mark".

His hair, once similar to Garth, had been allowed to grow to his shoulders, and there was a prominent white patch in the centre. Other than that, he looked well kempt, dressed mostly in black leather.

"How did you get into my room?"

"What, no proper greeting? Not even a 'Where's Garth'? Touché. Since you ask, a couple of friends helped me out. They're not here, though. Just Mark, Ella and..." he tugged at a thin black cord Spark hadn't noticed, "...Garth. Together again."

Spark set her jaw as the black drape fluttered to the ground, revealing Garth. He was hanging in the air, but via a body harness rather than by his neck, at least. Her relief was short-lived, though, as she saw that he was unmoving, his eyes open and glassy. "You've killed him, haven't you?" Small sparks began to fly from her clenched fists."

"Oh no, I promise he's alive for now. I just wanted him to be here when I made you the offer, and, well, he started complaining - you know what he's like. He's basically asleep."

"Wake him up then."

"If you'll hear me out."

She gritted her teeth for a moment, and forced herself to relax. "What offer?"

"Simple - join me and my friends. I know the LSH hasn't been treating you right. Lots of potato peeling, yes? Join us and show them what you're made of."


Subjectively, it took just over an hour before Irma found the first direct line to the cause of it all - a black wire, standing out from the flesh-like surroundings, which was thin and turned to goo as she tried to touch it. She quickly followed it through four levels, trying not to damage anything as she went, as it got thicker and other lines branched out from it, until it itself joined a larger trunk. Then she saw it.

To her mind's eye, it looked like a plasma ball in the negative, black bolts reaching out, then firming into huge trunklines, carrying signals to and from every part of Rachel's mind, forcing her to act against her will. A cancer that had to be cut out.

Irma formed "armour" around herself, and reached out with a sword of light, aiming to cut one of the trunk lines near the source and isolate the core, when a black bolt suddenly reached out and enveloped her. She wrestled with it, trying to hurt it, trying to break free; but it grew over her, enclosing her, isolating her...

As it closed in, her armour evaporated just before the blackness became total, she heard four words whisper in her head: "I am your Master."

Then all was silence.


"Join you?" Just one rope holding Garth up "Who's this 'us'?" Could zap it, but he'd fall and I couldn't carry him out "And what do you do?" Fifty-fifty at best in a straight fight with Mark, don't know what he's been up to, or what he's done to Garth.

"See, I'm not allowed to tell you most of that just now, not with twinny here. I got permission to make the offer, just to you, 'cause we know you don't like the Legion much. You got used to the nicer things while with the Workforce, didnya. You can have whatever you want, and no posing for the cameras to wreck it all."

Ella thought she heard something move in the background, but didn't dare take her eyes off Mark. Is he serious? He really thinks I'd run off with him like this? "And what happens to Garth?"

"Oh, he gets mailed back to the Legion, fully intact and breathing, to tell him you said bye-bye."

"And if I said no?" He really IS serious, isn't he? What the hell's happened to him - he was never quite right, but not like this.

"Dunno. Why, is that the sort of thing you're likely to say?"

Spark looked into her older brother's eyes. Her older brother's increasingly deranged eyes. I say yes, I can't trust him to return Garth safely and I drop myself in a world of crap. I say no, I have to fight my way out of here, with Garth. I gave the latter fifty-fifty, I don't give the former odds THAT good. I'm an idiot to come without backup. "Probably."

"Oh well." He turned to face Garth. Showing his back to her.

What the..., she wondered, until she felt something touch the back of her neck, putting a huge jolt of electricity through her. Enough to overload even her nervous system.

She fell forward, flat on her face. That was less worrying for her, though, than the fact that she couldn't move. She could feel the ground where she'd landed, she could see the floor underneath her, could hear footsteps and her lungs kept sucking air - but as for conscious movement, she couldn't even blink.


Groggily, Irma's eyes opened and she blinked at the light. Suddenly, she blinked even more as a small, bright light was shone in each eye in turn.

"Quickly, what's your name?"

"Irma Ardeen. Tela."

"Who's president?"

"Lex Luthor."

"What's your favourite colour?"


"She seems fine for now. I'll tell Dr. Llewellyn she's awake." The nurse walked off.

"How do you feel?" Trinity's voice came over and she saw her (one of her) and Nura standing to the right of her bed, looking worried.

"Dizzy. How long since I went in?"

"Less than five minutes, and you've been out for most of that."

"That all? It felt like..." She shook her head, and realised something. "My head feels really quiet."

"My fault." She turned her head and saw Moonstar standing at the foot of the bed with Shikari. "Dreamer came rushing in screaming about the link going wrong a few seconds before I felt the feedback, and I stunned you both with a couple of arrows before it got any worse. Your powers should come back in a few hours."

"There's something else too. My shoulder feels itchy."

Irma pulled her costume down over her right shoulder. Dani gasped as she realised what it meant, while the others looked on in shock.

A pink skinsuit was growing over the shoulder.

To be continued

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
21CL: Legionnaires #7 & Academy L #4, part 2
#123549 08/16/10 02:44 PM
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"Back in our first session, you were talking about Mark, your older brother, calling him a 'bad apple', a 'black sheep' and nearly something stronger. What makes him that way to you - is it personal, the fact that he stole from you? That he caused problems in your family? Shame on your family?"

Ella frowned and leaned back. "All of them, I suppose. I think the thing that comes to mind the most is how... self-centred he was. He didn't care what he did, or who he hurt, as long as it helped him." She sighed, then came back in a strong voice, "The only person Mark could ever care about... is Mark."

Lords & Masters
Part 2: Lightning Lords


Spark was wheeled through the ER on a trolley, having been dumped outside in a bag by Mark and his accomplice, medical people barking things above her and asking her questions she couldn't respond to. Fully conscious, she couldn't make even the slightest movement - not the blink of an eye, nor the twitch of a finger.

She wanted to panic, but her heart rate wouldn't co-operate and speed up.


On seeing her shoulder, Irma began to panic, and Dreamer and Trinity rushed forward to comfort her. Dani and Shikari, meanwhile, looked at each other, then backed away to let Tela's friends calm her.

"What now?" Shikari asked, once they were out of sight.

Dani thought for a moment. "There's nothing we can do for Tela right now. The doctor should be finished with Rachel, so let's check on her."


Spark had lain on a trolley, left mostly alone in a side-room bar a heart monitor and the occasional check on her vital signs, for an hour. She wondered if anyone would even notice she was alive - meaning conscious - or would they just think she was a vegetable and leave her to rot. Also, how long bed sores took to form.

Eventually, raised voices came through the corridor toward her, one of which she recognised even before the door opened and she could discern the words...

"...and she should hear this anyway," Quentin's voice said loud and clear.

"How can you know she's even able to hear you at all?" A female voice, deep but fairly young. "She didn't respond even to simple things like the pupil dilation test at her observations. That means she's--"

"I know what you're going to say Dr. Reyes, and no it doesn't. Her medical records for the past five years are very spotty, yes? It's because her biology is highly classified."

"Why the HELL would they classify someone's medical records?! That makes no sense - she's a human being, she deserves the right to medical treatment!"

"Two reasons - the first of which would get me locked in a small room for a very long time for mentioning. The other is that while she's a human being, she's very arguably not human. Her nervous system is almost entirely different from a standard human nervous system to carry on functioning despite the huge electrical loads her body carries. And it's been sent into an infinite feedback loop, which is why she's paralysed like this."

"Wait, why--"

"Again, I'm not allowed to go into details, but suffice to say her biology is more different from the average human being than that average human's is from a chimpanzee. Her whole body is now built around generating and directing electricity, and the upshot is that Ella Raines is no more a 'normal' human than me. Or you."

To that, the doctor said something very low and angry-sounding that Ella couldn't catch.

"I've seen a list of every identified metahuman in the USA, and I have an excellent memory. You're on it."

"So you're intending to blackmail me then."

He sighed, loudly, "No, I have no intention of blackmailing you in ANY sense of the word. We're on the clock, I need your help, and I felt it would save a lot of tedious denials - I don't know exactly how long she's been in this state, but she has just short of 19 hours from when this started until her biology breaks down and she either turns into a bomb or quietly twitches and expires, and lesser damage may happen before that point."


"If it helps, I swear that whatever happens, I won't breathe a word about your forcefield to any of your colleagues. And unless I've been fed complete nonsense, there won't be any danger to you..."

Ella began to tune out as the doctor replied again, and it went back and forth. Even hearing that what Dox had planned was going to burn her and hurt more didn't stop her wanting to yell "I DON'T CARE, JUST DO IT ALREADY". And then Dox tacked on to the end of one reply...

"...and Ella, I'm ready to do this whenever the doctor here is - I need her approval for this, not to mention her active help."

"And *I* need to be sure this won't kill her first. Why are you addressing her all of a sudden?"

"I told you, she can hear every word we say. And, knowing her, she hit the 'I don't care, just do it already' stage within the last minute."

B'stard, Ella thought.


As it turned out, Dr. Llewellyn wasn't quite finished with Rachel when Moonstar & Shikari reached the small examination room, so they had to wait several minutes before he emerged.

"Well?", Dani demanded.

"Physically, she's in perfect health as far as I can tell. I'm not equipped to examine the 'psychic' side of things."

"What about the 'skinsuit' she mentioned?"

"It doesn't seem to impede her in any way - it's even porous to sweat. One odd thing though, when I tried to cut through it--"

"You couldn't?"

"No, the scalpel went through it easily enough, for all the difference it made - it was like trying to cut water; I couldn't even prise it open enough for a proper look underneath, let alone take a sample."

"Can we see her?"

"Only if you promise not to make mental contact. After this business with Ardeen, a strict 'psychic' quarantine seems to be called for, and I'll enforce a physical quarantine if need be."

Shikari cut in - "But once her power returns from Danielle's arrow, she will not be able to--"

"Regardless, I don't need any more patients! Has Ardeen manifested any signs of this girl's illness?"

Reluctantly, they admitted it was so.

"Then the order stands, and after I see Ardeen, I may decide a physical quarantine is called for after all. For now, I'll allow you to see her for a short time."

"Fine." Dani said. "Then if you'll excuse us..." she squeezed past the doctor pointedly, and he quickly stepped out of the way as Shikari followed.


"Look," Dox, visibly annoyed, pulled a pair of the most ridiculous-looking glasses either Ella or the Doctor had ever seen out of his bag. With bits bolted on at random all over the place, they looked like a bad B-movie prop. He held them up to his face for a moment to glance at Ella, as if to check something, then turned around to Dr Reyes, beginning to pull them off - only to suddenly clasp them back up as he caught sight of the doctor through them. "Wow." He mused quietly, then said something that sounded like "Iceilahcoyaimtix hlissesobaqatmsuo Rcadprilsapeitd bterdsoee. Iueacmltlrdcospecoehoabl Imgtbalto-"

"Uh..." Dr. Reyes was beginning to get uncomfortable with being stared at.

Quentin shook his head and took the glasses away from his eyes. "Sorry, got distracted. Your forcefield is-- anyway, take a look at Spark through these."

Dr Reyes, visibly sceptical, put them on her face and immediately went "woah".

"Don't get distracted by your forcefield - and yes, I know it's easy - look past it onto Spark. All that white should be a dull blue when she's just lying down, and her electrocore shouldn't be anywhere near that obvious. In simple terms, she's overloading, and we need to deliver a short, sharp shock to break her out of it."

"Uh..." the doctor pulled the glasses from her face, "why didn't you just show me that to start with?"

"Technically, they don't exist," he took them from her hand and stowed them back in his bag. "It's a long story,"

"Let me guess, classified?"

"Not exactl- anyway, no more distractions. We need to move her to a bare room - preferably in a basement or sub-basement."


Dreamer came back in and shoved a cup of soup into Irma's hands. "You have to keep your strength up if you want to beat this."

Although Tela had calmed down somewhat - compared to when she had first seen her shoulder, at least - eating was still the last thing she wanted to do. Rather than offend her best friend though, who as a precognitive might even Have Meant Something else else by it, she sipped reluctantly at the lentil broth while Nura, frowning, sat down beside Trinity once more.

They sat in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, both staring at Irma on her sickbay bed as she continued to half-heartedly take some soup, while the pink kept slowly spreading down onto her hand.

"Come on Irma--" Trinity said, plaintively "--at least finish the soup. You have to keep fighting."

In response, Tela boggled at Lorna and unconsciously put the soup down.

"You can't give into despair."

Irma kept boggling at Lorna, and found her voice "I've been inside your head, remember? You're not really one to talk about 'not despairing'."

Trinity blushed and split into three, but T-Purple kept up the attack, "So? When'd you ever give up? Did you give up after that thing with Brainy?"

"SISTER!" T-Orange's volume was just that bit too loud and everyone in the room looked at them for a moment, before resuming their business.

Dreamer was intrigued, "What thing with Dox?"

"I don't know if I want to tell..."

"You tell her or I will," T-Purple folded her arms and looked Tela square in the eye. Even without access to her powers, Irma realised she wasn't bluffing.

"There's not much to tell... honestly..."

Dreamer cocked an eyebrow. "Spill."

Tela looked at her friends. T-Purple was looking at her with a determined expression, Dreamer with a curious look, and T-Neutral had taken her orange self out of the room after she shouted at Purple, depriving her of any allies. She was cornered. "I got stuck in Quentin's head for a few hours one day, that's all."

"That's all? I didn't even know it was possible."

Irma started going red, "I got lost. He wanted me to look for any booby-traps STAR might have left behind, but his brain is... different. Before I knew what was happening, I didn't know where to turn, and eventually he had to push me out. And that really. Is. All."

"You must surely have seen something interesting in there?"

"It's big - I was in an empty bit..." Irma decided to change the subject quickly, "Where IS he anyway?" She shivered - unconsciously scratching at the skinsuited area, which had finished with her left arm and was now encroaching onto her torso, and was speeding up in the process. "Surely if there's anyone here who can do anything..."

Trinity-Purple scoffed. "I don't know. My sisters just checked a few minutes ago - he went out a couple of hours ago, saying something about an emergency. Didn't leave a message saying what or where he'd be, and his phone's switched off. Typical Brainy, putting his experiments over people."


With Dr. Reyes finally on-side, things moved relatively quickly in the hospital, and an old, small storeroom, with a concrete floor and metal door, was found and cleared in the basement relatively quickly, and the electrical sockets covered up at Dox's insistence.

"What now?" Ella heard Dr. Reyes' voice ask as her trolley was wheeled in.

"We need to get her onto the floor - the trolley has to go too. Give me a hand." Ella didn't care about anything except moving again any more - she'd have quite happy been laid over hot coals if it meant she could jump up from it.

"And now? How do you plan to give her this 'short, sharp shock'? Plug her into the mains?"

"Obviously not - 110 volts isn't nearly enough p.d., and the current would be too high. This should basically do the trick, though." He pulled a taser out of his bag.


"Absolutely - it isn't quite ideal, but there wasn't any time to build something, so I grabbed this. Anyway, once you ac-"

"Wait, you want ME to-"

"Of course. I said I needed your help. Why do you think I requested a junior doctor I'd never met by name? There's a good chance this could get dangerous - not to Ella, anything that gets near her won't get to touch her before its vaporised - but to anything else in the room. That's why I wanted a room that could be cleared."

"And if I'm holding that thing, won't it be INSIDE my forcefield if it explodes?"

"Chances are the wires will melt-" he cut off her objections "-before it gets to that point, but just in case, use these to press the button." He pulled a pair of long tongs, the handles wrapped crudely but completely in electrical insulating tape, from his bag and held them out to her.

"Now I know you're taking the piss." She sighed and muttered something under her breath before taking the tongs and taser. "Fine, let's do this before I see sense. What, do I just fire it at her? Using these?"

"No, the wires need to be placed fairly precisely. I'll take care of that." Ella felt him poke a wire through her costume near her right collarbone, and the other near her right hipbone. "Now good luck." He vanished from Ella's site, and the door closed seconds later.

Doctor Reyes sighed, placed the taser on the floor, and clamped the trigger with the tongs. She whispered, "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen." and squeezed tight.


A nurse was taking notes on a sheet at the foot of the trolley Rachel was lying on as they entered, but backed off into a corner upon seeing them, without leaving the room.

"How are you?" Dani asked as Rachel listlessly rolled her head in their direction.

"Weak. And the doctor didn't tell me anything - obviously you can see the real me, but my powers don't seem to be working for OR against me right now, so that doesn't tell me much. What happened?"

They quickly explained what had happened.

"Great. So not only am I going back to school tomorrow, I'm going to have a new classmate in the person I thought could help me. Any good news?"

"No other news at all. Which is why we need you to tell us anything while you still can - the thing must be dormant as long as your powers are out, does that let you remember anything?"

Rachel almost protested, but instead just sighed and shut her eyes, trying to think back to that blasted night a year before. What had happened? She'd been at that part, when... what, she'd seen or heard something...? "Fire..."

"What about fire?"

"I got a really strong telepathic flash of a fire, or of fire, or something like that. It distracted me, and I just knew I couldn't do anything else until I knew what it was."

"And it was...?"

She screwed her eyes tighter. "I don't know - I remember the flash so clearly now, but it was just images. Fire, and plummeting towards water, and coming up for air. But it wasn't the flash itself that pulled me, it was the thought that there was someone else like me out there, someone SENDING this, and I knew I was the only one anywhere close to me receiving it. So I had to find out..."


Rachel was silent for nearly a full minute. "Nothing new. I found the guy who'd sent the flash. I can't remember anything about him though, and I can't remember anything at all beyond leaving the party with him. I must have been mindwiped."

Dani looked at Shikari, who spoke, "Do you remember where the party was where you felt this... flash?"

"Just the ESU Student Union. Can you find it?"

Shikari smiled, "I can find any path."


Even through the metal door, the flash was blinding. Dox, fearful he'd miscalculated, rushed in - but gave a sigh of relief when there were no charred corpses there. Dr. Reyes looked dazed, true, and Spark was still lying down, but they were both breathing.

He knelt down beside Spark and grabbed her hand. "Ella, can you hear me?" Dox asked loudly. ("I'm fine, thanks for asking", the doctor muttered in the background)

"...Mark..." she whispered. He breathed another sigh of relief at her movement, however slight.

"No, not Mark, Quentin, do y--"

Her voice got a bit louder ", not that... Mark did this... has Garth same way... threatened to kill him if I didn't come alone..."

"Tell me where, and I'll get help to save Livewire. You're going to be too weak to do anything for a while after that."

Ella's eyes flashed open with a start, and she struggled to get up. Dox backed off, but Dr. Reyes came over and held her down. "You heard him. You're going to need to stay in medical care at least overnight for observation."

Ella tried to push herself up one more time, but gave up and relaxed. Her eyes shut for a moment, then opened again. "Fine, fine," she said in a low but clear voice. "I'd better transfer to the Legion's medical bay then."

Dr. Reyes put on a 'bedside manner' smile and stood up. "Understandable. I'll go and arrange the paperwork, and get you back on a trolley in the meantime." She left the room, and moments later two orderlies came in with a trolley-bed and lifted her back up onto it. As it was wheeled out of the room, she stared very hard at Dox, who looked away. He knew exactly what she was thinking. And that there was no way in hell he would agree to it.


After they left Rachel's room, Dani & Shikari checked on Tela and found she'd been sedated. Going outside, things seemed to be in some disarray - besides the troubles they'd brought with them, there was talk about a couple of Legionnaires disappearing. Deciding they weren't going to get anywhere talking to anyone on the team, they headed to the rec room to find Tikhik.


"How the hell did you talk me into agreeing to this..." Dox muttered as his & Ella's cab pulled up outside "The Pier". He paid, and helped her out - she could walk, but was still unsteady on her feet.

"Because you know I'm right. Send cops in, and they'll be probably be dead in minutes, and Garth won't get saved. And Garth would be dead by the time the Legion gets the okay, if they even do."

"And there's almost a two-in-five chance that trying to use the barely tested suit in your condition will kill YOU. You should be in bed, resting."

"You agreed to let me, so stop trying to welch out now Q."

"I was already breaking ranks by intercepting the call that you were in hospital to start with." He punched in the eight-digit door code to the door.

"And the last thing you like to do is follow orders, so quit complaining!"



Dani shifted slightly uncomfortably in her seat at Tikhik's blunt question, so it was Shikari who replied, "Because if we don't, Rachel and Tela will never live normally. There has to be someone to work to free them."

"And there's a whole Legion here to do the job. Shouldn't we be getting back and doing OUR job, to teach the emergents NOT to be brainwashing monsters?"

Dani found her voice, "Rachel's technically an emergent, and it's in our job description to locate and, if necessary, free emergents when it comes down to it. The Legion's mandate is a lot more limited--"

"And in the meantime, what about our existing students? Weren't you complaining about all of this this morning being a distraction that'll mean the initial assessments have to run on beyond Monday?"

"I thought it'd be a waste of time--"

"And now it's fun? A Legionnaire and a technical emergent in trouble, and only you to save them?"

Dani didn't like the way this conversation was heading, and decided to cut him off, "Look, if you don't want to do this, I won't try to force you. Indeed, you can complain to Mr. Jones if you think we're so far outside our remit." Shikari stifled a giggle at this point, but, staring each other down, neither of the other two noticed. "But me & Shikari are going to at least locate the source of the problem, and with all the time you apparently spent trying to rehabilitate Nori, even taking time away from your big Mission of Vengeance, I'd think you wouldn't want something like this going on. But while, ultimately, it would speed things up to teleport around, we can manage if you won't help." She started walking away, and Shikari followed.

Tikhik gritted his beak for a minute. This was ridiculous. Of course he didn't like this sort of thing going on, but if he wanted to jump into quixotic "missions" he'd have joined the Legion. If his fellow teachers wanted to be Legionnaire-wannabes, he couldn't stop them. And it's not as if he'd try anyway - what had apparently been done was disgusting. Forcing people to live out lives they never wanted, in the appearance of forms they hated...

He looked down at himself.

He muttered a word in Russian.

He looked over his shoulder. Moonstar & Lonestar were both still walking, but still in sight.

He muttered another word in Russian.

"Fine," he yelled. "Wait a minute." He opened a gate to catch up.


Ella relaxed into the harness as Quentin wired her up again. Her powers were working fine - barring maybe some very fine control issues she wouldn't have admitted to - but moving around was a strain. The suit took care of that - all the control functions were based on small twitches and a basic EEG, and she'd already proven she could work that.

"Weak"? Hah - she'd show Mark, Dox, Garth and anyone else who called her 'weak'.

Quentin climbed down, pulled the ladder away and nodded reluctantly. She threw a mental switch in return, and the bulb in front of her started to glow...


Dani, Shikari and Tikhik looked through a skylight at their target, apparently calmly living in a penthouse. Between Kari and Tik's powers, finding their quarry hadn't taken long.

"Danielle, there are spores coming off of him." Shikari observed.

"Those are what he's using to control people?"

"I think so, in part. We must not allow them to flow toward us. We need control of the air."


"I had not expla--"

"You were going to suggest getting Sofia. No. I'm not putting her at risk for this."

"What then?"

"We just have to stay well away. You pick a spot upwind that gives me a clear shot, Tikhik drops me there, and I put an arrow in his head. He shuts down, we get him."

"Wait," Tikhik objected, "Are you planning to take him on by yourself?"



This time, Dani didn't even blink at the blunt question. "If he gets me, you're free to go and bring every Legionnaire you can cajole, coerce and conscript down on him." She paused for effect. "IF. He won't. I'm ready for him."


THIS time, Ella got more than the odd sideways glance on approaching the warehouse. Driving up in a skeletal sledge-car-thing will do that, she supposed, as she transformed it to robot mode. Despite staring, no-one approached.

"Q, can you hear me?" she whispered into the battlesuit's radio.

"Just about - there's a lot of interference. I'm in position." He still sounds scared. Spark knew that he was worried about her, not himself - he'd given her a 38% chance of outright death for trying to use the suit in anger in her "weakened condition", after all. She wasn't worried. She'd just experienced something that HAD to be worse than dying, after all, and her twin brother was still presumably in that same "locked-in" state. Mark was going to have to pay.

First, though, she had to get in. With the suit, she couldn't fit through the hole she originally entered by.

Shortest distance between two points is a straight line. With that thought, she walked up to the main door, rusted and rotted as it was, and tore it down to reveal the concrete inner structure.

The door of which was open.


Really, for all the trouble the bastard had caused, defeating him could hardly have been simpler in the end. As Moonstar had planned, Shikari and Tikhik guided & moved her so that he had his back to her, and from there only one psi-arrow to his head knocked him stone cold. Game over for him.

As he fell from Dani's arrow, however, suddenly a pile of black goo rose from his body and launched itself straight at her.

That was the last thing Dani saw before it engulfed her.


Very carefully, Spark moved forward, looking out for any ambush as she walked the suit slowly down the corridor, until she reached the room where Mark sat, watching the immobile Garth, a smirk on his face.

She coughed.

"Ella?" His face was suddenly a mask of shock.

"Why so surprised - you left the door open. Didn't you want visitors?"

"Wha--? I didn't..."

"I did." Behind her.

She spun around to see another Mark, with a colder, more controlled expression on his face. His hair was white with a red streak rather than the other way around, but in every other way he was the twin of the man standing near Garth.

Her mouth must have been hanging open, and a cold grin came onto his face. "I saw you coming. I always thought we were making a big mistake trying to recruit you, let alone sending you to the hospital when you said 'no', but I gave in. This time, we play by MY rules."

To be continued!

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
21CL: Academy L #4, part 3
#123550 09/12/10 04:34 PM
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Reboot Offline OP
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[This part is Academy L-only for length reasons. Part 3.2, below, contains the Spark-centred half of Part 3]

Sofia Mantega was sitting in the cafeteria, quietly talking to her roommate Ming Sul, when a loud female voice came rumbling in, followed by the sound of popping.

