This is topic First Come, First Served Discussion Thread in forum Bits o' Legionnaire Business at Legion World.

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Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Welcome to the first Holo Model competition in its second year of business!

This is going to be a little different. We need 5 female contestants and 5 male contestants. There will be a winner for each gender. However, there will not be nominations then votes. I would like the spots filled in by the next ten posters.

You may choose any Legion character you want, an actual Legionnaire, a villain, a supporting cast member, an obscure sentient. They can be new to Holo Model competitions or a previous contestant, judge, host.

However, once a character has been chosen, they are locked in. No one else can choose that character. If we get five women named right away, we have to move on to fill in the five men.


Describe your character's holo in detail. Are there props or guest stars? What is the setting? What is your character wearing? Is it windy? Rainy? Is there a meteor shower? Etc....

This is going to be a quick contest. We will go from 5 of each gender to 2 of each. There will be a vote for the top 2, not a process of elimination. The top 4 contestants will have close-up portraits done and the winner will be determined by public vote.

If there are any questions, please ask away, just remember, there are only 10 spots. Think fast, but think creatively.

Oh, and let's have some fun!

[ October 10, 2007, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I get to go first!!!!

I have been trying to get Laurel Kent into one of these things for a LONG time, and by damn, this is my chance!

My Champion is Laurel Kent. I would like to see her in her skimpy Giffen outfit, with the shorter hair. I'd like to see her standing in hot lava, with weird rock formations around her.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, now we need 4 more women and 5 men.....
Posted by Caliente on :
Oh, so many choices... ahhh! This is so hard! ><

Okay, well, my instinct was to go with my boy Cos or Dream Girl because I do so love them. Or XS. She's my girl!

But y'know what I thought of when I saw this? There's this comic I read once that had Vril Dox shirtless and sexy as he gardened. I'm not sure if he's truly eligible 'cause he's from the 100 years past but, if he is, I pick him.

I'd definitely want to see him shirtless (yay!) and in something simple like jeans. I liked him with his blond bangs and, just for posterity, I'd vote to have him working up a sweat in the garden again.

If he's not eligible, though, I totally understand. I just thought I'd give it a shot, since he was in L.E.G.I.O.N. and, like, Brainy's ancestor. But, uh.. yeah. Yay for the new challenge, Dean!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Sure he counts! Plus, as first responder, you deserve whatever you'd like. [Smile]

I only own like two L.E.G.I.O.N. books, so I don't really know those characters well, but I'll do my best with you holo.

So, now we need 4 more ladies nd 4 more gentlesentients.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
So far...
Laurel Kent

Vril Dox
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Do you *really* want to...stop at Sid's Soy Satellite when Comet Queen's working the fly-through window?
No, but I'm choosing this for the Holo Model show!
Posted by Doctor One on :
And the third contestant is...


I'd like to see him fighting on the ocean floor (obviously well grounded, i.e. not really swimming), surrounded by alien-looking aquatic creatures
Posted by Caliente on :
Here's the picture of Vril I was thinking of (to help your creative juices):
Click for fullsize image
Courtesy of Showcase '96 #11 [Smile]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Grev Mallor, Shadow Kid. In between the young Legion Academy version and the mohawked older one. He's on Talok VIII, in the arid mountains, at evening/sun very low (long shadows), with the walled city far behind him. It's cold, so he has a cape - and rough ground, so he's carrying a staff - or is it an arcane object from Talok's past? He's waiting for Lady Memory - whether for a rematch or a truce, time will tell.

I chose Grev because, in his early, youthful appearances, he always seemed to be the bumbler - and perhaps this could be his opportunity to shine. Also, I like blue skin!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Animal Lad-- in front of a fire at night wearing a loincloth, vest and moccasins. There's a big totem pole (ahem) with the familiar hawk, bear, wolf totems-- as well as a couple of alien animal spirit guides represented.

A.L. holds a spear, not in a threatening way-- but as a pointing/choosing/declaring device.

There's wind lifting his hair. At first, I thought maybe he'd be on Starhaven, but instead I think it should be a simple forest. Also around the campfire are seated sentients-- with animal-spirit 'overlays' above/around/within them suggesting the presence of their totem spirits.

