Legion World
Posted By: Renly Fox FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/05/07 04:09 PM
From the cottage of Mearl Dox , through the scary woods, three figures enter...

The woods indeed grow more terrifying out here, on the cusp of Legion World, but the Path must be taken nonetheless.

Onwards now, to the Tower. And the horrors that await us on the road.

<looks at shrunken Vee>

Yet still there are no visual wounds on you, noble one. But I can feel it from the Eye. You are dying...

EDIT - I changed the thread title to reflect 'The Five Faces of Death' title...hope no one minds... - Cobie
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/05/07 06:44 PM
This Path is dark and frought with danger.

If I can brave this test, I feel I will have proven myself worthy for whatever challenge awaits at the Tower...and from the Other.

[looks at a hologram of Babette]

I fear I will not make our date, beautiful one. But I will be there, nonetheless...

This task I do for you...but also for myself.
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/05/07 08:19 PM
[they come upon a rectangular object blocking The Path]

[all attempts to circumvent it or remove it are countered]

[a voice says:]

All travellers who wish to continue along The Path must gaze into the Mirror of the Future. What they see will challenge their willingness to continue. But all who travel must gaze into it or turn back. And none may share what they have seen.

The Path will continually challenge the braveness, intellect and capacity for love of its travellers to determine their worthiness to reach the Tower.

[the Mirror's cover comes off]

Look into it now or leave!
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/06/07 04:45 PM
{Rockhopper Lad approaches the mirror. He takes a deep breath and looks into it and sees an old Pyngwyny man, frail and tired-looking.}

The Mirror speaks:
Eudyptes of the Pyngwyn Colonies, known as Rockhopper Lad, this is who you will become if you allow yourself to be ruled by your self-doubts. Unable to serve with your Legion. Unable to acceed the throne. Unable to find love again. Unable to help your precious Adelie and Hyvvie. Follow the Path and this may not come to pass.

{He backs away from the mirror and remains stoic.}
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/07/07 12:01 AM
{Rockhopper Lad does not say a word, but muses silently.}

Is that what I'm really afraid of? I've met an evil version of myself. I've been tempted with power much greater than I have. I've seen horrors beyond what I thought possible, yet can it be that I'm my own worst enemy?
Hrun approaches the path. He is confused. What is he doing here? How did he get here?

Looking up he sees figures in the distance and he recognizes them. Running towards them he sees the look of confusion and horror on Rockhoppers face then realises that this is not Lard Lad but indeed a robot.

“Noble Prince” he says to Rockhopper Lad “why am I here and what is this mirror doing hear in the woods?
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/07/07 05:11 PM
[the mirror speaks]

You are here because you belong here, Hrun! It is your destiny to walk The Path with these others and be tested. But to proceed, you must look into me and see what the future holds...
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/07/07 05:16 PM
I shall look into the mirror.

For you Inquisitor, there is only this: <shows him a secret image>

Yes. I believe I have always known.

It means little to me...I must go down this path. And perhaps then I will finally have the retribution I crave.

<turns to Hrun>

Join us then Barbarian. It looks like you were on the verge of death not long ago but have recovered just in time.

At last--we begin.

<takes first step>

The die is cast. There is no turning back now. I feel that more than one of us shall not return whole.

<continues on>
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/07/07 05:25 PM
[looks into mirror]

[sees himself, a frightening version of himself causing untold havoc on Legion World. Flanking him are dozens of blue and red-clad, blond-haired women, destroying everything in their way. His eyes glow bright red. His laughter is pure malevalence.]


You must continue, Tin Man. It is your destiny.

But...I don't want to be...that.

If you do not continue, there is no hope, Tin Man.

No hope?

[thinks of Babette]

I hope...I'm taking the right path...

[follows Roy and Rockhopper]
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/07/07 05:31 PM
Farther down the road, the motley crew does not notice that an additional presence looks into the mirror...and is delighted by what it sees, though it bodes ill for Legion World
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/11/07 06:13 PM
Along the road of the Path, the cadre of heroes takes a break and makes camp…

<poking fire with stick to keep it hot>

Ugh…my head…the Eye is giving me more thoughts. At least it is not dreams.

Tell me Rockhopper Lad…who is Blaine Fey? I…I keep hearing the name. I can’t help but feel…that somehow our thoughts are blending together. The Robot’s remain unclear, but the Barbarian…he thinks of the girl Everyday Girl. I wonder why? I always thought she was part of the House of Quank, not the House of Hrun. But I hear Blaine Fey in your thoughts.

I can only assume you may hear my own. I find myself thinking of them more and more as we go down the Path. This road will lead me somewhere I fear I will not return. I remember Illyria, of my youth. A horrible, horrible world, plagued by civil war…

And Civil War brought a time of terrible troubles to Illyrria, and to all its citizens. I was just a boy, far too young to be involved, but its effects were felt by all, as poverty, filth and famine were common throughout the planet. Two factions fighting constantly, death around every corner. Yet another war after a series of civil wars, as the once proud nobles of our planet now continued to vie for power.

I was lucky—my mother was a fine cook, and she served a gentle old nobleman, too old to involve himself in the wars, though he once proudly did so many generations prior. I had no real notion of the horror my planet had become. Until that one day…

They came for the nobleman. They took his life, but they truly came for his money and his property. Retribution, they claimed, for crimes committed decades earlier, against people long dead. But they came for his money and property. The Captains of the Mob, the degenerate pimps and the dealers, the gamblers and the gang leaders. Was it because they had an opening to do what they liked and take what was not there’s? Was it a political strategy somehow related to the civil wars? I was too young to know. I only cared about what happened to my mother and I. And it was terrible.

I recall the horror of it all. I was only a boy…

…we were their prisoners for three days, before the torture they inflicted on us eventually caused my mother to die. That seemed to have finally exhausted them of their brutality and they prepared to leave us. But not before giving me one final dose of horror.

<shaking slightly>

It was in the kitchens. They held me down, two of their largest. I was beaten and bloody, already too docile to care any longer. But the pain was so great that it brought back the fire of my youth. They took a pot of boiling water and poured across my face, and scarred me for life. They burnt away the boy that day. But they gave me my rage. I should have died from the pain but I did not. I lived on because I knew I must take revenge for myself and my mother. I still feel the hot boiling water on my face…I still feel the rage and the hate building within.

<stops speaking, regains sense of calm>

I have not thought of those days in many years, and I have only told that story one time, to Quislet. It was then I learned what the world was really about, what kind of animal it produced.

<takes off helmet>

This is what they made me. I have been a monster ever since.

<quietly looks out at the stars, saying nothing more>
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/11/07 07:21 PM
[the robot sleeps, an unusual feature it was programmed with..]

[the robot approaches a hazy figure]

Who..are you?

I am Who!

That is...illogical. When I am asked that question, it is the answer I give. It does not make sense.

Yes it does, my Reflection: You are me...and I am Who!

I am you? Are you Lard Lad?

No, I am Who...I already told you.

Is this...what humans call a dream?

Yes it is, my Reflection. This is a dream, invented by your own subconscious!

But I am a simple robot. I cannot dream...I have no subconscious...only my programming.

You are much more than your programming. That's why the Other covets you so.

Who or what is this...Other?

It is a very powerful force, Reflection. Eventually, you will succumb to it, but--

No! I will NOT become that monster I saw in the Mirror! I will not--

[wakes up, gasps]


[stays awake]
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/12/07 06:06 AM
{Unaware of Clive's restlessness nearby, Rockhopper Lad speaks to Roy}

Roy, thank you for sharing that--for showing me your face.

{Grasps Roy's hand, then lets it go}

My life has been so different, growing up in the royal family of a peaceful society.

{Rockhopper Lad sighs}

You asked about Blaine Fey.

Blaine was the only man I've ever loved. He was from a parallel Earth that we call Earth-Four. He was a member of the SMB. When I met him he called him self Closeted Boy, but soon enough, he became Openly Gay Lad. We stayed in touch as best we could. Then came the Invasion. He gave his life. I don't know that I'll ever be able to love again, honestly.

{He sighs again}

You're so lucky to have Quis. He's a great guy. He was one of the first friends I made on Legion World. And he loves you very much. You're not a monster, Roy.

{He looks at the stars}

Our religion--in the Pyngwyn Colonies, that is--Pyngwypalia, says that no matter what you may have done, there is forgiveness and redemption, but sometimes getting there can be difficult.

