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Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #799713 01/23/14 06:15 AM
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Borobudur, Indonesia

The sun rose through the dense forests of Java to shine on the splendor that was Borobudur. Buddha sculptures, carved reliefs and enormous stupas alike were illuminated by the gentle light.

Invisible Brainiac and Blaze hovered silently above the topmost platform as they munched on their nasi goreng and fried eggs; the meal helped energize them after they'd climbed through the many levels of the temple. They hovered rather than sat as they didn't want to damage the stone temple any more than necessary. Their meal had been bought from a family-run hostel where IB had stayed many years ago.

"Food's still as good as it was all those years ago," IB said happily. Blaze just nodded as he chewed on his food.

"Do you think we're getting through to them, hon?"

Blaze swallowed with a satisfied gulp. "I think we are, hon. Viki, Seamus, wolfboy, that Latvian guy, the sand girl and Maria are all responding well."

"So now we just have four more to go. We've taken Tarrin out on solo trips already but I'd like a second crack at him."

"Fair enough. Then we have the guy who can shut down powers..."

"And... Caster and Alexandra."

Blaze shook his head. "Alexandra's pretty dangerous, while Caster can be such a big jerk. AND, I think he likes you from the way he checks you out. That b@stard."

"Oh hon, Maria was checking YOU out too."

"This is different," Blaze said as he stared into the distance. IB watched the wind ruffle his hair. "You know we have history."

"Yes... I'm sorry, baby."

"It's okay," Blaze said as he looked at his breakfast. "Here, I'm full. You can have the rest."

"Thanks," IB quickly finished off the rest. It was a very tasty meal. "We should probably get back soon... but I think we can afford one or two stops along the way. Just for some R&R."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/02/14 05:13 AM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #799715 01/23/14 07:15 AM
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Mont-Saint-Michel, France

"Oh baby, it's beautiful," Blaze breathed as they hovered over the rocky island with its spectacular abbey and well-preserved architecture.

"Not as beautiful as you," IB winked as he took a whiff of his saltmarsh lamb omelette. "And I know you've always wanted to visit France. This is great isn't it? Second most-visited tourist spot in all of France."

"For good reason. It's a fortified island with medieval architecture and some of the tastiest lamb in the world! If I were a prince I'd want a castle and town just like this." Blaze paused as he took in the sight. "France is such a beautiful country. I wouldn't mind living here."

"And give up space and our LMB adventures?"

"Space is overrated," Blaze laughed. "You always told me you'd rather be stuck on Earth than go out into space. But yeah, it would be sad to leave the LMB..."

IB watched the waves crash against the island's fortifications. "Hey, if you really want to retire and leave a quiet life you're gonna let me know, right?"

Blaze turned to face IB. "I know being in the LMB is important to you, and I like it too. And we're doing a lot of good and they need us."

"And I need you too - and being an LMBer is dangerous. Just like those mud flats we flew over on the way here."

Blaze clicked his tongue. "Stubborn little baby!"

"And so are you," IB laughed. "Okay, deal. Let's review our long-term plans every six months. Fair enough?"

Blaze smiled and nodded. "More than fair enough."

"Good. Now let's finish our lamb omelettes and go take some holos of the Abbey."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/02/14 05:15 AM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #799717 01/23/14 07:41 AM
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Chichen Itza, Mexico

"Just think, this used to be the seat of an ancient empire," Blaze smiled as they stood atop the famous temple-pyramid El Castillo.

IB smiled as he downed the rest of his taco. "Mmmmm, real authentic Mexican food really IS the best. I'm glad we're checking off so many places on our travel list, hon."

"So am I," Blaze sighed as he munched on his quesadilla. "I just hope we're able to help Earth preserve its heritage. Some of these sites - like this one - have already lasted more than a thousand years. I hope future generations can enjoy it too."

They fell silent as they took in the view. Ancient temples, ballcourts, graves and an observatory dotted the landscape all around.

"We're making good progress with our captives, at least. Not even they can dispute the beauty and development that's been made possible only through cooperation."

"Yeah, now we have to decide on what to do after we're done with all of them. Do we persuade them to bring us to their leader, or..."

"Sneak in? I think we'd best leave them behind. After all, with your powers we can go in unnoticed."

"Yeah, I was thinking that too. Maybe we can leave our "kids" with the authorities while we go in, just to keep them out of harm's way - and out of our hair."

"Sounds like a plan," Blaze smiled. "Now come on - I want to see the old sweatbaths!"

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 01/23/14 10:20 AM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800426 01/29/14 11:18 PM
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Gergeti Trinity Church, Georgia

"You haven't been out of the USA much, have you?" Blaze asked Carlos coyly. Despite his name, Carlos looked very much caucasian - blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Exactly Blaze's type.

