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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Pick your favorite of the new recruits!
Posted by MLLASH's *glare* on :
As i have only read issues 1-2 I probably should have abstained, but I am 99% sure my answer would be the same even after I read the rest of the issues.
Posted by MLLASH's *glare* on :
*pre-emptively glares at all Harmonia Li voters* [Smile]
Posted by Blacula on :
I haven't read any of the nuDC Legion issues so my vote is based only on my pre-52 exposure. And it's a vote based purely on their visual too; in particular their intricately designed plastic jacket. Must be hell to draw but it's beautiful to look at.

I actually don't particularly like any of the new Legionnaires at all. But if I had to rank them it would be as follows:

Chemical Kid
Comet Queen
Harmonia Li
Posted by Power Boy on :
HAHAHAHA I think Comet Queen winning in the polls says it all.

When Comet Queen is more popular than you, you have problems ...

Originally posted by MLLASH's *glare*:
As i have only read issues 1-2 I probably should have abstained, but I am 99% sure my answer would be the same even after I read the rest of the issues.

I haven't even read those!
Posted by Future on :
I actually like Dragonwing. Initially I just liked her visual, but I do like her spirit and powerset.

Surprisingly, her time as a Legionnaire is making me like Comet Queen more. Her second round in the Academy didn't charm me much, but there's something about her mixing it up with the Legionnaires proper that works better for me.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Comet Queen and Fire-Breather Lass are defs my faves!
Posted by matter-eater man on :
I'm liking them all but Chemical Kid got my vote.
Posted by EmeraldEmperor on :
I voted for Chemical Kid.

And in order of preference at this point after him:

Comet Queen
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Future: I actually like Dragonwing. Initially I just liked her visual, but I do like her spirit and powerset.
Same here. I like her visual and I like her attitude. I don't think she's necessarily the best *Legionnaire* candidate, but she's definitely the most interesting of the five.

Chemical Kid is next up, then Comet Queen, who, unfortunately, I like even *less* now that we've seen that her origin is the same as Night Girl (infatuated with a Legionnaire, made herself super-powered in an attempt to be a stalker).

Glorith and Harmonia Li are my least favorites, both in personality and powers.
Posted by Jerry on :
Chemical Kid for me too. It's rare that legacy characters are done well. Probably the strongest argument for Chemical King's early demise was that his powers appeared limited and complicated. It's cool that Levitz would want to revisit this power set. Chemical Kid has a personality that's different enough that he is his own person.

From there:

2) Comet Queen - She's just fun. The Legion needs that levity.

3) Dragonwing -Visually appealing with an attitude, but still learning. Some good story potential.

4) Harmonia - More mature than the rest. I'm anxious to learn more of her story. The concept of a hero out of time also has potential.

5) Glorith - I'm having trouble warming up to her. Possibly because Paul is holding back too much. We really need to learn more about her, and need to get some kind of explanation regarding how she relates to the villain Glorith. There's an elephant in the room. Address it already, or I'm going have a hard time committing to this character.

[ March 22, 2012, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: Jerry ]
Posted by KryptonKid on :
I hated Harmonia until the latest issue. Finally (!) seeing in action, in uniform, and acting like a Legionnaire did it for me. She's my new fav!

[Girls wanting Legion autographs]
Posted by Candlelight on :
I like Glorith, I'm afraid.
I like her look and her potential.
I also like the mystery surrounding her; her past, her connection to Mysa, Blok and Harak, and the ones that claim her - which makes her future scary.
Her costume has changed to mostly lavendar, like the Gloith of old and her hair could go white at any event or moment.

I like Comet Queen next, then Dragonwing.
Harmonia and Chemical Kid are last.
The last three have things about them that I like, powerset or looks, but I don't really 'like' them much.

[ March 23, 2012, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Candlelight ]
Posted by razsolo on :
It was always gonna be Comet Queen for me....she is the kind of character that really exemplifies the Legion spirit - her powers are more kooky than straight-up damaging and she's all heart. [Smile]

Of the others, Chemical Kid/Dragonwing share the next spot, then Harmonia, then Glorith. Harmonia and Glorith are a looong way away from being anywhere near the others though [Razz]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by razsolo: It was always gonna be Comet Queen for me....she is the kind of character that really exemplifies the Legion spirit - her powers are more kooky than straight-up damaging and she's all heart. [Smile]
Comet Queen, if she's really able to travel at light speed through outer space, is kinda/sorta the new Dawnstar of the team. Replace tracking powers with 'make clouds of choking smoke,' and she's got her own unique thing, as well.
Posted by Candlelight on :
They can't really travel at light speed, can they?
Not only would time stop for them, but it would take forever to get anywhere but short distances.
Since they're both mostly space travelers, it just wouldn't work.

