This is topic Smallville ... MAJOR SPOILERS in forum The Anywhere Machine at Legion World.

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Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You were warned by the title so I will not attempt to hide these spoilers.

Just some news on what to expect next season, all taken from

Speaking of all things Kryptonian, Sci Fi Wire cut through lots of confusion to clarify that the "no flights, no tights" rule is getting bent if not broken in the season premiere. "He doesn't fly as Clark. He flies as Kal-El," Millar said in an interview at The WB's fall press preview in Los Angeles. "The first episode is all about visualizing the internal fight between Clark and Kal-El. Clark Kent represents his Earth-bound persona, the kid who was brought up by the Kents. And Kal-El represents the person that Jor-El wants him to be. This personifies that." They also note that a new power is coming this season, but of course won't say which one. "There aren't many powers left," Millar said.

Milar also talked about the direction of the series. "Clark Kent, at the end of this year, will really graduate," he said. "And we're introducing a whole new mythology as well that will involve Lana, Lex and Clark. And at the end of the season we pay off something that is huge in the Superman mythology. It all leads towards something. Diehard fans of the mythology will realize what it is pretty quickly, others won't."

In "huh?" news regarding the series, USA Today reports that "the Lois Lane character also will join the cast, but she can't meet Lex Luthor, as Warner Bros. must avoid story conflicts with a future Superman movie in the works." Take that as you will.

Finally, Kryptonsite came away from the big party wth the news that Erica Durance's Lois Lane will be in 13 episodes, instead of the previously planned four.

So the bit about Superman mythology that only diehard fans will recognize. Anyone else thinking (hoping actually) that it means a visit by a certain trio from the future to let Clark know who he is destined to become?

[ September 21, 2008, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
As cool as that would be, I doubt he's talking about the Legion.

I'll guess that we'll be seeing a fortress of solitude of some kind by the end of the season. Storywise, it would replace the cave as Clark's connection to Krypton.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
As cool as that would be, I doubt he's talking about the Legion.

I'll guess that we'll be seeing a fortress of solitude of some kind by the end of the season. Storywise, it would replace the cave as Clark's connection to Krypton.

I would really doubt that if we take Millar at his word. He said it would be something only a diehard fan would recognize quickly while others won't. Even the most casual fan knows about the Fortress because of the major role it played in the Chris Reeve Superman movies.

It probably isn't the Legion but I highly doubt the Fortress. Even a surprise appearance of Bruce Wayne wouldn't be too hard for the casual fan to recognize. So what else? The bottle city of Kandor? Brainiac? I can't think of something important to the mythos that would be such an unknown to most.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I think an important part is the "leads up to" statement. It would have to be something that develops with a payoff (the bottle city sounds intriguing). Guest appearances of certain characters might be hard to build up to, and while non-fans might recognize the fortress, they might not see the steps leading to it? I dunno - either way, this season looks very promising with Lois' adddition.

Interesting to note that they're seeing this series as canonical in terms of their movie franchise which means they're going to have to come up with a reason why nobody from Smallville (including Lex and now Lois) recognizes him as Superman (since the glasses come later). Heck, I'm not even sure what the current reason is in the DCU. Did he pull his super-kiss-to-make-you-forget power?

And the new power this season? I'll guess microscopic vision (it'll be like CSI:Smallville). Superbreath is a contender as well.

[ July 16, 2004, 07:46 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
I think the Legion is a very real possibility frankly. I mean, they can't really, convincingly, send Clark to Metropolis as Superman in Season five. But they want to keep the series going since it is one of the WB's brightest lights in the ratings.

So, where should Clark spend his college years? Why NOT in the 30th century Smallville?

It certainly has a number of possibilities. Think of it as a sci-fi 90210.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
See, I really want to think that this is going to be about the Legion. But, then I worry that it's going to be about the Legion and that it's not going to be very good.

Brainiac is a good possibility. Supergirl's been done. Bottle-city--- I dunno. Maybe Darkseid. I agree that Bruce or Diana wouldn't fit the whole not-easily-recognizable bit.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Ok, now I'm thinking about what if it were the Legion and how it might fit with the statement about fans being able to see it coming: if we saw that there were these three new students in Smallville high who were revealed to have powers and were watching Clark, who already knew his secret but it's unclear (except to Legion fans) what their intent was. Then at the end it turns out they're good guys and they help Clark, telling him he has a great future ahead, that he doesn't have to fear that he's here to be a conqueror. It would help him embrace his destiny.

But then as much as I (and we) love the Legion, would Milar describe them as "huge in the Superman mythology"?? I don't know about that -- especially since the silver age Superboy stories were retconned out of his current canon.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
It very well could be the Legion, seeing how they're going to be DC's #1 book by next summer!
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
all [Cool] news !!! i'm really looking forward to season 4 !!! what with the cliff-hanger from the last season, and the "flying" and Lois Lane are gonna be great !!!

i too hope we see a version of the LEGION !!! that would be just brilliant .....

Posted by STU on :
I think it would break too much from the feel of the show if it got too science-fictiony too quickly. So far, despite all the Krypton/Jor-El stuff, the show's felt pretty tethered to reality.

A season set in the 31st century would make it seem like an utterly different show -- I don't know how well it would do with the WB's large teen audience.

I can't wait to see how they bring Chloe back...
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by STU:

I can't wait to see how they bring Chloe back...

One possible real world explanation is that she was only at the doorway when her dad set off the bomb and she was blown clear.(??)
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
They have recently cast Michael Ironside (Top Gun, Darkseid on JLA and Adv. of Superman) as General Sam Lane.