Carlos shook his head. "Besides missions, no. I don't really know that much about the world besides stories from some of the others."

IB just smiled as Blaze chatted with Carlos. He himself had flirted with Luis, and both he and Blaze would love to meet the Korean ferrokinetic again.

"Okay guys, we're here," IB called out as Mount Kazbeg rose to meet them. The beautiful Caucasus mountains were draped in various hues of brown, orange and green. The ancient Gergeti Trinity Church provided a stunning contrast to the natural beauty in the mountains.

"Welcome to Georgia. Not the US state, but the independent nation straddling Asia and Europe," Blaze smiled as he pulled Carlos along. "Georgia was the second country, after neighboring Armenia, to adopt Christianity as an official state religion. Some of the churches have been here since the 4th century AD."

Carlos whistled. "I've heard of many countries with Islam as a state religion, but not many where Christianity is actually official rather than majority."

"Though small, Georgia has always been fierce. They managed to hold on to their identity despite being forcibly annexed into the Soviet Union, and they were one of the former Soviet States to develop almost completely independently free of Russian influence after," IB noted. "They proudly stuck to their strategy of deepening relationships with the West while refusing to reopen diplomatic ties with Russia - at least until the 23rd century."

"Ah, and you should read about how Georgia reintegrated with the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia." Blaze's enthusiasm showed; he always enjoyed reading about political intrigue. "Not a single drop of blood was shed, but a charm offensive backed up by key international allies. Instead of taunting Russia and the breakaway regions, Georgia extended an olive branch."

"Russia was only too happy to agree," IB added as he drank in the sight of the church. "The 23rd century was the start of a massive ramp up in international cooperation, and alienating your neighbors - even smaller and militarily weaker ones - was a major step back from progress."

"And how does that impact the Caucasus now?" Carlos asked. "I mean, what good did it do them?"

"Georgia got 17% of its territory back. And a region that used to be violent is now very much at peace."

"Huh," Carlos sat down as he gazed at the church. "A little humility is a small price to pay for this kind of peace."

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800433 01/29/14 11:42 PM
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The Oasis City of Oualata, Mauritania

"Welcome tothe Sahara. Not quite like the desert areas of the southern United States, huh?" Blaze grinned as the dry heat welcomed them. Invisible Brainiac and Carlos wore transuits, but Blaze embraced the weather.

Carlos looked in awe at the fascinating geometric designs on the walls of several buildings. "Beautiful... How old are these?"

"At least 13th century, maybe older. Oualata used to be the southern end of a trans-Sahara trade route. It used to be an important part of both the Ghana and Mali empires."

"That golden age is long past, though. During the early 21st, Mauritania was one of the world's poorest nations. Ethnic tensions and poor infrastructure made accessing Mauritania's ores and oil difficult."

"Even worse - and rather ironic considering the status of women in the 13th and 14th centuries - Mauritania had a terrible human rights record. Female genital mutilation, human trafficking, child labor; as many as 20% of the country's population was enslaved!"

Carlos whistled as he approached one of the filigreed windows. "Hard to believe that a culture that could produce such beauty could also be so... so ugly."

"They got over it," IB said gently. "I don't think any country on Earth now could say that it has always been as enlightened as we are now."

"True.... and many countries still aren't enlightened at all," Carlos whispered as he traced one of the window's designs.

"Maybe not countries as a whole," Blaze offered as he put a reassuring arm on Carlos' shoulder. He gave a quick glance at IB, who nodded. Blaze grinned as he stepped closer. "Some groups and individuals are still depraved, but by the 25th century Mauritania had abolished slavery. It was one of the last countries to do so, which gives you an idea of how well the rest of the world had adjusted."

"Racial and ethnic discrimination ended too, and now each of Mauritania's ethnic groups is well-represented in the country's ruling bodies. And let's not forget, with international cooperation Mauritania was able to tap into its rich natural resources."

"It's at least as rich as many South Asian or Central American countries," IB said. "These windows have only survived this long because the government is now rich enough to spend on conservation."

Carlos nodded as he stepped back. "Good to know."

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800505 01/30/14 10:31 PM
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Playa El Esteron, El Salvador
and Tikal National Park, Guatemala

Dozens of tourists braved the sun to see the ancient ruins of Tikal. Up above them, Blaze was distracted by something else - a colony of spider monkeys. He sipped at his Guatemalan coffee as he watched the monkeys climb from tree to tree.

"Mmmmmmm. This really hits the spot." Blaze did love his coffee.

"It's amazing how these temples are so close to nature," he whispered. "The ancient Mayans respected it. Would you believe that at its peak, over 90,000 lived here?"

