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Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525979 04/20/06 01:37 AM
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Last summer, I gave up abusing espresso. I used to have two or three double lattes a night, which was great while I was busy at work, but inevitably, later, I'd drink too much wine or beer or booze to counteract, then not sleep well. It wasn't workin' for me. So I quit. I wasn't grumpy or head-achey or anything, but I missed the oral sensation and the flavor. On occasion, I have some coffee now and then, but it's a LOT less than before.

I seem to be stubbornly eating whatever the heck I want lately. This isn't the best idea, since I supposedly want to make all these changes fitness-wise. At least there's the exercise.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525980 04/20/06 11:35 AM
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OK, I've been avoiding this thread for a long time, and I'm glad to annonce my return. Because I've reached a major milestone.

Although over the last two years I've made continual attempts to stay in shape, it just hasn't really happened. For every step forward, a few weeks later it'd be a step back. When I was in high school, I was in incredible shape--I played hockey and baseball and worked out everyday. Even in my early years of college I was like this (I have a photo of myself of my junior year of college where a photography professer told my friend I couldn't be used in a project b/c I looked 'too model-ly'. But alas, having a g/f for a few years (re: no genuine concerns/worries about other females) and waaaay too much beer drinking caught up to me. Plus, my diet never changed in that I never ate healthy EVER, and my metabolism was changing as I got older. In the last few years I had come to really hate my appearance, and felt I was way too overweight. On the occassions I looked OK, I was really just hiding it.

Well, on January 15th that changed. I made a new effort to lose weight, and did new things I've never done before. First, I dieted, and I dieted as absolute hardcore as I could. My brother and I began a diet that we got from a baseball player on the Cardinals--eating a chicken cutlet, grilled in a frying pan (no butter or olive oil or anything) on top of lettuce. Nothing else, with the exception of various beans, spinach and green beans. Later, we started to add other good vegetables (my brother is like a guru of 'what's good for you' now). For the daytime I began eating four times a day with minute helpings--small enough were it was quick. This consisted entirely of unsalted cashews, cottage cheese, yogurt and occassionally other small things. Never any candy, never any carbs. I did this all five week days, but allowed myself Saturday and Sunday. I also used to go out drinking about five times a week. I've narrowed it down to two, Friday and Saturday, although I allow myself one addition week night to go out for a few beers (this also saves me money, since my brother and my friend Jenn and are all moving into a house [not buying] in June).

That was one thing. The more important was that I began doing a 25 minute cardio workout everyday. A 10 minute run on the treadmill, three and a half of which were full sprints, followed by a ten minute run on the ellyptical machine and then a five minute hard walk on a heavy incline on the treadmill. I've never worked out with this much cardio since I played hockey in high school.

Even more, I began dong five sets of ten push-ups each day. I always knew but really never realized the full extent push-ups can change your body. Mine finally changed.

In recent weeks I've changed so much that I've begun incorporating other things, like shoulder and arm weight exercises (military press, strait bar curls), as well as dips.

The results: since Jan. 15 I have lost 30 pounds, gone down three notches on my belts and generally look way better than I have in YEARS. I'm down to the same weight I had in the early years of college and actually approaching what I weighed my senior year of high school. My stomach is flatter (not completely flat yet, still got some ways to go), and I've lost all the fat I had on my chest, majority of my back, etc. My face even looks different. And to be honest, I haven't felt this good in a long, long, long time.

Today is a milestone for two reasons: its officially '30' pounds and I've begun adding two days of weight-lifting in instead of five strait days of cardio (I work out during my lunch). In other words, I'm gonig to try and shape my body in other ways instead of 'get slim or die trying'. You know, its like they say. I feel so good now and get such energy from working out that I'm making progress all over: I'm moving in with my brother and one our best friends to a house we're all going to rent in June, I'm stepping up at work and trying to create new business accounts (re: big bonus money), and I'm managing my money better than ever. I really honestly think its from working out and getting a bit of fire under me. And the traditional way I measure my looks (girls hitting on me) has never been better. I feel so relieved, like to say "I'm 25 dammit, time to reclaim my post-college life!".

So, I'm glad to check in to the Dieter's thread! And from the looks of it, everyone else is doing great too!

Now I can't wait to see Pov again, looking all slim and stuff! I might even post pictures, but the only ones I own are the ones where I'm all drunk and silly in the bar...

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525981 04/21/06 01:21 AM
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Good to have you here, Cobie, and congratulations on your great results.

Keep it up and keep posting!

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525982 04/27/06 03:20 PM
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I haven't been to the gym for a week, but I've done a little bit of free weight lifting at home. After last week, I realized that food just has to be watched closer, so I've been very good this week.... well...until last night. I had some nachos, but at least I didn't eat 'em ALL, my friends helped!