Not quite the big man that I've always seen portrayed in the books but Ironside is a good actor, IMO.
Posted by Beagz on :
Maybe the payoff is a trip to Atlantis, where Clark encounters Lori Lemaris?

How about a Bizarro Clark?

Or, during the Re-Byrne-ing of the Superman mythos, didn't Clark reveal his powers to Lana?

Oh grife .......
you don't really think they'd introduce The Eradicator, do ya?????

Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE a Legion connection, but I just feel like that would open up too big a can of worms, and just TOTALLY wind up confusing the general audience.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Lori Lemaris - after all, Superman did love her.
Posted by Pov on :
I heard Clark and Lex were finally going to consummate the first half of their love/hate relationship... or is that next season??? [Razz]
Posted by matlock on :
Originally posted by Beagz:

Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE a Legion connection, but I just feel like that would open up too big a can of worms, and just TOTALLY wind up confusing the general audience.

But I don't care about the general audience. I just wanna see the Legion on TV!!! Then they could claim the elusive and lucrative matlock demographic - over 30 males with no discretionary income to speak of. The advertising buyers couldn't say no to that.
Posted by Star Boy on :
The actress that's to play Lois was at the con (SDCC). Quite pleasant on the eye, too... [Wink]
Posted by Beagz on :
*I* have it figured out!!!!!!

They're gonna introduce Kal's cousin. No, no, no ... not Kara. His OTHER cousin. You know ... the dimwitted one. Marv-El.

(Okay, okay ... I'm leaving for a bit ... I can take a hint!!!!!)
Posted by Lightning Lad on : has a rumor that Smallville will be visited by a certain speedster this next season. And the biggest surprise is that it will be Bart Allen.

[ August 11, 2004, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by STU on :
No way!! XS!!! [XS]

[Wink] [Wink]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Kryptonsite is now confirming that this will happen on the 5th episode to air October 20. Maybe instead of introing the Legion in the final episode of this coming season they'll form the Teen Titans instead. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
The very same site, Kryptonsite is now reporting that singer Ben Jelen is in talks to play Bart.

You can see the rumor and a pic of Jelen here:
Posted by Deathstroke Lad on :
So not only are we getting the appearance of Lois and the Flash, Margot Kidder will be appearing as an associate of Dr. Swan AND, sometime in the first seven episodes we'll get Mxyzptlk as well.

Maybe I'll get a chance to actually watch this season.
Posted by Stufire on :
What I don't quite get is why DC is so nitpicky about seemingly minor issues, such as why Lois can't be in more than 13 episodes this season, or even more substantial ones, such as which version of the Flash this one is going to be.

Since (as far as I know) the TV show has nothing at all to do with the comics -- sort of like an extended Elseworlds -- what difference does it make whether this Flash is Barry, Wally, or Bart?
Posted by UltraStar on :
I was thinking that maybe the thing that leads to something die-hard fans will recognize could be Pete and Lex's political career beginning.

Or since Lois is here maybe Pete and Lana hook up...they did get married in the comics.

Legion or a Phantom Zone story would be sweet, though.

I'd still like to see Clark be-friend an amnesiac boy who he believes to be a brother and names him on a Mon-day.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
I think the Phantom Zone is inside the cave or something.Meh what do I know
Posted by STU on :
I didn't really care for Erica Durance in the stills and ads I saw for Smallville, but after watching the show, I have a much higher opinion of her in the role of Lois. I don't think she's perfect, but she's not as bad as I feared she might be.

It also kind of gave me goosebumps to see the "previous" Lana and Lois in the same scene together...
Posted by UltraStar on :
I liked the visual effect they used for Kal-El's "take off" just before he flew...

...and the flying, even though I thought I'd hate that in this series.

and Lois was hot, too...


[ September 29, 2004, 04:20 AM: Message edited by: UltraStar ]
Posted by bIZARRO nO.1 on :


Posted by bIZARRO nO.1 on :
Originally posted by STU:
What I don't quite get is why DC is so nitpicky about seemingly minor issues, such as why Lois can't be in more than 13 episodes this season, or even more substantial ones, such as which version of the Flash this one is going to be.

Since (as far as I know) the TV show has nothing at all to do with the comics -- sort of like an extended Elseworlds -- what difference does it make whether this Flash is Barry, Wally, or Bart?


Posted by STU on :
I always get Margot Kidder confused with Karen Allen. Both played dark-haired, sassy women in fantasy movies of that period.
Posted by Deathstroke Lad on :
So how is everyone liking this season so far? Since I'm recording Lost I'm missing out until the repeats start.
Posted by STU on :
Not too bad! And since I'm recording Smallville and missing Lost, maybe we can swap sometime. [Big Grin]


I'm not so into the Lana subplot, now that they've introduced Lois. Just kind of makes Lana seem irrelevant, I guess. And I do miss having Pete around, even though he really didn't do that much when he was there.

And they've already re-introduced someone that I thought they'd keep away for a bit longer, which dissipated the initial suspense...
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Tom Welling is hot...that's enough to make me watch the show.

Plus Lois (Erica) is alot better then I expected here to be.
Posted by STU on :
Smallville has one of the most across-the-board attractive casts on TV.

Must be something in the water in Kansas.
Posted by Vee on :
Very attractive, but I'll take our own cast of characters anyday! [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
Must be something in the water on the MMB.
Posted by the boy with SuperPowers on :
can't wait for season 4 to air in the UK !!!

i keep going to for all the latest info [ but try to not read the spoilers, though !!! ]

the promotional pics of the cast look great, TOM just gets better looking each season !!!

and ANNETTE looks hot in those pictures, kinda like an older JEAN GREY !!!

