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Posted by cleome on :
Okay, strictly a newbie's curiosity and obviously answer only if you like spilling your guts to newbies:

What's your OTHER vice/obsession besides the Legion ? Or at least, what's the OTHER vice/obsession that you don't mind telling a total stranger about ?

Mine is jazz. I'm a huge jazz snob who owns over 800 vinyl albums of same. (Though if the economy doesn't pick up soon I'm going to be turning them into casseroles.)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I love classic jazz, Celtic music and travel.
I don't have anywhere near that many recordings, and after my recent yardsale have almost no vinyl.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I like doing puzzles. And I did sudokus before they were called sudoku. My current favorite puzzles are Cross Sums, Anacrostics, and Word Mines (Where you find words using the letters of a larger word)
Posted by cleome on :
I should have a yardsale. Couldn't be any worse a rip-off than megacorp-bay. Plus at least I'd get fresh air.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
You guys are way too cool. We're geeks and damned proud of it.

I've got an addiction to folk music festivals. I absolutely love camping out for a few days listening to awesome live music by total amateurs, yeah there'll sometimes be a few pros that used to be somebody or just like to do their set then sit in and play some more but usually it's the locals that tear it up.
Too. Much. Fun.

That and I play hand drums with a small band locally, we only do a half dozen or so shows a year but we kick major tail. Every one of our regular members are also music teachers who enjoy the heck out of the chance to cut loose and get busy in front of an audience. It's awesome.

edit: just in case you've gotten the wrong idea here..I don't do drum circles. Thanks but no thanks.

[ December 04, 2008, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
As many of you know, I love choral singing. I'm not a professional by any means, but I've sung with a really good church choir for many years. After years of singing with the same people, it's wonderful to see how our voices "know" each other. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I have a fabulous section leader to help me out.

As I posted somewhere or other, I've been asked to sing one verse of a carol we're singing on Christmas Eve as the tenor in a quartet. I've never done that before, so I'm excited and nervous.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bunches of stuff:

Roman History
History in general but particularly Austrian / Habsburg history; Medievil Russian history / Byzantine History / History of Christianity
The Russian Romantic Literary movement of the 1850's
Horror films, fiction and pulps
1950's era American pop-culture (which includes comics)
Audrey Hepburn
Bogart Noir films
College Football
Music: Motown; Metallica; Led Zeppelin; the Clash; Flogging Molly
India Pale Ales [Big Grin]
Irish Catholic Whiskeys

Other stuff too...I like as many odd, dorky things as any guy is allowed [Big Grin]

[ December 05, 2008, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Well i do have a thing for old school Country Music. growing up i use to watch a lot of Hee-Haw *does that make me a RedNeck??* but my country music taste are from Patsy Cline to anything pre-Garth Brooks. *i really don't like his music for some reason*
watching way too much television growing up as a child, anyone remember the Magic Garden, Romper Room and the New Zoo Revue??
i have a soft spot for 70's soft rock and R&B i admit i love the Carpenters!!
have a crush on Lena Horn, Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch,Dorothy Dandridge, and Pam Grier.
Egyptian History
anything to do with any culture's Mythology.
Russ Meyer films
although being of Jamacian heritage i can only stomach reggae music for a short time before it get's repeatative.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
You guys are way too cool. We're geeks and damned proud of it...

mr cleome assures me that there is no true distinction anymore between "cool" and "geek."

I'm impressed that there are so many musical types here. I played the recorder for awhile. But that was it.
Posted by Set on :
My fanboyish obsessions;

Role-playing games (D&D up to 3.5, Vampire: the Masquerade, Wraith: the Oblivion, Kindred of the East, Mage: the Ascension, Trinity, Aberrant, Adventure!, Mutants & Masterminds, Villains & Vigilantes, GURPS, etc.)

Massively Multiplayer Online Games (Everquest I & II, Dark Ages of Camelot, City of Heroes / Villains, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Star Wars Galaxies (pre 'new game experience'), Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, etc.)

Comic books (Marvel, DC, Image, some random other stuff like Willingham's Elementals or whatever, but always superhero fare)

Sci-fi/fantasy novels (Roger Zelazny, Raymond Feist, Peter Hamilton, Greg Egan, etc, etc.)

Sci-fi/fantasy/superhero movies (not, I must point out, Made For Sci-Fi *Channel* movies!) such as Stargate, Aliens, Lord of the Rings, Dragonslayer, Serenity, etc.

