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Author Topic: CALLING THE ROLL of LSH #8... spoilers
Mystery Lad

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Wouldn't a simple little call for an election have settled all this?


CALLING THE ROLL is a character-by-character look at the latest issue of the 31st century team-supreme, the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES.





[Colossal Boy - Re-Imagined] COLOSSAL BOY: Fun to see Gim undercover on the slaver-ship. I liked the opening scene and wanted to know more about it. No wonder 'adults' are distrustful of the LSH if their sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and larvae are being captured and sold off as slaves.

I hope this isn't a throwaway scene, as the existence of space-slavery in the 31st century strikes me as a tad more important that a leadership squabble. Just me, maybe.

Good-natured Gim doesn't get much love among the 'little people', does he? Ultra Boy hates his manner of speech, so flash-fires his hand. The peacemaking CB of the story pages is quite different than the snarling Gim on the cover, I noticed. Karate Kid hurls Gim through the HQ's wall when Gim defends Saturn Girl, while making a nice little insight "your pal Brainy likes to sneak into our minds!"

In the double-page spread 'face-off' spread, Gim is standing outside the HQ, looking in through the hole he and KKid made, isn't he? It looks like he's climbing in, scowling and yelling. In the issue's final panel, he still looks like he's peering in through that hole. Weird.

How important is this 'sides' business, anyway? CB seems more the peacemaker than firmly in either camp, to me. Several legionnaires have a similar status, IMO. I suppose he'd land in Cosmic Boy's column. Or would that depend on which column Imra was in?

I'm more interested in the prospects of giants inhabiting Earth, frankly.

[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] ELEMENT LAD: I liked guest-artist Kevin Sharpe's Element Lad, though he forgot the facial hair in a couple of panels. Jan's role in the opening scene was impressive-- less so the touch-only 60 second rule that bears the risk of rendering Jan Ele-moot Lad.

The touch part makes sense-- except in the case of transmutation involving gases. Hmmm-- maybe EL can breathe out/blow out transformed gases as well as 'touch' them? Even that might be too much of a limitation.

I hope that Jan learns to accomplish longer, even permanent transmutes. Though it'd be fine with me if these works were *extraordinarily* difficult and took a lot out of the boy. Maybe even to the point of shorteneing his life? Then he'd make sure they were rare...

That said, this scene introduced his powers and limitations quite efficiently.

"I hate pirates." Made me chuckle, a bit. But does this line work without the context of previous Legions? What do 'newbies' (readers, not Legionnaires) think? I hope we learn about Jan and Trom (and thus Garth?) soon.

Jan's the treasurer? Surprising, somehow. Sort of a Midas allusion, in a way.

Was this before or after Triad's fact-finding 'date'? Is Cos keeping those he distrusts closer to him? Making them accountable by giving them jobs?

In any case, I hope Jan gets to solve the 'mystery of the coffers' and that we get to see him do it. I love Element Lad-as-detective. Not so much as ''indecisive pseudointellectual whose answer to everything is the oh-so-helpful 'change is a constant'." Which means Jan doesn't do what Cos wants Jan to do. Poor baby Cos.

Again, Jan and Tinya are shown spending time together in their 'free hours', though he must've just walked in. Hmmm-- maybe his pseudointellectual pursuits keep Jan from noticing the unfortuante side-effects of Tinya's dual-dimensional existence.

I would've liked to have seen the dialogue leading up to Jan's and Dirk's face-off... it would appear that Jan's counted in Brainy's camp, though how firm a standing that is, I'm not so sure. He could just be reacting to Rokk's stinging criticism of him in what is basically a big ol' teen-age pile-on and not the civil war of the Legion that we might've been led to expect. Meaning-- emotions expressed in this issue might not indicate deeper positions of loyalty or objectivity.

I wonder if there's any significance to the fact that Gim and Jan are undercover as the issue opens? If this pile-on extends to actual long-lasting 'side-taking', might Gim and/or Jan change sides from those they appear to adhere to in this issue? There's no solidity to eithers' current stance, IMO.