Posted by Zombie STU on :
There's supposed to be a girl-girl kiss in tonight's episode (titled "Kryp/Tuck")... [Eek!]
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
how are the latest episodes ???

Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
Man, there's nothing like a girl-girl kiss to get me watching...

I just watched the "Clark and Lois get caught in the shower" episode. Nice to see a woman with some curves (as opposed to that nelly Lana, who I'm sick as hell of)
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Last night's episode had a tribute to Christopher Reeve at the beginning and end. And next week will be the Flash episode.
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
I just watched the


episode where Chloe returns. Oh, that final scene! Just when Lana might be finally out of the picture, and the poor girl freaking comes back from the DEAD, Clark starts to fall for (AGAIN) someone besides Chloe! Oh, the humanity! And my new favorite poppy b.s. song, "So Much for my Happy Ending" by creampuff popbot Avril Lavigne playing over the scene. I had to go tell my wife (who quit watching Smallville last season) that she was SO missing the boat without Smallville this season. I've been really impressed so far--they've tied up more loose ends in three episodes than they did the entire season last year. I really hope we don't go back to Freak of the Week, though, which is where it seems like they're going...
Posted by Zombie STU on :
Even though I still think she's cute as a button, I've gotten really bored by Lana's storyline this season -- though I've yet to watch this past week's episode, so maybe she does something interesting in that one with the whole tattoo thing...
Posted by minesurfer on :
No comments on the 10/20/04 episode yet?


Bart Allen on the show as a criminal with a conscious? I liked alot of things about the episode, but I would have liked it more if they had gotten Bart's personality a lot closer to his comic book personality.

The scenes with both Clark and Bart running were the high lights of the episode for me, especially at the end when Bart turns around and waves bye bye.

Any other thoughts?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Loved it. I posted a couple of comments in another thread last night. I wanted to remind people it was on and hopefully I helped somebody catch it when they might have forgotten.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Favorite line was when Bart said he was off to find more super-heroes and maybe form a club or a league.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
That was a cool line APB! I also liked how all of his IDs were previous Flashes (Jay, Barry, Wally) and also how he says something about being from the future to Chloe (which Impuse/Bart Allen technically is in the comics). It was a fun episode, I wonder if it will be a consolation for not being able to get Batman on the show or can they get Bruce Wayne there too?
Posted by Zombie STU on :
I was a bit surprised at how much faster Bart seemed to be than Clark. I guess it's possible Clark wasn't really trying that hard, and/or hasn't developed his speed skills as much as Bart, but still... that last burst of speed made it seem like Bart was exponentially faster!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
That's exactly what I thought too Stu. Clark just hasn't developed his full potential yet but Bart was born that wait, he said he had an accident didn't he?

But yeah, it looked like Bart was much faster.

I got the best laugh out of that bit where Bart meets Chloe.
Clark,"This is my friend Bart, he's from..."
Bart,"The future! I ran back in time a hundred years just to tell you our love is still strong a hundred years from now."
-heh- what a shmoozer.

"Channeling your inner criminal" was a pretty funny line too.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I've seen from two different sources (Comics Continuum and Kryptonsite) that the 14th episode of this season will be called Krypto. I wonder if this will turn out to be what they hinted at before the season started. The surprise that only 'hardcore' Superman fans would recognize.
Posted by STU on :
Cool! [Krypto]
Posted by LARDLAD on :
I haven't seen any of Season 4 yet. Would you guys say it's a major improvement over season 3? IMO, Season 3 really blew chunks...especially with that whole Adam Knight storyline! Is the new season worth giving it another chance? If so, please give me some examples of how it's improved since last year.

Thanks, guys!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
How it's improved?
I'm not much of a critic so I'm not sure I can answer your question exactly that way but I really do see the writers having a lot more fun with the concept in season 4. Less soap opera and more exploration of the basics. Yes we've seen Bart Allen and Lois Lane lately but far from trying to set up some kind of iconic relationships they've landed pretty hard on the concept of the kid from Kansas seeing the big bad world with new eyes. Also it appears they've begun to set the stage for the Luthor/Kal-el feud and the eventual Lois/Clark dynamic. It's been a lot more fun than it was in season 3.
One thing I really didn't like much was Lana's new boyfriend but it does widen the rift that's growing between Clark and his childhood heartthrob. The storyline of their involvement was in poor taste according to my bible belt morality upbringing but I can see it as a darker moment in Clark's history adding depth to his eventual maturation. Not everything that glitters is gold after all.
I've been looking forward to every episode so far this season unlike last year where it felt like more of a duty than a pleasure. If the next year is as well thought out as this one I'll be around for more.

Hope that helps.

[ November 20, 2004, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Yes, it does, YK. Like, you, Smallvile turned into more of a duty for me, which made it easy to miss this year. Maybe I'll give it another shot.

Any others have feedback for me?
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I'm enjoying this season a bit more. My hubby's been rolling his eyes when I tell him the plot developments, and they do get pretty far out there, but it's fun -- much more comic book geeky and a bit less "Dawson's Creek."

I'm still sorry they got rid of Pete. I wonder if the actor wanted out, they just couldn't think of enough for him to do or a combination of the two. But I hate it when a character is written out, then they pretend he never existed. This week's episode, they end with this big discussion about whether Clark should tell Lana, and how he can never tell anyone -- not even those closest to him -- because no one can possibly understand or like him any more. And after practically every sentence, I'm thinking "and Pete," "except Pete," etc.

