Chad, who posts under lsh-art at LegionPics, posted this to the group yesterday. Its a breakdown of original Legion art sold on eBay in 2003.


Thanks for making the post, yup prices are a getting crazy, it made me think and I spent a little time to put together some numbers. Thought you all might find them a bit interesting. All of this information is based off of the ebay public records.

In 2003 there were approximately 130 auctions on ebay involving the Legion, including:

Legion – vol.'s 2,3,4



Adventure Comics

Legion Who's Who

Treasury Edition

Timber Wolf

Crisis on Infinite Earths


So how much was spent last year on ebay alone in LSH art???? How about…


Who was buying?
Well like any good average you need to take out the highest:

Adventure Comics #366 cover $15,525

And the lowest

L.E.G.I.O.N. 91 Annual 2 page 2 $3.99

In defense of Mike, Miki, & Myself laugh

We did account for 26 ½ % of those auctions (34 total), but only 18 ½ % of the money. So from the looks of it we are doing our best to keep the prices down!

So what is being bought? Well 57 total bidders bid on:

Pieces sold & prices

29 – $3.99-$49.99

31 – $50-$99.99

36 – $100-$249.99

18 – $250-$499.99

10 – $500-$999.99

5 - $1,000–$9,999.99

1 – $10,000+

Average cover price, excluding Adventure Comics @ $15,250. - $581.

Hope you all enjoyed, or at least found this interesting.