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Legion Worlds Nine updated 11 June 24
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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
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Kill This Thread LIV - Two Jokers Now?!?
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Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109203 10/18/06 01:16 AM
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Clark Marlowe's Office. The Legion World Herald.

Ace reporter Clark Marlowe dictates notes into his Omnicom....

"Omnicom, create new file entitled 'Who is Bat-Fem?' and transcribe the following..."

acknowleged. file created. proceed.

"It's been a week since Mr. White assigned me to this case, and I'm not much closer to discovering her identity. However, I've compiled an intriguing list of suspects in my research. There's no way to know at this point if I'm on to anything, but here are my best shots at this time:

1)Hummer Lass. Yes, she's been arrested in connection with the murder of HUGEMANBREASTS, but my source in the Security Office says her mental state has been demonstrated to be highly erratic and unstable. She may be psychopathic and/or have multiple personalities. Bat-Fem hasn't been sighted since Hummer Lass was arrested, so--? Maybe one half of her is a psycho and the other half thinks she's a hero? Odder things have happened!

2)Jada Konti. Most people have never heard of her, but I believe she was the green woman implicated with Cobalt and Lard Lad in those holos the Dark Oval provided as 'evidence' of their crimes. No one supposedly knew who she was, but I'm not the galaxy's best reporter for no reason! She's an outstanding hand-to-hand combatant, and none of my sources have been able to locate her since she fled the Hrykosian district with Lardy and Cobalt. Bat-Fem has been described as caucasian-complected, but skin-dyeing or holographic disguise could explain that.

3)Kalla Hryl. My source at Vee's Villa says this is the name of an ex-patriot Hrykosian who is hiding out there. Apparently, she\'s the first-ever known Hrykosian traitor and did so because of some sort of conscientious objection to her government's practices. As yet, I don't have anything more specific on her.

It should be noted that I pursued Invasion arrivals Rockhopper Lass and Helena Handbasket as suspects as well, but I feel safe in eliminating them based on reported alibis provided by some reliable sources of mine.

So why these three? Well, they're all I could come up with so far. I'm using the working theory that the Dark Oval Invasion may have been a catalyst for Bat-Fem somehow based on the timing of her first appearances. Konti and Hryl fit that bill. And all the furor over Lard Lad and his alleged crimes could've pushed Hummer Lass, who many believe has long been obsessed with Lardy, over the edge of insanity.

I also considered that Bat-Fem works without the sanction of the LMB. These three would definitely be outsiders in that regard.

Does Bat-Fem have a connection to Lard Lad? A source says when she called in the tip upon supposedly finding his dead body, her voice seemed distraught, as if she was grieving over him. If that intuition is accurate, it strengthens the first two theories as those suspects have some proven connection to him. There's no reason to believe the third suspect has ever even met him. Of course, Bat-Fem could simply be a fan of Lardy's--who knows?

So is Bat-Fem one of my three best guesses? Honestly, probably not! But they are starting points in my investigation, at least. My next step is to go undercover in Old Town and try to dig deeper, possibly catch her in action (if she's not Hummer Lass, that is!). Old Town is really dangerous these days, but I didn't get my 'Ace' reputation by playing it safe!"

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109204 10/18/06 11:22 AM
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Bold Flavors
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The Barbarian Hordes, the Khanate of Carthac

Quietly, they flew into the planet, doing the best they could to not be caught no radar or omin-com. Despite the moniker ‘Barbarian’, the Hordes were anything but. They had able technology that could detect intruders easily. The LMB’s tech, however, was just that much better. And so Cobalt Kid and Jailbait Lass descended into the Khanate of Carthac for the first time, and Cobalt was the first of all of his agents to have ever done so. Not even Danger Damsel would willingly have risked it, given that this was the center of UP hate in all of the Barbarian Hordes. Even S.H.A.G., Cobalt’s robot hip-hop sidekick was quiet now.

The Khanate of Carthac was in a way what they had expected it to be. It was highly militarized, with the daily protocol of the military evident in all that worked in a city: traffic adjusting accordingly, food served at specific times, etc. There was also statues and monuments built to great battles. Slavery was rampant and there was an obvious split between the ruling class and the common class. There were some that held onto the old ways and did not clean themselves, but most were somewhat cleanly, if also garishly dressed in overly technological armor.

But there was one striking difference. Both the citizens and the military seemed in tune with the proceedings taking place in the center of the city. The proceedings of the Black Sun. Evidently, Cobalt and the UP under-estimated the influence of the Black Sun in the Barbarian Horde.


Loudly Dominus arrived, flying towards Bismol and blasting apart the satellite stations that surrounded it. Like all UP planets, Bismol had a Grand Central Space Port, and Dominus focused a large portion of this small military unit towards it in a trident formation, to blast it apart and proceed downwards toward the planet-side.

“Dominus,” said one his chiefs, “we’ve received the distress call from the Bismollian ambassador! He would like to open negotiations.”

“Ha! Tell him when I drink out of his skull as if it was a wine glass, our negotiations can begin.”

“My Khan…” said the chief again, now feeling nervous at continuing this conversation, “…it appears to be a Khund. He says he has some things he’d like to barter. Two members of the Legion of Message Board Posters.”

Dominus hesitated now, and all were silent. A Khund? Here on Bismol? Had Khundia attacked the UP and he did not know? After all, Dominus himself was half-Khund. Khundia might be a welcome ally in the planned multi-front war against the Dark Oval and the United Planets. If they had pre-empted Bismol, this could work out well. At last, he realized he must decide quickly—it was too interesting to ignore. “Tell him I’ll speak with him.”

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109205 10/18/06 12:00 PM
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Legion World Office of Security. Outside the Detention Area.

"Shady?" Dedman says as he walks up to the legendary Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass. "What's up? Why did you need to see me?"

"We've got to find, Matty!" she answers.

"Isn't he searching for Lard Lad, like the two of you agreed?"

"Yes, sweetie, but I have reason to believe Hummer Lass has been manipulated, as she claims."

"Oh?" Dedman says, his interest peaked.

Seeing he wants to hear more, Candace decides to tell him, "probing through her memories, I saw something very disturbing, something I saw in poor Hugh's memories."


"Deddy, I saw the scarred man that Hugh called 'Mr. Drall' in the background when this 'Wyandotte' was beating her. It was the same man Hugh remembered! He had those same, familiar eyes!"

"Oh my," Dedman pondered, "this could be big!"

"What's more, sweetie, is that I now know where I'd seen those eyes before--they're Lardy's eyes!"

"Huh?" he replied as he pondered that both the apparent bad guys seemed to be Lard Lad from appearances. "Sounds like we need to account for some Lard Lads..."

"Definitely," she replied, a haunted look in her eyes.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109206 10/19/06 03:31 AM
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Near Dr. Mayavale's Mediation Tent

Seth came to a halt in his wanderings as he felt agitation from his crystal children. What's wrong? he thought to them, as he started looking around to see what might have set them off. No danger was in sight, but as his head turned the crystals sent a surge of concern... and an image of Helena.

He blinked. "Helena -- you want me to find her? Why?" They answered as best they could, with her image and a sense of fear. Didn't know you could do this... Seth sent to them, as he followed their lead through the city to a less desirable section. He knew that he'd often shared telepathic contact with Dalnaturi, whether through the Witchblade or the link between their crystal children -- but Helena didn't possess either of them. After some jogging, he finally came to a pink and white building in disrepair. Down the alley at its side, a door stood open; its knob was broken off. Tensing, Seth carefully made his way inside...