The mood is serious-- that of a primeval ritual updated with extraterrestials and technology.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
1.Laurel Kent w/lava & rocks
2.Comet Queen at fly-through window at Sid's Soy Satellite

1.Vril Dox gardening
2.Blok on the ocean floor, surrounded by sea creaturess
3.Shadow Kid in the desert, with staff
4.Animal Lad during primeval ritual
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
We need 1 more male contestant and 3 more females...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
I chose Grev because, in his early, youthful appearances, he always seemed to be the bumbler - and perhaps this could be his opportunity to shine. Also, I like blue skin!

FC, you do know that he was in the first Male Model competition, don't you?;f=2;t=000698

That doesn't mean he's disqualified from this one, I just wanted to be sure you saw the blue eye candy in that thread.
Posted by Star Boy on :
What about Xs in a rare moment of inactivity? [Smile]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
1.Laurel Kent w/lava & rocks
2.Comet Queen at fly-through window at Sid's Soy Satellite
3. XS inactive

1.Vril Dox gardening
2.Blok on the ocean floor, surrounded by sea creaturess
3.Shadow Kid in the desert, with staff
4.Animal Lad during primeval ritual
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Gigi Cusimano, circa the Computo's story in which we met Jacques, in the locker room at SP headquarter's In a big fuzzy towel. Her uniform is hanging behind her in her locker and she's showing Shavaun (I forget how to spell it) the hot little red dress she's about to put on in which she shall paint the town red.

My other thought was absolutely any pose of the 5YG Laurel Gand, in the butt floss uniform, probably in the void of space, kicking-ass and taking names alongside Rond in his Lantern costume

You decide.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Well, thus far, the rules of the game have followed the "first come first served" convention. So, Gigi is our girl.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
1.Laurel Kent w/lava & rocks
2.Comet Queen at fly-through window at Sid's Soy Satellite
3. XS inactive
4. Gigi in the SP locker room

1.Vril Dox gardening
2.Blok on the ocean floor, surrounded by sea creaturess
3.Shadow Kid in the desert, with staff
4.Animal Lad during primeval ritual
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
We still need one male and one female. Then it'll take me a while to create the art.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
My pick: Youthened Thomas Keene signing autographs with an electro-stylus after a lecture on his amazing discovery of rejuvium.
Posted by MLLASH on :
OMG I barely made it in!!!

QUANTUM QUEEN! original costume only!

Flying through space!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
...and our cast is complete!
1.Laurel Kent w/lava & rocks
2.Comet Queen at fly-through window at Sid's Soy Satellite
3. XS inactive
4. Gigi in the SP locker room
5. Quantum Queen flying through space

1.Vril Dox gardening
2.Blok on the ocean floor, surrounded by sea creaturess
3.Shadow Kid in the desert, with staff
4.Animal Lad during primeval ritual
5.Youthened Thomas Keene signing autographs
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Holo Model contests will probably take longer than they used to, now that I work days and don't often stay up really late at night working on them. The sketches will probably happen soon enough, but the scanning and coloring will take longer. I'll use this discussion thread to keep the updates coming.

I do intend on beginning the next Holo Model contest right away, but art won't be started for a while. Watch for it!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I did a few sketches, and was mostly unhappy. Only a couple decent ones. Hang in there...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
This is the former "Tournament of Champions" thread. That title just didn't work.

Henceforth, this is the "First Come, First Served" competition, unless a better title comes to me.

The art is still being created....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Most of the sketches are done. Just need to do the next steps.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

We need a host! The very first person to put in their nomination get their choice!!!!

Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
oh Shoot, I didn't see Teeds post!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Well, technically, Teeds gets her choice since she posted first, but fear not LAL, I've already got an idea for how to utilize your choice!

I only have one more competition sketch to finish, and then the host sequence, now that it's cast....
Posted by MLLASH on :
Heh... I'm imagining Evillo banishing contestants he doesn't like to the Realm of Darkness...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
All of the sketches are done now and I've begun the host scenes. Next is scanning and coloring and lettering.

Stay tuned!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oops! I forgot one of the competitors! That'll only push things a little bit later than where they were...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've posted Xenn and Evillo's intro to the competition.

