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Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368128 07/18/03 11:24 PM
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Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368129 07/18/03 11:25 PM
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I must be smashed !!!
I'm seeing triple !!!

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368130 07/18/03 11:29 PM
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Yep, definitely going for the record.

Sorry about that, folks. The board kept telling me it couldn't send my post due to "flood controls." :rolleyes: laugh
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Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368131 07/19/03 12:57 AM
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Originally posted by Kid Prime:
But let me ask this. In all this discussion, has anyone actually considered taking this up with
the person responsible?

Could it be that a resolution could be as simple as saying "Hey, (insert name here)! I really think
you could show some consideration for the other people using and enjoying this forum.
At the top of page three I specifically requested TD to respond to this issue. She has yet not responded to this topic. Yet she posted an earlier comment about an unrelated malaprop by someone. She's read this topic.

I think her non-response shows a disrespect, even disdain for all of us discussing this issue. I think this should be considered by the Founders in making their decision.

I've tried to raise what I feel is a legitimate issue in a reasonable and respectful manner. In response, I've have been misrepresented many times already by others who support TD's right to spontaneous flood posting. And she refuses to engage in discussion.

If I was immature, I could demonstrate what would happen if everyone acted as she did by doing my own flood posting all over this board. But I have no intention of doing such nonsense. I trust others will simply use their imagination and reason to see the validity of my concern about how newbies will view and imitate her actions.

I really like this MB and really would like to stay and continue to contribute, but there has got to be a basic standard of respect for others and their interests at this MB.

I will not waste my time, energy, and creativity trying to "compete" with people who just want to press the enter button as many times as they can.

If there's no forum here that limits flood posting so those of us who would like to have fun simply discussing the serious and semi-serious aspects of the Legion without all the airhorns and screaming, then fuck it. Best of luck kiddies, and goodbye.

Either there's mutual respect with a space for the old Legion MB sensibility and one for the old Legionnaires MB sensibility, or the Legionnaires sensibility will just invade everywhere and harass everyone else away. If you don't believe they will do that very thing, better reread this topic.

I don't envy you guys right now, NG & LL. But nevertheless we all realize you are deciding the future of this board right now. You may lose some members which either way you decide, so that shouldn't be a primary concern.

Good luck. I hope you choose the diversity represented by Legion World.


Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368132 07/19/03 01:53 AM
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{[...] there has got to be a basic standard of respect for others and their interests at this MB. }

It already exists, it has from the first day, and it's the best such standard I've ever seen in a Net discussion forum -- and that's been during nearly 20 years on line.

By saying this you are being entirely unfair to Scott and Gary, who are providing this venue, and who have encouraged and nurtured mutual respect and feedback at every turn.

You do have a legitimate point to raise -- whether or not, or how well, it fits with the attitudes and numbers of those using this forum.

It's pointless to be petulant, however, about how others are reacting to your point. You started this discussion. Let it run, and live with what LL and NC will -- and, for me, ought to -- decide.

I know I could make a point about pots, kettles, and their colors. And you know that I could, and you know precisely why. Yet I'll refrain from it. For now.

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368133 07/19/03 03:24 AM
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I've PM'd Gary with my thoughts about what we should do and as soon as he's had a chance to think it over, we'll give everyone our 'official' decision on this matter.

I just want to say that no matter what we decided we just want what's right for this little playground we opened up two weeks ago. I think that we can all act and post civilly without resorting to what has happened anywhere else.

We appreciate all the threads and posts that have started here, serious or otherwise. I may not have time to respond to them all as I would like and sometimes find myself taking the easy way out by replying to the ones that require less thought for my addled brain. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy or respect someone's detailed analysis of the latest issue or their current installment of a piece of fan-fic. It just means I'm lazy and would rather not post a not very well thought out reply when such threads are more deserving.

This forum, as I can see it, has been kept roughly Legion related. Just not on a serious side. Right now, after roughly 24 hours of having databases, SQL or other programming crap crammed into my overworked skull, I don't think I could handle a serious discussion. Like this one. wink

Rest assured Gary and I will determine what we think is best and can only hope that all of you will continue to share our toys and play at our house. I apologize if this doesn't really answer anything or make much sense. Just see the previous paragraph and I hope you can understand why.

