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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 25 May)
Harbinger #929691 05/25/17 01:15 PM
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Kid Quantum and Duplicate Girl had completed their four hour Monitor Board duty shift and one hour and twenty five minutes after he had taken over from them Timber Wolf was already wishing he could be anywhere else.

Other than Tyroc appearing in the middle of the gymnasium with the rest of his mission team rather unexpectedly all Brin had to do was watch screens and read mission logs until something interesting happened. Even then he wouldn't get to join in unless it was a real serious emergency, which given the size of the team these days was unlikely. It was so dull it made his teeth ache. It didn't help that he was paired up with Thirteen.

Not that Brin had anything personal against the lad from Naltor, he appeared to be handy on a mission according to the logs and hadn't used his looks to take advantage of all the young women on the base, but generally Brin had never really felt entirely settled around him. Something else else felt off but the Zuunian couldn't quite figure out what it was. It was like a small itch on his shoulder blade that he couldn't quite get to, just that half a centimetre short of reaching...

Thirteen had almost single handedly checked out the Q-drive relay on Legion World Two when they had first taken it over from the Forge Chosen. Querl had reputedly said he'd done a really good job - which had blown most of their minds, Querl complimenting someone other than Kara was a very rare beast. Thirteen must've done a great job if Brainy even deigned to acknowledge it.

Kinetix swooned after the Naltorian but he hadn't touched her, not according to the grapevine in Shakes... He hadn't made a move on any of the other girls or any of the guys either. Still... Brin didn't like his discomfort around the young man as he had only heard good things about him, Dann apparently really was just a decent guy, but the Zuunian couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right no matter how much positivity and praise he heard. Timber wolf wasn't going to deny to himself that his gut told him there was something very false about Thirteen that irked his senses, something that he couldn't put his finger on right at that moment but he knew he would eventually. He always did.

Ach, Brin thought, maybe I'm thinking too much when I know that should be left for other people on the team that are better suited to it.

"Brin..." Thirteen said, "Do you have a minute, I'd really appreciate your opinion on something."

"Yeah, what's up Dann?" Brin didn't turn around to face the junior team member, instead he stayed slouched with one leg over the arm of the chair staring at the monitor screen in front of him.

"Thanks... umm..." Thirteen took a deep breath, "Everyone says you're the most honest Legionnaire, you don't fluff things to make 'em seem better than they are y'know..."

"What is it?" Brin swivelled his chair around. He leant forward, putting his elbows on his knees.

"Well, goes... Has the this team always been so cliquey? I mean, like when Harmonia and Loutrahim were in the medi-bay, some folks were more conspicuous by their absence than others. Also, there's a lot of hierarchy that seems to be a bit.... ah... not quite direct, kind of more to do with if your face fits...."

"You mean it's who you know not what you know? Yeah, that's about right, welcome to the real world kid. This's how groups always work. Yeah, we should be 'professional' but really we ain't always gonna get along. Think about it, we're here with fifty odd meta-powered high achievers on a rock flying through space looking for a fight so you gotta expect some tensions. My advice is try to do yer best without taking it personal."

"Is that how you get through it?"

"What do you mean 'get through it', eh?" Brins tone went flat.

Dann smiled apologetically to ease the sudden tension in the room, "I mean... Is that what helps you deal with it? ...Deal with the stupid politics?"

"We're here to do a job kid, the rest is just toffee on top." With that Timber Wolf turned back to the monitor screen and said nothing more.

Timber Wolf scowled as he pretended to read the monitor data flow, he was finding it hard to concentrate as the Naltorian pretty boy had really irritated him!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion World 5 (updated 25 May)
Harbinger #929692 05/25/17 01:16 PM
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Mission: Alert from Trom, suspected meta-criminals.

Element Lad – Team Leader, Jan Arrah of Trom, elemental transmutation
Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph, telekinetic animation
Ferro - Douglas Nolan of Earth, can assume invulnerable iron isotope form

Ferro held one of the cyborgs in his arms, or what was left of the vandal anyway.

The vandal who had been part of the horrible destruction the Legionnaires could see around them had laboured breathing and his one organic eye twitched. Blood ran from his nose. He had lost his legs and right arm along with plating from across his chest. Doug had seen war wounded while on the alternate Earth ruled by the Dark Circle and this was just as awful as any battlefield sight he had experienced there. The iron skinned Legionnaire had already used his supply of antiseptic anaesthetic spray that he'd carried in his belt medi-pouch on the cyborg's wounds and worried that it wouldn't be enough. Kinetix was taking care of the other two that Jan had dealt with. This was really bad thought Doug, the press will crucify us if these guys die no matter what they had done!

"We w'ren't expecting youse bloody heroes to turn up... Media all say youse h've lost yer mojo an' we heard the spy satellites were down... We only wanted the gold... Why'd he do this to us?"

<Zoe... Zoe! This guy is slipping in and out of delirium. What do I do?>

<Hold on Doug, I'm... I dun0i, I'm gonna have to get Dr Shakespeare to help. He'll know how to fix this>

<Yeah, and he can help us stop his boyfriend if Jan decides to finish the job murdering these guys too>

Jan Arrah heard the exchange between the two junior team members but didn't turn back as he floated over the field of broken Tsarin crystals. He didn't really care, right now his primary care was ensuring the Tsarin crystals were put back in place... especially here at the training field.

The junior Legionnaires could think of him what they wanted, Jan Arrah, the sole known survivor of the Trommite race didn't care. Not here... not right now.

This dark ground on the southernmost edge of the long valley were his people had lived was were the last stand took place, where the adults had rallied to protect the children, where his family had died. His father had held up his hands as the Butchers ray blasted him into free floating atoms. His mother had been frozen in horror as she was murdered. His cousins Wir and Bedn and chubby little Donni who wasn't even two standard, and his...His sisters Simonee and l'il Adi... she had celebrated her third Name Day only two weeks before ...they had all been here.

His family had all been murdered in cold blood right here while he had escaped.

It was almost an hour later, after Element Lad had replaced the broken Tsarin crystal monuments and was sat on a rocky outcrop staring into the distance that the Legion leader saw Kent Shakespeare fly into view. It took the Trommite a second to realise who it was; he'd heard how awkwardly his partner flew but this was the first time he'd seen it and Jan's mouth moved into a small smile. He stood up as the doctor made a clumsy landing. Kent's face expressed his concern, his confusion and most of all it showed his empathy.

"Zoe requested my assistance..." Before he could say anything else Jan Arrah turned away. Silently Doctor Shakespeare held his ground for a few seconds before he stepped forward and put his arms around Element Lad. For a few seconds&#8203; the Trommite resisted before taking a deep breath and turning around to gently place his face onto his partners shoulder.

A couple of seconds later the Legion's leader put his arms around the doctor and hugged him tightly as for the first time in over sixteen long years Jan Arrah cried for everything he had lost.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion World 5 (updated 25 May)
Harbinger #929693 05/25/17 01:17 PM
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She smiled broadly as she watched the news broadcast.

She was still unused to this face even having worn it for the last year so it felt strange to do this but she continued to smile anyway. The original owner of this face had grinned like an ape often, but she had never found it had felt comfortable to stretch this face in such an uncomfortable manner. The idiot who had once had this body was long gone now so she had tried to remember some of their mannerisms to replicate when others were around that were not under her control but that was less and less necessary.

But there were moments when a smile was a natural response, like now.

When she had started on this plan she never realised how many of the fawning media actually hated the brightly clad Legionnaires; they had made her work so much easier. Raymond Luxury-Yacht and the toadies at that children's station were hers after their first meeting, the rest of the media soon capitulated afterwards with only a little push from her as they followed the trend Hotzone had started. The whispers of discontent that were rarely said were now in the mainstream and soon those voices would start to shout... The reports that were coming through from the Media were exactly what she had desired; tittle-tattle trivialising the enemy's achievements while their senior members were opened up to a barrage of abuse. The senior team would be gotten rid of soon enough then she would keep the rest of the Legion as her personal army.

