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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Available here.

[ December 17, 2012, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, that looks like fun, although I can't imagine Harmonia going shopping with the kids.

Hope we see more of 31st century Barcelona than we saw of Istanbul!

How does DC choose where these previews are posted? Do sites apply for the privilege of hosting some preview pages? It seems to be a different site every month.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I was hoping they'd ask that tree dude in Glorith's quarters for help.
Posted by Jay Kay on :
Hmm, I was kinda hoping that it would be the 21st Century Barcelona ending up in the 31st--I thought all these people from the past finding themselves in this future Earth would have more dramatic potential, but what we do see here does look pretty cool.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I was hoping they'd ask that tree dude in Glorith's quarters for help.

No espionage squad potential there. See Harmonia Li's not so smart.
Posted by Power Boy on :
It would've been cool though if the tree dude went apeshit on them ... as if he was a magical security system.
Posted by Power Boy on :
overall though I found the preview incredibly boring.

Thanks EDE thanks a lot for sharing that with us!

Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
We have another issue of Portela's art.
Good gift for Christmas.
Posted by Set on :
I like Glorith's jammies. It looks like she's wearing Chlorophyll Kid's bottoms and Polar Boy's top, which probably makes sense, since she left Sorcerer's World without any carry-on baggage...

Originally posted by Fat Cramer: Well, that looks like fun, although I can't imagine Harmonia going shopping with the kids.
I think Dragonwing was explaining to Harmonia that Glorith was going to go shopping with her and Chemical Kid, and that's why they think it's odd that she's just up and vanished on them, since Glorith isn't much of a one to flake out and 'ditch' them.

[ December 18, 2012, 05:52 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Jay Kay:
Hmm, I was kinda hoping that it would be the 21st Century Barcelona ending up in the 31st--I thought all these people from the past finding themselves in this future Earth would have more dramatic potential, but what we do see here does look pretty cool.

I suspect the people wanting to burn Glorith are from some period in the past, since they aren't speaking Interlac.
Posted by Power Boy on :
I presumed she went back in time due to the title of the issue but:

She must have traveled to some alternate reality where the Sagrada Familia is next door to the Casa Batlló and they were built 400 years earlier during the Spanish Inquisition.
Posted by Power Boy on :
"Over ruled, I have the monitor board, oh wait never mind, back to you Cosmic boy, I'll go fight the dragons!" he he
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, I wonder who the dude riding the Pterosaur is?
Posted by Power Boy on :
It looked like Wildfire to me. heh heh. Maybe the Legion Lost crew is back.

Or its his brother from the alternate 5YG future, trying to horn in on things again.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Power Boy: It looked like Wildfire to me. heh heh. Maybe the Legion Lost crew is back.
It *is* a 'time storm,' and Legion Lost *is* ending.

I would be impressed if Paul is already setting up the return of the missing Legionnaires with this time storm thingie.

I kind of figured it would take six months or so of them hanging out in comic-book limbo before DC got it's crap together enough to hand off seven characters from the end of one series to another series, even if Legion Lost 16 ends with them 'going home' on the last page...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
very nice artwork....esp. ultra boy and Mon el panel reminds me of Crisis George Perez with Lightning Lass/Wildfire, IIRC.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :

So, having read the whole issue, I'd say it continues the trend of good, but not great, Legion stories we've been having over the past few months. We get quite a bit of action of Legionnaires fighting dinosaurs, cave men, tanks, the Spanish Inquisition, etc. Basically, the whole point of the story is to establish that someone big and powerful wants Glorith dead, and thus lured her to Barcelona where, for some reason, her powers cause a time storm. Now, what big, bad villain noted for manipulating the time stream might possibly want Glorith dead? [Hmmm?]

Anyway, Glorith manages to avoid getting splorped.

Also, Cham invites Ayla and Vi to his room to discuss his suspicions that there's a reason that they are failing in their attempts to prevent the Fatal Five from assembling. And the Fatal Five is notably minus on member in the nice group shot we get of them (unless they're back to counting the Eye as a member).
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
I love the idea that by 3112, the Sagrada Familia will have grown to the point where it covers the entire city of Barcelona.

(If anyone isn't familiar with this building, it's been under construction since 1882 and is projected to be finished in 2026. See
Posted by Set on :
Ooh, that's some interesting stuff, about the Sagrada Familia!
Posted by EmeraldEmperor on :
Beautiful art...Portela is great at futuristic backgrounds. I'm going to miss him.

Who wants Glorith dead, besides The Time Trapper, unless the Fatal Five is behind this too. It was nice to finally see Glorith in some kind of action sequence, even if it was basically her being rescued.

I didn't like the scene between Cham and Vi. I always figured they would interact with a little more....warmth. Oh well.
Posted by Candlelight on :
I love the clearness and light of all of the panels.

Why would any experienced Legionnaire surmise that one of them would just disappear on their own?
Especially, given recent events with Brainy and Dreamy being abducted?
Call Blok and Mysa, for goodness sake!

You can tell I haven't read the book yet, huh?

[ December 20, 2012, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Candlelight ]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Candlelight:
Why would any experienced Legionnaire surmise that one of them would just disappear on their own?
Especially, given recent events Brainy and Dreamy being abducted?