Speaking of this week, AND






Who arranged for Lionel to get out of prison? I had been channel surfing during the commercial and came back to see the last second of his laugh in the back of a car (limo?). The only person I could think of who might be more powerful is Dr. Swann, but 1. I didn't see Margot Kidder in the opening credits and 2. I would think it would be in Swann's best interest for Lionel to stay in prison.
Posted by dedman on :
I could never get into the show before, had pretty much given up on it. However my roommate is a fan, so i've ended up watching anyways. This season is pretty good, its actually managed to change my opion of the show, and i look forward to seeing it each week
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
The first few eps were excellent, the last few weeks have been a little more run of the mill. Here's hoping they get back on track. More Lois, less Lana! That witch episode was the freaking pits.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'm still in the middle on this show... I've seen most of the first two seasons on ABC Family reruns and I started watching the third season about half way through on the first runs.

There's at least two times an episode where they just take flying leaps of faith or throw logic completely out the window and I just roll my eyes. Having said that, I find that I enjoy the show anyway. My wife loves the show though, despite the fact that she claims to hate "Sci Fi".

As far as "Is season 4 better than season 3?" questions go... I'd rate them about the same in quality. Both seasons would be immensely improved with Legion appearances.

[ December 03, 2004, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Who arranged for Lionel to get out of prison? I had been channel surfing during the commercial and came back to see the last second of his laugh in the back of a car (limo?). The only person I could think of who might be more powerful is Dr. Swann, but 1. I didn't see Margot Kidder in the opening credits and 2. I would think it would be in Swann's best interest for Lionel to stay in prison.

They didn't actually show the face of the person in the limo, so it could well have been the Margot Kidder character -- especially as I think she was shown in a limo in a previous episode (picking up Clark/Lionel's cellmate).

Proceeding on the idea that Lionel's benefactor is not just some random person we've never seen or heard of before, I would think that the prime suspect for the moment is the Margot Kidder character (keep forgetting her name).

[ December 03, 2004, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by minesurfer:
As far as "Is season 4 better than season 3?" questions go... I'd rate them about the same in quality. Both seasons would be immensely improved with Legion appearances.

They've both had very very good episodes and very very bad episodes. I've really liked most of the episodes starring Lois this season. The Bart episode was also really enjoyable. I thought, however, that the witch episode was truly awful and probably one of the worst episodes of Smallville ever.

Krypto appearing would just make the season... [Big Grin] [Krypto]
Posted by STU on :
By the way, the meteor scenes in this last episode of Smallville were some of the show's best special effects ever... I'm often impressed by the show's SFX, especially considering it's a network show on the WB...
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Oh man, A Legion appearance would help with Legion sales too wouldn't it? What a fantastic idea.
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
i'm loving season 4, so far !!!!

episode 3 aired on Monday, and the introduction of LOIS LANE is great !!! i really, really like her !!!

the interaction with Clark is great, the fact that she gets on his nerves is cool, the final scene of this weeks episode was great, when Lois "dunks" Clark into the water, and then they laugh and she messes his hair, with Chole looking on [ first with happiness, and then she see's the attraction between the 2 of them, her smile soon fades ..... ]

looking forward to seeing more of LOIS !!!

the tattoo on Lana is interesting also ???

and i forgot to say, how cool was it when CLARK flew in episode one !!!

Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
last nights episode was great !!! it was one with the Cheerleaders [ and their "love-drink" ] the scenes with Chloe dressed it the cheerleader costume and jumping up and down for Clark were so funny !!!

and i also loved the further interaction between Lois and Clark !!! i think ERICA DURANCE is great, i love her "spark" with Tom Welling !!!

looking for her return [ soon ]

next weeks episode is the BART ALLEN one, the trailer looked pretty cool !!!

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
First big spoiler for Season Five. At least the first one I've seen confirmed.













James Marsters, Spike from "Buffy" and "Angel", will be portraying a classic Superman villain.

Wait for it...

















Marsters plays college professor Milton Fine, alter ego of the uber-villain Brainiac. Possessed of a vast, superior knowledge limited only by his hubris and emotions, Brainiac comes to earth armed with a secret about Clark's biological family and the truth about Krypton's demise. Brainiac's presence in Smallville will have a devastating effect on Clark and Lex's already deteriorating friendship.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
"Brainiac comes to earth"? He's going to be an actual alien? That seems a little out there, even for "Smallville" -- 31st century teens don't seem so out of place now...
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Not only that, the Episode introduces another DC superhero;

The episode is entitled "Aqua" and features an appearance by Arthur Curry (Aquaman) who has a romance with Lois.

[ July 23, 2005, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
ok but the way the last season ended with clark ending up at the north pole with that huge black obilesque imbedded in the snow, are they going to introduce the fortress of solitude in the new sesaon?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Hmm, the press release I read made no mention of Arthur Curry. Should be interesting.

As for the Fortress, I heard they were introducing it but nothing solid yet.
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
go check out the season premier trailer at !!

looks pretty cool, and the FORTRESS looks very much like the one featured in the original 2 films !!

there are quite a few guest stars due to appear so far, this season, including CARRIE FISHER playing the editor of the 'DAILY PLANET' !!

