From Jorge\'s List of Supers :

Supers Duplicators List: Supers that can split into multiple
characters. I've also included those supers that merge to form another
super, or you need more than one to use the power; Characters belong to
their respective companies, but I own the list (copyright). If you want
to connect with it just ask.

(d) dead by unknown means (**) group;
%alternate time/dimension
(DNA) given DNA of an animal (Mutant) born that way
(Rad) Radiation (Surg) Surgically Altered
(Alien) Changed by Alien Technology
(Gene) Genetically created, generally with mix human/animal genes
(Bio) Biogenetically altered with animal genes/human genes
(Seed) Transformed by Alien Seedling to cause random mutations;
(HE) altered by the High Evolutionary (Pym) used/uses Pym Particles
(Warpie) mutated by Magical Warp; (Terra) altered by Terramist
---New Universe
(WE) White Event transformed people
(Shad) Magic Shadowspear, returns people to life as supers


"Super Duper Duplicators"
Supers that create Multiple Bodies:

DECEMBER: Los Hermanos; Copycat's son; Shift; Gizer; Virus;
JANURARY: Mawzir; Tandem; Tush -> Tusk;
NOVEMBER: Sea Dogs; Dharma; Plus

Dark Legion of the Lilin
===Beastly Looking with Green Skin; Multiplies when he is hurt;
Feedback formerly of Beta Flight II
===(Mutant) Creates energy duplicates; Energy Shield;
Flashback of Omega Flight I, formerly in Beta and Gamma Flight;
===(Mutant) Summons duplicates from other timelines or his future
note: one future dups was killed by Box IV when Courtney used him
as a shield.
Gemini II of the Android Zodiac (rebuilt)
===(Android) could split into two bodies;
Human Torch of the Fantastic Four
===(Cosmic Rays); Besides if other abilities involving flames,
he can create Doppelgangers made of fire, under his control;
Janus III of the Derangers (Killed each other)
===(Mutant?) Splits into two, each with a Polar Personality
Madrox the Multiple Man of X-Factor II, another duplicate was in
X-Factor II, a duplicate was in Fallen Angels and another duplicate
was with the Nasty Boys;
===(Mutant) Needs kinetic energy to create Duplicates, they are
empathic with main host; He can Regeneration when dups combined;
his duplicates can sometimes mutate can live independent of him;
he feels when his duplicates die;
note: many of his duplicates have died: one absorbed by Proteus;
Fallen Angel member killed in Coconut Grove; One killed by the Nasty
Boy member, first X-Factor member died of the Legacy Virus;
Manikin formerly of Beta Flight
===(Mutant) Can create duplicate forms of himself as Amoebae "Proto"
(Dissolves things), Caveman "Apeman" (Strong, Agile, Prehensile
Feet), and Futuristic "Highbrow" (Cyborg implants, Teleportation,
Force Field, Telepath, Enhanced vision; Force Bolt); can Regenerate
when he reforms; 'They' sacrificed themselves to save Manikin
Prime, now he changes into them, one at a time;
Nuklo, Parents Whizzer and Miss America
===(Mutant) Splits into 3 Bodies with one mind; power lost when
cured of radiation generation;
Quantum formerly of the Elite of Dakkum; former ally of Graviton
===(Alien); can occupy multiple positions in space at 'nearly' the
time; Strong; Flight; Fire Projection;
Sea Dog of the Crismon Pirates
===can create multiples of himself.
Spore of the Inhumans (most bodies killed by Janissary)
===(Terra) Can split into Multiple Bodies; Green Skin;
TimeShadow of the Alliance of Evil
===(Mutant) summons Temporal Counterparts that exists instants ahead
in time; his 'Phase Forms'
Tusk formerly of the Dark Riders (all but one killed by fellow Dark
===can separated into 4 smaller versions of himself; Strong and
Note: another Tusk with a little purple guy has appeared, and 3
New smaller version have appeared as the Underlings;

Marvel UK:
Legion of the Special Executive
===others Selves are himself from other parts of the Timeline

Marvel Alternate Dimension/Future:
Gizer {Cable Future} (Killed by the Behemoth at the festival)