"...and it's ridiculous. I was sat there for THREE HOURS waiting for Moonstar, only to get told she was off gallivanting on some excuse for a day off. Of all the stupid..."

"Sofia, don't." Sofia had begun to leap up at the insult to her adoptive mother, but Sul's grip on her arm was too tight for her to wiggle out of, and she reluctantly fell back into her chair.

"Why should I just let her speak of Dani that way? She--"

"We know. Just ignore her - most people do anyway outside her little clique. Calling attention to her won't stop her making an idiot of herself. Look - even her pals realise it." A green girl was, indeed, plaintively asking 'Serena' to calm down a bit to little effect.

"Why does Tanya spend time with her?"

"Who knows? It isn't any of our business. Where is Dani, anyway?"

"She was meant to be investigating a possible student earlier today. Since she was meant to be back by this afternoon, I'm a little worried." There was a crash in the background, followed by a shriek and the popping sound escalating to sound like a parade of drummers. Sul looked around to see that the self-styled 'Comet Queen's' drink had spilled all over her. Sofia didn't even try to suppress her broad grin as the cleanup started, but turned back to Sul after a minute as her face began to lengthen, her air-manipulating powers damping the sound. "After all, she was complaining that it would be a waste of time and effort."

"Don't worry; I'm sure she'll be fine. Dani can handle herself."

Lords & Masters
Part 3.1: Symbiotically Assured Destruction

Danielle Moonstar woke up, and wasn't sure she had. She couldn't feel anything - not like she was floating, but like she wasn't anything, just consciousness without a shell. Astral plane, she realised, before wondering what the black stuff was, and how it knocked her out her body.


Back in the physical world, Shikari and Tikhik Miraz rushed to her side after she had been enveloped by the ink-like... gloop... that had come out of the man she zapped (he still lay unmoving and unmoved, but neither was especially concerned about him at that moment). The ink itself had vanished as it touched her, but as Shikari reached out to check her breathing, Tik stopped her with an outstretched claw. "Don't touch her - that's probably got everything to do with the 'skinsuits' on Rachel and Ardeen. You won't help her by ending up like them."

"Then what do you propos-" Shikari wasn't cut off, voice just became unimportant as every sense and instinct she had suddenly screamed at her to MOVE. Instead, she had armoured, grabbed Tikhik and taken off in the space of one fluid, infinite second.

"I hate to say 'I told you so'..."

"Not true. And that was not what you warned of."

"That" was a... limb..., of darkest black, which had outstretched from Dani's body and nearly crushed the two insectoid Academy instructors, and now retreated to cover her body in a sheath, momentarily tight-fitting but growing every second. Within moments, the shape of Dani's body was lost completely. A few moments later, and it didn't even resemble a human.

A few more moments later, and it began to attack.

Shikari dove and weaved to avoid the possessed Dani, cursing the time she'd spent living 'quietly' that meant her wing muscles were starting to burn from the sudden exertion. She'd already had to drop Tikhik to stay ahead, knowing he could teleport to safety, but even at that the thing was closing in. She focused herself, looking for the way to a solution, when one suddenly occurred to her. She took a moment to stare at Tikhik and made several gestures, trying to convey the need for some specific teleporting.


Meanwhile, as it exerted, Dani was beginning to get glimpses of the real world again...


"Hold fast, small legion" Shikari shouted, diving toward Tikhik. Tik looked at her like she was nuts, but tried to follow the advice.


Dani's thoughts raced - Puppeteering my body, but can't control my thoughts. Trying to keep me dormant, or at least cut off as a result. Struggling. Not talking to me. Did the other guy manage to hold it back, control it? How?


"NOW," Shikari yelled. Tikhik opened a portal, but Shikari swooped away from it at the last moment, and it fell though the portal... and then fell through it again, and again, and again - a matching portal had opened immediately above the first, and it was now falling through what might as well have been infinity, accelerating to terminal velocity, trapped.

"What now?" Tikhik asked. "Won't this kill Moonstar as well?"

The red dot flared brightly on Shikari's armoured mask. "Wait."


'Inside,' Dani was closed off to what was happening in the real world once again, but her mind was still racing. Telepathy. He sent some sort of warning, which Rachel received but misinterpreted. So he was a telepath. I'm not, but my brain generates similar energies to make my arrows. If I can just access my powers for a moment...


One word passed Shikari's lips - "Now."

Tikhik shut the portal. There was a huge squelching noise, mixed with the wood from the floor splintering as the "ink" hit hard, taking the blow, but revealing Dani inside briefly.


Dani didn't know what caused it, but the blackness around her receded with its' shock and injury, and she could suddenly 'reach' her powers. Not asking why, she started to form an arrow before realising there was nowhere to aim it. Okay, not an arrow, Bomb, think bomb.

"Outside," the "ink" started to recover from the impact, to reenvelop Dani...

"Inside," a glowing sphere was growing "in front of" Dani, even as she felt the thing's grip tighten around her again. Maximum effect... got to build power, wait until the last second...

Shikari saw Dani's increasingly-hidden body start to glow dully, and began to walk over to her, when a "limb" suddenly shot out at her - but just as it curled around Shikari's waist, suddenly Dani's eyes flashed bright purple, and all the black goo retracted back into her body, leaving her lying there on the ground, herself again.


"Yeah, it's me. I think I knocked it out for now." She sat for a moment, then looked up. "Where'd you put the guy?"


Dani gritted her teeth slightly as she walked over to the man on the floor, still lying where he was felled by her arrow. "Wake him", she said, her eyes flicking slightly toward Tikhik as she spoke.

For once Tik didn't retort, and the man fell through a green portal which swiftly appeared beneath him; only to return a moment later through a separate portal from waist height, soaking wet and accompanied by a torrent of water. As the portals vanished, he sat up and coughed.

"How did you control it?" Moonstar's voice cut low and sharp, with urgency behind it.

Still dazed, he looked at her a moment, then felt around himself, as if checking that his pockets hadn't been picked. "It's gone," he whispered, before crying out loudly in joy, "IT'S GONE!!!!"

A scowl came across Dani's face, and she reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder, lifting him clean off the ground one-handed without even realising the strength needed to do so. "How. Did You. Control. It?" Her companions shot worried glances at each other, knowing she shouldn't be so strong, but decided not to intervene yet.

The man stared into her eyes, a crazed look about him still. "You don't." His voice was low, but gasping and hollow rather than sharp and urgent. "The symbiote will take you over, and it will destroy you." He made a visible effort to pull himself together, staring with new purpose down Danielle's arm. "And You Will Put Me Down."

This just made Dani laugh - a deep, mirthless, gurgling sound from the back of her throat - and she lifted him slightly higher as her eyes began to glow. "I turned your power off. That isn't going to work. Now TELL ME." At that, she shook him slightly, droplets of water flying from him in all directions.

Any sense of purpose was gone from his eyes as he answered in a choking voice. "You don't. I meant what I said."

Shikari came over, and put light pressure on Moonstar's arm. "Danielle, he tells the truth."

The glow in Dani's eyes faded, and she roughly slung the man back to the ground. "Fine." She shook her head for a moment before looking up. "Tikhik, can you make it to Ryker's and back? They've got the nearest super-cells I can think of."

"I can, but shouldn't--"

"There aren't any police stations with power dampers. Ryker's have a few cops on duty just in case someone needs dropped off."

"Won't they need a statement, at least?"

"Tell them quickly what happened, that it's a code L101 - again, Ell-One-Oh-One - and that I'll be along later to give my statement." Unconsciously, she put her hand to the right side of her head. "And hurry back."


"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave her for now."

The nurse's voice cut into Trinity-Purple and Dreamer's thoughts as they looked at Tela, the pink suit covering ever more of her body as she visibly struggled to stay awake. T-Purple opened her mouth to object, but the nurse cut her off - "No arguments, she needs her rest."

"But if she falls asleep--"

"She's not going to be any better staying awake right now. Come on, leave her be."

T-Purple was going to argue, but Dreamer tugged her sleeve to avoid a loud scene at Irma's bedside, and she sighed. "All right, just give me a moment then."

The nurse stepped back a bit, but stayed watching to make sure they went. T-Purple wanted to say something about how things were reversed from when she'd needed Irma's help, but she couldn't do anything - but her other selves were calling in her head to let Irma rest, and she just sighed and vanished, merging with them elsewhere.

As Dreamer quietly left as well, Irma's thoughts were turned inward; trying to fight off a "foe" that wasn't sentient, that she couldn't get a grip of; while any stray thoughts ran to Garth, wishing he could be there...


As soon as Tikhik vanished with the symbiote's former host, Dani collapsed to the floor, clutching her head.

"Danielle?" Shikari crouched down beside her, a worried look on her face.

Again, Dani's eyes flashed, and she sat down to face Shikari, breathless, her head downcast. "I keep pushing it back - but every time it comes back stronger, and it takes more effort to quieten it back down again." She paused for a moment and looked up, "I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep it contained when I slept - at this rate, I won't make it THAT long."

"What can you do?"

"I don't know... maybe if I put everything I have into one burst, I could drive it out like I did with the guy - but then it'd just grab someone use someone else as a host. If I was going to try that, I'd need someone who could contain it properly."

The red spot appeared over Shikari's face, glowing brightly for a moment. Then she powered down again, and thought for a moment. "Telepathy."

Dani made a querying noise.

"The symbiote is vulnerable to telepathic energies - that's why you can 'quieten it down' with your bursts of power, but not truly prevent it from taking control, correct?"

"Yes, but being full telepaths didn't stop Rachel or Irma being overtaken..."

"Rachel said she did not realise what she was dealing with. And neither Irma nor she currently has a full symbiote, do they?"

"Well, no, but..."

"And could you shut down a computer with one of your arrows?"


"Well, their skinsuits are more like one of your computers than a living mind."

"That's a lot of assumptions, Kari."

"For you. I just know we have to go to the Legion's sickbay immediately, and knowing the rest of what we know, I expect to see The Path leading straight to one or the other."

Dani stayed quiet a moment, until a bolt of pain shot through her head. Another burst of power managed to force the symbiote back into retreat once more, but she knew she was losing the war for control.

With the first signs of a green portal appeared in mid-air, she made her decision. "Fine, if you're sure. When you are, I haven't known you to be wrong yet. But don't tell Tikhik. And don't make this the first time."


Tikhik landed them in the corridor outside the Legion's sickbay. "Are you going to need me to jump around again in the near future, or can I take a break? It's too late for us to any sort of assessments done today now."

Shikari and Dani glanced at each other, their real job almost forgotten in the stress of the day which had seemed so pointless at first. It was Kari who replied "Stay on-site, please. If we need you, we'll call."

He ground his beak for a moment, muttered "fine, I'll be in the rec room" and headed through a portal, while the other two walked into the small ward.

"Well?" Dani asked, beginning to grow pale.

Shikari powered up and looked at Irma shivering on her bed, then in the other direction. "Rachel."

"You're sure this is the right thing to do?"


Dani looked at Kari, then at Irma; who seemed entirely oblivious to their presence as the pink spread further and further across her body, her friends sent away to give her some rest. "Just... just keep everyone out the room, okay?"

"All right," was Shikari's gentle reply, as Dani walked, slowly for the first three steps before forcing herself into a purposeful stride towards Rachel's room.

When she entered, there was someone else in there. She tried to keep her voice steady as she told the nurse to close the door and seal it up as best she could." The nurse didn't move fast enough, and a bolt of pain through Dani's head reminded her of the urgency of matters. "NOW!" she yelled.

Nervously, the nurse backed out and shut the door, followed by the sound of a key turning in the lock.

As soon as the door was sealed, Dani clutched at her head. The symbiote was rising up and trying to take control once more, more powerfully than ever. She'd hoped to try and explain things to Rachel, but now there was no time - if she waited another round, she didn't know if she'd have enough strength to drive it out.

She muttered "I'm sorry" in the direction of the child she saw on the bed, and turned her power inward. Her eyes immediately started glowing again, and soon her skin began to glow as she generated as much telepathic energy as she could, suffusing her whole body with it, mustering more in one go than she ever had. The symbiote felt the increasing power, and - as Dani had hoped - fled from it in fear of it's life, leaving Danielle's body and heading toward the only other potential host in the room. "Gemma."

Dani stopped glowing and dropped to the floor, exhausted. She hoped she'd done the right thing as she forced her head up to look at Rachel, her "Gemma" avatar dissolving as she was enveloped by the blackness. It was all up to her now...


Rachel fought back the urge to panic as a horribly... familiar...? sensation enveloped her. Dimly, she felt the red skinsuit dissolve, overtaken by the blackness; but just as she registered that her power was hers again, she felt something try to close it off once more and "shoved" to stop that happening.

There was a wince of pain in her head, but not from her, and suddenly her memory block broke, and she remembered the symbiote. Remembered how it had tried to destroy her when it felt a threat from her, and settled ultimately for incapacitating her after a long struggle. Thirteen months of rage boiled up in her soul, and she lashed out at it. In return, it screamed in pain at her, realising how it had been tricked, and wrapped its astral self around hers like a boa constrictor, squeezing tightly. Rachel knew this wasn't like the skinsuit - where the skinsuit had been simple, intractable; this had a mind, a sense of self. Something else else for her to push against.


"Outside," in the real world, nothing was visible, as not only had the symbiote wrapped itself around Rachel, but Rachel had wrapped a telepathic cocoon around it - locking the two into a deadly, and perhaps fatal embrace - while all the exhausted Dani could do was slump into the seat beside Rachel's bed, praying for the best...


On the astral plane, Rachel and the symbiote screamed and twisted around one another; Rachel matching the symbiote's snake like-form, squeezing it as it was squashing her, determined not to let it beat her a second time.

It responded by turning into a dragonfly and escaping, before turning as a hornet, sting pointed toward her.

She became a turtle in return - the sting breaking on her shell - then went on the offensive as a hunter, firing missiles at it.

Dodging, it dove "underground", popping up beneath her and trying to bite her "legs" off with raptor's teeth.

As a response, Rachel took to the air as a falcon, and dove at it, claws outstretched.

The symbiote replied by becoming a simple spike, which she was forced up to dodge, and then changed to a giant salamander, grabbing her with a long sticky tongue and pulling her toward its' waiting "mouth."

A huge boulder was what it landed, far larger than its mouth, but Rachel's victory was short-lived as it became a giant sheet of paper, trying to envelope her once again, and she was forced to cut her way out as scissors.

And so it continued until Rachel, now in the astral form of a flea, bit at the symbiote's nanny goat and realised they weren't getting anywhere. Neither was landing any meaningful blows (as the symbiote became a fly-swatter and she a razor blade), because they weren't making any meaningful attacks. Astral combat wasn't an equivalent to physical combat, shapeshifting or otherwise (now she was a robot battling a dinosaur), unless one party was hopelessly weaker than the other. It was about undermining the opponent's confidence, weakening their will, and this pseudo-fight (tarantula/pterodactyl) wasn't getting anywhere in that.

Think, she told herself, as her sabre-toothed jaw bit at a triceratops which suddenly became a kangaroo and jumped over her. What would make this thing wince?

And then she remembered the telepathic 'flash' which had stirred her curiosity and started her in this whole mess. "Fire, and plummeting towards water, and coming up for air." was how she'd described it. Now why would that have been sent, she wondered as she formed a giant boot to jump over a shell hurtling toward her. Something else else by the host, trying to get out?

The thought lodged in her mind through the next series of changes, until it became a lion and she managed to grab it from above as a grizzly bear. In the split second she had while its paws and mouth uselessly pointed away from her, before it became something else, she changed not herself but the scenery, pushing them down a sudden deep, dark tunnel.

It wriggled in her arms, becoming spiked and trying to get out, but she hardened herself and sped their journey. Soon, they were on fire, and the Earth suddenly appeared beneath them, the sea approaching fast.

She felt the waves of panic radiating from the thing, and knew she had her opening. As they sped, it... withered, the flame increasing. She no longer bothered to hold an unusual form, becoming herself again, the flames growing around her causing her no pain. The symbiote, on the other hand, shrank further and further even as it lost any semblance of shape and became merely a pile of dried goo in her hand.

Rachel looked at it, raised her hand to her mouth, and swallowed it whole just before they "hit the water".

Next: She's Electric!

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
21CL: Legionnaires #7, part 3
#123551 03/23/11 08:34 PM
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Previously, in 21CL: Lords & Masters
07:30 - Wake-up call

The alarm goes off punctually at half-seven, as usual, and I stretch over to punch it into silence. For once, I slept through the night, and it only takes a couple of minutes to wrestle my body into moving. It's not until I've been for a shower, though, that I've woken up enough to see that someone's been in my room during the night. Things have been moved around, almost deliberately, and nothing seems like it's in the right place. And to top that off, there's a note pinned to my wardrobe door:

Dear Sis,

Notice anyone missing?
If you want to see him
again, don't mention this
to anyone. Especially not
blonde telepath "anyones".

If you're a good girl,
you'll get another note
telling you where to come.

Love, M.

Oh ####.


Info wasn't hard to come by for Ella, but nor was it helpful - everyone seemed to think Garth had gone home for a visit. He'd even supposedly cleared it with Gene and Cos. And no-one was volunteering anything about a break-in, which - given the Legion propensity for gossip - meant no-one thought there had been one.

A phone call to her parents more or less confirmed that the "home" story was bunk - she hadn't mentioned Garth once, not to set them on edge, but they indubitably would have mentioned his visit or anticipated visit if there was one. She knew her parents, and they wouldn't pass up a chance to pressure her into a visit home.


Meanwhile, Spark had taken advantage of the commotion created by the Academy group teleporting into the foyer to slip out quietly, civilian clothes over her costume. It was her brother's life at stake, and her other brother to deal with. She couldn't leave that to just anyone, trap or no trap...


"Ella." The voice echoed in the huge space.

She turned, very deliberately to show no weakness, to face the source of the sound. "Mark".

His hair, once similar to Garth, had been allowed to grow to his shoulders, and there was a prominent white patch in the centre. Other than that, he looked well kempt, dressed mostly in black leather.

"How did you get into my room?"

"What, no proper greeting? Not even a 'Where's Garth'? Touché. Since you ask, a couple of friends helped me out. They're not here, though. Just Mark, Ella and..." he tugged at a thin black cord Spark hadn't noticed, "...Garth. Together again."

Spark set her jaw as the black drape fluttered to the ground, revealing Garth. He was hanging in the air, but via a body harness rather than by his neck, at least. Her relief was short-lived, though, as she saw that he was unmoving, his eyes open and glassy. "You've killed him, haven't you?" Small sparks began to fly from her clenched fists."

"Oh no, I promise he's alive for now. I just wanted him to be here when I made you the offer, and, well, he started complaining - you know what he's like. He's basically asleep."

"Wake him up then."

"If you'll hear me out."

She gritted her teeth for a moment, and forced herself to relax. "What offer?"

"Simple - join me and my friends. I know the LSH hasn't been treating you right. Lots of potato peeling, yes? Join us and show them what you're made of."


"Join you?" Just one rope holding Garth up "Who's this 'us'?" Could zap it, but he'd fall and I couldn't carry him out "And what do you do?" Fifty-fifty at best in a straight fight with Mark, don't know what he's been up to, or what he's done to Garth.

"See, I'm not allowed to tell you most of that just now, not with twinny here. I got permission to make the offer, just to you, 'cause we know you don't like the Legion much. You got used to the nicer things while with the Workforce, didnya. You can have whatever you want, and no posing for the cameras to wreck it all."

Ella thought she heard something move in the background, but didn't dare take her eyes off Mark. Is he serious? He really thinks I'd run off with him like this? "And what happens to Garth?"

"Oh, he gets mailed back to the Legion, fully intact and breathing, to tell him you said bye-bye."

"And if I said no?" He really IS serious, isn't he? What the hell's happened to him - he was never quite right, but not like this.

"Dunno. Why, is that the sort of thing you're likely to say?"

Spark looked into her older brother's eyes. Her older brother's increasingly deranged eyes. I say yes, I can't trust him to return Garth safely and I drop myself in a world of crap. I say no, I have to fight my way out of here, with Garth. I gave the latter fifty-fifty, I don't give the former odds THAT good. I'm an idiot to come without backup. "Probably."

"Oh well." He turned to face Garth. Showing his back to her.

What the..., she wondered, until she felt something touch the back of her neck, putting a huge jolt of electricity through her. Enough to overload even her nervous system.

She fell forward, flat on her face. That was less worrying for her, though, than the fact that she couldn't move. She could feel the ground where she'd landed, she could see the floor underneath her, could hear footsteps and her lungs kept sucking air - but as for conscious movement, she couldn't even blink.


Spark was wheeled through the ER on a guerney, having been dumped outside in a bag by Mark and his accomplice, medical people barking things above her and asking her questions she couldn't respond to. Fully conscious, she couldn't make even the slightest movement - not the blink of an eye, nor the twitch of a finger.

She wanted to panic, but her heart rate wouldn't co-operate and speed up.


Even through the metal door, the flash was blinding. Dox, fearful he'd miscalculated, rushed in - but gave a sigh of relief when there were no charred corpses there. Dr. Reyes looked dazed, true, and Spark was still lying down, but they were both breathing.

He knelt down beside Spark and grabbed her hand. "Ella, can you hear me?" Dox asked loudly. ("I'm fine, thanks for asking", the doctor muttered in the background)

"...Mark..." she whispered. He breathed another sigh of relief at her movement, however slight.

"No, not Mark, Quentin, do y--"

Her voice got a bit louder ", not that... Mark did this... has Garth same way... threatened to kill him if I didn't come alone..."

"Tell me where, and I'll get help to save Livewire. You're going to be too weak to do anything for a while after that."


"How the hell did you talk me into agreeing to this..." Dox muttered as his & Ella's cab pulled up outside "The Pier". He paid, and helped her out - she could walk, but was still unsteady on her feet.

"Because you know I'm right. Send cops in, and they'll be probably be dead in minutes, and Garth won't get saved. And Garth [b]would
be dead by the time the Legion gets the okay, if they even do."


Ella relaxed into the harness as Quentin wired her up again. Her powers were working fine - barring maybe some very fine control issues she wouldn't have admitted to - but moving around was a strain. The suit took care of that - all the control functions were based on small twitches and a basic EEG, and she'd already proven she could work that.

"Weak"? Hah - she'd show Mark, Dox, Garth and anyone else who called her 'weak'.

Quentin climbed down, pulled the ladder away and nodded reluctantly. She threw a mental switch in return, and the bulb in front of her started to glow...


Very carefully, Spark moved forward, looking out for any ambush as she walked the suit slowly down the corridor, until she reached the room where Mark sat, watching the immobile Garth, a smirk on his face.

She coughed.

"Ella?" His face was suddenly a mask of shock.

"Why so surprised - you left the door open. Didn't you want visitors?"

"Wha--? I didn't..."

"I did." Behind her.

She spun around to see another Mark, with a colder, more controlled expression on his face. His hair was white with a red streak rather than the other way around, but in every other way he was the twin of the man standing near Garth.

Her mouth must have been hanging open, and a cold grin came onto his face. "I saw you coming. I always thought we were making a big mistake trying to recruit you, let alone sending you to the hospital when you said 'no', but I gave in. This time, we play by MY rules."[/b]
Four Months Ago:

"You realise that once this starts it cannot be stopped, or undone?"


"You still want to proceed, knowing the risks?"


"Step in here, please, then."

The room was stark, and almost entirely white. Without hesitating, the red-haired man jumped into a white plastic bubble in the centre, and it sealed behind him. As soon as this happened, machines leaped into action, while the three figures standing behind it began chanting.

"Risks?" A dark-haired man with a goatee had slipped into the room without the bald man noticing, so focused on the output from the machine was he.

"He's the first human subject we've tried, and we're at least a month earlier than I wanted to run such a trial. Of course there's risks, but you were the one who insisted on the accelerated schedule."

"He was beginning to grow restless. At least this way we'll get some more use out of him..." his voice trailed off. "Still, I expect it to work." He marched back out of the room.

The first man wiped his forehead and looked at the readouts in front of him again, but he hardly needed to - the bubble was straining to break into two, and whatever the result, it was clearly imminent.

The bubble sheared in two.

"Is the cloning done?" came an echoey voice from where it had been.

The bald man's eyebrows raised, and he smiled. "Not the word "clone". Please. I doubled you. I...twinned you. Equal and original..."

Mark opened his eyes, and saw himself.

They laughed.

Lords & Masters
Part 3.2: Bleeding Red, Glowing White


Mark Raines stood, in duplicate, on either side of his sister Ella, covering her - and her super-strong articulated mechanical suit - from both sides. One had white hair with a red streak, the other the reverse. Beside the one with mostly red hair hung their brother, Garth, his powers turned back on him, leaving him paralysed and in ever-increasing danger of death.

Ella, Spark, gritted her teeth. She'd been in the same position as Garth not more than two hours before, hence why she needed the suit. Two Marks wasn't something she'd bet on. She turned from side to side, arms raised and pointing each way, not sure which direction to turn in case one of the Marks tried to take her by surprise. "This explains how you got me from behind, huh?" How...? Doesn't matter. First priority, get them away from Garth.

"If you like."

The white-haired Mark sounded so smug, she thought. He also seemed to be the smarter of the two if his look of concentration was any indication - the red-haired one looked bamboozled at what was going on, and had sounded... unbalanced... earlier. White's in control, but Red's next to Garth. If I just zap Garth, will... no. Q said it had to be fairly precise AND, even if it worked, he'd still not be able to move worth a damn for a while.

"Come on Ella, Garth can't have more than half an hour left. We can wait. Can you?" White taunted, his arm sparking.

