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LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124708 10/24/03 05:22 PM
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This much is known as fact:

In 1943 a Swiss chemist, Albert Hoffman, manufactured a few miligrams of d-lysergic acid and diethylamide, a drug that he had first synthesized in 1938. Reasoning that he might have unknowingly ingested some earlier that day, he reckoned that it was the cause for hallucenigenic experiences he was having. This day, he had unknowingly created the drug LSD.

This much is known as fact according to the LMBP archives:

At the end of the first year of the LMBP, two figures began haunting the LMBP demanding that Cobalt Kid come with them. Referred to by Cobalt Kid as the "Pious One" and "Dark Conan", these two eventually were responsible for the absense of Cobalt Kid, who left the LMBP with them and remained absent for a time. What transpired thereafter has never been revealed by Cobalt Kid.

Cobalt Kid was found during the second year of the LMBP, raving like a lunatic in space. Reports say that he eventually would calm down, although it took him months to recover. <Side note by Mystery Lad: It appears Cobalt may be traumatized from his experiences, and remains distant, even to his beloved Space Tart. We can only speculate what this 'Pious One' was or what he did, but Cobalt Kid continues to show signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.>

At the beginning of the forth year of the LMBP, Cobalt Kid finished his term as leader. Shortly thereafter, he dissapeared without a trace. <Side note by Ultra Matt: As leader, I'm sad to say that we have no clues as to where Cobalt Kid has gone off to. We fear the worst, and only hope he will return. Space Tart will stay with the LMBP.>

At the beginning of the fifth year, Cobalt Kid returned to the LMBP, and took up residence in Legion World. He is currently Head of the Royal Guard and Office of Security. <Side note by Princess Crujectra: it appears Cobalt Kid is fine after dissapearing for so long. Besides the expected trauma of learning that his wife has died, he appears to be showing none of the signs of any disorder that Msytery Lad recorded three years earlier. He remains silent about what transpired, although he has made references to having to witness and commit murder.>

This much has been recorded as fact. There is much more to be told...

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124709 11/03/03 08:02 AM
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Cobalt Kid first new he was good at science at an early age, although he didn't know just how good he was. While his parents were pleased with this, they didn't know what to do about his inappropriate behavior and the problems that continually stemmed from it. Chasing around young girls, drinking and fighting were just examples of his typical behavior, so the decision to send him away to a school for science seemed natural.

Months after joining the Logarithm school of Science, Cobalt began to accept that this may be his fate. While science was fun sometimes, he'd much rather be out all night drinking and sleeping around. "That's just me" he'd say. Strangely enough, his new best friend at the school, Tsarin, was quite the opposite. Considered the star student of the academy, Tsarin was so brillant that often his analytical mind couldn't comprehend the notion of stopping his various projects to go out for a drink.

One day, Cobalt came in to Tsarin's lab in the middle of an experiment. Tsarin talked to him for a bit, but he was obviosly distracted. Even more, he was a bit annoyed, since Cobalt decided that today would be a nice day to try out some LSD that he'd found. Tripping, Cobalt noticed that some of the chemicals that Tsarin was using were out of place. As he took a look at them however, he couldn't tell what was happening anymore. Was it the acid? A voice whispered in his mind. "Grab it. Grab them all..." it whispered, and Cobalt felt his body moving forward against his will.

While Tsarin had his back to Cobalt, he heard a large explosion. Cobalt went up in a cloud of smoke, and Tsarin suddenly felt sick. A huge magnetic field erupted throughout the lab and the academy, as things exploded. Unknowing to Tsarin, anyone in a mile radius suddenly became sick and began experiencing the symptoms of an acid trip.

Cobalt had dissapeared.

What happened to Cobalt, he has never been fully able to put into words. He experienced an acid trip so intense that colors, words, thoughts and smells mixed into one. He had been transported to another dimension, one that existed entirely as an acid trip, a hallucination dimension that one could only reach with the help of LSD. His magnetic powers developed at this crucial moment as well, and as the ripped forth, his body had to adjust, only further increasing the intensity of the trip so that he was no longer in control of his body.

And he saw him. He saw a man, a scienctist who smiled back. "You will be the one." smiled the doctor. "you will help me." As the doctor smiled, Cobalt tried to adjust himself to his new surroundings. The man began to swirl like a water color painting. He appeared again in a purple cloak. "Shouldn't have partied so hard my friend, eh? Now you can face the consequences of your actions..."