Sci-fi/fantasy/'genre' TV shows (so, so bad, most of them...) such as Babylon 5 or Star Trek: Deep Space Nine or Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Dresden Files or Kindred: the Embraced (shut up, I liked it!).

I also like lots of other random stuff, like science geekery, animals, Egyptian-anything (gee, ya think, 'Set?'), mythologies of various cultures (flavor of the second, Aztec/Inca/Mayan/Toltec, it will change tomorrow), comparitive theology (Hinduism is so much fun! They have so many gods!), behavioral psychology (get thee behind me, cathartic weenies!), astronomy, energy physics, swimming, travel, eating new foods, etc.

I'd need to be a Carggite with a cloning machine and a hive-mind to be able to do everything I want to do and see everything I want to see (and have a Coluan backup-brain to know all the things I want to know!).
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
My hobbies seem to be related to creativity.

As a Legion/comic book fan, I love to draw quick, attractive renditions of characters. My Holo Model competitions (do a search in Bits O' Legionnaire Business) were a fun, interactive way for me to draw, honor requests, and play a game with fellow fans. I also create and post artwork at the Artists and Writers forum at CBR. Right now, I'm maintaining a challenge where artists are invited to create a "supermodel" and every week there is a new "photo" challenge for them to put their model in, much like Tyra's ANTM.

Speaking of ANTM, I love that show. I love American Idol and I love Project Runway. The creativity, the competition and to some extent, the drama keep me interested in those shows.

I love to sing, though I haven't had lessons. I love going to karaoke and my friends have always said that I'm good at it. I've been the KJ at a few different parties, and one time at a wedding. No one wanted to sing at that wedding, so basically, I became a wedding singer. I just programmed a bunch of songs that I know people like, and went for it. Because of the surprise element there, I was a tad irritated and considered singing "Love Stinks" (ala Adam Sandler) but I grew up and didn't give in to that urge. I have auditioned for a couple of singing contests, but never made it. I once got a call-back to front a swing band, but I was #9 out of about 12 hopefuls. In my male diva mind, I kept telling myself that I was better than 3 others instead of worse than 8. Heh!

I'll be frank.... my friends and family like to make fun of me because my interests are similar to those of a maybe 13 or 14 year old girl! Well, be that as it may, I just cannot get into sports or cars or whatever more manly interests are out there. I'm good with that.
Posted by cleome on :
Well, Sketch, mine must be the interests of a teenage boy-- or a middle-aged guy who still feels like a teenager. (Having been to both vinyl/record shows and mainstream comic cons, I can personally vouch for neither being a great place to meet adult women.)

See ? It all balances out. [grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I spend a huge amount of time on gardening, with a focus on heirloom seeds, and I can assure you that garden clubs and conferences are great places to meet adult women. Unfortunately, most of them are my age.
Posted by cleome on :
FC, don't believe Steely Dan. The Cuervo Gold and the Fine Colombian [tm tm] can only take a person so far with somebody one-half to one-third his/her age. You're better off with a contemporary. [wink]
Posted by Stealth on :
The original Transformers cartoon.

The first four seasons of Alias.

Comic book creators like Alan Grant, Peter David, Alan Davis, Steve Epting, and many others.

The Avengers (the Marvel superhero team, not Steed & Mrs. Peel.)

Green Lantern.

Guardians of the Galaxy.

80s Pop Music

80s Metal (listening to Don Dokken's hugely underrated solo album, Up From the Ashes, featuring a virtual supergroup of 80s Euro-Metal: John Norum, Peter Baltes, and Mikkey Dee, as I type this.)

Garbage (the only great band to come out of the 90s IMO.)

60s, 70s, and 80s B-Movies.

More at my blog:
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Books- scifi to comedy fantasy to westerns to scifi westerns to noir to crime to mystery to how to to comics to do it yourself's.

Sports- mostly play alone sports and then of course the all time greatest sport, baseball, followed by panthers football. The single best sport to watch is beach volleyball. I also am a scuba diver (when i have the money, lol) and i love archery (doing it myself, not competitions etc...)

Movies- from classic noir and classic comedy to cheesy scifi to cheesy horror. Classic hitchcock to Destination Tokyo. Mallrats to The Thin Man series.

Cartoons- have loved turning my son onto Justice League, have all the cartoons of the latest seasons, have shown him all the old stuff on you tube.

Music- highly eclectic, favoring artists that actually play instruments or the old time Detroit sound.

Welding- trying to get back into it just because i like making things but like working in a forgiving medium. Would love to learn blacksmithing.