She couldn't - even besides the problem of Garth, a thin sheen of sweat was covering her forehead. She was pushing herself too hard, too fast, just as Q had warned.

She transformed the suit to vehicle mode and drove straight at the white-haired Mark.


White jumped aside and aimed a blast at her tyres, which to avoid Spark had to return the suit to its humanoid mode.

Upside: Now both Marks were in front of her, rather than surrounding her.
Downside: Now both Marks were between her and Garth.

A white bolt flared from the nearer Mark towards her. This time, with the metal feet planted, she stood her ground and absorbed it without incident, smiling and taunting them to hide her immediate worry - the suit had taken THAT hit, but Q had warned her that it could only take so much power - even from her trying to drive it rather than them trying to destroy it.

Suddenly, she spotted a flash of green in the far background and knew what to do. Smiling brightly, if falsely, she called "Catch me if you can!" in a sing-song voice and drove away as fast as she dared in the suit's vehicle mode.

Q may have kept his promise, but he'd need the Marks out of the road if he was going to get close to Garth.



"They're running around like headless chickens."

The man strummed his fingers on the table irritably. "They asked for a day for their 'personal thing'. They have two hours left - at the end of it, get Sidestep to pull them back whether they like it or not."


Ella found a dark spot in the corridor, and parked there for a minute, cutting off the flow of power to the suit. The Marks, fortunately, ran on by, giving her the time she needed. A raw fear was building inside her - it was one thing to laugh off the possibility of death as long as it was "later", but as the strain built, Dox's "38% chance" from using the suit while as weakened as she was starting to seem terrifyingly real. She cursed her stupid pride, as her eyes grew heavy...

"SPARK!" She jumped, hitting her head off the frame as she did so. She shook her head to try and clear the pain, muttering indistinctly as she did so. This prompted her earpiece to flare into life again. "Ah good, you're conscious."

"Yeah, thanks for that Dox," she muttered quietly into her radio as the pain in her head faded to a dull ache. "What does a concussion do to the percentages? More likely to fry myself to death or less?"

"You're not concussed. And that percentage was never just about the suit. I was including the whole madness of throwing yourself up against your homicidal brother in your state. Incidentally, there being two of them doesn't increase your chances."

"If it's such madness, why are you aiding and abetting?"

"Because if I didn't, you'd try it anyway by yourself and *would* get yourself killed."


Cosmic Boy walked into the Legion foyer, and was almost knocked straight back out by the rush of air as Flash stopped just in front of him.


"Jenni, slow down. Now, what is it?"

"Things have been a real mess - the Raineses and Brainy are missing, Irma's sick and there's a bunch of other stuff going on. Where were you?"

"Visiting my gran's grave." Cos gripped the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger and rubbed, "Gene's not been handling things well?"

Jenni just looked at him with a 'you have to ask?' expression on her face.

"...right. We'll go to my office, I'll take my coat off, and you can tell me everything that's happened."


Garth could feel his power building, even as he couldn't control it. Like ants crawling under his skin. Meanwhile, Brainy's voice was going. Who was he talking to?

"I'm working on him now. It might be an idea, yes."

He felt leads being poked under his costume.

"Depends, I am pretty vulnerable here, never mind your brother."


"Look, if you didn't want to take chances, we wouldn't be here right this moment, so kindly get yourself back here and cover me in case they come back. No, that wouldn't..."



"I told you, I'm on my way." Ella closed the commlink and belted it down the way she'd come as fast as the suit would allow. As she neared the entrance to the main hall, though, a white-haired figure stepped out in front of her and she skidded to a halt.

"Red! I've got her!" The Mark between her and the door yelled, and in response she could just see the other one step out into the main room from another hallway.

"You know, I really didn't want to kill you." A huge bolt lashed out from "White's" hand and Ella felt the suit's left arm collapse, systems melted from the heat. "But, by this point, I..."

She used the suit's good arm to shove him out the way and resumed her belting. "Red" had seen what had happened with his "twin", however, and turned from covering Garth and Dox to unleash a full-strength bolt straight at her. This time, the suit couldn't take any more, and collapsed, skidding to a halt with him still between her and her brother & best friend.

(That) Mark smirked at her. With her suit's limbs trashed and her own still barely functional, she couldn't even move her arms to direct a shot. Slowly, with infinite patience, he raised his arm and pointed at... Garth. He couldn't even lift his head in response.

"Tell me, was it worth it?" Mark smirked, and his hand began to glow, building to a point she knew would kill Garth. The thought kicked her brain back into working gear. Can't lift suit's limbs. Can't climb out. Can't transf-- Hang on. She glanced from left to right, and one last desperate plan entered her head.

"Goodbye Garth." Mark began to zap, and Garth screamed in pain for a brief moment,... Before Ella, the suit's wheels spinning haphazardly and only occasionally in contact with the ground, skidded into him with an almighty *CRACK*


"One's down"

"Withdraw the other one."


White-haired Mark ran at her, yelling, but a yellow portal appeared in the floor, and he fell through it and vanished.

That was the last thing Spark remembered seeing before blacking out.

To be concluded!

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
21CL: Legionnaires #7 & Academy L #4, part 4
#123552 03/27/11 01:09 PM
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NB: This picks up from both parts 3.1 (Academy L) and 3.2 (Spark) above!

When Spark woke up, she was lying on the ground beside Garth and the remaining Mark, Dox standing over her, peering into her eye with a flashlight. She pushed his hand away and tried to lift herself up, but didn't have the strength and collapsed back down.

"Will you rest now?" Quentin raised an eyebrow.

"I think I might consider it." Spark returned the gesture by grinning weakly. "How's Garth?"

"Unconscious. He was under for a lot longer than you, and it put a severe strain on his system. From my preliminary once-over, he'll recover fully, but it'll take some time even if I didn't miss anything."

"You? Miss something?" She snorted.

He allowed himself a moment's grin, then the mask he presented for the team as a whole slammed back into place. "I'll call for pickup. Excuse me."


Leviathan was fuming in his office. A day that shouldn't have presented any problems had resulted in both Raineses and the green kid going AWOL, Ardeen putting herself in the sickbay with some sort of telepathic flu, and the Academy instructors running through the Legion's HQ and taking up sickbay resources like they owned the place.

He was going to bust some heads later, he thought, when his phone rang.


"Dox. I--"

"Now listen here a minute, what the hell--"

"As I was about to say, I need medical pickup for two members and a hostile to-" he gave the address. "Immediately." He hung up.

First Lieutenant Gene Allen, formerly United States Marine Corps, went that special shade of red he always ended up after talking to 'the green kid'. Rather than indulging him directly, and showing weakness, he decided to dump it all in the lap of his nominal subordinate, Cosmic Boy...

Lords & Masters
Part 4: Ronin

Rachel woke up, fully for what seemed like the first time in over a year and stretched out on the bed before realising that the skinsuit was gone, and she was naked. Her eyes darted around quickly - the only other person in the room was Dani, who had slumped into a bedside chair, and who she quickly verified was asleep from exhaustion. She decided to let her sleep.

With that check done, she rubbed herself for a moment, just to be sure it wasn't a dream - that she really was herself again and the skinsuit was really gone. Then she thought about wrapping the sheet around herself to get some clothes, before the symbiote occurred to her.

What had happened to it when she won?

She closed her eyes, and "felt" its' presence there, realising she was keeping it "asleep" with her telepathy. With that thought, she wondered if she could use it, and concentrated. Black goo flowed from her pores, and formed into a minidress and shoes at her mental command (I can cover up more later, she thought, I've spent a year covered up), before she tried her telekinesis and lifted herself lightly into the air - albeit with slightly more strain than she expected. Obviously, keeping the symbiote subdued was blunting her powers a bit, but that was a price worth paying to--

Then she thought of Irma, and without another thought telekinetically opened the door and sped from the room, almost knocking Shikari over in her wake...


Cos sat back in his chair and breathed out in relief at Garth apparently being found alive.

He wallowed for all of fifteen seconds before reasoning that if Brainy of all people was calling in for help, it was probably serious. He wondered if the Academy teachers were still around - if Gates could be persuaded to help out, it would simplify matters enormously. Since he wasn't particularly inclined to help with anything Official, Cos decided to try the indirect route, and buzzed one of his own team, who answered quickly.

"Tom? Cos. Is Tikhik still around? If he is, could you ask him..."


"What was that about?" Tikhik was characteristically blunt as he tried to pick his cards up from where they lay on the table.

Starboy, who was well-accustomed to dealing with his best friend's manners, gave a straight answer. "A teammate who doesn't exaggerate just called in saying he needed emergency medical transport for 'two members and a hostile'."

"And, rather than ask for my help directly, they chickened out and told you to 'request' my help?"


Yet again, Tikhik Miraz found himself reverting to his native language to express a particular sentiment, then sighed. "I really am just a... bus... to these people, aren't I?"

"What're you going to do?"

"I was hoping for at most one more jump today..." he sighed. "Where? Before I change my mind."


As Rachel approached her bed, Irma was muttering loudly, "No, I won't, I won't..." her eyes screwed tightly shut, her knees up to her chest and her hands clasped behind her head. The skinsuit clearly covered the whole of her body from the neck down now, and - in spite of her protestations - the image of a young blonde girl with pigtails was beginning to flicker in front of her, and her real self was beginning to fade.

Rachel marched straight up to the bed, a pained expression on her face, and her right hand turned black as the goo coated it. She touched Irma's bare shoulder with it, and appeared to absorb the skinsuit straight into her new symbiote. As she did, Irma came clearly into focus again, and - now clad once more only in the hospital gown - collapsed to the bed, exhausted.


Ella opened her eyes again to look at Quentin. It had been five minutes since he'd hung up on Gene - a point she'd enjoyed - and he'd been getting progressively more annoyed with each passing second, just as she'd been growing ever-more tired.

"Right, where's these people I was supposed to pick up?" She pushed her head over to the side and saw a big bug (Tikhek? Tikhik?) standing beside a large green portal which had suddenly appeared.

Dox checked his wrist, "About time. Did you get lost?"

"Look, I didn't have to do this. Do you want the help or not?"

"All I'm asking for is a little consideration. There are injuries here and,..."

Ella sighed, tried to stand up and settled for pushing herself into a sitting position. "Hey, any chance we could get moving today? Please?"

Tikhik and Quentin both turned to look at her.


Rachel took her hand off Irma's forehead and sighed.

"How is she?" Shikari's voice carried from the corner of the room.

"Fine, I think," Rachel didn't turn around, but kept looking at Irma for a minute. "Just exhausted - I know how fighting those things takes it out you. Dani the same way?"

"Essentially." Shikari, who had been carrying Dani in from Rachel's room, lay her down on the bed across from Irma. "And you?"

"My head's clear for the first time in ages. Keeping this thing dormant is... I can almost feel myself having to hold it back, but it isn't hard. I think I can keep it quiet as long as I need to."

"They'll want to test that, of course."

"I know, but it's a small price--"

Suddenly, the door burst open, and guerneys holding three Raines burst in, pushed by Dox, Dr. Llewellyn and the nurse, Cosmic Boy and several other Legionnaires following behind, with Tikhik bringing up the rear. However, on seeing Dani lying on a bed, he slipped out quietly rather than come all the way in, only to reappear shortly afterward with Sofia, who immediately ran over to check on her adoptive mother.

The ensuing kerfuffle, as explanations were exchanged as to what was going on and all six patients were examined, lasted quite some time.


EPILOGUE 1: Council

Sidestep's portal closed behind the Mark who remained free. The room was austere, with harsh white lighting and a pure white table at the centre. A black-haired man with a goatee sat in the centre of the table, flanked by a dark-haired woman and a man with a helmet, his face deep in shadow.

"Why is there only one of you?" asked the man in the centre.

"They... uh... t-they got the o-other me." Mark stammered.

"Who did?"

"Ella a-and another Legionnaire. A green one."

The woman looked at him, and blinked for a second, before pronouncing "Dox."

The man in the centre looked at her a moment, then turned his gaze back at Mark. "Leave us."

Mark opened his mouth to reply, thought better of it, and scurried off.

The woman sighed loudly. "We should never have given him permission to go after his siblings."

"You're new to the council, Meta," the man in the centre replied, "They had served us well until now."

"Still Levar," Enrapture replied, "you can't deny this was a %^&%ing disaster."

'Levar' sighed, "No, I can't. I suppose I can trust that..."

"The captured one will have no information on us to give away, don't worry - all his memories of us will have self-destructed by now."

"Small mercies. We can't afford discovery just yet..."


EPILOGUE 2: Moving On...

One Week Later:

Dani forcibly emptied her lungs at the computer screen. Budgeting, timetabling and planning seemed to take up more time than actually teaching - certainly, they were more onerous.

«Got a minute?»

The telepathic voice in her head was familiar. «Sure», she thought back, and reached for the door.


Spark walked through the weapons scanner, and felt the impact of the power-dampers immediately. She shrugged off the unfamiliar sensation, and after one final check, was given directions to the prison hospital ward.

Mark - the Mark with white-streaked red hair, at least - was lying in bed, an armed guard to his right, both legs in plaster.

She thought about sitting, and decided not to. She only had one question anyway. "Why?"

Mark looked at her for one moment, then turned his head away and lay in silence.

She thought about asking again, but instead just shook her head and walked away. He wasn't worth the trouble.


"They just gave me the all-clear, and I had to drop in and thank you for everything..."

Dani had been joined by Shikari as Rachel fluttered down, a pair of large black wings retracting from under her arms as she did so.

"It's what we're meant to do," Dani smiled. "You've got it pinned down, then?"

"Yeah - funnily enough, in a bizarre way, it trained me to keep it in line - it made me keep the Gemma projection up even when I was sleeping. So I can lock my powers to keep it subdued whatever happens."

"What are you planning to do now?"

"I've already been in contact with my college. It looks like I should be able to pick up basically where I left off, and until they get back round to that point on the course I can sit in on classes to get back up to speed."

"Please, keep in touch." Shikari asked.

"I will. And thank Tikhik for me, since he hasn't turned up, huh?"

"Sure." Dani said, and watched as Rachel flew off, her nightmare over...

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123553 11/02/11 01:18 PM
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Cos and Gene looked across the table at Irma. Between them lay two pictures of potential Legionnaires.

"Are you sure, Irma?" Gene asked. "Out of all our choices, you pick these?"

"Chu wanted us to add some new members, and I think these two are the best choices. Trust me, Gene - these two will make valuable allies. We could use their strength later on."

"Are you referring to that again, Irma?" Cos asked. "We're not yet being called upon to help out in Europe."

Irma gave Cos a look. He knew that look - even without Irma's telepathy, it screamed "Trust me on this one I know what I'm talking about."

He sighed, then turned to Gene. "Drake helped out against the Hulk, and by all accounts he was extraordinarily effective."

"I don't have an issue with that, but what about the girl?"

Cos paused. They'd have to compromise on this one. It was tough - the UN was continuously calling for new members, and it was only because of their squabbling that the Legion even had as much choice as they did now. For them not to agree on new members would ruin what little say they did have. It was best if all the team's leadership agreed. "She's working with some of the others at the hospital now. Why don't we pay them a visit?"

Gene's expression remained skeptical.

"Zoe's there," Cos added.

"Oh... what are we waiting for, then?"

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123554 11/02/11 01:45 PM
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"Honey, are you alright?"

Drura opened her eyes, woken from her nap by the girl with the floating red hair.

There was activity all around her. A large orange girl, Amazon, and a speedy Indian girl, Flash, were carrying supplies into the room. Over to the left, a brownish girl - Amihan, from the Philippines - was cooing softly to a toddler as she bandaged its arm.

Drura instantly felt guilty at falling asleep. She hastened to stand up, but found herself pushed down.

"Whoa there, kid. You're exhausted. Why don't you get some rest?"

"I'm... alright. There are a lot of people left to help."

Drura didn't speak of it much, but she was grateful to the United States for taking her in, despite her powers. She'd been shunned from her home in far-off Cambodia... but the US had allowed her to migrate, and she had been introduced to the Legion of Superheroes.

Chances like that did not come very often.

Kinetix bent over here with some concern. "You won't be able to help them if you're tired. Rest a bit - there's nobody in dire danger right now."

Drura paused. There was wisdom in Kinetix's words. And genuine concern, as well. She hadn't heard that often.

She smiled. "Thank you."

Just then, the door opened and three more figures entered. Drura recognized them all from the news.

So did Kinetix; she seemed to brighten at seeing the big one - Leviathan. And despite his military demeanor, he couldn't help giving her a smile, too.

After exchanging greetings, he strode right up to Drura. "Drura Sept?" he asked.

She stood up, giving a slight bow of greeting. "That is me."

He stood with his arms crossed, eyeing her up and down. Drura blushed slightly, but said nothing.

"What's going on, Gene?" asked Kinetix. "She's pretty tired. She's been working hard all day."

"Irma here says she's Legion material. We'll have to see about that."

Drura's eyes brightened. To serve would be an honor.

"I would like to show you what I can do."

"Go ahead," said the one called Tela. "Gene here can be your test subject."

"Darned right I can." Leviathan retorted. "Best way to see the full effects of your power."

Behind him, Kinetix and Tela both smirked. They knew how effective Drura could be.

She closed her eyes. What microbe would be effective? Ah... a tropical disease.

Gene suddenly began to sweat. "What...?"

"Dengue fever." Drura replied. "Don't worry, it's just a small dose. You should be alright in ten minutes."

"Ugh... So you gave me a small dose, huh? And if I grow?" His height began to increase - though with much difficulty.

"I can increase the dosage by commanding more microbes to enter your bloodstream," Drura said. "Enough to make it last for the same amount of time.

"Impressive," Gene said, grudgingly. "Alright, you can turn it off now..."

"Wait, she already said she'd give you a ten minute dose," Cosmic Boy said. "Can you decrease the time, Drura?"

"With some effort, yes. It doesn't work on all diseases, but with dengue, I know of a microbe that attacks it. If I infect you with a small dose of that, it can kill off the virus causing the dengue." She waved her hand - not that she really needed to, but it helped her concentrate.

In two minutes, Gene was back on his feet. Sweat still stained his costume, but he was otherwise fine.

"Well," Tela asked him. "Are you convinced yet?"

"Yes," Gene said. "Drura, we'll have to put your membership up to UN approval, but if it were up to me... welcome to the team."

Drura smiled as Zoe hugged her. What an honor.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123555 11/02/11 02:08 PM
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"So, what are you going to call yourself?" Drake asked Drura as they exited the meeting room.

They'd just been to their very first official Legion of Superheroes meeting. Drake had been so excited that he hadn't really cared that a lot of it had involved a lot of boring jabber.

"I thought of using Malady, but I do not want to be known just for that," Drura replied. "I want something to reflect that I can heal as well as hurt. And what about you?"

"I've been thinking too. Hotshot? Firestorm? Inferno? The first one makes me sound like a fast food item, and the last two just sound too common, you know?"

Drura paused, tapping her lip. "I can't really think of anything better than that. So, you have flame powers?"

"Not... exactly. I can do this, though," Drake said, letting loose a small blast of energy. Drura stepped back, impressed.

Drake grinned in satisfaction. As he was about to open his mouth again, a hand slapped him on the back. "Nice going, buddy!" It was Tom, Starboy. "You should have seen everyone's faces when we were talking about you versus the Hulk. We gave a blow by blow account, and the room went WILD!"

"Like we were on fire, dear!" Amazon said, smiling. "You really impressed."

Drake couldn't help the feelings of satisfaction welling in him. It was nice to feel... approval? No, not just that. He felt wanted.

"Wildfire. Why not go with Wildfire?" Drura said.

"Huh... you know what, I like that."

"Whoa, that was fast!" Flash said as she ran up. "When I joined, it took me forever to decide on my codename!"

"And what abut yours, Drura?" Amihan said as she walked up, too. "Have you thought of a codename yet?"

Man, the Legionnaires really are close, like Tom said, Drake thought. Just standing here, I feel so welcome.

"I wanted a name that could reflect both my abilities to hurt and to heal," Drura answered. "I don't want to go with something like Pandemic or Malady - sounds too much like a villain."

"How about Pajau Yan, then?" Rebound said. "Vietnamese goddess of health."

"But she's not Vietnamese, Chuck." Amihan pointed out. "She's Cambodian. And as a Southeast Asian myself, I can tell you that each of our nations has a distinct culture."

"I don't mind, though." Drura said thoughtfully. "It's just a little long and unwieldy..."

"If you want goddesses, then, how about Hygeia? Greek goddess of Health." Nura smiled.

"That sounds wonderful - you should totally pick that!" Jenni said enthusiastically.

"And our very own Dreamer suggested it too," Jazmin said with a bit of a smirk. "Bet that was a vision, wasn't it?"

"Now, what would that say about my creativity if I relied on my visions alone?" Nura said with a smile.

By then, nearly half the team had gathered around them. "Are you guys always so welcoming when someone new joins up?" Drake asked.

"You should have seen when Berta and I joined," Amazon said. "The dears threw such a big party!"

"Which, by the way, is our signal..." Amihan smiled.

"Surprise!" Each Legionnaire quickly pulled out party poppers as the rest of the team entered the door with cakes. Gene had a big smile on his face , which wasn't often.

Cheers and welcomes rang out all around. Drake couldn't believe it. It had been a long, long while since he'd felt like this. With a smile at Drura, both of them went forward to enjoy big cake in the center of the table, amid their new friends.

21CL: Cathingham #2, part 1
#123556 11/02/11 07:19 PM
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Part 1: Now

Laurel shifted nervously in her seat, adjusting her skirt to have something to fidget with. She'd spoken only very briefly to Catherine on the phone when they arranged to meet, but enough to know the older girl was skeptical about it - maybe she hadn't known she was adopted? Or maybe, Laurel shuddered, she'd lost track and this wasn't her sister at all.

Another thought suddenly hit her - had she overdressed? Wanting to make a good impression, she was wearing a smart white skirt-suit and black blouse, bought for the formal occasions she'd have to follow Lydia to as part of her job (along with sunglasses to let her scan the crowed discreetly). Would something more casual, like a T-shirt and jeans, have been better?

Before her mind could jump tracks again, however, the sound of a female voice asking where table 16 blasted away her second-guessing. Straining against over-tensed neck muscles, she turned her head to look at the source of the voice, who was manoevering through the crowded room toward her. A tall woman, just over 6' in her casual shoes - nearly as tall as Laurel herself, though slimmer/less muscled - with long, straight strawberry-blonde hair. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, Laurel noted with dismay, before taking her sunglasses off to make eye contact.

"Hi, Catherine? I'm--" Laurel began to say, but stopped as Catherine met her eyes. Followed by Catherine's jaw dropping and a squeal coming out that sounded a bit like 'Andromeda'.

Wincing at the eyes suddenly directed at them, Laurel's eyes flicked downward... where, after a couple of moments, something caught her attention. Catherine's feet were hovering a good couple of inches off the floor. Trying not to wince again, she asked "Uh... do you want to go for a walk? I think we've attracted enough attention as it is here", while trying to gesture downward.

In response, Catherine blushed and landed with a quiet thump. "Sure..."

As quickly as she felt reasonable, Laurel left a some money on the table to cover her drink and started steering Catherine toward the exit.

"Oh, wait." Catherine stopped for a minute and gestured at a guy at a nearby table. "Sorry, I just had to let Doug know it was okay."

As they left, Laurel asked "Doug's your boyfriend?"

"My roomate. He agreed to cover me for the 'in a public place' thing."

"You could just have flown away, as far as you knew."

"I'm not very good at it. Not nearly as good as you." She blushed again. "I saw you once. At one of the Workforce demos, I mean. You made it all look so easy!"

"It's mostly practice," Laurel replied, trying to be modest. This wasn't how she'd expected things to go at all.

"Could, uh, could we go for a fly? A flight, I mean. Together. We can talk in the air, right?"

After thinking for a minute, Laurel said, "Okay, if we get out of the city so we don't get shot at, I don't see why not. But I need to go home and get changed first - I'm not going flying in a skirt!"

"Toni?" Laurel shouted as she opened the door. After a moment with no reply, she said to Catherine "She must be out. Try and find a spot, I won't be a minute." Kicking into super-speed, she zipped into her room and found the costume Kinetix had made for her, with star-effect on the leggings & shoulders and a large yellow star crossing between the top starfield and the white chest. While it wasn't something she particularly liked to wear any more, it was the only thing she had that would reliably stand up to super-speed flight. Plus, she still wanted to impress her sister, and it seemed like the thing most likely to. So having donned it, she headed back into the living room before covering it up with civvies.

Catherine was suitably impressed. "Oh, wow". Then a thought visibly hit her. "Hang on..." She screwed up her face in a look of intense concentration, and her clothes started to shift, becoming tighter and blacker, then a red stripe appeared down the torso and arms, before a star logo similar to Laurel's own finally popped onto the chest.

Laurel's eyebrows jumped. "I'd just assumed you had the same powers as me, but I can't do that. What else can you do?"

The blush Laurel was beginning to think of as Catherine's defining characteristic appeared again. "Lots of stuff, none of it very well. I can fly a bit; I can move stuff around from a way away as long as you don't need it in one piece; I can fade out, but not really be invisible; and I can shift myself around like you just saw, only it hurts and I can't really match the same thing twice so you wouldn't notice the change."

"Wait, if it hurts to shift your clothes around, and you didn't bring anything else to wear, why did you do that NOW?"

Catherine opened her mouth as if to speak, but no sound came out, then she sheepishly blushed once more.

"You're not nearly anywhere as bad as you said."

Laurel and Catherine had been flying for an hour, in costume at speed, and were now straight and level over western New York State.

"Flying flat's the easy part. All the acrobatics and stuff you did that time? No way I could manage those!"

Laurel smiled, but didn't take the bait to show off.