Suddenly, Cobalt woke up. It had been six months or so. He lie in bed, covered in sweat, his heart pounding. Doctors surrounded him. "I can't believe he's awakened" they were saying, touching and prodding him. He looked on in horror, unable to talk for a bit. And he saw the man. The doctor. His purple cloak. That pompous, pious man...

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124710 11/03/03 08:12 AM
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Cobalt was forced to gather his senses quickly in the next few weeks. He'd been kicked out of the academy, and had few visitors. But his old friend Tsarin came to visit, and with his help, they tried to figure out what happened. They had trouble doing that, but this much they could figure out: that somehow, Des had gained the power to manipulate the magnetic spectrum. In his heart, he knew where this would take him.

With magnetic powers, Des had already had the codename Cobalt Kid in mind the second he learned of them. Tsarin helped him practice to use his powers so that he got good with them. Cobalt even began adventuring around, learning how to use these abilities. It was during this period that he meant others like him, such as Lash Lad, Lard Lad and Seahorse. When Cobalt returned to find Tsarin, he learned that his old buddy had developed abilities of his own as a scienctist. The rest of course, is LMBP history. Cobalt Kid and Tsarin Kid joined Lard Lad, Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass and Lash Lad to form the LMBP, and from there, they only grew in strength.

The adventures of the LMBP for their first year were magnificent, and Cobalt Kid was a major part of them. But towards the end of year one, he began having dreams. Nightmares. And for the first time in years, he began seeing him again. At first, the man didn't say anything. But his whispers became taunts. "Partying a bit again? Perhaps you could enjoy yourself with a few pills my friend..." The being in the purple cloak. Cobalt developed a name for him: The Pious One.

The other major part of his life in this period was of course, his true love, Space Tart. Those were the days of happiness for the young lovers. The world seemed to be theirs. The laughed and smiled and made love as much as they could, and were even a bit more vulgar about it too. But the dreams persisted.

One morning, Cobalt awoke after a nightmare too brutal for him to ever speak of. The Pious One had stood over him smiling. Cobalt held the body of a dying Space Tart in his hands. His friends Lard Lad and Lash Lad all were dead next to him, and he knew in his heart it had been him who had killed them. Others he never even knew were around him, including a man in a cape and a cat-like woman. The Pious One smiled. "This will be your fate, unless you don't help me when I come for you. Remember that. I will not strike at you, I will kill your lover first..."

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124711 11/03/03 08:19 AM
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Soon after that, the emissary of the Pious One appeared, and took residence near the LMBP. He was an ancient barbarian warrior, good for nothing more than killing, raping and pillaging. He was a beast of a man. He carried a large broad sword that he used to murder innocents as well as other warriors. However, he did little, he did not threaten or fight the LMBPers. But Cobalt knew who he was.

He nicknamed him "Dark Conan" as a joke to Space Tart, mainly to make light of the situation. Yet, he knew how dire it was. The Barbarian approached him finally. "Your time has come Cobalt Kid. Come with me. You know the penalty if you don't".

Cobalt didn't know what to do. Looking back after all these years, he knows he should have asked for help. But he was young and in love, and he didn't want Spacey to get hurt. At first he resisted. Then The Pious One appeared to him.

Cobalt was surprised to learn that the Pious One could take a physical form, in truth, he'd always hoped that he was just a figment of his imagination. Yet, now knowing that two beings, Dark Conan and the Pious One were near the LMBP and Space Tart, Cobalt knew he had to go. He'd figure out a way to defeat them after. He announced to his friends he'd be taking a leave of absence.

They were shocked, and asked why. They wanted to know what was wrong, what they could do. And Spacey was hurt, which was the hardest part. But he didn't have much time left. The Pious One wouldn't wait much longer. He'd be back soon anyway. The Pious One opened a portal, and told them to go through.

Walking through the portal, Dark Conan turned to Cobalt Kid, noticing the barrette in his hand that symbolized membership to the LMBP. "What is that in your hand, that you hold so dear?" he asked.

"It's the stuff....dreams are made of" replied Cobalt, as he now realized he may never see his friends again.

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124712 11/03/03 08:46 AM
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At first, Cobalt thought that it might not be so bad, he could easily figure something out. The Pious One offered him food and drink and comfotable quarters, and Cobalt took it. That would be his first mistake.