Experience had taught her that she needed to get the smarter ones out of the way before she really started to visibly exercise her right of control. Well, that was in progress. Several of the one's she would have feared had left in the last year without her needing to manipulate the circumstances but a few remained to be dealt with. Harmonia have survived her first direct attack, which was a pity, but she knew the elemental was damaged after the attack. That meddling Legionnaire would be easier to deal with next time. Element Lad, Brainiac 5 and Mon El would be gotten rid of soon enough - she had set plans in motion that would unsettle them before their fall, she liked to play with her food after all... though that ugly Durlan would by next - she would personally see to that! She had already planted the crumbs in a trail that would lead him to his personal destruction, she needed only to be patient now and wait. Daggle would be the next one to fall as she could not have the teams detective around when things really started to happen, his curiosity and damned morals might be too much of a threat.

Yes, she thought, she was very happy with the way things were going. She had access to their Senior Team meetings so knew what they planned and how they believed their secret plotting could deceive her. She started to laugh. The fools didn't know that she had eyes and ears in the heart of their operations.

Another three months and she would have the Legion broken and on the run, another few after that and they would eating out of her palm again and then she would use their new base as her palace and take everything else that she needed from this universe...

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion World 5 (updated 25 May)
Harbinger #929694 05/25/17 01:24 PM
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So, that brings us up to the end of the opening arc of part 5 - coming up the team leave Sol, Chameleon Boy and the Espionage Squad make a fateful decision, Yera makes a discovery, there's trouble in paradise and Brin goes home... oh, and there is a traitor somewhere that is causing mischief.

Any comments and feedback is welcome.



Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion World 5 (started 21 May)
Harbinger #929699 05/25/17 06:19 PM
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Things are heating up! I love how quickly and professionally the Marzal team dealt with their Ty problem...and nice callout to Bounty with Dawnstar's reaction to Sade! smile

Feeling really sorry for Jan...I like the contrast between Tinya's concern for him and the new kids' concern that he came so close to murdering those guys...It makes sense that the new Legionnaires might not get how deeply being on Trom would affect Jan.

Speaking of Bounty...I thought at first she might be the traitor after reading your last post....I'm not so sure of it now as our mystery narrator seems to be a lot more calculating than I'd expect Bounty to be. My second guess is somehow one of Lu's bodies has gained independence and gone bad...I look forward to finding out more!

Re: Legion World 5 (updated 25 May)
Harbinger #929725 05/26/17 03:03 AM
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Oh my! Some amazing moments again! This is becoming quite a ride.

Great resolution to the Marzal arc. Babbage thinking of politeness protocols was cute. Dawny kicked butt, her allusion to Sade in another reality was well done. Liked Sade's cooperative attitude surprising Dawny, Dragonmage not being used to the gym. Will Troy retain his full reality warping powers? excellent resolution keeping the King Demon alive but asleep.

Trom. Your writing of Jan was well done, also Kent supporting him so well. There will be hell to pay I am sure... Great scenes with the rest too. Zoe and Doug frantically saving the cyborgs that Jan took down was well done.

Brin's interaction with Dann was great. As in any big group. there are some we just won't get along with, and it might not always be logical. I wonder how much in the mark Brin is with Dann's secret?

and your infiltrator is chilling! I am scared yet eager to see how it unfolds

Re: Legion World 5 (updated 25 May)
Harbinger #930326 05/31/17 12:56 PM
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Harbinger this first arc was really well done and i enjoyed it alot!

Sister Eclipse and Kara making the chapel was nice. I never thought about that aspect of the Legion's world much and how each of them have different philosophies when it comes to religion. Kara says most of them are "secular, not following any particular faith with any real devotion." i find that interesting because in their line of work and how hopeful they need to be in certain circumstances i wonder how many of them actually do have some sort of faith they call on they just don't say anything.
It sounds like a very nice place they've built. ( i hope Sister Eclipse isn't the traitor that's on Kara's mind.

a game of tag! i like that. Kara getting shot in the face was funny and i really liked how Mon'el is having a good time with this and laughing. I feel like he's a character we don't ever really get to see the light side of in any continuity. I loved Kara jumping Starkling! Ha! laugh

I have to agree that the Mazarl mission was handled really well. I also liked that it didn't escalate much further and the team work they displayed really was well done.
Sade and Dawnstar have a connection?
So that's how Tyroc came back to the Legion. really well done and he clearly took the Legion not to kill seriously. it's heart breaking i bet to see the people you care for not take the higher road and listen to you when you know something is wrong. his lone howl back to the legion. such good imagery.
Babbage trying to fix the Brande Tec was entertaining. him being nimble was a funny image.
Dragonmage bulking up is a good idea and now the jade dragon gives him a physical form to fight? that's amazing! I like that alot and i can't wait to see what this jade dragon can do and has in store for Xao.
That was inventive with the Demon King and Titan realizing its telepathic nature to command its fellow flying demon's. Tyroc knew there was another solution and i'm glad the Legion were able to show that to his people and allow Tyroc to regain faith in his people.
Sade is fun and i like her quips to throughout.
I'm glad Titan is getting into this mission and not letting his power down grade keep him down.

Starkling's origin was great! So it's a sentient force of nature or just an immortal being? is it the only one of its kind? I like that it is named after the person who was first able to communicate with it. Although does it have a name that it went by before Starkling? It not understanding the concept of privacy in relation to personal thoughts and not understanding its humanoid teammates makes sense. I like that all it wishes to do is share its experience and that was what brought it in contact with the U.P in the first place. Starkling's life pre-man sounds very relaxing. alot like those painting gifs that just keep changing as it moves inward on itself.
"human mind rarely shielded its thoughts, they simply issued them into the psychic ether like a plant would release its spores to the air. " - love this line. Humans not only do this with their thoughts but their emotions. heck everything these days is just put out there into the ether without much regard for the consequences and it just kind of spoke to me. (if you can't tell i really like Starkling)
subtle mind Starkling is always on surveillance. makes sense as a telepathic creature that it can't shut out everything. But its curiosity could end up being a problem especially if it picks up the wrong thoughts or not the full thought and only the stray one like with Kara and the traitor situation i could see that complicating things. I like how the colonist came to love it. it shows how good naturered Starkling is.
Starkling makes an interesting observation and its true we do strive for a "hive" or collective of sorts with many of our social systems.
Awww it misses Year!
I'm glad Starkling wants to help, i just hope its help doesn't tip off the actual traitor.

Kent and Jan are good together and their mini fight felt real. I like that Kent stands up to Jan about his possible break down and the rotation idea for the senior team and the deputy makes a lot of sense. how was this not thought of by Brainy already! tongue
The rotation idea would also help with getting members of the team who don't work together normally or who may not be the best of friends to help work on that and like Kent says help beef up the skills, and faith in the junior members.

You know i love Henry and the mysteries surrounding him and how much he still knows from his time and before the baecon was put in place and as usual you give me a great moment where i just don't know if i trust him. The egg/biological nature of his technology is really interesting.
Brainy must be really distracted to not think more of Henry's warning...

Element Lad's team on Trom was interesting to see his world after so long. I was half expecting their to be Trommite survivors but I'm glad they weren't and it gave real weight to Jan's plight about his people's finale resting place being disturbed. You make a valid point that the junior/ new members wouldn't understand. This brings it back it the team being very fractured and ties in with Brin and Thirteen's conversation. There are so many faces to this debate about the team what needs to be done to make them cohesive again.
I never realized Trom was a colonized world and I'm curious about those Alchemy War.
Gazelle and Ayla's team was well done and good for them to see a trap and then to see that it was a rush job. "You took my fun!" liked that line!
I'm wondering if these guys were sent here to provoke a specific reaction not only from Jan but maybe the other Legionnaires as well... where is the camera that's going to expose Jan???
Jan was brutal for sure. but i understand it. .. i felt like i was getting glimpses of the Progenitor with the lack of remorse until Kent showed up that is. I think that's the big difference between postboot and every other boot. Jan has someone to ground him and keep him among the living and human.