A couple of minutes later, Catherine spoke again, "I just realised, I haven't asked you yet - I mean, I meant to, but everything kinda knocked it out my head - why DO you think I'm your sister? I only even found out I was adopted last year. Did you know our parents?"

Laurel sighed, and rolled over so she was flying on her back, braid flapping in the wind. "I wasn't adopted - that w..." She stopped and started again. "Yes, I knew our mother."

"Only our mother?"

"Strictly, we're only half-sisters - mum apparently gave you up for adoption before she met my dad. I don't know who your dad was, to be honest."

"What happened to her?"

Her eyes screwed tight shut, trusting that she would hear any air traffic coming, Laurel started to explain about the White Triangle attack that had taken both her parents' lives, but stopped after she got to being placed in the orphanage. The memories were too painful. Catherine realised this, and didn't press for some minutes, during which they flew on in silence.

Eventually, she thought it was safe to ask another question "So, I saw the whole mess the Workforce ended with. What happened to you after that? You just seemed to disappear."

Laurel flipped back over to her front, and started to climb slowly, unconsciously. Catherine followed to listen. "After I was done with the Workforce, I was a mess. I turned down the Legion and tried going into space for a couple of days, pulverising a few asteroids. Didn't help that much, and eventually I needed some air anyway, so I came back to Earth..."

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123557 11/03/11 07:53 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Legion Outpost
Part 1

Three days after they left Arnett, Texas, Jacquie awoke one morning full of energy, barely remembering the pleasant dream she had just finished, but knowing it left her energized.

She announced to the rest of them that the way to the Legion was not east, to New York. Rather, it was west. To San Francisco.

Hasim scoffed, Val waited until they were alone to question her, and Andy told her that well, sometimes you just knew what direction you were supposed to be going in, so he figured she was probably right.


That same morning RJ Brande was in such a good mood that he cooked some of the Legionnaires breakfast. When they found it amazing that he knew how to cook, he scolded them about underestimating people, and told them in good humor that when you were as old as he was, the act of creating something to eat was probably the greatest single thing anyone could possibly do.

Element Lad seemed to take this to heart and immediately began learning how to cook.


Two weeks later

San Francisco, California

“There’s more pan-handlers here than I thought there’d be. More homeless too,” said Hasim, unimpressed with the city.

“You just got here, Hasim,” said Andy smiling, “in order to really get a feel for anywhere, you have to stick around awhile and visit the local places.” He turned to Val and Jacquie. “I assume we’re going to the infamous intersection of Haight and Ashbury? Because I honestly can’t think of any other reason to be here…”

Jacquie over looked the city and did not see the same city Hasim saw. She saw beauty, and she instantly loved it here. Val watched her and knew her powers were working now, as they did in their odd way. Jacquie’s magic allowed her to see things sometimes in all forms of illusion. “Sure Andy,” she said at last, “we can go to Haight-Ashbury.”

“Right on,” he said with a smile, and Val laughed to himself while Hasim rolled his eyes.


As they approached the infamous intersection, the three boys could not see anything out of the ordinary. People walked by, and restaurants and bars lined the streets, as well as clothing stores, record stores and a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shop. A man sat with his back against front wall of a restaurant, with a cowboy hat resting low against the bridge of his nose, so that he looked like he was sleeping.

“Very bohemian,” said Andy.

“Yes, very,” said Hasim sarcastically, nodding at the sleeping man, thinking he was a bum.

“It looks as expensive as Manhattan,” said Val in his practical way, meaning ‘I don’t see the big deal’.

“Depends on what you’re buying my friend,” said a voice, “and what you’re looking for.” It was the man they thought was sleeping with the cowboy hat. They could see he had on an old leather jacket that was too big for him, with an old worn out pair of jeans and dusty cowboy boots. His curly blonde hair showed on the sides of his hat, and Andy recognized a great afro when he saw one. The man was pale white.

“Don’t let him bother you,” said Val to the man, “he doesn’t like people.”

“I take no offense,” said the voice as it exhaled smoke, and they now saw he was smoking a cigarette of some kind. “After all, people don’t much like him I surmise.”

Hasim at first wasn’t sure to be offended or not, but then decided he was, and he grew angry. Val and Andy both smiled widely and held back their laughter, and Jacquie now turned her attention to the man. “We won’t bother you anymore,” she said, diplomatically trying to get them to move on.

“I appreciate it, miss,” he replied, exhaling his smoke again. Andy smelt it and immediately recognized it from his days on the streets of Suicide Slum in Metropolis. That sure wasn’t tobacco the man was smoking. “You always were fair and diplomatic, Princess,” he added, and they all suddenly stopped cold. Jacquie turned to him, trying to look at him more deeply, using her illusion powers. Hasim turned to Val and mouthed ‘Princess?’. “Though there was that time,” said the man, “where I served in your royal court in another lifetime, and when I attempted to explain the history of magic to your faithful servants maids, you had me banished from the kingdom, where I was then killed in a tragic horse-riding accident.”

“I think perhaps we should move on,” said Val, but Jacquie continued to look at the man.

Andy was laughing, however. “Ah,” he said, “we didn’t realize you had been reincarnated,” he said sarcastically but in good humor. “A former advisor to the Royal Family? A shame then…your occupation is not quite what it was in pass ages.”

Now the man lifted up his cowboy hat so they could see his face. He was smiling, and above his mouth was a thick gray moustache. But his smile was not one who was simply happy. It was a strangely scary smile. Menacing almost, as if the man knew quite a lot more that he was letting on, and was enjoying the fact that no one knew what that information was. His eyes had the same strange happiness. Almost insane. “Nonsense Andy,” he said now. “I’m a doctor. Mayavale is my name, and doctoring is my game.” He took the joint he was smoking and held it out. “Wheezing mists?”

“Andy—“ began Val, but then Jacquie held her hand up to his chest to cut him off.

“Dr. Mayavale,” she said, “why are you here?”

“Waiting for you of course,” he smiled. “You’ve come a long way, after all, and I thought you should at least get some sort of reception.” He stood up now and walked towards them, and they could see how odd he was.

“But…” began Jacquie, “…we don’t even know why we’re here.”

“You’re hear to see Marla Latham,” he said bemusingly. “Aren’t you?”


Dr. Mayavale, if he was a real doctor thought Val, walked them through the streets of San Francisco for some time until at last bringing them to a suburb of the city, where a series of beautiful houses lined the side streets and more secluded areas nearby. Soon they came upon a street, still walking, with no houses on it, and followed that for a time. After some time, Val began to see this long street had the shoreline to the left, and on the right was a large plot of land fenced in—and this land was all one large estate. No cars had traveled upon this road the entire time they were there.

At last they came to an entrance and entered the very large estate, to see a long driveway and beautiful grounds on the front of a very large mansion farther inwards. Past the mansion, they could see the grounds extended much farther backwards.

The warm sea breeze came in over the trees. Yet, other than that, the feeling of seclusion was immense.

*BAMF* Suddenly a puff of smoke appeared in front of them and they all smelled the intense smell of brimstone and sulfur. They saw some blurriness within the smoke, when at last Kurt Wagner, known as Nightcrawler, emerged. Jacquie, Val and Hasim had heard Mon, Tatiana and Tina speak of him, and they recognized him immediately. “Velcome,” he began in English, “to the Legion Outpost,” he said, bowing slightly and extending his arm backwards to officially invite them in. “I take it the doctor provided you some lunch?” he added.

“No, not really,” said Andy, looking at Mayavale with eyebrows raised.

“Not all of us have one thousand lifetimes, beezlebub,” he said to Nightcrawler, “so there was no time to spare,” he finished with a smile.

Now they all approached curiously, as Marla Latham could be seen walking down the front steps to greet them officially. With him was Baksheesh, the boy known as Kid Psycho, in India. He ran out to meet them. Marla spoke loudly. “You have a great many questions, and I will answer them all,” he said. “But welcome. You are safe here. This will be your last stop before you at last meet the Legion of Super-Heroes.”

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123558 11/03/11 08:08 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Legion Outpost
Part 2

San Francisco: the Legion Outpost

“There is obviously a great deal about you that we don’t know,” Jacquie half-smiled, “and probably never will. Certainly, you haven’t been completely honest with us, Mr. Latham.” She stood next to Marla Latham as they overlooked the large grounds of what he called the ‘Legion Outpost’, which felt more like a college campus, though with only a few current inhabitants.

“No, I suppose I haven’t,” he grinned, and it was a handsome and pleasant grin that one couldn’t help but feel some semblance of trust for. “For that, Princess Jacqueline, I apologize. But understand, I had no real clue who you or your friends were when I met you, and I knew you were being pursued not only by the Dark Circle, but by Mordru himself. I did what I thought was the best option to do.”

She nodded, and smiled again, as if to say fair enough, but I’m not sure it really was your best option. Then she added: “knowing Maziah is alright, as you told me, is a relief. Its no understatement that its been on my mind just about everyday since we left the others. And this has not been an easy journey to get here.”

“I know it hasn’t,” replied Marla Latham. “Which is why I want to make this part easy. You can stay here and rest, get cleaned up and have some decent meals. And I will bring you to Manhattan myself aboard my private jet, and I’ll arrange a special meeting with RJ Brande. You can meet the Legion through us, without any of the red tape that comes with meeting the organization.”

“Brande could do that?”

“Indeed,” he said, grinning still. “RJ and I are more than just business partners; we’ve become extremely close friends. And I can tell you with no lack of confidence that if RJ wants you to meet the Legion, then as he would say, by damn, you’ll do it.”

They looked around now, to see Renkil Kem, Tenz’s little brother, playing with Baksheesh, who Jacquie and the others once knew as Kid Psycho. The two seemed to be good friends already, but most likely this was because there weren’t that many other kids there age around.

“What is this place, Mr. Latham?”

“Its Marla,” he replied. “No ‘mister’ for me. As to this place, its something else RJ and I have been thinking about for some time. You are not aware of just how complicated the Legion’s bureaucracy is, and unfortunately, that will soon change. But I can tell you there are some real problems in the Legion maintaining full control of…well, their destiny. There’s also about to be, if not already in place, a Legion Academy, for others your age that display similar powers. You must realize by now there are a lot of you around the world?”

“Yes,” she said, “and we basically know the reason why too. Science and magic helped kick-start evolution…or to be more precise, put it back on track.”

“Yes, and now there are quite a lot of teenagers with special abilities. Very few, like yourself, would have developed these powers anyway. Spirit, Tatiana Mallor, Maziah and Nura…”

“Those of us with magic backgrounds.”

“Indeed. But now there are many who do not understand these new powers at all, and they’ll need to be trained in how to use them. If they like, they’ll one day get the chance to become Legionnaires. But honestly, I have no role in the Academy, so I have no authority to pitch it. What we have here, in this Outpost, is a place for the younger ones,” he now added, pointing towards Renkil and Baksheesh. “They can be no older than ten or eleven. They certainly don’t deserve to be immersed in a world with a Dark Lord looking to unleash his hordes, and with politicians battling for control of their powers. Not to be mention the growing number of dangerous people who are showing similar abilities, like your old friend Sarya of Venegar.”

At this, Jacquie said nothing, and Marla continued.

“So this is for the young. These too and Ivy, who you haven’t really met, are the first to be here. Nightcrawler has chosen to stay here, rather than join the Academy or search out the Legion, and I can’t blame him. Most of his life he’s only known humanity to be unkind and unforgiving to his appearance.”

“And the other boy? Bucky?”

Marla smiled but it was a sad smile. “He’s not ready yet to rejoin the world.” That seemed to be his only words on the matter.

“Well, Marla,” she said now also smiling, “I’ve come to rely on my instincts when it comes to truth and honesty, and I believe you. And I think I can trust you. I’m ready for this journey to be over and for my real work to begin.”

“We all are,” he smiled.


Hasim sat near a basketball court, though made no move to pick up one of the basketballs on the side of the court. He was bored and had no real intention of interacting with any of these people. The air was warm and breezy, and he considered taking a nap or getting something to eat. He might as well enjoy some downtime now, because he knew he’d soon be meeting at least a dozen Legionnaires, and more likely than not, he wouldn’t get along with at least half.

All at once, he felt a presence near him. He jumped up and turned, preparing for full-on battle.

It was a little girl, no older than ten. She was very small, with rich black skin. She didn’t smile or make any facial change, and appeared emotionless. Hasim, who had battled demons and Dark Lords, suddenly felt ill at ease. “What do you want?” he asked rudely.

“You travel with them,” she spoke, “but you are not one of them.” She spoke English, but with a strong accent. She was from somewhere in Africa. This was Ivy, the little girl who could control plant-life and vegetation.

“You don’t know anything about me,” he said with a snicker and turned as if to ignore her.

“No,” she replied, “but he does. He says you near a crossroads Hasim. You must choose wisely.” With that, she turned, and began to walk away.

Hasim snickered again and said nothing. What the hell did she know anyway?

What he did not consider was: Ivy could speak to her plants; Ivy could speak to Blok.


In a large gymnasium, Valor quickly climbed up a rope, using all of his skills of agility and dexterity then leapt across the air to two rings hanging from the ceiling, grabbing hold of them and somersaulting to the ground. He landed perfectly, and now looked around to see what else he could do to get a work out in.

He heard clapping and turned to see another boy standing there. The boy was his age, though something about him made him feel much older. It was his eyes: they had seen quite a lot. This was the kid they called Bucky. “Pretty good,” he said with only the faintest traces of a smile. “Care to show me what you can really do?”

Ten minutes later, both reflected on what was probably the best workout either had in years. Out of breath, and now feeling that pleasant feeling of soreness when you know you’ve really tested your muscles, they were also smiling widely and both enjoying a light laugh.

“I’ve never meant someone else that wanted to spare twenty feet up in the sky, suspended from the ropes,” said Bucky. “I can say this is a real pleasure.”

“Likewise,” said Val. “You’re abilities are impressive.”

“Yours too. Hell, I know you’re leaving soon, but if you ever want to stop by for another workout like that, let me know.”

Val grinned. “I will. In my line of work, which I’ll be returning to shortly, I get workouts like that more than you’d think.” He was referring, Bucky knew, to being a Legionnaire. “You should come with us. Not only could we use you,” he added, “but I know at least one Legionnaire who would fall over if he met you in person.” He was referring, of course, to Leviathan.

“No thanks,” said Bucky. That was his final word on the subject.

Valor, never one to mince words if there was no reason, made no attempt to persuade him otherwise.

“Hungry?” asked Bucky, now walking towards the door.

“Oh yes,” said Val, and they joined Nightcrawler for lunch.


Andy Nolan, like Hasim, sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather, though he sat close enough to Renkil and Baksheesh so he could enjoy their laughter. He had found a library, and decided to borrow a book: it was Stephen King’s “The Stand”. He had always liked reading, even though Doug and Kon made fun of him for it a lot when they were younger (there weren’t exactly many scholars emerging from Suicide Slum), and now figured he had some downtown so he should keep his mind occupied. Besides, he liked Stephen King’s books—they showed people in the same light he always saw them.

He felt someone walking over to him and turned expecting to see Sun Kem bringing him another glass of water or juice, only to see that crazy guy who found them, Dr. Mayavale, walking over to him.

“Care for some company, friend?” asked Mayavale.

Andy didn’t want to be rude, even if he didn’t care for Mayavale’s company, so he was only able to get out an ‘I guess’.

“Good, good,” he said, “these feet of mine have walked far in my lifetimes and they get tired a lot easier now.”

Andy rolled his eyes at this and once more took in Mayavale’s appearance, with his old, beat-up cowboy look (complete with hat), and white fu-manchu moustache and afro sticking out from under his hat. Mayavale also smelled like a combination of old books and marijuana. “You remind me of an old friend of mine, Jo. Or was it Joe? Hard to recall, yes it is.”

Andy wasn’t exactly sure if he talking to him or just talking to himself. “Er, how’s that?” he replied.

“You’re lost, that’s why,” said Mayavale. “You’ve been lost for sometime now.”

Andy raised an eyebrow, and looked at Jacquie, who was talking to Marla, before looking back at Mayavale. “I think I’ve been found, or close enough,” he said matter-of-factly, “but thanks for the observation.”

“Nope, definitely not found yet,” said Mayavale equally matter-of-factly. “Its never quite that easy.”

“Ah, I see,” said Andy sarcastically. “And you are an expert on people ‘being found’, as you say?”

“Indeed I am,” replied Mayavale with a wide smile that didn’t really have the effect of spreading to Andy. “Yes indeedy. You like these people,” he said, motioning towards Jacquie, “and you like that Val boy, ‘cuz he reminds of you having a brother. But you already think you’ve got nothing to add to their quest. Doesn’t seem fair you should be allowed to go on if you’ve got nothing to add.”

“Oh, and I suppose I should stay here with you and the children then?” he said, now completely annoyed. “Listen Doc,” he started again, sarcastically saying Doc, since there was no way this guy was a real doctor of any sort, “I’ve got plenty to contribute and I’ll be doing so when I leave with them.”

“Hm,” said Mayavale and then was silent. “Strong words, and good ones, but well, words are just words unless have back ‘em up with some real conviction. No, my friend, if you really want to contribute anything of any real worth, you’re going to have to start thinking you have some real worth to begin with.”

“You’re one helluva a loony, you know that?” said Andy still annoyed.

“Stop seeing yourself as a worthless little thing that deserves being kicked around. That’s your first step. That’s the road to the finding.”

Andy said nothing. “Why did you come over here?” he said at last.

“Because if you really want to make a difference here, Andy, you need to start believing you actually can make one. Because being kicked around is a part of life, but kicking back is a choice. Good luck, son, in making yours.”

With that, Mayavale stood up and walked away. Andy didn’t feel much like reading anymore.


The next day, Marla Latham took them on his private plane to see RJ Brande. Andy slept soundly, and eventually Val decided it would be best to get some rest before he saw his friends again. Jacquie couldn’t sleep and thought about the things she would say, before she admitted to herself that it’d be best not to have anything already prepared. Hasim didn’t sleep at all.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123559 11/04/11 08:38 AM
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The United Nations of Mordru
Part 1

Maziah slept all day once more, while outside Blok looked out silently into the winds, standing guard by her without tiring. Maziah's dreams were of the desert and of fire, and she could be heard muttering in her sleep, but no one dared to wake her. Mostly, she dreamed of her father and his wrath.

Blok explained to Dirk and Tenz, who inquired about it, that Maziah's proclamation carried great power in terms of magic; in terms of the Ekronian way. She had been working against her father, yes, but she was still his daughter and all could still be forgiven. But now she had made a proclamation that she was his enemy. That his enemies were her friends and her brethren.

She pitted herself against him and foreswore him.

And thus, Mordru was her enemy as well. Though a father, he was still the Dark Lord, and his anger and wrath far outweighed any hint of love or compassion.

For the second time, he’d been forced to act. To react.

For thousands of years, Mordru had no children. Less than twenty years ago, he had two. Now one stood against him, completely altering the playing field that had existed in living memory. Completely upsetting the balance.

Blok knew now was the crucial moment. Now everything led to the endgame.


Dirk walked with Gigi Cusimano on the streets of Vienna, enjoying the rich history of the city. She was amazed at how much he had grown since she’d last seen him, when he was still a boy who could hardly control his powers over sunlight and fire. Now he was older, handsome and had a casual confidence about him.

He made jokes and she laughed and Dirk enjoyed the company. She was four years older than him, but still, he had hopes.

Not far followed Agent Ontirr, continuing to search for information.

Not far behind Ontirr was Dawnstar, flying high in the sky, but able to see their trails with ease. The trap had been set, and Ontirr walked into it blindly.


“Mother,” asked Tina, making a conscious decision not to disguise her voice because she knew it would be easily seen through, “why are you so adamant not to invade Khundia?”

The Countess stared at her in disbelief. There was silence. A servant, cleaning nearby, got up and walked out of the room. “Tina, you have never once in your life asked me anything about politics. Why do you ask me now?”

Tina looked at her mother, and weighed the decision on what her words should be. “Because…because now I think its important. Incredibly important to what’s going to happen in the world.”

The Countess took some satisfaction in this perceived compliment. “Because it will accomplish nothing other than giving the Khundians what they want. And it could start a world war. Things are far more explosive now than people believed.” She was quiet for a time. “And because…”

“Because of the magic,” said Tina, referring to their shared powers. The two had not spoken about these abilities in years.

Winema Wazzo looked at her daughter with piercing, intelligent eyes. Realization began to set on the Countess. “Dear God, child,” she said at last, “you not only know about him,” she said, looking into her daughters eyes, “but…but you’ve seen him?”

For the first time, Tina and Winema Wazzo openly discussed their abilities and their beliefs in magic. More importantly, Winema acknowledged to Tina she knew of Mordru’s existence. And finally, Tina felt she could trust her mother again, even if only in this matter.


Ontirr turned an abrupt corner, suddenly realizing that he may have actually lost the Morgna boy and quickly picked up his pace—and there stood the magnificent winged figure of Dawnstar. Hands on her hips, with wings outstretched, she looked both fierce and radiantly beautiful at once.

She was not smiling. “Whoever you are,” said, “know that you cannot lie to us.” She hoped he might believe this. “Why are you following us, and what do you want?”

He looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. “My mistake…” he began to utter, to turn around, but behind him stood Flare and Matter-Eater Lad, with Gigi off to the side.

“Yes, it certainly is,” said Dirk, lighting his hand on fire and holding up toward Ontirr’s face. “Who are you?” he added, grabbing him with his other hand.

Ontirr smacked Dirk’s hands away in anger. He pushed Dirk forward. “Okay, enough of this,” he said, and pulled out a badge. Dirk didn’t recognize it right away, but it was obviously credentials.

“I work for Interpol,” said Ontirr, now looking smug. “And yes, I’ve been following you. I’ve been asked to, since obviously you’re all dangerous.” Dirk prepared to respond angrily, but Ontirr held up a hand. “So whatever you’re thinking right now, you can forget it.”

Ontirr looked at them smugly, and Dirk, Ten Zil and Dawnstar said nothing. Gigi Cusimano stayed out of view around the corner, nervously waiting to see what was happening. At last, Dirk smiled a equal-sized grin. After all, Batman had recently given them all the information they would need. “Of course,” said Dirk finally, “but we had to know who was following us.”

“I understand,” said Ontirr. “Look, I don’t have any problems with you kids. I understand the world is changing and that people like you are…developing all over the world. But I can help you, if you’ll let me.”


Twenty minutes later, Dirk walked with Gigi, while Ten Zil was carried by Dawnstar back to Castle Wazzo. “I don’t trust that man at all,” said Dawnstar.

“None of us do, Dawny,” he said, christening Dawnstar with her new nickname and enjoying the idea that she was holding him up. “But he’s not working for Mordru,” he added.

“How can you possibly tell?” replied Dawnstar.

“He didn’t seem to know much about Mordru at all. No…I definitely think he’s working for someone other than Interpol. I think,” he said, lowering his voice even though they were in the air, “…well, let me tell you about the Dark Circle.”


“I guess this will be goodbye now,” said Gigi to Dirk. “I’m worried about you Dirk. You all are mixed up in some crazy things. I know the girl Tina is a Legionnaire (and a pretty one at that)” she added, giving Dirk an inquisitive eye, which he brushed aside, “but still, you’re too young to be involved in this stuff. And that man—“

“We’ll be able to handle that man,” said Dirk. “We’ll want to see what his organization plans to do in the upcoming…well…” he wanted to say war, but didn’t think Gigi would find the word as a way to not be worried.

“Organization? You mean Interpol?”

“Well, something like that,” he said with a smile, then immediately changing subjects, “and what do you mean I’m too young. I’m practically the same age as you!”

“Dirk, 20 and 17 is a big difference,” she smiled, “though dammit…you are cute,” she said. “But you can stop right now. I’m not going to kiss you goodbye.”

“Sure you are,” said Dirk, with a smile, and leaned forward and kissed her anyway, pleased to soon realize she was kissing him back.


“Ambassador Relnic,” said Countess Wazzo, in a voice no one in the room had ever heard from her. Nervousness. Everyone in the room looked up: Relnic, Maya, Gil’Deshi, the boy Joe, and Tatiana Mallor, whose blue skin they all found fascinating. “Can you come here a moment?” she finished.

The Countess stood there with her daughter, who also looked slightly nervous, and they all found it odd how close the two of them were standing next to each other, since usually they went at great lengths to put a distance between them.

“Certainly Winema,” he said, and rose up to join them. Maya and Gil’Deshi eyed each other inquisitively.

“Tell me again,” said Joe casually, “I just find it so complicated. The U.N. has the power to invade Khundia, but because the U.N. does not fully agree on the usage of the Legion of Super-Heroes, it is essentially blocked in using them in the invasion of Khundia?”

“Correct, my friend,” said Gil’Deshi, evidently pleased with himself like a pompous college professor giving a lesson. “Which is partially the reason for the mixed support of the Legion. I, personally, do not think the organization has any merit. Putting together an army of super-powered individuals could potentially be the most catastrophic idea I’ve heard in my lifetime.”

“But you do support the Khundian invasion?”

“Yes,” said the ambassador firmly. “Some might say I’m cow-towing to political pressure, and many in your generation will think so,” he said holding up his hands although Joe offered no sign of outrage. “But in all honesty, I believe it is the right thing to do. It is not an easy decision.” Deshi was an older man, but here, for the first time since she met him, Tatiana realized he was a tired man. She did not agree with him on most things, but she did not think he was a bad man.

Joe nodded, taking it all in. Tatiana at once realized what Joe’s game was. He was playing the naïve kid role—why, she had no idea. He almost dumbing himself down for this, even though these were complicated concepts and anyone their age would have trouble understanding it all. She decided to remain quiet and watch.