Poisioned by LSD spiked water, Cobalt felt sick to his stomach, as he became physically sickened, especially because of the memory of his earlier experiences. His mind was shooting everywhere he felt, and he couldn't even think strait anymore.

And then the physical beatings started. Placed in a rusty, dark cell, Cobalt found himself mercilessly beaten by "Dark Conan", continuely punched and kicked for days on end. After these beatings became boring to the barbarian, he would chain Cobalt up so that he could beat him with a wooden club or lash him with a spiked whip. One day, Dark Conan took his broad sword and carved a symbol into Cobalt's chest.

Cobalt was without food or water for days on end. Without sleep for far longer than that. His wounds were infected and his acid trip never ended. Worse, his magnetic powers seemed as if they didn't work in this dimension.

Finally, The Pious One came to talk to him. "W-what do you want from me?" whispered Cobalt. "What have I done to you...?" The Pious simply smiled. "You were born. All of you. You are born and you die. Yet I live on. I live on in the pitiful way, and I have only all of you to blame." For months, this was all Cobalt knew of the Pious One. This one outburst was all he had to try and fathom his torture.

Then one day, Cobalt was brought into the Pious One's quarters. He was given food and drink, this time not poisioned. And for the first time in as long as he could remember, he wasn't tripping. "Cobalt Kid, you have given me the name of Pious One, but that is not my true name. I am Dr. Albert Hoffman, and once I was a good man and a good scientist. Yet, as you well know, not all experiments produce the expected results. This drug, this LSD. It consumed me. I could not get enough. Until I finally did get enough. Until I finally experienced hallucinations so great, that I became one with them. My physical body died, but I lived on. I lived on as one with all hallucinations, with all those who 'trip on acid'. I cannot die you see, for I have no physical form. As long people expand their minds, as long as they experience these hallucinations I've created, I cannot stop experiencing them as well. Because of people like you, who enjoy your drugs and your filthy life, I cannot end this existence. So you will all pay."

The Pious One was not finished. "You are special to me. You alone represent everything I hate and everything I need. You have gifts, gifts that I was able to give to you, although I do not know how. I tried to take you that one time, and you gained the power to disrupt the electro-magnetic fields that allow the universe to operate. Yet, I do not know how. What I do know is that I want this power. And I want a physical form again. And through you, I will have it." Cobalt steered silently.

"My collegue, the Barbarian. I found him long ago here. He too must have experienced these hallucinations in some ancient time through his own ancient means. He tells me you have lovers. One in particulur. Well, I hereby vow that if I cannot have your body and power, then I will have your children's. You will never have a healthy child, while I am alive and willing to stop it. They will all be monsters. Now think on this my friend, for you are you going to hand over your life, your body and your power and allow me to be human again, or your loved ones will pay for it."

And with that, Cobalt was brought back to his cell. Yet, he had stopped tripping, and did not touch his food or drink. He had to figure something out...

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124713 11/03/03 08:59 AM
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Cobalt stayed in his cell and thought about what the Pious One offered. He almost gave in. Almost. But he looked down at his hand to see hiimself clutching the barrette he once held so dear. "The LMBP. Spacey. I've almost forgotten who I am. I have the power of magnetism, one of the strongest powers I've ever heard of. I know it works here, it's the Pious One fucking with my head. Well, I've had enough".

Cobalt sat in silent meditation for hours. Dark Conan approached his cell later with slop for him to eat. He saw Cobalt in meditation. "Get up slag! We won't have that!" Just as the barbarian went to enter his cell, he felt his sword unsheath. "What" Magnetically, it flew into the air, and swiped the barbarians head, the broad side knocking him out cold. Cobalt rose up.

In tatters, Cobalt Magnetically began to systematically destroy everything he saw. The Pious One's world would be destroyed completely he decided. Finally, the Pious One went to meet him.

The battle that ensued was strangely matched. The Pious One's attacks were all mental, using his power to make Cobalt hallucinate. Cobalt used the physical abilities of magnetism to hurt the Pious One. Finally, he knew he would lose if he didn't do more. "Dr., this is it. Send me back, or I will rip you to shreds. You say you have no physical form, but I can hurt you here in this place. I will destroy you here, and you will die. You are full of it. You say you hate your immortality but are afraid to die. I will destroy unless you send me home, and promise to leave me alone!"

