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Posted by Set on :
So I totally want to know how far into this show LLASH has gotten.

It's pretty schlocky teen drama stuff, and, in typical TV 'teen drama' fashion, it's a bunch of twenty-something year old model/actors pretending to be 'average high schoolers,' but it's completely grown on me.

I like that, unlike certain other supernatural teen dramas (Smallville, Buffy, Vampire Diaries), the regulars are not constantly holding the Idiot Ball to advance the plot. I'm also loving how the love interest is *not* playing girl hostage of the week (like Lana, for the first few seasons of Smallville), and both makes smart, practical decisions and is no damsel in distress (even when the situation is way over her head, she doesn't come across as a victim).

The show appears to be for a different demographic than me, in that the girls generally keep their clothes on, and more action than I was expecting happens in the guys locker room with dudes wearing nothing but towels...

But hey, I'm sure that's a selling point for others!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
It definitely IS a selling point for others [Smile]

I'm enjoying it. I am still on season one, having just watched episode 4 this week. Things seem to move along quickly, and the mystery with Derek and his motives is engaging.

One of my very favorite things so far is that neither Scott nor Stiles are typical Hollywood prettyboys. Not to imply that they aren't handsome... The guy playing school nemesis Jackson IS a pretty boy, and was involved in a bit of a gay scandal in real life:

...which of course is also fun for me [Smile]

I am enjoying Stiles in particular, I really like his semi-spastic take on the best friend character. Allison's dangerous Dad and Aunt are also interesting, but I just want them to leave poor Scott alone!

There's been a couple of standout CGI moments; in particular, the scene where Scott in his dream hurls a bus-seat toward the viewer really POPS watching it on my laptop up close; the scene where Allison's aunt is driving and you can see whoever the Alpha werewolf is running alongside her in the shadows was also VERY creepy.

In this image, Stiles (on the left) and Scott (our Teen Wolf, on the right) engage in a conversation so humorous I had to screen-capture it with captions:

Click for fullsize image

I'll post reviews of all episodes here going forward.
Posted by Set on :
Stiles is hilarious. He's the 'Xander' of the show, always obsessing about the oddest stuff.

Scott's mom also has the occasional good snarky line, and The Coach is a riot, veering off on bizarre tangents.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Good to know the Coach stays crazy-- every scene he's been in has been memorable!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
BAH!!! My weekend is off to a tres DULL start. I'm hoping SEASON 1 EPISODE 5 of TEEN WOLF will provide me some jollies:

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OOPS! that wasn't an episode, it was series co-star Colton Hayne's gay scandal photos!! Wow, he's so aggressive on the show but he isn't puttin' up much of a fight in those pics! *tawdry chuckle* Okay, I've had my lascivious fun, now on to the episode (which is NOT lascivious fun in ANY way... yeahrite)

**GLARE** Frickin' Netflix is NOT COMING UP for some reason. Yeah, that's about right for this weekend. *hurls ashtray* I'll try again shortly...
Posted by Set on :
Since when is kissing a scandal? Cheap-ass second-rate scandals. Call me when someone's knocked-up and living in a trailer park brewing meth to pay the bills because her beau, who she just found out is married to another woman the next county over under another name, dumped her to take up with her stepmother. Who is also her cousin (both the beau *and* the stepmother).

Then we'll talk scandal.

Oh wait, this is the Teen Wolf thread, not the Teen Mom thread...
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Netflix is still being an ass-pain but HULU-plus apparently also carries TEEN WOLF, so yay for that!

Let's get it started:

Wow.. opening scene in the video store (what a quaint setting) was pretty creepy!! Looks like the alpha wanted to turn Jackson too! So WHY is he assembling this Legion of Cute-boy Betas (if that is in fact what he is doing)???

Looks like Scott and Derek want to find out also!

DANNY!!! That's the gay guy Stiles was worried might not find him attractive! [LOL]

oh LULZ!!!! I was hoping he would ask and he did! I'm starting to wonder about Stiles:

Click for fullsize image

And then he falls off his seat! SO adorkable!!

Jeepers, and THAT was followed with a locker room scene... my WORD. So Derek didn't act like Jackson's scratch was gonna change him, just that he should get it checked out?