Posted by thor2168 on :
Sweet heavens! I can't wait. The fortress does look very Superman I & II. Thanks for the link. I don't know how I only started watching this show in season 3. It's been a long TV summer without this, Arrested Devlopment, and 24 new episodes. Any reason why it moved Thursdays?
Posted by Stargazer on :
watched the trailer....WOW!
This will be a very interesting season!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Sorry guys, the only Superboy that ever tickled my fancy was the one portrayed by Gerard Christopher in the previous Superboy series...and Lana (Stacy Haiduk) was portrayed correctly as having red hair instead of this Kristin Kreuk who is obviously not a redhead.

The writers of the series must have culled their fact sheets from the "What? Who are they kidding, here" pile.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
They've cast Aquaman. Alan Ritchson who apparently is a model-turning-actor. Comics Continuum has his photo.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
*Sigh* more of the same "model-turned-actor" jazz...why not have an actor-turned-even-better-actor? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
has no one been watching season 5, since it's return to US tv last week ???

i've noticed there are new titles from !!!

and some cool stills from upcoming episodes, can't wait for this to in January in the UK !!! so who's watching it over there ......

Posted by STU on :
It conflicts with Survivor this season. [Mad]

I'll wait until Survivor wraps up (since it doesn't repeat), and then catch up on Smallville in reruns...
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
It was a fantastic season opener, kryptonian super villans and all, DICIPLES OF ZOD!!!
The fortress of solitude, but the second episode was a bit boring.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
So what'd y'all think of Aquaman?? Yeah, the "bro" stuff was a little grating, but it was a cool episode -- especially seeing them square off against one another in the water. Also, Lois and "AC" gettin' cozy! I sense tension in future JLA meetings (and no, I don't mean "Junior Lifeguard Association"). Cool that they mentioned the Flash as well.

Interestingly enough, on Boomerang later tonight they showed an old episode of Aquaman where he uses that "water punch" thing he did on "Smallville". Does anyone know if he does this in the comics, or were they referencing the cartoon??

Oh, and I'm glad they've finally gotten the Brainiac story underway. It took a few seconds to get used to "Spike" speaking without the fake Brit accent, but this should be interesting.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I'm not a big Aquaman guy but I never remember a "water punch". Is it the tsunami left hook? Sounds cool for a video game. [Smile]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Aquaman is such a surfer pothead! I mean I'm from California and use my fair share of "dude" and "sweet" but Smallville "AC" sounds like be belongs in the O.C.! I did like the humor and hinting at the future.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I enjoyed last night's episode, but this guy has got to be the worst actor they've ever hired for a guest shot. All his dialogue with Lois, especially, sounded so stilted. It actually spoiled it a bit for me.

For some reason, I was thinking James Marsters was from Australia, but IMDB says he's not. I liked him, but I just got the distinct impression in a few sequences that he was fighting a losing battle against his accent. Maybe he's had trouble losing it since "Angel" got cancelled.

I think for the series finale, Clark needs to follow Lex to Gotham to foil a scheme. There, he'll meet a young Bruce Wayne, maybe as he's just starting his training, and a beautiful raven-haired girl named Diana, daughter of the Themiscyrian queen in the U.S. on a state visit. (The queen of Themiscyra was mentioned in a newspaper headline a couple seasons ago.)

[ October 21, 2005, 05:41 AM: Message edited by: Suddenly Seymour ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
I think for the series finale, Clark needs to follow Lex to Gotham to foil a scheme. There, he'll meet a young Bruce Wayne, maybe as he's just starting his training, and a beautiful raven-haired girl named Diana, daughter of the Themiscyrian queen in the U.S. on a state visit. (The queen of Themiscyra was mentioned in a newspaper headline a couple seasons ago.)

And that would be the only thing that could get me to watch this show again. I stopped watching 2 years ago, especially when they put it up against 24. Got tired of the kryptonite villain of the week and bad acting of the guest stars.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I liked last night's episode - and I liked the take on a young Aquaman. Besides mentioning the JLA and the Flash, Aquaman also called Clark, "Superboy." How long before we have visit from a trio from the future? Then the mythos will be complete.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I liked the season opener well enough, but the next two episodes kind of annoyed me. I absolutely hate Clark with Lana. She is just so wimpy/whiny in this series. And I'm sorry, but shacking up in your parents' house while they are home is just tacky.

I have my fingers crossed that Jor-El will take Lana's lifeforce as payment for restoring Clark's, but my guess is Chloe (since Clark has no love for Lionel, and I would expect the main future characters (Martha, Jonathon, Lois, Lex and probably Lana) are safe enough.

I haven't watched this week's episode yet, but if Lana is still a main focus, then I won't get my hopes up [Smile]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
No, actually, Lois is the love interest in this week's episode - the love interest of Auqaman, that is. It's interesting to see Clark's interest in Lois slowly building.

[ October 21, 2005, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by not Kid Prime on :
I'm sorry, but after Clark sprayed Arthur with the water, causing him to start heaving his enormous pecs and to begin moaning and braething deeply, the ONLY thing I could think of was that the dripping-wet glistening Aquaboy was all lubed up and ready to go.


Again, my apologies.

[ October 21, 2005, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: not Kid Prime ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Well, we all thought THAT, silly.

[ October 22, 2005, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
I think for the series finale, Clark needs to follow Lex to Gotham to foil a scheme. There, he'll meet a young Bruce Wayne, maybe as he's just starting his training, and a beautiful raven-haired girl named Diana, daughter of the Themiscyrian queen in the U.S. on a state visit. (The queen of Themiscyra was mentioned in a newspaper headline a couple seasons ago.)