Now I'm off to see what other havoc you've all caused in the other forums then its bed for me.

[Edited for spelling. Guess I was more tired than I thought.]

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368134 07/19/03 03:25 AM
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On flood-posting.....

Quite frankly, Reep, I would perfectly happy to get here one morning and see a flood of serious topics started by you. I certainly wouldn't consider it a flood, with the associated negative connotations of destruction and mayhem; it would be a pleasure to see an influx of new ideas. Your threads are indeed interesting, thoughtful and challenging. You've created a "flood" of polls, and I commend you for that - it's clearly a medium for which you have many ideas and (I trust) enjoy taking the time to develop the questions which comprise the polls.

Of the 83 (?) members here, how many actually start topics? It does appear that it is the minority. So if someone is of a topic-creating mind, I'd say get to it - flood, flood, flood. Some of the topics will dry up, and not necessarily for lack of interest. (The "What if" thread is fascinating, but I certainly don't have the historical knowledge to write about what would happen if an artist took over at a particular time. You have to have a pretty good grasp of DC editorial policy to respond seriously to those posts.)

I must say I never heard the term flood-posting until this. It's obvious that I enjoy the whimsical floods, as we've taken to labelling them, since I try to respond to all of them - and I feel bad that TD is taking the heat for starting them. She (and Greybird) seem to be the number one lightning rods in Legion-related fora, and I would be remiss if I did not express my heartfelt devotion, support and admiration for their somehow controversial ideas/posts, wherever they may be.

It's good that we're having this discussion - for myself, I didn't know some members were bothered about the question. Didn't even know there was a question. So it's good to have my eyes opened. Indeed, so much of this is in the eye of the beholder. (Nightcrawler made a comment about post-a-thons on a separate board, and included me as one of the post-a-thoners. I was both appalled and honored! )

Holy Cats of Egypt!
Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368135 07/19/03 06:25 AM
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Well, I spent most of my work night contemplating my response to this issue...

...but, now that I've read the new responses, I've decided to let you guys continue this discussion without my interference as a referee. It's giving me a greater understanding of the situation, since I unfortunately have not been spending a large amount of time here lately. Scott's been very busy as well. And, even though he stated his basic desires to me, I still want to have a one on one with him about this and other things before an "official" response, if any, is made.

I will let you know that the Calling the Roll forum will remain unchanged despite what I had postulated earlier. It was my hasty and simple solution to the problem, that doesn't seem as appropriate for me now.

Although I find it rewarding to see you all spend so much time and effort and passion on something that I had a hand in creating, I'm disheartened to see my online friends so divided. I hope we can work this out for everybody's benefit.

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368136 07/19/03 06:41 AM
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Somebody is taking this way too personally. Sounds like there is a history here that I don't know much about.

On TD:

There are plenty of acceptable reasons why she hasn't responded. Maybe she's been incommunicado. She could be striving for a thought out response instead of emotionally reacting. Maybe she's just determined not to let you “bait” her into this discussion. I don't know what her motivations are, but I certainly don't agree with your accusations of her not having respect for other posters here. And her non-responsiveness doesn't prove disdain. Maybe serious threads just aren't her cup of tea.

Reep said:

“I trust others will simply use their imagination and reason to see the validity of my concern about how newbies will view and imitate her actions.”

Holding TD responsible for the posting habits of these “newbies” is just wrong. Even if they run around saying, “TD does it,” the “newbies” are responsible for their own behavior. I've tried to use my imagination and reason to see the validity of your point above, but I can't agree with it.

Reep said:

“I will not waste my time, energy, and creativity trying to "compete" with people who just want to press the enter button as many times as they can.”

There is an underlying arrogant tone here and you need to be called on it. I find Teeds to be one of the more creative minds on this board. She thinks of topics that NOBODY else does. For you to imply that your posts are energetic and creative while TD is just pushing buttons… well that smacks of elitism, and this is not here. Quite frankly I don't agree with your assessment of TD's posting habits. And just for argument's sake, I certainly have enjoyed your posts over the past too.