I've always felt that Dawny, and the other space fast Legionnaires, somehow created a dimensional warp or black hole wrinkle or something, around themselves.
Which is pretty unique, of course, and if they can do it, so could CQ.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Candlelight: They can't really travel at light speed, can they?
They kinda have to be able to, since Mon, Jo, Dawny and Drake have been shown traveling faster than the cruisers can keep up (and the cruisers can break lightspeed, presumably by doing some hyperspace thing to get around pesky science).

Traveling at lightspeed (or faster), without some sort of time dilation or mass approaching infinity or whatever, is one of those things that a sci-fi setting with people traveling in their lifetimes to hundreds of different worlds kinda requires.

Narratively, it's a necessity for the Legion (and non-Legion residents of the UP) to be able to get around at trans-light speeds, so if they want to wave their hands around and say 'wormholes' or 'hyperdrive' or 'space-time warping bubble of altered reality' or whatever, I'm comfortable with that.

They seem to have faster-than-light communications *built into their rings* as well, which, well, is that 30th century 'might as well be magic' sort of technology.

Sun Boy being able to shoot fire in outer space still pisses me off 'though, since that's just crazy impossible! Heat doesn't propogate across a vacuum! Burnination doesn't happen without stuffs to burninate! Argh! <shakes fist in impotent nerdrage> [Smile]
Posted by Candlelight on :
Sun Boy's heat must be drawn from another dimension, from a star or something.
The sun's heat does travel in a form of energy wave, doesn't it?
Our sun certainly heats our planet, doesn't it?

And, traveling at lightspeed doesn't get you anywhere fast in space type distances. The closest star to Earth is 5 light years away.
And nothing travels faster than light, does it?
I know in the old days of comics, Supes and the Flash could and Dawnstar especially, although she couldn't effect time the way the other two could.
But, science has caught up with comics now and they need to come up with a scientific way to deal with their flight, even if it's just pseudo science.
Posted by gone on :

[ March 29, 2012, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: gone ]
Posted by gone on :

[ March 29, 2012, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: gone ]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Candlelight:
Sun Boy's heat must be drawn from another dimension, from a star or something.
The sun's heat does travel in a form of energy wave, doesn't it?
Our sun certainly heats our planet, doesn't it?

The heat doesn't travel through space to warm the earth. If it did, it would be hotter way up in the mountains, because they are closer to the sun. (Something I wondered about when I was a kid!)

*Light* travels from the sun to the earth, and wherever it hits, creates heat. The darker the surface (albedo) the more heat, so it's cooler in the arctic, where less light is hitting, thanks to the white snow bouncing so much of the visible light back, and lowering the amount of heat generated by sunlight (the same process explains why you get hotter in the summer if you wear a black shirt).

Sun Boy can generate light, and, using vast amounts of light, heat up things in space, but he couldn't generate flame, because flame is the chemical process of stuff burning, and there's nothing to burn in space, and he couldn't shoot 'heat' in space, because heat is just agitated molecules, and, again, vacuum doesn't have molecules to agitate.

I'm not sure, but I don't think lightning can exist in space, either. Certainly not sound. And yet Lightning Lad and Tyroc have both been seen using their powers in vacuum.

Heck, Saturn Queen even managed to set up a little campfire in a vacuum!

And, traveling at lightspeed doesn't get you anywhere fast in space type distances. The closest star to Earth is 5 light years away.
And nothing travels faster than light, does it?
I know in the old days of comics, Supes and the Flash could and Dawnstar especially, although she couldn't effect time the way the other two could.

Hence my assertion that they have to be able to travel faster than light.
Posted by Nam'Lor on :
Vote for Nam'Lor.
Posted by LegionFan223 on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's *glare*:
As i have only read issues 1-2 I probably should have abstained, but I am 99% sure my answer would be the same even after I read the rest of the issues.