Brin and Thirteen's monitor moment is a little like Tinya and Lydda's; two people who have no real issues but there is no trust built between the two, Brin not being able to shake that feeling could be telling but could also be another red herring. But it is odd that Querl would compliment him and not have anything negative to say,,, Something else else false...could it be his powers or could it be 13's powers playing with Brin's gut as 13 alters probability, making him a living embodiment of the unknown?
Brin makes agood point that is how a lot of groups function.

Some really good stuff here and can't wait for more!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #935810 08/12/17 07:37 AM
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It had all started with a comment from one of the students at the Academy.

All full time Legionnaires were asked to give one day a month to the Academy, taking classes to give the full time tutors a chance to catch up on their paperwork and also to allow the students to meet and interact with potential future teammates. Brin Londo had left his monitor duty to take his monthly class. He had always been a popular tutor amongst the more physical students so had taken the Colossal Crew to the asteroid belt for some zero gravity combat lessons. Colossal Boy joined them, enjoying getting off Legion World One for the duration of the class, especially as the students in his crew had spent the morning being interviewed by Noah Kabbo over the suspected poisoning of a fellow student. Gim seriously doubted one of his kids was involved but had to admit he was happy once he was given their all clear. And so to much more pleasant ways to spend a day... Zero gravity combat class the Brin Londo.

Ballistix, the Zuunian synthetic capable of extreme strength and speed, was as comfortable in space as she had been in a planetary gravity so had excelled. She got top marks followed by Prescience.

Brin noted that Kid Dynamo, Yeti Boy and Dragon Lass all looked disappointed by the scores they'd been assigned, but the Zuunian Legionnaire wasn't away to pander to them as they had failed the exercise he'd set them.

Afterwards, as they took a shuttle craft back to the Academy Brin had been discussing with each student how they had done that day, especially as three of them had never been in open space before when the comment that would alter the Legions understanding of their teammate Timber Wolf was made.

"Balistix, you're on your way to be the second Zuunian Legionnaire if you continue like this. You pick up things quickly, don't you?" Timber Wolf smiled as he spoke to the synthetic student.

"I believe I would be the first true Zuunian Legionnaire. You were one of many failed experiments in the Homo Deus programme. Only a laboratory experiment subject..."

After that things kicked off with a frightening ferocity. It took Bouncing Boy squeezing between Timber Wolf and Ballistix and activating his Sphere Field to separate the Legionnaire from the synthetic student. If Prescience hadn't of pushed his student squad mate between them Bouncing Boy may never have gotten there in time to stop the Legionnaire from permanently damaging the synthetic student.

"Bloody Nass Brin, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Gim Allon quickly got in between the Legionnaire and the student. The rest of her tutor group were wide eyed and shocked by the sudden explosion of violence.

"You'd never get it Allon, not all've us grew up 'mongst the Metropolis elite." Brin said with a huff.

"Damn it Brin... We're friends, what's going on?" the tutor hissed.

"I gotta go..." Timber Wolf pushed Gim's hand off of him and turned away from the students to walk up the galley towards the control deck. "Henry, can you warp me to Zuun... Central Continent, Sector 41..." He said into his flight ring as he stomped up the walkway.

A honey and violet warp appeared before the Legionnaire and he strode through it without looking back.

Gim Allon swore under his breath. After making sure his student class were sat down and quiet he followed his former colleague up the galley way and closed the door of the control deck behind him.

"Jan... Jan we got a problem." Gim said into his flight ring. To his surprise Phantom Girl's holo popped up instead of the team leader.

"Jan's not around Gim, Kent took him off to Naltor... He needed some help. The last mission was to Trom and he's real upset, he's gone to talk to the Titan Institute's medi-paths. What's going on with you?" she smiled as she asked though only her mouth moved, her eyes still looked hard.

"Brin flipping' Londo just tried to dismantle a student then got Henry to warp him to Zuun. He's gone all Lone Wolf again."

"Okay... Okay, I'll get a team to follow him, any other info you can give?"

"I'll send you the security holo of the incident, thanks Tinya. And I hope Jan's okay..."

"Thanks Gim. I'll let you know what's going' on when we find out, 'bye." her holo vanished before he could reply. Even if Gim had not seen how tense Tinya looked the abrupt end of their conversation would have told him that his friend was not having the best of days. If Jan needed to be at the Titanian Institute on Naltor to get help then things couldn't be good for the team right now... Gim just hoped that there were only a few of the senior team that knew where Jan was as it could damage the support he would get from the junior team if they did not have faith in his capabilities as a leader.

In the Monitor Board room Phantom Girl phased through the wall and surprised Thunder and Karate Kid who currently manned the monitoring control system.

"I need a team to go to Zuun including a telepath and a tracker... We need to go now so who's available?"

Three minutes later Tinya stood in the warp control room with Backlash, Tellus, Dragonwing, M'Windaji and the Green Lantern. She shared the holo footage from the student's shuttle and asked if there were any questions.

"Brin's gone rogue... Joy." Gahaji said to no one in particular. Tinya turned towards him and glared. There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds before she spoke.

"No, he's off investigating his past. He had a tough time when he gained his abilities, his memories were tampered with and that student's flippant disregard has set him off. We're going to help him get to the bottom of this. Brin needs our help to find out the truth."

For all of her supportive words, at that precise moment Tinya Wazzo was contemplating what disciplinary measures the team could take to sort out Brin Londo's awful moodiness once and for all. As far as she was concerned he could be a bloody liability!

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #935811 08/12/17 07:38 AM
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Encyclopaedia Galactica - Following a relatively stable orbit between three stars Zuun is seen as an adventurers planet, often being referred to as a 31st century Wild West. There are no governing bodies as such though the Zuun Amegtranian Conglomerate are in full control of two of the six continents where they have established major mining refineries for the many rare elements that are found on this Rim Edge world and have the largest android making factory known within the UP. The small human population, estimated to be no more than 20,000 in total, are by necessity self-sufficient and independent, and often avoid each others company. The four other continental landmasses are covered in Fungus Forest; native organism that resemble Terrran mushrooms though on a far grander scale, often reaching 8 metres in height. Within the northern edge systems of the UP, the Ebony Mountain Range is seen as one of the top ten ranges to challenge experienced climbers wanting to test their skills against rugged terrain. The largest continent, called Smithfield by the local populace, was the site of an experimental recombinant RNA cloning and re-building programme that has resulted in herds of clone grown dinosaurs roaming the central plateau. There is a small tourist trade where both hunters and environmentalists wish to track these herds, though obviously for very different reasons. Zuun is also a planet where the majority of the hard labour is completed by humanoid androids and blue skinned synthetic drones, something that has fallen out of fashion amongst the majority of the United Planets in the last few centuries. The Legionnaire Brin Londo, known as Timber wolf, was originally from Zuun though it has been noted that he has not returned since leaving to join the Legion Academy.

Phantom Girl – Senior Team member, Tinya Wazzo of Bgtzl Dimension, intangibility
Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zunn, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius, telepathy and telekinesis
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes Dragon fire and acid
Backlash - Mrruaw M’Nau of Simballi, enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
M’Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magicks
Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar, wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

The Legionnaires stepped out of a warp into a long deserted corridor.

"Well... This is a lot more industrial than our mission logs ever reported." Tinya said to herself. "Right, M'Windaji, take point, Backlash you're with him. Lantern, can you join them please. I want you three to go get Brin. Give him whatever support he needs but don't allow him to smash the place up too much."

The Tigerram gave Phanton Girl a flat look that showed his disappointment at being partnered with M'Windaji though bounded along the hall behind the tracker. Tinya hadn't heard there was any problem between the two though was glad Backlash was professional enough to not allow the problem to disrupt their mission. There were quite a few team members lately that Tinya didn't think were as loyal as the Tigerram...

"The student mentioned something called the Homo Deus programme, let's see if we can find anything out about that to help Brin. If his childhood memories are fake it kind of makes me think of children being sold by someone to get them here... so, let's see what we can dig up, okay?"

Dragonwing looked slightly angry, which Tinya thought was quite good - if there was a child slavery ring feeding into rogue experimentation then they had every right to get angry. Anger would keep them focussed as they made their way through this strange place.