Inside the old Ice Cream Parlol
The place was silent, but the footprints in the dust made it clear that someone had been through here. Seth followed the trail; at its end was Helena standing stock-still before a desk. "Helena?!" he asked, as he moved forward to check on her. Past her, Seth spotted a boxlike machine topped with a large glowing sphere; then the sphere flashed and...

Seth blinked, trying to focus his eyelets. <<Even if you're on leave, that's no excuse not to train!>> said someone before him; a male voice, strong and familiar... Another couple of blinks, and the figure came into focus. He was yellow-skinned, with a salt-and pepper crewcut; the left eye was faceted blue, but the right was a silver sphere in the midst of burn scars that covered that quarter of his face. The outfit was a simple gray sweatsuit, appropriate for the small gym they were in.

<<Father..?!>> Seth asked, starting to step forward -- then he halted. In his mind, he heard the fearful screeches of his crystal children... but he couldn't see them on his body. Seth shook his head rapidly. <<No, father... you're dead; I watched you die! I watched the world die -- time after time! And I couldn't ever stop it from happening! No-one ever listened!>> A red haze swam before Seth's eyelets as he snarled, <<How dare you -- you damned mindtapper! HOW DARE YOU?!>> Seth's now-glowing right hand lashed out at the image of his father; he felt the contact as his hand slammed onto something hard and flat, then felt it shatter under his palm...

And Seth was left standing in the office -- the few remaining bits of the desk scattered on the floor. Behind him, he heard a thud; turning, he saw that Helena had collapsed to the floor, stunned. The crystal children's coos of concern helped bring Seth down from his rage; he'd forgotten that he had been here to help Helena. Concern on his face, he moved to her right side and knelt down to check on her; his left arm supporting her shoulders to lift her up from the floor. "Helena? Helena... speak to me?"

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109207 10/19/06 10:49 AM
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Streets of Legion World

“Despite sensationalizing by the media, the streets remain relatively calm and safe, my friend,” said Liberty Monkey, “such is the workings of the LMBP.”

Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal II nodded. The spunky young lady walked past the mobs of people, and noticed a rather large looking ruffian ogling her and blowing a kiss at him. “Hey pal,” she said, “back off!”, using her power to suddenly make him start screaming like a little girl! Running through the streets, he turned around and pointed, screaming about the Dark Oval and the Invasion. “That should do it,” smiled KGSR II.

“Look at who he was pointing at,” said Liberty Monkey, as the two turned to see an incognito Lonestar Ranger (formerly Space Ranger of the Dark Oval) following them! “Greetings Space Ranger! I do not believe this to be coincidence!”

KGSR II leaped forward suddenly grabbing the Ranger, although the larger man didn’t make a move. His blaster sat calmly in his holster, and he looked at her. “I don’t want any trouble,” said the Ranger. “I want answers. In the last twenty-four hours I’ve heard three separate incidents refer to a mysterious ‘52’, the most ominous being Dormant Damsel’s outburst. Since I’m persona non grata around here, I want in on this case. I’m not going anywhere soon and I need to get in Legion World’s favored side—and quick.”

“Right,” said KGSR II, “or maybe you want to find out what the mystery is and use it to your own advantages. Eryk told me about the Dark Oval, and how its lawman couldn’t be trusted.”

“Well,” said the Ranger, “your boyfriend Eryk isn’t here, is he?” he smiled. “And I’m coming with you.”

“…not my boyfriend anymore…” muttered KGSR II.

“Very well, Ranger,” said Liberty Monkey, “since you’ll be following us anyway. We are going to find Tamper Lad for his help on this. Reboot appears to be in the anomaly still, although his help is not guaranteed anyway.”

“Good, Tamper Lad will know what to do,” replied the Ranger. “And he’s usually up for cutting a deal to get me some glory…”


Lucien Lad and his friend watched on, curious to these developments. “Booooooring,” said Lucien Lad. “I’m supposed to watch this for *how* long?”

“For awhile still, I’m afraid,” said his friend, “but this look will help you later. After all, haven’t you come to trust the Phantom Stranger?”

Lucien Lad smiled, pouring another glass of wine for both of them.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109208 10/19/06 12:17 PM
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Bold Flavors
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“Foolish Khund, how dare you!” yelled Dominus in rage, pulling out his techno-sword! “For that you die!”

Minutes earliest the Khundish ambassador of Bismol had entered Dominus’ ship with the LMBer known as Kid Prime in tow. The latter was completely bound and chained, and the former, who was an oddity, stepped forward. “I am Ambassador Gharlak urkurik il-arvarick NakTorvik!” he said, “of the Royal Khundish Fleets. This is my war feline,” he added, pointing to the small cat besides his feet. Dominus and his crew did not know whether to laugh or scream in bloodthirsty rage. What was a Khund doing here on Bismol? “I have one request,” continued the Khund. “Lay down your weapons, dock your ships, and pay homage to the greatness that is Bismol!” And that’s about the time Dominus screamed in rage.

“Ah,” said the Khund, his voice suddenly more whimsical. “Put that is where you are wrong!” He smiled now and paused for dramatic effect. “Not the dying part, which I personally think will also be wrong—but the Khund part! For you see, I am not a Khund at all!!” he added and the Barbarians gasped. So much so, that Kid Prime began to giggle a little. Suddenly the Khund ripped off a mask—so perfect that none had been able to realize it was indeed a mask. Underneath was the face of Actor Lad. “I’m actually Actor Lad, Leader of the Legion of Message Board Posters…and you’ve just fallen victim to my powers of super-acting!”

As rage perculated in each Barbarians throats, they had an instant to react before everything sprang into action! The cat, who was Fat Cramer, grew in size and instantly leaped upon Dominus, knocking him backwards and clawing at the massive figure. Actor Lad turned and punched the nearest Barbarian in the face, as Kid Prime revealed the chains to be nothing more than robot extensions of himself, and moved forward. “I’ve got the ship” he yelled, running off.

“Three against an army? You are foolish then,” said one of the soldiers, as Fat Cramer leapt off, moving backwards so her back was to Actor Lad.

“Oh, we are more than three,” said Saturn Girl, revealing herself and Spellbinder, who had remained invisible to them via Saturn Girl’s telepathy. “A little tele team-up?” said Saturn Girl.

“Love to,” replied Spellbinder, clapping her hands forward that sent a telekinetic burst knocking all the warriors backwards. “Dominus dear, do us a favor and call all your soldiers to this room, so we don’t have to go looking for them.” Scores of troops fell backwards and Saturn Girl gave Crujectra a playful inquisitive look. “That’s odd,” thought Crujectra, “a little more power in that one than I’d meant…”

Outside in space the rest of the armada waited for word from the main ship, not knowing what was happening. A soldier would have to have excellent eyesight to see the small teleportation hole open up above one of the ships as Outdoor Miner brought Yellow Kid into the middle of the fleet. “I don’t know how exactly wind powers work in space, but then again, my old drinking buddy was a 40’ giant robot lesbian, so what do I know?” said Miner as they arrived.