WHOA-- Lydia caught the alpha on her videocamera!! Now, what will Stiles do with it? DELETE it? Why??

YIKES-- Kate was actually gonna kill Derek for not knowing who the alpha is?? One would think the betas wouldn't be dangerous enough to need to kill [Frown]

I never ever thought I'd type this sentence but: the parent/teacher conference scenes were enthralling.

Ummm, that school parking lot panic scene? VERY poorly done. Tres d-grade filming there. But I was a bit surprised to see an actual mountain lion on the receiving end of the bullet... Not poorly done enough to mess the episode up though. Fun stuff!!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Originally posted by Set:
Since when is kissing a scandal? Cheap-ass second-rate scandals. Call me when someone's knocked-up and living in a trailer park brewing meth to pay the bills because her beau, who she just found out is married to another woman the next county over under another name, dumped her to take up with her stepmother. Who is also her cousin (both the beau *and* the stepmother).

Then we'll talk scandal.

Oh wait, this is the Teen Wolf thread, not the Teen Mom thread...

WOW... this actually makes me WANT to watch Teen Mom!!! [LOL]
Posted by Set on :
Now I have to go back and watch the first season again to remember what you're talking about!

Season 2 is up to ep 5, but only up to ep 4 on Xfinity. (I can't watch it as it comes out on, because the quality is terrible.)

Scott totally won the lottery having Stiles as a best friend. He's smart enough to help with homework, dorky enough to know a little bit about *everything,* spastic enough to never be a romantic rival, has a vehicle, and, oh yeah, his dad is chief of police...

Unfortunately, the actor who plays Scott seems to have gone to the same 'acting' school that Tom Welling / Clark-from-Smallville went to, the 'I need to convey feeling in this scene, so I'll tighten my jaw muscle a bit and squint, since that's my one trick...'

Eh. Still puts him one trick above Keanu Reeves, I guess.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Stiles is the semi-straight best friend we ALL need!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
A Whopping 24 pieces of good news for TEEN WOLF fans from comic-con:

That many episodes for an MTV scripted series is unheard of... until now!
Posted by Set on :
Wow, nice that they've renewed it.

MTV hasn't had anything this watchable since they stopped playing music videos back in the early '90s. :>

Have you caught up through season one yet, and started on season two, or still enjoying Derek Hale's inexplicable inability to keep his shirt on in season one?

(There's a scene where it gets all meta-textual and pokes fun at itself, in Stiles room. You'll know it when you see it!)
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I haven't gotten past the last episode I reviewed, I've gotten deeply into my third series re-watch of THE OFFICE. But I'll be returning to the shirtless shenanigans of TEEN WOLF soon... it's impossible for me to stay away long :-)
Posted by Blacula on :
I caught a few episodes of this show late at night here in Australia when I was supposed to be up studying. I actually really enjoyed it.

I think I probably saw like, episode #s 3, 4 and 6 or something though so my comprehension of the plot was a bit all over the place, but still - it seemed fun. I should download it one day and catch up on it properly.

I will say though that the guy who played the semi-antagonistic friend/rival/whatever he is (not Stiles - the other one) looked to me like he had been hand-chiselled out of beautiful marble by God himself! He isn't even my type of guy and I couldn't take my eyes off him! His acting seemed pretty good too. I predict a bright future for him.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Yeah, that was probably Colton Haynes (see above). He is quite the beauty.

Or you may have been talking about non-High Schooler Derek... he's handsome but a little too much on the crazyface side for me [Wink]
Posted by Blacula on :
Oh yeah, it was Colton Haynes. He doesn't seem anywhere near as good looking in the pics above for some reason though. I think the shorter blondey-brown hair must suit him.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Also in those pics, he was pre-working out 24/7.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I've just about OD'ed on comedy over the last few days so it's time for some shirtless supernatural teen drama! Season 1 Episode 6 is GO!

Yep, Tyler Posey's shirt is off wihtin the first 5 minutes... that's a good sign [Smile]

WHEW--! Our first good (and brief) glimpse of the Alpha werewolf-- looked pretty frightening too!