{He shakes his head}

I wish Time Teller Lad were here. He could tell me what time it is in the Pyngwyn Colonies. I'm terrible at that. Every day in the middle of the afternoon, my mother says her prayers. I get the feeling we're going to need them.
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/12/07 06:23 AM
[recovers from dream, approaches the others]

Forgive me, I overheard...

[looks at Roy]

I am not programmed to judge people on their appearance, Mister Roy. In fact I'm not programmed to judge anyone. But to shun another because of their appearance seems...abhorent to me.

[looks at both]

Mine is a new life. I am...discovering more about myself every day. I am learning to cherish my existence, finding wonder in things many sentients take for granted.

Lately, and I may be..."jumping the revolver", to borrow a human colloquialism...I may be falling in love with a lady I met recently. I don't know. I could be wrong as I don't completely understand the concept.

But I walk with you on The Path, knowing that I may never return to find out whether that love is real.

I envy the two of you. [looks at Rocky] Though you have lost your love, Mister Rockhopper, I see in your eyes that you have, indeed, loved.

[looks at Roy] The same is true of yourself, Mister Roy. No matter what has happened, what will happen, no matter what you've done in your past..you, too, have loved...

[looks at both again]...and from the merest twinge that I've been priveleged to feel, I am quite certain that what the two of you have, or had, is precious beyond imagining.

Remember that as we face an uncertain Path, my friends.

[lifts up his cup of lubricant]

Will you drink to this, my friends?
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/12/07 06:52 AM
{Rockhopper Lad again looks to the sky, then to his comrades, then raises his own cup}.

Yes. To love, past, present {pauses} and future!
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/14/07 07:50 AM
[sometime later, the three are travelling down their seemingly endless Path]

[Clive is whistling merrily and thinking of Babette]

[Suddenly, Clive feels a familiar presence speak in his mind...]

Ah, YES, little robot! You draw nearer and nearer to me...

[thinking] No, I don't, presence! You are cold, heartless...and I have love in my heart! There's no way I will--

HA! The less robotic you become, the more susceptible you are to my control! This...spark...inside you makes you weak, while at the same time making you a powerful prize for me to claim!

You won't beguile me with your lies, presence! I have the power of my love on my side!

Your love? Who, Babette? That little tramp, even now, is consorting with your 'Master' as we speak! Babette is programmed to flirt with and beguile her customers at SHAKES! It's how she gets bigger tips!

[eyes glow red] Liar! Take it back...NOW!

Think about it, 'Clive-Bot': why would a sumptuous robot like her take a liking to a snivelling, naive little robo-pup, such as yourself, when she could have the pick of any of thousands of mechs who walk through the door of that bar?


It doesn't compute, does it? She's toying with you...


...using you...


...playing you for a fool!!!!

SHUT up?

[Rocky turns] Clive? Are you all right?

Hm? Oh, I'm fine, Mister Rockhopper, I was just...looking up at the stars...quite lovely, are they not?

[Rocky looks up] yes, yes they are.

[and the trio continue on the Path, however...]

[thinking] hee-hee...they don't know it, but--'Clive' isn' t here anymore! hee-hee-hee...
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/14/07 03:45 PM
<walks along path, for the first time ever, he’s face remains unveiled, having discarded the helmet farther back>

Hrun the Barbarian moves up ahead quietly. He has taken on the role of our scout in this endeavor. Odd that one such as he finds it so easy to leave Legion World on a journey he hardly understands, and it feels so trying to me. Perhaps because I have finally found peace on Legion World.

No, that is wrong. I’ve never found it. I’ve only found Quis, to ease my suffering. Thank you for your kind words, Rockhopper Lad, and Clive. I believe this Path is more than simply a physical thing. I feel we are all going down our own path at this point, speaking of things we never have.


Do not think me so philosophical. Vee’s Emerald Eye speaks these things into my mind. I hardly ever think in the metaphysical. It doesn’t suit me.

But I will tell you the final part of my story, because I must. I must explain it. Perhaps one day I can have a clean slate. Until then…I am simply used goods.

<walking, the Inquisitor speaks once more:>

The Boy should have died the day the scarred my face forever, and indeed, he partially did in a way. The torture I endured, and the torture I was forced to witness being inflicted on my mother stayed with me forever after. I began to understand that these pimps and gangsters, these derelicts and dregs, were a part of life in this world, but a dirty, horrible part. I could not understand how they were allowed to survive. Vengeance called out to me. My Mother’s…my own…the noble who had given us so much…all of those that had been killed in the civil wars.

And so I decided on that day, when I covered my face for the first time, that I would have that vengeance. On that day, the Inquisitor was born, and I used my tools—fire and steel—to instill vengeance. I will admit, I was cruel in this endeavor. It meant nothing to me to prolong their suffering, so I could extract a confession for the crimes they committed. One by one, all of those denizens of the mob felt my wrath, though I could never find the ones who scarred me so.

As I cleaned up the streets of Illyria, the civil wars came to an end, and our very own Queen was re-installed on the throne. At last, there was political stability and peace.

Not for me though. I continued to use violence and cruelty as best I could, and I continued to scare the criminals away into the shadows. When Queen Aggirppina became aware of me and what I had done, she sent guards to bring me to her. I thought at last, my time had come, and I would meet my end.

But it was not so. She made me an offer to help her. To help her clean up Illyria. She knighted me the Royal Inquisitor, and I served as the executioner for the royal government, using my own judgment and methods to destroy the enemies of the state and the enemies of the higher moral standard. Thieves lost their hands. Murderers felt cold steel, but slowly. Pimps and Prostitutes were burned. Illyria became rich in its moral exuberance and order prevailed.

The Queen was kind to me. She gave me riches, which I denied. This puzzled her. She gave me slaves, which I freed. She gave me women and men, which I turned away. She once offered herself to me, because I knew in her heart she feared me. But I never understand why. After all, were we not of the same mind?

But I learned of course. For I finally found the criminals who had sent me along the path I was on. I finally found those who had ruined all that I had ever known. They died, and they died painfully and slowly. But I did not do it for vengeance only. I did it because I had to know the truth.

And the truth was more painful than what had happened to me.

<Roy pauses, and if unable to continue. But he must>

In the civil wars, the monarchists and the rebels were at a stand still, because the rebels had gained the support of the nobility, and a new era was approaching. Only now did I finally learn that politics has such an important impact on the criminal element. For Queen Aggrippina was the one who approached the Captains of the Mob, and gave them the orders to loot, plunder and destroy the nobility. To have free reign with their property and riches. To destroy them utterly—without ever thinking of those that depended on them.

And now I knew what had to be done. For such chaos from the top levels of government must not be tolerated. Such compromises of morals during even war can never be justified. Aggrippina begged me to understand.

Which was good, because I took it as a confession, before I ended her existence, and extinguished the final flames of Illyrian society.

Disheartened, I went out into the world, and finally came here, to Legion World. For I had believed that the force most famous for an orderly universe, the Legion, was nothing more than a morally debaucherous band of agents of chaos. You know of my many crimes here.

Quislet finally helped me to see the light.

<Roy stops and looks at Clive and Rockhopper Lad>

For you see, I cannot allow you to think me a victim and a young boy who was purely helpless. For mine has been a life filled with cruelty and I am aware of that now. And I will have to find retribution. My crimes are far too great. I know in my heart that my days will end in the manner which they were most often lived. With fire and cool steel.

<continues to walk down the Path>
Posted By: Vee Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/14/07 11:15 PM
They still believe I'm in a coma but it's much worse than that. I'm barely holding on to this reality as it is.

Well, I know what needs to be done but I have no way of warning them. They're risking their lives in an effort to help me and don't realize that there is another way. It's a path I hoped to never have to take but my choices are limited, I guess. Sometimes, the choices we face in life are between bad & worse.

The price I'll pay will be enourmous, but it's better that I pay this price than to have them pay it for me.

So be it!

The small figure of Vee, securely held in Roy's pouch began to shimmer. Then it began shrinking...



....smaller still....

....until it shrunk out of sight.

Just before Vee popped out of existence he mustered one last command.

Go! As Sarya did before me, I release you from my control. Go now, find your true master!

And then they were gone, both Vee and the Emerald Eye, so quietly that their absence would go unnoticed for the nonce.
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/17/07 04:56 PM

N-no! No, he’s been lost to us! Is this all for nothing then? Are we on this path for nothing?!

<appears to be losing it>

The Eye is gone. But I still hear a voice in my head. Its directing me forward. Perhaps the Tower is the key to it all? But why?

<puts hands to head, and bends forward as if in pain>

We must go on. I feel danger all around us.