"Tellus... is there anyone nearby? We need to start asking some questions." Tinya floated on the air before the telepathic Legionnaire as she asked.

<There are a few... though only one human. I believe there are several synthetics approaching, their minds are difficult to read... Hazy.>

"They'll do..." Dragonwing said, a curl of emerald flames leaked from the edge of her mouth.

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #935812 08/12/17 07:39 AM
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Danielle Foccart sat quietly, listening to the light speed voices of the planetoid they now called Legion World Two.

The running of the station was a smooth and structured thing, something she enjoyed being aware of. There were no temperaments or impulsive reactions pr illogical emotions to ruffle the organised intelligences, only logic and clearly defined processes to guide and direct whatever actions were required.

She had not spoken to a living being all day and did not miss the human interaction. Her associate Glorith had visited her the day before with Dragonmage but no one had contacted her since. The two young women and the young man had not spoken too much while they were together. Glorith had magicked a meal for them that had tasted of chicken and home grown vegetable, much like one that Danielle's mother may have made for her family years before. They ate in silence and afterwards Glorith had dissipated the remains with a wave of her hands. Their meal was followed by a long comfortable silence until Glorith finally spoke.

"Have you spoken with your brother yet, dear Danielle?" she had said it quietly, her tone that of an apology.

"We will speak soon, I am sure. Next week perhaps..."

"You must make room in your heart for him again... There... There are paths of destiny that entwine us all, but the two of you share something even beyond that, there is a glorious thread that should not be strained so... Please my friend. Promise me you will endeavour to hear him out." Glorith said.

'He is a brave man but his heart breaks at the thought of your being at risk. Is not that love a forgivable thing?" Dragonmage had added.

Danielle had been silent, only part listening to her friends as she asked the monitoring system where Jacques was at that moment. In her mind the data flowed and she saw that he by himself in his apartment, pacing the floor... she assumed he looked unhappy though she had never been entirely sure of those social cues to emotional states that other people seemed to know so effortlesly.

... But Jacques had to realise that she could not return to Earth, the AIs here were her friends...

On Earth the voices were disparate and chaotic with so many systems and conflicting priorities and contrasting processes and poorly engaged operating matrix and there were the ongoing stupid input and flaws created by so many ignorant people...

Here brother had embarrassed her at the last full team meeting and Danielle understood why but could not quite bring herself to forgive him.

She knew the only logical route for her was to remain here on the Legion's base where she felt safe and comfortable, where no one questioned her usefulness or challenged her behaviour. Jacques may apologise but until he understood that she would not leave her home on this planetoid they would not be close again.

He may be her brother in flesh but he did not understand her like the AI community she had around her did, in fact she doubted he ever really could understand her.

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #935813 08/12/17 07:40 AM
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Legion world One, main refectory.

Kinetix, Dragonmage, Kid Quantum, Gravity Kid, Comet Queen, Monica Sade and Chameleon Girl sat around a large table enjoying a meal.

They had been reminiscing about the old Academy on Earth for half an hour, each trying to outdo the others with their anecdotes and tall tales. Tel and Grava had just finished telling about their first adventure together fighting the Taurus Gang on Phlon, which had drawn a few laughs as they explained about Hadru stealing the cruiser to get there.

"Guys..." Zoe began, "I miss the old Academy, it was so much fun. In between Lydda's drills anyway." More laughs.

"May I ask," Yera began, "If there was one lesson that you wish you had had, but didn't, what was it?"

"How poorly paid being a Legionnaire is!" Sade said with a wicked laugh.

"That the training never stops." Kinetix said, "like... never..."

"like... how the goodtimes are stellaroptic C-speed delights but the bad ones real event horizon drag-downs!" Comet Queen said.

"The truth about the interpersonal dynamics of the team... I mean....How annoying some of your team mates *coff*...Chemical Kid...*coff* might be!" Kid Quantum said with a grin.

"Hadru's alright Jaz... well, he can be anyway." Tel Vole said gently, not wanting to cause any argument but aware that Jazmin had a personal beef with their colleague that would slant her opinion negatively. "He's calmed down since joining the big team. He was a real dick when we were at the academy, always arguing with Lu and trying to throw his wealth around like any of us cared. I think Element lad supporting him when he joined the Legion proper helped."

"Yeah, I'd calm down around Jan too." Sade muttered.

"What do you mean?" Jazmin said quickly.

"Well ...he's super cool and cute in pink but there's an angry man underneath, surely you can feel that? Hey, don't look at me like that. I like the guy and all... but y'know there's something there that my instincts says to tread carefully 'round."

"Yeah... " Zoe said quietly, "...he kinda lost it when he saw those Tsarin crystals smashed on Trom last week." Kinetix lowered her eyes as she added "... he was so upset, the poor guy."

"Like starshine, the poor bleep lost like all his stellarific family and friends there, wotchu expect?" Comet Queen stood up as she spoke to the whole group.

"All those news stories recently painting him as psycho, they're really out of order..." Kid Quantum said indignantly, "When he was my mentor, sure he was tough but he was always fair. I think Jan is a really good guy, one of the best."

Yera noticed that Dragonmage, Kinetix, Gravity Kid and Sade all glanced away, indicating their disagreement. Human body language was so easy to read for a Durlan. She would speak to Gim later on about this as it appeared there may be some dissention amongst the junior team members towards their leader. That would not bode well for the future if it wasn't dealt with soon. Especially, Yera thought, as she had heard from Lu that Element Lad had big plans for the team in the near future.

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #935814 08/12/17 07:41 AM
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Phantom Girl – Senior Team member, Tinya Wazzo of Bgtzl Dimension, intangibility
Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zunn, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius, telepathy and telekinesis
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes Dragon fire and acid
Backlash - Mrruaw M’Nau of Simballi, enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
M’Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magicks
Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar, wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

The older woman in the green scrub uniform did not appear surprised to be faced by three Legionnaires.

There were five men with her though Tinya would have known they were drones just by their subservient body language, even if their skin wasn't blue and eye sockets empty.

"Are you here to retrieve your destructive comrade. I believe you will find him in the Zoo... Level Nine."

"Actually... No, we're here to investigate potential child exploitation. You know what this means?" Tinya held up her hand to show her flight ring.

"I know what you are. Whilst you do have policing rights on this world may I remind you child you do not have any rights to our data."

"My fiery ass we don't..."

"Marya, language please. Ma'am we are here to investigate apparent illegal experimentation on children that have been brought here in breach of quite a few galactic laws. Even the Khunds don't allow that sort of treatment of their young, so we can argue for a bit then my colleagues will get very angry with you and there may be a fair bit of destruction of your premises and physical bodily harm inflicted before we go any further, or you can comply." Phantom Girls tone made it obvious that she was not going to be patient.

The five drones started forward but as they assumed a protective circle around the woman in the green scrubs Phantom Girl phased through them and hovered in front of the older woman's face.

"Don't try anything stupid. I want you to take us to a data bank or we will punch every bloody face that gets in our way before we reach one ourselves." Trinya's expression was thunderous.

"Hardcore PeeGee..." Dragonwing said with a smile.

The scientist gulped visibly before nodding her head and turning around to lead them back down the corridor she came come from.

<She is planning on tricking us Phantom Girl> Tellus sent.

<Thanks Tellus, keep monitoring her and as soon as you know what she's in mind let us know>

<Of course, she is currently planning on entering the wrong security codes, though I have access to her mind so she will not be able to do so>

Phantom Girl laughed out loud, sometimes she simply loved her teammates.

M'Windaji led his teammates down half a dozen levels.

They had not encountered a soul though were aware that they must have tripped alarms as they tore through closed doors. All of them had seen that quite a few of the walls they passed were damaged, as if torn by hand - a sure sign that they were following Brin Londo's trail. After several minutes M'Windaji turned a corridor and pointed towards a tall metal door.

"I can smell Brin clearly... He is close by." Backlash said, the Tigerram's bassy voice rumbled along the corridor.

"There are seventeen sapients within the room beyond." the Green Lantern shone a light onto the door.

