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Author Topic: Survivor: Marzal
Floating Foxlike Creature

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Members of the jury,

For my opening statement, I could have continued to mislead the jury. I had no obligation to reveal everything the way I did; no one forced me to, and even Lardy was surprised at how much I said. Having achieved my goal of getting both Lardy and myself to the final 2, I wanted to totally come clean with the jury. Hence, my extremely long opening statement that laid bare my entire game strategy, and gave complete transparency to everything I did. Like I said before, the only reason I made any misstatements during the game was because I had to -- to avoid painting a target on my own back when I was repeatedly questioned about my loyalties. With the need to protect myself over with, the need to mislead others has also evaporated. So I wanted to be 100% honest about how I played the game -- of course I want to win, but not at the expense of having 7 other people forever believing an enduring lie about how I'd played.

Lardy and I voted consistently in every tribal council we were in together this entire game. Obviously I cast the final vote for Davey, but had Lardy and I decided that he would win the final challenge, he would have cast the same vote. We truly worked together in all the ultimate decisions that were made -- so neither of us was more or less "dirty" in his gameplay than the other. In my closing statement, I'd like to discuss why, if all other things are equal between us, I hope you will vote for me.

First, I had a harder road to travel than Lardy to get here, from the point of the merge to the final 3.

Because so many people assumed that Lardy and Davey were in an unbreakable final 2 pact, it seemed like many people didn't make a tremendous effort to lobby either or both of them to change their votes or strategy, because it appeared they were fully in control, and that it would be futile to do so.

In contrast, because my "new" St'balla team came through the swap fully intact, I was put in the difficult position of constantly walking a tightrope and having to appear loyal to several different groups at once -- or else risk being voted off myself as a traitor or a potential traitor. Lardy and Davey wanted one thing; Lone Wolf and Lance wanted another thing; Novelty wanted yet another thing, which was initially consistent with Lardy and Davey but wouldn't be toward the end of the game; and Gamara voted independently, in ways that sometimes favored one group, and other times another group. I was in constant contact with up to 6 different people who were all asking me whether I was on the same page with them. In that sense, I feel that I had to manage and navigate the divergent and contradictory expectations of many more people at once than Lardy had to, and that I was constantly at more risk than him as being pegged a swing voter or traitor.

Second, I believe I've been a stronger competitor than Lardy. I've always played my hardest in the challenges, even when that might have painted a big target on my back. In the early team challenges, I was the first on my team to finish the "zigel jewels" challenge, and the first player to finish the actors/actresses challenge while working by myself (coming in at 8:09 EST, with the first N'hura member coming in at 8:47 EST -- without the aid of the Time Bubbles). In the chess challenge, I came in a close second, even though I initially misunderstood the instructions, and ended up doing the entire solution twice. Finally, as Lardy mentioned earlier, I was the one who finished the penultimate, final-4 challenge first, but I gave Lardy the answer so that he would win immunity.

Even when I wasn't the first or second person to complete a challenge, I still had the fact that I was a strong competitor pointed out publicly, such as when Ex called me out and said that I was "usually at the head of the pack," and "stumbled just a bit" from my normal performances following the challenge Novelty won. So, I never tried to just hide behind Davey and Lardy, and fly to the end under the radar -- alliance or not, I wanted to go out and play hard, to the best of my ability.

I've also been creative in solving the puzzles, and that has benefited my tribe on a number of occasions. For example, I came up with a unique eBay solution for the Slurpee cups challenge that Ex described as "elegant." At a more important juncture, I "hacked" the solution to get the critical immunity win with the Earthgov presidents challenge, discovering the correct YouTube video -- which directly allowed the new St'balla team to win without actually figuring out who "Arlington Morse" was. If we hadn't gotten the correct video at that point, that challenge would likely have gone on for much longer -- and my team might have lost. (I think Arlington Morse was the president that wasn't listed anywhere on the internet, other than a single DC message board thread -- and, unless you already knew the name beforehand, I don't think that thread would have come up from a general search for Earthgov presidents.)

I've been in the game 110%, and did whatever I needed to regarding my personal life in order to participate fully and give it my all for my team. I had to reschedule a physical therapy appointment at the last minute in order to participate in the Earthgov presidents challenge that I helped our team to win. (That was why I said I only had one hour to participate in the challenge, and promptly logged off right before 9:00 EST.)

Finally, in between challenges and tribal councils, I've tried to lighten things a bit with my **foxlike antics**. Hopefully, I was at least somewhat successful in that respect.

I know from the jury's questions that I've hurt people in the game. I hope that, over time, you'll give me a chance. Unlike the TV show, where the contestants go back to their own lives and never have to see each other again if they don't want to, all of us in this Survivor game share these great Legion World message boards together. LW is my favorite place on the internet because of the genuine camaraderie, respect, and friendships that form from our mutual interests -- I've made many wonderful friends on LW over the years. I'm glad that this game gave me the opportunity to get to know a couple of my fellow posters that I didn't have the chance to interact with before -- and I hope that we can continue to do so after the game is over.

Thank you for your consideration.

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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Good luck to ya, Foxy!

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Floating Foxlike Creature

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Good luck to you too, Lardy! It was an honor and a privilege to have played this game with you.
Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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All right, jury members, you've now heard from both of the Survivor finalists and, hopefully, all of your questions have been answered.