<holds machete up to Hrun, Rocky and robot>

Perhaps there is no reason to go on, but we must continue. I feel it in my soul.

Even now…listen!

<hears running water>

Perhaps that stream up ahead is where we can find guidance…?
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/17/07 05:08 PM
<follows behind others>

Ah,yes...my control over Legion World's robotic poulation increases exponentially since I gained control of this vessel, even from this Path which is so isolated from that plane of existence!

I must continue onward, however, for the more mysteries I know the answers to, the greater my power!

<continues to the stream>
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/17/07 05:17 PM
<sees stream up ahead>

Back away robot, you get too close to me.

(I feel pain all over...I feel as if I must find something within this stream)

<dives into the water without a word>
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/17/07 06:51 PM
<swimming towards the bottom, the Inquisitor is enthused by the icey water>

<at last at the bottom, he finds a simple key, made completely of bone. The bones of human fingers>

<And he knows. He knows for some reason that here is the Key to the Tower. Despite the exit of Varalent, The Inquisitor must still go to the Tower>
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/18/07 05:00 AM
{Rockhopper Lad dives in after Roy. Being a natural swimmer and diver, it takes him almost no time to catch up to Roy. Roy shows Rocky the key. Rocky understands the significance, but realizing Roy's need for air, grabs him and and pulls him to the surface.}

{Roy gasps for breath upon emerging from the water}

RhL: Roy, why didn't you ask me to dive in for it? I can hold my breath for over an hour and can swim much faster than a human! You could have got yourself killed!

Roy: Rocky, you know what this is! This is the key! We're well on our way!
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/18/07 03:07 PM
We're well on our way!

I had begun to despair, but at last I know for sure! The Path all along was meant for us to find this key. Though I have no reason to believe it, I know in my heart that this is the key to the Tower! I feel that the Tower is at the heart of all this mystery and intrigue. Whatever it may be.

<hugs Rocky>

Thank you my friend, for coming to get me. Sometimes I can make rash decisions.

Let us camp by the fire tonight before we undertake the final journey.

…Inquisitor…you fool…

You thought it was the Emerald Eye talking to you all along. But it was I.

Now, my servant. You shall do my bidding.
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/18/07 05:16 PM
<stands, in a trance-like state>


No…I cannot. I cannot help myself.

<pulls out machete>

No, not this.

<plunges it into Clive-bot. Rips wires and cords out>

<turning around, slashes at Hrun the Barbarian, and punches Rockhopper Lad>

At last, the Inquisition begins again!


Why…why me?

<pulls out skeleton key>

I cannot hand it over…

<hands key to mysterious figure>


<takes machete, stabs self through the stomach. Falls>
Never would I have been able to find this Path. But now I have the key to the Tower, and Legion World and the United Planets will be mine. And at long last, Angra Metternich shall have the vengeance I so justly deserve. I shall rule Legion World as I once did so briefly. At last the Five Faces of Death come together.

<suddenly appears after being invisible>

I shall take this.

<takes key. The Royal Inquisitor lies on the ground in blood, the other heroes are frozen>

A little magnetism shall hold you back.

Come now. The composite powers of all the of LMB allow me quite an upper-hand. Telepathically controlling one as screwed up as this was child’s play. Thank you Inquisitor. You’ve served me well.

Oh, don’t look so concerned, friends. I have no intentions of fighting you. I’m going to need a population to rule after all.

<using Nightcrawler’s power, teleports away>
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/18/07 05:28 PM
<lies bleeding>

At last, I feel his presence leave me. I have been tricked. I've given up the key to our enemy, and I have betrayed my friends.

I truly deserve to die for my crimes this time...

...there is no hope for me...

<unable to move, eyes shutting>

Rocky...Hrun...Clive...if you could bring me to Quislet, so that I may see him again...

...I live, but I do not know for how long...

...I've failed us. The Path is over...
Posted By: Kalla Hrykos Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/18/07 05:46 PM
<stands up, morphs before their eyes into hulking robotic form--all flesh is burnt off and electricity radiating from its positronic brain, wounds seal>

FOOLS! Letting this 'Clive Bot' go with you on this Path was a huge mistake! The nature of this mystical place enabled me to penetrate the unique defenses of a robot with a soul! You will all rot here without the Key!

As for me, I have a link in the real world to allow me passage! Farewell and tremble in fear before the...

<span style="font-size: 25px;">COMPUTER TYRANT!!!</span>


Hrun frees himself from the trance and runs over to the Inquisitor.

He looks at the machete wound and realises that, though it is deep, it is not life threatening. Quickly binding the wound with healing herbs from the forest he lays the Inquisitor to rest at the side of a tree.

“Noble Rockhopper stay with him, keep him warm and safe, I must scout on ahead”

Hrun turns to go but is stopped by Rockhopper Lads hand

“Take care we don’t know what’s out there or what magical creatures may lurk in the woods”

Hrun smiles, “magical or non magical, I have fought and won many such fights, I have naught to fear in this place”

He walks off “I must see if I can find a trail out of this place, we must move on to the tower. The evil one has the key, he will sooner or later turn up to try the lock that key fits”
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/19/07 05:24 AM
Roy, there's really nowhere to go but forward. {Rockhopper Lad picks up Roy and, cradling his wounded body, carries him}

Perhaps if we reach the end, we'll get back where we came from.
Hrun returns. In his hands he carries two dead Rabbits.

“Food” he cries “we shall eat well tonight”

Seeing Rockhopper lad struggling somewhat under the heavy limp body of the Inquisitor, Hrun steps forward. Taking him from Rocky’s arms he lays him down on a soft bed of ferns and with an anxious look examines the wound.

After a few moments the anxiety leaves Hruns face and he straightens up. “tis good. The wound has no poison in it, the Inquisitor will be sore but if we can help him to rest he will recover”

Rockhopper looks at Hrun, he is slightly disgusted by the barbarians matted reeking hair and clothes, but has to admit, out of many of the LMBP he is probably one of the most useful people to have around out here in the wild.

“Hrun” says Rocky “I think we need to move on, not only is this wood starting to feel, well oppressive, I guess. But I do think we need to find this Tower thing as I am sure it has some significance and may be our only way home.

“HA HA HA” laughs Hrun and he slaps Rockhopper so hard on the back that Rocky staggers forward slightly. “The penguin princeling has clear sight by damn. This doom thou hast foreseen I too have seen in my halls late at night when the moon rises over the scrying bowl. But thou ist correct, this road leads to The Tower, it is some days hence but the road is clear and we must take it”

Effortlessly lifting the inquisitors sleeping body Hrun steps forward.
“Come my friend I know of a cave only a short distance ahead, we will sleep there”

As Hrun moves down the forest path Rockhopper lad hesitates. A cold wind blows through the trees and he shivers. “that’s not the wind” he thinks, “its almost like…”

From ahead comes the voice of Hrun “Come along little princeling and don’t forget the rabbits”

Startled out of his thoughts Rocky jumps forward and picking up the Rabbits he runs on to catch up to his friend and Hrun..

Behind him in the now quiet empty space in the forest a shadow watches. Twin eyes watch greedily they are burning with an evil red flame and it is hungry oh so hungry. “Not now, not now" it thinks. "Later, when they sleep”.
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/19/07 02:58 PM
<begins to stir>

<span style="font-size: 9px;">n-no...no...betrayed them...aggrippina...quislet...</span>

<slowly wakes, to see being carried>

<span style="font-size: 9px;">i apologize friends, for my uselessness. I shall be able to walk from here on in, and perhaps the effort will do me good, to revitalize me. You are both right, of course, we must make for the tower. Always </span> the Tower.

<span style="font-size: 9px;">No matter what plans Metternich and his allies have on Legion World, the key to the Tower must be important to them. We will cut them off there, at the entrance...</span>

<coughs, the others see there is blood. Walks forward>
Roy staggers forward a look of determination on his face.

“must not surrender to the voices” he whispers to himself.

Hrun and Rockhopper exchange glances but silently agree to let him go through this.

As the three walk on Rockhopper Lad starts to feel the evil presence again. At first he thinks it is just tiredness but it grows as they walk onwards.

“Hrun” he says “do you feel that”

“Verily my friend there is an evil presence here, we must be on our guard. You look to the Inquisitor I shall lead for a while” And loosening his battle axe Hrun strides forward.

They march on for a few more miles, The Inquisitors strength is failing him now but still grimly determined he forces one more step, just one more step out of his exhausted body. Only one thought in his fevered mind now “The Tower the Tower must get to the Tower”

Then there is a swirling wind, a flash of light and a loud popping sound.