"That was a long time ago. 6th century BC or so," IB added. "But Guatemala managed to conserve it to this day. They needed to in order to grow tourism."

"The countries of Central America banded together in the 22nd century to collectively pull themselves out of a big slump. They lost a lot of time because of devastating civil wars, widespread corruption and a massive outflow of workers. Guatemala was one of the worst hit, and for the longest time it had the highest levels of poverty and income inequality in the Western Hemisphere."

"And as you've told me before, there's strength in numbers right?" Carlos was perched on an altar atop the tallest temple in the park. The top of his shirt was open; he had taken off his transuit to better enjoy the warm weather.

"Right. The seven countries together were able to get much more favorable terms at the negotiating table than they could alone. They were able to strengthen ties with the US, Canada and Europe... Guatemala's coffee is now exported all over the world. Some connoisseurs pay a pretty penny for it."

"Think about it. These ruins have been around for 1600 years. It's taken a lot of money to preserve these."

"Come on, let's go see just how neighboring El Salvador has held up," IB said. In a flash, they were hovering above the beautiful Playa El Esteron beach. The sun shone brightly on the azure waters as tourists from nearly every corner of the globe bathed in the warm waters of the Pacific. IB took them low over the resorts near the beach area. Despite the high level of development on the beachfront, the waters themselves were clean and tiny, colorful fish could be seen near the shore. "Four out of five resorts here are solely owned by Salvadorians," Blaze explained. "A thousand years ago most wouldn't have had the capital needed to start operations like these."

"All because of an opening up of trade. El Salvador and its neighbors improved their manufacturing and tourism sectors, which led to a better trade balance and eventually to more foreign investments. The additional capital helped spur economic growth, which thankfully trickled down to the poorest of the population due to strong anti-corruption initiatives."

Carlos crossed his arms on his chest. "I'm glad they did. This is an amazing beach."

"You should let us take you to the Philippines one day," Blaze winked. "You'd just loooooove the beaches there."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/02/14 09:41 AM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800717 02/02/14 05:08 AM
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Agadez, Niger and Koutammakou, Togo

"Kind of funny how, as most countries in Africa broadened their international ties and advanced economically, they also clung more to their ancient cultures," Blaze mused as they walked through the ancient land of the Batammariba in Togo. "I think it's because of the philosophy started during the Great Leap that, as the land was the source of their burgeoning wealth, so must they continue to respect it. Mining, oil, agriculture, tourism and manufacturing using the rich raw materials were the sectors that contributed the most to Africa's early growth."

"The old architecture here is a classic example of how people used to live as one with the land," IB explained. "And lucky us, as the houses here in Koutammakou are one of the most celebrated examples of West African architecture."

"They do blend in really well with the natural environment," Carlos offered. "They look like they're made of... mud and clay?"

"Moist earth baked by the sun. Note the waterspouts used to catch rain water."

"Of course, most of the people of Togo don't really live in houses like these anymore," Blaze winked. "And those that do only maintain them as a point of pride and for tourists. Some of these are vacation houses for the weary rich. Take a peek inside and you'll see..."

"Robot servants and VR equipment? Wow, I am impressed," Carlos whistled.

"Only neighboring Benin has anything quite like these houses," IB smiled. "So of course Togo and Benin would want to highlight these."

"But even countries with less unique sights are preserving them well. Let's hop on over to nearby Niger..."

"Poor landlocked Niger. Much of its territory is infertile desert, and for the longest time they lacked the technology and infrastructure to exploit their natural resources like oil and minerals," IB said. "Welcome to the town of Agadez."

Looks like a very advanced transport hub," Carlos said.

"It is," Blaze replied as he thumbed through his Omnicom. "It's a major transit hub between North Africa and the sub-Saharan nations, and was developed as a storage area for uranium. It's also heavily fortified - the region used to be terribly unstable, full of bandits and extremists. Niger and neighbors Mali, Chad and Sudan had the toughest time pacifying them, but they did eventually."

"Despite its modernity though, parts of the city hail from the 15th century. Like the Agadez Mosque. Made of mud and brick, the buildings in the historic center of Agadez have been renewed from time to time to preserve them for posterity."

"But one thing you have to remember - these countries we've been showing you not only keep their heritage alive, but they share them with the outside world," Blaze stressed. "Each of these areas is a major tourist site in its own right."

"Before the Corporate Takeover you'd get a lot of people whose goal was to travel every country in the world. I've always wanted to do the same," IB said.

"Me too," Carlos smiled.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/02/14 05:10 AM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800755 02/02/14 10:18 AM
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The Ruins of Nan Madol, The Federated States of Micronesia

"Okay... I'll bite," Carlos said. "What are we supposed to find here in the jungle?"