Gray Man
===he can create dozen of duplicates of himself; also limited
magical ability;
Multiplex of Suicide Squad, formerly of the 2000 Committee
(absorbed by the Parasite)
===(Rad); creates 'duploids'/duplicates after absorbing energy;
each duploid can split in two, each getting smaller;
Silent Majority of the Force of July <Cut down Kobra's gunmen>
===Create Many Duplicates of himself
Triplicate Girl/Triad/ Duo Damsel of the Legion of Super Heroes; Legion
of Substitute Heroes; Espionage Squad; husband Bouncing Boy
{pre-reboot/ 30th Cent} (one of the bodies was killed by Computo I)
===Alien; its into 3 exact physical duplicates; when one was killed
she split into 2 exact duplicates; Master of Tri-Jitsu;
Triad of the Legion of Super Heroes, Legion Espionage Squad
{post-reboot/ 30th Cent}
===Alien; its into 3 exact physical duplicates; each with a
different personality that wears a different color; Purple is
Aggressive; Orange is Sensitive; and Purple/Orange is a Balance of
the Two; Minimal Telepathy between bodies; Master of Tri-Jitsu;
Worm of the White Rabbit Gang
===can create an army of himself;

Multiple Maid of the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 I: Triplicate
Girl + Multiple Man
Myriad of the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 II: Triad I + Multiple
Multi-Master of the Challenger Haters of Evil: Multi-Man + Puppet Man

Los Hermanos

Plus of the Shadow Cabinet
Note: was originally two sisters, then brother Dharma took the place
of his sister Bina
Virus [Milestone]
===retarded crack baby, creates multiples of himself;

New Universe:
Antibody of the Paranormal Army, formerly of DP7
===(WE) Can create multiple ***, each with his own personality; they can be solid or intangible; They transfer information by touch; her can merge them in layers to become strong and to fly; (Pitt juice) permanently merged with one, now his Antibodies are small; some of them are names: Harpo, Zeppo, Chico, Groucho, Shadowman (killed someone and was rejected, joined with Ghostrider, killed by FamiLeech), Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp (crossovered over to Marvel Universe and merged with Quagmire), Shadowman II (was given to Ghost Rider when Shadowman died); and small antibody Tick; nameless ones were killed by Lava;

===(Seed) Ace; she can grow new 'twins' periodically, each slightly
different; they have Telepathic contact with each other;
Married Legion; survived Muscle's death, but lost her baby;
Military Legion, corporal in the Army; she was injured and duped up
when Muscle's died, so she didn't;
Muscles Legion, Muscular; Ripped apart by the Hunt;
Ponytail Legion, one of the first 'twins'; Lover of the Turtle; died
when Muscle's was killed;
Punk Legion, wears red leather jumpsuit and gold skull pin in nose;
died when Muscle's was killed;
Starlet Legion, Prettiest with Nicest Body, now lives the Turtle;
Yuppie Legion, lived in New York; died when Muscles died;

Multi-Man of the Impossibles
===He created many duplicates that all speaks at once
Multi-Man of the Super Globe Trotters
===could created multiple duplicates of himself;

the Tick:
Living Doll of the Decency Squad
===Within his body is smaller versions of himself; Each
Independent of each other;
Multiple Santa
===(Electricity) Creates Duplicates, but needs electricity to
create them; Dups not very bright, electricity shorts them out;

Al Bergen, the One Man Tag Team of the Unlimited Class Wrestling
===Can become at least 2 people;
Copycat's son ["Superheroes" Ace Books]
===baby boy that can make 78 duplicates of himself;
Shift [Axis Comics]
===Duplicated himself during fights


These aren't Duplicaters but just the opposite, multiple bodies that
can merge as one or are needed to activate a power;