Lash, you should put your suggestion about rejected contestants over in the Fresh Faces competition, in the "other" category.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Lessee... the coloring is done on a couple of the holos, but there are still plenty more to work on. This one's fun because of the idea to put in all the "Easter Eggs!"
Posted by Caliente on :
Woo-hoo! Great start, Sketchy! Evillo makes me giggle. [Big Grin] I can't wait for the actual competition to start! Wheee~
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Good start, can't wait!

It's nice how you're crediting the suggestion makers, too.

Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:

Lash, you should put your suggestion about rejected contestants over in the Fresh Faces competition, in the "other" category.

DONE, with a slight addition! [Big Grin]

Ummm, Xenn is HOT. Who knew? And Evillo is always a scream.....
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Jeepers! Xenn IS hot! I think I may have a new holo-model competition crush!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I think she's had her lips done....

Thanks for the comments. I'm really enjoying doing the art for this. It just seems to be taking a while.

Hang in there!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've finished colors on 4 of the holos!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, now 5 are done.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Eight! But that's it for tonight.
Posted by Caliente on :
Woo!! [Cheerleader Lass] Can't wait to see Vril!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Nine fabulous holos!! HAHAHAHAHAH!


[Lightning Lad]

Soon, they'll all be done and the contest will begin!
Posted by MLLASH on :
The wait has been excruciating!

Forgive me if it seems I am complaining, I'm really not... just SUPER-excited!

It's been so long since we've had modelly fun, it seems like...!

Can't wait to see Q-Queen flying in the beauty of outer space, as imagined by Dean Lee!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks for saying that Lash! It's time!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
First come... first served! Get 'em while they're hot! The first round of holos has been posted.

Notice that Xenn's verbiage has changed... rather than picking your top choices, please rate the ten holos from least favorite (#10) to most favorite (#1).

Tabulations will be made, a winner will be chosen.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :

1. Quantum Queen. I'm not surprised at all. FAVORITE.

2. Blok. Happy Blok! Awww.

3. Comet Queen. Hey, who's that in the back seat? V & G?

4. Grev Mallor. Not my favorite picture of Grev, but he never looks bad, does he? Yeah, I like blue skin, too.

5. Vril Dox. Mr. Green Genes in green jeans. Hey, he's growing leafy hoodies! Of space.

6. XS.

7. Thomas Keene, starring in The Pipe Dreams of Thomas Keene. He looks okay.

8. Animal Lad. I think other people will have this further up on their list, but it's just not grabbing me. Different space-strokes for different space-folks.

9. Laurel Kent.

10. I like the idea, but GiGi looks like JoJo -- Rivers. Yikes! LEAST FAVORITE.
Posted by MLLASH on :

Dean, Greg (my hot NON-comics reading BF) and I have examined the entries together and we will post our separate opinions...

Disclaimer: We're going by memory and have both been drinking! [Big Grin]


me: I liked it!

bf: The tummy shading looked like belly hair.

# 2 DOX

me: HOT!

bf: HOT!

least fave # 10 COMET QUEEN

me: Not a really good showcase for the model, but a cute pcture.

bf: I don't get this picture.

# 4 BLOK

me: Wow... maybe my favorite Blok picture ever... he looked so serene under the sea.

bf: I don't know who he is, but I liked him. Understood the gist of the photo.


me: I **loved** it! Very primal and sexy.

bf: Reminded me of Thundercats or He-Man.


me: I didn't care for the Jimmy Olsen thing. Jimmy rox!

bf: Eh.

# 9 GIGI

me: One of my least favorites.

bf: Slightly indifferent.

# 7 XS

me: I tought it was tres sexy!

bf: Didn't get it.

# 3 T. KEENE

me: FUN! Was that the dupli-writing stylus I noted?

bf: I liked it.


me: So serene, and peaceful... very nice.

bf: My first thought: "Interplanet Janet" of Schoolhouse Rock-- NOT a bad thing!