"The only remnants of the capital of the ancient Saudeleur Dynasty," IB answered. "Possibly also the oldest such ruins in all of the Micronesian island group."

"The old kingdom here influenced social structures and laws in much of Micronesia and Polynesia," Blaze added as he picked his way through the jungle. "Yeah, I know it's hard to believe that such a powerful kingdom resides on such a small island."

"Old houses, tombs, workshops, even an escape tunnel to the ocean..."

"You're telling me this used to be a very complex society." Carlos' statement was just that - a statement.

"Harder still to believe the number of tourists who visit," IB chuckled as they emerged into a clearing. Carlos gaped as he saw no less than two tour groups of twenty people each crawling through them. "Also, note the artificial bridges connecting the islets in this lagoon. They used to call this the Venice of the Pacific for a reason."

"Granted, most of these tourists are from other Oceanic countries and territories," Blaze said. "But you have to understand, few of the Oceanic islands have these types of ruins."

"Yeah, after a while you could get bored of lounging on beautiful beaches and swimming in the warm seas."

"It also serves a very important symbolic purpose. See, the FSM is composed of four states spread across more than 600 islands that stretch over 2,700 km. As can be expected, natural resources were scarce. Tourism didn't take off until the 24th century because of FSM's relative isolation and lack of space and technology needed to build infrastructure."

"It wasn't until the early breakthroughs that made our current method of sustainable fishing feasible that FSM's economic development hastened. Before that, the people needed a powerful symbol of what they could be capable of building."

"Gotta hand it to them." Carlos ran his hand along the rock wall.

"Wouldn't touch that if I were you," Blaze said cheekily. "Some say the rock was brought here by black magic." He muffled a laugh as Carlos drew his hand back with a yelp.

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800756 02/02/14 10:50 AM
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Bardejov, Slovakia

"So far we've been looking at countries which have learned from others," IB said as they flew over mainland Europe. The cool air was a refreshing change from the warmer climates they had visited. "Now we'll look at a couple of countries which have inspired the world with their rapid development."

"After transitioning from communism to democratic governments, these two literally hit the ground running. They were consistently among the fastest-growing countries in Europe for much of the 21st and 22nd centuries," Blaze hugged himself for warmth as they dropped from the sky.

"Nice church," Carlos said as they landed. "Medieval era?"

"Yup. Welcome to Bardejov, one of the most beautiful and well-preserved old towns in Slovakia AND an inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List."

"It's known as one of the most gothic towns in Slovakia. In the early 22nd it also became something of a university town, with several research institutions being built. Slovakia had been growing quickly, but recognized it needed to step up its efforts in higher education."

"Because of its relative lack of natural resources, Slovakia had to compete in services and technology." The trio stopped as a group of twenty-somethings walked by. Most had their heads buried in their Omnicoms or wear literary earplugs.

"I can see they take studying seriously here," Carlos said dryly.

"Hey, it worked right? Slovakia remains an economic powerhouse and stands toe-to-toe with much of the rest of Europe. And so does our next destination - but for now let's enjoy the cold weather and some Bryndzové halušky," IB replied.

"You'll love 'em," Blaze winked. "Potato dumplings with sheep cheese, yeah!"

"I can't wait." This time, Carlos said it with all sincerity.

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800757 02/02/14 11:07 AM
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Tallinn, Estonia

"Welcome to our second European tiger," Blaze said with a sweep of his hand. "For the longest time, Estonia maintained the highest economic growth rate in all of Europe."

Carlos looked thoughtfully up at the beautifully restored Alejandro Nevsky Cathedral. "I think Tallinn is even more well-preserved than Bardejov was."

"Estonia fought for its independence from the Soviet Union for the longest time," IB replied. "You should see the holos of the Singing Revolution. People held hands across Estonia and the other Baltic States, Latvia and Lithuania. They acted as barricades against Soviet tanks and sang to demonstrate their resolve. It was a glorious time."

"To this day the Baltic States fiercely defend their national identities, and have some of the best-preserved old towns in Europe. Tallinn especially."

"Oh, look at that!" Blaze pointed. A ring of eight flags sat atop a platform. "The flags of the Baltic and the Nordic States," IB smiled. "The 3 Baltic States and the 5 Nordic ones have maintained an especially close relationship over the centuries, and Estonia's unique mix of Nordic and Baltic cultures has made it the best ambassador between those two groups of countries."

"Okay, so Estonia's a supercountry. I'm sure you have more impressive nuggets to share?"

"Yes," Blaze smiled. "Look over there. That's the current mayor's office."

"But it's so small!"

"Estonia is probably the most wired country in the world," IB laughed. "Ever since the 21st century it's been leading in terms of Information Technology. Heck, you can apply for almost any document via the Interwebs now."