Cobalt then let out a magnetic burst so great, that it shattered the essence of the Pious One. Fallen, the being now had no form, save the LSD essence that kept him alive. "I promise." he replied. "I promise, we will meet once more."

And then, Cobalt was sent home.

Deep in space, Beagle Boy, Lash Lad and Super Mighty Fan Boy Lad found Cobalt, naked and comatose. But they'd found him at last.

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124714 11/03/03 10:33 AM
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Cold, tired, hungry and exhausted, Cobalt Kid was found by fellow LMBers drifting in space. If not for his magnetic powers, he would definately have died.

A lot had changed in the months he was gone, and he learned that right away. His good friend Tsarin had died, and before Cobalt even had a chance to grieve, he learned that Tsarin had come back to life somehow as Mystery Lad, whose analytical mind was still his greatest asset. New faces were everywhere and some old LMBers weren't really around anymore.

Mystery Lad and Greybird Boy diagnosed Cobalt with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, although it was apparent to all that he wasn't the same. He was distant sometimes and would go weeks without showing his face around.

Space Tart took it exceptionally hard. The two attempted to rekindle the old flame, but it didn't always work that way. They both began seeing other people and having other partners.

The reasoning however, was unknown to everyone but Cobalt. Images of the Pious One and Dark Conan haunted his dreams. Should he have killed them and broken his vow never to take another life? He was a hero, but the decisions of heroes seemed to be getting too hard as time went by. He couldn't even look at the LMBP sometimes without seeing the image of their blood on his hands. He knew in his heart, that Dr. Hoffman would come back for him.

One night, he had a nightmare again, and the Pious One was in it. He said nothing, just stared at Cobalt, as Cobalt stared back. No smiles, no nothing. Cobalt awoke, in a cold sweat, more terrified than ever. The next day, he showed up at Spacey's apartment, with a bottle of wine and a scarf. Smiling, he told her it was her new outfit. They both laughed and rekindled the flame. For a whole week, neither left her apartment.

Lying in her bed for the seventh day in a row, Cobalt felt at ease, at peace. He had missed her so much, yet he felt like he couldn't even talk to people anymore. He began to drift asleep, and smiled at Spacey lying there next to him so angelically.

And then he saw a swirl of color. His sense of smell became heightened and he felt nauseous. Stumbly out of bed, he moved to the window to let in cold air. Down below, he saw the barbarian of his nightmares, Dark Conan, who stared at him. Sweat poured down his face. He looked at Spacey, he slept ever so silently. He felt ill. Trying to move to the balcony, he tripped over his own feet. As he fell off the balcony, he used his magnetism to make sure he didn't fall to his death. As he straightened himself, he saw in front of him the being in the purple cloak who haunted him. This time, the Pious One smiled again. "Hello Cobalt. I've missed you. It's time to come home." Cobalt's face was filled with horror and tears.

And with that, the three of them dissapeared.


Space Tart awoke, not knowing where Cobalt Kid had gone to. He was gone, not only from her room, but from the LMBP and all their lives it seemed. No explanation, no anything. He was gone again.

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124715 11/03/03 10:52 AM
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This time, it was a war.

For months, Cobalt Kid fought against Dark Conan and the Pious One. And this time, quarter was neither asked nor given. Cobalt used his magnetism in ways he never imagined, collapsing buidlings on Dark Conan, hurling debris and knives at the Pious One, doing everything he could imagine to end this battle and go home. Truthfully, he was so terrified, that he'd do anything he had to in order to survive.

Dark Conan held back nothing either. After being manhandled by Cobalt's magnetism, bezerker rage kicked in and all the barbarian wanted to do was kill. Kill, torture and slaughter. And he tried to in everyway possible.

The Pious One was equally brutal. But he needed the body of Cobalt Kid to live in. Not only did he not have a physical form outside this dimension, he now had no form because Cobalt had destroyed it. He existed as a living acid trip, a swirl of heightened emotions and colors, a sentient hallucination. But he was deadly. His torture was mental and emotional, spiritually draining.

The fighting went on long and hard for months, until Cobalt thought it would never end. Until finally, he had an idea.