Joe turned to Maya. “You’ve been a big supporter of the Legion since its inception, right Maya?”

“Of course,” she smiled widely. Maya was perhaps the most likeable of them all, and had been so since they first meant the Ambassadors weeks ago. She was also younger than most of them. The Ambassador to the U.N. from Sri Lanka, she was every bit the epitome of an idealistic politician that Tatiana and her friends could get behind. “I think it could be so much more than ‘an army’, as my fellow Ambassador puts it. The Legion could be a symbol of hope. It could stand for so much.”

Joe was smiling.

“See,” she said, “you believe that too.”

Joe nodded his head. “And you also support the Khund invasion,” he added.

“Yes. On that, I agree with my colleague here.”

Tatiana could see the wheels turning in Joe’s head. “You’re very charismatic,” he said to Maya. She nodded her thanks. “And young, and attractive, which is always important. Both Ambassadors suddenly seemed taken aback by such a comment. “You are an excellent speaker, and from Tina told me, you’ve spoken at length in support of the Legion. You speak about what you just said to me: the Legion being a symbol, of standing for so much more than war.” She was watching him closely. “But you don’t believe that,” he added.

“Young man,” said Gil’Deshi, but Maya cut him off.

“How dare you!” she said, outraged. “You are just a boy! You have no idea what I—“

“Ambassador,” said Joe, “he wants to start World War III. A war over the entire Earth—basically an Earth War. He has Khundia situated to attack; he has North Korea involved; he’s encouraged violence between Pakistan and India. We think he may have something in South America going on. The big unknown for him, is the Legion. There wasn’t supposed to be a Legion. But here it is, so he wants to send it somewhere he knows where it’ll be, and perhaps use it himself. Perhaps make it his Legion. Who knows what he intends to do? What we can know for sure, given what I’ve been told about him, is that he intends to control it. Because that’s what he does.”

“Who is he you are talking about?” asked Ambassador Gil’Deshi, shouting now. He had no idea what was going on.

Maya was silent.

He is her Master,” said Joe, now defiantly standing tall, so for the first time, the power that he had could almost be felt across the room. Tatiana couldn’t believe what was happening. “Tell me, Maya? How can a person sell their soul and possibly destroy the human race? How can someone with so much to offer choose the path you’ve chosen? How could you possibly serve Mordru?”

Maya stared back at him, as Tatiana’s jaw dropped. Joe had figured out the U.N traitor for Mordru, and it was Maya Dahanayake.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123560 11/04/11 08:39 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The United Nations of Mordru
Part 2

Again, Maziah tossed and turned, the nightmares growing worse. Always, always, they would involve Nura being tormented by her father’s minions, and always with fire and other perverse means. Jacquie too would be there, and she would fare no better.

And then her father would be waiting for her.

The terror was very real, yet she still knew somehow that it was only a dream. Blok was with her, and it was only a dream.


Outside, Blok stood waiting for Maziah to wake up, the day now becoming night.


Gil’Deshi did not know what to do or what to say.

Maya, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka, who moments ago appeared to be the charismatic supporter of the Legion within the United Nations, looked back at Joe, and her face appeared to contort in front of them. Where it was beautiful moments earlier, it now looked fierce and cruel. Her brown eyes stared back at them, now shrinking and her brow creased. “Disgusting little street urchin,” she said quietly, “you are not fit to speak Mordru’s name.” Now she smiled widely.

Umbra gasped so loudly she dropped the drink she was holding.

Joe said nothing, just looking back at her.

“It pleases me that you know,” she said at last, though Joe and Tatiana doubted that. “At last, I can drop this charade.”

Now Joe smiled. “More like you’re useless to him now.”

She suddenly moved at him with stunning quickness to slap him across the face. Months—no, years—of anger built up over time unleashed itself on Joe. Joe used his ultra-speed to grab her hand before it connected with her face, and then switching to ultra-strength, he threw her backwards, onto a couch. “Its too late,” she smiled. “Your hand has already been dealt. All of you. War is coming and you have no chance.”

“Maya?” said Gil’Deshi, shocked. “Maya, what’s going on here? This isn’t you—this isn’t like you at all? Why are you so upset?”

Joe saw the rage in her and knew it wasn’t normal. There was something more going on here—Mordru was here, in this room, even if only through his agent. Mordru was giving her this aggression, and Mordu must have blackened her soul over a long period of time.

“I am a servant of a higher power,” she said to her fellow Ambassador, as the door clicked open on the other side of the room. Relnic, Winema Wazzo and Spirit were coming back. “And I have served him well.” She was grinning so widely now that Tatiana thought the sides of her mouth might slit open like cuts. Even her teeth seemed sharp and menacing. “The endgame comes now. Once more, the Dark Lord shall reign.”

“Dear God,” said Relnic, alerting them to his presence. “She looks like a woman possessed.”


Immediately, Maziah woke up screaming.


Outside, Blok felt the darkness approaching. Mordru was here, in the house once more. Instead of Etrigan the Demon, this time he had another vessel.


Maya turned to Relnic and screamed, the surprise of it, staggering them all in the room, and she picked up a knife—a knife where they had been eating cheese and crackers moments before—and hurled it at the Ambassador and the two Wazzo’s.

Using his speed, Joe immediately was across the room, beating the knife, and grabbed one, then two, and then yes, even three, moving them out of the way.

Before Tatiana could react, Maya turned and with her fingernails, clawed at Gil’Deshi’s throat, as if to rip it out. He staggered backwards, finally realizing the danger he was in, when Tatiana at last gained her composure and leapt on Maya’s back, trying to choke her.

But this was no longer Maya—she seemed to have strength aplenty.

“Believe me now, Anton?” said Winema to Relnic, the two evidently discussing Mordru moments earlier in the separate room.

Phasing, Spirit moved across the room, hoping to intervene with an opportune punch into Maya’s face, as Umbra, creating a ‘shadow-spear’ with her shadows, used it to hold Maya in place while she stood behind her. Ultraboy too moved across the room, switching to super-strength, hoping one punch would be enough to end this.

”You turned my own daughter against me and you will suffer for it,” said Maya, and at once they knew Maya was not alone in there.

Spirit hammered an unphased punch, knocking some sense into her, as Joe spoke “allow me,” and then adding his own. Maya fell to the ground, on the verge of unconsciousness.

“Whew,” said Umbra with a sigh, all of them in shock. “Joe just was…talking…and she started going crazy…she’s obviously the traitor…”

Maya, eyes now in the back of her head, looked up at them. She was grinning at them and laughing. She was sweating horribly, and then an odd smell started to rise. Like burning flesh.

“Is that steam?” said Winema, as the suddenly saw steam rising from Maya’s body.

And all at once, the body of Maya Dahanayake began to melt.


Zerox, the Secret City

With pure anger, Mordru made Maya’s body burn in front of them, grinding his hand into a fist as he did so, hoping they would feel terror beyond imagination.

His own daughter had proclaimed herself his enemy.

Across the world, his other daughter was now under the protection of his most hated and ancient enemy.

This time, his foes had gone too far. This time, they had pushed the Dark Lord too far after countless millennia. There would be a reckoning and there would be deaths.

Let some of his pieces fall then. Let war begin. The time for posturing and planning was over. The time of blood had begun.


Maziah didn’t realize she was crying until it stopped. She then wiped away the tears, and immediately her magic senses kicked into gear. Her father had been here—not quite, but yes, there were faint traces of it, but his presence was fading.

She could sense Blok immediately and went to join him. Opening the window, she floated down to him with a low level spell of levitation.

His presence eased her mind and she smiled to him.

“The war has begun,” he replied, and her smile drifted away.


“Dear God, Winema,” said Relnic, thirty minutes later, and still in shock. “What about Deshi? Is he—?”

“He’ll be alright Anton,” said an already exhausted Countess Winema Wazzo, who was at last beginning to understand some of what her daughter had been living with for weeks. “The doctors are taking care of him right now. But do you see?”

Anton turned away from the Countess, and now looked at Spirit, who was with Umbra and Ultraboy. Scrutinizing her every move, he watched her. “Yes, I think I do. I don’t know how on Earth we’re going to do anything about it, but we’re going to have to try.”

“I’ll find out where Chu is,” said Winema.

“Wait. Before you do…you’re going to have to explain this all to me again. And then again perhaps. Because if I’m going to fight this with you…I’m going to need to believe it.”



“Well, that takes care of convincing your mother and Anton Relnic,” said Umbra to Spirit. They were all still a little in shock.

“I told you it wasn’t your mom,” said Joe with a matter-of-fact smile.

Spirit looked at him as if to combat his cockiness, but then changed to a smile. “Yeah, you did. Thank you Joe, for your help.”

He nodded. “So I guess its on them to convince the UN and General-Secretary Chu? I wouldn’t want that job.”

“Its on Jacquie too,” said Tatiana. “I hope she’s having some luck.”

“I think it won’t matter soon,” said Tina in a voice that surprised them. “Mordru is lashing out. You saw it. I think he’s going to attack soon.”

21CL: Cathingham #2, part 2
#123561 11/05/11 03:29 PM
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Part 2: Then

Meteorites are bright because they burn up in the atmosphere - most don't make it to the ground at all, and all lose a big chunk of their mass on the way down. Consquently a meteorite that didn't burn up at all would, at most, glow dully.

Which is why, when Laurel crashed to the ground, no-one noticed until the impact itself - and even that impact was muted, as she regained enough awareness to slow her descent at the last second. Ultimately, no-one batted an eyelid outside a few seismologists.

Well, almost no-one.

* * *

"So, you landed back on Earth safely, where did you go after that?" Catherine asked.

"Well, soon after I made planetfall," Laurel continued, "I ran into this guy..."

* * *


Covered in soot and bits of smashed stone, Laurel looked up from the crater and saw a man in a brown overcoat staring down at her.

* * *


"Honestly, I wasn't of a mind to notice at the time."

* * *

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Laurel flew up, eyes blazing red.

"Whoa, woah, hang on. I'm not going to do anything, just stay calm, okay." There was a buzzing noise as he waved something in front of her. "Obviously, you're incredibly strong and tough, and I'm... not so much... but that crash landing has taken it out of you. Just float down and calm down before you..."

The glow in Laurel's eyes suddenly petered out, followed by the rest of her as she collapsed on the edge of the crater. Straining to lift herself, she instead collapsed into complete unconsciousness. As she did, she heard one last word.


* * *

"Did you even notice anything about him then?"

"Mostly? The fact that he didn't shut up!"

* * *

"Finally! I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever wake up!"

Laurel struggled to sit up. "What'd you do?"

"Me? Not a thing. Weelll, I cleaned you up a bit and did a couple of scans, but that was it. Aches, pains and strains? You've done all that to yourself. Uncontrolled crash landing through an atmosphere unprotected - not many things that would be intact let alone functional after that. You should count yourself lucky."

"I don't feel lucky. Somehow."

"Let me guess, the glass is always half-empty for you?"

* * *

"But still," she added, "he helped me feel that bit better."

* * *

"So, you said you wanted out? There's the door."

Picking herself up, Laurel saw the blue double door being pointed at. She didn't feel up to flying, so she started limping in its direction. Eventually, she reached it, and saw the crater she'd made with her crash - a huge ugly gash on the Earth. And, instead of leaving, slumped down against a pillar near the door."

The man walked over toward her and crouched down across from her. "What's wrong? Is it the pain?"

"No, not that. I just-- I just got out of a bad situation, and I'm trying to think where I can go."

He sighed and rubbed his cheekbones with his right hand. In that light, he suddenly looked almost gaunt, someone trying to put a brave face on tragedies in his past. Then, abruptly, he picked himself up, and asked in a bright voice, "Do you want to come with me?"


"'Where', 'when'... where'd you like to go?"

* * *

"And I went travelling with him for a while..."

* * *

"Can I just get a reality check for a minute - those are pixies outside. Real, magic pixies."


"And they've formed an alliance with short things from outer space, who may or may not be
verde, but who certainly aren't from Mars - though just because Martians aren't short, not because there aren't Martians or they aren't green - to try and take over Alexander the Great's empire?"


"And we're supposed to stop them?"


"And you do this sort of thing all the time?"

He grinned very wide. "Yep."

"Just checking."

* * *

"Does that have anything to do with you thinking I'm your sister?"

"Yeah. Near the end, he helped me look up stuff I didn't know about my parents..."

* * *

"...FOUR Atlantises?" Laurel exclaimed as they left the ship.

"Well, they don't all CALL themselves Atlantis - in fact, there's big parts of history when none of them do - but--"

Laurel cut him off, "Wait...". She looked around again to confirm what she thought she'd seen. "I know this place. I lived here when I was a young kid, before we moved to Rock Reef Point." She stared at her travelling companion. "What's going on? Why here?"

Her friend's face was suddenly sombre, "Look over there." He nodded his head toward a figure inside a grocery shop.

Laurel used her telescopic vision to look closely at the person he indicated. She did look familiar, but-- Then it hit her, and she cursed herself for not recognising her straight away. Young, yes, but unmistakable.


She tensed, as if to run after her, but her friend put his hand on her shoulder. "Wait. Not like that - this is years before you were born, let alone grown up. She'd think you were looney."

Turning in anger toward him, she hissed "Then why? Why bring me here if I can't even talk to her?"

"Oh, you can talk to her, and you will. [i]Without
any 'I'm your super-powered daughter from the future' information."

"Then WHAT am I supposed to say?"

He looked at her, straight in the eyes, and said "Goodbye."

She slapped him - not hard enough to remove his head from his shoulders or break his jaw, just enough to knock him over - and stormed away in the direction of her youthful mother. In turn, he simply picked himself up and leaned against his ship to watch as...

...she walked straight into her mother as she left the shop. "I'm sorry," she reflexively said, surreptuously switching to X-ray vision to make sure she'd done no serious damage and being shocked back to normal vision by what she saw.

"It's okay, no harm done," her youthful mother smiled. "Are you okay? You look a bit pale."

"No, I'm fine." Laurel said in a daze. "Sorry to cause trouble."

"It's no problem. Bye."

"Goodbye..." Suddenly, Laurel realised she'd said exactly what her friend had told her to say - but while she winced briefly, her brain was occupied more firmly with the piece of information that had come from her X-ray scan.

She stormed back to the ship, pushing straight in rather than stopping to talk outside. Once they were in, she had something she needed to know.

"I thought you said this was years before I was born!"

"It is!" He pulled down the monitor. "Five years, three months and six days before."

"SO HOW CAN SHE BE PREGNANT?! You must have got your dates wrong again."

Visibly startled, all he said was "No, look." He pointed at the screen.

"But... but, I saw my foetus!"

He shook his head. "You saw *A* foetus. She could have miscarried, or..."

"Or I could have a older brother or sister out there?"

He swallowed. "Yeah."[/i]

* * *

"...and that alerted me to the fact you existed! Before that, I never even knew I *had* a sister. After that, we spent ages tracking down what had happened - finding out that she did carry you to term, that you were given up for adoption, that - unlike me after they died - you WERE adopted. Then the trail nearly ran cold where you moved from Canada to the US. I only found you were here about a month ago. Then we had to say our goodbyes..."

* * *


"For what?"

"You know what."

"Do I know what?"

"Of course you know what."

"In what course do I know what?"

"You know fine well wha--" Suddenly, while she was still talking, he couldn't keep a straight face any longer and broke into peals of laughter. Moments later, she joined in.

Once the giggles had subsided, they sat at the door of the ship, facing the red setting sun.

"Seriously, thanks for helping me get my head together. I feel so much better."

"You'd just made a crater ten feet deep. Feeling better than that isn't much of a compliment!"

She play-punched his arm, and picked herself up. "I'd better get going before we spend all night at this."


"Yes, again." She smiled. "Thanks Doctor, for everything." Then she stepped back and waved. He grinned one last time, nodded back and shut the door. Moments later, in a wheezing, groaning noise, the ship vanished into nothingness, and she picked up her bag, and walked past the "WELCOME TO CATHINGHAM" sign.

* * *

"...after that, I got lucky, and managed to find an apartment & a job. It took me a while to pluck up the courage to actually call you though."

"Well, you called me now." Catherine looked up to the sky, and Laurel suddenly had one last moment of panic she wouldn't believe her. She'd held back the details, time-travelling, meeting her mother and so forth, to make it ever so slightly more plausible - but had she lost her? Then Catherine said "We better get back - I've got work in the morning." Then she grinned widely - "Race you?"

Suddenly, a knot in Laurel's stomach that she hadn't even realised was there vanished. Trying not to sigh with relief, she replied, "I thought you admitted I could outfly you?"

"Only on the turns. I bet I could outdo you in a straight line."

Laurel's better judgement flashed a 'WARNING, WARNING'. She ignored it. "Back to where we took off?"

"Ready... steady..."


My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123562 11/06/11 02:35 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
The Mustering of the Legion

Manhattan, New York City, NY

247 Weisenger Street, a small side street between Lexington Avenue and Third Avenue in Midtown. Home of the Legion of Super-Heroes

Cosmic Boy was in his office, not sitting, but standing up, looking at some of the various files and papers scattered along a shelf near his main desk. He was thinking on his feet, while Gene sat in the chair opposite his desk.

The two of them were enjoying a rare meeting together where they were not completely differing on opinion and Cos certainly did not want to break the. The main topic was who would go on which mission, now that the team would almost all be back in one place (two long-missing Legionnaires notwithstanding), Kinetix, Blizzard and the rest of their squad had returned.

It was at this moment that the intercom function on Cosmic Boy’s phone beeped and the voice of RJ Brande’s administrative assistant came through. “Cosmic Boy, I’ve got RJ on the line. Can I put him through?”

“Go ahead Caitlin,” replied Cos almost automatically, although he immediately wondered why RJ Brande would be interrupting him. He was very close with RJ, as all the founders were, but RJ typically didn’t bother Cos in the middle of the day over the phone and simply stopped by his office to see how he was doing (visits that Cos welcomed). As soon as RJ came on, Cos immediately said “Mr. Brande, I’ve got Leviathan in my office with me,” to cut off any possible embarrassing slips the tycoon might make, and though Gene would never believe it, to prevent Gene from feeling embarrassed too. Gene simply had a suspicious twinge in his gut over this.

“Good, good,” said RJ’s voice over the speaker. He had a familiar sound in his voice which indicated he had multitudes of things going on at once, and was handling each one efficiently at the same time. “He was who I was going to call next anyway,” he added, and now Gene sat-up and took notice. Gene was by no means close with RJ Brande, so that meant this was Legion-related. Gene loathed the fact that RJ Brande still had such a firm grasp on power in the current Legion bureaucratic structure. “I hate to bother you lad, but would it be possible to come on up to my office?”

Cos didn’t miss a beat though now he was curious too: “No problem RJ, would it be alright if I came up after this meeting? We’re just about finished…”

“Actually lad, if you came up now that would be best. Might as well get to this as soon as possible. If Gene came up with you that would be great.”

Gene eyed Cos as if to ask him why so urgent?, but Cos gave him a look as if to say obviously I know as little as you do. “Sure,” he began again, “any hints as to what this is all about? It certainly feels mysterious,” he added with a smile, in a half-joking voice.

“All will be revealed,” laughed RJ, and then deadly serious, “you might as well have Tela come with you, and Dreamer as well. Anyone else is entirely up to you.”

Gene began to speak but Cos held out a hand. “Will do,” he said and hung up. Now they both were beyond curious. Gene began to voice his annoyance at Cos hanging up the phone when Cos simply said “well, might as well stop wasting time over the speaker and get on up there, right? I know you’ve got to be as curious as I am.”

That was enough to satisfy Gene and they began to move. Tela, Gene could understand, since he couldn’t deny Tela was definitely a leader on this Legion team, and the others all looked at her that way. But Dreamer? Ugh. He knew RJ Brande had an interest in her—everyone knew that by now, but he could hardly understand why.


In RJ Brande’s large conference room, he sat smiling in his chair at the head of the table, while Marla Latham sat in the chair to his right, also smiling. These two obviously old friends were enjoying each other’s company, though Jacquie secretly wondered if the oncoming immense awkwardness was heightening their good mood.

Sensor, Valor, Nemesis and Ferro stood up farther along the right, semi-behind Marla, none of them sipping their sodas or waters. Jacquie could tell they were all nervous; except Val, who should be the most nervous of them all. After all, the Legionnaires would most definitely not be happy with him simply returning like this after all this time.

Jacquie didn’t like the way they arrived. Marla Latham brought them to New York and then RJ Brande had a limousine pick them up and bring them directly here. Rather than have them announce themselves to the Legion proper, she felt like RJ was ambushing the Legionnaires this way by having them already in their building.

Ferro shifted his weight and Nemesis pretended to look at the paintings on the wall. Val smiled at her.

The door opened, and Cosmic Boy stepped in, looking up and then his eyes going wide, as he saw the others in the room, with his eyes at last focusing on Val. Before anyone could speak, Gene entered next and spoke for them: “NOT A CHANCE--!” he began.


Gene started to yell without a single word of introduction and immediately Cosmic Boy turned to shut him up. Jacquie could hear giggling—yes, giggling!!!—from Marla Latham and RJ Brande, who were trying to hide their amusement.

“Uh, nice to meet you too…?” said Ferro half-jokingly.

Nemesis was immediately enraged and Jacquie could see that. Val simply kept looking at Gene, taking the tongue lashing.

Another person stepped into the room and all at once, she recognized Jacquie. Jacquie recognized her. Irma.

Irma, who she had known all her life—across oceans, via their telepathic bond. Irma, who she never had met face to face.

Irma’s surprise turned to a big smile and she walked forward. “Jacquie?” she said, and walking forward she extended her arms and gave her a hug.

“Hello, Irma,” said the Princess, and hugged her back. At one point in life, Irma was sure she didn’t like Jacquie very much because she thought Jacquie was hiding something. It was an odd feeling that never went away. Suddenly, that feeling seemed to melt away.

All at once both girls felt a second pair of arms around them, and Jacquie looked up to see Dreamer hugging them too. “I told you she was coming,” said Nura, who was smiling widely. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this Jacquie,” Nura added, as Jacquie felt tears running down her cheeks. Both Nura and Irma were misty-eyed too.

“I’ve come a long way,” said Jacquie in an exhausted voice. They knew it already—Nura had dreamt it and told Irma. The three just stood there, all -eyed and smiling, as the room stayed quiet. Even Gene watched in disbelief, and a crowd of other Legionnaires stood in the doorway looking in: Livewire, Catalyst, Shrinking Violet, Element Lad and Invisible Kid.

“By damn,” said RJ in almost a whisper, in awe of this years old telepathic circle of friends.


“Now before we begin introductions,” said RJ, speaking up loudly “I owe you Legionnaires an apology for springing this on you. But allow an old man, albeit one who owns this building, to use some of the tricks up his sleeve,” he smiled.

Cos, seeing the genuine happiness on Irma’s face, felt he could allow Mr. Brande that much.

“Hello everyone,” said Val with a smile, with Lyle and Nura smiling back widely, as if to say thank you in reference to the anger Gene was obviously feeling. “Its good to be home,” Val added.

“Home?” said Gene, almost rising.

“Oh Gene, cut it out,” said Garth finally, now that all the other Legionnaires had entered the room. Livewire was still healing from his recent kidnapping by his brothers Mekt, and his temper was getting more and more of a hair-trigger.

Gene turned to argue with Garth, but Cos spoke up before it could go any further. “Val, you do owe us a huge explanation. Do you realize how much trouble you’re in? How much trouble you got us in?”

“I thought you’d be able to handle it, Cos,” he said honestly and without smiling. “Because I think when I stayed behind it was the right decision. And you’ll have your explanation shortly. Only it won’t come from me,” he added, looking at Jacquie.

They all turned to look at Jacquie and take her in. She was regal, and it showed now more than ever, even to Hasim who had known her longest. She was tall and beautiful, but there was that sense of stature and regality about her that not even Tina had. She had a presence.

“First, however, let me make some introductions,” said Val. “This is Ferro, and Nemesis,” he said, opening his hand to present his two companions. “And this is Sensor, Princess Jacqueline Proiectra of Moldavia.”

“You have codenames too?” said Lyle surprised.

“I told you!” said Catalyst smiling, “I bet they all have them now.”

“Shh,” said Violet to Condo with a smile. She knew it was Condo’s idea to encourage Ten Zil to come up with codenames for them.

“I can’t help it if I’m awesome…” he whispered back.

“And these are the Legionnaires,” he said to Ferro, Nemesis and Sensor, and then presented them each: “Tela and Dreamer, Jacquie knows; this is also Leviathan, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Catalyst and Shrinking Violet, whom Hasim and Jacquie met; here is Livewire and this is Cosmic Boy, our Legion leader,” he finished, and the fact that he mentioned Cos as the leader rather than both he and Gene was plain: he offered no apology to Gene at all for what he’d done, and would lay it completely at Cos’ feet to proscribe his punishment.

“Well,” said Cos, and they all turned to him immediately, and RJ Brande secretly felt a burst of pride at how Cos’s mere presence in the room designated him as the leader, “its obvious that the Princess knows some of our members, and I have to say, that all makes more sense now,” he added, realizing how even though Irma had explained this to him before he didn’t quite grasp the extent of that friendship. “Even though there’s been some communication between the Legion and you all, exactly who you all are is still a bit of a mystery to us,” he said.

“That I can explain, and will,” said Jacquie, now speaking. “Through a series of unique circumstances, a group of us, in Europe, Asia and Africa have been brought together. The tale is a long one, with many parts, and most of my friends are not with me.”

“And Tina?” asked Garth.