Carlos shook his head and laughed. "Okay, you got me there. Their technological breakthroughs helped the whole world. You're right, it really is helpful to learn from other countries."

Blaze and IB gave each other a wink. Another one down.

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800898 02/04/14 06:27 AM
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Kolombangara, The Solomon Islands

Despite the chilly mists around the almost perfect cone-shaped Kolombangara Volcano, IB didn't feel the chill at all. It was because Blaze provided a flaming corona beside him.

"You're doing well, hon," IB gently encouraged Blaze. "You're doing very well."

"I should. I am not going to jump around from country to country with that stupid Caster and not have my powers totally under control."

IB peered into the volcano's crater. Though the volcano was dormant, Blaze was gently stoking the flames of cooled lava that had solidified long ago.

"I think you're ready, hon."

Blaze stared silently at the rock with anger on his face. "I think I am, but I will never enjoy talking to that arrogant jerk."

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800899 02/04/14 06:44 AM
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Elsinore, Denmark

Blaze shoved Caster onto the roof of Kronborg Castle. The island of Zealand gleamed all around them; IB made a silent note of its natural beauty. He doubted he could enjoy it much longer.

"Watch the rough treatment, Blaze," Caster snorted with derision at that code name. "Still jealous of me after all these years eh? Don't worry, even though I'm a better keeper of the sacred fires than you are, I'm not going to steal your boyfriend."

"Nobody can steal me away from Blaze," IB said calmly. "Least of all someone who's all bark and no bite. Like you."

"Now tell us. What did you hope to gain by joining this mad movement to split Earth's countries apart?"

Caster rolled his eyes. "I lived most of my life on tiny islands in the Pacific, and watched how they were manipulated and exploited by larger countries. I thought the Order would help me defend them, but I was expelled..."

"For your violent tendencies and impossible attitude," Blaze cut in.

"For my visionary beliefs which you all were too afraid to follow," Caster finished calmly. IB shook his head. It was just too bad Caster was such a jerk; not only was he powerful, but his handsome face and fit frame made him very pleasant to look at. Caster winked at IB as if he knew what he was thinking. IB made sure to return his look with a stare of his own.

"Whatever," Blaze said, pointedly ignoring the looks. "What makes you think those little island nations can survive and flourish if they're cut off from the rest of the world? Many lack water resources, and without the free flow of ideas they certainly don't have the technology or infrastructure needed to continue economic development."

"They can manage," Caster shot back. "Singapore is pretty rich, isn't it?"

"It's pretty rich because it's a financial hub," IB shook his head. "It has almost no resources of its own."

"To better illustrate our point," Blaze added,"look around you. Wouldn't you say Denmark is pretty rich?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So, though Denmark has a small portion on the European mainland, we are on its main island right now. And it only got this rich because their free labor market and ease of doing business attracts companies from around the world!"

"It's a fluke," Caster dismissed. "Most island countries would be better off alone. Hey, it's the rich countries' fault that some of them were in danger of sinking below rising sea levels."

IB and Blaze looked at each other. This was going to be harder than either thought.

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800900 02/04/14 07:16 AM
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Merlion Park, Singapore

"Meet the Singapore merlion. The fish body represents its humble origins as a fishing village." IB took a sip of his milk tea; despite the nearby sea, Singapore's tropical climate was not the most comfortable.

"Yet, from a humble fishing village, tiny Singapore has grown to be one of the most prosperous nations in the world. It's consistently one of the least corrupt. And you know what the important parts of its economy are?" Blaze leaned close to Caster to drive his point home. "Tourism, trade, being a regional financial center, oil refining, refining of imported goods... Singapore has the highest trade-to-GDP ratio in the world. All of its economic activities rely on strong foreign ties."

IB let his light bubble drift around the bay so they could better appreciate Singapore's skyline. "The other Southeast Asian nations learned a lot from Singapore. Did you know that Brunei once implemented Sharia law, until close ally Singapore convinced it otherwise? Singapore also took Timor-Leste under its wing, paving the way for the latter's membership in the Association of Southeast Asian nations," Blaze continued.

"Singapore's good governance best practices helped the Philippines and Myanmar eradicate corruption, Thailand and Vietnam strengthen their systems of government, and Cambodia and Laos transition from communism to free markets. Neighboring Indonesia and Malaysia were able to pacify armed guerrillas in their territories."

"Finally, it was because of Singapore that ASEAN and China, Japan and Korea now enjoy an unprecedented level of good relations."

"Blah, blah, blah," Caster snorted as he reclined in the bubble. "All I see are tall buildings and snooty rich people."