"Okay, so Brin's about twelve metres through there... You guys want to get the door?"

"It will be my pleasure." The Green Lantern said in her reedy voice.

The green light formed into several hands that gripped the doors before pinching them, crumpling the metal into shards with a loud crunch. Alarms erupted and lights started to flash red.

"I guess they'll know we're coming in there now..." Gahaji said as, from behind the crumpled doors a chorus of howls erupted, "...though I wonder why the alarms only sounded now?"

"Perhaps the alarm is because whomever resides within is seen as dangerous and it is to alert us about them... it will be interesting to find out, no?" Backlash replied before jumping forward into the dim lit space beyond the now crumpled doors.

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #936308 08/21/17 07:03 AM
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interesting, looks like there is more than just dissensions in the ranks. Tigerram's reaction to Gahaji - was this because of the truth of his marriage? or something else?

I wonder what the team will do about the Jan issue. and the Bein issue. interpersonal dynamics among the team indeed

I love how Tinya is so supportive of her teammates, yet at the same time objective enough to recognize the potential problems and that they must be dealt with. you are giving us a good view into the leadership that could have been during the Retroboot!

as always, more more more!

Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #936312 08/21/17 07:20 AM
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I thought I'd commented before now on these past couple of posts, sorry Harbinger! I really liked the Academy graduates musing on how their training could have been improved, and I like the dissenting opinions on Jan and even makes them feel more real when they don't have cookie cutter responses to everything. I agree with IB too, i like seeing this side of Tinya and it's a shame Paul Levitz couldn't give it to us when he had the chance.

Re: Legion World 5 (updated 8 August)
Harbinger #936604 08/27/17 05:15 AM
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Thanks again for your kind words.

I'm re-writing my Zunn story a bit as it was just too much talking and not enough punching in the face, and as you know guys Brin should always punch things in the face - there's a rule out there that definitely says that (there is now!), so there will be a delay, sorry frown

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 2 September)
Harbinger #936864 09/02/17 04:42 AM
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Legion World Two, private quarters of Thunder.

"Breaking news:

Unnamed sources within the Science Police have confirmed that the Legion of Super Heroes have announced this morning that they will be moving their new base out of Sol System at some point tomorrow evening. An announcement made by their current resident Coluan Querl Dox is said to have alledgedly included his announcing that his team will no longer answer to our, the good people of the United Planets, governing bodies. Hthe green skinned, computer brained Legionnaire's speech is also alleged to have included that the Legion was above the laws of the non-powered populace. The Trommite Legion leader, long suspected to have mental health issues after his people were wiped out in battle with Roxxas, did not deign to appear today which raises the question why he did not think the UP Council which has supported his rogue team for years deserved to hear about their cowardly move directly from him.. Klick!"

"Someone at Hot Zone clearly dislikes us." Thunder said mildly as she switched the holo off.

The time displaced daughter of Black Adam understood perfectly what was happening.

Jan needed a break after the teams recent mission on Trom but the media turned that against him. This was the third report she had seen in as many days that discredited the team leader directly, and by saying that the Trommites were wiped out in battle with Roxxs... Ridiculous! By the time Querl's speech to the United Planets was publically disclosed the damage would have been done. Hot Zone was primarily targeted at the youths of the 31st century, the part of the population that traditionally supported the Legion. By fragmenting that support base the team would find it increasingly difficult to find overall support within the general populace.

The bad news stories had spread beyond Hot Zone, though it was by far the most anti-Legion mediastream that she had seen. Three days ago there had been a report of families that had lost loved ones when the Legion had visited their home world. It hadn't once mentioned any meta-villains that were present, not once, though the report had repeatedly shown Sun Boy smiling salatiously, Brainiac 5 concentrating while working at hard light screens, Invisible Kid mysteriously vanishing and Mon El smashing through walls. There was even a report that commented on Mon El's recent mission to the outer rim where they had stopped pirates from plaguing the natives of Alpha Gendarosso-Malkoviz that didn't once mention the lives they had saved and instead referred to Dawnstar, Green Lantern and her as the Daxamite's harem... And yesterday there was a report that news had reached Hotzone saying the Legion had recently created trouble on Trom, inferring the damage done to the crystal monuments was all Element Lad's fault! After the hellish experience Jan had experienced there with his family's Tsarin crystals and home being targeted this was the final straw for Cece, it was such an obvious stitch up it had majorly irritated her. She spent the night checking media feeds and had correlated any 'evidence' they had presented with official Legion logs.

Thunder could feel her concerns increase hour by hour until she realised that there was only one thing that she could think of to resolve the situation:

It was time the Espionage Squad investigated what was really going on in the boardrooms of galactic media...

She checked on her flight ring for the whereabouts of Chameleon Boy. She had not really interacted with her Durlan colleague but knew it was past time for her to get to know him and his covert operations team to get into action. Cece took a deep breath and flew out of her quarters.

Reep Daggle was on the second from top level of Legion World Two in the bases' largest garden. At almost nineteen acres across it had been set out in zones by Harmonia as she arranged this delightful space for maximum benefit of both those who wished to relax here and the cultivating crops to benefit anyone who wished organic, freshly grown food. Cece's flight ring brought her to a long grass meadow where she found him sat on a chequered blanket with the young psychic called Otaki.

For the briefest of moments Cece worried that she was interrupting a romantic interlude.

"I'm sorry to barge in," she offered with a smile, "but could I join you Reep?"

The Durlan Legionnaire smiled coolly and nodded. She could easily read that Otaki's body language showed the young psychic felt troubled. Her Durlan teammate was impossible to read though unless he wanted it she had found; either it was because Durlans had no approximation to human unconscious body language or it was due to his iron willed control over his form. Either way, Bina Nawoti looked upset and angry while Reep Daggle appeared calm and unflustered.

"What's happened?" Cecelia Becks asked.

"What can we do to help you Cece?" Chameleon Boy replied softly.

"Reep... Bina, I'm concerned about the media's portrayal of our organisation..."

"We all are, though it's something that I believe is cyclic so perhaps..."

"Reep, historically we've only been attacked like this when there's someone behind it. Universo is still on Tarkon Galtos, the Dominators are...for once... Staying on their side of their Empires boundaries, Earth Man and his lackeys are either dead or incarcerated... There's someone out there that is gunning for us. And even if Bina's body language didn't give it away that she agrees with me I'd still know I'm right. So, my question to you is how can I help the Espionage Squad deal with this because if I'm not mistaken, until we identify and neutralise this threat things will only get worse."

Chameleon Boy smiled gently. A silence hung in the room for five long seconds before he spoke.

"Who says we haven't done anything?"

"Okay... So how can I help?"

"You can wait with us Cece... If you want? Sister Eclipse and Atom Girl are inside Media Star HQ right now, and we're waiting for them to contact us so we can get Henry to warp them out of there."

Bina gave an explosive breath out in relief as Reep spoke to their team mate. The young psychic was clearly worried by the situation and grateful they had someone to share their news with.

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 2 September)
Harbinger #936865 09/02/17 04:42 AM
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Phantom Girl – Senior Team member, Tinya Wazzo of Bgtzl Dimension, intangibility
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius, telepathy and telekinesis
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes Dragon fire and acid

Dragonwing stood in front of the green clad scientist as Phantom Girl affixed a data vampire onto the control panel before them. Tellus floated in the air just behind his fire breathing colleague. Under the Hykraian's telepathic prompting they had been led straight to this office without any trouble.

"So..." Marya Pai said, curls of enchanted flames seeped from her mouth as she spoke, "What did you mean when you said Timber Wolf was 'in the Zoo'?" The older woman looked away for a second before replying.

"Why don't you just have your psychic monster rip it from my mind?" She replied archly.

"Tha's a good idea... but why donchu tell us? If I'm happy with your answer I might ask him to be relatively gentle when he digs into your corrupt child stealing brain to check you ain't lying." Dragonwing said harshly.

The scientist looked thoroughly dejected as she stood alone before the Legionnaires; her drones had been locked into a side room leaving her unguarded.