“She is not with me either, but is still in Europe with those same friends.” There was a sense of being let down at that comment, but Jacquie continued on nonetheless. “Two others were with me throughout this time, who Nura and Irma know very well. Tatiana Mallor,” she said, and both Irma and Nura smiled at her name, “and Nura’s sister, Maziah, whom I feel so much will depend when the war finally comes.” Jacquie emphasized the use of the word war harshly to make them notice it, and they all did.

“War?” said Element Lad, surprised, and looking around at the others.

“Yes, war. For the war is coming, and now its coming far sooner than anyone thought.”

“Who is this war going to be with?” asked Gene not believing it.

“With Nura’s father,” she said, looking at her friend. They all grew silent. “Which is why I’ve come to you now, even though not that long ago we parted ways with Sally and Condo. The war is coming, and we’re going to need the Legion’s help.”

Tela turned to look at Cosmic Boy, wondering what he was thinking, and now all of the Legionnaires began to turn, as well as Jacquie and the others. Finally, Gene turned to Cos unsure of what to say. Cosmic Boy nodded: “You better start at the beginning.”

And Jacquie eloquently told their tale.


The tale was the long version, and Jacquie left nothing out. Eventually, they all would sit in the open chairs available. RJ Brande and Marla would be the ones to actually get up and get refreshments and drinks for them.

Ferro pulled the hood down from his sweatshirt farther over his face, conscious they would see it and be disgusted. Condo smiled at him, warmly, aware of what Ferro was doing as if to tell him they would not be.

Nemesis grew bored after awhile. Val noted he seemed unable to stop posturing slightly, as if to let them know he was dangerous.

Cosmic Boy listened intently and most of them did the same. Valor remained by Jacquie’s side providing occasional comments and mainly lending her strength. Lyle, ever the detective, immediately realized there was more going on there than that. “Val returned with a Princess girlfriend,” he later whisper to Condo.

Hearing the tale was a tremendous relief for Nura and Irma, who at last gained the entire full story about what had happened to their circle of friends. In the early parts of it, Jacquie offered the same apology she once offered to Tatiana, apologizing for her deception and for what happened to Sara. Both forgave her, and Irma felt even more relief for her old feelings of doubt, though all three reflected that something would have to be done in regards to Sara. Livewire added with disgust “yeah, she killed the entire flight of Oceanic 823,” which really put it into perspective.

Cosmic Boy listened intently and though it was far-fetched, he knew that Irma believed, and that helped him believe it too. Violet and Condo felt somewhat vindicated by his apparent belief of the tale, though they wondered if that would be enough for Cos to let Val off the hook (if it was even up to him). In truth, Cos realized trying to convince anyone of this story, especially the United Nations and Secretary-General Chu, would be close to impossible. But he didn’t interrupt with these comments, letting Jacquie finish her tale.

Jacquie began to feel a tremendous weight being lifted off her as she finished the tale, explaining their confrontation with Mordru and the horror he put them through. When it came time, she purposely ended her tale by highlighting the fact that Spirit, Nura’s sister Maziah, and their other friends, were still in a very real danger, on the front lines of this secret war with Mordru that at last threatened to become a full-on World War III.

When she was finished, she exhaled deeply and had a glass of water, and Val put his hand on her own. Hasim looked away at this, and Lyle, again ever the detective, took notice.

They were all quiet, actually exhausted by hearing it all, and RJ was smiling to Marla, the two largely forgotten among them.

Gene spoke up. “I’m really not sure what we could possibly do about a…Dark Lord in the Middle East…the UN would probably think we’re crazy…”

“I believe you,” said Element Lad to Jacquie suddenly, and most of them turned to him, because it was an odd comment to make. He repeated himself: “I believe you Princess. You should know that,” he smiled.

She smiled back, because it was what she most desperately wanted to hear, whether she knew it or not.

“You’ll need a place to stay,” said Cos, “which will be a bureaucratic nightmare, but before anyone could even get around to objecting it would probably be a non-issue,” he added. “You can stay here for a time, then.”

Condo and Vi smiled at each other, while Gene appeared to begin to object but held his tongue for the moment.

“I’m not sure how to proceed from here,” said Jacquie at last returning to her most pressing concern.

“We’ll figure that out, Jacquie,” said Nura to her assuringly. “I don’t think any of us knows.”

“And we’ll have to talk later, Val,” said Cos, knowing no hard and fast decisions could be made on his membership.

“If you guys don’t want Val as a member of your Legion,” said Ferro, speaking for the first time, “then you’re all crazy.” Val nodded at him with a gesture of thanks.

All of the Legionnaires—each one of them trained by Valor in martial combat—realized that was probably true. After all, Val had been intimate with just about all of them in that regard.

“Where’s the rest of your team?” asked Hasim, suddenly, he too speaking for the first time. “I thought there were close to twenty of you.”

“There are,” said Livewire, “and you’ll probably meet them by the end of the night when they hear Val is back. You’ll regret meeting at least one of them…” he said and if on cue, a robot ship suddenly flew into the room.

“Weeee! The karate kid is back!!! With friends!!! What fun!!” Quislet joined them, officially putting to end the first meeting between Val’s first team and his second. “You should all join the Legion!!” he added, and that comment was heard by all.

RJ Brande walked over to Cos. “It’s a lot to think about, lad,” he said. “And you have time.” Now he looked into his eyes. “But you don’t have that much time.”

“You believe it all Mr. Brande?” he asked.

“Oh yes.”

“And it’s up to us to do something about it?”

“I’m afraid so, lad. And it will be difficult.”

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123563 11/07/11 02:02 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
The Horn

Vienna, Austria: Castle Wazzo

In the courtyards of Castle Wazzo, where the young sentinels of magic began to think in terms of ‘Blok’s place’, the creature known as Blok once more stood, patiently thinking to himself and waiting for the next phase of the road towards the showdown with Mordru. The winter air was brisk, as usual, but in Blok’s presence, the harshness of it seemed to die down.

By his side was Maziah, who looked up at him with wide, brilliantly hazel eyes. She had proclaimed herself against Mordru, and in doing so, had crossed a magic line that there was no going back from. She was his enemy now, and that could not be reversed, and she knew it pained her father greatly. But she felt no remorse in giving him that pain, knowing for many years now the cruelty that was inherent in her father. The proclamation also brought a power to Maziah. Words held tremendous power in the world of magic where she had both feet firmly planted since her earliest memories. Magically, she had also crossed a line; and the magic as much a part of her as the blood flowing in her veins had grown and become something different. She had become less like her father, Mordru, and grown more into something new. Herself. One could not see Blok smile usually, but inside he truly was, for Maziah continued to be less Mordru’s daughter, and more the White Witch.

She looked at him and despite all of this—despite knowing that war was on the horizon and would come calling soon, bringing with it tremendous sacrifice and sadness—despite all of this, she smiled. Because in her heart she loved Blok. She loved him as a mentor, and she loved him in a way she was unable to define. Because in the farthest recesses of her heart and mind, she loved him like a father.

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode">”You are smiling Maziah, though I fear there will be little to smile about in the days ahead”</font f>

“I have always smiled at the most inopportune times,” she replied, “and my sister Nura once thought it odd how little I smile when she thought it was more appropriate. But I smile now, Blok, because I’m reminded that I owe you a song. I promised I would sing for you again, and mayhap the time has at last been presented to us when I can.”

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode">”I regret Maziah, that this is not the time,”</font f> he said and there was real sadness in his voice. Had this creature, who had existed for over one hundred thousand years, ever known another bond like this? He had friendships over the years, and allies. Almost all long gone, save one. But never this bond, as he did now. Though he never considered himself to be classified among the other living things, he considered the fact that he felt something entirely new after all this time. He believed that like many other signs in recent memory, this was another reason to think that perhaps this time, this war, could be different in the eons old struggle with Mordru.

Now they heard footsteps and turned, to see two figures approaching. It was Spirit, and with her walking in unison was her mother, the Countess Winema Wazzo. It was odd to see them walking together so calmly and so naturally by each other’s side, but Maziah knew that when it felt like all the world was against you, it was then that you realized who you could truly count on. And despite all the major differences of mind between Winema Wazzo and her daughter, Tina could count on her when it mattered. They joined them.

“I should have known there was more to both of you when you first entered my home,” the Countess said to Maziah and Blok. “But perhaps I simply chose not to see it. Certainly, I did not want to see it.”

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode">”What matters is that you see it now, Queen.”</font f> said Blok, and with that last word, Blok brought a smile to Winema’s face that was gradual and genuine, and deep within her heart, Winema felt his warmth too.

“I have not been a great teacher to my daughter,” she continued, “and though she wields the magic, same as I do, I have never given her the proper rituals or lessons. Most of what she knows, she has learned completely on her own.” She said this with some regret, though there was also a sense of pride in her voice.

Tina suddenly felt a hot sensation on her cheek and realized it was a single tear running out of her eyes. She had never once in her life felt like her mother was proud of her until now.

“Tina is strong,” said Maziah, and although Maziah was younger than Tina by two years, this mattered. Because though she was young, Maziah was much older than almost all magic-users in all the world in a way that mattered most now—in the way of magic. “Like Jacquie and Tatiana, she has great magic ability, but with limitations placed on that magic. I have no doubt all three will one day reach the full depth of ability allotted to them.”

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode">”Maziah has had many trials and has taken many steps on her path. To look far into the future, you can see she will have many more steps to one day take.”</font f>

Winema looked tired but with that tiredness there was an odd honesty and frankness in her words. “I can feel it in her. She will be the greatest of all of us. All of us who live…perhaps all of us who ever live.” Tina looked at Maziah as if in a new light. She always understood her power, but perhaps never its scope.

<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode">”Yet the very one who gave her life would never allow that. For even the things he loved most in this world he never allowed to be his equal. In order for Maziah to travel down this path, she must first destroy the obstacle blocking it. And in doing so, she must correct a major wrong that has been done to this world. Magic, as you call the indefinable, was corrupted long ago, polluted by Mordru. Maziah may one day restore it to what it once was. She may make it white again.”</font f>

Maziah said nothing, but Tina spoke at last. “But first we have to destroy Mordru,” she said, completing the train of thought, though it was unnecessary.

“The magic community is very small,” said Winema, “and most users hardly ever meet another in their lifetimes. It is fractured and split, and mainly because of Mordru, many fear to even immerse themselves in the possibility of learning more about others. But there are some who travel between circles, who make it their business to know the players.”

“I have met some,” said Maziah, recalling her various meetings with people both before and after the fateful day she met Jacquie, Dirk, Blok and Mon-El.

“<font face="Lucida Sans Unicode">Now you must meet some more. For they are aware of what lies ahead of you and they are aware of the lack of time. If there were many years, there would be training and there would be lessons. There would be wisdom they could part on you. There would be gifts, and they would teach you new spells. They would teach you old tricks. They would give you names, and events, and they would try to help you. But in that time you would be taught fear. Anxiety. Anger. You would cry for vengeance for violations long since prosecuted. You would weep for heroes long since departed, whom you are now completely unaware. And all of that would stain you. No. That would be the wrong way. That would be the old way, and that would be the wrong way. You must always be who you are and travel your own path now. You have the capability to defeat Mordru already. Now you must simply believe. So you will meet only one more before you go on your path, and the three of us will be here to provide you strength.”</font f>

Maziah was nervous, but she nodded. She was ready. Because she had to be.

They grew quiet now, and Tina looked at Maziah and her eyes offered the White Witch empathy and support. Maziah sensed it and silently was thankful. The Countess offered her the strength of the stranger, something oddly refreshing when given. And Blok offered her his love, and the love of the planet, and it was divine.

And at once, it began to grow dark, and then darker still. And soon Maziah could no longer feel either of the three, and could only see the darkness for as far as the eye could see, even when she looked at her feet. Now the nervousness went away, and she stood strait, preparing for what lied ahead.

Not far off she saw a streetlight. It was an old-fashioned kind, out of an old black and white movie. Leaning against it with his back was a man, in an old trenchcoat, and on his hat was a fedora. She walked over and he looked up and his face was a shadow, until at last it began to reveal itself, and she saw a face smiling at her. “Hile, White Witch,” he said. “I am called Dr. Occult, and I am no teacher, no mentor nor any guardian. But I can be a friend, if you’ll have me. I can certainly be an ally.”

Maziah looked back and nodded, even bowing before him in her white robes and dress. “I will accept friendship and offer it in kind.”

He nodded. “I accept as well.” He walked forward now. “There is much you know, of your father, of magic and of the great histories of the world. All of this you can know more and you shall one day. But I will not help you uncover those mysteries. What I shall tell you is this: in magic all things come at a price, and in magic, that price must always be paid, often with interest.”

“This I hear well, Dr. Occult. This I have always known.”

“In your body and soul Maziah, you have tremendous power. You have always known this?”

She was silent for awhile, almost embarrassed. At last she answered: “I have.”

“Like your father, you possess the true power of Ekron. Do you understand the full extent of his power. The Order he would exert on the world?”

“I do”

“You recognize his power and you recognize your own. Together, what power would that be?”

“It would…” she began to say and faltered. “It would be…little.”

“Yes,” said Dr. Occult, “because from your earliest days, all in your father’s court recognized you for what you were. Pure. You had the old power of Ekron, you had the white. But your father would have corrupted it. His influence would have diluted the way, and you would only be gray. You would only be a fraction of what you could be, and ultimately, you would fade away, absent of any color at all, instead of all colors, like the white.”

“I believe I have always known this. They called me the White Witch in my youth. I always thought I didn’t know why, but I think I always knew.”

“You recognize his power and you recognize your own,” he repeated. “Now you have proclaimed your allegiance against him, and in magic, such words hold true meaning. You have proclaimed your allegiance to the white, while he remains black, devoid of all color, an umbrella of order shielding the world from the rains of life and love.”

“I am my father’s enemy,” she said, both with sadness and a sense of liberation.

“And do you believe your power is greater than his?”


“Do you believe, Maziah?”

“I believe it could be—“

No! You must believe! Maziah, you must believe in your own power.

“In my heart, I know my power is greater. But he has had millennia. He is the Dark Lord. I am still his daughter, young and untested…”

Dr. Occult’s voice grew softer. “You are still pure and untainted. And he has had millennia. Millennia of doubts and fears, millennia of miscalculations and mistakes. Your power is greater, but only if you believe it to be.”

“I do believe, I do,” she said, and in her heart, she did. “But he—“

“The price, Maziah,” said Dr. Occult, “the price is belief. Willpower. Your belief must be strong and you must be willing to pay it, and to collect it.”

“I will be,” she said, “and so will he.”

“Yes, he will,” said Dr. Occult, “but you give him too much credit. He is not a man; he is an Ekronian, but they too were consumed with the same desires and fears of humans. They too delighted in belief and suffered in doubt. His entire long life, void of any children, secure in his place as the apex-predator of this world. Then behold, a change! Your sister came into this world and everything changed. Everything in the world changed!! Humanity once more kick-started its evolution, once more strong, and Mordru’s hold over it weakened. And then came you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Humanity once more evolved. As did magic.”


“Your coming yielded the change. Your sister broke more than one spell the day she was born. Mordru had no children for over one hundred thousand years and the first changed the world. The second changed magic, and changed Mordru. In his heart, Mordru knows this. Magic changed and he was no longer its supreme master. Now he suffers in doubt and fear, and its been so long since he felt these feelings he hardly realizes they are there. But they are.”

“But he is Mordru,” she said, almost trying to convince him.

“He is,” said Dr. Occult. “And you must believe in your supremacy over him, and must remind him of that too. And if he falters, and you stay strong, and then all can be won.”

Maziah now felt the tremendous weight of the world upon her shoulders, moreso than ever before. And in her heart for the first time, she realized what she must do.

“I will be there with you child, in the end. As would some friends, if you’ll allow us.”

“I would like that,” she said.

All was quiet, and then Dr. Occult turned and another figure walked out into the light of the street lamp. Maziah had not meant him before, but recognized him from her friend’s description. It was Jason Blood.

“The Demon and I have reached an agreement,” said Blood. “And have straitened out the terms. We shall work together, for once, to destroy Mordru. Therefore, we can come to you now, White Witch, and pledge our allegiance in this endeavor, promising there will be no betrayal or ill intentions towards you or your allies, as there once was before. All that matters to both of us is that Mordru should fall. For Etrigan has revenge in his heart and it is a lie to say I feel differently.”

Maziah was hesitant towards Jason Blood, whom she did not trust at all. But she understood the rules of magic and knew that with this pledge, neither Blood nor Etrigan could break it if they fought in the upcoming war. “I’ll accept,” she said, recalling Dr. Occult’s words well and knowing he would offer no guidance on this matter.

Dr. Occult nodded. “When it matters, we will be there. Until then, I offer you this token of allegiance,” he said, and handed her a bundle wrapped in cloth. “With it comes no binding of obligation or payment.”

She took it and unwrapped it. It was a beautifully crafted horn, made of ivory with gold embroidery and a gold tip where the mouth was.

“It is an ancient item and its own history has many chapters, where many heroes wielded it. Mordru has corrupted many great cities and lands, and his evil influence will forever be a stain on this Earth even after his downfall. It shall be stain of corruption on magic itself. Know that with this horn, which was first blown in Ekron long ago, and once used by both Charlemagne and then Thor, it can blast away that evil, and clean the land and clean the magic of Mordru’s influence. Should Mordru ever be defeated, use this horn with both hope and love in your heart, and your pure influence will be able to wipe away Mordru’s memory.” Dr. Occult now smiled. “Should the day come when I hear that horn—when we, all of us, hear that horn, many of us can at last smile once more, and perhaps some of us can at last rest.”

Maziah took the horn as her own, accepting it. She understood in her heart all that had been told to her, and now stepped backwards, this meeting at an end. “Hile Dr. Occult and Jason Blood,” she said in a loud voice. “When next we meet, it shall be in prelude to the final battle.”

“Fare thee well,” said Occult and at once the darkness began to clear.

Shortly the world came back into focus, and Countess Winema Wazzo, Spirit and Blok were still around in her in a circle/triangle, with her in the center, all of them holding hands. In her hands was the horn.

Maziah looked at them all and smiled subtly, but said nothing. She felt neither anxiety nor nervousness, but suddenly a longing that all of this should finally come to pass and she could at last be free of this battle. But she pushed those thoughts out of her mind and promised herself to be patient, for the battle was now very close.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123564 11/10/11 09:17 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Posts: 34,634
The Validus Project
Part 1

“I’m not sure it’s the best idea, and I know Gene will immediately hate it; if for no other reason than he always take an immediate dislike to any new faces around here,” said Cos, whose tone of voice made Irma think he was asking her to convince him.

She smiled, and was immediately glad that Gene, and no one for that matter, was with them. “Okay,” she said, “first, there were over 100 people who died when Oceanic Flight 823 crashed in Brazil, and we’ve just had it confirmed for us that those were not accidental deaths—they were murder. You have to agree with me, Cos, that justice is deserved here and this is a Legion mission. We need to follow-up on this Emerald Empress, and Val made it clear it seemed like she had some sort of home base going on there.”

Cos tilted his head to the side in agreement. He smiled. “That’s the argument I’m going to give Gene and our ever-inquiring United Nation’s bureaucrat when you finally convince. But keep going.”

“Well,” said Irma now smiling more widely and remembering once more why she considered Cos to be the only real candidate for Legion leader, “Nura and I have known Jacquie for a long time, but we’ve never met her. This will give us a chance to finally spend some time with her, and accomplish something at the same time. She obviously feels responsible for Sara, and it’ll help her and help us. You might not understand this…but we have a real connection, the three of us…and some others. Its important to me.”

Cos put his hand on Tela’s shoulder. “That is an argument I can’t use,” he said softly, “but one I understand. RJ seems to think this little connection you all share is immensely important too, by the way,” he added. “But I can’t just have you take all of these people we hardly know with you…”

“I know. I’ll just take Jacquie. Although maybe it’ll be better to take more than one of them and see how they are in the field…”

“Val can’t go, that’s for sure. Gene and I will have to meet with him.”

“What are you going to decide Cos?”

“I’m not sure its going to be much of my decision. Our UN bureaucrat friend, Metternich, will probably have to weigh in, and then who knows who he has to go through.” Cosmic Boy referred to the confusing United Nations bureaucracy the Legion was answerable to, that still was difficult to navigate all these months later.

“But you know if you can push for Val, you could help.”


“I’m not saying I want you to. We both know Condo, Vi and Lyle do, but I’m with you on this. I’m not thrilled Tina and Val just took off, leaving us behind. But now that he’s come back with Jacquie and the others, and with this huge problem, well…”

“Yeah,” replied Cos, “I kind of see his point too. We’ll see.”


Three hours later, though they still barely comprehended the enormity of the Legion of Super-Heroes and had even met all of its members, Sensor and Ferro found themselves part of their first Legion mission, even though they weren’t members of the Legion yet. And therefore would be in their first bit of trouble when word got up the bureaucratic chain that they had tagged along.

With them were Tela and Dreamer, Sensor’s two longtime friends, who enjoyed instant camaraderie with her and once more traded stories about the last year of their lives. Soon, they started to talk about things other than “work”, including their current fashion sense (Jacquie, like Irma, being completely shocked at Nura’s bold and sexy attire) and eventually boys—specifically Garth and Irma and now Val and Jacquie.

Element Lad, happy to be out on a mission after often feeling generally left out, was also with them, and Ferro noted his generally quiet and observant personality. There was something calm about him, and at ease. Ferro thought it might be because of his immense powers, which apparently were so incredible that he barely could understand how they worked.

Last with them was Invisible Kid, whom Ferro liked immediately. Smart, witty and obviously someone always ten steps ahead of everyone else, he seemed welcoming immediately. He also seemed to have gotten the entire story of their stay in San Francisco out of Andy, when Andy was normally pretty quiet.

Perhaps Andy’s sudden talkativeness was due to the fact that he now had on a thin metal mask covering face. After spending the last day with his hood up, his deformed features became increasingly a beacon of anxiety to the point where he really just wanted to leave the Legion’s home. All throughout their trip, Jacquie and Val tried to make him feel at ease about his face, and he felt they actually didn’t care. But there was always Hasim with an unkind word or insult. Now with so many new people, he felt like he did in Suicide Slum growing up—on the verge of being the butt of some joke. Val must have mentioned it to Lyle, who tried to tell him not to worry, until at last Andy had convinced Lyle the only way stop worrying was if he covered his face up. Not long after, Lyle, with the help of some Legionnaire he’d yet to meet named ‘Brainy’, had fastened him with this thin metal mask that actually went along nicely with his powers. Lyle appeared to feel guilty when he presented it to Ferro, but Andy was honestly so delighted and thankful that it seemed to mitigate it.

The best part, though, was that Andy was able to use a spare uniform—colorless though it was, with a standard white and blue color-scheme (the Legionnaires had much more diverse ‘costumes’), he still felt great using it. With that and the mask, he couldn’t resist an opportunity to play super-hero this one time. That, combined with the fact that he couldn’t deny wanting to get away from so many people for a bit, led to him insisting he come with Jacquie on this mission.

Jacquie had a similar costume, though obviously fit for a girl, with a top similar to Nura’s halter top, it also had her long flowing cape, which she still managed to have on her after all the travel they had done. She also had on gloves that went up to her mid-arm.

Element Lad looked around at all of them, and spoke out loud, as if to himself. “Its changing…all of it,” he said.

“What’s changing, Jan?” asked Lyle curiously.

“The Legion. The world, really.”

Up ahead of them, Jacquie basked in the presence of her two friends. “It’s what I’m most concerned about really. That no one will believe me.”

“I believe you Jacqie,” said Irma, “and when it comes down to it, I can convince Cos if you haven’t already. Then it’ll really be up to him.”


“Valor,” began Leviathan in his most formal voice, “you abandoned your post, went on a mission into foreign countries without authorization and then refused to return to headquarters for weeks. Not only did you not have clearance, but you were clearly seen throughout the world’s media and did not once mention that you were not on formal Legion business, which incidentally implies that you are. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Next to him was Cosmic Boy, who said nothing. Valor chose to stand in front of them, leaving Cos to wonder if this was a show of endurance against Gene’s questioning.

In the corner was RJ Brande, who had somehow convinced the UN and SHIELD that he should be there. Next to him was Basil Metternich, the half-English, half-German employee of the United Nations, whom had somehow gradually become the UN bureaucrat increasingly in charge of all things Legion. Cos suspected he had set that up himself, as he seemed to be one of Secretary-General Chu’s favorites. Still, Cos was glad that there was one person emerging as the ‘go-to person’ for these matters, rather than the typical hodge-podge of three to five various people they had to go to, each one not sure who they were reporting to or who should be reporting to them.

Mr. Brande seemed annoyed with Gene’s line of questioning, but then again, he seemed to find the entire process annoying. Metternich seemed equally annoyed, but it was obvious that it was Gene’s phrasing of the question that was annoying. Cos figured Metternich, who Cos knew was extremely well-spoken and able to choose his words with precision, thought Gene was botching the entire process with his questioning. Cos figured Metternich was right then, because Gene certainly had never served in this administrative capacity before and it was showing.

“I say,” said Val at last, “that it was for the good of the Legion, and the good of the United Nations, and in the long run, it will serve us well that I choose to stay behind for so long. I’ve gathered a large amount of information and found some key allies to help us battle Mordru—who believe me, does exist. During the period where Tina, Vi, Condo and I left, there was some confusion for how a mission could be authorized. There was some confusion as to who was the Legion leader,” he added, his words crisp, and Cos knew bringing that topic up enraged Gene. “And it was certainly impossible to tell who the Legion leader even answered to,” he said, now turning to Metternich.

Metternich shrugged as if to say fair point.

“More importantly, you find this hearing necessary, but I do not. If you do not want me as part of the Legion anymore, I’ll adhere to your decision, even though I strongly desire to remain a part of it. I certainly plan on helping in the coming war, which is coming far sooner than you seem to be realizing.”