It is intriguing that it's Harmonia Li beating the 'nothing is wrong, go back to sleep!' drum.

It's fashionable to bash her for what happened to Titan, and for her horning her way onto the team like a hornless horning thing. And I'm certainly oh-so-fashionable, in that respect, but what if there's actually something sinister about her, and it's not just all us old fogeys resenting her for not being Nightwind?

What if she's messing with Brainy's head, somehow, and her fascination with time shenanigans isn't just leftover from her time at the Time Institute, and her presence whenever Brainy was testing the temporal nature of Glorith's magical shields wasn't just 'oh, and Harmonia hangs out in Brainy's lab for no darn reason.'

What if she refused a Green Lantern not because the Guardians are the 'least wise of the immortals,' but because if she let that ring make itself comfy on her finger, it might analyze her and discover something... alarming.

What if the name Glorith was chosen to make the character of Glorith a red herring, to distract us from Harmonia Li?

I would kind of love it if Paul had been planning something hinky from the very beginning, and was setting things in place to give us a shocking twist worthy of M. Night Shamalamadingdong.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, I'm a little puzzled that Glorith doesn't seem to be wearing her flight ring when abducted, but she has it in Barcelona.

Okay, no big deal. Artists forget to draw flight rings. But... can't they track her through it?
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Was Glorith using her flight ring to avoid the flames instead of her power an homage or a rip-off of when Dream Girl did the same thing many versions ago? This was back when it was being established that Dreamy's willpower was one of the strongest of all the legionnaires.
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
I finished to read Legion 15.
Fantastic art, good story.
Who are the New Fatal Five?
Validus seems to be the same.(With another origin maybe..)
Is The Persuador with a new look or is another character with the atomic axe?
The eye of Ekron has a new Empress with the same costume from the horrible annual.
Is the poor girl from Orando or Sarya has returns in all her glory?
The guy in Mano, Tharok or an all-new member?
But I'm a little tired to only see The Legion of Brainaic 5, Mon-el, Ultra Boy and Cosmic Boy, with the New Kids....
And only one page of Ayla, Salu y Reep.
Posted by Korbal on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
So, I'm a little puzzled that Glorith doesn't seem to be wearing her flight ring when abducted, but she has it in Barcelona.

Okay, no big deal. Artists forget to draw flight rings. But... can't they track her through it?

It was established long ago that Flight Rings can turn invisible at the wearer's whim--Shady once claimed it was for members who may have cultural taboos against wearing jewelry.
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
Did anybody notice that in the last two issues super-powered people have been referred to as "uniques"? I wonder if this might be a significant hint as to how the larger (and past) recently rebooted DC universe is going to evolve in the months to come? Not to make a mountain out of a mole-hill, but Levitz hasn't ever used this term before as far as I can recall. [Hmmm?]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
Did anybody notice that in the last two issues super-powered people have been referred to as "uniques"? I wonder if this might be a significant hint as to how the larger (and past) recently rebooted DC universe is going to evolve in the months to come? Not to make a mountain out of a mole-hill, but Levitz hasn't ever used this term before as far as I can recall. [Hmmm?]

It's definitely a new distinction, between the 'everyone in my race has power X' crowd (Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Phantom Girl, Shrinking Violet, Triplicate Girl, Polar Boy, Brainy, more or less) and the 'the most wonderful thing about Tiggers, is I'm the only one!' folk (Bouncing Boy, Sun Boy, Invisible Kid, Colossal Boy, Princess Projectra, Lightning Lad, more or less).

Although, in many cases, people like Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy (and definitely Brainiac 5 and the new upgraded Duplicate Damsel) are already going pretty far past 'average member of my race' power levels...

Element Lad is another one who, technically has a 'everyone in my race' power, but is also unique, since 'he's the only one.'
Posted by razsolo on :
My thoughts on this issue:

Art = lush! I look forward to Portela's art every month, it is so awesome to behold.

I still find Glorith to be a total MEH character and to date have seen nothing which indicates she should ever have been made a Legionnaire, but it's nice to see her actually involved in ANYTHING at all. If I'm going to accept her as a Legionnaire, she's going to have to start actually doing things. Despite the way they were introduced onto the team, the other new recruits have at least been going on missions and doing superhero-type things...

It's taken a while but I really feel like Paul Levitz has finally gotten his groove back! None of the past few issues have been amazing epics of superhero lore, but they have all been quite solid stories with the definite sense that there's a greater plan at work and he's not just throwing half-assed ideas out into the world.
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
Yeah, as of this latest issue, I think that Mr. Levitz is finally getting his groove back, too. And just in the nick of time since his old partner, Mr. Giffen, is coming back into the fold. [Smile]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Catching up:

#14: Story kind of forgettable but well crafted. Not a fan of the muted colors.

#15: Walk-off home run. I could also talk about Portella's story telling all-day. He knows me as a reader. I turn the page, read three panels and it opens up into a splash I hadn't even noticed. Do all comic book readers just follow the panels like me? I suppose there are some that turn the page and give the wide-view first. They would have missed the surprise I guess.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Ya know, for the first time in my life, I really can't get up enough enthusiasm to even keep track of when Legion is coming out, let alone buy it and read it. Is it just me or does anybody else feel the same?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Why would we be on the "preview/review" thread if we felt the same?

Sounds like holiday blahs to me.

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