Yellow Kid grinned. “Don’t worry. Back when I was the leader of the villainous Primary Colors Gang, this was my specialty.” Using his powers he began to move at super-speed in a tornado fashion and suddenly the ships began being ripped apart. Crashing and colliding with each other, the soldiers were now aware of what was happening.

“How’s our flank?” said Outdoor Miner into his walking ring.

“Call it a rout,” said Abin Quank, moving forward at top speed with a giant green shovel scooping ships into a small space. “Welcome to the United Planets fellas.”

By his side, Poverty Lad moved at super-speed through space, smashing through ships with his super-strength. His Martian abilities allowed him to change his size accordingly, using enough mass to destroy the ships fighting abilities but keep the soldiers alive. In his head he could hear pleas from the soldiers and bribes being offered up to him, ‘the Martian Devil’. “Save your Barbarian currency,” he replied, “even Poverty Lad only takes the good stuff.”

By now Kid Prime had reached the lead ship’s control consuls, easily making short work of anyone in his way. He transformed his fingers into electrical wires and plugged himself in. Within an instant, he had seized control of the ship.

Dominus lunged forward at Actor Lad and Fat Cramer, looking to take off both their heads. Actor Lad moved to the side, while Fat Cramer shrank down to cat form, ran under his sword arm and up his side. Clawing at his eyes, she made him drop his sword, as Actor Lad swept out his feet. Around them everywhere, men fell from the technological assault.

“Barbarians! You have declared war on the United Planets with this act! In doing so, you have violated countless treaties and years of diplomacy!” Spellbinder’s voice echoed in all their heads. “For that, you should get no quarter! But you can end this now, by taking your ships and returning to your borders! Leave only your leaders, who will stand trial for their crimes!”

Technological silence ensued. But it was evident the Barbarian fleet, although a fraction of the Barbarian army, was not prepared to fight a host of LMBers if there was legions more of them. A few ships flew off quickly, followed by many others.

And so it was over before it even began. “That wasn’t so bad,” said Poverty Lad, flying down to join the others.

“It could have been,” said Actor Lad, “we’re trying for the diplomatic way out. We can’t be in every battle and that small fleet could have done serious damage—it could have razed Bismol. And that’s only a small portion of the military might beyond those borders.”

“Yeah,” said Pov, “but we’re here. And we’re not allowing damage. Let the Dark Oval and the Barbarian Horde fight it out. We’ve sent our message: leave the United Planets alone. They didn’t—and now we’ve got Dominus.”

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109209 10/19/06 03:32 PM
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Legion World Mall, Legionnopolis

< The Crusader and Maxx strolled along through the mall, stopping before storefronts from time to time. To the casual observer, they could be any celebrity couple out for a shopping expedition. They were not in the mall today to shop, however. >

[Maxx the Sorcerer]: Mykel, are you sure that this is the easiest way to do this?

[The Crusader]: I know it probably sounds strange, but learning to control telepathy is different than learning to control telekinesis. With telekinesis, for example, you are typically working your way up, slowly increasing your power levels as you get stronger. With telepathy, however, the trick is to block everyone out, and then learn to let them back in one at a time.

Right now, my problem is keeping people out of my head. And believe it or not, coming to a crowded place like the mall will help me out.

< Maxx was skeptical, but his face showed nothing but support. Under control again, the Crusader began to move down the promenade again, letting the thoughts of hundreds of sentients flow over his shields as though they were nothing. It took a great deal of concentration to do this right now, but as his control over his increased power levels grew it would become second nature again. >

[Unknown female]: Stop! Thief!

< The two Legionnaires turned toward the shout, and saw a middle aged woman nearby, her packages dropped to the floor. She was shouting at a young man running away from her, a purse held in one hand, its broken straps whipping around wildly as he ran.

< Maxx prepared to cast a spell, but sensing Mykel’s power build-up, he hesitated. One hand reaching out, the Crusader instinctively surged out with telekinetic force, his goal being to detain the fleeing thief. The results were… not altogether unexpected. Suddenly, every shopper ranged out before them stopped in their tracks, unable to move. Luckily, of the eighty people now held immobile, the thief was one of them. >

[Maxx the Sorcerer]: Well, on the bright side, you stopped the thief.

[The Crusader (scowling)]: Your commentary is not required, dear.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109210 10/19/06 09:29 PM
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An isolated, overgrown graveyard in a remote section of Legion World.

The scarred man known as Ord Drall completes an Omnicom conversation with his ally Wyandotte…

“Yes, Wyandotte, I’m clear about the next step in our plan, and I will execute my part at the agreed-upon time. Ord out!”

Ord turns off his Omnicom and tosses it aside.

“Enough of that rubbish! I grow tired of playing the pawn to that idiot! As soon as he’s outlived his usefulness---”

He cuts his sentence off as a particular gravestone catches his eye.

“Ah. So there it is. What a pitiful memorial! I suppose ‘villains’ don’t get suitable burials in this place. They will pay for this.”

“I was as close to death as humanly possible, burned from the inside out by that traitoress who was supposed to be on my side.” He runs his hands over the horrible burn scars that cover his face, ”But she underestimated the greatness of my power…it regenerated me even as I lay in this pauper’s grave. In time I teleported myself out and continued the healing process…it continues to this day, as I have yet to recover my full power. That’s why I must tolerate that fool Wyandotte! For the time being…”

He looks around him and at the stars above.

“This artificial planet is quite remarkable. There’s nothing like it in my dimension. I think I shall enjoy destroying it someday when I am whole again. Ah…when I am whole, I’ll return to my home and kill all of those fools who opposed me and betrayed me, starting with the traitoress who burned my flesh. And I will reclaim my wife as my own again, whether she likes it or not!”

“And then…I will fulfill the destiny mapped out for me by the Church of the Eternal Void by destroying my entire dimension to remake it the way it is supposed to be. After that I will return here and do the same!”

“My foolish counterpart…how he fights his destiny! And his choice of mates is so richly ironic--HA! Well, I’ll gladly relieve that fool of his life and his burden, and I’ll be the savior of two dimensions!”

“But for now, I’ll have to be patient and bide my time, hard as it will be to do so. It will all pay off in due time. And when it does, two universes will tremble at the sound of my name, as it should be!”

And with purple energy loosed from his fingertips, he blasts the gravestone and teleports away.

Moments later, a woman arrives at the gravesite dressed in strange garb with a bat motif to it. Carefully, she assembles the pieces of the gravestone so that its words in Interlac can be read. Looking at the words, the woman known as Bat-Fem is overcome with emotion.

“It is him!” she whispers and then flees, as if she were running from the Devil himself.

The reassembled gravestone lies where she left it. It’s epitaph: ‘Here lies Lard Lord of Earth-4

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109211 10/19/06 11:52 PM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Quislet's Table

Rockhopper Lad stared across the table, dumbfounded.

"Eudyptes, you look as if you've seen a ghost!" Rockhopper Lass said.

"I--I--Adelie, Blaine Fey was Openly Gay Lad."


"I guess you don't remember him. He was from your universe and a member of the SMB." The Pyngwyn Prince began to tear up. "He was--that is...he and I..."

"They were in love" finished Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle.

"What happened to him?" Rockhopper Lass asked.

"He was killed in the Invasion. He was a real hero. I've never loved anyone as I loved him."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"I appreciate that, Adelie, but what do you remember about him?"