"The Zoo... it's the holding pen for the ongoing experiments. We let some of them breed, monitoring for mutations... any that have potential we take to the laboratories to check if they match the necessary criteria for further enhancements, they are necessary for..."

"You're experimenting on kids then breeding them like lab rats?'re a sick l'il bitch aren't you?"

"Language please Marya... I've already told you once... There's no need to potty mouth when holding interrogations." Phantom Girl said lightly. She smiled pleasantly at Dragonwing as they exchanged a glance, no malice in her words.

<Tinya, Marya... there are twelve people approaching... I believe they are a security contingent> Tellus' psychic words again smoothly sank into their minds.

<Good, I'm in the perfect mood to kick someone's head> Dragonwing replied along the telepathic comm.

<Wait please... the data vampire is almost done and then we can see what it has for us. I'd rather not get into an unnecessary fight unless we really need to.> Tinya sent to her colleagues.

<Their commanding officer plans to ambush us... they are releasing an anaesthetic gas through the vents> Tellus' telepathic voice was silky smooth as he informed his teammates what he sensed was happening outside the control room.

<Our rings eco-protect function will stop any gas from affecting us, so let's wait a few seconds before we go talk to them... let 'em think they have this round.> Phantom girl sent to her colleagues. Her tone was calm, unruffled by the prospect of dealing with a security detail.

<You're quite sneaky aren't you Tinya? I like that.> Dragonwing broadcast as she smiled at her colleague.

The old woman crashed to the floor as the gas overcame her.

<Whoopsie, I should have caught her... oh well, I hope she didn't hurt herself when she fell...> Dragonwing broadcast with more than a hint of fake concern.

<The guards are away to force the door> Tellus sent.

"Get ready team, we don't need to fight our way out of this unless they give us a reason to." Phantom Girl said as she removed the data vampire from the central command console, "I'd like to talk to them and maybe get a few straight answers. That's our priority now. you hear me Marya, no punching unless they start it first."

"Killjoy." Dragonwing muttered with a smile.

The guards were not there to talk to the Legionnaires.

The door irised open and three of the corporation security team stood with their weapons raised, poised to fire. Tellus had already read their thoughts and as soon as the psychic Legionnaire saw them he telekinetically froze their weapons pressure triggers. This momentarily startled the three man long enough for Dragonwing to step forward and erupt with a blast of emerald fire which threw them backwards into their comrades. As they fell she leapt forward, head-butting a guard, smashing his nose in the process, that had got in her way. In the corridor on her left there were four more all with their guns pointed at her. Once again Tellus reached out with his prodigious mental abilities and froze their weapon's triggers. The all looked shocked. Marya Pai grinned ferociously before leaping feet first at the nearest. She wrapped her thighs around his head before twisting abruptly and throwing him into the two nearest before she cart wheeled over their prone figures to grab the last of them by the throat and slam him onto the floor.

"Stay down boys or I'll get pissed. okay?" She leant over them as she spoke, her fires leaking from her mouth as she spoke. They didn't argue.

To the right of the door four more guards had been waiting for their chance to capture the Legionnaires that they assumed would be asleep in the office. Phantom Girl passed through the wall and stood amongst them. As they reacted she punched one in the face while another tried to blast her but the energy went through her immaterial form to knock out his colleague instead. The fourth started to back away but didn't get far as Tinya quickly knocked out his two colleagues by slamming their heads together before flying down the corridor, phasing through the fleeing guard as she did. He stopped suddenly, his face a mask of terror.

The senior Legionnaire turned and floated before the shaking guard.

"You will tell us everything you know about what's going on here or you'll find out what a kidney punch feels like ...from the inside." She flung her hand out towards him and phased it into his torso, leaving it hanging there for a couple of seconds while he looked first at her face then down at his stomach where her arm went into his body and back to her face again. The guard started bubbling in fear. For a split second Tinya wondered what she was doing, terrifying this man to get her own way, before she remembered that they had potentially stumbled upon a child smuggling operation that ran experiments on their victims. With that thought her resolve hardened.

<Hey Tinya, you okay? Tellus and I've subdued this bunch... I think we may have left a couple conscious too... you need a hand?>

<No, thanks anyway... bring the scientist and leave the rest. I'm about 200 metres back up the corridor with a friendly guard, we'll get to the bottom of this place now. Thanks Marya.>

<Sure thing, we're on our way... That was fun, wasn't it?>

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 2 September)
Harbinger #936866 09/02/17 04:45 AM
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Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zunn, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Backlash - Mrruaw M’Nau of Simballi, enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
M’Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magicks
Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar, wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

"Come in Legionnaires" the voice was strong, confident, that of a man used to being in charge.

Backlash led the way, the Tigerram's tail was upright as he confidently strode into the dimly lit space, M'Windaji followed closely by while the Green Lantern floated gently just behind her teammates.

The space they entered felt huge but was dimly lit. A wall to their right had several doors on it though was hung with ivy. Ahead of them were what looked like a forest glade; rich jungle like trees hanging with vines amongst tall grasses and flowering bushes. The air was warm and humid, smelling of new life and growth. It almost felt as if the Legionnaires had stepped onto another world.

He stood before them, a Caucasian man wearing a blue vest and white trousers, his dark hair cur short. "I assume you are here for Brin, don't worry he's fine... He is meeting with the Anubai though will be with you shortly. He is fine." the man gave a salesman's smile.

"We'll decide if our friend is fine, Mr Android." Backlash's deep voice rumbled.

M'Windaji did a double-take: the android was convincingly human.

"What... Who are you?" Gahaji asked, his tone showing his disbelief at the person before them being artificial.

"My apologies for not introducing myself.... I'm here to facilitate assistance for those that have transitioned to their Deus form, I'm Karth Arn. May I ask, who are you?"

Before the Legionnaires could answer there was a roar from the darkness within the trees and TimberWolf bounded out towards them.

"What are you doing here? I didn't invite you..."

"We're your friends Brin..." Gahaji began to spek but Brin interrupted him.

"With friends like you boy..."The Zunnian Legionnaire glowered at the tracker, "I didn't ask for you to come, this isn't your business."

"We are not alone." the Green Lantern said softly, nodding her finned head towards the dark trees.

Within the twilit scrub the Legionnaires could see figures, crouched and carefully making their way towards them, consciously remaining silent as they approached. It appeared as if they were being stalked.

There were growls from within the nearest copse of trees.

"Don't startle them... Let them come to us." Brin said quietly.

As his teammates watched a dozen hunched humanoid figures crept out from the dark glade. It was obvious, even in the twilit space that these were not fully human, despite having the very basic forms - two legs, two arms, torso and head... they all walked with curved spines, their fingers almost touching the ground, while their legs looked like the back legs dogs, as thgey walkred on the balls of their feet. What was most striking was that every one of them had a head with a long muzzle, small dark eyes and large pointed ears much like that of a Doberman Pinscher.

"These are the Anubai..."

"They were named after the Egyptian god Anubis." Karth Arn interrupted.

Timber Wolf ignored the android as he carried on, "They had their genetic profiles altered to resemble the flawed data my father left behind from the experiments he ran on me... In a weird way, these are my... my siblings..." Although Brin had spoken very unemotionally Gahaji was worried that his friend was really upset. Brin was exhibiting that forced stoicism that the tracker had seen on people right before they snapped.

"How do you know this?" The Green Lantern asked.

"I told him." Karth Arn answered, "You see, my role has always been to protect the Homo Deus and Brin London is the most successful of..."

"Shut up Karth, just shut up!" The Legionnaire snapped at the android. "You don't protect, you're the friggin' jailer."

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 2 September)
Harbinger #936867 09/02/17 04:46 AM
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Legion world Two

Starkling roamed the corridors.

The composite being had no idea what it was really searching for but after considering the stray thought it had picked up from Andromeda's mind regarding a potential traitor it knew it could not remain idle. So, it had reverted to the swirling ball swarm form that it had always assumed before Yera Allon had taught it otherwise and it floated along the corridors for the last few hours allowing itself to listen into the thoughts of the many beings that it shared the planetoid with.