"Just because the islands you lived on aren't THIS rich, doesn't mean they can't be," IB said gently.

Caster opened his mouth to retort, then closed it with a glare.

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800901 02/04/14 07:41 AM
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The Seven-Colored Earths of Chamarel, Mauritius

"The sands of Chamarel are believed to have different colors because of the different rates of cooling of metals in the soil," IB explained.

"Seven colors, just like you baby," Blaze smiled at IB.

"Oh, don't make me gag," Caster groaned. "You act like a couple of lovestruck high schoolers. A real man would..."

"Wouldn't be afraid to show his true feelings." IB replied.

"Anyway," Blaze continued. "the island nation of Mauritius is yet another example of needing the external world to survive. Mauritius has few exploitable natural resources and it used to import all its petroleum. After it gained assistance from more technologically advanced countries, it is now able to generate its own renewable hydro, solar and wind energy."

"Which it wouldn't have been able to do without outside expertise and technology."

"Among the African nations, Mauritius has the freest economy and is the easiest to do business in. It's also one of the best governed and is known as a luxury tourism destination."

"Do you know how much Mauritius now saves from generating its own energy, rather than importing fuel?"

Caster just stared silently.

"Roughly three hundred thousand billion credits a year."

Though his face remained impassive, Caster couldn't hide the widening of his eyes.

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Invisible Brainiac #800902 02/04/14 07:57 AM
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Vava'u, Tonga

"Thar she blows!" IB could barely contain his excitement as a humpback whale breached the surface of the Pacific Ocean. He held his hands out as the sea water splashed on his shirtless torso.

Blaze laughed as Caster cowered under their transparent light bubble. "Afraid my boyfriend's going to get you wet, huh?"

Caster shot Blaze a dirty look.

"Tonga is pretty much the only sovereign nation among the Pacific Islands to never have been fully colonized," IB explained as he dried himself off. "It used to be an absolute monarchy, and experienced a lot of birthing pains in its slow transition to being a constitutional monarchy."

"Although the Tongan pro-democracy movement had assertively pushed for major reforms, it never called for the abolition of the monarchy," Blaze explained. "To be fair, many of Tonga's rulers had implemented successful reforms."

"But Tonga didn't leap forward until the 25th century. Citizens and rulers alike finally decided they had to work hard to catch up to the outside world, and so they held extensive consultations with other constitutional monarchies such as those in Europe."

"And now, Tonga has caught up. Did you know that in the 21st century, a full half of its population lived abroad? Their remittances were what was keeping Tonga afloat."

"You should know something about that. Your own brother and sister left you behind so they could work abroad, right Blaze?" Caster sneered.

Blaze just shrugged his shoulders. "They didn't do it out of economic necessity though, unlike some of my ancestors."

"You have to admit, Caster, outside influence was a good thing. At least Tongans don't have to split their families up just to survive anymore."

Caster turned away and looked out over the sea. "Yeah, I guess."

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #800903 02/04/14 08:13 AM
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The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

"Welcome to the most biodiverse country in the world per unit area," Blaze said. "Largely in part to our destination - the Galapagos Islands."

"Charles Darwin's muse for his theory of evolution," IB added. "Gives me chills just thinking about it. The island's relative isolation meant the rise of large numbers of species found nowhere else in the world."

Caster sneered. "The Galapagos are just part of a mainland country, Ecuador. They'll make a terrible parable."

"You're right - but without the Ecuadorian mainland, the local population on the Galapagos wouldn't have been able to flourish."

"Hear us out. As recently as the 23rd century, violence would break out between the locals and the national government. The locals wanted to obtain higher fishing and hunting quotas, whereas the government followed a policy of strict conservation. Wouldn't you, with all the endemic species present?"

"... Yes. I do appreciate the importance of conservation."

"Then you'll like their solution. They employed the locals in the Galapagos park management. In exchange for employment and access to resources, the locals stopped hunting entirely. In fact, they became probably the most ardent supporters of park security."

"Nice win-win situation don't you think?"

Caster shook his head. "You won't convince me we're wrong that easily."

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #801362 02/12/14 09:23 AM
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Funafuti, Tuvalu

"The Lost Islands of Tuvalu." Invisible Brainiac's whispered statement hung eerily in the air as they floated over the beautiful beaches of Tuvalu's capital Funafuti.

Caster rolled his eyes. "You're being overly dramatic."

Blaze shrugged. "Hey, once upon a time Tuvalu was one of the sovereign nations most in danger of disappearing below the sea. Why do you think Tuvaluans became such good seafarers?"

"The Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute's world-class now."

"They have students from all over the world..."

"...which has catapulted Tuvalu comfortably into high-middle income territory."

"Not bad for a country with almost no natural resources and little potential for tourism, huh?"