“Here, here,” said RJ Brande loudly, and smiling to himself because of it.

Cos resisted the urge to smile back. He was slightly mad at Val, he realized, and thought it probably wasn’t fair if it was clouding his judgment. Now that Val returned, though, he saw Val’s point. Gene began to speak again, but Cos cut in before he could. “Val,” he began, “you realize if you had returned with no great crisis at hand, that this would be an entirely different conversation?”

“Yes,” said Val.

“We’re public figures now, whether we like it or not. I can’t turn on the television and see an image of Spirit flying into Austria, when I’m not aware of where she is. It’s not fair to the Legion. By joining this team, you’re giving yourself an obligation to put the Legion in charge of you while you’re a member. If there’s this gray area, it could lead to some real complications.”

“I realize that, Cos,” said Val at last. “And for that, I’m sorry.” It was genuine, without any mushiness to it, and that was enough for Cos.

“I believe you did what you thought was the right thing,” he said at last, and Gene looked at him with a sneer, obviously not liking where this was going. “And I think you actually did the right thing. You should have come home with Vi and Condo, just like Tina should have come home with you. But you’re home now, and there are more pressing matters. I say the question of whether you should be re-admitted to the Legion is rendered moot, as you never left the active roster and are still currently a member.”

“Cosmic Boy,” said Leviathan, “I disagree. Valor has not been on duty for at least eight weeks, or hell, it’s longer by now I think,”

“Well the active roster hasn’t changed,” said Cos, and Gene suddenly realized he had no idea how to even change the active roster. In that regard, Cosmic Boy was already way ahead of him in running this team. “Mr. Metternich? Do you have some thoughts on the matter?”

“I do,” he said, then standing up. “Most importantly, I want a discussion on this Mordru, this coming war, and all this other very vague and ominous talk meant to scare us all. Let’s schedule that immediately after.”

“Alright,” said Cos, “but it might be better to wait for Tela to return with…her away team.” Metternich raised his eyebrows, preparing to ask why that was necessary, and Cos responded quickly with “she’s much more familiar with the details than I.” He was shocked Leviathan didn’t blab out because she has two non-Legionnaires with her on a mission, but saw Gene had no intention of it.

“Very well,” said Metternich. “But either its utter nonsense,” he said, looking at Val with an eyebrow raised, meaning that was his current position, “or it’s the end of the world,” he added very dead-pan, causing RJ to laugh despite himself. “I hate both of those things,” he added again. “Now,” he said, “on the matter of Valor’s membership to the Legion. I can agree to these things: one, I will allow Valor to remain a member of the Legion on the grounds that he was never removed from the active roster. Two, from this point forward, all new members admitted to the active roster shall be reported through my office. All members leaving the active roster must be reported to me immediately. I would prefer they contact me before they actually leave the team, but well, you are all teenagers,” he said added, though without any hint of humor. “Third, this last Legionnaire that hasn’t returned yet, Spirit, is off the active roster, as she is not here any more. She’s no longer a member of this team. Effective immediately.”

Both Cos and Val, and RJ for that matter, suddenly moved to object, while Leviathan was shocked by this matter-of-fact statement, but no one said anything finally. Metternich was giving them a lot here, and there wasn’t any real justification to arguing against him.

He turned to Val. “Welcome back,” he said firmly, “and from this point onwards,” he said to all of them, “the active roster shall be controlled through my office. Please keep me informed of any developments.” He nodded, pleased with himself. “I look forward to our little chat about the Dark Lord,” he said again, very dead-pan but Cos noticed the sarcasm. Metternich exited.

“Welcome back Val,” said Cos with a half-smile. It occurred to him that Metternich had just effectively assumed control of the active roster of the Legion, no doubt making him even more essential in the UN bureaucracy (if there was anyone left to contend with him). Metternich had truly become the bridge between the Legion and UN Secretary-General Chu.

“Its an old trick,” said RJ to Cos, knowing what he was thinking. “The only way to gain the power is to deny its use, therefore affirming you have it in the first place, and then afterwards immediately using it.” He shook his head in disgust. “The world is never too short on politicians of the unelected variety…”

“I feel bad for Tina,” said Val.

“Don’t feel too bad,” said Gene. “From what I understand, Metternich is a close friend of the Austrian Ambassador to the UN, which is her mother.”

“Ah,” said Val, realizing Tina’s mother probably would be pleased her daughter was no longer on the team. May have even arranged it, actually.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123565 11/10/11 09:18 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
The Validus Project
Part 2

Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid
“Up ahead,” said Nemesis, running forward.

“What is it? That large mountainside? There’s no way they’re up there. We didn’t fall down any hills.”

“I know,” said Hasim, reaching a mountainside covered in trees, bushes and shrubbery. “But something is odd here. Something else else caught my eye. Something else else…metallic. I thought perhaps it was the Empress. Or her partner back in Seoul.”

“Partner? You didn’t mention she had a partner.”

“The Persuader. He’s a real pleasure too. You’ll get along just fine with him. But no. This is nothing. We’re still going in the wrong direction.”

“Wait,” said Val now, looking more closely. “Something else else is here.” He moved the shrubbery out of the way, at last deciding to just rip it right out of the mountainside. It was easier than he thought, because behind it all was a metallic door, built right into the mountain. There was some sort of bunker or building inside the mountain itself, covered over time by overgrown shrubbery.

“What is it?” said Nemesis, anxious to get back to Jacquie.

“Don’t you recognize the symbol?” asked Val. “I do. And I find it extremely odd that of all the places in the world, we end up here, after being two of the few people in the world to recognize this symbol.”

Nemesis looked closer. He couldn’t place it—then at last it came to him. From Spirit’s file. The one she stole from the Dark Circle. This was the symbol of the Dominion. And now it was on the metallic door before them, leading into the mountain.
Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid
Valor and Nemesis stared at the metallic doors in shock. Val was absolutely right. There was no way this could be coincidence.

Not long ago, their ally, Spirit had found a file containing information about a secret alliance (25) years ago between the Dark Circle, the global secret society with sinister intentions toward the daughters of Mordru, and the Dominion, a secret scientific group they knew almost nothing about.

Now here, in the middle of Brazil, where they crash-landed, was the Dominion symbol upon a door leading into a mountain. What was in there, they had no idea. Neither was sure they wanted to know.

“The Empress,” said Nemesis. “There has to be a reason she choose here to cause the crash. She must have been waiting here, maybe even drawing us closer to her with the Eye. Who knows what power it has?”

Valor, who was fully aware that both he and Nemesis were quite the opposite of friends or allies, was surprised by Hasim’s comment in that he had to be right. “Yes,” he replied. “She must have been the one who caused this. But what is her connection with this Dominion? Jacquie has known her all her life. She would have known if Sara had a connection to such a group.”

“Maybe,” said Hasim. “Maybe not. Or maybe this link between them is new, in the last few months. There’s certainly a lot we don’t know about this Empress now. Starting with this Persuader I told you about. Maybe its him who had the link.”

“Or maybe…,” said Val as a thought suddenly occurred to him, “…it’s the Eye.”

The six super-powered teenagers landed in Brazil, believing they were close to where they should be per Sensor’s instructions. Four of them Legionnaires, two allies. It was a remote section of Brazil near the Amazon River but far away from civilization.

“I guess there’s really no hope for Sara, then,” said Nura shaking her head. “She’s a mass-murderer now.”

“Part of me keeps hoping there some part of her…that knows what she’s become,” said Jacquie as they quietly looked around. “But no. I’m not sure there is much hope.”

“Well, you said you thought the Emerald Empress and this Persuader guy had some sort of home base around here,” said Lyle, having scouted around now for a bit, “but I’m not sure they’re still around. They probably took off after your fight with her.”

“That’s likely,” said Tela. “I’m going to scan around and see if I can feel anyone’s thoughts. We’re in a remote area, so I don’t expect I’d find many…”

As she concentrated, Jacquie watched her with special interest, seeing for the first time what it was like when Irma used her powers. Nura watched Jacquie in turn, taking in the presence of her friend.

Lyle noticed all of this with a smile. Nura had become a close friend of his, and some might even say ‘partner in crime’, and it was nice to see her finally relaxed about her ‘missing friends over seas’ as Condo liked to put it.

Element Lad took in the beauty of the place and Ferro stayed by him. With his mask on he felt comfortable (or really, as close to comfortable as he usually got). Everything was happening very fast now, and Andy couldn’t help but feel he was just along for the ride. He was no hero, and he knew that. No matter what that cooky doctor in San Francisco had said.

“That’s odd,” said Tela at last.

“What is it?” asked Lyle curiously.

“No luck finding Sara,” she replied, adding “and I know what her thoughts are like from experience. But I’m picking up on a whole series of thoughts not far from here. What’s more…I think they felt me in their heads. Something else else odd…all I could pick out of their minds was a few words: ‘Dominion’. ‘Validus’.”

“Dominion…” said Jacquie suddenly, “…of course! I completely forgot!” They all looked at her waiting for her to continue. “Val and Hasim found something really odd near here. A door. Some weird door into a mountain or something.”

“Well, color me intrigued,” smiled Lyle, “we most definitely need to investigate that.”

They all followed Lyle, but Irma couldn’t help but feel a sense of something not being right. There was another series of thoughts. Not even real thoughts even, as if she picked up on the mind of an infant, but the infant seemed to be screaming extremely loud. It felt…well, powerful. She realized she suddenly felt a little scared about it.


Hasim walked around the second of the Legion’s five floors, taking in how large their headquarters was on all of these levels. And, more than anything, avoiding that little ship they called Quislet, which seemed to pop out of the walls at the most inopportune times. He knew there was a whole series of girls around, and had caught glimpses of them in the past day and a half (the one called Kinetix being especially beautiful, though they were all knock-outs), but now couldn’t find any.

“Hey,” said a voice, and Hasim turned, caught a little off-guard. It was Livewire, and ‘hey’ was meant as ‘hello’. “Taking the tour?” he said casually, and Hasim thought Livewire was trying to be friendly. Livewire had a normally pleasant disposition, but Hasim already saw he had a temper, as evidenced in their introductory meeting.

“There are a lot of you,” said Hasim in response. “But its big enough where its hard to tell where everyone is.”

Garth laughed. “Well, usually it seems like Jenni is everywhere at once, so don’t be surprised if she zips by here. I think Val’s with most of the team now, catching up. I’m on my way over if you want to join us,” he said, breezily, genuinely offering the invitation.

“Thanks but no thanks,” Hasim replied crudely, and for the first time, Livewire noticed Hasim was actually pretty rude. And he certainly didn’t like Val. “I can do without anymore time with Val.”

“Suit yourself,” said Garth, with just enough edge to his voice so Hasim knew he better keep that rudeness to himself. “What a jerk…” he thought, continuing down the hall.

He saw Polarity and Star Boy up ahead, talking with Quislet. “Hey Quis, why don’t you go see how the new kid’s doing?” he said, and Quislet zipped off yelling for Nemesis.


“Well, I see the mountain,” said Ferro, stating the obvious as they approached the mountain Lyle was leading them through. “Its huge though. How would we find a door?”

“Its there,” said Jacquie, looking forward and pointing to an area filled with brush. Her abilities once more allowed her to see through the illusion of the mountain and see what it really was.

“Nice call,” said Lyle, not missing a beat and walking towards it. As he walked, he began to turn invisible.

“Are you alright, Irma?” asked Dreamer, seeing her friend.

“Just a weird headache,” she said. “I’m worried about it having something to do with what’s inside there.”

Element Lad and Sensor approached where Jacquie had pointed and they could see the brush being moved away by the invisible form of Invisible Kid. “This is the symbol?” asked Element Lad. “For the Dominion?”

“Yes,” said Jacquie, “who, according to the Dark Circle’s files, were involved in a combined effort of science and magic to break Mordru’s spell about 25 years ago or less. The Dominion is apparently the science part. That’s about all we know about them.”

“Sounds like about all anyone knew about Cadmus,” said Tela with some disgust.

“Its solid about a foot thick,” said Lyle. “I’m not sure we can move it.”

“We can,” said Element Lad, suddenly turning it into tin. “We’ll just have to rip it off.”

Again, Tela suddenly felt a telepathic back-lash from the child within. She stumbled a little and now Jacquie and Nura caught her together. “What is it?” asked Nura, worried.

“Definitely not a child…” she said to herself out loud. “It felt like…well, it felt like when Garth accidentally shocks me with a little jolt of electricity.”

Dreamer smiled widely. “You know you’re going to have to tell me about these little jolts,” she said jokingly.

“Ooh, and you better tell me,” said Lyle, somewhere invisible.

Irma smiled. “That’s not exactly what I meant…” she said, trying to change the subject.

“Not exactly?” smiled Nura.

Suddenly they heard a large smashing sound, as Ferro busted the door in. They all turned suddenly. “Sorry,” he said shrugging his shoulders. “But we can go in now.”

They began to walk down a hallways which was completely steel, albeit old and rusty steel. A loud humming sound could be heard up ahead, and it was loud enough to make it hard to hear each other. They had no idea where Lyle was, so in front Ferro moved towards the end of the hallway, when Element Lad put his hand on his shoulder. “There’s voices ahead,” he said, meaning, slow down and be careful.

The end of the tunnel-hallway became a right angle with a similar tunnel/hallway about a quarter mile into the mountain. “Go right,” Jacquie said from behind them. They did. Walking down, they began to see it opened up into a massive room.

Suddenly Lyle appeared in front of them, holding his finger to his mouth to ‘shh’ them. “There’s people up ahead,” he said, and they walked forward slowly now, with Lyle turning back invisible.

Up ahead, they could see a group of men moving around with yellow suits that looked like HAZMAT suits, except with nothing covering their faces. There seemed to be a least a dozen of them—perhaps more. They were working on various projects it seemed, each one doing their own thing.

Lyle moved closer than the others to see what they were doing, and saw a large turbine engine on the wall that was obviously making all that noise. It was constantly sucking all the air out of the room, while fresh oxygen was pumped in from somewhere else. In the air being sucked out, Lyle could see various colored gasses. Some of these experiments, it seemed, where chemical and possibly toxic. Lyle wondered what kind of screwed up underground laboratory this was.

Then he saw one of their faces. He almost screamed in horror, but held himself. It was ghastly—an ugly oozy yellow-ish color, with small slit eyes. He looked again to see some of their faces were less so, some not even that bad. But some of them…some of them had that yellowish face, and he saw that on these, their heads were an abnormal shape. Lyle at once credited to radiation—which they were obviously working on here. Some of them even had oddly shaped teeth. Like fangs.

Oddest of all of it, was that each one had a large red circle painted on their foreheads.

Lyle turned to see what they were working on, and various things caught his eye. Immediately, he saw a large device he had only seen on television before: a nuclear warhead. He knew what it was immediately. That’s where some of the radiation was from. This Dominion was creating nuclear missiles, among other little experiments. Who were these people?

He suddenly heard a large growl, and turned in time to see Project: Validus. Standing there, no less than 15 feet tall, was the massive, bulkly figure which could only be described as a monster. It had no face, and instead of a head, on top of it was a large brain, protected in a globe. It was the most horrifying thing he’d ever seen.

And somehow, he knew it saw him. Lightning flashed around its brain, and it looked right at him.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123566 11/11/11 11:07 AM
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Validus Project
Part 3

It would be much later, when Nura had thought to grab as many random papers as possible, that she and Invisible Kid could piece together some information on the Dominion. What they were was obvious enough to surmise: a free-lancing group of scientist with no qualms about doing the most horrific and dangerous experiments in the world. The fact that they created nuclear warheads made it obvious they were not above selling their inventions to make money for themselves—no doubt to finance their more expensive experiments that were being done specifically for themselves. What their larger goal might be, they had no real idea for now, only knowing that they were extremely advanced in electromagnetic experiments, parapsychology, chemical enhancements on animal and human physiology and a variety of other experiments. The most hard to fathom, although not the most dangerous, being the Validus Experiment.

They were based in South America, but had somehow begun as former Nazi scientists escaping after World War II and making their way to fascist countries in South America. Some scientists went to work for the US or Russia and then made their way to the Dominion. Some were founding members of the Dominion, deciding then they would have no part in another world struggle, but would pursue their own objectives.

Some of them had experimented on themselves over the years. For some, that meant death; others, long life. For even more others, that meant they turned themselves into monsters.

This laboratory was only one, and the only one in Brazil, although it was the most remote and hardest to find, given its geographic location. Until the day the Legionnaires came.


Validus stared down at Lyle, and Lyle felt a tingle on his back. He read once that you could feel it when lightning was about to strike you, and that was what he was feeling.

Suddenly Jacquie leapt into view of them all, jumping into Lyle (and revealing that she could actually see him in invisible form), and knocking him to the ground.

Validus unleashed a ‘mental lightning bolt’ and roared at the top of his lungs, as it blasted where Lyle was just standing. All of the scientists turned and saw her, and their cover was blown.

“We’ve been breached!” one of the Dominion screamed, and all at once they all began moving in various directions, swarming all over.

Lyle and Jacquie scrambled to their feet, as Ferro, Element Lad and Dreamer ran in to join them, Element Lad holding up his hands to deflect anything that could be fired at them. The Dominion continued to swarm in a confusing way, and they all braced for an attack.

“No,” said Tela, at last joining them, “they’re not going to attack! They’re running away!”

The Legionnaires all looked around to see they were indeed abandoning their lab, with experiments only half-done and still in the process of being done, and evacuating in various places. None of them missed the notion of how dangerous that could be.

“Oh my God,” said Tela suddenly. “They’re going to unleash it!” she screamed, turning towards Validus, and they all followed suit. “They’re going to unleash it on us!”

And a member of the Dominion did just that, unleashing Validus so that he’d be free of his shackles and take care of this problem for them. The Dominion all escaped through various tunnels, some stopping for their notes, others leaving them. No one bothered to touch the nuclear warheads, a point which Lyle continued to focus on.

Validus emerged from his shackles and moved towards them.


Validus was enormous, and every part of his body was ripped with muscle. He stepped forward with his massive leg and instantly smashed both fists to the ground at Jacquie and Lyle, ready to smash them.

“This feels so familiar,” said Nura, thinking of her last big battle, which was with the Hulk. She and the other Legionnaires ran for cover. “Should we try to follow some of those Dominion people?” she asked Tela, who was concentrating on Validus, who moved among them, trying to smash them all.

“No!” said Invisible Kid, as both he and Sensor moved out of the way to her side. “Over there! There’s a nuclear warhead!”

“Oh my God…” said Dreamer, realizing the danger they were in. “We need to get this creature out of here—“

“—as soon as possible!” yelled Invisible Kid finishing her sentence. “Irma?”

She suddenly cringed as if she had a major headache. “Its no use…” she said. “He’s essentially mindless, or at least comparable to a two year old. All this anger…and some sort of electrical feed on his thoughts. Its so odd.”

“I’m having trouble too,” said Sensor. “He should be seeing rainbows and fuzzy little creatures, but he’s not responding.” She looked over, realizing between her, Tela, Dreamer and Invisible Kid, there was little they could do in terms of force.

“I guess that means its time for me to step up…” said Ferro suddenly, and quite nervously. Up until now, he’d largely been in the background since entering the chamber.

Validus raged louder, and now blasted mental-lightning again at all of them. Ferro turned into his metallic form, and rushed forward, and using as much strength as possible, punched hard into Validus’ calf. The beast screamed in rage and back-handed Ferro as hard as he could, knocking him off to the side.

“Ow!” yelled Ferro, hitting a wall. “Not exactly what I hoped would happen…”

Validus moved towards Ferro to focus his rage on him.

“Great job Andy!” yelled Lyle, “we need to get him out of here and we’ll try to secure this warhead!”

“Er, okay,” said Andy, as Validus came at him.

“How do you ‘secure a warhead’, Lyle,” asked Dreamer with an eyebrow raised.

“Well, we at least move it into one of these side rooms…” he said, realizing he had no idea what to do.


Validus rushed at Ferro, and Andy suddenly felt a tremendous amount of fear. He’d been pushed around all his life, so if anyone knew how to take a beating, it was him. But never before had he thought he’d be killed by one.

“I’m with you,” said a voice, and it was Element Lad, who had rushed to his side. Element Lad seemed cool and calm, and even though the creature was seconds away from smashing into them, he still seemed aloof. “Let’s get him out of this place,” he added, and turned and pointed his hands at the steel walls, instantly turning them into helium, so they rose up into the air and evaporated. “We’re still not that far into the mountain, so if I can just make large enough holes in the steel we might be able to get him there. Just have to be careful not to change any of the actual structure of the mountain…” he added, talking to himself, and Ferro realized he had stopped paying attention to the incoming beast.

“Jan, watch out!” yelled Ferro again, this time jumping forward to get between Validus and Element Lad, as mental lightning was unleashed. It blasted into Ferro, now in metallic form, and he remembered something about ‘metal being a conductor of electricity’ or something, but was glad when he didn’t feel a sting. Suddenly Validus once more smashed his fist into Andy, but this time the electricity was still very much alive within Andy, and it blasted back into Validus’fist. Validus had just given himself a little jolt—and it hurt. A LOT. Once more Validus screamed, this time holding his fist in pain, as Ferro could see the flesh on his knuckles were burnt.

“Great job, Andy,” said Element Lad casually as if Ferro planned it, and Ferro turned to see Element Lad did indeed make a passage way to outside. “Let’s get him out now.”

The two of them ran towards outside. Madder than ever, Validus followed.


“Is this a regular occurrence?” asked Sensor as she and Tela moved a fully armed nuclear warhead into a side room. “Because I’ve got to say Irma, everytime I’ve ever read about one of these things, it always has radiation leaking out…”

“You can expect both of us to undergo quarantine for at least two days,” said Irma already dreading that. “And I can confirm that most of the Dominion scientists are already escaping. We won’t get anything from them. Unless Nura and Lyle find something in all those files.” They kept moving it. Then she whispered a ‘damn!’ to herself.

“What is it?”

“Now we’ll have to make official reports on where we were. Metternich or some other UN person will be all over us on this…”


Through his metal mask, Ferro could still taste the fresh taste of clean air as once more he emerged into the jungle from the Dominion hideaway, with Validus closely following him.

Element Lad was by his side. “We can try to subdue it, but I’m not sure if we can.”

“Why don’t you use your power on it and turn it into gold or something?” asked Ferro.

Element Lad almost stopped running there and then, apparently appalled. “It’s a living creature, Andy,” he said. “I won’t kill a living creature…” Ferro didn’t feel like arguing the point.

Both suddenly turned a corner, and ran farther into a thick bustle of trees. They waited for Validus to approach. Waited.

And Waited.

And waited. And it did not come.

“How do you lose a twenty foot giant with a large brain for a head?” said Ferro suddenly, as they both realized it wasn’t near them anymore. Andy looked around. “Unless its sneakier than I thought…”

“No, its long gone,” said Jan, also as surprised. “It must have run off into the jungle….”

They looked in the area around them for some time, looking to find Validus, with no luck. They found his path—obvious, since trees were knocked down and flora crushed beneath his massive feet. But oddly enough—it suddenly stopped.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123567 11/11/11 11:08 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Validus Project
Part 4

Within the Amazon rain forest, one area had always been extremely odd. Large mountains came out of nowhere, singular with no apparent other mountains connecting to them, and ran far up into the sky. Some were even volcanoes. In this part of the jungle, snakes sometimes grew to forty, even fifty feet long. Certain spiders had poisons so powerful that once bitten, you’d be dead before you could run to get help.

This was because part of this jungle was from an ancient time long lost to human memory. Part of this jungle was a remnant from over 100,000 years ago—perhaps double or triple that amount of time. Part of this jungle was from Ekron, and it had been largely undisturbed in all the time since.

And this was because far up on the highest mountain—not the false-mountain created by the Dominion, but an actual living volcano high up into the clouds—was the second Emerald Eye of Ekron, long since unused by human beings and long dormant. The Eye caused these things, and it was the Eye that drew the Dominion to this place, to try and harness the magical properties (which they believed were scientific) to enhance their experiments.

It was the Eye that drew the Emerald Empress and the Persuader here as well.

And now the Eye helped bring Validus into contact with his new allies and family, and for the moment hold off the predestined battle between he and the Legionnaires.


The six super-powered teenagers sat on a United Nations military plane, while their own method of transportation was taken home separately. All six of them, not just Tela and Sensor, were put through a quarantine process, though Tela was taken away from the five just in time to be reamed out by first Leviathan (via phone) and then Metternich (via phone).

Do you realize how much trouble you can get yourself into? he asked her, when he really met how much trouble you can get me into? Having Sensor and Ferro with them seemed to be a good idea at the time, but it had become much more once nuclear warheads were involved. Still, this was the first concrete information on the Dominion that SHIELD, Interpol or any other agency had been able to accumulate, so Tela knew that was at least one major trump card she could use if it came down to it.

But it would not come to that. Metternich’s rise to power in the UN umbrella over the Legion of Super-Heroes was already moving fast and furious and he wouldn’t risk it slowing down. He simply allowed Cosmic Boy and Tela, despite Gene’s protests, to induct Sensor, Nemesis and Ferro into the Legion of Super-Heroes. In fact, he requested it, and problem solved. Ipso facto, there were no unauthorized Legionnaires on the mission, as the induction was done retroactively.

He then took credit for a recon mission on the Dominion, as they were officially placed on the UN’s watch-list of terrorist organizations around the globe. The fact that the Legion was there looking for the Emerald Empress and any mention of the creature Validus were left firmly out of the report. And Metternich once more saw this as the Legion squarely ‘owing him one’.