Closing comments:

me: Least favorites were definitely Comet Queen and Gigi. Everyone else ROCKED for me.

bf: Least favorite: Comet Queen, next least fave XS in the sheets. Please note: You are WAY too good to restrict yourself to online-only work. PLEASE send your stuff to Marvel or DC, or even Joe-Blow Comics.

EDIT: We posted before we read the whole least-to-fave thing.

SO>>> we will go back and number everyone accordingly... sorry it won't e in exact order.

[ October 07, 2007, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I loved these! There's a real story in each one; I wanted to scroll across to the next panel to see what happened. It's like one of those dreams in which you're reading a comic and you go to turn the page and wake up....

1. Comet Queen - a real surprise since I don't like Comet Queen, but I liked the holo. Also, I'm working on Restaurant Reviews for the Legionverse, so this really struck a chord with me!

2. Animal Lad - very atmospheric. Animal Lad as shaman, on a vision quest. I like the idea.

3. Grev - looks great and I was happy to see their strange walled city in the background. The staff made me laugh. What a rare artefact - how did it wind up on Talok VIII?

4. Blok - looks peaceful and happy underwater with the aquatic life. I hope his flight ring will get him off the bottom.

5. Dox in the garden - he looks great and I like to think of all that mental power directed to growing plants.

6. XS - very sexy.

7. Thomas Keene - nicely posed with the youth-seeking villainesses - and Nura (her too, clinging to youth?).

8. Gigi - she looks a little exuberant. She better not be going to the same party as Imra with that outfit.

9. Laurel - unlike Comet Queen, I just can't get over my dislike of Laurel Kent. She looks good here, but somebody has to be #9.

10. Quantum Queen - this struck me as the most static of the holos, so ... somebody has to be #10.
Posted by Doctor One on :
1. Animal Lad, a surprise since I don't really like the character. But I enjoyed the picture a lot (it reminds me of the woods around Vancouver). And Wildfire under a wolfskin? Great!

2. Shadow Kid. His outfit really works for him, and I love the atmospheric setting. The staff made me laugh.

3. Blok. He's so serene down there. I like the way you textured the light coming from the top of the picture, makes the whole eerily beautiful. Lamprey looks in love with him, doesn't she? Or is she just playing?

4. Quantum Queen. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I like this setting. She looks so serene...

5. Vril Dox. Is he growing little Chlorophyll Kids? The green all around works for him.

6. Comet Queen. Interesting picture. I wish we could see more of the contestant, though.

7. Xs. An OK picture, I guess. Nice fluffy covers.

8. Laurel Kent. She has never been a favourite of mine. I just find her a tad boring. Couldn't find the Easter Egg in this one.

9. Gigi. Her face is weird.

10. Thomas Keene. This picture does absolutely nothing for me.

All in all quite a good job, Dean. But I'm sorry that this will be a 'lightning contest', I miss the longer ones where one would get to see the contestants in different situations. Less fun for you to draw, I guess.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
1. ANIMAL LAD Dean!! You captured the spirit and details of the scenario *beautifully*! I wouldn't change a thing. Now, if the circle is made up of Wildfire, Timber Wolf (or is that a fox?) and Dawnstar-- who is it with their back to us?

2. VRIL DOX Hot! Love a sweaty gardener-- I like the row of plants resembling Chlorophyll Kid's headdress.

3. XS Beautiful face with a wistful expression, fingering a 'S' badge. Guess Jenni's got a new crush.

4. SHADOW KID Hmmm. Is that a staff memoralizing Jimmy, or is Elastic Lad himself? I like the holos that make me think about a story that might be happening. This one achieves that.

5. BLOK So does this one. Blok and Lamprey. Hmmm. Cute. Are the fish from the Sensor Girl tryouts? I'm calling them 'lovefish', like lovebirds of the sea.

6. LAUREL KENT Molten. Laurell'd be great in a series of situations like this-- invulnerable beauty in the middle of dangerous, but visually appealing stuff.

7. QUANTUM QUEEN I like the hand positions and QQ is a gal I've always wanted to see more of, so I hope your first cut isn't *too* deep-- since she's one I think could make for some amazing visuals.

8. COMET QUEEN Cute idea. Very cute. I like the 50's inspired space-car and that Cos is wearing his space-helmet. The background's very pretty. I wish we could see the faces a bit better, maybe.