I'll admit SOME werewolves scare me pretty badly. I'm talking the monster-size original HOWLING type... the adorable big puppies from, say, BUFFY and TRUE BLOOD aren't really scary to me (as a viewer). Whereas vampires (at least non-nosferatu types) have a certain sexiness about them, and (non-runner) zombies have a feel like if I was smart I could get away from them, original-HOWLING type werewolves are cunning and vicious... this glimpse looked like a HOWLING-wolf! I got a little scared...!

DEREK!! *whew* That was 2 frights this episode has given me!

Hmm... since Derek's eased off on some of the crazyface expressions, I'm noticing him being super-handsome...

Running and hiding from Allison in the boys room as she calls for you is SO high school, Scott... oh wait, this IS high school...

Umm, I think Stiles had an ulterior motive in his "heart monitor" exercise in anger control with Scott.

Jackson's looking kinda bad from those dark circles under his eyes... I do hope he sticks around, Colton Haynes *is* terrific eye candy as Blacula noticed [Smile]

YUCK!! That scene with the claw coming out of Jackson's mouth was DISGUSTING! TEEN WOLF is totes stepping up the special FX...

A Coach Crazy scene... always amusing!

Stiles' methods for teaching control suck ASS.

I'm guessing semisurly Detention teacher is the Alpha? He at least knows something.

HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER--!!!!! They killed Derek!!! And we get a real good look at the Alpha--!! He is BIIIIIIG.

This episode really kicked it up a notch... acting, FX and frights. If this keeps up, I am starting to see why this show earned that 24-episode pickup for Season 3!
Posted by Set on :
Amusing interview (spoilers for something that happens in season 2, but nothing that we didn't see coming, given the nature of the show) with 'Stiles'.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
^I'm not reading that unless this guess is right, so let me know Set:

Click Here For A SpoilerIs Stiles coming out???

As soon as dinner is fixed, I'm a-sitting down for a TEEN WOLF marathon! Time to get through Season 1!
Posted by Set on :
Nope. He's gonna keep holding that torch for Lydia a little longer.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Hmm. Well that was my best guess... Okay finishing up dinner-fixing so I can sink into the rest of this season... I prob won't do individual reviews so I can plow through it all, but I'll be back to discuss them as a whole!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Hmm, I got a little waylaid by THANGS but I have gotten 2 episodes in tonight... nice to see Derek... so are werewolves immortal-ish?

Lots of angst... a handful of genuine scares... and some mysteries... my favorite 2 are WHO is the alpha? and WHAT is Jackson's connection to the wolves, post-scratch? There obviously IS a connection but it must take a bite to make a Beta, not just scratches. Yet they have done SOMEthing to him!!

I think I can fit in one more episode before I have to go to bed...
Posted by Set on :
Throughout season 1 there seems to be some uncertainty as to whether or not a scratch can turn someone into a werewolf, although someone speculates that it might work, if the claws went deep enough. They tease it quite a bit. By season 2, it's no longer a question or issue or something... (Although I'm not telling why!)

Not everything gets answered, 'though. I'm up to ep 8 of season 2, and there's still questions about Jackson's ties to the werewolves. I imagine there will still be some questions unanswered at the end of the season, the way things are shaping up. Good things they got a third season renewal!

[ July 29, 2012, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
J'LOVING THIS SHOW more than ever!! The alpha mystery is solved!! Danny can't take his eyes off Derek while Derek tries to find one of Stiles' shirts to fit him, and THIS screen capture which I've made into the web's newest meme sensation:


3 more to go for Season 1 then I sink my teeth into season 2!!

Set, yes, I've just seen Aunt Kate speculating that Jackson might be a beta himself!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Good Lord!! So much happening...

Episodes open with locker room scenes...

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Even gay Danny gets a moment!

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But then the lights go out...

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Mysterious balls rolling everywhere...!

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Pretty people having problems...

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...such as looking too hot in tank tops:

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Derek making promises to pretty little boys...

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...that he can't keep when he's all chained up!!!

Click for fullsize image

It's just another episode of TEEN WOLF, child!
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
Danny can't take his eyes off Derek while Derek tries to find one of Stiles' shirts to fit him,

Yeah, that scene was funny on a couple of levels. I love the banter.

"You may play for the other team, but you still play, right Danny boy?"