So far it had telepthically scanned twelve of its colleagues, mostly while conversing with them to disguise its psychic presence within their minds, though apart from Dr Kabbo who had impressive psi-shielding, so far it had found no resonance that had led it to believe there was any traitorous intentions in those it had encountered. Ahead of it Sun Boy and Lexikon were heading towards the central gymnasium. The composite being rattled down the corridor towards its teammates.

<Sun Boy, may we converse?>

"Starkling... Hey. I didn't realise you use the gym," he laughed warmly as he spoke. The Tamaranean at his side smiled broadly, ", how can I help you?"

<We were considering joining you into the gymnasium... While at the Academy there were exercises our tutors....>

"Why are you scanning me Starkling?" Lexikon interrupted the telepathic swarm being. "What are you searching for?" She ran a hand through her wealth of hair as she asked, her body language tensing as if preparing to fight, "I can feel you in my thoughts... get out of there, you are not welcome."

<Our apologies, we were hoping to find a solution to our current question. Since Yera left to join the Academy we have not had...>

"You can't lie to me Starkling, get out of my mind." Lexikon took a step towards the swarm, her fists clenching.

Sun Boy stepped in front of the golden skinned princess. "Uh... Lexi, perhaps you should go on ahead to the gymnasium, I'll deal with this." Dirk smiled but but it was clear he did not expect her to argue. She glanced towards him and shrugged before turning and striding off without a second glance.

After she had turned a corner and gone out of sight he turned back towards the swarm. "You mind telling me what the bloody hell you're doing?"

<It is not our intention to...>

"I don't care what your intentions are not Starkling, what are you doing?"

<Sun Boy... May we scan your mind? Once we have verified that which we seek we will...>

"Oh just do it already Starkie, get it over with..." he folded his arms in front of him and closed his eyes. Starkling entered the senior team members mind and quickly searched for any thoughts regarding a potential traitor and only found the same information as it had briefly felt from Andromeda.

<Sun Boy... We know of the traitor and wish to find them.> Starkling broadcast finally, <You know of their existence... We can see your memories>

"Ah... yup, and the senior team are looking into it. Your kack handed approach will alert them so stop this, please." Sun Boy gave a weak smile. "...though, how do you know? Who let slip?"

<All humans thoughts are obvious to us, those without shielding or psychic skill are immediately apparent when we are close> a silence hung between them as Sun Boy considered what he had been told.

"Okay... I'll smooth things over with Lexi. You stop this now though, if you alert them that we know and then we'll lose the chance we have. You understand?"

<Thank you Sun Boy, if we can assist please allow us to>

"Go on, get out of here Starkie, and keep this to yourself... Selves."

Sun Boy turned his back on the swirling swarm and strode towards the gym. Behind him the composite being called Starkling hung in the air and considered what it had learned from Sun Boy. Though what it wondered most was how the Tamaranean princess had been so aware of its psychic probes and why she was so angered by its actions. Even though it had been told to not get involved in the search for the potential traitor to the team Starkling knew that Lexikon was hiding something and it wanted to know what that secret was.

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 2 September)
Harbinger #936868 09/02/17 05:05 AM
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whew! so much has happened in such a few posts.

The return of Karth Arn!

Starkling's tactic was interesting, and fitting for its alien-ness.

Love how we have new members like Thunder and Starkling taking initiative, only for the senior team to already be working on it and handling it on a need to know basis

Heh, your Dragonwing is so likable. I love how passionate she is.

Re: Legion World 5 (updated 2 September)
Harbinger #937033 09/05/17 08:16 AM
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I'm really loving this arch and i'm super excited to finally find out whose behind discrediting the Legion.

I have to agree with IB, I love that the new kids are trying to figure this out too. Even though the Senior Team is on it, i'm starting to feel like things need to expand to an all hands on deck/ its just time to weed out the traitor. I also be happy to have them help some how. i love that you had two ways for them doing it. Thunder's deduction and then Starkling's invasive tracking down. i also wonder who Lexicon knew he was there and no one else but Dr. Kaboo was able to. i hope its not Lexicon as the traitor!

Timber Wolf and co on Zunn is really interesting because its a topic I've never really seen covered in Legion before. I know you've covered super human slaves and nannited slaves but child experiments and slavery/trade is an extension of that and i'm glad its being handled.
I never realized how much of a chip TW really does have and when Ballistix said what she said i was like wow. if she makes the main team she is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way....

Tinya is so much more formidable in your version that is most, especially the last series. love it and glad she's not backing down to these people.
Brin's family is interesting and i wonder if they will be able to free them from Karth Arn....

the deciension in the ranks is interesting. All the junior members i think are going to have a hard time come what may and also its interesting that they take issue with Elad and what happened but no issues with some of the questionable actions of Brainy. who lets face it isn't always on the up and up about his plans and has gone crazy. I wonder why you don't have them take issue with him but with Jan? Is it because Brainy is the brains and so they see his faults coming from a place of logic and so trust it more?

Jan's reaction to those people and his home was so well done and i'm looking forward to him coming back from Naltor better.
Can't wait for more.

Last edited by Omni; 09/05/17 08:17 AM.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion World 5 (updated 14 September)
Harbinger #937522 09/14/17 12:40 PM
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Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zunn, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Backlash - Mrruaw M’Nau of Simballi, enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
M’Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magicks
Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar, wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

The Anubai circled the Legionnaires.

They were not particularly interested by the Green Lantern, and only gave Backlash cursory attention. It was M'Windaji who elicited the most attention, and it was clearly not a positive reaction. The growled and jumped back.

<stand still kid, you're the first human they've met that hasn't attacked them, so let them get used to you. You spook 'em before their ready and they'll prob'ly gut you. Understand?> Timber Wolf sent across the telepathic comm.

<they haven't gutted you Brin...>

<they smell the Zuunium on me, you smell of distant alien worlds>

The dog faced beings snarled and yipped as they approached the tracker, glancing at Brin with sideways tilted heads as if asking for his permission. He stepped forward, putting himself between himself and the pack. The growled and hunched as if getting ready to jump. Almost too fast to see Timber Wolf slapped the large male at the front of the group knocking him flying across the floor. As he rose from the dirt the Anubai shook his head as if dazed.

The pack stepped back and lowered their head, before creeping forward and fawning towards the Legionnaire. He held out his hands and they each took turns to hold them and press their pointed muzzles into his palms.

<This is stupid Brin> Gahaji sent.

<He has established himself as pack leader without blood shed, I'd say it was rather smart> Backlash retorted.

"We must stop this violence, may I suggest..."

"I told you to shut up Arn, your whole line have kept these poor bastards subjugated long enough... time to stop breeding them ..."

"It was your fathers experiments that..."

"You know that ain't true. It wasn't his work, he was a flamin' gene-technician that got sacked and tried to go it alone. Your sort messed with my head Arn but one thing I do remember...This wasn't his work, he didn't want to take things this far, he was only really interested in the Sauropod's on Smithfield. It was my idea. I'm the one responsible."

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 14 September)
Harbinger #937523 09/14/17 12:41 PM
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Earth, Media Star infiltration by Legion Espionage Squad:

Five hours prior, Chameleon Boy had led the small team to the technicians apartment.

He had easily fooled the internal security system and gained them access. Sister Eclipse had said she was uncomfortable with this action but had entered the apartment anyway. Otaki had kept quiet as they followed the senior team member into the young woman's living space. Atom Girl was six inches tall and had sat on her psychic teammate's shoulder, the Imskian had smiled as they looked around.

"I slipped an anaesthetic into her caff earlier, she'll not give us any problems... Otaki, are you ready? Once she wakes up we need all the information you can get. Sister you need to remember this... Once you're inside Media Star House you'll need to act like her, fool everyone, until you can get us the information we need. Okay, ladies, if you are ready...?"

Chameleon Boy pressed a disc against the sleeping woman's neck and she slowly resumed consciousness.

For the next three hours Otaki used her abilities to make the young technician more pliable to their questions. They asked about her day to day routine, her workmates, her likes and dislikes... Every aspect of her working life that might help the Legionnaires as they infiltrated the galactic media to search for information.