9. THOMAS KEENE I like his face and he's certainly attracted an interesting and varied lot of admirers. The message is cute (is he coming on to Glorith?)

10. GIGI Can we talk? It'd be funny to see her in a holo wearing the red number with Saturn Girl looking on in her pink one. Or maybe one with Lightning Lad reacting with interest, while Adventure-bodysuit clad Imra cocks her eyebrow, contemplating a change.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thank you all for the comments and ratings. The polls remain open on this one... and I've taken note of the fact that there is a feeling of not wanting it to end too abruptly.
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
1. BLOK i like this take on the classic Blok look.

2. ANIMAL LAD This had great atmosphere.

3. LAUREL KENT I especially liked Laurel in this picture.

4. VRIL DOX nice to see a Dox doing physical labor.

5. XS Beautiful face with a wistful expression, fingering a 'S' badge. Guess Jenni's got a new crush.



8. THOMAS KEENE No idea who this is, no emotional support for this picture but no complaints either

9. COMET QUEEN We hardly see her at all

10. GIGI Even though it was my idea (Thanks for that), her face does look as if the Joker had gotten to her.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Vril Dox - Shirtless sweaty guy need I say more? I also liked theplants shaped like Chlorophyl Kid's head.

2. XS - A great drawing

3. Quantum Queen - Another great drawing

4. Comet Queen - I love the premise, but she is too small

5. Animal Lad - Shirt less is good. Premise is great. I like the other drawings better though.

6. Laurel Kent - I actually like her poncho outfit better.

7. Thomas Keene - too obscure a character for me.

8. Shadow Kid - I liked using Elastic Lad as a walkiung stick.

9. Blok - too static a picture

10. Gigi - Not at her best.
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
1. Animal Lad: Wow! Very atmospheric, very impressive. Love the totem pole with its Dominator and Durlan elements. The assembled sentients come across as not entirely humanoid either, and not only because of the obvious - the way they are dressed - but also because of their body language. It's somehow animalistic as well as graceful.

2. Comet Queen: EEE! Love that picture. So very retro-cute.

3. Vril Dox: Man, are those not-quite-evil masterminds ever ripped! Good old Vril projects a feeling of being not quite in harmony with nature, as if he'd rather show it who's boss. Quite fitting, really.

4. Grev Mallor: Now that's a questing pose and expression. Grev has something very noble and dignified going on. Hope that overall impression isn't wrecked any moment by his "staff".

5. Blok: He looks so content with the aquatic life here. One charming, calming picture.

6. Laurel Kent: Impressive lava, impressive attitude, nice contrast between all the red and her eyes/hair. Hope her scraps of fabric don't catch on fire.

7. Thomas Keene: Heh. He's exhibiting keen powers of self-preservation here.

8. XS: Jenni has one adorable little face, but the picture on the whole comes across as a bit too subdued.

9. Gigi Cusimano: There's just one way I can interpret her frozen smile. She's obviously stunned speechless by the perplexing sartorial discovery she has just made in her very own locker.

10. Quantum Queen: Is... Hm. Flying through space, looking vaguely miffed.
Posted by Dain on :
Is it OK if I vote too? I've missed Sketchy's "pageants" all this time that work schedules and RL took up all my time.
Anyway,I can always vote in the next one. Great work as always Sketchy. [Smile]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Dain, of course you can vote! The polls are still open for this contest.

I appreciate all of the replies and ratings. I've begun tabulations but will close the polls and announce the next level of this competition soon.
Posted by Dain on :
Oh! Great! I had the impression only people who had suggested the contestants could vote in this one!

Xenn and Evillo. Loved seeing them again. Especially Xenn.

So, from most to least favorite:

1. Vril Dox (Bright and sexy and spraklingly green. You can almost feel the warmth and the smell of fresh green, growing things).

2. Comet Queen (Nostalgic, very beautiful colors, very familiar scene).

3. Animal Lad (Powerful scene, made me wonder what a story with him would be like today).

4. Blok (His expression is priceless. Is the green lady a Legion character?)

5. Laurel Kent (Wow! You never, ever want to p**s THIS lady off!)

6. Grev Mallor (Thoughtful Grev, funny scene. Nice!)

7.Quantum Queen (Not my favorite costume but I like the character and the scene.)