"I'm not sure. He--he was there I think."

"But he died before you disappeared."

"I wish I could tell you more. He was there. And--and someone else too."


"I'm sorry, Eudyptes. That's all I know."

Old Dutch the Super Cow looked up from her grass and said, "Maybe it was the Blaine Fey of this universe."

The Rockhoppers and Hyvvie looked at her, shocked.

"What?" Old Dutch asked. "I'm old, not stupid!"

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109212 10/20/06 08:48 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Barbarian Hordes, the Khanate of Carthac

Caracalla conducted his ceremony, truly a master at holding the attention of his audience and ensuring their complete and utter love for him and his beliefs. The mere presence of Caracalla meant a continued infectious growth of the Black Sun. His hold over the ‘barbarians’ was undeniable. They were fierce, independent and prone to divisiveness. But he had given them faith and something to believe in. They now had a common cause in the war with the Dark Oval, and a common ground to stand on in the Black Sun.

Cobalt watched on with Jailbait Lass next to him, S.H.A.G. staying look-out outside. They had gathered a great deal of intel on the Barbarian Hordes, the Khanate of Carthac and the Black Sun. Now it was time to see the face of the enemy. So at last, Cobalt had finally seen Caracalla after all these years. The rumors, the searches, the secrecy—he finally had confirmed his suspicions that Caracalla did indeed have plan to take over, and to use Elagabolus to do it. Cobalt seethed with anger, and did his best to calm down and let it leave his system. Focusing on his spiritual powers he tried to filter it out. But he kept thinking of Scipio and of Danger Damsel. Both dead. Two more of his friends.

Caracalla preached on, and Cobalt went through his head. LardLad engaged to be married to Whordru? What was Lardy thinking? He hadn’t spoken to Lardy since he’d punched him in the face right before the full invasion kicked off. They’d saved each other’s lives, but hadn’t spoken one word. What did that mean? Legion World was still being cleaned up, but a mere two months later and things had fallen back to normal. A murder in the streets? And Matlock still a baby? Reality disruptions—again? The last time there were reality disruptions he’d lost two more of his best friends, Space Ranger and Emerald Empress. How many, he wondered, were doomed to die in the next crisis?

Jailbait Lass put her hand on his forearm and gave it a light squeeze. He stopped thinking and looked at her. She could pretty much read his mind at this point. He knew it was time to calm down. The world changes, she said. We must change with it.

Caracalla had finished his holy sermon, the room filtering out. The High Priest entered the back rooms of the Church sending his guards away with his hands. He sipped a chalice filled with ice-cold water and a smile came over his lips. His lifeless black eyes stared forward at the walls.

Cobalt stepped out from the shadows. Caracalla did not turn to face him. “High Priest Caracalla.”

“Yes,” replied the High Priest, “at last we meet.”

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109213 10/22/06 01:52 AM
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Old Town. Wyandotte's Secret HQ.

With the words, "--Ord out!" Harold R. Wyandotte's conversation with his ally abruptly concludes.

"What?!" Wyandotte rages. "How dare he cut me off like that! He'd better keep that appointment with our ally! Why, without me he'd probably be begging on the streets! I ought to--"

He pauses and calms himself. "Hmmph...I suppose I'll let him think he has the upper hand--for now. That simpleton has no inkling of the mind he's dealing with...and it's better he continues not to until he's outlived his usefulness."

"Ah, yes...great intellects are continually underestimated by those with brute strength and flashy powers. True power resides completely in the mind! Certainly, the LMB wrote me off as a simple killer all those years ago. Killing people was merely an afterthought for me as I was more interested in the exercise of outwitting other sentients. Having proven myself in that area, I've moved on to killing key players, as on a chessboard in order to further the larger goal. Ah, yes, some day the LMB will come to rue the day they wrote off the man they crudely nicknamed 'Se--"

Wyandotte's soliloquy is interrupted as something on his massive vid display catches his eye. "What's this? I believe I lipread an interesting snippet from the Security Office! Hmmm....I need to rewind that feed---how stunned they would be if they knew I had complete surveillance of their vaunted--ah, I shall start there..."

The feed he reviews recounts a conversation between reserve LMBer Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass and LMBer/Security Officer Dedman. He watches and listens intently.

When he finishes examining it, Wyandotte grins a little. "So," he says, "they've already figured out that Hummer Lass isn't psychotic, eh? Ord was the icebreaker between her memories and the ones Dedman obtained, as I predicted."

"Hmmm...this 'Shady' of theirs is quite adept at what she does. I didn't anticipate them bringing her into it. That sped up my projection by weeks, at least. I shall have to consider taking her and Matlock off the board soon, I believe."

"In any case they are still very far from the truth. If anything, they'll be chasing their tails even more. There will be more than enough time for me to kill their Lard Lad...and then move into the next phase of my plan!"

As he utters those last words, his hands move toward the mysterious canister which rests on a table close by, and he taps it softly.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109214 10/22/06 10:06 AM
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Antacid lass looked to the skies. Somewhere up there were her hereos, the LMB.
She had travelled to Legionworld once, in hopes of joining them, but her control over her powers was far to limited at the time.
Things were different now. She could eat anything and make anyone else feel the effects of eating it....instant stomachaches. How could they reject her now?
She turned to the holo-vid......."Bismoll saved by the LMB" said the newscaster.
Antacid lass smiled, she knew her heros would save the day.
Now to somehow meet them and show them how powerful she had become.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109215 10/23/06 09:23 AM
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Barbarian Hordes, Khanate of Carthac

click to enlarge

The High Priest Caracalla turned around and faced Cobalt one on one. Quietly, Jailbait Lass slipped out of the room, per Cobalt’s instructions—Caracalla was far too dangerous. The High Priest’s eyes were black, and lifeless. He was younger than Cobalt suspected, and was tall and thin.

“Odd to see a high-ranking officer of the Dark Oval in the Barbarian Hordes,” said Cobalt Kid.

“The Barbarian Hordes. What a name to give a sector of space. I do not care for it. I do not care for the Khanate of Carthac either truthfully,” replied the High Priest. He grinned now softly. “What did you expect to find? There’s nothing you can do here.”

“I expected some kind of answers,” said Cobalt calmly, “some kind of explanation as to why so many people have to die for you and the Black Sun. For the Barbarian Hordes. For the Dark Oval.”

“That’s it?” said Caracalla smiling. “I thought you were here for the boy. My ‘young’ apprentice,” he added sarcastically. “He’s not young anymore. Not since you’ve last seen him. When you and your friends failed him. But the Black Sun has taken care of Elagabolus. And he will repay us kindly.”

“You haven’t answered me.”

“You know the answer! I want it to end. ALL of it!” he proclaimed in a raspy voice. “This world has lost all of my love and it must be cleansed. The fires of life must be tempered and put-out for a time, leaving only a small ember. That ember will grow into the new world—and we will be that ember. Long live the Sun-Eaters!, ‘Cobaltus’, and long they *shall* live,” he said loudly, then adding softly“ Long die the suns.”