And that would be the only thing that could get me to watch this show again. I stopped watching 2 years ago, especially when they put it up against 24. Got tired of the kryptonite villain of the week and bad acting of the guest stars.
What, you're saying that 3 mysterious teenagers
dropping in who know all about Clark's super
powers wouldn't pique your interest enough to
watch the show again? [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I figured I had more a chance of Bruce showing up than Garth, Imra and Rokk. Of course the way Garth gets treated it'll be Reep, Imra and Rokk like in the animated version. I swear, sometimes I think Garth is the Rodney Dangerfield of the team. [Respect]
Posted by Blue Battler on :
I think that however slim the chances of the
Legion show up are, it's still better than
the odds of seeing a young Bruce Wayne. Given
how often there have been at least two
electro-mutants on Smallville, I'd say that
Garth has a pretty good shot at making the
cut this time if the Legion did show up.

[Big Grin]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I just read an interview with one of the producers of "Smallville" (don't remember where) and he said there's no chance of Bruce showing up now that "Batman Begins" has revitalized the franchise.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The vampire episode was cute if only for the nods to Buffy -- Brainiac (Spike) saying there's no such thing as vampires and the "slaying Buffy the vampire" line but otherwise it was kinda the same old, meteor freak targets Lana, she goes evil then Clark saves her. I read that a future episode will involve Clark becoming paranoid and (big shock) acting out of character again. They need to stop all those episodes of the various characters "turning bad". It's as overdone as the Meteor Freak of the Week device.

The subplot with Brainiac ("T2") is shaping up nicely though.
Posted by Stratum on :
You know, I had absolutely no interest in this episode besides the Brainaic storyline.

I mean, what the Hell is up with Lana? She was on her own in the last year of high school, lived alone in Europe for a few months and she decides she needs to pledge to a sorority of rich girls?


Posted by Pov on :
It's all a cover. She's actually an undercover officer from 21 Jump Street.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
That commercial within a show for Lois' car was ridiculous. To "distract" the guard, she basically does a whole sales pitch to the audience about how great the car is. It strained credibility more than a little that the guard thought her dinky Ford was so cool.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Another big DC guest star scheduled for February sweeps. Want to know who? You'll have to read the Titans forum! [Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well, since it looks like no one saw the announcment of Cyborg in the Titans forum I thought I'd post this here too:

Lee Thompson Young as been cast as Victor Stone. You can find a pic of him here. Cyborg will be episode #15 for this season.
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
i checked it out, its good to have more dc characters in the show. But i dont think cyborg should be the character they use, aquaman and flash made sense, but a teen titan? If they are going to use a teen why not a legionairre? Isnt cyborg a teen when superman is an adult.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
This is pretty clearly its own world and I have little worries about Smallville continuity gelling with DCU continuity. I just can't imagine how they can possibly expect Lois or Lex or anyone to not recognize Superman as Clark in the future. Everyone's already seen him without his glasses. I have to imagine they're not even going to try explaining that one...
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
i agree
how could you not recognise him, unless its like the story where the glasses give everyone the illusion that clark is much older.
I know WB has loosened the reins a little in regards to certain parts of the superman mythos. However i thought they still held firm to the idea that no other kryptonians to be shown, thats why its the voice of Jor-el and not an actual terance stamp as jor-el. so why now with all the allowing of actual other survivors of krypton, thats a big step as opposed to just having an appearance in flashback of the parents or something like that.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Sounds like they're building up to a big appearance from General Zod. As the years go by, and story ideas start to thin, they've been hedging on some of their previous edicts, so I'm not surprised we're seeing Kryptonians. It's all good with me - as long as the episodes are entertaining.
Posted by STU on :
I finally saw an episode from this season -- since Survivor's over, I now have Thursday evenings free. It was the one where Lex breaks those three Kryptonite freaks out of prison (the one who can throw electricity, and the twins who can form a barrier), and Clark has to rescue his parents and Lana, who are being held hostage.

It seems as though this episode (doubtless a rerun) occurred pretty early in the season... but I still have no idea how/why Clark got depowered, or how/why Chloe told Clark that she now knows his secret. It was satisfying to see Lex's jaw drop upon realizing that Clark doesn't have super powers (anymore). However, I don't know why Lex wouldn't think that possibly Clark is just able to "turn off" his invulnerability at will, a la Ultra Boy...
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Was it my imagination or did the Time Trapper make a villainous guest appearence in a recent episode of "Smallville"?
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
3 episodes into the 5th season, and tonights was great, it was one where CLARK 'dies' and JOR-EL brings hime back, with a price to pay !!

some great character moments, and i think i know who will pay the price and die in the upcoming 100th episode !!

although i'm not sure what i think of that development !!??

would i pick someone else instead of _________ !!??