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525983 05/02/06 08:14 PM
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Does anyone have any workout music recommendations? Something else else upbeat for cardio?

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525984 05/04/06 12:40 AM
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I always used to enjoy Madonna's Immaculate Collection for working out, but nowadays I just listen to the music you can plug into on the machines at the gym.

Lessee....I've been to the gym every day this week (Mon, Tue and Wed so far). I'm really trying to eat very lightly. too. I'm feeling really tired from it all right now, so tomorrow (Thur) I'm going to take it easy. I'll be working with a personal trainer on Friday, then attending a Fiesta that night, so I'll be sure to post how that day goes....

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525985 05/11/06 02:19 AM
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So, last Friday, I met with the personal trainer and what we did was design a new workout regime for me. It includes a LOT more emphasis on free weights and doing cardio AFTER lifting. I've done the new workout a couple of times now and I do find it very challenging but I can tell it will make a difference.

I've been eating much lighter, overall, but I've also had a couple of bad meals. I still like to eat what I wanna eat....

The end of my company's fitness challenge is coming. I'll be retested on May 17th. I'll post what happens....

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525986 05/12/06 03:13 PM
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Last night, I worked til 10ish, then ate Mexican food (Oixacan style...I'm sure I spelled it wrong, it's pronounced "wah-hock-un"). That food is so delicious and clean and lite and a lil spicy but not too much. Then, I went to karaoke and had 4 Bud Lites, which really are less filling. Got home pretty late, came to post here, then had a terrible night's sleep.

So, I rolled outta bed at the crack of noon and immediately began to talk myself out of going to the gym. The little red devil over one shoulder kept saying, "Don't go to the gym! You're tired. You deserve to rest." But the little white angel over the other shoulder said, "You know you should go. You need to make up for that naughty behavior."

The angel won and I gathered myself together to get to the gym before 1. (See, we have a limit on our membership, we can't use the gym between 1pm and 9pm. It kinda makes me feel like a second class citizen, but I get over it and just get myself there before 1 and try not to stir the pot....) I did my regular ellyptical machine warm up and then the free weights, but I skipped the leg exercises. I just couldn't keep going. Did my stretching and ab work.

I'm really feeling good about my fitness, but I'm even more annoyed with the fat that remains. It should be GONE now!!! (Wishful thinking....)

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525987 05/17/06 12:20 PM
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I've been working everyday since that last post, so I've been very busy. I'm trying to remember what workouts I've done since.

Skip to yesterday....Two friends and I took a long walk in the sunshine (about 3 miles), then, after the walk, we went to where there's this stadium style seating which are pretty much bleachers made of concrete. I'd say there were about twenty five steps from top to bottom, but they're really big steps, so double it and call it 50. We proceeded to run up and down. I did it at a sprint and was able to go 6 times, then, I was shaking and getting dizzy, so I stopped. One friend went two more times than me and the other friend went 10 times! Whew!

In exactly one hour from now, I'm going to the gym to have my end-of-challenge fitness evaluation. I'm feeling pretty positive about it, but now that it's over, I'm wishing I'd tried harder than what I've posted here all these past few months. I wish I'd not given in to the temptations of bad foods, etc. Oh well, I'll definitely have an improvement.

I'll post when it's done.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525988 05/17/06 01:56 PM
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Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Just got back from the gym. My fitness assessment wasn't really as bad as I'd been fearing.

I weigh 195! Whew! I still haven't toppled over 200 yet. (I'm 5'9" btw)

After pinching the fat at my chest, stomach and thigh, it is determined that I have 24% body fat. Not as bad as I thought. I need to be between 12 and 20%.

I did 3 minutes on the stair stepper and my heartrate (cardio test) was 104 which is average. I need to be between 97 and 103 for good and below 83 for excellent.

I did 64 crunches in a minute. This rated excellent! Yay me!

I did 23 pushups in a minute. I need to do 45 or more to rate excellent.

I did a sitting reach for the flexibility test, I measured at 12 3/4" I need to reach 14- 18" in order to get an average rating, so good and excellent seem like a distant goal.

In the past, I've left these tests feeling terrible about myself and in big pain, but today I feel hopeful about my chances of improving!
So, after all these months of working out, eating okay sometimes and poorly others, I have to admit that I'm underwhelmed with the results of today's assessment.

Today, I weigh 194. A ONE pound loss. Hmph!

My three minute cardio step test resulted in a 92, which is a very good improvement over last time's 104.

I did 62 crunches in a minute....2 less than last time! Wha?

I did 35 push ups, 12 more than last time.

At "sit and reach" I went to 15 1/4". Last time I reached 12 3/4" so that was an improvement.

When they pinched me with the calipers (which hurt) my body fat figured to 23.5% I've lost half a percent of body fat!!! Big friggin deal!