“You want to wipe out the universe? You really think that’s possible?” said Cobalt, growing angrier. “Many have tried you know—and none ever have. It’s a ridiculous concept. So you’re holy church can lead the next generation? Its outrageous,” he said, gaining his composure. “And you know it. You always have. You don’t believe Sol Invictus is coming to destroy the universe, so you’re setting up Elagabolus to do it. Your using a young boy to fit into your religion, taking the parts of it you like and leaving the rest out. That makes you a murderer.”

“That makes me beyond you,” replied Caracalla. “There is nothing you can do here. I’ve come to this dismal sector of space and shown the Barbarians the light. They join us more and more each day. And those who do not worship will be left in darkness and death. And you can do nothing about it.”

Cobalt’s thoughts went to a million places. He should just end things right here. He remembered Lardy with Hrykos, and what Lardy might do here. Or what would Space Ranger do? Haul him in? But no…he could not commit murder and he had nowhere to bring Caracalla.

Caracalla smiled again, and this time, a black light emanated from his hands. “A wise decision,” he said. “I am not a helpless priest sworn against violence.” The energy appeared to be flicker wildly, as if a black-fire.

Cobalt walked forward to him, now only three feet away. “Call off your army’s against the UP. Stop any plans to invade or make war with the border planets. And end all Black Sun activity on Legion World.” Cobalt’s words were hard and cold, and had no more emotion in them.

Caracalla smiled no more. “They aren’t my armies…” he replied. Cobalt went to interject, but Caracalla stopped him. “…yet. There will not be anymore attempts on the UP this warring season,” he continued smiling, “we’ve accomplished all we wanted to. And Black Sun activity on Legion World…I know nothing about it.”

Cobalt stared at him, attempting to gain the measure of the man, but it was impossible. He was too hard to crack. What did he mean by those statements? Was he telling the truth? He obviously couldn’t take him at his word.

“Goodbye Cobalt Kid,” said Caracalla. “Take your female friend and get off this planet. And if a member of your Legion ever sets foot on this planet again, they will be executed along with some other close to them, as is our way.”

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109216 10/25/06 12:10 AM
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Back alleys of Old Town.

An old bum drags an antiquated shopping basket near the same back alley where HUGEMANBREASTS was killed over three weeks ago. He peers around each corner and at the rooftops cautiously as if looking for something or someone specifically.

Soon he arrives at the exact spot of the murder. He stops and fiddles with a switch or something under his woolen cap. Whatever he pressed, a small lens pops out over his right eye, and a tiny microphone extends near his mouth. The apparent vagrant then begins to speak to no one in particular.

"This is Clark Marlowe. Entry number 10. Day Three on undercover assignment.

Well, I've spent many hours combing these back alleys where Bat-Fem's been sighted, but so far, no Kono Juice. In fact it's been extremely quiet. Either she knows I'm looking for her, she's Hummer Lass and locked up behind bars or maybe she's dead?

Getting a little tired of these grimy clothes and this itchy fake beard--and I believe I'm now majorly infested with fleas! It's a good thing I'm dedicated to my craft, or I'd ditch this assignment for a long, steamy bath in a Metropolis min--?"

"Who you talkin' to, old-timer? And what're you doin' out in a dark alley all alone? It ain't safe here, ya know?"

Marlowe gasps as he realizes a dozen gang bangers have surrounded him. He looks around and sees that some of them look a little worse for the wear. Two are on crutches, some have their arms in slings and the man who spoke, a Talokian by his looks, is missing several teeth. All of this makes Marlowe feel no less terrified because they still look like they could kill him twenty times over!

"So," the Talokian says as he moves closer to Marlowe and brandishes a laser scalpel, there was this Bat Chick protecting the streets for a while. Messed us up pretty bad. She musta lost her nerve or somethin' because nobody's seen her for a while." He brings the scalpel near Marlowe's throat, so close that the heat from it forms blisters on his neck skin. "Guess we'll have to take out our aggression on you, huh?"

As Marlowe closes his eyes and prays to whatever deities he believes in, a figure leaps from no where and kicks the Talokian back. She looks at the other bangers and screams "BOO!", and they run (or hobble) off as fast as they can.

"Are you all right?" she asks Marlowe as she helps him up after he'd collapsed in fright.

"Bat-Fem?" Marlowe manages.

"Yes, I'm--"

"LOOK OUT!" Marlowe yells.

The warning comes nearly too late as the Talokian, who had not fled, connects almost full-on with a surprisingly powerful blow to her face, knocking her mask off in the process. Marlowe gasps as she responds with a sweeping kick that knocks the Talokian to the ground. In the instant that response buys her, she finds the mask and puts it back on.

"You like that, Bat-Whore?" laughs the Talokian. "I was ready for you...had some MHGH ready...little extra oomph to my punches, huh?"

Marlowe thinks, Meta-Human Growth Hormone? If Bat-Fem's a norm like my sources say, she's in trouble! But, damn, I'm so sprockin' freaked, I can't move--probably couldn't help anyway...

"Power isn't everything, Mallor," she says and starts methodically maneuvering around him and applying strategic jabs all over him.

"Stay still, Bat-Whore! I'm gonna break your sprockin' neck!"

"Forgive me if I don't oblige." In one fluid motion, she leaps toward him and extends a collapsable bo staff. Mallor runs at her full-speed, and she hits him square in the kneecaps with the staff as she dodges his advance. With a sickening crack he falls on his face and is squealing in pain.

"Little weak in the knees?" she quips, then knocks him mercifully unconscious with a tap on the head.

"Power's not everything, Marlowe," she says, suprising the reporter. "Remember that." And then she shoots a line into the air, disappearing as suddenly as she came.

His jaw agape, he says blankly into his still-extended microphone, "she knew who I am?" It is only then, as he hears his words reverbed into his earpiece, that he realizes he was recording the entire encounter.

"Shit!" he says. "That means my holo-cam was recording the whole thing...including when her mask fell off!"

Unbidden, visions of a Galactic Pulitzer begin to dance in his head. "Chloe Lane's going to have to notice me when I win it!"

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109217 10/26/06 03:17 AM
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Planet Raisa.

In their suite Dru puts the finishing touches on her hair and makeup as her fiance Lard Lad sits quietly on their made-up bed. They are preparing to head home to Legion World after over a month well-spent on the planet known for spiritual healing.

"Honestly, honey, I don't know what we'll do for a honeymoon after this!" Dru says as she tweaks some stray strands of hair she's spotted while looking in the mirror.

Lard Lad remains silent, apparently not hearing her.

Noticing he didn't respond, Dru turns and faces him. "Anthony? Honey, what's wrong?"

"Huh?" he says and looks at her. "Oh! Baby, you look absolutely stunning as usual!"

"Well, thanks," she says with a grin and then walks over and sits on his lap, "but I was wondering where you were, just now!"

"Oh, that," he says wistfully while putting his arms around her. "I...I guess I'm a little nervous..."

"Nervous? About going home?"

"Yeah, babe...I guess I'm afraid of losing the piece of mind I've found here."

"I know what you mean, honey...but we can't hide forever."

"Can't we?"

Her response is to give him a gentle kiss. Then she says, "no, we can't. Legion World needs us...and we need it! We have a lot of things in our pasts that we need to redeem. We need to be heroes!"

"Yes," he answers knowingly, "yes, we do."

"And no matter how dark it is there, we'll always have each other...don't forget that!"

"Of course not!" he answers feeling such joy that his eyes well up a little.