On SPAM/Flood posting:

That is an issue best left up to Gary and Scott, who will have to be the ones to deal with the ramifications of said spam/flood. To their credit, I believe that they will listen to what their guests have to say on the subject. And lets face it… Legion Worlds is at high risk in the near future of some of Rob's posters finding their way here and doing their thing. I think that is one thing that we can all agree on. But I won't let their (future) behavior color how I see this board. I hope that Scott and Gary have a plan in place on how to deal with them. I know that I am not going to vacate this board based on what might or might not happen.


This board is what YOU MAKE OF IT. Right now I am sensing a lack of faith in some of your fellow posters and the moderators (maybe not so much the moderators). This is being mixed with a fear brought on by recent events at LHQ and the fact that this board is not turning into your perceptions of the Old Legion MB sensibilities.

You and I have very different philosophies about this board and what it represents. Some of mine you said you don't understand. I don't understand some of yours. We may never agree on what this board should represent. You say you hope that Scott and Gary will choose the diversity that is Legion Worlds. To me, diversity isn't about being different. Diversity is about acceptance of other people's differences. I say that diversity is inclusive of Miss Debutante's posting habits as well as your own. To me, your serious threads belong here, but TD's whimsical threads belong here too. If Scott and Gary think different, then that is their call to make.

My second to last thought in this post is this: This board's qualities are improved by having both your and TD's input (imho).

My last thought in this post: I have reached my serious quota for the next couple months in this one post, so I will now be degenerating back into my usual role.

Edited for grammar.

Something Filthy!
Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368137 07/19/03 04:09 PM
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Well said, minesurfer. I think you are especially correct in saying that it's pointless to worry about what MIGHT happen on this board in the future. I think we've all learned some valuable lessons from what happened at LHQ, but that doesn't mean we should keep our guard up all the time against similar occurrences.

It is unfortunate that TD has become the lightning rod in all this. I don't believe she ever asked for that or did anything to deserve it. TD has a solid history with us. It is not fair to lump her into the same category as those who caused problems on the other forum.

(And I don't blame her for not posting further on this thread. Who wants to be singled out as the cause of woes, real or imagined?)

It all comes down to attitude. The posters who spammed Legion HQ were obviously malicious in intent, bent on asserting their power over us newbies. That's not the case here. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

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Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368138 07/19/03 04:33 PM
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You know, HWW, you quite resemble your namesake in the way you say things. Or so I would imagine.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368139 07/19/03 04:46 PM
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Not much between despair and ecstacy
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
You know, HWW, you quite resemble your namesake in the way you say things. Or so I would imagine.
Thanks (I think).

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The Semi-Great Gildersleeve - writing, super-heroes, and this 'n' that
Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368140 07/19/03 06:19 PM
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I remember when the old 'LEGIONNAIRES' board was used to post about the actual 'LEGIONNAIRES' comics. Months before that title's cancellation, the board stagnated, but was reignited not by the LMB- at first- but by many posts about individual Legionnaires and several strictly-Legion fanfictiony posts.

Much as I loved the giddier posts and the 'round robin' LMB threads that gradually took over I missed then (and still do) those earlier Legion-oriented threads.

At the time the LSH board was *truly* a fractured one with really hostile exchanges, mostly directed at poor Maven (it occurs to me that many members here may not even know who that was-- trust me, it's a long story...), so for many of us, posting these 'softer'- but still 'on topic' posts there wasn't really an option.

I think the formation of the LMB was at least partially a reaction to that environment.

I'd hate to see that toxicity duplicated here in any way.

I wonder about the 'headlining' function.

If a poster has a thread that they poured their heart and soul into, and they'd like to see it remain on page 1 beyond the normal 'shelf life' of a thread-- is it kosher to ask Lightning Lad or Nightcrawler to headline it?

Or is that too much of an imposition on LL and NC as well as on other posters?

Should the headlining remain something that LL and NC bestow at their discretion?

Would this create more problems than it would solve?

If a new forum *was* created, I'd like to now humbly propose that it be a permanent 'Who Are You' thread in memory of that seminal posting (by Lardlad) that began the LMB (Legion of Message Board Posters) many moons ago, now.

That forum could also contain a short history of the LMB's formation (in 'real' cyberland, as opposed to the fictional one/ones that have been created), since many new members might have no idea what some of us are posting about at times.