8. XS (Pretty.)

9. GiGi (The scene is funny. GiGi looks a little strange.)

10. Thomas Keene (Great scene but I don't know who this guy is).
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thank you for the ratings and comments! The polls are now closed, the results are in...

10th place: Gigi. I actually love the expression she's making. Obviously I had a choice whether to use this picture, or a more ...normal... one, and I chose this one. I guess I was wrong. Apologies to Language Arts Lad! I owe you a nice picture of Gigi! The outfit was the Easter Egg (EE) in this scene, I suppose you could count Shvaughn, too.

9th: Thomas Keene. I guess the fact that he's not well known contributed to his poor ratings. Yes, he's using a stylus, but I neglected to make it a dupli-stylus! Oops! His guest stars are Emerald Empress, who has been shown to be on a quest for immortality; Glorith, who deals in time, and Dreamy who has been shown to be vain.

8th: Laurel. A basic cheesecake shot, I know. That is supposed to be a Protean that she's leaning against. Not very obvious.

7th: XS. I love this shot of her, relaxing, dreaming about a super-being. Yes, the little "S" is the EE.

6th: Quantum Queen. I suppose it's a little dull. I did several sketches (look out for next year's anniversary special) but liked this one the most. Dawnstar's star symbol is the EE.

5th: Shadow Kid. Once I got the idea to make Elastic Lad into his staff, I couldn't think of anything else.

4th: Comet Queen. This one turned out exactly how I imagined it. There are times when the setting is as important as the model(s) and I honestly believed that I needed to show this the way I did. Umbra's "S" symbol is used as Sid's logo and the Ardeen/Ranzz family of four is at the fly-by window. That's Earth in the corner. I don't know why space is all rainbow-y. Can any of you scientists explain it?

3rd: Blok. Apologies to Doctor One, he's not fighting, but people sure did like his serenity! Those little fishy guys are from the new member tryout issue V3# 14, by Lightle. The whale in the bg looks like the Super Moby Dick of Space, and that is Lamprey on the left.

Tie for 1st: Animal Lad and Vril Dox. I don't know Vril's personality well, so I had to wing it. I'm glad so many caught the Leafy Hoody crop! I did several sketches of Animal Lad but the one I used was the first one. All the elements fit. I think all of the EE's were noted.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
So, what's next you ask? Well...


Our top FOUR contestants get to compete in another round!!!

The next four LW posters get to pick one of the following competitors:

Animal Lad
Vril Dox
Comet Queen

If you're second, you don't get to pick who the first person picked, and so on....

The top four will be shown from their shoulders up. What should be going on in that holo? A prop? A guest star? Be creative or keep it simple... remember, first come... first served!!!
Posted by Dain on :
Comet Queen smiling and winking! A few Legion Academy girls in the background in a "girls' night out" setting?
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Blok, the acid-washed version of the Baxter run, making googly eyes at Mysa as they lean in for the kiss they never got to share but should have...

And You don't owe me anything Sketchy, you did a great job, I understood the facial expression- I just didn't care for it.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Comet Queen

Holo ideas for
Animal Lad
Vril Dox
Posted by Caliente on :
Argh. I wanted so badly to post my thoughts but I just got buried in work. >< I loved Vril's holo though {#2 for me}, so I thank thee greatly, Sketchy! XS was brilliant, as well, IMHO. {She was definitely my #1-- so cute.}

Anyway, I don't know Animal Lad, so for Vril again... how about a family portrait with him, Stealth and their evil spawn {whose name I forget}? I can get you references again but I'm thinking Stealth would looked annoyed and possibly a tad afraid of the child, Vril would be arrogant/cocky and the baby like, well, a green-skinned blond baby boy.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Holos assigned:
Comet Queen
Vril Dox

Needs a holo assignment:
Animal Lad

First come, first served!
Posted by Doctor One on :
All right, I'll bite.
Animal Lad looking at his reflection in a river
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks Doctor One!

Stay tuned for the next round....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Guess what!?