"Tell ya what, though," she adds with a new inspiration in her eyes, "there's nothing that says we can't take the scenic route back, right?"


With childlike glee, the two stand up and take each other's hands. Dru utters a spell, and they and their belongings vanish in a glittering cloud of smoke.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109218 10/27/06 12:18 AM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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In a place between the worlds

Two male figures, one human, one Pyngwyn, float weightlessly.

"Soon, my darling," said the human. "Soon it will all come to pass."

The Pyngwyn nodded, "Yes. Allying yourself with those two humans was a master stroke. They have no idea you aren't a follower of theirs."

"Yes. And soon, you will reign over not one, but two universes. And I at your side."

"Oh, yes."

"Fortunately, we don't have to worry about my double from your world, but yours..."

"He's mine! He took it all away from me! My throne! My empire! My sister!"

"Ah, yes. Your sister. She has been convenient."

"My stupid, goodie-goodie double doesn't suspect what she will do!"

"And then it will all be ours!"

The Earth-1 Blaine Fey and the Evil Emperor Penguin embraced passionately.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109219 10/27/06 09:22 AM
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Bold Flavors
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click to enlarge
(Elagabolus, years ago...)

The Barbarian Hordes, Khanate of Carthac

Jailbait Lass waited for Cobalt to join her, shifting her stance in the hallways close to Caracalla’s room. She was supposed to go to S.H.A.G. outside, but decided to wait for him. It was a bad move, she realized, when she heard someone coming down the hall.

“Who goes there?” said a voice, and she realized it was a younger man. A deep voice, but definitely a young man—younger than her. As the figure moved closer, she realized exactly who it was. The young man was fourteen or fifteen. He was very tall and incredibly thin. He had no shirt covering his torso and was covered in weird, exotic tattoos. His head was bald, and his eyes were very dark. There was something alarming about him. Something else else in the way he walked. She felt almost a low buzzing in her mind as he walked closer, as if there was very real raw power coming off of him. This was Elagabolus.

“I-I,” she began, but fumbled her words, “I’m waiting for someone,” she said.

“Waiting?” he asked, and his voice was crisp. “You aren’t one of the Khanate of Carthac. Your skin is far to pale,” he moved closer to her. “Who are you? he said, raising his hand to her arm and pulling her closer as she meant to walk away.

She almost screamed at his touch, thinking he would kill her. He didn’t—she felt no change to her bare skin. “Stop! Please, let go. I-I don’t like to be touched,” she said looking at him more closely. He stared back, waiting for a reply. “Why are you here?” she said to him finally.

“What?” he said, taken aback. “I’m with the High Priest.”

“Yes,” she replied, “why are you here? Why are you with them? I know your story Elagabolus. Why are you with the Black Sun?”

He brow creased and his mouth became a paper thin line. “I’m here because I believe in Sol Invictus,” he said. “But you know me, and I don’t know you,” he continued now growing angry. “How?!” he finished, pushing her back.

“Leave her alone, Elag,” said a voice, and both he and Jailbait Lass turned to see Cobalt Kid. Cobalt walked forward and in seconds took in every aspect of Elag’s appearance. Jailbait Lass knew it broke his heart. “How could you…?” he said softly, moving closer to Jailbait Lass and putting his coat around her. “Not a scared little boy anymore, I see?”

“No, I’m not,” said Elagabolus, apparently shaken up by this encounter.

“Liar,” said Cobalt, moving closer to him. “Elag, let me take you away from here.” Though they spoke, much more was said in their silence and their eyes. Elag had slept next to Cobalt for weeks once, and had trusted him and the rest of the LMB completely. They were his guardians, his friends. His family. “It’s alright,” Cobalt added, extending his arm. Elag desperately wanted not to be touched by Cobalt, but simply could not get the words out. Cobalt’s hand was on his shoulder suddenly. “It’s okay,” Cobalt repeated.

Elag looked at him and remembered when he saved him. He remembered holding a dying man. The healing energies of Cobalt existed in the LMBers hands and Elag was suddenly aware of it. He didn’t notice at first, but when he did, he felt them. And they burned. Softly and slowly they burned. “No,” whispered the boy. Cobalt looked at him with a sad look. “NO!!” yelled Elagabolus pulling away, the boy’s flesh burning Cobalt’s hand and vice versa.

“You’d have me hide somewhere?” said the boy speaking quickly. “I will not. The whole world will know who I am and I’ll never hide again.”

“Elag, the whole world could benefit from you!”

“No. You’re the healer now, you and your friends. I’ll be the destroyer…” he said, walking away towards Caracalla’s quarters, his words trailing off.

Cobalt and Jailbait Lass walked away. “Three years, Lolita,” he said to her quietly, “three years of thinking of that moment, and its not how I thought it would turn out at all…”

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109220 10/27/06 01:52 PM
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The Morning Glory Starliner, en route to Legion World from Psyonia

< Margurita Thal looked up at the display screen above the refrigeration unit and frowned. The passenger in Cabin 14 wanted something. Again. She closed her eyes and sighed. She couldn’t face him again. She looked over at the new kid, Babeet. It was her first flight. The captain said to take it easy one her, but… >

[Margurita Thal]: Hey, Babeet, could you do me a favor?

[Babeet Prak]: Sure thing, Margurita! I’m happy to help!

[Margurita Thal]: The passenger in Cabin 14 is asking for milk. Would you mind running some down to him?

[Babeet Prak]: Not a problem! < looking around > Where are the glasses again?

[Margurita Thal]: Errr… actually, this passenger requires a bowl of milk. Special needs.

[Babeet Prak]: Cool beans! I’m on it!

< Realizing that she was most likely going to hell, Margurita watched as the young stewardess poured some milk into a bowl, placed the bowl on a serving tray and bee-bopped her way down the corridor. Margurita hated perky twenty year olds. >

[Babeet Prak (ringing door buzzer)]: Stewardess!

[Voice from inside Cabin 14]: Come on in!

< Babeet opened the door and entered the private cabin. The room wasn’t one of the ship’s larger cabins, but it was comfortable enough. A pair of lounge chairs were set before the viewscreen panel in the far wall, and there was a double-size bed on the opposite end of the room. Sprawled out in the middle of the bed was a cat, taking up far more space than seemed possible. The cat opened one eye as the young girl approached. >

[Babeet Prak]: Well, hello there, little fella! I’m betting that your daddy had this ordered up for you!

< Unable to resist the impulse, Babeet set the tray down and began rubbing the cat’s fur, scratching along his underbelly. She assumed it’s owner was in the bathroom. Slowly the cat wiggled around, enjoying the attention. He lazily opened both eyes and seemed to wink at the stewardess. >

[Bob the Cat]: A little lower and you can join the Mile High Club.

< Babeet screamed. >

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109221 10/27/06 02:04 PM
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Embassy Row, Legionnopolis

< Bob the Cat sauntered along down Embassy Row, humming a bad 70s porn track as he passed the walled embassies. He thought that the young stewardess had overreacted, considering she was the one who had made the first move. It wasn't like he had actually planned to go through with anything. Humans made great can openers, but they really didn't know what they were doing, you know, sexually. >

< Bob stopped before the huge double gates at the end of Embassy Row. High inertron walls stretched off on both sides, and the gates themselves were emblazoned by a stylized "L" symbol and starburst design. He began to move forward, and then suddenly stopped as a mounted scanner emerged from a hidden compartment in the wall. >

[Computer Voice]: Warning... the property that you are trying to access is designated as restricted. Please identify yourself, and state your purpose at LMBP Plaza.