"You're a terrible person."

"I know. It keeps me up nights."

Recent interview hopping has informed me that Scott (Tyler 1) is happy to have less shirtless scenes than Derek (Tyler 2) and Jackson (Colton) because they have a trainer who has worked them so hard that they throw up after the workout. Colton, when asked what he thinks of the gay fanbase for the show, says he thinks it's cool, and that his gay brother and his husband love the show. Alison (Crystal) is a giggle machine, and Lydia (Holland?) sounds pretty serious and analytical, which is kind of a role reversal. (The actress Holland is way prettier than the charcter Lydia, IMO. For that matter, the actor Dylan looks *totally* different than the character of Stiles. Click on the interview I linked upthread and turn off the volume, if you want to skip the spoiler, just to get an idea what he looks like between seasons.)

In season two, the trend of hot people eating apples in a sultry way continues.

[ July 31, 2012, 03:13 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Wow, it seemed to me like Scott (Tyler Posey) has the MOST shirtless scenes in season 1...!!

I finshed Season 1 last night!! Quite the finale it was, too... it may have taken 11-12 episodes, but all the ladies got WAY more interesting! Kate certainly did, though revelations about her were kind of out of nowhere... as was Allison's sudden olympic-level skills! I am most curious about where Lydia's current situation will lead!

I had more pictures to post but Photobucket has been a total arsehole lately. [Frown]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Originally posted by Set:

Colton, when asked what he thinks of the gay fanbase for the show, says he thinks it's cool, and that his gay brother and his husband love the show.

Wow, someone has Colton completely terrified to own up to his gayness. I'm betting he becomes a Scientologist next...
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
*glare* is CRAP when it comes to streaming their shows. The HD goes in and out as do the captions. I was actually doing okay without the captions and powering through episode 1 of season 2, but then it restarted back like 10 minutes prior to where I was and I had to 'X' out of it!! Tres annoying.

I *did* see the season open with shirtless Colton, rising from the water with some interesting markings, Lydia freak and leave the hospital, Scott (complete with snazzy new Hollywood hairdo- I will kinda miss his messy teen hair) get strung up and Derek putting the fear into presumed new castmember Isaac.

I will keep my eye on MTV for possible Season 2 marathons or wait until S2 is on Netflix I guess.

OR.... go check now....

GASSSSSSSS--ASSSSSSSSP!!!!! Season 2 is on Hulu IN FULL!!!! (!!!)
Posted by Set on : is indeed crap. [Smile]

I watch it either on Hulu or Xfinity, or some other less reputable source, on occasion.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Before I disappear back into the Teen Wolfiverse, I should probably show some more of-age reasons to watch the show... like:

this guy:

Click for fullsize image

Allison's dad:

Click for fullsize image

Stiles' dad:

Click for fullsize image

and what's about to happen here in about 3 seconds:

Click for fullsize image

More fun captures: Dancing with Danny:

Click for fullsize image

Derek smiling so "sweetly" at Jackson (our pal Colton in real-life)...

Click for fullsize image

...and Jackson/Colton-cakes rising shirtless from the murk, ready to out-shirtless EVERYone in season 2!


Alright, now I'm off to finish s2 e1!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Originally posted by Set: is indeed crap. [Smile]

I watch it either on Hulu or Xfinity, or some other less reputable source, on occasion.

I have HULU plus and I'm tickled all the eps are there!! Yay!
Posted by Set on :
[irrational rant]
Seeing that picture of Alison's dad reminds me of one of my nitpicky quirks. Alison has lovely brown eyes. Both her mom and her dad have not only blue eyes, but *striking* pale blue eyes (like, wow, those are some blue eyes!).

That's genetically never gonna happen. Blue eyes are recessive. To have blue eyes, both parents have to have the genes for blue eyes.

Since Ma and Pa Argent have blue eyes, they literally *can't* have the genes to have a brown-eyed child ('cause if they did, they wouldn't be blue eyed!).
[/irrational rant]

Now that you've seen the last episode of season 1, there's quite the mystery of why Jackson remembers the Hale house. 'The fire' was supposed to be only six years ago, so it seems like he wouldn't be one of the survivors of the fire, taken away and adopted. But could he have been a Hale a decade before, sent away for adoption for other reasons?