The sketches are already done! It'll take more time to color them, though.

Posted by Dain on :
Wow! I knew you had a "fast sketching hand" but didn't realise you were *that* fast, Sketchy. No wonder you're called "Sketch Lad"! [Eek!]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The top four holos have been posted. Please name your choice for top 2. After the vote determines which final two will face off, their holo subject matter will be determined "first come, first served" style.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Gotta go with COMET QUEEN and ANIMAL LAD for the final.

Blok was a VERY close pick, though.

I never got over the trauma induced by that evil baby in R.E.B.E.L.S.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
COMET QUEEN! Grava just wants to have space-fun!


I liked Blok too, but Vril was doomed (in terms of getting my vote) from the get-go because his "family" dynamics skeeve me out.

Someone's having a little costuming fun with Miss Xenn...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
ANIMAL LAD and BLOK for me.

I like that Animal Lad looks slightly melancholy or pensive rather than the more obvious narcissistic expression that the scenario might evoke.

Like he's wondering why that blue aura that revealed his goodness kept him from becoming a Legionnaire.

Blok looks like a big ol' lug who learned everything he knows about kissing from a holo. The darker coloring for him works against White Witch.

I just don't really like Comet Queen, I'm afraid. The first pic was cute and made me think there was something there I'd enjoy, but two rounds weren't enough to change my preconceptions.

Vril Dox-- too much chin and he's upstaged by that baby (just like in L.E.G.I.O.N).
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Awesome! Instant feedback! Thank you!

3 votes for Animal Lad
2 votes for Comet Queen
1 vote for Blok
0 votes for Vril Dox

Polls will remain open for a couple of days... or until it's clear who the top two are. I reserve my opinions/votes for tie-breaking.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Must vote for Dox! You nailed his arrogance. I just know he's up to something with that innocent-looking little rotter Lyrl.

Second vote goes to Animal Lad, partly for his serious expression but also for the reflection of the text.

Nice to see that golden Shadow Lass costume on Xenn. I don't think it ever got used in an actual story.
Posted by MLLASH on :
IIRC, Shady's golden outfit (as well as awful costumes for Val and Jeckie) were featured for one of the ACTION back-up tales, the one where 2 disembodied lover-entities enter other sentients to beat the crap out of each other.

Good eye... I of course recognized Xenn in Tinya's outfit (the white on baby-blue is FAB!) but didn't catch that as Shady's one-off outfit until you posted it!
Posted by Dain on :
Wow!! I have never seen Mysa and Blok sensual and attracted to each other, and Comet Queen was my choice for this part of the contest so my votes go to:

Comet Queen and

Thanks again, Sketchy!
Posted by Caliente on :
Wow, they were all great, Sketchy!

For some reason I wasn't feeling Animal Lad. And I felt like Comet Queen didn't own the picture. I found myself looking at the girls behind her a bit more.

So, I've gotta vote for Vril because I [Love] the expression on his face. And the baby. Tee hee. And Blok. He just looked so... feeling. That's impressive for a hunk of rock.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Animal Lad 4 votes
Blok and Comet Queen 3 votes each
Dox 2 votes
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
I loved what you did witrh Blok sketchy, in fact, I've been thinking about finding a new avater lately and think it would be really cool to use your drawing if at all possible.

I liked Comet queen's expression, and Animal Lad was nice, but the I have to vote for the Dox family. As FC says, you nailed the dynamic, and what really pushed it over the top for me was the look on Stealth's face.

Officially, BLOK and VRIL,

Great Job, Sketchy.
Posted by Doctor One on :
Nice! My favorite is Blok as well. I really like this acid-washed version better. Lovely contrast with Mysa.

And...Animal Man. Funny, I don't know anything about the character, but there you go. I can't really tell what he's thinking, looking at himself like that.

I'm just not a fan of CQ, I'm afraid. As for Vril, I agree, he was upstaged by his family.

Blok and Animal Man
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My choices for the final two: Comet Queen & Vril Dox
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Sorry Quis, your choices didn't make it!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Blok and Animal Lad are our finalists!

First come, first served!!!!

The next poster gets to direct what either Blok's or Animal Lad's holo is like. The second poster gets to determine the unchosen one's holo.