< Bob the Cat turned his eyes upward, a cat-like look of distain on his face. >

[Bob the Cat]: Call me Bob, sweetheart, and my business is none of yours.

[Computer Voice]: Please stand by. A security team will be with you momentarily.

[Bob the Cat]: As if.

< Bob the Cat moved forward toward the gate. Suddenly, detention coils snaked up through the pavement, slinking out to grab the feline intruder. Annoyed, Bob leaped gracefully about, dodging the cables as they tried to detain him. He resisted the urge to spray them as he slipped through the gates and moved across the compound. >

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109222 10/28/06 12:27 PM
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Levitz Hall, LMBP Plaza

< Once again, Maxx the Sorcerer could tell even as he was waking up that something was… different. He knew immediately that he wasn’t floating again, but there was a strange pressure on his chest. He slowly opened his eyes, and gasped in surprise to see two green eyes looking back at him. >

[Bob the Cat]: It’s about time you woke up, kid. I was just about to slip a mirror under your nose. < Bob begin to lick his paw. > A cat could starve to death around here, waiting for someone to wake up and feed him.

< Maxx thought about sitting up, but with the cat sitting on his chest, he figured that might not be a great idea just yet. >

[Maxx the Sorcerer]: Ummm… who exactly are you, and what are you doing here?

[Bob the Cat]: You can call me Bob. As for what I’m doing here, why don’t we talk about that in the kitchen? I’m fairly certain that you have some leftovers in the fridge that need eating.

< The Crusader began to stir in his sleep, slowly awakened by the voices next to him. Even as he started to open his eyes, his power began to surge, and objects in the room began to quiver. Bob looked over at him, and one paw shot out to slap down on the Prince’s bare arm. Suddenly, the quivering stopped. >

[Bob the Cat]: Let’s have none of that, princeling. I’m not fond of being shaken about on an empty stomach.

[The Crusader]: Who in the…? How did you just do that?

< Bob jumped down from the bed, and began walking purposefully toward the door. He didn’t bother to look back, confident that the humans would follow. It’s what humans did. >

[Bob the Cat]: You know, if we’re going to be working together, you kids need to start paying attention.

< The young couple scrambled after the cat, catching up with him as he was passing through the kitchen door. >

[Maxx the Sorcerer]: Sorry, but you haven’t really said much.

< Bob leaped up onto the counter, turned to face them and sat down, his eyes narrowing slightly. >

[Bob the Cat]: Allow me to repeat myself then. Feed. The. Cat

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109223 10/29/06 10:01 AM
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Levitz Hall, LMBP Plaza

< Maxx and Mykel waited patiently while Bob the Cat ate his meal. They were more than a little astonished that such a small creature could put away so much food. Finally, the cat finished dining and proceeded to clean his whiskers. The pair began to grow annoyed, and then the cat looked up at them. >

[Bob the Cat]: Okay. Let's talk business.

[Maxx the Sorcerer (sarcastically)]: Are you sure you've had enough? We could always run out and slaughter you something.

[Bob the Cat (mockingly)]: Stop it... too funny... my sides are splitting. Now if you're done, shut up and pay attention.

< Maxx opened his mouth to reply, but Mykel's hand on his arm stopped him. The cat, apparently certain of his audience's attention, continued. >

[Bob the Cat]: I'm a familiar. For all intents and purposes, I am able to channel energy, typically mystical energy, but in a pinch any energy will do. I am here to help you.

[The Crusader]: In what way, exactly?

[Bob the Cat]: People are under the false impression that mystics choose their familiars. In reality, the familiar chooses the mystic. We go where we're needed, and frankly, you guys are needy.

[Maxx the Sorcerer]: I do NOT need a familiar.

[Bob the Cat]: Tough, because you've got one. And you're not so much in need as the prince here. He's got powers that are beyond his control, and he needs to learn to control them fairly quickly. That's part of why I'm here. As a familiar, I can not only channel power through me, but I can block power. Working through my mage, which is you, sunshine, I will be able to keep his powers in check as he gets a handle on them. And at the same time, I will be doing the same thing for his sister. And while I'm doing that, I am also planning to teach you a few things, my little mage. You've got power, but you're a little rough around the edges. I'm going to give you a little polish.

< Bob looked around the kitchen, his eyes narrowing slightly.

[Bob the Cat]: First things first, though, why don't one of you point me toward the little cat's room. Daddy's gotta make a pit stop.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109224 10/30/06 03:42 AM
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Time Trapper
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Old Town. Wyandotte's Secret HQ.

The man known as Harold Ryan Wyandotte sits, as he often does, in front of his giant vid monitor display, his fingers entwined. He glances down at a hard copy of some recently-obtained information. He untangles his hands, picks it up and reads it again.

"Hmm..." he contemplates, "...I wonder if Marlowe is on to anything with this Bat-Fem? She has been quite a thorn in my side as her nocturnal activities here in Old Town have often clashed with my operations. This transcript I obtained of his initial notes indicates three main suspects. This first one seems ridiculous. Perhaps I'll check on her anyway..."

The largest monitor goes black for a moment, then displays:

Hummer Lass. Holding Cell. Legion World Office of Security.

Shady is with the detainee trying to help her sort through her memories. Hummer Lass's platinum blonde hair with its pink highlights is disheveled, her eyes haunted.

"And what happened after you...assaulted...Hugh, sweetie?" Shady asks.

"I don't know...I guess I blacked out for a while...there's missing time. The next thing I know, I'm in my apartment--oh god--I was celebrating wha-what I'd done...oh god..."

"Please continue, sweetie."

"Then...then I took a shower...w-washed all the--all the--b-bl--"

As Hummer Lass weeps, Shady holds her and tries to restrain her own tears.

"Why Shady? Why did I do that? I would n-never hurt someone like that! All those memories are fading--can't remember much about the man who told me he was Lardy--can't remember why I believed in him. So much missing time...oh god!"

Wyandotte relishes the sight of her breaking down for a while, then says, "absolutely ludicrous! Marlowe wasquite off-base with that half-baked theory! Still, I love to see her suffer! about this 'Jada Konti'? It took some doing, but I've found that she is indeed on Legion World. Let's see if she's at her usual haunt--Ah, yes!"

The monitor shimmers for a moment before showing:

Jada Konti. Cobie's Midnight Exclusive Lounge.

She sits alone on a barstool, her features holographically masked so that she appears as a sumptuous dark-haired caucasian, rather than the sumptuous green-hued beauty she actually is.

No sign of them. Either of them. Again, Jada thinks. I've got some of the most important sprocking intel ever to pass on to them, and Lardy and Cobie are both MIA indefinitely! Damn! Well, for awhile there I thought, like everyone else, that Lardy'd been stabbed to death, but, luckily, it wasn't him. I was pretty upset for awhile...he's a pretty decent guy--and not a bad lover! It was just a one night stand, but we had a connection. Guess he's still off galivanting with the evil sorceress though...hmmph!

She finishes her Silverale and motions for the barkeep to bring her another.