Posted by Candlelight on :
Well, last time I looked, our science says that nothing can travel faster than light, so Dawnstar and etc., can't do it.
If DC wants to do it, they have to make something up to explain it, imo.
Time is affected by speed until it reaches 0.
If Dawny and the others were even traveling at lightspeed, everything would be frozen for them, timewise, thoughtwise, imo.
Ah, physics.

And the sun hurls great arcs of flaming plasma from it's surface. It may be something connected to gravity but it's outside or above any atmosphere that the sun has.
I don't think that Dirk generates the flame he uses, he has to be drawing it from somewhere, so perhaps he draws the oxygen with it.

Anyway, go Glorith!
Posted by MLLASH's *glare* on :
Okay, there's 6 of you (so far) who need to line up for a good, old-fashioned glare-ing.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I blame Nam'Lor's hyper-aura!
Posted by razsolo on :
But Dawnstar DOES fly faster than light, it's one of her main powers that has been documented for decades.

Maybe she creates a pocket of different reality around her, maybe when she's traveling at translight speeds she enters a different plane and creates a duplicate of herself to interact with the normal world, maybe it's the speed's comics, there's any number of ways you can handwave it. I don't get why in a universe where you have people who can turn into a giant beach ball or can carry stars around without any adverse environmental reactions, flying fast is where you draw the line?
Posted by Nam'Lor on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's *glare*:
Okay, there's 6 of you (so far) who need to line up for a good, old-fashioned glare-ing.

Nam'Lor likes glaring boy! [Hug]

[ March 25, 2012, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Nam'Lor ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I chose Glorith because I like to see a magic-wielder in the Legion. She's a bit too precious for me, though; everybody's always hugging her. Once she loses her timidity, she should be okay - she demonstrated some real hardass attitude dealing with that chick who stole Chemical Kid's genetic power.
Posted by Future on :
I'm finding it fascinating who has the least amount of votes right now. I can only assume that most people are simply "okay" with that Legionnaire but have their own personal favorite of the new recruits instead? There doesn't seem to be as many naysayers for that character as there are others.
Posted by KryptonKid on :
Originally posted by Future:
I'm finding it fascinating who has the least amount of votes right now. I can only assume that most people are simply "okay" with that Legionnaire but have their own personal favorite of the new recruits instead? There doesn't seem to be as many naysayers for that character as there are others.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that character's personality puts me off.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'm finding it hard to pick a fave. I dislike Chemical Kid (though his attention has mellowed at least).

I'm iffy on Glorith because I'm tired of reading about unsure heroes, but I don't dislike her.

I like Harmonia's powers but am finding the slow pace of her development frustrating.

That leaves Comet Queen, whose diamond-in-the-rough characterization is nice (and I like that she genuinely loves being a hero), and Dragonwing - whose visuals are nice.

Gotta go with CQ here.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I picked Chemical Kid- because of his powers and also because I find the way he got them kind of interesting and goofy. I also like the mentor/mentee relationship he's got with Jan.

If I'd ranked them, my choices would've followed those of the poll so far. Though I like Dragonwing *much* more after the last couple of issues. I wish she'd be revealed as a were-dragon, though. The spit thing's gross.

Comet Queen's fun- the fact that she has a crush on Chuck's what put me over the edge on this character. I always found her an annoyance before, frankly. The fact that her powers pretty much cancels out one of my faves (Gas Girl) ever joining doesn't keep me from appreciating her enthusiasm and welcome weirdness. Hmmm- a brawl between her and Gas Girl could be pretty fun, now that I think of it. Winner gets---?

Harmonia's Marvel counterpart, Crystal of the Inhumans, Fantastic Four, Avengers and Bad Marriages Anonymous, is one of my favorite heroines ever. So, H.'s power-set (I'm assuming that's what she's packing, until revealed differently) is one I saw tons and tons of potential in. Her background and demeanor adds to the mix of Legionnaires in an interesting way. But she's got a lot to overcome for readers to warm up to her. Her advanced age, though nothing unusual in any other super-team, is such a departure to the very nature of the LSH. Yet, it hasn't been mentioned. Nor have the ramifications of completely dropping the age requirements ever been discussed. That's not a good thing.

Maybe the Legionnaires are all scared of her, considering how she was introduced to them and to us as readers. It's hard to forget her actions (or lack of them) on Titan. That's something that simply *has* to be addressed. Please, not another Earth-man.