Caster sighed as he plopped back down. "Enough with the history lesson. Can we at least go hang out on the beach?"

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #804105 03/30/14 11:35 AM
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Yaren, Nauru

"How do you like being in the most boring country in the world?" IB smiled as they hovered over the 21 square kilometer island called Nauru. "Back in the 21st century, you could drive around the entire island in less than an hour."

"Not that you'd really want to. Nauru consistently logged the least tourist arrivals of any sovereign state in the 20th century," Blaze yawned. His boredom was evident; having lived in an island country for much of their lives, IB and Blaze had always agreed that beaches abroad were boring. And in the 20th century, Nauru had little to offer besides beaches. "There really wasn't much you could do there that you couldn't anywhere else."

"High population density, an obesity epidemic, no natural resources besides rapidly dwindling phosphate deposits, an over-reliance on foreign aid, relative isolation in the middle of the Pacific, rising sea levels... it was a bad time to be a Nauruan."

"Thankfully," Blaze grinned as the deep crimson sunset began to cover the island, "things have gotten a lot better since then."

Caster just put his hands behind his head and fixed the pair with a sour smile. Despite his demeanor though, his eyes couldn't help but wander to the sumptuous feast on the table below.

"That's a Spiffany resort. It caters mostly to relatives visiting the scientists stationed here."

"Nauru has become a leading research center for the prevention of global warming. It's height made it less threatened than, say, Maldives or Kiribati..."

"Nauru's not so boring now. And being a research center has solved their economic problems too."

Caster snorted as IB's light bubble landed. "Cat got your tongue?" Blaze leaned forward. "Maybe you're hungry. Sit. Eat."

Caster's mouth dropped in surprise as Blaze motioned towards a table. "What? We want to try this restaurant, and it wouldn't do to let you just sit there and watch. IB's going to go back and fetch the others."

Caster sat there in shocked silence as Blaze and IB pored over the menu.

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #804854 04/11/14 12:13 PM
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Mdina, Malta

Caster was quiet as they hovered above Mdina. IB was tempted to make a quip about this being the Silent City, but decided against it.

"For the longest time, Malta was the smallest European Union member," Blaze gushed. He really loved ancient architecture. "But it was always strong. You know they successfully defended their country during World War II? I love it! Malta's so jampacked with history!"

"Yeah, I bet it makes all the other small island nations jealous," IB smiled. "Ancient megalithic temples that are the oldest in the world, Roman-style ruins, gorgeous cathedrals and tombs, wine festivals..."

"No reason a small island nation can't be rich or have a grand culture."

Caster continued to stare silently, a far cry from his usual posturing. Then he turned around. "Why?"

Blaze and IB looked at each other.

Caster stood up and faced them. "Why are you doing this?"

"... Let's talk," Blaze said as he crossed his hands over his chest.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/11/14 12:17 PM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #804860 04/11/14 12:44 PM
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Sigiriya, The Lion's Rock, Sri Lanka

"Amazing, isn't it? Sri Lanka has such a huge concentration of UNESCO World Heritage sites. And it's such a small country..."

"Sssh," Blaze tapped IB on the arm gently. Caster was standing on the edge of the massive Lion's Rock; the ancient stone paws below looked like they might take a swipe at them any moment.

Silence filled the air, and IB had to stop himself from speaking. The humidity suddenly seemed to become thicker. He focused his attention on the view; the so-called Mount of Remembrance was almost 200 meters high. The pools, moats and ruins seemed so tiny from up above.

"I don't understand," Caster finally spoke. "Why are you doing all this? We tried to kill you."

IB sighed. Finally! He knew it would work sooner or later. "Because we don't see you as the enemy. Believe it or not, we also want what's best for Earth."

"But we won't know that until we start talking to each other," Blaze added.

"Most of the others seem to have gained some sort of respect for you."

"Except for Alexandra, of course," IB grinned. "She almost stabbed me with her fork."

"I thought you guys were going to gloat. But you've really been trying to help us see the world, huh?"

"You catch on fast," Blaze winked. Caster's face was unreadable for a minute, then he broke into a smile. "Fair enough. Maybe we don't have to kill each other after all."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/11/14 01:33 PM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #804865 04/11/14 01:22 PM
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The Mount Matavanu Lava Fields, Samoa

"I once caused a fire that destroyed my grandma's house, you know," Caster's voice was somber as he surveyed the facade of a church devastated a millenium ago. "That's why I gave you such a hard time when you showed up without any control at all."

"Tough love?" IB asked.

"I don't think love had anything to do with it. It's not like you tried to help me gain control," Blaze's voice was thick with sarcasm and more than a little anger.