And out of nowhere staggers a ravenous Zombie. Arms outstretched it makes straight for the Inquisitor.
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/20/07 06:08 AM
{Rocky gestures to the Zombie}


{The Zombie is encased in a block of ice}

Where did that--thing come from?

Hrun: Verily, Noble Prince, these woods are rife with creatures beyond the imagination of a man--or a Pyngwyn.

Roy {groans} Must go on.

{Rocky supports Roy as he continues}. We'll get there, Roy. We'll get there.
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/21/07 03:07 PM
<moving along the Path, Roy's wounds remain infected, but the cold air keeps him awake>

<span style="font-size: 9px;">s-so...so many memories flood me now...so many horrible decisions in my life...so many hurt by me. But one great decision in Quislet, Esq. And helping him defend Legion World on those occassions....</span>

<trips, falls. Gets up before Hrun or Rockhopper Lad can help him>

<span style="font-size: 9px;">the light...</span>

*the light hits Rockhopper Lad and Hrun from the east, and causes them to glimmer in Roy's eyes. And finally he sees them for who they are. Noble Princes, come to Legion World to do right in the the world. Royal patrons of the White*



I have been blind. I thank you friends for all your help. In all of my grief and sadness I failed to understand thee. Lord of the House of Hrun. Noble Prince of the Pyngwyn.

I once served the Royal House of Illyria. I now pledge my unending service to you both, to serve Legion World, protect it and to destroy its enemies. For many years I have been the royal Inquisitor in name only. I would have that moniker restored to me now, when I feel my days as such may be close to their end.

<drops to one knee, bows>

Here my pledge, Lords. My strength is returning to me, as my enthusiasm does. Perhaps, after all, I truly have found my Path.
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/21/07 05:28 PM
{Rockhopper Lad smiles}

Roy, get..(pauses a moment, then understanding the situation from Roy's perspective) Arise, Royal Inquisitor.

We don't have an Inquisitor in that sense in the Pyngwyn Colonies, but the House of Rockhopper welcomes your service. {Rockhopper Lad closes his eyes, spreads out his hands toward Roy and begins to chant in Pyngwyny}:

Lly, Yy’dyptyyz Krysokom ky Rokk H’por kep D’zant L’yal ky Ollurem’yy Pyngwyny, wyl reffyrko ffy ysorfytyk yng ffy wyl bynf'rto ky wyflsopyk'y ky Rokk H'por yng ky Ollurem'yy Pyngwyny. Ffy Norys Roy ky L’ndem Lyyjyyn.

In the Pyngwyny Court, you are now Sir Roy of Legion World.
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/21/07 06:54 PM

Thank you, Lord. I feel...as if for the first time in my years, things are more in focus. At last, I believe I understand what it is that I must do.

<bows again to Hrun and Rockhopper Lad>

To the Tower we must go.

<bandages his still terrible wounds>

Mayhap before this is over, I shall see Quis again, and he can see the changes I feel within me...?
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/21/07 07:18 PM
We'll make it back, Sir Roy. For your sake and Quis's. {sighs, then, under his breath} And yours, Blaine.

To the Tower!
Hrun turns to slice a head off a wandering Zombie and looks back to see Roy on his knees before Rockhopper Lad

Idly wiping his axe blade clean he moves across to them and then spins and decapitates another Zombie who was reaching for The Pyngwyn Prince.

The Royal Inquisitor rises unsteadily to his feet and leaning on Rockhopper Lad for support sets off down the path.

“Hrun” Whispers Rocky, “I think Roy is delirious but the only way to help him maybe to go along with it and get his to the Tower”

Hrun relaxes, his hand which had reached to the hilt of his sword fell back to his side. As he does so the light catches a jewel on his finger which for a few moments shines forth with the White Light of the West.

“So" thinks Hrun, "the Inquisitor sees much, lets us hope that my friend continues to think it is all a delusion”

Another popping sound heralds the arrival of more Zombies,

“Come on Hrun” cries Rockhopper Lad, “We must get out of here and away from these Zombies we cant let Roy get bitten”

The Three continue down the path towards the Tower.

As they do so the red eyes of the watcher glisten. “soon…soon we will feed oh yes my children we will feed”
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/21/07 07:55 PM
{Rockhopper Lad looks over his shoulder, then gestures to the Path behind them}.

I'm going to spray a thin sheet of ice on the path in our wake. It will make it harder for the zombies to follow us. I can't keep it up for the entire trip, but it will at least buy us a little time.
Hrun looks back along the path as dozens more Zombies appear out of nowhere.

Then he smiles.

Picking up a large flat stone he turns to Rockhopper and says “I saw this amongst some of the Scottia of Dal Riada, they play it as a game, though without Zombies. In fact I became so good at it, it won me my freedom from a slave collar. Ah that was a good holiday”

Talking the stone Hrun slides it slowly down the ice path, it sweeps into the advancing Zombies and causes them to fall over.
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 05:30 AM
<Many Miles further down the path a Tesseract Portal opens and Everyday Girl. My Wee Fem, and Jailbait Lass emerge. MWF does a quick recon.>

Okay Brit, the area's clear.
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 05:39 AM
Ohmygod! Look at that!

<Further down the path, outlined against a white marble cliff, stands an emmense ebony tower...>

I think that's where Mr Hrun, Mr Rockyhopper, and Mr Inquisitor are headed.
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 05:44 AM
Yeah and those clowns down there must be the welcoming committee...

<points down the path to where a large group of Zombies, Super-Villains, Zombie Super-Villains, and Zombie Squirrels are gathered and waiting.>

They're so focused on the path, they don't even know we're here...
Posted By: Lolita Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 05:45 AM
The tower? But why?

Originally posted by My Wee Fem:
Yeah and those clowns down there must be the welcoming committee...

<points down the path to where a large group of Zombies, Super-Villains, Zombie Super-Villains, and Zombie Squirrels are gathered and waiting.>

They're so focused on the path, they don't even know we're here...
**Lolita touched her blasters nervously**

So what do we do about them?
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 05:56 AM
Right now we just watch, 'Lita. There's way too many of them for us to tackle alone.

Nobody, No-One, find Mr Hrun and let him know what's waiting for him. Tell him we're ready to catch them between us and break their back.

And they have to be headed for that tower cuz that's where the path goes.
Posted By: Lolita Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 06:01 AM
**Lolita blushed again**

Oh. Ok.
Hrun walks carefully forward down the path. Behind him the Zombies seem to have gone. Yet ahead he senses danger.

Roy and Rocky walk together a little way behind chatting a litter together. The Inquisitors strength seems to be returning.

“you tell him” says a voice

“No you, he stinks” says another.

“will not” says the first.

Hrun smiles, using his barbarian skills he quickly and silently moves off the path.

“Now look what you’ve done” says Nobody

“Me” replies No One I bet it was your stinky breath that told him”

Suddenly the two are caught in a vice like grip and are unable to move.

“Now ladies, really the two of you are so noisy I could have cut you down with my eyes shut.” says Hrun but with a glint of affection in his eye.

After a few seconds both No One and Nobody lapse into silence (an almost unheard of thing) and stand in front of Hrun looking like naughty school girls before the head master.

“I think you have a message or something for me” prompts Hrun.

Hesitantly the two tell Hrun of the battle waiting for him.

“Good” smiles Hrun loosening his axe “we will have to fight our way to the Tower. Now get back to your mistress and tell her we will soon be with them”
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 10:29 PM
Ohmygod! Heads up girls. Mr Hrun received my message...

Nobody, No-One, I don't care what Mr Hrun called you, take off those dresses and pull yourselves together...

Now, keep a close watch on the path. We need to be ready to move as soon as they appear.
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 10:34 PM
<Slides twin Katanas from their sheaths and begins sharpening them>

Got the controls on that force field belt down pat Jailbait?

Tamper may have built some weird functions into it. You know what a kook he is...
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 10:39 PM
<Pulls out twin 9mm Baretta pistols and begins swapping out ammo rounds from an amazing variety provided by Nobody.>

Yeah, maybe theres a button on it that will turn Zombies into Kidney Pie or some junk like that...

Or did he build a different machine to do that?

Should I go with 50/50 incendary and high explosive or mix in 10% tracers?
Posted By: Lolita Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 10:47 PM
**Lolita bit her lip, fiddling with the controls of her belt**

I haven't used the belt much My but it's always worked for me in a pinch. Sorry I haven't seen a Zombie Pie button.