Fishing- not for sport, but for the enjoyment of it. And i haven't been fishing in a long time.

wooden boats- every once in a while i love to peruse boat plans and dream of the day when, lol.

Bikes- want a harley fatboy, or an old indian bike, like the superchief.

theres more, naturally, but i don't want to be a space hog
Posted by He Who Wanders on :

Jefferson Airplane/Starship

Rock history in general, with an emphasis on the stories of bands.

TV Shows:

Babylon 5

Star Trek (the Original Series; loved the others, as well, but they don't qualify as obsessions)

Homicide: Life on the Street


Academic Interests:

English language and history

German language

Novels (currently reading "Sometimes a Great Notion" by Ken Kesey)
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Genealogy-Have traced some ancestors back to the 1400's, others at least to 1820. Have been to a lot of cemeteries to take headstone photos.

The American Civil War-Have 8 CSA and 1 USA direct ancestor involved.

Movies: Old stuff-anything with Jimmy Stewart. Stupid ones-Airplane, The Naked Gun, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, etc.

Music: 50's to 80's mostly. My mon has the original Sun Records of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis. Beatles, Steppenwolf, Journey, REO Speedwagon, etc.
Also Christian-Jars of Clay, Tait, DC Talk, Caedmon's Call.

Sci-fi: Star Trek:TOS, TNG. Supernatural, Smallville.

Other TV: NCIS, some CSI, Psych, and Monk.

Sports: Atlanta Braves, Indianapolis Colts, Carolina Tarheels basketball (and football, somewhat). Really can't stand Hockey, Boxing, Soccer, or UFC.

Other Comics: Justice Society, Justice League, Green Lantern, Flash. Haven't been into Marvel in years.

My family, my church, and my miniature dachshund, Rylie.

Would love to have a Wurlitzer Jukebox, and a Mustang.
Posted by Doctor One on :
-I am an obsessive traveller. I was counting the other day, and discovered that I've been to 72 countries... I also love anything to do with peoples and places: history, geology, natural history, comparative religion, languages, etc.

-Love scuba diving

-In my "real" life I am a biology teacher at University. And I have to say, the more I learn about Biology the more I like it. Biology feels right now like Physics must have felt at the beginning of the 20th century.

-I also LOVE singing. Right now I go 3 times a week to some music rehearsal or another. Two of them are choirs, and the third one is a really fun group that specializes in Venezuelan Christmas carols, full of drums, cuatros, etc. I am Colombian, but they've let me infiltrate their group. And boy am I ever loving it!

-Given what I've written before, it won't come as a surprise that my favorite type of music is World Music. Here's a tip: go to Youtube and look for Ikavoi ihminen . Six singers from Finland formed a group called Rajaton, and they are just perfect. Listen to the Rajaton Butterfly Video as well (one in English for those whose Finnish is less than excellent)

-I haven't been here on the boards very much recently. There are two reasons for that: first, I've been in Indonesia. And second, I discovered that it is possible to download Kaliman adventures from the internet. Who is Kaliman, you ask? Well, it's a Mexican superhero, very popular in Colombia also. I grew up listening to his radio adventures and collecting his comic books, that's where my obsession with comics comes from. I have every single issue that has ever been published on him, and now I have been listening to some of his radio novels. I decided to start collaborating on a Kaliman wikipedia that is being developed, and that swallowed all of my free time. But I've stopped doing that, a very annoying person decided to come in and modify everything that I write, introducing factual and spelling errors. At first I thought he was serious, but then I discovered that he just did it to annoy me. And it worked. I don't think that I've ever been so furious on the internet. Sheesh. So I stopped, it's just too aggravating. And here I am again...
By the way, if you either speak Spanish or want to use your knowledge of the language, I highly recommend listening to Kaliman radio novels, they are pretty cool... Let me know and I'll tell you where to find them.

-When do I have time to do all this? Well, I'm not married...


[ December 09, 2008, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
My OTHER major geekish obsession is Living History. All summer long I take part in Napoleonic skirmishing as a private solider in His Britannic Majesty’s 68th (Durham) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry) protecting all free born Englishmen from the tyrannical ambitions of that monster the Emperor Napoleon.
We travel all over the UK and Europe to various events showing people the uniforms weapons and tactics of the Redcoated “Scum of the Earth” who eventually freed all of Europe from the subjection of the French. We set up a recruiting camp with our woman folk as camp followers and show a little of how the ordinary solider of the day lived in camp. If you want to see then this is a link to my living history page. Living History Dardens Page

Jen and I like travelling to meet other Legion World’ers (whether they like meeting us is another story) [LOL]

We also have been to a few folk music festivals and on my history page you’ll hear one of my favourite bands at the moment.