ULTRA BOY: Teen-age temper personified, here. I have a feeling he'll regret what he said to CB (Gim) and even to CB (Rokk). I much prefer 'clever Jo' to this guy. Maybe he needs to switch some of that ultra-energy to his brain, for awhile. (Seriously, has he ever done that?)

[Cosmic Boy - Re-Imagined] COSMIC BOY: Is there any possibility that this is all an elaborate ruse designed to smoke out a traitor or to fool an ever-lurking Lemnos? Should CB adopt the new code-name, Rokkiavelli? He's contemptuous of his 'apologist', Star Boy. His meltdown in front of Sun Boy (and the rest of LSH- though he didn't know that... or did he?) is either calculated to get Dirk to stay (which he does), or is a melodramatic revelation of a leader-on-the-edge.

The emotions betwen Cos and Brainy seem real enough... I just have a hard time buying into them.

I found it interesting that Cos was surprised that Ultra Boy would side with Brainy.

That moment when Cos magnetized the flight rings was a bravura one-- rendered anticlimactic by his speech, delivered with a tired-looking facial expression. "Fine. Great. Do whatever the hell you want. I'm not your mother. Those of you who want to be in Brainy's Legion, be my guest. The rest of you are welcome to follow me."

If I were a Legionnaire, I'd want a third option.

Even in the 21st century, we have this quaint little process called-- now, what was it? Oh, yes. An election.

The only genuine thing I'm sure of in this issue concerning Cosmic Boy is his surprise about Braal.

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] BRAINIAC 5: Was the wreckage in his lab a result of a temper tantrum, or something colder? Between last issue and this one, Brainy's giving his tantrum muscles a workout, isn't he?

Whether it was staged or not, the 'total communication' gambit was inspired. That 'tak' sound of Brainy's finger hitting a key on a keyboard (how 20th century...) is akin to the 'whoosh' of a superspeedster.

If the rivalry is real and runs as deep as it seems to, at least Brainy doesn't appear to be getting any enjoyment out of it.

"Stop viewing it as betrayal that not all of us think like you. Believe it or not, I want us to be a team. But I also want to save millions of lives. And if that divides us-- well, better that some of us succeed following me than all of us fail following you. You did your best. But I've always know you could get the Legion only so far. I'm sorry."

I guess the division is real. But there's something else going on beneath... I'm almost sure of it.

[Sun Boy - Re-Imagined] SUN BOY: "I deserve a chance to figure out my own identity begore whatever's coming down on us gets too involved and too complicated. So I quit."

Until he hears the words from Cosmic Boy's lips that he's been dying to hear, that is. "I could count on you."

Dirk'll never get away now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Again, I wonder what led up to the face-off between the red-and-yellow-wearing blond twins?

I thought there'd be a bit more the 'quitting Legionnaire' thing. Though I'm glad Sun Boy's going to be sticking around (apparently), we didn't learn anything about Dirk that we didn't know before, except that, by inference, he'd felt left out and unappreciated by Cosmic Boy. Even as, especially as, 'his' field leader.

INVISIBLE KID: Invisibly watching someone in particular? Who? Or just had the sense to hide till the stormclouds pass? With the absent Chameleon, off being 'poisonously bitter'? Where did *that* come from? Code-worded message? Or preview of coming attractions?

TRIPLICATE GIRL: A Karate Kid/ Tri-Girl duel would've been worth a page or two, I'd have thought. Also, what does she think of Cos now? Apparently, she's still loyal. But why?

LIGHT LASS: I like that she defended Star Boy to Cos. She'd be the perfect POV character to tell this 'civil rift' story through, because she has no position whatsoever. I couldn't even really guess which side she'd choose- especially since we don't know if she's Garth's sister or not.

The 'sweety-honey' ran a bit thick in the Projectra scene. The girl did just go through-- well, trauma doesn't begin to cover it, does it? The implications that Jeckie and LL are friendly, but not overly so, are interesting.

STAR BOY: The 'apologist' sees the deficiencies in his 'senior' teammates behavior... but is discounted by both. I wonder if he realizes that?

LIGHTNING LAD: Wouldn't Garth's concluding remarks to Lon Norg have been more useful if made earlier? If this trio's mission really was to prove Lemnos' threat to the SPs, that is.

Garth's defense of Rokk was no surprise. We need to see this friendship in action and dialogue, not just referenced.