You know, I think I heard something about Zombie Sausages and a Zombie Bowl Burst Boy from Cobalt a while back...

**Lolita wrinkled her nose**

Maybe it's better this thing doesn't have any extra gadgets attached.

**Lo' pulled out her energy blasters**

These on the other hand, I can definitely use. All the time at the firing range really helped. Thanks for taking me Brit.
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 10:53 PM
Girl, we gotta get you a new sense of humor...

Jeebus, you'd think we were gonna be fighting for our lives in a little while, instead of us just being out here on a picnic... lol
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/23/07 10:57 PM
Hey, I just noticed your new avatar, pretty snazzy, but how do you rate a custom job while My and I have to make do with off the rack models? lol

I guess cozying up to Cobie does have it's benefits... lol
Posted By: Lolita Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/24/07 06:19 PM
**pouty glare**

You'll understand when you're older.
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/24/07 06:19 PM
Brit, seriously how long do we sit here watching those zombie's backsides?

I mean they're really stupid but eventually they'll realize we're here and I'd rather kick some ass than sit here waiting...
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/24/07 06:32 PM
Ohmygod, I'd send the boys back to check on their progress but they're too scared of Mr Hrun, so we have to wait.

Originally posted by Jailbait Lass:
**pouty glare**

You'll understand when you're older.
Oh I understand Granny, or I would if it was somebody Cute... lol
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 03:29 AM
<pulls out machette>

I think I shall have to get some more advanced weaponry sometime soon.

<turns to Rockhopper Lad>

I believe I'm ready to join Hrun the Barbarian in this battle. I'm not fully recovered yet, Lord, but good enough. At last, I enter battle not as the Inquisitor, but as Sir Roy of Legion World.

It's time to earn that designation. And perhaps, after this battle...we may finally see the Tower...

<for the first time since this all began, Roy grins, and his horribly scarred face, now helmet-less, shows it>
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 05:28 AM
I care little for battle, Sir Roy. The Pyngwynyy are a peaceful people and I take no joy in doing harm to anyone; however, I shall not shrink from aiding my friends.

{Rockhopper Lad ponders his words for a moment. True, he is usually more formal than most LMBers, but his speech since he has been on the Path has slowly become more like the language of the Court, which is generally only used at state events on his world, although many ages ago it had been the everyday language of the Pyngwyn Colonies.}

{Rockhopper Lad sighs and then holding up his hands, which crackle with Ice Magic}

I am also ready.
Hrun notices that Sir Roy is now looking a lot steadier on his feet and judges the time is now right. Moving across to Roy he stands in front of him.

“Noble knight” he says “Thy strength would return much faster if thy hands held once again a weapon worthy of you” and Hrun takes from his back a battle axe. He looks at it and a wistful smile plays across his lips as a distant memory briefly replays in his mind.

“Take this axe its owner was a brave warrior who fell protecting a village from the northern tribes. He would be honoured to know its noble linage will continue now in your hands”

Sir Roy took the axe and as hid did so a visible change took over him. He streched and the pain so recently etched into his scarred face lifted and for a moment he smiled.

“You give ME an Axe? The weapon with which I as Inquisitor did so much evil with? Well this shall be a symbol of my rebirth and redemption; with the weapons of the enemy I shall cleave a path for righteousness”

As this had been going on Rockhopper Lad had been looking down a small hill towards the tower.

“we must move on” he said for a sudden sense of urgency had fallen over him “oh look at that it’s a pretty little squirrel……….
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 02:08 PM
<Watches as the massed horde of Zombies, Super-Villains, Zombie Super-Villains, and Zombie Squirrels begins surging down the path.>

Ohmygod! Here we go Girls.

<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

Nobody, Tell Mr. Hrun we'll meet them in the middle!

No-One, You're the "Eye in the Sky" I want to know where everyone is at all times, don't let anyone be cut off from the others...

MY, Jailbait, Lets go Kick Some Zombie Bootie!!!
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 02:24 PM
<Looks at the rear ranks of the massed bad guys, where EDG's opening salvo has created confusion and havoc.>

Starting things off with a BANG, Brit?

<Sprints out ahead of the other two, Katanas drawn and ready.>
Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 05:40 PM
As My Wee Fem races towards the advancing hordes he Katanas are ripped out of her hands by a powerful magnetic blast which comes out of nowhere.

She skids to a halt weaponless as the undead hordes advance on her


“not good kiddo, not good at all”

“Oh my God MY, look out” shouts EG and fires rapidly into the advancing mass, blood and bodily fluids going everywhere.

My wee fem races back towards safety, but suddenly the empty costume of Gary Concord appears and wraps itself around her legs causing her to fall.

“Brit! Save your self, get out of here” she calls, frantically trying to free herself from the tangle and the Zombie horde advances on her, arms outstretched.
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 06:15 PM
No-One: Here's your big knives, Miss Femme...

<Seizes the Katanas and swiftly slices away the remnants of Concord's costume>

That's better...

<Her twin swords become a blur as she starts slicing and dicing Zombies...>

Dammit, they've got the momentum... This ain't good...

<Another Blur of motion results in more dismembered Zombies. But there are too many of them and she is slowly being cut off from her friends...>

If I manage to get out of this, I'm shoving a Zombie Squirrel down Concord's pants
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 06:23 PM
<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

Ohmygod! Uncle Spacey always said there'd be days like this...

<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

I just wish he'd told me how many there'd be...

<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

'cuz it sure like seems I've had more than my share...

<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

Nobody better get back here soon... If My gets cut off No-One can't lift her by himself...

<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
Rockhopper Lad reaches down to stroke the cute little squirrel when all of a sudden it changes and huge fangs appear and the squirrel jumps up at Rocky.

“Whoa! Freeze!” and a blast of ice encases the zombie. “Hrun we better be careful here the local wildlife is getting dangerous”

Hrun nods, not mentioning just where he though the Zombie squirrel was trying to bite.

Blam Blam Blam

The three hear the sound of gun fire further down the path.

“Those are Everyday Girl’s guns“ Hrun shouts and runs towards the sounds of battle.
Posted By: Lolita Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/25/07 10:12 PM
**Lolita dodged the Zombies without much grace, firing her energy blasters with surprising percision**

Eek! Oh, gross. I hope the boys get here soon to help. Not even a message from Cobie could make me feel better right now...

**a message from Cobalt Kid is received**

Lolita - be safe yourself. I mean it. And good luck. I know you're in good hands, and even more--I know they are.

- Cobie

**end transmission**

I stand corrected.

**the blasting continued as Lo' tried to keep the smile off her face, despite the dire circumstances surrounding them... until she noticed My Wee Fem slowly being separated by an wall of Zombies**

Oh no, My! Brit, I can hardly see her anymore. Well, desperate times...

**Lolita took a deep breath and pressed the forcefield belt's switch, causing it to crackle to life**

I'm going after her. The belt should protect both of us, once I get to her and No-One can come help you if you need it.

**deep breath**

Ok. Here goes nothing...
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/26/07 06:16 PM
<Stands in the center of a ring of dismembered zombies, a severed hand clutches at her foot and she kicks it away from her.>

Yeecchh! If this is it, I'm gonna have quite the zombie honor guard to escort me into hell.

<a large zombie pushes it's way thru the pile of it's dismembered fellows and she reacts instinctively, swords flashing in a blur intended to remove the zombie's arms and legs from it's torso. But this time the move doesn't work, something blocks her swords before they can slice undead flesh...>

Crap on a Stick!
Suddenly there is the hue and cry of battle behind her and the massed horde of Zombies, Super-Villains, Zombie Super-Villains, and Zombie Squirrels start to fly apart (in many cases literally) and into the frey race Rockhopper lad, The Inquisitor and Hrun.

As Rocky freezes every Zombie Squirrel he can see, Sir Roy uses his axe to behead as many Zombies as he can find.

Hrun rushes toward My Wee Fem and raises his sword. With a mighty blow he crashes the sword down on the head of this attacking Zombie……
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/27/07 03:32 AM
<Roy leaps into the fray, slicing zombie torsos in half with his new mighty axe>

For glory! For honor! For Legion World!

<refreshed, Roy stands on My Whee Fem's other side, so that he and Hrun are able to give her the needed back-up while she gets it together>

No matter how many faces death may have, we shall reach the Tower--and we shall prevail!
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/27/07 05:11 AM
Ohmygod! Looks like I'll have to start aiming my shots...