I actually can't believe it. I've been trying all these months to improve. I look slimmer than before and feel better, but my testing just didn't show it....much. Makes me feel like it hasn't been worth it.


I guess it's the food.

I dunno.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525989 05/17/06 04:11 PM
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Hi Sketch Lad.

We don't know each other and so I don't know if it's my place to say this or not but:

You said you look slimmer and more importantly you feel better. A lot of these "TESTS" they give you are really nothing more than scare tacticts to get you to join up at their gym.

No one is perfect and this "IDEAL" that we are all force fed is only to make us feel bad about ourself and line the gym owners pockets.

At the end of the day are you happy with you? Do you feel better in yourself, both physically and personaly? You already said that you do. Take pride in that and in yourself. You are doing really well, keep feeling good about yourself and don't listen to the Steroid Squad. Do it in your own time, at your own pace, because YOU want to and you WILL get there.

Good luck mate and keep up the god work.

You really are doing well.

Be lucky
Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525990 05/18/06 02:20 AM
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Thank you for the words of encouragement! Believe me, almost everyone I know has heard my fitness challenge results and have offered me similar well wishes. I am not happy about it, and I'm the kind of person to say so.

Honestly, the testing done at my gym is by no means perfect, but they do the best they can. I'm not disputing their methods. There are a couple of things going on...

1. I just haven't been able to stick to a good healthy diet. I'll have days when I eat very clean lean foods only, but there are days when I'll eat the worst stuff you can imagine like McDonald's, etc. I also don't want to give up drinking alcohol. I like my wine and beer and cocktails. This lack of discipline with food is my #1 explanation. I should probably try Weight Watchers like Lash did.

2. I'm getting older. I'm 39. The human body wants to age now, not rejuventate. I'm working against the clock....which leads me to my next issue....

3. I'd have to work a lot harder if I want better results. There are people who were doing 3 hour workouts all season. I was talking with a friend who was doing such intense workouts, I would have fallen to pieces if I tried.

This whole thing has been an eye opener for me. I really did expect better results, but the thing that I know is that I did try. I began to make changes that are good for me. I just need to keep it up and not give in and continue doing the right things instead of the wrong things. It's not easy, but it's worth it.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525991 05/18/06 02:47 AM
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I know what you mean about the "How can they do that" factor.
There was a show on the TMF Channel a while ago, it was another one of those "TOP 100..." shows. This one was the top 100 Best Bodies. There was a lot of the "usual suspects" from this kind of thing - Britney, Brad and the like, but there was a lot of atheletes and sport stars as well.

Watching it I'm thinking to myself "It would be really cool to look that good" and the glimmer of self motivation started up. But then I listened to them talking about their daily routine...

They would get up at, like, three in the morning, exercise for three hours, go running or jogging for an hour and THEN come back and exercise for ANOTHER HOUR to "cool down"??!!

I get up in the morning put the telly on and pick my nose for half an hour.

So while it WOULD be nice to have the perfect body and a rippling six pack I think I'll stay happy with my chicken legs and protruding rib cage.

Be lucky
Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525992 05/19/06 04:36 AM
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Yeah! I completely agree, walkwithcrowds. The effort it takes to look THAT good is something not everybody can afford. I mean, I certainly can't afford to spend half ym day exercising.

And you are making changes for the better, SL. That's what counts.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525993 06/01/06 02:28 AM
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Just thought I'd add a late night update. I haven't been back to the gym since I posted about my fitness evaluation results. I suppose there are some sour grapes involved.

I did go outside for a workout recently, though. I suppose I'm not giving up on exercise and eating right, entirely. The street I live on is on a hill, so it does take a bit of effort to walk up it. Recently, my 13 yo son and I went up the hill, then up even a steeper hill, then over a bit, then down some stairs back, but before leaving the stairs, we did some up and down reps on them. Then we did the same with some more steps. Then we walked home. He's quite athletic, so this workout was nothing to him, but it was very good and tiring for me.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym with 2 friends, so it should be pretty fun and beneficial.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525994 06/02/06 02:42 PM
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Aw, I didn't go to the gym. I've been doing the finishing touches on painting the house. If anyone recalls, I've posted that I've been painting my house. Yes, this is the third summer! BUT, in two days, I did some very important final coats in places that were extremely difficult to put a ladder. I have very little left to do...finally.

It's actually a really good workout. You use lots of different muscles in the brush strokes as well as keeping balance on a ladder.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525995 07/04/06 04:12 AM
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Since I last posted here, I haven't done ANY kind of exercise. In fact, I went ahead and did some GNARLY eating binges. I know that I like to eat when I'm tired.

So, after having enough of that, I decided to pull myself together. On Sunday I had a nice bike ride with my wife, then, that night I rode my bike to work. It took 20 minutes. It's something I should have been doing for a long time now, but I've finally decided to try and make it a regular thing. It means allowing extra time to dress and groom myself once I get to work, but otherwise it's very invigorating. The ride home was even quicker (at about 11pm) since there was no traffic.