Sensing that the Pious One's greatest strength was the inability to be harmed, Cobalt realized that once the Pious One gained a physical form, he'd be vulnerable. Yet, this meant he'd have to give his own physical form. He remembered that Tsarin had come back from the dead somehow, because his mind had been seperated from his body. Cobalt Kid's old girlfriend, Debauchery Damsel had once had her mind seperated from her body as well, and her body existed in a comatose form, while her mind had long since died. Maybe this could be the answer.

Cobalt took the biggest step in his plan, which was believing this chance could work. He called a truce, but after months of fighting, his two opponents seemed willing to cooperate. Cobalt told them he'd give his body up, if the Pious One could bring the body of Debauchery Damsel her and transfer Cobalt's mind to it, so he wouldn't have to die. This way, the Pious One could gain the magnetic power he craved. They'd all be happy, if this could end the fighting. The Pious One didn't trust him of course, but once the fighting resumed, this idea began to be more appealing, until one day, he gave in. Dark Conan disagreed, but he was little more than the Pious One's lackey.

Debauchery Damsel's body appeared. The Pious One, all powerful in this realm, began the process of exchanging bodies with Cobalt. But Cobalt's hate for the Pious One had done one thing over the last two years, and that was harden Cobalt's will, especially against the Pious One. He might not be able to beat the Pious One mentally, or Dark Conan physically, but he could will himself to beat the Pious One on share willpower, and this way, Dark Conan could not interfere.

And he did. Cobalt forced the Pious One into the body of Debauchery Damsel, who had long ago died. Dr. Albert Hoffman was now a woman, and now had a physcial body on this plane and in the real plane where the LMBP existed. And now he was vulnerable.

Dark Conan swung his sword to decapitate the LMBPer, but his adreniline was pumping to hard. Magnetically, he grabbed it and flung it away. Magnetically enhancing his strength, he gave Dark Conan the beating he owed him.

The Pious One was nothing now. In a weak body with no power, Dr. Albert Hoffman's strengths were dampered. Cobalt knew it, and for the first time smiled. "I'd hate to hit a lady, but you my friend are not only not a lady, you're not even a woman" he said, as he gave the Pious One an uppercut.

After months of fighting, Cobalt forced the Pious One to send the three of them home. From there, Cobalt put the two in the custody of the Science Police, and returned home.

Dr. Albert Hoffman had been beaten, and had been captured. Yet, he had lived for a long time and knew there were ways to that no one had thought of to live on.

Five days later, the Pious One, in the body of Debauchery Damsel was found hung in her cell.

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124716 11/03/03 11:08 AM
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Cobalt returned to the LMBP in it's third year, and unlike the last time, fit right back in. He was involved in everyway he could be, and took a major role in missions. He became fast friends with new members such as Poverty Lad and Iron Rat, and resumed his old friendships with LMB stalwarts like Lard Lad, Princess Crujectra and Lash Lad. He'd missed a lot in his absence, but that was all behind him.

And then there was Space Tart. Things had gotten rough for a time, and it appeared that she'd just rather not speak to him. He did her that favor for a time, although he continued to have fun. One morning, Cobalt Kid and Poverty Lad disguised themselves as cheerleaders to uncover who Homecoming Queen was. Space Tart witnessed the whole thing, although they didn't realize it. She was mad at first and resentful, until she realized something. That this was the Cobie she remembered, this was the fun-loving guy she had fallen for, not the broody man who had returned to her thereafter.

Spacey and Cobalt rekindled their relationship, and this time, they got it right. Eventually, they took a major step (for them) and even became monogomous. And then Spacey even got pregnant.

The word of the Pious One echoed in Cobalt's mind in those days. "You'll never have a child" he said, threatening his future children. Yet, the Pious One was dead. Suddenly, Princess Crujectra and Homecoming Queen were pregnant too. Things weren't as normal as they'd seemed.

The Time Mouse Trapper attacked, and it turned out that he was behind the pregancies. Spacey and Cobalt's baby turned out to be a ten foot demon and they were forced to defeat it. This was devastating, but in the end, it only brought the two together.

What they didn't know was this: The Time Mouse Trapper may have kidnapped Stu and Crujeckie's babies and Beagz and Amber's, but he had nothing to do with Cobalt and Spacey's. That was the work of Dr. Albert Hoffman.

Cobalt and Spacey decided to marry in a secret ceremony for only LMBers. It was beautiful, and they were in love more than ever. Soon after, Cobalt Kid became leader of the LMB, a great moment in his life.