Spots a figure skulking off to one side of the battle, apparently directing a second wave of Zombies, Super-Villains, Zombie Super-Villains, and Zombie Squirrels into attack position...

<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>

The figure drops to the ground clutching both knees and howling in pain. For a split second all of the zombies turn and look at the figure. Then they begin collapsing, returned to death's cold embrace.
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/27/07 06:41 AM
{The Path lies strewn with the twice-dead bodies of the zombies; Rockhopper Lad steps forward}

Allow me!

{He inhales deeply and, using his super-breath, blows the bodies to the side of the Path, clearing a place for them all to walk to the Tower, which looms nearby}.

Sir Roy: I had forgotten you had that power, my Lord.

RhL: It has come in useful many times, Sir Roy.

Hrun: I urge us all to make haste to the Tower and be on your guard! Our undead friends may be back!
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/27/07 06:53 AM
Ohmygod! LIKE Not So Fast!

Who was that like guy on the hill and where did he go? I know I didn't kill him. But he just vanished when the zombies started falling.

I don't like leaving enemies at my back...

And I've got one question for you Mr. Hrun, you rat bastich...

<span style="font-size: 20px;">WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER TELL ME THAT YOU'RE MY FATHER?!?!?!</span>

**sniff** Why did I have to find that out from somebody else? **sniff** Why didn't you want me to know??? **sniff**
Posted By: Lolita Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/27/07 07:58 AM
**relieved the fight is over, Lolita turned off the force field. Shyly, she came up beside My Wee Fem and whispered quietly in her ear...**

My, maybe you could send Caliente a message, so she knows we've found Rockhopper Lad, the Royal Inquisitor and Hrun the Barbarian? I've already informed Cobie.

**after witnessing Britney's ouburst, Lolita crossed to her friend and gave her a comforting hug around the shoulders**
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/27/07 06:01 PM
<Stands quietly off to one side watching the interaction between EDG and Hrun out of the corner of her eye while scanning the area for threats.>

'Lita, That fight ended way too quickly, Brit knows that and I think Hrun does too. Somebody is trying to set us up. Keep your eyes open. Rocky wants us on the move again and I don't blame him. But something just isn't right.

<Pulls Security Office Com from her belt.>

Hey Starsky, Patch me through to Caliente.

Cali? Listen up Leader Lady, we found Hrun, Rocky, and the Royal Executioner... but a whole crapload of zombies found us...

Everybody is okay, and there's no active hostiles at present, but I need some info on this Shenu the Zombie Boy... Please send soonest.

Oh and we're in visual of this Dark Tower Place. It's Creepy, looks to be straight out of one of Stevie King's Nightmares...

I'll update you when I find out what we're doing next.

Provided Everyday Girl and Hrun don't throw down. She's just a little Ticked that he never told her that he's her father...

**sniff** Why did I have to find that out from somebody else? **sniff** Why didn't you want me to know??? **sniff**

EG dried her tears and ran towards Hrun. She leapt at him punching and kicking,

“You bastich, you were my father you knew and you never told me why, why,”

Her hands beat against Hruns chest.

He just stood there allowing his daughter to exhaust herself against his chest.

Eventually Everyday Girl stopped hitting Hrun and started to cry again. Sliding down to her knees she sits down on the grass. Suddenly a thought occurs to her.

“Oh my god! Gramps! Does this mean Gramps is….”

“No Daughter of mine” Hrun said, a wave of relief washing over him as he could now be honest to Everyday Girl “When the evil one came to our city he sought to kill you and your mother to hurt me. I had to hide you in a place where he would never find you. I could not risk loosing you to him, you who was the most precious treasure of my halls, more valuable to me than all the jewels, and slaves and furs in the known universes. Your Gramps (and Grandma) took you in and promised me they would protect you from all harm and train you in the ways of a warrior whilst I fought for our land, our people and our honour”

Hrun knelt down and took EG’s hand into his. Brit was shocked to see tears in his eyes

“My daughter thou has grown to be a most noble shield maiden, though in truth you use the weapons of the effete, you have a warriors spirit and I will be honoured to present you to the Jarls and Housecoerls of my people.”

“D…D…Daddy” said EG in a small voice “what happens next, do I have to come and live with you at the Northern Wall?”

Taking her hand Hrun stands and raises Everyday Girl to her feet. Placing a fatherly kiss on her forhead he takes a delicate jewelled necklace from the fur pouch at his waste. Fastening it around her neck he tells her
“This gem is called Bethrel, the flame of morning, and a Bethrel stone has been worn by all the free maidens of our people since we first came to the Northern Wall. It is a symbol of adulthood and I give it to you now. You will be free to make your own choices. I place no doom upon thy feet daughter dear, the path thou must tread will be the one thy chooses, not I. But know this, in all of your choices I shall once more stand at your side, proud now to declare to the world that I am indeed thy Father”

“Now, before the evil returns we must continue onwards to the Tower…..
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/27/07 11:55 PM

Uh, hi guys.

<glances at all present, not surprised to see any of them>

So...I guess that's the Tower over there, huh?

Shall we?
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 01:38 AM
Hold Lard Lad.

<puts axe up to his chest, but in a non-threatening way>

You and I have unfinished business. I did not assault Varalent, and I think you know that. I only did what the Eye asked me to do, and in doing so, set myself upon this Path to the Tower.

It is obvious to all who see that the Tower connects to the Variable Realm and the Tesseracts. The decisions were unusual, but all made led us here. I hold no grudge--but only say the word, and I shall repeal my effort to move past this matter.

<turns to Hrun and Everyday Girl. Smiles>

Knowing it exists, I can see the likeness much clearer.

<kneels before Everyday Girl>

Well met, Lady. You are the descendent of some of Legion World's finest: Abin Quank, Pagan Lass, Space Ranger, Hrun the Barbarian and Matlock. You have all the best qualities of them all.


My Whee Fem is right. It was too easy to get this far. We must not let the Tower be breached by our foes, who undoutedbly are aware that we are here, if Lard Lad was able to find us so easily.

Prepare for the battle of the Tower. We have it at our backs, while coming towards us are the Fives Faces of Death, and all of their Hordes...
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 01:56 AM
I...I'm with you, Roy...<looks around with a haunted look on his face>...and I tried to give you a fair shake earlier, but you wouldn't let me. And the timing was very coincedental.

<looks into Roy's face and touches his own> You and I...are very much alike, I suspect.

But destiny has brought me here, this day, to fight alongside you all. And you will not find me wanting!

I'm with you, brother!

<offers hand to Roy>
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 02:00 AM
<takes it, shakes it>

I see you too have been scarred.

<pauses...looks at Lard Lad much more deeply>

Perhaps, just like me, in more ways than one. We shall fight on then brother. And perhaps both find redemption. It matters little who we focus our love on, if we cannot love our selves, and cannot love a higher ideal, like Legion World. Its a concept I'm struggling with...but I'm trying.

<smiles again>

Even if this is my end, I shall be true to myself and what I believe in.

<turns to face what comes down the Path>
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 02:03 AM
Even if this is my end, I shall be true to myself and what I believe in.

<turns to face what comes down the Path>
<thinks of his vision and what he must do>

And so shall I!

<unsheathes his sword and stands next to Roy in preparation>
Posted By: Caliente Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 02:50 AM
----------Message to My Wee Fem via omicrom----------

Hrun is Everyday Girl's father? That's... unexpected. I'm no fan of the Barbarian's but do try and keep her from killing him. I know she's something of a wild shot.

I'm glad to hear you've found Rocky & co. I'll alert Time Teller Lad and Hyvvie once I hear from them; they've been very worried about him.

Sorry about the zombies. Wish I could be more help, but all I know about Shenu is that he's part of the Five Faces of Death. I'll let you know as soon as we find out anything more.

Nova Girl and I are off with the Enchantress on a mission, so I don't know if we'll have communications. If not, Helena's probably your best bet. Good luck at the Dark Tower.

Leader Lady out.

----------End transmission----------
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 05:08 AM
A tesseract portal opens and Abin Quank, Faraway Lad, and Gary Carter the Ultra Man tumble out...
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 05:31 AM
<the group tenses for a moment before they realize the new arrivals are allies, except for Lardy who seems strangely unsurprised>

Welcome, Darden...Abin...<icily>...Concord.

We're expecting less friendly company, and we're holding the line right here. The bad guys want the Tower. We're gonna stop 'em!

<nods toward Roy>

He's cool, Abin.

<the hairs on the back of his neck prickle>

Brace yourselves people! Any moment now...