Glorith-- the jury's still way out or me on this character. I'm still expecting a big villainous hissy-fit, to be honest. The fact that it's the Black Witch, and not the White, Gray or Twilight that sent her isn't something to be discounted, IMO.

Of course, I think there should be a 6th newbie in there. Gravity Kid's powers should be more than welcome, since Star Boy's injured and Ayla's long been Lightning Lass, rather than Light Lass. Might put a strain on his relationship with Power Boy, though. Which would make for good, soapy *story*... ahem.

Academy graduates, Lallorians, subs, Wanderers, former rejects or false pretenses acceptees... there's any number of heroes I'd like to see as Legionnaires ahead of any one of the current newbies. That said, I do like them as a group and look forward to seeing how they grow and develop as friends, teammates and members of the ever-changing LSH family.

[ March 31, 2012, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Voting is finished!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :

Chemical Kid-- 16
Comet Queen -- 14

Harmonia -- 9
Glorith -- 8

Dragonwing -- 5

[ March 31, 2012, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by Future on :
Great poll, Eryk! Interesting results.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Could the fact that Chemical Kid is the only male in the bunch have anything to do with his popularity? As in, it makes him stand out a little bit more?

I'm just glad that his "spoiled brat" characterization has been GREATLY toned down in the current series.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I wonder if part of it is the fact that he's a legacy character.

If you think of him as just a new version of Chemical King, then he has "classic" Legionnaire cred. Similarly, Comet Queen has been around for ages.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Good point. Similarly, could Glorith's ominous name also be affecting her popularity?
Posted by razsolo on :
I'm surprised Harmonia wasn't dead last actually..!
Posted by Set on :
I went with Dragonwing. I like her visual, I like her sassy attitude (which is sorely lacking in the Legion now that Shady is all mopey and sad), I like that she's not as classically pretty as female Legionnaires tend to be (shaved eyebrows? dreds? funky!).

Chemical Kid will never be Chemical King, and I tend to knee-jerk against replacement characters. I also feel that he's just as much of an authority-flouting brat as Dragonwing, and doesn't have nearly the built-in justification for being such a brat, being that he's pretty much a spoiled rich kid who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

Glorith has three levels of baggage. Her name, being recycled. Her powers, which are whatever the hell the writer wants her to be able to do. Her attitude, which is, IMO, a step backwards in female characterization to the days when Projectra was fainting all the time. Love her visual though!

I liked Comet Queen better before the whole Bouncing-Boy-stalker thing. We've already had the 'teen girl becomes obsessed with a Legionnaire and gets powers so that she can go join the Legion and be with him' backstory with Night Girl, and Lydda at least chose an unmarried man for her crush!

Harmonia. Ugh. She's not Earth-Man, at least. I love the idea of more powerful women on the team. I love the idea of more ethnic variety on the team. And yet, Harmonia just doesn't do it for me. Hypocrisy on my part? Probably. I'm soaking in it!

Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Academy graduates, Lallorians, subs, Wanderers, former rejects or false pretenses acceptees... there's any number of heroes I'd like to see as Legionnaires ahead of any one of the current newbies.

So much agreement, there.

I'd take Nightwind, Lamprey, Power Boy and Crystal Kid in a cold second, before most of these. I'd take one-shot wonders like the Silver Sword and Xera of Manna-5, for that matter!

'Reforming' super-villains like Spider-Girl or Lazon or friggin' Mekt Ranzz would also rate high on my list! (Although, after the Earth-Man fiasco, probably best to avoid that minefield for a few years...)

[ April 01, 2012, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Spider-Girl, Silver Sword, Xera were all interesting characters. The latter two, in particular, had good showings for the few panels they appeared in during the Universo Project.

Reboot Legion reject Particon would be a good addition as well.

And of course, Infectious Lass and the ones you mentioned above, ESPECIALLY Nightwind (who I still maintain has been robbed all these years).
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
This conversation has given me an idea for a new thread here
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Chemical Kid and Comet Queen definitely had the deck stacked more in their favor.

Harmonia's popularity is baffling to me.
Posted by Candlelight on :
I think it's pretty disapointing that the only male of the 5 is the winner.
Some things just don't seem to change.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Well, think of it this way: over two-thirds of the votes were for females.

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