SATURN GIRL: So all the Legionnaires are proof against Lemnos' memory-manipulation now? Is that why we're only just now seeing them all together at this time? Has that been a constant presence in their interactions, keeping them relatively isolate until now? Is it also the background to the Brainy/Cos feud?

This is a differently scrupled Saturn Girl than previous versions. It'll take some getting used to. Her screening of the other Legionnaires shows that they trust her, though.

DREAM GIRL: I think her speech to Lon Norg helps confirm that the 'I forgot' dialogue concerning Lemnos in a previous issue *was* the result of his memory-tampering. At least I hope so.

In the pile-up, it at first looks like she's facing off against Colossal Boy, but I'm not so sure. She instead seems to, sensibly, be rising above it all. Why Gim should be snarling at *her* is a mystery. It'd make more sense if his rage was directed at KKid or Ultra Boy. Or were Brainy and/or Cos in his line of sight?

PRINCESS PROJECTRA: Aside from her 'puddle of tears' (that Cos has a way with words, doesn't he?), it seems possible that her quarters *had* been 'illusorily enhanced'. Seeing her in the veil made me think of VEILMIST, at first. Could she have gained the ability to 'project' herself and others through space and time?

Of course, then I remembered Sensor Girl and how much more apt that sort of power-up would be. We'll soon find out if the solicits are right.

PHANTOM GIRL: --disappears after the scene where Cos rokk-ets through the HQ to confront Brainy. Hmmmm. Might she have joined Lyle and Cham?

[Shadow Lass - Re-Imagined] SHADOW LASS: She's back to the grayish skin-- ugh. Loved her confrontation with Star Boy. She arrives at the most interesting conclusions, doesn't she? "That's why Cosmic Boy recruited you. To be his apologist." Maybe she *did* parse out that Sun Boy was quitting all on her own. Jan should enlist her to solve the 'mystery of the coffers'.

And "Too bad you can't see what's in front of your face" is a perfect line for Shady to deliver... from behind someone.

[Karate Kid - Re-Imagined] KARATE KID: His brief scene packed an outsized punch. I like that he was protective of recent pupil, Ultra Boy. And that he resented Saturn Girl' 'walking around inside his head'. Must've made the Lemnos-screening uncomfortable for him.

Enought to determine his 'side'? Not so sure.

GORMOX AND CAPTAIN PHIYAR OF VENARDIA: I like the looks of Gormox-- maybe he'll show up again someday. I thought Phiyr was Otto Orion for a minute. Really, slavery-in-the-31st Century deserves some more attention.

Was that a Somathurii in the slave-ship?!

SUMMING UP: Whew! Been awhile since almost every Legionnaire was represented. That inclusion's a good thing. The company's onstage... stepping towards their 'marks'. What lies in the wings? Where is all the adolescent sturm und drang leading? Will the factions meld? Or is Brainy's Legion and Cosmic Boy's Legion a reality the 31st century will have to face for the foreseeable (to all but Nura) future?

Sometimes I wonder if this is the reality/timeline referred to in SUPERBOY 117 (archive 3) fleshed out.

From: Knoxville, TN | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

Wouldn't a simple little call for an election have settled all this?


CALLING THE ROLL is a character-by-character look at the latest issue of the 31st century team-supreme, the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES.





[Colossal Boy - Re-Imagined] COLOSSAL BOY:

I'm more interested in the prospects of giants inhabiting Earth, frankly.

I'm also interested in this. Have his people always been in hiding on Earth or moved there (en masse or in smaller groupings) at a later time.

[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] ELEMENT LAD:

The touch part makes sense-- except in the case of transmutation involving gases. Hmmm-- maybe EL can breathe out/blow out transformed gases as well as 'touch' them? Even that might be too much of a limitation.

I hope that Jan learns to accomplish longer, even permanent transmutes. Though it'd be fine with me if these works were *extraordinarily* difficult and took a lot out of the boy. Maybe even to the point of shorteneing his life? Then he'd make sure they were rare...