And if he is a Hale, does the disappearance / death of his parents have anything to do with the Argent family? (It probably would have been before Kate's time, 'though.)

The other big mystery is what's up with the town veterinarian. He's got *something* going on, as he demonstrated facing down the Alpha, but what it is, remains obscure. I like that they aren't rushing to pull back the covers on what's up with him.

The only quibble I've got with the show right now is the secrecy. Scott not telling his mom, Stiles not telling his dad, Alison not communicating important information to her dad, Lydia being left in the dark about stuff that's regularly threatening her life, etc. seems to be biting people on the ass as regularly as it did back on Smallville, where Clark would spend *years* keeping secrets from Lana, Lois, Chloe, etc. and every damn time it turned out *better* when he finally told them (or they found out anyway, despite his best efforts).

I don't think the 'drama' would suffer if a few key people (particularly people who could cover for them, like, I dunno, *the town sheriff!*) knew what was going on. It's not like they still wouldn't have to keep the secret from the rest of the town, their classmates, the rest of the police force, their teachers, etc., etc.

Buffy kind of had the same problem. Artificial secrecy provided some antics (as she scrambled to come up for excuses to hand her mom about why she was out all night, or covered with blood, or had a collection of stakes in her room 'for building really tiny fences?'), but that can only last so long before it ends up making the character look stupid for handicapping themselves by not letting their loved ones in on the stuff going on in their lives (and letting them help!).
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I will agree that inter-character secrecy in TV shows drives me up a WALL (it is one of THE most annoying things about LOST so far). I was THRILLED when Allison saw Scott in total wolf-face, with no POSSIBLE OTHER EXPLANATION for what he could be BUT a werewolf. I was glad when Jackson figured it out.

Scott NEEDS his own gang of 'Scoobies' if you will allow me to borrow from Buffy. I'm glad they appear to be assembling.

It is beyond crazy that Stiles' father hasn't been let in on the werewolfiness in his town!

Season 2 episode 1 was freaking HARDCORE. Things look to be getting very unpleasant for our gang, fast.

I also LOVE the new opening title sequence, complete with everyone's real name and character image!
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
Scott NEEDS his own gang of 'Scoobies' if you will allow me to borrow from Buffy. I'm glad they appear to be assembling.

Within a few episodes, something like that will get pointed out, by Derek, of all people.

It is beyond crazy that Stiles' father hasn't been let in on the werewolfiness in his town!

I also LOVE the new opening title sequence, complete with everyone's real name and character image!
It's a definite improvement! I love the fade from Alison kissing Scott to Alison pulling back on a bow. Lydia being yanked backwards off the screen, or whatever that's supposed to be, in an unfortunate reminder that she's still kind of 'girl hostage.'

I'm sure the scene of Jackson jumping has it's fans as well. Scandalous!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Season 2 is really kicking it UP a notch or three!

I'm totally loving Derek's legion of Betas-- Erica, Isaac and Boyd... and am worried about them.

So it appears Lydia did NOT gain wolfy powers... but there IS something supernatural going on with her, based on the vision she had at the ice rink.

Jackson also may not have gained wolfy powers-- but he DID suddenly become strong enough to lift a truck.

All very interesting, your old buddy MLLASH is spellbound! On to S2 e4!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
PeePaw Argent is a TOTAL S.O.B.!!!
Posted by Set on :
He really, really is. You can tell where Kate got the crazy from!

That poor actor is so typecast. He's the curmudgeonly racist-metaphor Cylon-hating Saul Tigh, in Battlestar Galactica. He's the curmudgeonly racist-metaphor superhero-hating government agent in Smallville. Now he's the curmudgeonly racist-metaphor werewolf-hating Grandpa Argent in Teen Wolf!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
S2 Episode 5: keeping Lydia in the dark after this (before this, really) is criminal and will annoy me greatly. Let's hope she's clued in.

Derek made the reference to Scott being an Alpha himself, with his own pack.

I liked Derek better when he was bad guy but not really bad guy. Now he's just bad guy. [Frown] If Isaac, Erica and Boyd survive the season I will be shocked. Too bad because I like them. But we're starting to have a LSH/LSV situation here and they are the LSV.