Here's the idea...

Blok and Animal Lad are standing out in a crowd (2 separate crowds, that is). Please tell me the whos whats whys and wheres.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Cathartic memory time-- Animal Lad's standing in a crowd of would-be Legionnaires at an early tryout. Except he's noticeably older (but not *too* much so) than the rest of them. His facial expression is a mixture of amusement and regret.

There's a few animals running about and the crowd is reacting to them (some comically). A.L.'s used his power, but isn't trying to control the people-made-beasts.

The old-style LSH HQ is in the background. I'm thinking there's a blue glow around A.L.-- but now there's some streaks of darkness in it.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Animal Lad's holo is established!

Who's got Blok's?

First come, first served!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Blok the proud Legionnaire in the foreground as the Legion of Super-Assassins advance on him menacingly from behind!
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
I like it, LASH, I like it!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thank you! Coming soon... the finale!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Nice to see that golden Shadow Lass costume on Xenn. I don't think it ever got used in an actual story.

Now that I'm on a good computer, I see that it is a golden version of Shady's Cockrum costume, not that reader-submitted nonsense! Oops!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh yeah, I forgot to comment on Xenn's costumes. Yes, she is emulating Legion costumes in her trademark gold. That is actually the Cockrum Shadow Lass outfit without the cape.

Hmm... I wonder what Xenn will wear for the finale? [Xennians]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've done some preliminary sketches, but haven't chosen designs that I want to complete (albeit in my still sketchy Sketch Lad way).
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The finale holos have been posted. Please name your choice for winner!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Blok in that gloomy setting with vague LSV in the mist wins it for me - but I really liked the bright blue on and around Animal Lad and the various little beasties.
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Yeah, I'm gonna say Blok, too, but it wsa close. It seemed almost a little TOO gloomy. Great work on both, though!
Posted by Doctor One on :
Blok for the win!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Nice amusing Animal Lad holo; historically, LSH tryout scenes and issues are some of my favorites, and this scene would fit well in any of those issues.

The brightness of Animal Lad's holo contrasts sharply with the foreboding of Blok's holo. Despite Bloky looking very (deservedly) proud of himself-- almost beaming in the gloom-- one can't escape the fear that the Super-Assassins project.

Putting Blok in that gloomy setting was a risk, but it payed off.

BLOK for the win.
Posted by Dain on :
I like Blok and the holo has an "impressionistic" quality that I also liked, but tryout scenes are my favorites too and Animal Lad's holo is so good that...Animal Lad for the win!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Blok 4 votes
Animal Lad 1 vote

I have opinions to share about this challenge, which I'll share when the victor is named....
Posted by Caliente on :
What can I say? Though my boy Vril was robbed, Blok really pulled it out. All of his holos were top notch and this one just clinches his victory.

Blok to win!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Animal Lad- though I *do* like the smoky Blok pic.

For me, A.L.'s first holo cinched. Of course, the fact that he was my pick didn't hurt. [Smile]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Congratulations to our winner, and thank you to everyone who participated. This was a LOT of fun, working within this idea. I love the interactive aspect almost more than creating the art.

Oh yeah, speaking of the art... I did want to confess that I wasn't very happy with the coloring on the finale. I should have taken my time, but I wanted to finish this one up. My "play" time is now focused on the Fresh Faces contest.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yay, Blok-head!

Well, I still think the smoky-gloom fit, especially with Mist Master a member of the Super-Assassins.

I can't help but wonder which way MODELS-stalwarts TD and Q,E would have voted...
Posted by Set on :
I was rooting for Blok. Or, more to the point, I was rooting for the picture that had Lazon in it. He's my favorite super-assassin. [Smile]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I normally try to wait until as many of the "regulars" as possible get to vote, but as I said, I wanted to finish this one off. Blok was well ahead, anyway.

Thank you for the comments!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Hey hey! I did see the final challenge earlier but didn't have a clear favorite and decided to think about it a bit. Since I would've be happy either way, I don't mind that I didn't get my vote in in time.

That Blok is one cute sentient rock.
Posted by Doctor One on :
Ejem [Embarrassed]

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