I usually attend a couple of Real Ale festivals a year and like a certain other poster have a real liking for India Pale Ales.
[Yes] [Drool]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
My other obsession is my job, building, maintaining, and testing Submarines for the US Navy.

It allows me to travel the world, often without adult supervision, going places and seeing things most people never have the opportunity to.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you any more or I'll have to erase your mind...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:

Unfortunately, I can't tell you any more or I'll have to erase your mind...

Well if you can find a working mind amongst us lot Abin I'll help.... [LOL]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Originally posted by Abin Quank:

Unfortunately, I can't tell you any more or I'll have to erase your mind...

Well if you can find a working mind amongst us lot Abin I'll help.... [LOL]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Irish Catholic Whiskeys

Rest my case!

My biggest geeks:
Ireland - the music, the history, the culture
Music - I appreciate diversity and take pride in not having the largest but the most varied collection.
Baseball - I'm a Mets fan, so it gets harder each year to stay interested.
Stand-up comedy - if they had cards for comics, I'd have the whole set.
Philosophy - that's only in my EDE id
Posted by cleome on :

Since Thriftshop Debutante is trying to encourage the newbies to post and such, I thought: why not?

[Poke Joke]
Posted by cleome on :
How could I have missed this before?! [No]


Originally posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN:

...watching way too much television growing up as a child, anyone remember the Magic Garden, Romper Room and the New Zoo Revue??

Dude! Not only do I remember all these, but I can still sing all the lyrics to The Patchwork Family's theme song!

[Big Grin]
Posted by cleome on :

I see some new names out there, so it's time again.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, I enjoy shooting people that enjoy long walks on the beach with bb guns in the butt.

My favorite movie is "I spit on mama's dismembered nightmare body on elm street at Halloween".

My favorite book is "I wanna hold your hand" by C. Hook.

I have my grandfather's eyes... in a jar.

My favorite music is the sound of 4 million locusts eating Madonna, and not in one of her book ways.

For a living I sell stock in Air Apparant,a company that is selling futures in breathable air to secret government conclaves across the world. We now have it vanilla flavored as well as chocolate.

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
---Fred Allen
Posted by MLLASH on :
OMG, where have I been? I **love** talking about me...

Currently my other obsessions besides the Legion are Facebook and zombie movies... or zombie TV shows (THE WALKING DEAD coming in October on AMC!!!! Miss it NOT!!)

Also, True Blood on HBO.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lately, I've been really getting into stand-up comics (my wife too). I see above Ceej is too and I know Lightning Lad does as well.

Last year it was Kurt Vonnegut in a big way.
Posted by cleome on :
I don't really have any new interests at this point. Given my financial status, it's just as well.

Suppose I could add that I love, love, to cook-- even though the kitchen at chez_cleome is awful. I still manage to get some enjoyment from preparing food for myself and others.

(And you don't wanna' know how many ridiculously over-endowedpowered kitchen gadgets I covet. Other middle-aged people have their Red Corvette dreams, I've got dreams about this.)

[fans self]

[ August 26, 2010, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
cle, if I didn't know better, I would swear you were my wife, lol. She bought that not long back, or one so near like it I can't tell the difference.
Posted by cleome on :
Sadly, Sir, I am not now nor have I ever been a redhead. I do have some first cousins on Mom's side with that coloring, but that's all.

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
You did something bad in a former life, lol.
Posted by Ramble Damsel on :
Currently, I'm giddy with anticipation for Steve Bissette's return to comics with Tales of the Uncanny, and for Steve Epting taking over the art on Fantastic Four.

I'm also going through something of a Nickelodeon phase, although the only show of theirs I follow religiously is VicTORIous, sort of a G-Rated 21st Century bubblegum version of Fame. It's great fun.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
^Never really watched Victorious, but my kids absolutely adore Nick's Big Time Rush and iCarly. (I'm kinda partial to iCarly!)
Posted by Ramble Damsel on :
iCarly is cute, but VicTORIous is hilarious. I'm surprised your kids don't watch it, although it's relatively new (only been on since March, and only a few episodes aired to date.)
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
I dunno, it seems slightly more grown-up than iCarly. Not a whole lot but just a bit. They're 12 and 7, so maybe that factors in. Doesn't hurt that iCarly is on ALL the time, either. BTR has the advantage of having catchy songs and music videos that they like.
Posted by Ramble Damsel on :
Good point. VicTORIous probably appeals more to 14-15 year-olds.