They sure are wanting us to think Jackson is the karnita or whatever they call it.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by lowercase mllash: S2 Episode 5: keeping Lydia in the dark after this (before this, really) is criminal and will annoy me greatly. Let's hope she's clued in.
I agree. My number one problem with shows like this is the unnecessary secret-keeping.

Derek made the reference to Scott being an Alpha himself, with his own pack.
That was a great line.

You should like ep 6, 'Frenemy.'
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
It really was a great line!! Okay I'm up for awhile, so I'm gonna watch at least one more episode-- NOW! Especially after reading what you say about the next ep!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
E6... LOVED the gay bar scenes... although even with the fog machines and all the teen queens being hepped up on peppy powder, I think they still would have noticed a snake monster slashing a bunch of bootyshakers on the dancefloor.

GASP- it IS Jackson!!

New boy wooing Lydia --cute but I don't trust him. Also new photography boy-- I think he's gonna be cannon fodder. I hope not, I like that in TEEN WOLF teens aren't dying all willy-nilly like they did in Buffy.

Hmm, Allison's Mom is a nutjob too.

New mystery-- WHO is controlling Jackson? Plus, I love that Lydia is apparently a super-genius.

SHITSNACKS... scenes from next week seem to show a big showdown with Jackson, and Erica dying? I don't want all the sexy teens to be fighting--!!! Can't they just all have a make-out party?!?! Well I suppose I better get through this one...!
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by lowercase mllash: E6... LOVED the gay bar scenes... although even with the fog machines and all the teen queens being hepped up on peppy powder, I think they still would have noticed a snake monster slashing a bunch of bootyshakers on the dancefloor.
Loved the lines;

"Dude! Everybody in here is a dude! I think we're in a gay bar!"

<surrounded by drag queens> "Nothing gets past your keen werewolf senses."

Hmm, Allison's Mom is a nutjob too.
Yeah, it seems like Allison, and to a lesser extent, her father, are the only not-too-crazy members of the Argent family.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Well there I am, innocently watching an episode of TEEN WOLF and then THIS happens:

Click for fullsize image

*stares innocently* I mean, REALLY. What message is MTV trying to send me here, it's kind of unclear.

Click for fullsize image

Well you may have just made the top of the list for some people, Jackson buddy!
Posted by Set on :
IIRC, Danny says something like, 'I've told you before, you're not my type.' before Jackson says, 'I'm everybody's type.'

So, they've discussed this before?
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I know, right?

I'm on the RAVING episode now. Random ramblings:

Isaac and Erica walk in looking hawt! Scott and Allison's lack of communication is causing problems! Photo boy is named Matt! Mr. Stiles fired *choke*
Lydia is AWOL this ep... and where's Boyd been?? Oh, good there he is!! Mama Argent hit and run!!

And this little scene between Isaac, Erica and Jackson brought back some memories:

Click for fullsize image

Mama Argent is a big ol' B!!!!! This season sure has been Jackson heavy... Erica and Isaac have been kinda sorta ineffectual as betas... but I like them because they were set up to be sympathetic... cool to learn more about Dr. Vet Man... GASP!!! Guidance Counselor Lass!! I knew they wouldn't waste such an amazing beauty as she is on a small role-!!

I can't believe I am almost done with season 2--!!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :

Hulu skips from episode 9 to 11 on Season 2!!!!! Well I better watch episode 9 now before they drop it--!!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I watched 10 and 11 ON DEMAND, and am caught up! Excellent episodes. Next ep looks to be a real tough one-- not everyone is gonna make it. At this point, I hate Allison.

DVR set to record all TEEN WOLF eps from now on! [Smile]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Originally posted by Set:
Amusing interview (spoilers for something that happens in season 2, but nothing that we didn't see coming, given the nature of the show) with 'Stiles'.

Finally looked at this. Dylan (Stiles) is adorable, I hope they are letting him wear his hair like that. Couldn't really hear anything that was being said though, due to my poor hearing and all the background noise.
Posted by Set on :
Ooh, you're ahead of me, I think I've only seen up to ep 10, Fury!