Otaki had wondered how Chameleon Boy had found and selected the young woman they were using to get through the media centre's tight security but knew now was not the time to ask. The Espionage Squad leader kept his secrets to himself and didn't like to be divulge information unless absolutely necessary.

After the questioning had finished Sister Eclipse had possessed the technician.

After she had slipped inside the young woman's body Atom Girl had flown into her ear and shrunk even further until embedding herself into the molecules of the technician's Tympanic membrane.

<you hear me okay Sister?>

<of course... Though Reep suggested we only use the telepathic grid in an emergency>

< I know... Let me know if you need any help, I'll just be napping here if you want me>

The possessed technician's face broke into a smile.

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 14 September)
Harbinger #937524 09/14/17 12:42 PM
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Legion World Two

Tel Vole wanted to break something.

Actually, not something, more someone...and right now, specifically, that someone was Terran Science Police Resource Deputy Manager Madam Jikasi Mlann. He knew that when Jed got back from his stint on monitor duty and read the message that had just come through he would be heart broken. In short the two Science Police Officer's secondments had been revoked. They had twelve hours to say their goodbyes before they were expected to report for duty on Mars, Mons Olympos Special Forces Division, for reassignment. The Science Police were cancelling their Legion membership.

Gravity Kid knew he would have to tell his husband himself... Or at least be there when Jed found out. Being a Legionnaire had been Jed's dream since how was about ten years old and they had been living it for over half a year now and Tel had to admit they both had grown for the better because of it... Tel aknowledged that he certainly had...

Their apartment was on a lower level of Two close to the main Q-Drive array so Tel flew towards one of the grav-lifts and headed towards the mission monitor board room on level Three, at the top of their new base... their home.

Jed was on monitor duty with Monica Sade. Tel didn't really know much about her, despite being on the same team for the last nine months or so as she tended to keep herself to herself... apart from when she teased her partner Tyroc. Perhaps her pragmatism would be a benefit to them... certainly, he thought, anything that could help would be welcome, this wasn't a conversation he wanted to ever have.

It took several minutes to reach the mission monitor board control room and Tel was grateful that he hadn't bumped into anyone on the way as he was sure his face would have given away his emotional state and he wasn't in the mood to explain himself. As he approached the door Gravity Kid took a deep breath and held his head up.

Jedidiah Rikane was slouched over a desk examining hard light read-outs and didn't see his husband walk into the monitor board room. Sade looked up from her desk and smiled. Tel put a finger to his mouth and she noodeds, she un derstood and would keep quiet. He put a hand across his husbands shoulder and covered his eyes, saying: "Guess who?"

"Dirk? Is that you again? I told you I only have eyes for one man..." Power Boy was laughing as he finished speaking and he turned around, stood up and hugged his husband.

"I'll give you guys a moment... goin' to powder my nose." Sade smiled at them as she left them in peace.

"What's up Tel, you look... what is it?"

"This." without any preamble he extended his hand and gave the mental order to his flight ring to show the message that had arrived twenty minutes prior. Jed read it twice before looking back at his husband.

"No.... no, I'm not going to let them do this. This is political horse shit tel." there were tears visible in both of his eyes and he looked away to wipe them.

"We can resign our commissions, though I think we have to give three standard months notice... but will the team be able to keep us for that time? I'll do whatever you want darlin', this is our home now and I don't want to go back to that dump on Mars... or anywhere else."

"Have you told anyone else?" Power Boy asked.

"Nope... didn't think it was their business until we'd decided what to do." Gravity kid replied.

"What do you want to do Tel, what's the best path do you reckon?"

"Stay here, both of us should stay here... Whatever it takes."

"Okay... then that's what we'll do."

"So... Who do we need to speak to first?"

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Re: Legion World 5 (updated 14 September)
Harbinger #937525 09/14/17 12:44 PM
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Phantom Girl – Senior Team member, Tinya Wazzo of Bgtzl Dimension, intangibility
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius, telepathy and telekinesis
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes Dragon fire and acid

They made their way to one of the upper levels. At first the security guard had been chatting to hide his nerves and Dragonwing had been asking him about his job and any interesting things that he'd done. If Phantom Girl had not known her flame breathing colleague better she'd have assumed that Marya was making friends, but the squad leader knew that Dragonwing was getting as much information as she could. Tinya had tried to do the same with the scientist but the older woman had blanked her.

They were halfway to the upper levels when the scientist had quietened the guard by reminded him that the Legion were there for their own agenda and he should remember who paid his wages each quarter.

There were several more stray security men encountered while they were en route but they were quickly dispatched. The security guard and the scientist were both increasingly nervous as they wound their way around a long white corridor towards the CEO's office.

"Is it me or is this really quiet?" Marya Pai said her thoughts out loud.

"You're Terran, yes? Ha, I don't know how you all can live crammed in on top of yourselves like that... on Zunn we make enough room for our people." The scientist said sharply with an obvious rush of pride.

"And you conduct disgusting experiments on children... you know which place I prefer?" Dragonwing shot back. Behind them Phantom Girl smiled.

Ahead, a wide pair of double doors opened and an elderly man in a sharp steel grey suit stood waiting for the Legionnaires.

"You've illegally attacked my facility and abused my staff Legionnaires. I want you to leave now. I have contacted the Science Police and our Senator at the United Planets council directly. You will leave now or I shall personally see you in chain on a shuttle to Tarkon-Galtos." His voice was surprisingly strong.

<He's a synthezoid Tinya>

"We'll talk to the person in charge, not his synth." Phjantom Girl said dismissively.

"I am the 'person' in charge young woman, Selvon Arn Grande, Chief Executive Officer here, so keep your synthphobic comments to yourself. Unless you want to add hate-crime to your charges."

"Sir..." began the scientist, "These people... they..." The green clad scientist said.

"We know Elnor, don't worry it's all been recorded." The CEO didn't break eye contact with Phantom Girl as he replied.

"And what about your illegal experimenting? Is that all recorded?" Tinya asked.

"Any information you stole with your device won't stand up in a court. You do know that don't you?"

<Tellus, can you get anything from his thoughts?> Phantom Girl asked the teams psychic.

<No, I'm sorry... He has a psi-filter. I will keep trying though> Tellus' reply.

Dragonwing approached the man in the doorway, her strut was confident and proud.

<I think I've figured it out... Do you mind if I ask a couple of questions Tinya?> Dragonwing sent.

<If you're sure then on you go Marya, we've got your back> Phantom Girl responded.

"Your guard and I talked when we were escorting him up here and he mentioned that he's usually stationed with the tourists on smithfield... that's the big continent with the dino clones running about on it, isn't it?" Dragonwing asked though was obviously well aware of the answer. "See, my thoughts are there's no reason for your corporation to go over there. You don't officially own any land there do you and all you do is build synths and they ain't allowed there are they?" again, the man in the door gave no answer and from Marya's tone she didn't need one.

"And I wondered what tourists do there...there are a few ecologists who monitor the great herds... I saw a holo-doc on them years ago. Interesting stuff, it told a lot about that continent. But funny thing was, an' stop me of you've heard this one before, your security guy didn't call them tourists, not as such, no... he called them hunters, that's right, isn't it?"

This time the synthetic CEO gave a non-commital "Yes... Well, we sometimes supply security details to protect off world visitors... it's an alternate funding stream." as a reply.

"And from what I understand from other holo-docs... I used to be a big holo-doc buff back in the day... Well, big game hunters don't really wanna hunt the same thing every time do they? They want variety and the thrill of killing something new, isn't that right? So, my real question is this, those kids you're playing god with downstairs... are you manipulating their genetics to be the hunters next exotic prey?"

There was a long awkward silence as Phantom Girl floated along the corridor to her colleagues side.

"She asked you a question and is an authorised law enforcement operative... you can choose to answer it here or we will transport you to a science police station... of our chosing... to face questioning there. Please don't consider flight as you are officially under arrest as of this moment, and we'd hate to add resisting arrest to your charge sheet." the Bgztlr said.

"Gotcha!" Dragonwing added for good measure.

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