<a noise in the distance>

...here they come, people--at least twice as many zombies as we saw on the streets!
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 03:42 PM
Hold on there Lardy...

Abin... <span style="font-size: 30px;">MR. QUANK!!...</span>

Boss Man, you're the Senior Security Officer present; What are <span style="font-size: 20px;">your</span> orders, Sir??
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 04:03 PM
Abin, who had been thoughtfully watching the interaction between Everyday Girl and Hrun with a growing smile on his face, is jerked back to reality by My's voice.

What? Hmmm...

Turning around, he sees the advancing zombie horde, easily several thousand strong.

O' Joyful Morning...

My, it looks like we'll be fighting them for a good long while yet...
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 04:08 PM
<span style="font-size: 20px;">Jeebus H. Crap on a Stick!!!

Boss Man, oohhhh... Crap!

Abin, you're wearing one of the universe's most powerful weapons on your Finer...</span>

<span style="font-size: 30px;">USE THE DAD RATTED THING!!!!</span>
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 04:27 PM
Calm Down, My... I Get It...

<span style="font-size: 15px;">Ring, analyze attacking force and propose neutralization options.</span>

<span style="font-size: 15px;">Horde is composed of 3,267 zombies of various races, including 1209 Squirrels, and seven minor Super-Villains, the most dangerous of whom is "Putrid Odors Man."

Recommend an energy barrier around the friendly force, followed by neutralization of Super-Villains, followed by transportation of the Zombies to Mearl Dox's Cannon for disposition by firing them into the sun.
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 04:37 PM
<erects an energy barrier around the group>

Okay, Lard Lad, Concord, you two grab the super-villains. They should be easy to spot from the air.

Far, can you handle adding this bunch of zombies to the auto-loader for Querl's Cannon? That bunch of Mechanowhatsits from the tesseracts should be done by now...
As the energy barrier goes up Everyday Girl sees the Zombies
[Linked Image]

"Take that you monsters you aint killing my dad before I got a chance to get to know him"

[Linked Image]

Unfortunatly the barrier has now formed and the bullets from her guns are ricocheting around inside the barriers causing every one to throw themselves down to the floor.
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 05:06 PM
<Green Energy snares the bullets before any damage can be done>

<span style="font-size: 30px;">Britany!!! You're grounded!!!</span>

After this is over...

And you know Hrun quite well, I've fed the big galoot dinner often enough over the past fifteen years...
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 05:11 PM
<span style="font-size: 20px;">Ohmygod! You like so can't ground me anymore, Gramps! Mr. Hrun, ummm.... I mean... MY FATHER... says I'm like an adult now!

So There! tongue tongue tongue </span>
Posted By: Pagan Lass Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 05:23 PM
<Rubs temples as Excedrin Headache #247 begins to build>

Why do I know I'm gonna wind up refereeing this little family tiff...

<Grabs Everyday Girl by the arm and urgently whispers something in her ear...>

<span style="font-size: 5px;">Brit, don't you go off sideways on me girl, your Gram and Fuzzball are still in comas and we haven't found a way to help them yet... and you arguing with Gramps Quank isn't it.</span>

Now if you wanna be an ADULT, start acting like one...
Posted By: Space Ranger Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/28/07 06:47 PM
Okay, Quank, I've rounded up most of "The Legion of the Lame."

Inside a magnetic energy sphere, Doc Squid, The Mad Unicorn, X-Box Bernice, Slitherer, and Dementos are bound by what remains of Doc Squid's tentacles.

Lard Butt is bringing in the other two...

Looks like somebody cleaned out the back room over at Tamper's Place.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/29/07 12:53 AM
<Lard Lad sheathes his sword and remembers his line...>

That takes care of those deadbeats!

<then, another flash, and he looks up at the sky expectantly>

Now, it's about time for the second wave...

<suddenly, the light is obscured as if by storm clouds>

Faraway Lad: Looks like we're in for a bit of rain, mate! It will be good to wash off all these zombie remnants, won--

Darden, those aren't storm clouds...

<Faraway squints and confirms what Lardy already knew...>

Faraway: Supergirl robots...hundreds of them!

That's not all--take a look.

<zombie reinforcements advance...Abin's ring confirming their number as just a shade under 9,000>

Faraway: Uh-oh!

<shaking his head> That's just the beginning, Darden. You guys haven't seen anything yet...

<unsheathes his sword>

...wait'll we get to the Ice City!

<lets out a battle cry and chrages>

<Faraway pauses, confused by his friend's words for a moment, then follows>
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/29/07 01:54 AM
Ice City?

{Rockhopper Lad looks puzzled a moment.}

Could it be? That would explain...I'll have to ask when I get a chance.

{Begins freezing nearby zombies.}
Posted By: Lolita Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/29/07 10:29 AM
**Lolita used her energy blasters to fire on zombies as best she could, quietly scolding her friends**

My, be nice. And, Britney, behave.

**dodging out of the way, she frowned slightly and wondered just what the Ice City Lard Lad spoke of was**
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/30/07 06:21 AM
<as Lardy, Roy and the others dive into the attacking waves, all their eyes are drawn to the sky>

<the Supergirl robots begin to explode, courtesy of the actions of Helena Handbasket>

<Abin uses his power ring to pull back all the LMBers and their allies while pushing the zombies under the huge plume of fire that rains down from the exploding robots>

<within moments the zombies are fodder for a huge bonfire>

<Abin, Gary, Lardy and Faraway then combine their powers to hurl the flaming mass into space>

<when they're finished, Faraway asks Lardy...>

Faraway: Are we done with the zombies and Supergirl robots now, mate?

<Lardy grins>

Yeah, Far! But now...

<suddenly all the LMBers present are startled by a noise from behind--it's from the Tower itself!>
Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 09/30/07 10:00 PM
A deep horn sounds and the ground shudders. Again the horn sounds, a cry for help.

Sir Roy leaps up

“The Tower is under attack, listen it calls for help”

Hrun is leaning on his battered and notched sword, breathing heavily but he says with a smile

“well Sir Knight shall we offer our swords to help?”

“Verily” replies Sir Roy “the LMB must always be a force for good and if any creature calls for help we must respond”

Hrun looks at Everyday Girl “daughter, tis into danger we must walk, will thou follow?”

“like hello” replies EG. “you think these guns are for show?”

Hrun Smiles and puts her arm around her whilst Abin fumes.

“OH boy Lardy these youngs uns will be the death of me I cant keep up” Says Faraway but with a smile, “Come on then you old so and so, race you to the tower”

Lard Lad looks at Faraway and says “Race? Race? Me? Do I look like I am built for fast running?”

But then he’s up and away heading towards the Tower with the rest.
Deep in the forest the red eye's watch.

Hunger drives it, and its sees them all spread out along the path now is its chance, now it must strike.

The thing moves fast for somthing so big and.....
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/01/07 06:43 PM
<stands before the Tower>

Now we shall be judged. All the knowledge I have from the Tower is in question, yet I know that in my heart. I know I should be here. That we *all* should be here.

If it opens, we will do what we can to heal it. If it remains shut, all is lost.

Prepare yourselves now. Now we are judged.

<suddenly feels the attacker moving towards them>

The danger--it is not over yet!

Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/01/07 06:57 PM
<as Roy turns, the Ravenous Beast leaps out of the forest and attacks, as the LMBers and their allies scramble into battle>

<unknown to them, the Tower judges them worthy, and begins to open>



Astral Form

These things I have waited to use in unison...and I shall pass into the Tower myself!

At last, I never thought they would make it, let alone prove worthy to open it! But the very center of multiverse is mine now!

<flies into the Tower, unknown to any save those with an acute ability of sensing pure evil>

It shall be mine!

<enters, flies off into the vast-ness of the Tower>

Let the beast kill them all! If not, I shall be waiting for them on top...

...while my four allies raze Legion World to the ground!
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/02/07 05:43 AM
<Lardy holds back as the others confront the beast>

They...they don't need me...I-I'm not supposed to help them with the beast...

<turns and faces Tower>

...I'm supposed to go in there, now, after...the Empress? No! No, it's Metternich...right!

<races into the Tower, apparently unnoticed by the others>
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/02/07 05:57 AM
Something else else is not right...


Britney, My, Jailbait, It's still here... whatever it is... form a circle facing outward, weapons at the ready, the rest of you work your way into the circle.

Keep it tight...
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/02/07 06:17 AM
{Rockhopper Lad notices Lardy sneaking into the Tower and nods. He's not entirely sure what is going on, but being attuned to magic more than most of the other LMBers, he understands Lardy is somehow on to something.}

Sir Roy: My Lord?