3-D Man, twin brothers
===man wears glasses with an image of his brother on the lenses,
and they merge; Speed, Stamina, Strength of 3 men;
AC-DC of the RCX: Cherubin; Siamese Twins
===(Warpie) One is Positively Charged, the other is Negatively
Charged; they Project Electricity;
Agent Axis (killed by the Thin Man)
===the merging of 3 men; He possesses 3xSpeed, Strength and Cunning
of a normal human;
Aurora formerly of Alpha Flight, the Brotherhood + Northstar formerly
of Alpha Flight; Twins;
===(Mutant); when they touched they released a blinding light;
the powers is now gone after Aurora had herself altered;
Brother Voodoo
===(Magic); he can summon the spirit of dead brother Daniel to
double his strength or to possess others;
Claudette and Nicole, twin sisters; formerly of Generation X; Brother
Emplate; Sister M;
===(Mutant) They merged to duplicate their sister M, including her
Collective Man, also "May" be in 3Peace; Quintuplets
===(Mutant) Quintuplet that can merge into a single being; 5x human
strength, speed, agility; they can copy any skill of any Chinese
citizen; Telepathic between selves;
note: in 3Peace the "Collective Man" split into 8 people not 5
Crimson Crusader and Imp of Clan Destine, twin brother and sister
===Their power only works when they are next to each other;
he is Strong, has Anti-Grav powers and Force Fields; she Flies and
has Light/Laser powers;
Doghead, a spirit of vengeance
===(magic) a man and his dog, both dead, were merged by Blackheart;
Double Trouble of Weapon Prime, twin sisters
===Flight; Project plasma blasts; they get Stronger when near each
Fenris of the Acolytes, formerly with the Upstarts, twin brother and
sister; Children of Baron Strucker
===(Mutant) he can fires concussion rays, she projects a
disintegration rays, but only while touching;
Fusion, the Twin Terror, merged twin brothers
Gemini I of the Zodiac (killed by android Zodiac)
===Had total control of mind and body of twin brother Damian Link;
or he could add his brothers strength to himself;
Hammer and Anvil (Hammer killed by a Scourge, Anvil then died)
===(Alien device) Two men linked together to become Stronger and
Tougher, but only while linked together;
Klienstock of the Acolytes; Triples Eric (Shot by Tom Corsi), Harlan,
and Sven;
===(Mutant) the Brothers Merge to become Stronger; they are also
Fire Projectors; can they have a Force Field and they can Fly;
Mister One and Mister Two
===(Mutant) Two Bodies, one Mind; One Large and Strong, One Small
and Weak;
Penance, made of twins Claudette and Nicole, they also merged
together to form M; Sister M/ Penance; brother Emplate;
Shatterbox of the Lost Boys and Girls; twin brother and sister;
Aunt is Jean Grey/Phoenix IV;
===(Mutant) they are Telekinetic when touching each other;
(**) the Thunderiders/ Team America: Cowboy; Honcho; RU Reddy; Wolf;
===(Mutant) can combine all their skills upon one person, that
person becomes the Dark Rider;
Tzabaoth of the Delta Network, twin siblings Don and Debbie Ritter of
Thena the Eternal and Kro the Deviant
==They merge into a 4 Armed, 4 Eyes, 2 Nosed entity that is Strong
and projects Eye Beams;

Marvel 2099:
Inferno, Kragg, Zephyr all merge into the Triumviate, all escaped
from the Chop Shop
===Fire powers, Earth powers, Air powers merged into one.

Captain Triumph, merged with ghost of dead brother
===he is Strong and Tough; he could Fly and turn Invisible;
Comet II, young girl merged with Comet I
Doctor Fate I and Doctor Fate III (husband and wife)
===separately they were powerful mages, when merged together they
had greater power;
Doctor Fate II of Justice League International, Linda and Eric Strauss;
step-mother and step-son; (Eric killed by a parademon; Linda was
killed by Anti-Fate)
===Powerful Mage;
Firestorm in Extreme Justice; formerly of Justice League of America
===(Rad) was created by the fusion of two people; First Ronnie
Raymond (who was in charge) and Prof Martin Stein (who could speak
to 'Firestorm' but not control it); Firestorm is now Ronnie and
Pozhar, with Firestorm having his own personality (whose template
was Prof Stein); Ronnie and Pozhar now released from Firestorm; It
become the Fire Elemental; and Ronnie became Firestorm again;
confused, me too;
Infinity Man
===combination of the Forever People (Mark Moonrider, Beautiful
Dreamer, Big Bear, Vykin the Black and Serifan) through the use of
the Mother Box.
Mawzir (killed by Hitman with Ace of Winchesters)
===5 members of a Nazi death squad merged into one Multi-Armed
the Wursewaffer of Eurocrime (Blutwurst, Bratwurst, Knockwurst,
Leberwurst, Weiswurst)
===They become more powerful when linked together;

===3 woman merge together to form a Giantess

New Universe:
Famileech: a father, mother, son and daughter merged into one giant entity from the Pitt Juice; (killed by Paranormal C.I.A. operatives)
===they absorb others into them;

Gemini, twin brothers who can merged together, split personality

Charm with Ti Malice
===(Seed) Joker; 4 brothers and 1 sister (Quints) merged into one; 5
Bodies, 4 Heads, and 7 Legs with Many Arms and Tentacles; they sing
beautifully but simple minded;
the Oddity,
===(Seed) Joker-Ace; Three Lovers (2 males and a female) that were
merged together; Very Strong, but his/her body is always changing
and so is who is the mind in control;
Lazy Dragon/ Tienyu: Twin brother and sister that take turns 'using'
the host body;
Twisted Sisters, Siamese Twins
===(Seed) Joker-Ace; Long Hair that they control like limbs; It
Twists like smoke around them;

Zan and Jayna of the Superfriends {DC}
===their powers activate (and de-activate) when they touch; she
can change into any animal (alien included); he can change into
water or ice in any shape;

Tandem 1 and Tandem 2 of the F.R.E.E.Lancers [F.R.E.E.Lancers]
===(bad batch of inocubation virus); they can boost each others
strengths; possess a Telekinetic blast when in physical contact;

Thanks to those that helped:
Mikel Midnight <>
Nathan Chance []