Erica and Isaac have indeed been set up with sympathetic backstories. It's particularly neat how Derek points out that Erica 'gets the special chains' because she can handle more pain than either of the boys (and she turns out to be the one to push through the pain and break free anyway), and Isaac turns out to be the one who learns to control himself first.

Boyd's kind of just there. He didn't get the sympathetic backstory and he hasn't done anything particularly cool yet, IMO.

The bit with Alison's mom was a bit of a shocker. I didn't think they'd go there, and was waiting right up to the last minute for them to find a way out. I don't like how it hardens up the lines, and, combined with all the secret-having going on, makes it that much harder for the two factions to work together.

I think I'm shipping Sheriff Stilinski and Nurse McCall. Both are single parents, at their wit's ends with the crap their kids are putting them through, and getting thrown into situations together more and more (PTA meetings, called into the office when their sons have restraining orders placed against them, etc.). It might be comedy gold for Stiles and Scott to have to deal with their parents dating, and the ensuing awkwardness. [Smile]

[ August 13, 2012, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
oooh, I won't spoil anything hard, but episode 11 is called BATTLEFIELD and lives up to the title! Also- following the episode, I **ALSO** became a total shipper for Papa Stiles/Nurse McCall!!

Yeah the thing with Allison's mom- that took me off guard, that they went through with it. I think it shows beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the Argents are actually ALL fanatical nutjobs though.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
[QB] oooh, I won't spoil anything hard, but episode 11 is called BATTLEFIELD and lives up to the title! Also- following the episode, I **ALSO** became a total shipper for Papa Stiles/Nurse McCall!!

I just watched it on Xfinity, and wow, the little hug between Papa Stiles and Mama McCall was like vindication for my mad theory!

Your comment about 'hating Alison now' had me biting my lip that she was gonna kill Boyd and Erica in that scene! You got me all wound up!

I'm glad they glossed over so much stuff during Stiles' interview with the 'school psychologist,' as I was wondering how they could possibly wrap up as much as they needed to wrap up in only two more episodes!

I really can't wait for people to start getting on the same page. If the Sheriff, Pa Argent, Ms. McCall, the Veterinarian and Derek were all in on the information that Scott, Stiles and Alison have, there'd be a lot less unecessary crap going on (and Grandpa wouldn't be able to get away with as much as he's gotten away with).

That fake letter from Alison's mom was just brutal, and making sure she burned it afterwards, so that her dad could never see it and say 'Hey, she never wrote that...' was just sinister.

That man needs an arrow in the eye! (He lost an eye in Battlestar Galactica *and* in Smallville, so he totes needs to lose an eye here!)
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I have ep 12 on the DVR but haven't watched yet-- probably tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous about it!!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Just finished the finale. Was a ride. 43 minutes of TEEN WOLF really zips by, unlike other shows of the same length.

I won't comment much until I know you've seen it Set, but I found it partly satisfying, confusing, cop-outty, surprising and set-uppy. [Smile]
Posted by Set on :
[Warning! SPOILERS! For any who haven't seen the season finale yet! Turn back!)

Just saw it as well, last night, and I was kinda disappointed. Too much stuff being setup for next season, too much zipping by stuff from this season.

There was, literally, no reason at all for Peter Hale to be present. Derek could have found the laptop, the veterinarian or school counselor could have had that information, the Argent family (or the Bestiary) could have had that information. There's just a plethora of ways that could have happened without Hale standing around watching shit happen, and pretty much doing nothing of consequence.

The reveal about Grandpa and his motivations explains the bit last episode with Isaac and the cute little dog at the veterinarian's office. It seemed a bit out of place, and, as the finale was winding down, I wondered if Grandpa's master plan was to somehow make the assembled wolves 'take his pain' and cure him, at the cost of their own lives, or something.

With all the, in some cases, kind of superfluous, IMO, stuff going on, I feel like certain big deals (like Scott's mom's reaction to his 'outing') got left by the wayside. I feel like this 'season finale' really kind of failed the season as a whole. (I felt the same way about pretty much every season finale of Heroes, which seemed to veer from colossal letdown to colossal letdown, so it's not a new sensation for me...)