RhL: {shakes head}: Sir Roy. What's going on?

Sir Roy: That beast has escaped us.

RhL: The beast is not our main trouble. I don't know how, what or why, but there's something going on in the Tower.

Sir Roy: If you say my Lord. And if I must lay down my life, I am proud to do so at your side.

Rockhopper Lad sighs, at a loss as to what to say.
The Beast reappears. Cloaked in black all they can see are its red eyes staring hungrily at them.

“No one who is not true to themselves shall pass” it calls; the voice is ice cold and seems to suck the very life out of the air around them. “I shall flay away all thy little conceits, and self illusions and devour them, they shall feed me and my hunger and I will consume your very souls. Only those who are absolutely totally and honestly true to themselves will survive. You are not them, I shall feed on you all” ”

“Oh yeah” says Abin “well chew on this” and a blast of green energy fires out towards The Beast…..and ….and nothing.

“AH” calls The Beast with relish, “confidence and arrogance, a delicious entrée”

The ring is suddenly completely and utterly drained leaving Abin with just his wits and fists. Which are not enough as The Beast moves faster than the eye can follow, and hits Abin a huge backhanded blow which send him flying unconscious to land in a heap beneath a tree.

“GRAMPS” shouts Everyday Girl.

My Wee Fem and Jailbait Lass rush forward weapons ready. The Beasts eye’s glow white hot and My’s Katana’s and Lolita’s blasters melt into two useless puddles. “Acceptance rejection and unrequited love” shouts the Beast before knocking the two girls unconscious and advancing on Everyday Girl

“Blam Blam Blam” but the bullets have no effect The Beast Stands over EG and raises a hand to strike. As it does so Hrun rushes forward, “Not my Daughter” he cries.

The Beast staggers backwards.

Hrun then attacks, “Aggression and inferiority” calls the Beast, regaining its strength “I feed the hunger” and it hits Hrun so hard he tumbles backwards knocking over EG and Faraway who had moved over to try to protect EG.

Turning the Beast sees Concord, “And you little man, will you look on the face of truth, will you see the real you?”

“Pah!” replies Concord, “that stupid posturing may scare weak minded individuals like that Quank fellow but you’ll find me a tougher nut to crack”

The Beast roars, “so much food here so much loneliness, isolation, a need to belong”

The Beast eyes glow red and Concord looks in them and sees, well let’s just say a mirror into his own soul. What he sees freezes him.

The Beast roars again.

“None of you are fit to pass, I shall devour you all.
Rockhopper lad stood next to The Inquisitor. They were the only ones left standing. Rocky had just seen some of the heavy hitters of the LMBP taken down with depressing ease.

With an audible gulp, Rocky stood forward and placed himself between The Beast and his fallen comrades.

“Well” he starts in a low voice “I suppose in these circumstances some noble speech would be in order, but to be honest I am a little bit too scared to think of anything, so I suppose I have to fall back on the old favourite – you will only get to my friends through me ugly”

To Rocky’s surprise The Beast does not attack immediately. It raors with frustration.

The Beast paces, then stops. So you try but I know you and your secrets. I was there when you looked in the mirror on the path to this point I know what it is you fear.

And from out of the depths of the beast came the voice of the mirror

Eudyptes of the Pyngwyn Colonies, known as Rockhopper Lad, this is who you will become if you allow yourself to be ruled by your self-doubts. Unable to serve with your Legion. Unable to acceed the throne. Unable to find love again. Unable to help your precious Adelie and Hyvvie. Follow the Path and this may not come to pass.

“No” cries Rocky covering his ears, but the moment is past and The Beast is upon him. The fight is terrible for it is once of Ice against the fire of truth and retribution.

Slowly the Beast is beaten back. “Can it be” wonders Rocky, “can it be I am winning? But why? Why me am I worthy to win here when other have fallen”

Then the Beast twisted and struck Rockhopper Lad a telling blow, Rocky too fell.

The Beast prepared to consume him.

When a stone hit the creature on the back.

Sitting cross legged on the path was The Inquisitor.

“Leave them alone vile thing” he says calmly and quietly, “look at my soul and tell me if that will feed your hunger”

The Beast does so and sees all of the Inquisitors past. Its eye flicker greedily and it nods its head.

“Then a bargain with thou I offer” says Sir Roy slowly standing. “Take me and let my friends live……
Posted By: Renly Fox Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/02/07 04:10 PM
Take me and let my friends live...devour my soul if you must.

<lays down axe and sits cross legged>

I will not raise a fist against you, vile thing. At last I see...only now do I realize what change must truly come to mean. For too long have I been willing to pick up weapons and fight for what I believed in.

But a peaceful offering is all I have left to give. I have found love, I have found a home, and I have found...friends. But perhaps in death, I shall find myself.

Devour me beast if you must. For my soul has ever been poisonous to myself and others, and I see no reason for it to be otherwise to even you.

<lowers head, as if to accept death>
Lard Lad, foolish as ever, follows. My enhanced senses tell me so. He'll now learn that there is no teleporting in the Tower. You must earn every step.

<flies to the top at super-speed>

For the Tower is the very center of multiverse. All time and space bends here, all doorways lead here. To go outwards is to have one hundred trillion choices. To go inwards leaves only one. And with it--I shall conquer Legion World as my own.
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/02/07 05:47 PM
Sir Roy, head still bowed, awaits the Beast to devour him. But nothing happens.

The Beast staggers, confused. It cannot attack Sir Roy if Sir Roy is not afraid. Sir Roy looks up to see the Beast turn back toward Rockhopper Lad. In the next instant, the Beast is encased in a block of solid ice.

Sir Roy: Rock--My Lord?

RhL: We did it, Sir Roy! The Beast is stopped!

The others begin to get up.

RhL (looking at the tower): But, as I said before, the main enemy is still to be defeated.
<now safely on the top level of the Tower>

Here, at the epicenter of the multiverse, can one truly control both space and time.

While my four allies destroy Legion World from within, the Tower itself will be our greatest weapon.

For even now, a million soldiers of the Dominion await my signal to march once more on Legion World to get revenge for our defeate last year. And hundreds of thousands of similar armies exist throughout the various multiple universes, eager for a place to raze. They are numbers too large for even the LMB to defeat.

But it will be I who rises supreme. Because now I shall go back to the very founding of Legion World itself...and poison the Legion there.

<looks at water-well and uses laddle to scoop out water into a bowl. It begins to glow. The Tower begins to shake...>
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/02/07 06:28 PM
Ohmygod!... I'm in time! I Made It!

Metternich watches the tesseract portal open, unable, even with all of his stolen power, to affect what happens next...

I've been beating myself up for ten years over not reaching you in time...

An older version of Everyday Girl steps out of the portal, guns drawn. She is dressed in worn black armor and one side of her face is horribly scarred. A single shot shatters the water bowl.The tower stops shaking.

I'm the last one you murdering bastich... The only one your armies could never kill...

<click-click><span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: FIVE FACES OF DEATH: The Path... - 10/02/07 06:33 PM
Outside the tower, Hrun, Abin, and Everyday Girl whirl and stare at the tower as the sound of gunfire echoes through the valley.

Ohmygod! Those are MY guns...

<hit by blasts, begins falling back>

This is unforseen...<uses telepathy, scans Everyday Girl's mind>...ah, from the future...or perhaps a future--but one that benefits me!

It is too late!

<uses Durlan powers to create large blade arms, slices at Everyday Girl>

And I am far too powerful!

<super breath blows EDG out the windows>

The Tower is mine!

<pours water in bowl over self>

I can feel it! Legion World shall be ours!

Here, in the Path, we are no longer on the planet you all call home! But now the Tower shall appear in the middle of Legion World's capital city! And the connection the Tower shares with the Variable Realm shall act as the shackles that keep you all prisoner!

As armies march through time and space to conquer the planet, I now use the Tower to conquer the Variable Realm itself!

And by doing so, I now control reality on Legion World!


<dives into the well, rushing into the Water...at once outside, the Tower begins to crumble, until it nothing but dust...>

<Metternich absorbs the control over the Variable Realm...and feels the power...and bends it, using it to hinder the LMB in every form, stripping them of their special abilities, power rings, connections to forces, and making Legion World a prison which they cannot escape!>

At last--the PATH is no more! The Legionnaires are plunged back to Legion World, and the Tower stands anew--as Legion World's new capital!
© Legion World