Caster shrugged. "Yeah, I kind of wanted you out of there before you could even access your powers. I thought it would help prevent future accidents."

"Kind of what you're trying to do now. Preventing future conflict by keeping nations separate," IB observed. "But do you really think you can stop people from intermingling?"

"I used to think so, but.... yeah... I couldn't stop your boyfriend here from becoming almost as powerful as me."

IB nudged Blaze before he could retort, and shook his head pointedly.

Oblivious, Caster began to walk on the lava fields. "Feels warm... I've missed this. Look, you guys weren't here so maybe you don't understand. But for most of us, it was the only choice we had. We didn't see any other options."

"So someone out there must have recruited you. No way all of you formed a group on your own."

"Alexandra and Tarrin, they were the first. Then I came along. And we gathered the rest. Hey, I know it seems weird - kids from all over the world coming together to keep their countries apart - but we needed numbers."

Blaze kicked at the hardened lava on the ground. "Why didn't you leave with the rest of the Order? You were being punished for insubordination, but it's not like we were going to expel you."

Caster laughed and looked at Blaze pointedly. "I felt I was ready to stand alone. And I didn't want to run away."

Blaze glared back. "I didn't run away."

IB shivered involuntarily. The tropical heat suddenly gave way to chills. "He just wasn't ready yet, Caster."

Caster closed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I see that now..."

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #804992 04/13/14 04:16 AM
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Mount Karthala, Comoros

IB instinctively held his breath as the putrid smoke billowed out of Mount Karthala's smoldering crater. It was so thick that even his light shield gave them a visibility of only a few feet.

"You didn't run away," Caster repeated to Blaze as both concentrated on the black smoke. "You just made sure you were ready to come back."

Blaze was silent. IB knew that he hadn't really had a clear goal of returning to Earth, but Caster didn't need to know that.

"It just so happened that the Corporate Takeover fell before Blaze felt ready to return," IB added cautiously. His statement was true, though it kept impressions up. If Caster was willing to believe, he might be more willing to talk as well.

"IB played a part in the end, you know," Blaze added. "Now, quiet please. I am concentrating." He waved his hands in a circular motion. "Mount Karthala remains one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. So let me see if I can soothe it a bit."

"Comoros isn't exactly one of the richest countries in Africa," IB explained to Caster. "They could use some help."

As Blaze moved his hands, the smoke slowly began to recede. Caster nodded in appreciation, though he stopped short of uttering congratulations.

"So tell me," Caster said. "What are your plans? What alternative can you give us that we haven't considered yet?"

IB met Blaze's eyes and subtly winked. "First, tell us what your plans are," he shot back at Caster. "What do you plan to do after building barriers between the countries of Earth?"

"We're going to... to... I don't know," Caster stammered. "I don't know."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/24/14 05:06 AM.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #805768 04/24/14 02:19 AM
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You know, I'd never heard of Nauru or Comoros and I like to think I'm well traveled! I love this story IB, your snapshots of the histories of the wonderful places you visit are delightful. Caster remains stubbornly resistant though yours and Blaze's charm will win him over in the end, he doesn't stand a chance!

I love this IB, it's a fascinating world cruise in the best of company - who wouldn't love that?

More, more, more!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #805769 04/24/14 04:34 AM
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I'm very happy to hear that you're enjoying this, Harbi smile This is a very welcome boost, and I'm glad you're learning a little bit about these obscure countries too!

Re: Homecoming (Onevision)
Invisible Brainiac #805774 04/24/14 07:06 AM
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Beit Al Qu'ran, Bahrain

"Look closely at the script on the walls, Caster," Blaze said. "They're actual verses taken from the Qu'ran. This museum houses probably the largest collection of Islamic writings anywhere on Earth. And it's become a center for Islamic learning, with Muslim and non-Muslim scholars alike regularly attending activities here."

"It's all about sharing and tolerance. The museum creates a venue for the free, non-violent discussion of ideas. It's played a major role in the building of bridges between religions and cultures."

To emphasize his point, IB took them near the entrance. Men and women, some wearing traditional Islamic attire but many not, were walking through the door. Their skins came in all shades of color. Most fascinating was that their groups were mixed; people from vastly different walks of life speaking together like old friends.

"There used to be a time when many of the Arab States were plagued by extremism and government repression of freedoms," Blaze added. "The 21st century Arab Spring toppled many governments only to face the prospect of extreme Islamists gaining power. Now though..."

"It's a much better place, and all because of the free flow of ideas. In the 22nd century a group of scholars from all major world religions gathered together to discuss their differences in belief. They concluded that there was room for peaceful coexistence on Earth."

"This museum is just one of the centers they developed to share their conclusions with the world."

IB and Blaze both fell silent as they let their words sink in.

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