If the writing were consistently better, I'd be really impressed with the potential for Stiles' arc. His 'I'm not a hero' comment to his father, and 'do you think this was done to hurt *me*?' comment to Lydia, and 'You've still got me.' comment to Scott all speak to a lot of inner turmoil going on, as Stiles recognizes that, not only does *he* see himself as the 'weak link,' but even Scott's enemies see him as the 'weak link,' and little more than a tool to hurt Scott, and, as their conversation t the end suggests, when Stiles has to *repeat* that Scott 'still has him,' that Scott continues to be wrapped up in his own drama, and doesn't seem to realize how much being there for Scott has cost Stiles.

It is weird that *the coach,* of all people, got a meaningful speech about needing Scott on the team, while his mom got such a thin showing. (Stiles' dad on the other hand, got a better father/son scene.) I did laugh when Grandpa was going through the people he might order the Kanema to kill. "Your mother? Your best friends father? Or I could do the whole world a favor and have him kill that fool of a coach..." Heh.

Man, that town is crawling with wolves now...

Peter, Derek, Scott, Isaac, Erica, Boyd and Jackson. Plus this new 'alpha pack.' And Lydia, the veterinarian and the school counselor still have mysterious somethings going on.

Although the show runner has insisted that while there are 'things other than werewolves out there,' that 'there will never be vampires.' [Smile]

Speaking of the school counselor, and vampires, I knew I recognized her from somewhere. It's Bianca Lawson, formerly known as Kendra the Vampire Slayer! I would totally cast her as Shadow Lass, if they ever made a live-action teen Legion series...

[ August 17, 2012, 04:04 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
She is drop-dead BEAUTIFUL. I loved kendra during her brief arc on Buffy; of course I was a MAJOR fan of Drusilla and Kendra was the slayer Drusilla killed.

I think this season demonstrates why TEEN WOLF needed a longer season 3. I suspect next season will seem a LOT more satisfying and see a LOT more character development and good interaction between the characters that 12 episodes just couldn't contain.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
[QB] She is drop-dead BEAUTIFUL. I loved Kendra during her brief arc on Buffy; of course I was a MAJOR fan of Drusilla and Kendra was the slayer Drusilla killed.

Indeed. Drusilla was amazingly fun.

"What are you doing love?"
"I'm naming the stars."
"That's the ceiling. Also, it's day."
"I can see them. But I've given them all the same name, and now there's terrible confusion..."

I read somewhere that Joss had no idea that the actress (Juliet Landau) was a kickboxer, when he scripted her fight scene with Kendra, and was disappointed, because he'd assumed the actress wouldn't be up for a big chick-fight scene, based on her poise.

I think this season demonstrates why TEEN WOLF needed a longer season 3. I suspect next season will seem a LOT more satisfying and see a LOT more character development and good interaction between the characters that 12 episodes just couldn't contain.

The showrunner seems to have a real problem with letting go of characters. He's got too many, and has worked extra hard not to get rid of any.

He either needs a lot more room (which twelve more eps will certainly help with!) or to thin the herd a bit...

Girard, for instance, like Peter Hale, should have 'stayed down.' Unless he's got some brilliant use for them next season, they should overstay their welcome.

Gosh, camera-boy (Matt?) had a short run as 'big bad,' didn't he? Poor bastard. [Smile]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Umm, yeah, Matt? I'm sorry but, "thrown into a pool by a bunch of mean high schoolers" does NOT give you the right to become a homicidal lunatic. I'm SO glad this bit of lameosity was addressed by the show itself (through Stiles, IIRC). I know he almost drowned, but, well... he didn't.

I'm glad none of the teen wolves have died, but I *do* think Peter being back (and Derek's previous recovery from blood-shooting-out-his-mouth internal injuries) is starting to make the wolves seem a bit TOO immortal. Gerard had a great run but he certainly should be gone now. Of course we know he isn't. [Smile]
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Hey Set, thought you might enjoy this article/recap! This guy had as much fun with screen captures as I did, and the article is quite funny!

WARNING TO OTHERS: Article is CHOCK-FULL of both season 1 and 2 SPOILERS for TEEN WOLF. Reading this essentially tells you everything that happened.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Oh I am hoping this is just unfounded gossip!!

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