I actually don't like the idea of the transformations reverting after one minute, and not because it limits E-Lad. It just doesn't make much sense to me. Why would the atomic structure of an object suddenly rearrange itself after one minute? Maybe the transmutation is the equivalent of pulling the atoms into place with a rubberband. After a minute, the rubberband snaps and things go back to the original position. I'd like to see more about the nature of his powers.

I do like the necessity of touch, though, because I think that's a nice limit.

In any case, I hope Jan gets to solve the 'mystery of the coffers' and that we get to see him do it. I love Element Lad-as-detective.

It would certainly be a nice nod to the Levitz era.

Again, Jan and Tinya are shown spending time together in their 'free hours', though he must've just walked in. Hmmm-- maybe his pseudointellectual pursuits keep Jan from noticing the unfortuante side-effects of Tinya's dual-dimensional existence.
I was thinking the opposite. He understands that PG 'changes' based on her focus. Rather than get upset about it, he accepts it.

ULTRA BOY: Teen-age temper personified, here. I have a feeling he'll regret what he said to CB (Gim) and even to CB (Rokk). I much prefer 'clever Jo' to this guy. Maybe he needs to switch some of that ultra-energy to his brain, for awhile. (Seriously, has he ever done that?)
I don't think he's ever done so, but I can't think of a reason why not. Of course, that gives us another reason why Jo was admitted to the preboot Legion since he lacked the super-intelligence of the Kryptonians and Daxamites.


From: Newburgh, NY | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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regarding the line, "I hate pirates.", I thought that was just an allusion to his past in this reboot. I was not aware that it was a nod to previous incarnations. was Element Lad kidnapped by pirates in another reboot?

good point about the space slavery. where's the UP and/or SP to deal with this sort of thing?

From: chicago, IL | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Honoring the Primary Color Gang

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What he said. ^

What does the pirate thingy mean??

Abin: You know what to do with a Cali sandwich? No but neither do Cobie and CJ!
CJ: Yeah, we do. She's smiling, isn't she?

Context... who needs it?

From: Sunny Cali-- er, Planet Earth? | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Thriftshop Debutante
Terrifyingly On-Topic.

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In previous versions, Jan was the sole survivor of pirate attacks on Trom.
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I'd rather not be

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Only in the first version, really. Daxamites destroyed Trom in the reboot.
From: Columbus, Ohio | Registered: Jan 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by SiliconDream:
Only in the first version, really. Daxamites destroyed Trom in the reboot.

Right, but the second destruction of Trom was engineered by Roxxas, the leader of the Daxamite xenophobes, a reimagined version of Roxxas the Pirate.

What goes around, comes around, especially space pirates.

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

ULTRA BOY: Teen-age temper personified, here. I have a feeling he'll regret what he said to CB (Gim) and even to CB (Rokk). I much prefer 'clever Jo' to this guy. Maybe he needs to switch some of that ultra-energy to his brain, for awhile. (Seriously, has he ever done that?)

I so agree with this. Jo is acting way too out of hand, I think.

I agree RE: Sun Boy; I think he'll be sticking around with Cos' group for a while now. And yeah, poor Star Boy seems to get underestimated a lot.

Loss: How does the galaxy cope w/o the Postboot Legion?

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ELEMENT LAD: Jan's role in the opening scene was impressive.

Yeah, swell fireworks, and a very dramatic-looking power signature. Well done.

I hope that Jan learns to accomplish longer, even permanent transmutes. Though it'd be fine with me if these works were *extraordinarily* difficult and took a lot out of the boy. Maybe even to the point of shorteneing his life? Then he'd make sure they were rare...

A Kid Psycho type vulnerability is an intriguing idea, but I'm not sure I want Jan depicted as a victim of his own powers ... again. I do believe he'll eventually overcome his current limitations (one or both), but that's not something I necessarily look forward to. I don't trust any writer, Waid included, to look beyond the monster he once became if his full powers are ever unleashed. Micro Lad's remark, "You are not a nice man" was reminder enough of that episode. I'd just as soon leave the blocks in place for as long as possible. Jan performed supremely well in this issue despite them.

I hope we learn about Jan and Trom (and thus Garth?) soon.

(Groan} Don't get me started. Whatever hoax the creators have in mind, I hope they dispose of it once and for all in the next issue. These two characters should have NOTHING to do with each other ever again. I don't even want them making eye contact.