Dr. Albert Hoffman hung himself in the body of Debauchery Damsel, and as the body died, he was able to move his essence back to his hallucinatory plane. He lived on, albeit weakened by the loss of another physical form. He searched the cosmos for a being with a healthy body and able mind. He watched and waited. Then one day, a strong and smart young man in his mid-twenties decided to use LSD to experiment. The good doctor struck. The man never knew what hit him. Dr. Albert Hoffman had a body once more, although it was not the body of Cobalt Kid and did not have super-powers. But he was reborn again.

Dark Conan was sprung from prison soon after. Dr. Hoffman used his abilites to infect the guards with acid trips, as the barbarian escaped. To make sure Cobalt wasn't suspicious, Dark Conan briefly attacked the LMBP. He escaped however, with Dr. Hoffman's help.

It was then that Cobalt told Spacey the story of the Dr. Albert Hoffman/the Pious One and his role in Cobalt's life. Spacey cried with him as the two finally understood what the other had felt during those years.

They didn't know that Dr. Albert Hoffman used his power to ensure that their baby would not be normal. Forming a deal with the Time Mouse Trapper, Dr. Hoffman ensured that their baby was infected with the essence of a demon, and ensured that Spacey and Cobalt were forced to kill it. He would have his revenge in small doses for the time being. And he be true to his word.

Cobalt finished his term as leader, as Ultra Matt began his. Spacey's role in the LMBP had become less active for a time, and the two enjoyed each other's company. One day, Cobalt said he was going to get a bottle of gin for martinis. He never came back.

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124717 11/03/03 11:22 AM
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As Cobalt walked, things began to change around him. The smell of pine became more prounonced and the wind felt more brisk. Cobalt felt a tingle on the back of his neck, and then noticed the clouds were going by faster than normal. Then the colors of the trees began to flow into the color of the sky, and the light grew from light to dark and back again continually. All at once, Cobalt knew what was happening.

Dark Conan stepped behind him and cracked him on the back of the head with the broad side of his sword. As Cobalt fell, Dr. Albert Hoffman appeared and injected a form of Liquid LSD into Cobalt's arm. Cobalt's head began to swirl and his stomach felt that familiar nauseous feeling.

Cobalt awoke with his head on fire. His stomach was in knots and colors and scents were swirling around him. He tried to scream, but couldn't find his voice. He found himself in a familiar rusty old cell, and he knew that his worst nightmare had come true. Dark Conan entered and laughed "Welcome back". Then he preceeded to beat Cobalt mercilessly until he was covered in blood and vomit.

After all this time...he was back in that cell...

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124718 11/03/03 05:16 PM
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Covered in blood, sick to his stomach, Cobalt rose to his feet. How long he'd been there this time, like before, was anyone's guess. But now, he'd had enough. He cuddled in the corner and waited for Dark Conan to come back.

He thought of how Dr. Hoffman had screwed his life up to this point. He thought of the LMBers at home, believing he was dead. He thought of Spacey, his love. After so much, he'd have to be with her again. These two had been torturing him for a long time, but he'd had enough. He wouldn't allow it ever again.

Dark Conan approached and when he saw Cobalt, he smiled. "So the weakling is able to move now?" he said to the huddled LMBPer. Cobalt stared at him. "You know..." started Cobalt. "I-I've never even learned your name. I've made one up for you. I hate you, you know that? No matter what happens, you've both won. Because you've taught me how to hate, and I'll never forget that." Dark Conan looked at him quizzically. He smiled. "Don't talk like it's over boy. There's more fun to be had." Cobalt stared at him. "Yes, there is. But not at my expense." Cobalt reached into the willpower that he had depended on so many times into the past. Perhaps it was because he had a renewed sense of confidence after beating them once before. Or maybe it was because he knew he had to get home to Spacey, and that as scared as he was, that's what really mattered now.

Cobalt Kid magnetically ripped Dark Conan asunder. Dark Conan's body was torn to shreds, his life burnt out instantly. Cobalt had made a vow not to kill a long time ago, and that was broken. Just another way that he'd lost this battle. But he had a wife now, and he wanted to be with his friends again, and if he had to kill to get out of here forever, he'd make that sacrifice. "Heroes change I guess" he whispered to himself. "But I'm a family man now. I have more to lose..."