Valor, though hardly one of the more social Legionnaires, delighted in being back with his teammates, and let them fully make his ‘unofficial return to the active roster’ a cause for a small celebration. Kinetiz and XS organized a little party that even though took place while many Legionnaires were away or busy, still included Livewire, Shifter, Catalyst, Shrinking Violet, Blizzard, Rebound, Kid Quantum and of course, Quislet. He also was able to meet for the first time Polarity and Star Boy.

He told them about the people he had recently met, and they were especially interested in Tina, whom they all missed and Dirk, because he was an international celebrity already. Some of them, Polarity especially, were interested in Mon-El too, mainly because his power-level seemed so strong, on par with only Andromeda from McCauley’s old Work Force.

“Well, now that you’re back Val,” said Vi, “maybe you can help us out with a little side mission Condo, Lyle and I have been working on.”

Val couldn’t help but cringe and she saw it. “I’m sorry Sally,” he said quickly, “its just that I’ve barely gotten out of trouble for the last little side mission I did with you three.” He couldn’t help but smile at that.

“Its nothing like that,” she replied quickly. “We’re investigating the Silver Slasher killings.”

“Silver Slasher?” asked Val.

“Vi, he’s only been back in New York for like two days. He has no idea who the Silver Slasher is,” said Condo, now turning to Val. “It’s a serial killer,” he said, “whose been terrorizing New York. Lyle thinks if we can bring her in, it’d be a major plus to show Gene how important the more subtle Legionnaires can be. Plus, it’d make Manhattan safer.”

“Even more,” said Vi to him in almost a whisper. “Lyle thinks it might actually be a woman serial-killer.”

“I’ll…think about it,” said Val with a smile, thinking he’d rather wait a day at least before he jumped into any other major missions. Instead, he enjoyed the laughter among them all, as Kinetix made new costumes for everyone, discarding most of them by party’s end after growing bored, and as Jenni ran around from person to person, fully immersed in the gossip of the day for each one.


The following morning the Silver Slasher’s latest victim was found again, this time in an ally only two blocks from Wall Street. The city was no reaching a panic.

And in her Bowery apartment, Jenn Carpenter once more praised her Lord Mordru with the blood of her kill.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123568 11/11/11 11:08 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Validus Project

Three weeks earlier…

Sara Romanescu felt drawn to Brazil for reasons she could hardly explain, with only glimpses given to her from the Eye. The Persuader argued little for or against their journey there, realizing that his life was changing and it was a change he was welcoming. The world was much bigger than his life in Seoul, and in the darkest recesses of his heart, all he wanted in life was to be a player on a much broader stage—and he would be, as the world’s deadliest assassin.

Sara was conflicted. Conflicted because she felt a pull in another direction, back towards the east. Not just Europe, but farther. She felt the pull towards the Middle East.

And then the dreams began. She’d dream she was a Princess—no, not just a Princess, but a Queen. Queen of the Middle Age Kingdom of Venegar, with her empire under her heel, ready to serve her every whim. And she felt at ease and happy in these dreams.

Then he would enter her bed, and she would welcome him there. She enjoyed lustfully each seductive touch and felt the power flowing from him into her each time. Soon, she was calling his name in her sleep, and the Persuader could make it out clearly: “Mordru”.

Thoughts of Mordru began to occupy her every waking moment and the Eye once more began to reveal bits of its history to her, and she now began to crave the power that those who once wielded the Eye had in long ago times. She began to understand the coming war, for like Jacquie, the Eye allowed her to see the signs of what was coming to pass.

Finally, Mordru’s familiar arrived. The black cat, Asmodeous came to her and she heard its voice in her mind. Would she be by her Lord Mordru’s side when the war came to fruit? Would she stand against those who had betrayed her, those whom she hated above all others—her former friends? Would she take vengeance on her bitterest rival, Princess Jacqueline of Moldavia, and reclaim her throne and Empire, and rule Venegar once more as a Queen? Would she be Queen of the world under Lord Mordru?

She trembled at such thoughts, at such a proposition. For she was still so young, and so unsure. But the Eye had seduced her, finishing what longtime delusions of grandeur had begun in her earliest teenage years. And now Mordru made the seduction complete.

The Emerald Empress would serve Mordru in this war, as the Emerald Empresses of ancient times served him. She would fight and kill his enemies, and if that meant her former circle of friends, then so be it.

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123569 11/14/11 06:07 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Road to Earth War

Vienna, Austria: Castle Wazzo

Things moved fast now, and each one of them was caught in a whirlwind preparing for what must inevitably come. Though much preparation was to be done mentally, each one found there was still something they could hope to accomplish before there was no longer any time.


“Secretary General Chu,” said Countess Winema Wazzo with such delight that Tina thought it might almost be genuine. Arriving moments earlier, the General-Secretary of the United Nations, Jeannie Chu, arrived at Castle Wazzo, coming here on the insistence that it was the utmost emergency. She was annoyed by the trip, but the fact that Anton Relnic was here meant it must be deadly serious.

Spirit watched silently from her hiding spot, having phased into the room, to pick up on this greeting. Anton Relnic was with her mother, as Chu dismissed her aides, making it just the three of them, as Gil’Deshi was in the hospital and Maya now dead. “Winema,” began Chu, “I hope to God this is a serious matter. To say I’m extremely busy is an understatement.”

“Secretary-General,” replied Relnic, “it is now beyond serious. What I’m about to tell you will seem impossible, perhaps even hysterically so. I would never believe it unless I had seen with my own eyes real evidence. But the fact remains that it is real. And we have a genuine World War at our doorstep.”

Tina inhaled deeply, knowing this was the moment of truth. Relnic began the story, using his masterful skills at oratory to be sure to hit all the right notes and skip any of the unnecessary details. He provided Chu with the precise information she would need to determine where to go next. The Countess was largely silent, though she intervened to add specific details, times, dates and locations, knowing it would keep the reality of it all firmly in focus. It took forty-five minutes for them to finish, but to Tina, it felt like mere moments.

Chu inhaled herself now and sat down, and they all did so. “You’re indeed right,” she said to Relnic, “…it does seem impossible.” Relnic and Winema looked at each other, worried that they had not done a good enough job at convincing Chu of the importantance of the matter. “But so many things that have seemed impossible have become possible in recent times,” she said at once.

“Indeed,” said Relnic, still marveling at when he first me the super-powered teenagers.

“Did you know I recently had an adventure with the Legion?” Chu said, referring to her recent role in the Legion mission with Kinetix, Flash, Kid Quantum, Blizzard and Rebound. “It was not my first time meeting the Legionnaires, not by a long shot. I’ve been involved in the creation of the Legion from day one. Yet, even there, I was amazed at how different the world has become. How much more…possible things are. And if this is all true,” she said, now talking out loud, almost to herself, “then the entire world has an enemy that is going to require us all to fight. No matter what differences we have.”

The Countess nodded, thinking in terms politically, unaware of Chu’s possible ‘other plans and differences’.

“I can assure you, Secretary-General,” said Relnic. “This is all very true.”

She looked up at him. “I believe you,” she said at once, knowing Relnic’s integrity was enough proof as would be needed for her. Now it was time to act—otherwise, all she’d worked for her whole life would be tossed aside by this Mordru. “I’ll call upon the General Assembly, though it will be ludicrous to explain this to them. We’ll have to work behind the scenes, all three of us, to make sure by the time this is explained publicly the entire UN is ready to act.”

“I believe it would be wise to alert SHIELD,” said the Countess.

“Agreed. The UN isn’t truly equipped for a major military showdown, but we can call upon our members, including the our five permanent members of the Security Council, though that will be the trickiest part.”

“It all won’t matter eventually,” said Relnic. “Once Khundia and Mordru, attack, they’ll be forced to make a decision. So we need to move along now without any hindrances, starting with SHIELD. I think its time to mobilize.”


Dirk sat at a table, sipping his rich coffee, as he saw his guest arriving. In the shadows, covered in an even darker shadowy spell, was Umbra and Matter-Eater Lad. High up in the air, almost looking like a hawk in the sky, was Dawnstar. They were waiting, and they were ready for anything. Because they not only distrusted Agent Ontirr, they hated him. They hated all of the Dark Circle for all they had put them through.

Ontirr walked over and sat down across from Dirk. “By all means, sit down,” said Dirk sarcastically. He decided there and then to skip playing coy. He could feel the pressure—they all could—and knew the war with Mordru was upon them. They were running out of time for these asides. Dirk sipped his coffee, feeling the cold breeze up his back through his peacoat.

“You should be glad I’m agreeing to talk to you,” said Ontirr, though it was he who originally proposed this arrangement. “The other Dark Circle would never agree to these kinds of meetings.”

“Lucky me.”

Ontirr smiled and it had nastiness to it. “Not so lucky for long. You won’t see me for quite awhile Mr. Morgna. I’m sure you’ll be comforted to know you won’t see any of us.”

“And why is that?” Now Dirk was shocked. Because there were times the Dark Circle was all they’d seen, and for months now. They followed them across the world.

“Because we wanted to get to you before he did. And its too late now. They won’t risk it, and we’re all going underground.” Ontirr was smiling but Dirk could see something else in his features. Fear.

“Mordru? You follow us around, torture us, kidnaps us, and now you’re leaving because of Mordru? I thought he was your buddy or something.”

“Mordru is no friend of the Dark Circle,” said Ontirr, and he was deadly serious. “He’s as much our enemy as he is yours. But we’re not so foolish as to tempt him and then stand against him.”

Dirk was silent. Now he pushed his coffee back. “You cowards.”

“Don’t try and goad me, boy. I don’t care what you think. Your war with Mordru is coming and coming soon. When the pieces fall, we’ll come to collect.”

“You should join us then,” said Dirk, and although it left a filthy taste in his mouth to even think it, it made sense. They knew next to nothing about the Dark Circle, but...if they hated Mordru too…

“You haven’t been listening,” said Ontirr. “We’re all going underground. We’ll let you all battle Mordru, and either you’ll all die, much to our chagrin, but we’ll be safe, or you’ll succeed, and then…well, then we can still get what we need from you all without worrying about his retribution for it.” He was smiling widely now. “I’d offer you good luck, but well…I am a realist.” And with that, as Dirk was about to speak again, Ontirr got up and walked away, right back into the street, leaving Dirk feeling unfinished with the meeting and stuck with the bill for Ontirr’s coffee.


High above the tips of the buildings lining the streets of Vienna, as far up as even the clouds, Mon-El soared at striking velocity, pushing himself to the point of breaking a sweat. So often he was forced to hold back, and not unleash his powers as much as he yearned to do so, and now he practiced full bore, flying out of Austria and down all the way to the Mediterranean and then back.

All of the others were busy, and he was feeling the rare sense of anxiety which he normally did not feel at all. Everything since the moment he woke up, he felt, was building now to its finale. And in that regard, he was satisfied.

He still felt, above all else, as a man out of time. That he somehow did not truly belong, and that it would all be pulled away. A bad dream or a brief second chance and this world would continue without him, as it probably always should have. So he enjoyed his new friendships and camaraderie, enjoyed the release of using his immense abilities, and above all else, enjoyed his moments with Tatiana. If he should perish in the fight against Mordru, then so be it. But he’d at least been a part of the battle he’d been waiting for his entire life—both the twenty years of living, and the two thousand extra of sleeping.

As he considered these thoughts, and with a rueful acknowledgement of their flare for the dramatic, his senses at once picked up another approaching.

Not a bird…not a plane…not Dawnstar or any other that he knew of. Possibly Joe? He strained, looking for the figure, knowing it had to be a person, feeling with his senses that anything larger or smaller would not cause the turbulence in the wind the way it did here. At last he saw the figure: not Joe, after all. It was Devious Emorious, his old ally from Ancient Rome. The one who betrayed him to Mordru.


Dev flew equally as fast, and spotting Mon-El, stopped short of him twenty yards away, both hovering in the air.

Mon looked at him, not surprised, since he secretly suspected this might happen, and yes, even possibly hoped in the darkest corners of his heart.

Dev grinned a familiar grin. Not the grin of a blood-enemy, but the grin of an old friend. “We are well met, indeed, among the clouds here.”

“Do not grow so cocky, Dev,” replied Mon, “now I know at least one other that can do as we do. Not as well as we do, but close. We are not so unusual in this millennia, it seems.”

Dev smiled widely now. “We never were, Monius. But you do not know the story yet, and I’ve forgotten. Surely you’ve always wanted to know why the Gods gifted you with your abilities? Surely you must have always wondered. I saw the shock and disappointment in your face when you first learned I had them too.” Dev paused, but Mon-El remained silent, so Dev-Em continued. “I do know these things. Mordru told me our story, the long history of the Daxamites, and believe me, it’s fascinating. You’ll see once the story is told to you.”

“And you believe that Prince of Lies?” said Mon-El in disgust.

“Yes,” said Dev firmly. “Because I know it is the truth. You and I have a glorious lineage, and you should celebrate it with me!” he sounded elated, almost jovial. “I have not come here as an enemy Monius, surely you can see that. We have both been misguided to think of ourselves as enemies. The world is changing…I’d rather see it change with you as my friend.”

Dev-Em seemed as if he could barely contain those words. That getting them out were a relief. Mon could see he truly believed them. Mon looked back at him, unsmiling. “Tell me, friend. I once looked at the world changing with you by my side, and ended up with poison in my water and a dagger in my back. You were forced to celebrate without me.”

Dev-Em’s smile went away now. “Things have changed, Monius. Mordru has a place for you in this new world. He’s sure this will be it. The final battle after so many millennia. His two greatest enemies will stand revealed and at last the war will be fought with both sides intended for it to finish. You and I could be the Captains of his army! We could have so much at war’s end. It would be a peaceful time, and all of this fighting and bitterness would be at an end.”

Mon-El smiled now. “You can go home, Dev,” he said simply. “Twenty centuries may have passed for you and your Dark Lord, but I remember those days like they were yesterday. I have not forgotten, and I have not forgiven either of you.” Dev-Em moved to speak, but held up his hand to cut him off. “If you think I decline simply out of vengeance or spite, then you can stop right there. Mordru is a ruthless old man bent on crushing beneath his heals anything that would speak out against his image of the world. He is a tyrant, and his one goal in life is that no one else has their own goals. He would violate and rape everything free, subjugating it to himself, even if he allowed these things to think they were free. I stand against him completely, and I will gladly give my life to prove it.”

Dev-Em was silent now, and the bitterness towards Mon-El that he had harbored for all these long centuries once more occupied his heart, as if it had never truly left.

Mon-El continued. “And you, Dev-Em, are friendless. A captain of a brotherless army without honor. For your own glory, lust and greed you threw away everything that was wonderful about you though you never saw any value in those things. Loyalty. Valor. Brotherhood. All gone. Do not speak to me of renewing our friendship when I know in your heart you could never allow anyone to stand by your side as an equal—save one. Your Master.”

“Very well, Monius,” replied Dev-Em. I shall see you on the battlefield. I will come for you, and your friends.”

“And I will be waiting. When we meet next, I intend for it to be our last meeting, one way or another. Farewell, old friend.”

Re: 21st Century Legion (vol. 2)
#123570 11/15/11 02:01 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 34,634
The Road to Earth War

Previously in 21st Century Legion…

Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid
“Well the active roster hasn’t changed,” said Cos, and Gene suddenly realized he had no idea how to even change the active roster. In that regard, Cosmic Boy was already way ahead of him in running this team. “Mr. Metternich? Do you have some thoughts on the matter?”

“I do,” he said, then standing up. “Most importantly, I want a discussion on this Mordru, this coming war, and all this other very vague and ominous talk meant to scare us all. Let’s schedule that immediately after.”
Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid
The following morning the Silver Slasher’s latest victim was found again, this time in an ally only two blocks from Wall Street. The city was no reaching a panic.

And in her Bowery apartment, Jenn Carpenter once more praised her Lord Mordru with the blood of her kill.
Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid
Conal and Danielle had been caught, that Douglas Nolan knew, and he had been badly burned. Horribly burned actually, and the pain was overwhelming. It was bad, and he didn’t dare look at his reflection in any of the glass windows in the streets. They must have thought him dead, because he had somehow gotten away. He could feel the boils forming on his skin. He paused, took of his mask, and vomited. He tossed the mask aside. It was useless to him now.

He stumbled forward some more, only to see soldiers rounding the corner. This was it, he was done. Turning metallic, he rushed forward, and bullets fired off of him, spraying in other directions. He grabbed the first soldier and snapped his neck, killing him instantly. They were screaming now, firing blindly.

He thought about going back to his flesh and letting them kill him.

Suddenly the soldiers all became super-dense, unable to hold up their body weight, and fell to the ground. Kono appeared, though she was bleeding from her upper-lip. “K-Kono…?”

“No time,” she said, “either we’re not very good, or we’ve been set-up. Let’s go…”

“OK…” said Doug, but then passed out, falling to the ground.

Going back to his flesh form naturally, he landed in the arms of Jacques Foccart, who had fresh bruises forming on his face. Jacques was pale white, which looked on his black skin. The decision was now his: stay in Khundia and try another suicide mission to rescue his sister, or make it back to Waller and warn her about what happened? It was an easy decision for Jacques, the man. But he had been turned into the leader of the Suicide Squad and an expert spy.


Holding the dying Douglas Nolan, Jacques Foccart started his raft across the Mediterranean Sea, hoping the ship King Faraday told him would be there would be. He couldn’t trust Amanda Waller anymore, because the Squad obviously had been betrayed. But King Faraday had promised him Checkmate would support him if anything happened. He would have to hold King to that promise.

Kono had gone off on her own, like he always knew she would. How she expected to survive in Northern Africa, when she was just a fourteen year old girl, no matter how tough she was, was beyond him.

Douglas coughed, and blood was in his spit. He wasn’t going to make it. Jacques said a silent prayer, and made his way through the water. Jacques expected neither would live.
Manhattan, New York City, USA

The dark skies served as a reminder that in addition to the freezing cold breeze, the winter also brought night much earlier in the Northeastern United States. In Manhattan, the street lights, buildings and flashing signs meant that there was always enough light to see where you were going, but by the late months of winter, the constant darkness could get repetitive and yes, a little depressing.

Jenn Carpenter, 29 year old insurance agent from of Laromie, Wisconsin, walked to the subway station in Manhattan’s Bowery section. She was wearing a heavy pea coat and a thick scarf, looking very fashionable, but conservative—perfect for the infamous Wall Street district. She was excited, and tried to hide it the best she could…but her state of arousal was all consuming.

She was going to kill again, and she could feel the release building within her. Tonight, the Silver Slasher would strike again, and she would pay homage to her Lord Mordru.

She would leave the body on the steps of some super-rich publicly traded company. A reminder that no matter how powerful they thought they were, real power was not far away at all. And it was coming.


As the Silver Slasher made her way towards Wall St, four members of the Legion of Super-Heroes also journeyed across the enormous landscape of Manhattan, via taxi, subway and for Val, even walking. They all headed downtown as well, because at long last, Invisible Kid began to see a pattern with the murders. Tonight, they believed she would strike again—something to do with the moon’s alignment—and they hoped they could catch her.

Valor, Invisible Kid, Catalyst and Shrinking Violet were not authorized for this mission, but it felt good to know they were doing something. The Silver Slasher murders were beginning to weigh heavily on the public, and the businessmen of Wall Street were beginning to loathe coming to work in the morning. And that was bad for everyone.

Invisible Kid had surmised she was a woman, and had found she had a specific pattern to where she killed and when. The city was too big to find one lone killer. But if they were right, and she could be limited to one district, then they had a chance.


Legion Headquarters, 247 Weisenger Street, Midtown Manhattan

The Legion’s conference room, the official one and not RJ Brande’s personal conference room, was furnished as a top of the line corporate conference room with all of the technological extras that the Director SHIELD or even RJ Brande himself could ever hope for. It was magnificent and it was huge, seating at least forty people. In front there was a podium and dais for speakers, with a semi-circular dias behind it. Basil Metternich sat up on the dais, waiting for the others to arrive, taking in the impressiveness of the room, and considering that filling up the Legion’s roster was not as unimaginable as his superiors originally thought. They were already quite a large team of teenage super-heroes. And more and more, they were directly his responsibility.

Little by little, the Legionnaires began to enter, first Cosmic Boy and Leviathan, then Tela and Livewire and then some others. Not all of them were coming, it seemed, as the one he’d recently let back on the team, Valor, was nowhere to be found. RJ Brande entered as well, and Metternich found it odd, but raised no objection. With him was Marla Latham, another very prominent businessman, but the two had some large part in the story concerning this supposed ‘Dark Lord in the Middle East’ and the possibility of World War III. Metternich wasn’t convinced yet, but he understood that if Brande took it this seriously, something must be up.

At last they were assembled: Cosmic Boy, Leviathan, Tela, Livewire, Shifter, Element Lad, Quislet, Kinetix, Blizzard, Rebound, Kid Quantum, Flash, Spark, Trinity, Amihan, Amazon, Wildfire, Polarity, Star Boy, Hygeia, Gear, Dox (who he was surprised actually left his lab), and the three new members: Sensor, Ferro and Nemesis.

“Very well,” he began, “lets get started. You all obviously have a lot to say, and have caught each other up on the dire straits we are in, but I, unfortunately, know nothing about a potential grave enemy about to unleash war on us. Brande? Would you like to start?”

“Perhaps Cosmic Boy should, Basil,” said RJ, motioning to Cos.

Cos stood up. “Thank you Mr. Brande. What Princess Jacqueline has to say, Mr. Metternich, is a lot to take in, and I’ll admit that at first I was a little skeptical, until a few people were able to confirm a lot of it for me. But I think it best that you keep an open mind here, to comprehend the very real danger we’re in.” All of the Legionnaires watched him as he spoke, each one at full attention, even Dox, who was now learning all this news for the first time as well.

Metternich turned and nodded towards Sensor, who also stood up now. “Go ahead,” he said.

Sensor, recently added to the Legion roster by Metternich himself, now spoke. “For many millennia the world has had one great enemy, though most have been ignorant of him. The Dark Lord Mordu whose power exceeds every individual in this room combined, has plotted and planned for centuries…and he is now on the verge of acting.

And so Jacquie began her story, and told it once more in full.


“I’ve told everyone to back off and let us handle this,” said King Faraday, moving quickly but with no hint of anxiety, through the crowds outside of 247 Weisenger Street. “Once we get in, we’ll bring in the other one of your Squad.”

“Its not my Squad anymore,” said Jacques Focquart. “Most of them are all dead, I bet. Just like poor Doug. But I’m ready King. We’ll be invisible from here on out. But what makes you think that will be enough not to be detected?”

“I don’t,” replied Faraday, “but by the time we’re detected, we’ll have arrived at our destination. And then its do or die time for us all.”


“That’s quite a story,” said Basil Metternich, after several minutes of digesting what Sensor had told him. Cosmic Boy and Tela had also spoken at length.

“Every word of it true, Basil,” said RJ Brande now. Marla Latham smiled.

“Indeed? Tell me, Brande, how do you possibly know that?”

“I have many contacts around the world,” he smiled, “more so than probably the United Nations itself. And I’ll tell you by damn, not only do we need you to skip the part where we have to convince you its true, we need you to be our representative to Chu and the rest of the UN, so we can move on the Khundian front.”

Basil nearly spit out a glass of water he was drinking. “Invade Khundia? Dear God, I can only imagine what they’d say to that.”

“Imagine if Khundia invades Europe first,” said Cosmic Boy, “and with Mordru, succeeds.” Even Leviathan turned to look at Cos in awe of such a bold comment.

“If what you say is true,” said Dox now speaking up, “there’s a very likely chance we’ve already lost. Certainly, we’ll need to act immediately.”

“Exactly, Brainy,” said Tela with a smile.

“Are these things always so boring?” whispered Ferro to Star Boy, as they sat towards the back of the group.

“Yeah,” whispered Star Boy back. Neither planned to play any role in the ‘convincing’ aspect of this assemblage, considering how new they both were.

Suddenly, Metternich’s comm-link went off. “Mr. Metternich? Are you with the Legionnaires? We have an emergency.”

Metternich was alarmed. He had given them strict orders not to bother him. “What’s the problem?” he said, with some annoyance.

“We…we uh, have a security breach?”

“What? Here? What kind of idiot…?”

“Sir, they’ve made it way past where they should have. They’re on your floor.”

“WHAT?!” said multiple Legionnaires as suddenly everyone was on their feet. Leviathan began to grow another four feet, as Brande moved forward and Metternich told them all to quiet down.

“If they’re approaching us now,” said Leviathan, “we’ll cut them off before they get to us.”

“Stand down Legionnaires!” they heard a voice yelling from the hallway. “Stand down and come out! I need to talk to you immediately, and we don’t have much time!”

Cosmic Boy, Leviathan, Tela, Brande and Metternich ran into the hallway, as the others tried to squeeze through. “Who the hell are you?” asked Leviathan.

“King Faraday,” said the man, “Checkmate. This here is Jacques Focquart.” Suddenly, a place where before there was no one, had a young man appear before them. He was slightly older than the Legionnaires, African, and dressed in some sort of yellow military uniform. “And we only have moments before President Luthor and Amanda Waller are all over us, so let’s skip the pleasantries.”


Once more, the Legionnaires assembled in the conference room, though this time they were all on their feet. King Faraday and Jacques Focquart stood before them now, and Sensor could see that Metternich was completely unsure of what to do.

“You know I’m Checkmate, and you’re probably wondering why I’m here. Well, my own President will be wondering the same thing. But I’m not stupid enough to put the ball in Luthor’s court, and let him and Waller make the decisions that could affect the entire world. So I’ve come here, to you Legionnaires, in hopes that we can figure out these things together.”

“What things?” asked Metternich and Leviathan almost simultaneously.

“Khundia is on the verge of invading Sicily and France as we speak, and Mordru is sending an army of vampires up through Mexico to invade the United States. And all of this is going to happen tonight.”

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