Just a couple of ideas.


Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368141 07/20/03 07:04 AM
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Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
On the old board, a poster would have to try pretty hard to push all the topics off the front page, this one has fewer threads per page.
If I remember correctly, the old DCMB had 25 threads per page just like we do. The new DCMB has only 20.

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368142 07/20/03 09:55 AM
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
If I remember correctly, the old DCMB had 25 threads per page just like we do. The new DCMB has only 20.
This board has 25 per page? Why it does! Hmmm, must be more new threads started here. I don't remember spending alot of time on page two of the old DCMB like I do here. (I rarely post the new DCMB, it's too slow).

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368143 07/20/03 10:20 AM
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I'd really like to add that after a day at work where, quite literally, if I fuck up people will die I REALLY enjoy TDs posts and will skip all the serious nonsense (not an oxymoron, we are on this site to discuss comics after all, remember that please)and revel in her flippancy, humour and obvious genuine love of the caracters and their idiosyncracies... I do get to the more thoughtful posts but if it weren't for TD and Kid Prime and Nardo and Mllash and several other fabulously imaginative people I probably wouldn't be here half as much as I am.

As has been said and said again and again, bump the threads you want to keep on page one if they are that important to you but don't judge which posts are more important to me or anyone else. We all have our own tastes, interests and views on these things so just let the great unwashed decide for itself....

right, I'm going to put my soap box away now.

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368144 07/20/03 03:02 PM
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Well, I have thought about this and then taken some time to think about what I would do if I were in a position of power and authority like Scott and Gary. To be honest I think the answer is nothing. Reep makes many good valid and interesting points. He puts his opinion forward with his usual eloquence but that’s just it, it is his opinion. And whilst it is valid, so is TD’s, Mine, Lardy’s or anyone who posts here. I enjoy reading the serious threads on this board. Yet I rarely add to them because by the time I have thought about an answer, someone more quick on the up take than me has usually posted it. I like the silly threads too, but due to the time difference over here, am unlikely to be able to take part. But because I cant take part I don’t ask for the threads to be sidelined into a separate area. We already have areas to discuss non comic related, or non legion related stuff and I never go in there. My choice, simple as that.
Just to set the record straight, a lot of posters have commented on TD’s humour in these posts. I never see it. It zips straight over my head and most of the time I just think, What planet is that girl on? But she give’s pleasure to a lot of posters and that’s good enough for me.

So no I think the mix here is just about right. Reep if you want to keep a topic on the front page you can always bump it up (just like I do with the faraway room) or ask the founders to headline it for you. They seem to be pretty approachable guys, just ask. “Coz them that divinnt ask., divinnt get” smile

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368145 07/20/03 03:08 PM
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Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
“Coz them that divinnt ask., divinnt get” smile
beautifully put!

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368146 07/21/03 08:50 AM
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Originally posted by Faraway Lad:

but due to the time difference over here, am unlikely to be able to take part
Aren't you guys like five or six houurs AHEAD of us in the States?

You should be able to post your response before we write the thread,....(scratches head) I think.

time travel, sigh

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368147 07/21/03 02:57 PM
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Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
but due to the time difference over here, am unlikely to be able to take part
Aren't you guys like five or six houurs AHEAD of us in the States?

You should be able to post your response before we write the thread,....(scratches head) I think.

time travel, sigh [/b]
That's the only problem with cross time posting. Due to the laws of time by posting our answers before you write the question we can, if you then refuse to write the question, cause the entire universe to implode on itself. What then happens is the entire LMBP message board world gets whited out and we have to reboot onto a new, similar looking, but different message board world
confused smile confused

Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368148 07/21/03 09:16 PM
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Not much between despair and ecstacy
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Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
What then happens is the entire LMBP message board world gets whited out and we have to reboot onto a new, similar looking, but different message board world
confused smile confused [/QB]
Hm. Makes you wonder how many times this has ALREADY happened.

[cue the "Twilight Zone" theme]

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Re: DISCUSSION: Should this forum be used primarily for “serious” topics?
#368149 07/22/03 02:34 AM
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You're on to something here, guys. Maybe we should all go to Zulu time.

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