In any case, I hope Jan gets to solve the 'mystery of the coffers' and that we get to see him do it. I love Element Lad-as-detective.

Then he might have to detect himself. It's quite possible that Jan, as Legion treasurer, accepted the money from Lemnos's own hands and was then made to forget about the whole transaction. He's smart enough to consider that possibility sooner or later.

... it would appear that Jan's counted in Brainy's camp, though how firm a standing that is, I'm not so sure.

Jan sees his sacred duty as being at the nexus of great change, so I believe he's very firmly in Brainy's camp philosophically (Cos represents the status quo), even if he doesn't care a whit for Realpolitik. Not to mention the fact that Cos's insult must have cut him to the core. He'll be even more disappointed in Cos when he learns of Luornu's spy mission, if he doesn't already know.

COSMIC BOY: Is there any possibility that this is all an elaborate ruse designed to smoke out a traitor or to fool an ever-lurking Lemnos?

I suspect that would fall under the "not retelling old stories" sanction. Too reminiscent of Cos's secret ruse against President Chu. It's genuine internecine warfare, imo, and the only hidden agenda is Brainy's ambition to overthrow the U.P. When Terror Firma attacks, the divided Legion will be at a terrible disadvantage until they find a way to work together again as a coherent fighting unit. That's where it's going, I think.

BRAINIAC 5: If the rivalry is real and runs as deep as it seems to, at least Brainy doesn't appear to be getting any enjoyment out of it.

Brainy's way too smart to waste his energies hating Cos. Besides, he prefers his revenge served cold.

My favorite scene was Brainy glaring at Cos on the other side of the force field, as Cos pounded desperately on the "door". Brainy was in complete control of the situation at that moment, while Cos was practically helpless. It was such a turnaround, I had to laugh.

SUN BOY: Dirk'll never get away now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

LOL! I hope it's true. I'm finally beginning to WARM up to 3boot Dirk.

Again, I wonder what led up to the face-off between the red-and-yellow-wearing blond twins?

Is Dirk a psuedo-Winathian/Trommite, too??

LIGHT LASS: The implications that Jeckie and LL are friendly, but not overly so, are interesting.

I wonder if they've compared notes about Brin. <Ahem>

LIGHTNING LAD: Wouldn't Garth's concluding remarks to Lon Norg have been more useful if made earlier.

It wouldn't have had the same dramatic effect. He HAD to zap someone first. It's in his contract.

Garth's defense of Rokk was no surprise. We need to see this friendship in action and dialogue, not just referenced.

Garth hasn't been tight with Cos for eons (and there weren't close friends originally) so while his support of his fellow founder is understandable, I hope they don't overdo the buddy bit. To me, Garth and Dirk always seemed more natural friends than Garth and Cos.

As an aside, I find it a kinda strange that Cos would appoint Sun Boy as his second-in-command, when he doesn't completely trust the guy, while Lightning Lad is already a member of his inner circle. Garth's performance in issue #5 makes it hard to believe that Dirk is that much more qualified to be field leader. What gives, I wonder?

SATURN GIRL: This is a differently scrupled Saturn Girl than previous versions. It'll take some getting used to.

Her scruples, such as they were, were easily cast aside when it suited her purposes, so I don't see this version of Imra as as any less principled ... so far. I agree with Micro Lad. As long as "she cops to it", I can tolerate her. But as soon as she starts lying and deceiving for whatever noble purpose she happens to dream up, she's back on my S-list.

KARATE KID: ... he resented Saturn Girl's 'walking around inside Ultra Boy's head'.

"He's not your PUPPET!", Karate Kid yells at Imra. Perfect irony, since Jo once WAS her puppet ... sort of. LOL!

KK is the third character (after Brin and Garth) to admonish Saturn Girl about her mental invasions. I get the feeling Imra is headed for trouble, but I'm liking KK more and more.

PRINCESS PROJECTRA: Of course, then I remembered Sensor Girl and how much more apt that sort of power-up would be. We'll soon find out if the solicits are right.

Almost everyone expects PP to kick some serious Lemnos butt. I don't think Waid and Kitson will disappoint us. They wouldn't dare!