BTW, that picture that I posted a couple times in Mission Monitor Board is Jade, the mean girl from VicTORIous.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
14 to 15 years olds? I saw the ads for that thing when my son was watching and I thought the girl was in her twenties.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :

She may very well be older in real life than she claims to be, Rick, but on the show her character's a high school student.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, I know girls "mature" early...but dang. She looks like she pulls gray hairs out at night.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Hmmm ... I've been told by several people that when I'm a fan of something, I am really a fan of something ...

Nelson DeMille... I've been to a signing for every book he has put out for the past twenty years

Mike Birbiglia... an awesome stand-up comic I've seen perform just about every time he's in NYC for the past six years

Amy Grant... though a lot of people forgot about her after "Baby Baby" in the early nineties, I still follow her 'religiously,' including her most recent tour in July as well as an "incident" at a bookstore in NYC a couple of years ago when I <sigh> got up and sang a duet with her

Harry Potter... don't ever get me started on this topic

Calvin and Hobbes & Bloom County... back in high school, I had a cat named Hobbes... in my high school yearbook, under my picture it lists my future plans as "To move to Bloom County and marry Lola Granola"

The West Wing... see Harry Potter comment

Jaws... I've told this story before elsewhere on LW, but when I was three years old, my mother thought it would be a good idea to take me to see Jaws with my older brother and his friends... a lifelong fear/obsession with sharks was born...

Survivor... BEST SHOW EVER!

I think that's enough for now...
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
My non-Legion obsessions? Other than my family?

Travel - been to all 50 states of the US and all 10 provinces of Canada. One of these days I hope to get the kind of money it will take to do international travel.

Kansas City Royals - I have a collection of every yearbook, a baseball card or photo of every player to take the field for the team...what can I say, I'm a fan.

LOST - No explanation necessary, I imagine. My favorite TV show of all time, easily.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I'm a huge Miyazake fan- I watch My Neighbor Totoro & Spirited Away at least once a month and I've read Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind at least a dozen times.

I'm obsessed with the B-52s!! I have CDs, cassettes, vinyl, colored vinyl, box sets, foreign pressings & rarities galore. I've seen them in concert at least 10 times and I met Fred Shneider 19 years ago when he walked into a bar I was working at. I served him wine & he sat and talked to me for 2 hours!!

I'm not an actor, but I appeared in a play at the 1999 NYC Fringe festival, "Three Sisters in Search of a Cherry Orchard"-a Chekov parody. A friend of mine was directing & he needed a last minute replacement for Olga, the eldest sister. I agreed, unaware that Olga was the lead character with the most lines and that we were to play in a 500-seat theatre!! I was in full drag and yes, the playbill listed me as Alec Fernandez aka Minty Fresh!!

Lastly, I was a speaker(with 5 others) at a Gay/Lesbian Comic Creators panel at the NY LGBT center four years ago. I figured that no more than a dozen people would be in attendance, but I lost count when it got to over 50!
We were all interviewed by the moderator, then took questions from the audience. Afterwards, attendees lined up for our autographs!!! I was shocked!!
Posted by cleome45 on :
Posted by Shining Son on :
Hey Rhino, I think I was at that creators panel at the Center. I'm sure there's been more than one, but only time I went was about 4 years ago. Ivan Velez hosted it right? I know the Chelsea Boys creator was there because I bought the book from him. Do you remember me asking now that the microphone's working can you all introduce yourselves again? [Smile]

Anyway, sorry cleo, but I just don't see myself with vices or obsessions. I refuse to think of sex as a vice, and I don't see how any interest I have is out of hand. I'm sure you didn't mean it quite as literally as I'm taking it, but those are the words I'm reading...

I don't think anyone else would consider any interests I have to be out of hand either, I don't spend money on anything, and money and time are what people go by right? Used to have a gym membership because I like looking in shape, but with the economy down I'm just doing pushups and chinups and home for a year now.

I guess as far as interests I could mention roleplaying games (with people not computers) which I haven't played in some time now, and though I've never pursued acting for money I have done it. Actually have been paid for stage managing though. I like Star Trek, Star Wars, and Harry Potter, but in all cases one can hardly be called obsessive if one hasn't managed to see all the movies in the theatre. (Part of that is not having many friends in town to go out with, but someone who was obsessed would surely see them anyway, no?)

Always liked Saturday Night Live. Not always loved, but nothing can be golden for over 30 years right?