Been stuck her for weeks, so I had to keep busy somehow. Old Town's a pretty interesting place! Good thing I've got the image inducer. I used to have complete anonymity with just my green self, but not since the Dark Oval released that holovid with me in it, nuh-uh!

A waiter arrives with a new Silverale for her. She admires his butt as he walks off.

hmm...nice! Aw, he's probably gay! and she chuckles aloud, some of her Silverale spraying out of her mouth. Ooh--guess'm overdoing it,here! Better stop with this one. Man, sure hope Lardy or Cobie get back sometime soon...

"Well, nothing new there," Wyandotte says, clearing the largest monitor again. "She's been there often, trying probably to find her allies. She's an excellent suspect, though, with her considerable fighting prowess. I haven't caught her yet, however. Let's check up on Kalla Hryl..."

The large monitor shimmers again, showing:

Kalla Hryl. A suite in Vee's Variable Villa.

As she often does, Kalla holds a holo-picture and stares at it mournfully. She's a beautiful brunette with dark, penetrating eyes. But the sadness in her eyes is abundant.

I miss you so, my Huldnaf, she thinks. It was so unjust that you were executed by Damyen Hrykos after he and Mordra used you for their own evil purposes. But that's what my people do, now...they use other races, then chew them up and spit them out. That's why I had to do something. I don't see myself as a betrayer when my people betray and use everyone they can for their own purposes. Maybe through all this strife, my people will someday recognize the Light of true justice.

Now, I'm here where justice is supposed to be the rule, but have found excessive misery in the wake of the invasion my people launched on this world. I've not sat idly by since I've been here, though. My co-conspirator has been nowhere to be found since I arrived, but I shall continue to work, as I have, to make sure Legion World sees the Light as well!

But I'll always miss you, my love...

"This one is certainly a wild card. Nothing new with her, though. Perhaps, I should check on Marlowe?" The screen shimmers again, and Wyandotte's eyes widen. "What's this? Marlowe has vid footage of Bat-Fem? Now, this may be interesting!"

And Wyandotte finds as he watches on that it's interesting indeed.....

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109225 10/30/06 01:17 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Combat Simulation Room, LMBP Academy

[Bob the Cat]: Pay attention, princeling. You’ve losing it.

< Prince Mykel of Psyonia scowled at the cat, sweat dripping up his face. It was dripping up because Bob had insisted he do this exercise while doing a handstand. So here he was, upside down, levitating at least fifteen different objects of varying sizes and weights, including one mouthy cat on a crate. >

[The Crusader]: If you’re not happy with the ride, Yoda, you can always park it someplace else.

[Bob the Cat]: Don’t be such a baby. My gran could do this in her sleep. Just concentrate on adjusting the level of power flowing through you.

< Gritting his teeth, the Crusader focused. Levitating this many objects wasn’t the problem. The problem was that the objects were in anti-grav fields, and the simulator was constantly adjusting the amount of gravity around them. It was Mykel’s job to keep the objects levitated in the exact same spot, which meant constantly manipulating his telekinetic fields to compensate for the gravity shifts. He grudgingly accepted that it was a good exercise, but it was a lot harder than it looked. >

<Maxx watched the session from the control booth overhead, shifting his attention between the monitors before him and the scene on the floor. Once the couple had checked into the cat’s credentials, they had accepted his help. Mykel definitely needed help getting his powers under control, and he supposed that if the cat could refine his magical abilities at the same time, then it was a good deal. Although that attitude of his was going to cause some friction.

[Maxx the Sorcerer]: If you think this is fun, Bob, just wait until you meet Crujectra.

< Bob the Cat rolled his eyes upward to look scathingly at the mage seated behind the viewport of the control room. >

[Bob the Cat]: I agreed to let you watch this session in order that you might pick up a few things. Watch… don’t commentate. This isn’t a sporting event.

< Maxx leaned back in his chair and grumpily crossed his arms. >

[Maxx the Sorcerer, thinking]: Oh yeah, I can’t wait until you meet Crujeckie…

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109226 10/31/06 10:21 AM
Joined: Apr 2005
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Evil Genius Club

"Hello Cali. Miss Me?"

"Hah, You wish loser!"

"I trust things are looking up for the club, no investigations?"

"Um the monkey left his calling card in your office. The janitor wouldn't clean it up cuz of the union work rules and all."

"Liberty Monkey?"

"That's him, he seemed all traumatized by something and also Nova Girl is pissed and sort of told her mom that you two were an item to avoid having to go on a blind date Saturday."

"Oh thats just wonderful."

"Nova left you a nice kissy message on the machine too, just for effect."

"The horror."

"So where'd you go Mr Genius?"

"Have you ever heard of the Pudding Fields of Google?"

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109227 10/31/06 12:57 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
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Bold Flavors
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The Dark Oval

“Pinnacle Command, we are requesting permission to proceed.”

“Permission granted. Use of negation bombs approved. All recording and transmitting equipment is in place.”

“Science Units viewing sir.”

“You bet your disks your viewing. This will be an opportunity you may never see again. Negation bombs have not been used since the genocides of the 27th century. You scientists better make good use of this opportunity and what we can learn.”


“Lord Hrykos, the Dominators would like to proceed. What should we tell them? We’ve hardly had the chance to inflict our own vengeance.”

“That is true, but an acceptable side effect. Our forces entered Helio Nocturnos two nights ago and at this time have encountered no resistance. The Black Sun simply refuse to fight back! All they do is pray. If they desire to be so week, then we will eradicate them and be done with it. Have our forces pull out and exit the Black Sun’s portion of the Dark Oval. We won’t be returning anytime soon with the radiation levels that will be left there. I take it we’ve gained enough booty this time.”


“Proceed,” said Pinnacle Command. “Unleash the negation bombs.”

“Done, sir.”


The Barbarian Hordes, the Khanate of Carthac

Caracalla closed his eyes and the intensity of his prayer brought him tremendous pain—and tremendous pleasure. He reveled in his true power. When a Black Sun worshipper kneeled in prayer and worshipped the name of Sol Invictus, Caracalla became aligned with the worshipper. He could gain access to the person’s thoughts, soul and actions. Caracalla could tap into a person’s inner self and understand and dominate them. Willingness to pray to Sol Invictus granted him access to do so. Prayer en masse empowered him beyond belief.

And now, he could feel the entire planet of Helios Nocturnos praying out to him. Calling for Sol Invictus to liberate them. But no, no one would come. He held firm in his grip on them, holding them against their will. Allowing the atrocities against them to be committed. Forcing them to continue to pray in the face of complete subjugation and horror, as their world was razed around them. NO. He needed to make his point on the world. The Black Sun was growing as a religion, but it had no focus. It had no martyrs.


The Dark Oval

“Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your life?” asked Pinnacle Command to his soldiers.

On the screens before them was the scene they had been ordered to create. Two dozen negation bombs were launched into Helios Nocturnos. Each bomb was strong enough to wipe out a continent or eradicate a people. And now, they descended downward into the planet, and erupted in a blaze of horror.

And so Helios Nocturnos, and its six hundred billion inhabitants were gone in an instant. Melted away by the heat and radiation, lost to the realms of statistics and history. The Dominion and the Hrykos Cartel had cleansed the Dark Oval of its traitors and completely destroyed and wiped out the Black Sun.

Genocide had been brought down swiftly.

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