Fleas, fleas. Jan hates space-pirates but I love 'em! Graemlins are needed.

SUMMING UP: Sometimes I wonder if this is the reality/timeline referred to in SUPERBOY 117 (archive 3) fleshed out.

I'm thinking of the even darker reality depicted in LSH v.2 #300, when Blok got so fed up with his quarreling teammates he blew them all to smithereens. Where's Blok now when we really need him?

[ August 01, 2005, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Tamper Lad
With the Scarlett Faction

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Originally posted by Tromium:

As an aside, I find it a kinda strange that Cos would appoint Sun Boy as his second-in-command, when he doesn't completely trust the guy, while Lightning Lad is already a member of his inner circle. Garth's performance in issue #5 makes it hard to believe that Dirk is that much more qualified to be field leader. What gives, I wonder?

The appointment is totally logical, Cos must love Machiavelli. Cos knows Dirk to have ambitions. As long as Dirk has a position he owes to Cos he is restricted in his ability to act. Conversely, Garth has no ambitions so Cos doesn't need to give him a job.

Well aside from watching Imra, keeping her busy and in line. The way she's used her powers, if Saturn girl believed something was necessary (ie new leadership) she would make it happen. That's likely the job Cos has given to Garth.

From: Canada | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
The appointment is totally logical, Cos must love Machiavelli. Cos knows Dirk to have ambitions. As long as Dirk has a position he owes to Cos he is restricted in his ability to act. Conversely, Garth has no ambitions so Cos doesn't need to give him a job.

Well aside from watching Imra, keeping her busy and in line. The way she's used her powers, if Saturn girl believed something was necessary (ie new leadership) she would make it happen. That's likely the job Cos has given to Garth.

Okay, I can see the Machiavellian logic of Sun Boy's appointment, but I hope you're wrong about Garth being responsible for keeping Imra in line. He's much too attached to her to be successful in that role, and when he's tried to deflect her in the past, it resulted in him getting killed (twice). Not a good job for him, from that perspective. [Frown]
From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mediocre Boy

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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
...Sometimes I wonder if this is the reality/timeline referred to in SUPERBOY 117 (archive 3) fleshed out.

Alternate realities always intrigue me, Mystery Lad--especially where the Legion is concerned. Could you please say a little more about Superboy's reference from Superboy issue number 117? Thanks. [Smile]

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so the meek[s] shall inherit inherit the Earth, but what about the geeks? I still want Baffin Island--polar bears and all! :)

From: Brampton, Canada | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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In that story, Superboy is thrown into an alternate reality where Smallville is spelled Smallvile. In this reality, Ultra Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Elelment Lad, & Invisible Kid are villains rather than heroes.

Our Superboy helps that realities' Superboy capture them and protect his secret identity before taking them back into their future and into the custody of the Science Police before going back into time and into his own Smallville reality.

[ August 01, 2005, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]

From: San Diego, CA | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Tamper Lad
With the Scarlett Faction

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Originally posted by Tromium:
Okay, I can see the Machiavellian logic of Sun Boy's appointment, but I hope you're wrong about Garth being responsible for keeping Imra in line. He's much too attached to her to be successful in that role, and when he's tried to deflect her in the past, it resulted in him getting killed (twice). Not a good job for him, from that perspective. [Frown]

That would depend on what Imra's relationship with Cos is like. From her speech with Brin, she came across as pragmatic but very much in touch with the ideals of the Legion movement. Unlike Cos who comes across as a cynic.

Machiavellian partnerships are temporary but the most fleeting of all is the triumvirate. The two inferior members inevitably gang up on the leader. Cos' courting of Dirk and Lu (could there be something between them? she's no dummy yet she's being used horribly) could also be seen as Rokk trying to move beyond founding threesome and broaden his power alliances.

From: Canada | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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The main problem I have with Jan is his costume. First of all, it's ugly and the color combination is identical to Sun Boy's.

Second, the gloves. How is he supposed to touch anything with gloves on? And why don't the gloves transmute when he uses his powers? Or are they just "illusion gloves" created by his flight ring? I hope not. That'd be so lame, but nothing else makes sense.

Buy my new graphic novel!

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