Now... the moment of truth. After having heard both sides of the story, and having lived a third, your own, you must now make the decision as to which of the two remaining contestants is walking away with the grand prize.

Weigh your options carefully and, when you're ready, go ahead and cast your vote via secret PM to Exnihil. Remember, this time you are voting in favor of someone, not against them.

I also wanted to take just a moment and thank everyone who played along... I hope you all had fun. At the end of the day, it was just a game, and no matter who wins, it was an honor to engage in this experiment with all twelve contestants. It really was, I think, yet another testament to the strength of Legion fandom.

Thanks again, and good luck, everyone!

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Exnihil, I hope it's ok if I say a few things.

Fox, when you asked if I knew about a conspiracy to vote against you, you said I gave a noncommital answer. My reply was in effect "I don't know" because Davy never replied to my pm. (At least I don't think he did - I have deleted all my pms due to a full mailbox.) I had no idea who was going to be targeted. I told you everything I knew about how others would vote - which was nothing. No one who started out as St'Balla tried to recruit me into their alliance - a drawback of starting with the N'Hura tribe, I suppose. I also never once claimed I didn't understand why you did what you did. I understand that a thief steals to profit himself, even if I don't agree with his behaviour.

I have never seen the Survivor televion show. I thought the game would be based on how well one played, and how well one made alliances. I did not realize the motto was, "Screw unto others before they screw unto you." I suppose I was naive in that respect. I know it sounds like sour grapes, but I don't see how I could enjoy owning a copy of Adventure #247 if I knew I had lied to get it. In my opinion, anyone who played this game and emerged with their integrity intact is a winner. Anyone else, despite collecting the prize, deserves the label of loser.

From: Cincinnati | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Holding opinions about the conduct of your fellow players is one thing... no one would be normal if they didn't... but resorting to public name calling is quite another.

Quite a good deal of work has gone into creating this game, and the intention was always to provide an experience that, all at once, mimicked as near as possible that of the Survivor television show, while at the same time celebrating the Legion. I feel as though it has succeeded on both fronts, but... please... this close to the end, do not sully it with poor sportsmanship.

This game was intended to be fun, but, given the nature of the beast, always stood the chance of hurting people's feelings if they took it too seriously. The prize, to my mind, was always secondary to making the game engaging and enjoyable. No matter how it played out, there could only be one victorious contestant and everyone else would be leaving with exactly what they came with... with the exception of having participated in a once in a blue moon experience.

Please take that for what it's worth and treat one another with respect. This is only a game.

[ November 14, 2008, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Exnihil ]

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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Just an update for those playing along at home: Five votes have been received, two remain. Hopefully, our last couple of jury members will finish their deliberation by this evening... stay tuned...

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Quislet, Esq
Great Calamity Kittens!

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Just my two cents.

I've never watched Survivor, but I did know that making alliances was part of the game. And part of the game strategy can include misleading others in order to not get voted off (or your ally voted off) (I remember hearing about one player on the show saying his grandmother had died in order to get sympathy)

I am not very good at that which is why I didn't attempt it. And while I can understand that some people like the whole alliance building part of the show, it can lead to some very hurt feelings. I think both Lardy & Foxy have acknowledged that in their statements. I also think that in the midst of the game, no one considered the full effect that alliances can have on the person being voted off.

It is upsetting to get voted off, even if there is no voting bloc against you. But as they say "Time heals all wounds". This was just a game and while feelings can (and did) get hurt, they do go away if you let them.

Exnihil, you did craft some excellent puzzles and challenges for us.

Five billion years from now the Sun will go nova and obliterate the Earth. Don't sweat the small stuff!

From: Boston | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Language Arts Dave

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Quis, the contestant who lied about his Grandma went by the Johnny Fairplay. That was part of my stupid little joke, that's the last episode of the series I ever watched.

I agree with everything you've just said, Ex did a fantastic job crafting this game.

All you need is Love (and a whole big bucket of Money).

From: Lost in the Ozone Again | Registered: Dec 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lone Wolf Legionnaire
Academy Cadet

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I agree it's just a game, trust me there are alot worst things to get upset about, but it does suck to lose, especially if your as competitive as I am, and I know most of you are, but after a couple of days I get over it and look at the bigger picture, I was outplayed in the game of Survivor, and not being truthful is within the rules of the game Survivor, though at times I did take this game too seriously, and Ex the prize was always secondary to me, as the competition was what I was in it for, I remember when I got this
Originally posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire:

it was like scoring the winning basket for my team, I Thank you Ex for the time and effort you put into Survivor:Marzal, you did an outstanding job.

And I do hope to continue getting to know all my fellow Survivors better here on Legion World, teammates and adversaries alike, as I hold no grudges against anyone who played in this game, and hope everyone would feel the same way, after all we are all here because we have something in common, our love for The Legion Of Super-Heroes.

I tried to rip their soul out.I tried to make them forget Superman.
But they won't.

From: Kentucky | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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Thanks guys... now if only I could get this Tribal Council to end. It's gone like 3 days too long. [Smile]

Two votes outstanding... then the finale.

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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The long night helped one more jury member reach a decision. Six down... one to go.

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Viridis Lament
Cenobyte. Cthulhu. God.

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ok, my vote is in now too...sorry about the wait.
From: Fort McMurray | Registered: Nov 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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bump for new page

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

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back in black (and white)

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sometimes it takes two bumps...

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

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