Before I make any requests, I'd like to preface with the following:
Upon looking at the full graemlin directory, I've noticed some characters from Legion lore that, IMHO, deserve graemlins of their own.
Having said that, I don't expect you to do them today. Or even tomorrow. Heck, if you didn't get around to it till next year, I wouldn't be upset. It's possible I would ask you if you were going to make them, out of curiousity, but I wouldn't brow beat you into making them (nor could I).
Also, I don't expect you to ALWAYS be working on the boards. By all means, kick your shoes off and enjoy the madcap hilarity of Legion World. I know I do.
These comments are not meant to be taken personally by anyone, and may be totally needless in saying (or maybe it's good they were said).
Now, on to the requests:
I would totally LOVE a set of Wanderers graemlins! Celebrand, Immorto (Re-Animage), Quantum Queen, Psyche, Ornitho (Aviax), Elvo (Elvar), and Dartalon (Dartalg). Personally, I'd name them their original names (where applicable), such as :immorto: and then the graemlin would "morph" from the original version to the Re-Animage version. Seems overkill to have an :immorto: and a :reanimage: in the listing.
Babbage and Amp Girl would be nice additions, I think. Possibly, a Retro for the completists. Babbage seems pretty deserving.
I'm a little surprised not to find Kent Shakespeare, Celeste McCauley, Kono, and Devlin O'Ryan. Kent and Kono definitely deserve graemlins, though it'd be nice to have all four.
General pre-boot characters that should eventually be considered: Dev-em, Energax, Questar, Nam'Lor, Laurel Kent, Lady Memory (a personal fave!), Mandala, Plant Lad, Power Boy, Quake Kid, and Weight Wizard.
Noticably missing villains include Computo I/C.O.M.P.U.T.O. (though the preboot Computo is a part of Computo II's graemlin), the Infinite Man (though he is part of Rond Vidar's graemlin), and Dr. Mantis Morlo (who is especially cool!)
As a special treat, I'd like to suggest a Trio (Outsiders) graemlin. I love Carggites and she's so disco groovy!
I know this is a big list but I think each one mentioned is a valid graemlin candidate. I certainly don't expect this list to be anything more than humble suggestions from an humble completist. If some make the cut - HURRAY! If all eventually get made - HURRAY!!
Of all of them, I'm probably most looking forward to the Wanderers.
Thank you for your consideration.