Posted by legionadventureman on :
It's funny how some of the original 'Superman' comics cast are slowly making their way back into the forefront - Lois Lane, Perry White and Morgan Edge (of all people!!!)
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
how bout pete ross of all people! as a main character.
I like the introductions of other dc heroes, like flash and aquaman, both cool episodes.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
I remember Pete as being blond and fair-skinned in the comics...did the network airing Smallville fall victim to a CRISIS/ZERO HOUR of their own? [Confused]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well, the 100th episode aired here last night:

Click Here For A SpoilerClark told Lana the truth about his past, and asked her to marry him. She said yes. Later, a drunken Lex realizes that Lana knows Clark's secret, and is chasing her down the highway, resulting in an accident that kills Lana. Griefstricken, Clark asks Jor-El for help. Time is turned back, Clark doesn't tell Lana his secret, but the accident is going to happen anyway. Clark is able to stop the accident from happening, but there is a price to changing history: after a fight with Lionel Luthor, Jonathon Kent has a heart attack and dies!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
So they didn't go for the obvious death? I'm actually surprised.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Wow! That wasn't what I was expecting.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Click Here For A SpoilerI was so happy when they killed Lana, and then so bummed when they brought her back. I can't stand this version of Lana Lang. She's such a weak version, possibly due more to the actress playing her than anything else. Chloe is actually a better version of Lana than Lana is [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Click Here For A SpoilerI was so happy when they killed Lana, and then so bummed when they brought her back. I can't stand this version of Lana Lang. She's such a weak version, possibly due more to the actress playing her than anything else. Chloe is actually a better version of Lana than Lana is [Smile]

Maybe that'll be a series finale twist. Switched at birth! [Big Grin]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Mebbe Lana the red-head will return...
Posted by Blue Battler on :
On Smallville tonight ...

For the most part, I enjoyed the episode except
for one little thing ...

Click Here For A SpoilerClark is an idiot in this show. He gets his costume from his high school Mascot, his symbol from his heritage, and now we find out he gets his whole Secret ID schtick from a Batgirl Wannabee ....

Okay, that's all. [Mad]
Posted by Doc Nimbus on :
Why didn't they just use Phantom Lady or Black Canary?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Doc Nimbus:
Why didn't they just use Phantom Lady or Black Canary?

They needed a killer. Maybe they didn't want to dilute a DC hero? Or they didn't want to say that any of those heroes predated Superman?
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
So they didn't go for the obvious death? I'm actually surprised.

we're not quite up to the 100th episode as yet ! and i had guessed that it was LANA that would die, but i too was surprised how it would end out !

i feel sad for Martha !!??

Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
i really liked the AC / Aquaman episode !! and i didn't think the actor that played Arthur was that bad !! and i didn't actually mind the 'sufer-dude' attitude !!

perhaps i was too busy looking at him, instead of listening [Love] !!

i thought the JLA mentions were cool !!

and then this weeks episode was the LANA one as a vampire !! a little weak, although all the CHLOE parts were great, and it was good seeing CARRIE FISHER as the editor of the 'PLANET' !!

and i thought having the main girl being called BUFFY was really funny and the line from Carrie about CHLOE writing about 'slaying Buffy the vampire' was really funny !!

Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
and it was good seeing CARRIE FISHER as the editor of the 'PLANET' !!

Don't tell me - they named her Perri White, right?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
They already introduced Perry White --- Michael McKeon (Annette O'Toole's (Mrs. Kent) hubby). They showed him as a legendary respected jouranlist who was down on his luck and resorting to tabloid journalism, but CLark set him straight.

It would've been funny if the female vigilante they introduced was "the Huntress" since Ms. O'Toole starred in a short-lived series by that name where she was a bounty hunter.

[ February 11, 2006, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Calybos on :
And next week is... Cyborg?
Posted by Stratum on :
Actually, Carrie Fisher's character was a Mrs Kahn....a nod to Janette Kahn, I believe.

Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I missed the very end of tonight's Cyborg ep -- did they show the blackmail footage that Lionel was looking at? What was it?
Posted by Blue Battler on :
The video showed Clark super speeding to the
rescue of Lana when he saved her from the
exploding warehouse this season.

Lionel said something like, "And I will not
betray your secret ... Kal-El."

Don't know if that means he's still got a
touch of Jor-El in him or not ...
Posted by rtvu2 on :
So Aquaman the failed tv pilot is on itunes right now for download.

Read it here that there may be hope. Not for Aquaman but for the actor playing him...

Click Here For A SpoilerHe will be on Smallville this new upcoming season playing Oilver Queen.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
So did anyone get it?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Interesting use of Green Arrow to semi-introduce the old "Speedy is a junkie" plot. Not quite as hard-hitting or relevant as that comic book from thirty years ago, but still a nice nod to the past. They've kept Ollie's "standing up for the common man" mentality, but I'm glad they didn't use it to get all preachy, the way the comic did.

The other most interesting use of GA is the romance with Lois. Bad enough Lana is shacking up with Lex, but will they actually have Lois and Ollie do the deed? (I don't think it's been confirmed yet that they went all the way) In the series, it looks like Lois is dating her way through the Justice League.

We've all seen bits and pieces of various live-action or animated takes on the DCU take hold in the comics, but does anyone think it'd be interesting for them to retcon in a little romance between Ollie and Lois in the comics? They're both hard-headed crusaders with sharp tongues. I think they'd actually be an interesting duo - a team-up between the two would be interesting if nothing else.
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
looks like the Martian Manhunter will make his Smallville debut next week!

**** scroll down till you see the Smallville article*****
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
I had no idea they were going to do a Justice League! Can't wait...When does this show's contract run out? I can't imagine them sustaining this much past next season, Welling's going to be forty soon.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Did anyone happen to see the promo at the end of last week's Smallville?

Click Here For A SpoilerIt was talking about the super-powered army that Lex Luthor is amassing, and then it shows flashes of Bart Allen, Arthur Curry, Oliver Queen and Vic Stone. Then it shows the five of them (including Clark Kent) walking together. Looks like the Justice League is coming soon!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Six days until the Justice League!
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I'm surprised they didn't save that for February sweeps.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I think February sweeps will be when the Hall of Justice first appears in downtown Smallville, right next to the hardware store [Wink]
Posted by UltraStar on :
Only 2 days to go for "Justice"!