Cobalt walked through the manor of the Pious One, restored to what it once was. This time, he decided not to destroy it. In his hand he held the long broad sword of Dark Conan. He approached the quarters of Dr. Albert Hoffman. He ripped the door off the hinges.

The Doctor was surprised, but not that surprised. A smile crossed his face, although Cobalt saw that maybe he saw fear on the face of the Pious One for the first time. He stared at the doctor. "I see Lad, that you've escaped again. I won't let you go so easily this time". "No. You won't do much of anything anymore. You see Doctor, you've made the same mistake. You've taken another physical form. And it can be destroyed. This all can be destroyed."

Cobalt rose up magnetically as the Pious One looked on. Using every facet of his power, Cobalt began to tear the realm apart. "This isn't real, do you understand? This is a sentient hallucination, which should not exist in theory. When I go back, I will destroy all of the forms that you're LSD has taken, so that no one can bother you again. I'm destroying this world right now, and either you die with it or you come back with me."

The Pious One looked on, unsure if this was possible. But he knew he couldn't risk it. He attacked. Using his power to make Cobalt feel the effects of an acid trip, he lunged at him. But Cobalt was too focused now. He stopped him in mid air. He took the sword of Dark Conan..., and plunged it through the heart of Dr. Albert Hoffman.

Once more, the good doctor died, and his essense began to arise. But this time, Cobalt held it in check. "There is no reason for my power not to work here, so I will assume it does. You see, this time, I won't allow you to fuck with my head. I want you to know that I haven't won. My wife and friends have lost me more than once because of you, and in that way, I haven't won. But neither will you.

Cobalt ripped apart the dimension that housed Dr. Albert Hoffman. Science had once been something he was very good at. He understood how Dr. Hoffman created this place by accident, and although he wished Tsarin were here to double check his calculation, he knew he could destroy it. And he did. And with that, Dr. Albert Hoffman had no place left to go.

Cobalt Kid appeared back in his dimension, with the remains of Dark Conan, and the body that had housed Dr. Albert Hoffman. The doctor had returned to it at the last moment, too scared to let himself die, as Cobalt knew he was. Dying, he held out a hand to Cobalt Kid, who grasped it for a second. "You've done it, you've ended my existence, you've beaten me..." Cobalt stared at him long and hard but found little to say. "You've been scared doctor for a long time. Now it's time to embrace your fate. Goodbye."

And with that, Cobalt Kid left Dr. Albert Hoffman to die alone, as the strange man gave out his last breath...

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124719 11/03/03 05:44 PM
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A month later, Crusader answered the door to the Legion Outpost, to find an old friend there. Cobalt Kid was back and he was ready to come home. After a hug and a laugh, Cru informed him of the new home. That the LMBP finally had a home again after all these years and that there was a ton of people he had to meet. And old faces were showing up all the time. Now, he could go to Legion World.

But Cobalt could see something was wrong. Crusader wanted to wait to tell him, and when the two arrived on Legion World, Cobalt soon found out why. Many of his new friends were there, and they greeted him with celebration. But his wife Space Tart was not. She had died in the Crisis.


Alone, Cobalt stood in front of Spacey's statue in the Hall of Fallen Heroes. It seems that Dr. Hoffman truly had won after all. After finally finding happiness with Spacey, she was lost to him forever.

Finally, one night, Cobalt wandered into SHAKES and decided to meet a few people. He liked what he saw. He became fast friends with most of the newer LMBers and enjoyed renewing old frienships as well. "Maybe this could be home" he smiled to himself.

Princess Crujectra did the best job consoling him, and she gave him a job as head of security. Currently, he strives to maintain the values of the LMBP and to preserve a sense of justice. In his own mind, he carries on for his dead wife.

But he'll never forget the tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman, the man who taught him how to hate and how to suffer and altered the directions of his path. That, he could never forget.

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124720 11/03/03 05:45 PM
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And so ends the tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman, or at least as much as we know so far. Throughout LMB history, he haunted Cobalt Kid, and in the end defeated him in a way that changed Cobalt forever.

Re: LMBP Onevision: The Tale of Dr. Albert Hoffman
#124721 01/04/04 09:19 PM
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Time Trapper
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Oh I just couldn't stand reading about you getting tortured, Cobie! I'll never trip again!

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