Monty Python, Frasier, Friends, and Big Bang Theory deserve mention.

And people who make the world better. I've currently stopped trying myself, but glad some people still put in an effort.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Originally posted by cleome45:

^^ Somebody's got a birthday coming up. [Cool]
Posted by cleome45 on :

Originally posted by Shining Son:

...Anyway, sorry cleo, but I just don't see myself with vices or obsessions. I refuse to think of sex as a vice, and I don't see how any interest I have is out of hand. I'm sure you didn't mean it quite as literally as I'm taking it, but those are the words I'm reading...

No apology necessary, Shining Son. And anyone who's met Ivan Velez is okay with me. [Cool]
Posted by cleome45 on :
Originally posted by He Who LSHes:
Originally posted by cleome45:

^^ Somebody's got a birthday coming up. [Cool]
By damn, you're right!

Bartender! Buy the entire LMB whatever it wants! And put it on my tab!
Posted by future king on :
Um.... can this be one of those time where I cave in and have my once-or-twice-a-year drinks? Stuff always tastes better when it's free! [Big Grin]
Posted by the Hermit on :
Pre-corporate rock is my main obsession. Not only have I spent a lot of time and money tracking down copies of records (45s, LPs and CDs) from literally hundreds of bands from the late 60s, I've even created a weekly syndicated radio show dedicated to keeping their music alive (it's called Stuck in the Psychedelic Era. Google it if you're interested in such stuff).
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
^^That sounds awesome! I'll have to check it out sometime!
Posted by Viridis Lament on :
I'm into quite a few things...

My biggest passion is gaming. I love games, especially video games, but board games and pen and paper RPGs are fun too. I play Xbox360, PS3, Wii, PC, and DS. I've also started building a "retro" game collection, though that is in its infant stages. When I buy a game, if there is a collectors edition available, thats what I get.
Board games I enjoy most of them. Recenly been playing "Life" a fair bit but my all time favorites are "Chess" and "Axis and Allies".
PnP RPGs I liked Vampire and DnD but no longer have a group to play with [Frown]
I also talk a lot about games. If you think I post often here during my posting phases, you should see my posting habits on gamefaqs and x360a.

I also enjoy art, drawing and photomanipulations mostly. Haven't really pursued that much lately.

Music wise I'm into metal since I discovered metal in the 80's. Over the years my tastes have grown progressively heavier, currently loving a genre called Black Metal. I enjoy it to the point that from 1991 through to around 2005 I've played in a variety of metal bands. I'd love to get back into it, but the metal scene here isn't good and what few bands there are play the "Nu-Metal" genre.

Then there is the geekiest thing of all.
I adore beating google's ranking system.
I'm really not sure how I do it, but I have some inate understanding of how search engines really work, and manipulate my pages to get on googles front page. I'm like a savant when it comes to SEO.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Originally posted by cleome:
what's the OTHER vice/obsession that you don't mind telling a total stranger about ?

This one is a bit awkward, but... whatever...

I'm a hoarder - not of actual physical things, but of data.

I sometimes joke about having OCD but, if I were to be completely honest with myself, I probably actually do.

Basically, any aspect of my life that I can quantify, I generally do. I maintain tons of spreadsheets in which I record a variety of disparate things - from lists of movies I have seen, to books I've read, to income I've earned, to miles I've driven. I decided to get in shape, so I started wearing a pedometer and made a spreadsheet to chart my daily steps (setting a goal that ensured that each subsequent day in a week cycle I would be more active than the last) . I wanted to pay down my mortgage more quickly, so I drew up my own amortization schedule that would show how variations in payments affect the overall loan (charting, of course, the monthly variance between principal, escrow, and interest). My wife and I agreed to make, not buy, Valentines Day cards last month, so I figured out the series of numbers necessary such that when their sines and cosines were plotted as x and y coordinates, they would describe a heart.


I'm pretty sure that this sort of obsessive list keeping probably qualifies as "mental illness", but I feel like doing it helps me to be more successful, as opposed to impairing me, and thus far that has been borne out.

Apart from being a nutbag - I also enjoy hiking, playing piano, going to music festivals, and travelling, and have a great appreciation for the well-made martini.
Posted by Viridis Lament on :
Ha I recently made a joke on FB about having CDO...its like OCD except the letters are in the correct order!

Anyways, Ex I think that you just have an incredible eye for detail and are always looking to improve yourself or your work...thus the spreadsheets (I do the same thing though not to the level you do). I'm pretty sure anyone who has been following your various threads on Bits will agree.

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