Anyone else getting a sense of this being Ollie's Justice League vs Luthor's Legion of Doom for this episode.


With this on Thursday then both Battlestar Galactica and Heroes returning Sunday and Monday I'm overly excited about TV this week.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
"Justice" was a cool ep, but a little overblown, imo -- there were one too many "heroic lineup" shots or something. It's too bad they couldn't find a way to get Martian Manhunter in there too.

Oh, and there was an episode of someone stalking Lana Lang ... *again!!* [Roll Eyes]

Anyways, the last ep had quite the revelation -- Chloe as a meteor freak? Could she develop powers?? I was trying to think of what super powered person in the Superman mythos she might end up becoming (or emulating) and I'm drawing a blank. I'm not too up on Superman lore though -- does anyone else have any ideas? (maybe Power Girl??)
Posted by UltraStar on :
I figure maybe she's a technopath or something like that kid on Heroes or even like Hana with the cyber-download powers?

Seems alot of people are hoping Power Girl because of Chloe's look.

Might need some padding though if she ever tried to put on PG's outfit. [LOL]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
New character confirmed for season seven. A certain Kryptonian cousin will be joining the cast. Sci-Fi Wire.
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
very cool!
however i dont like the fact that she will just be a couple of years younger then him.
But they introduced a lois that was a couple of years older then him and a jimmy olsen who is around his age.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
They really might as well slap a costume on him -- what's left at this point?
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
and Shelby doesnt count.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well, doesn't look like they are bothering with a costume for Kara either. Although, at this point why not just have her run around nude?

The CW press release says this is an "in character" shot. Then why is she wearing a Chris Reeve memorial Superman dog tag?

Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:

Click for fullsize image Click for fullsize image
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
She's no Lois...
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
and she seriously needs to eat something. Supergirl has curves people. Serious curves, not preteen boy lines.

Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Great Shades of Smallville - when life imitates art.
Yahoo News
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Here's a bit of Legion-ish news from It's not quite the way it was in the Legion, but ...

Click Here For A SpoilerIn an episode scheduled for March 13, Pete Ross returns. Through a bit of meteor-rock madness, he temporarily gets the Elastic Lad powers.
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
Any overall feelings on how this is going this year? I'm glad Ollie's back (for a little while), the Luthor storylines seem to be pointing to the final evil Lexification, Kara's kind of annoying but at least is goosing the Krypton storyline, I can't really figure out what Lionel's up to, and Lana is completely annoying as usual. I'm watching a lot more consistently this year than I have in a while, I just hope there's a payoff this year. How many more seasons do they have to fulfill? Any chance this is the last one?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
So Chloe all of a sudden has a new power to replace the healing powers?!? Is she fulfilling Jimmy Olsen's role as the "sidekick of a thousand abilities?" Pete's already been Stretch-O Man. (in what was the most shamelessly overblown product placement of last year) Can't wait to see Chloe in a half-shell...

Is it me or did Lois get a little work done? She looked great. Clark finally moves to the big city and his speach to Martian Manhunter gives a real explanation for how all the various cast members leaving actually kinda "fit" into the development of the character.
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Is it me or did Lois get a little work done? She looked great.

Wasn't an episode from an earlier season (back when I was still watching the show) called "Kryp/Tuck"? [Wink]
Posted by veryvery on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:

Is it me or did Lois get a little work done? She looked great.


me and my roommates were thinking the exact same thing!! we weren't even sure if it was the same actress!!! is her hair darker?! i hope they made her a brunette, i was very much opposed to a blonde lois. (and the actress looked a lot like supergirl and that was freaking me out. DON'T DATE YOUR COUSIN, CLARK!)
Posted by Candle on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Clark finally moves to the big city and his speach to Martian Manhunter gives a real explanation for how all the various cast members leaving actually kinda "fit" into the development of the character.

I missed that speech somehow?!
Anyway . . .

Lois might have had work done, I don't know because I can never focus on her.
She's kind of terrible and she has no chemistry with Clark, that I can feel or see.
She seemed much better to me when Ollie was dying from poison and she was trying to save his life. She came across much more believably and emotionally involved.
Oh well.

Last week Maxima was introduced.
It WAS nice to see Clark be able to get more physically involved with a girl but she certainly wouldn't be the one I'd choose for him.

Am I crazy but do most of the women this year look related? They're all the same, sort of.
People don't seem to like Lana but at least, Lana was unique looking ~ I could tell who she was right away.

Who I WANT to see introduced, rather than a generically pretty Maxima is Diana Prince.
Lois, imo, needs to be an alsoran in this boot rather than Mrs. Superman.
They've, TPTB, have changed other relationships in this boot, why not this one?
We need someone Clark can actually be with and not worry about all of the time, both as a lover and as a superhero.
She would certainly solve the hero/person issue.

Plus, a Diana would/could have a very different presentation, accent and looks wise, not just a skinny girl with a little nose, big breasts and lots of hair.
She could have a little muscle and a more Greek type nose, anyway! And some cultural differences!

My favorite character is Chloe, especially since she's noved on to Jimmy.
I wasn't fond of her healing powers because they were so passive.
But, I am enjoying her makeover into Oracle.
If she could just grow some direct computer links in her hands or something like our Brainys', I'd like it even more.
Just kidding!
As long as she gets to keep them though, the faster than a computer mind, she'd be a wonderful addition to the Justice League.
I hope the continued references to Brainiac won't mean she'll loose them sometime in the future.

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