My legs ache today, though. But I'm glad I did it.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525996 07/04/06 07:52 PM
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Good to here about you doing the Biking to work thing.

I did that for a while, though not for reasons of fitness but because I'm bloody lazy. I walk to work and I figured that if I got a bike I would be able to leave the house about ten minutes later - yay an extra ten minutes of sitting on my behind!

Saying that, I DEFINATELY did notice myself getting fitter. It's downhill going to work and (Duhh!!) uphill back. For the first few times I found it quite hard going coming back but after a few weeks I was doing it easily.

The main reason I stopped is because of other road users, in cars and vans. They are REALLY rude and aggressive. I constantly had cars revving their engines and swerving in towards me as they went past. I assure you this was not because of any bad road etiquette on my part - I kept to the side of the road, followed all traffic sign and regulations and I still had these morons thinking it was funny to terrorise me. So I stopped.

I also live in a slum area and would have to "run the gauntlet" of stones and bottles being thrown by neds and nutters. I think it's because you are a moving target so they see it as more of a challange.

Anyway, now I walk to work again.

I hope I didn't put you off. This was actually meant to be supportive - by me telling you that part of me being able to cycle uphill easier - I hope where you live other road users have more courtesy and the neds have less bottles and bricks.

Be lucky
Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525997 07/06/06 04:28 PM
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Wow, I'd be astonished if someone threw a rock at me while I was riding by! I wonder what my short temper would do in return? Don't know.

My ride to work isn't very hectic as far as traffic, etc. In fact, I use sidewalks most of the way because I'm not that confident on the street yet. Every now and then, my wife rides her bike to work, and I worry about her, not because of her skills/etiquette/etc, but because of those other morons, like you mentioned, out there.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525998 07/06/06 04:29 PM
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I just got back from a long bike ride with my son. It was great, but again, achey legs! I hope they get used to it soon.

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#525999 07/07/06 08:18 PM
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Well, you've inspired me.

I've went up to my mum's house and dragged her old excercise bike out of the pile of rubbish in her garage. It's now sitting in the corner of my bedroom and I have now vowed to use it every morning...although how long this lasts God only knows.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Goodbye chicken legs, hello thighs of steel.

Heh, I said thighs. Heh, heh, heh.

Be lucky
Re: Dieters Support Thread
#526000 07/21/06 09:37 AM
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Well I've been on the bike every morning for the last couple of weeks now. I don't do much. I only do 2 km as fast as I can. It helps to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing.

I can definately see an improvement in muscle definition in my legs though. Also the first few times I got kinda light headed and puffed out now I'm finding it much easier.

I've noticed that I "wake up" more after I've been on the bike. Before I would just sit with a mug of tea, stare at the wall and surface slowly from a haze. Now I'm wide awake and can sit with my mug of tea and enjoy a good book.

I've just started Catcher In The Rye. I'll post in the what are you reading thread when I get further into it.

Be lucky
Re: Dieters Support Thread
#526001 08/03/06 09:44 AM
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I'm not riding my bike like I thought I was gonna.

I never go to the gym anymore.

I'm eating less than normal, just because it's summer, I think. I'm drinking less alcoholic beverages because I'm getting older and it hurts the next day more than ever...

So that's *something*

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#526002 08/25/06 05:18 AM
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Hi, Guys. I've been reading this thread for a couple of weeks and I have found it has motivated me to make some lifestyle changes. I do want to lose a few pounds, but my main goal it to begin healthy *lifelong* habits reguarding eating, excercise, emotional health, and the choices I make one a day-to-day basis. I want to incorporate goal-setting into my life, instead of just taking the path of least resistance. At this point I have got to believe that to stop growing is to start dying. Or, more to the point, to *choose* to stop growing is to *choose* to start dying. And it is about choices. If we are to live as men then we cannot identify ourselves as victims of situation. We must claim our lives as our own, with all the benefits and burdens that entails.
These are things that I have heard here as you have had the courage to share your individual victories and setbacks. I want to thank each of you who have posted and offer my spirit to yours in the struggle to improve our bodies and self-images.
I'm sorry for the speech. I only intended to write a line or two. Peace, Shan

Re: Dieters Support Thread
#526003 08/29/06 05:23 AM
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Hi KryptonKid (or is it Shan?)

I understand what you mean about the lifestyle changes.

Developing healthy *lifelong* habits is one of the most sensible things I've heard in relation to diets and faddish fitness regimes that come and go.

I agree with you, gaining a stable lifestyle and attaining emotional health is far "healthier" than losing two inches from your waist and adding one to your chest.

I hope you stick with it and if you need support or encouragement then "You come on back now, you hear?"

Be lucky
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