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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 8 November)
Harbinger #940181 11/08/17 03:24 AM
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Dr Noah Kabbo sat opposite one of Luornu's selves in her office on Legion World One.

"Are you certain?"

"Without doubt, Kid Pulsar intentionally poisoned Booster. He planned on murdering another of your students too. I've left him sedated in his quarters."

"Glory came to me an hour ago, said she felt awful but his aura terrified her... Why would Neel do that? He is a decent kid! This is ... it's awful Noah, he's the cream of the senior training squad."

"I believe beyond doubt that he's been compromised. There's a psychic shield there, it's pretty heavy stuff Lu, and whoever did this has twisted the kid's natural morality and turned him into something really nasty. He wasnt trying to hide how much pleasure he took from his actions. Do you want me to get onto Professor Aven and his team on Naltor? I'm not anywhere near powerful enough to help him now. It won't be an overnight fix..."

Duplicate Girl didn't meet the counsellor's eyes as he asked. She gazed to her right towards a holo-screen that showed the Colossal Crew in training, though it was obvious her focus was elsewhere.

"You've spoken to all the students now? It's definitely Neel?"

"I'm afraid so. As far as I could tell the incident on Earth last week wasn't a simple bar room brawl as he said, it was an intentional ambush and that's when it happened."

"Shit! We should have seen that happening..." There was several seconds of silence between them before she carried on. "How did you manage to sedate him?"

"After I'd put him in a trance and persuaded him into telling the truth I slipped a request to go into a deep sleep and then put an anaesthetic patch onto his hand. It was simple really... it'll wear off in three hours, maybe a little less actually, he's a big guy."

"He is... and as strong as Jo was, tough too. We'd better check he's still asleep before we go any further."

Dr Kabbo could sense the Academy headmistresses pragmatism mixed in with her upset and anger. This had shaken her confidence and would likely take time to work its way through her system.

"Are you okay Lu, I know how close you are to your students."

"I'll be fine once we get Neel properly confined.He's too powerful to just leave asleep in his quarters, we need to put some incapacity cuffs on him... I never thought I'd have to cuff one of my students, and if you'd asked I'd never have thought it would be him. It's just a surprise... we all thought he was a shoo-in for the main team, and now he's likely to spend several months getting medi-pathic treatment and who knows if he'll get through it okay. I hate when people take advantage of my kids. Y'know, I'm going to personally punch whoever's responsible on the face so hard for this they're going to be taking their meals through a straw..."

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 8 November)
Harbinger #940182 11/08/17 03:25 AM
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Douglas Nolan was scared.

He had felt this way before, when he had been in that dark alter-reality watching that version of the Legion start to implode. Over there it had been the subtle manipulation of the rogue empath Psyche that had distorted the Legions message of hope. She had been invited into the naive team after their Saturn Girl had died repulsing a pirates attack. Without realising it that Legion had accepted an operative of the Dark Circle into their ranks. The Legion of that Earth had not even heard of the Dark Circle and without a telepath to scan her they had no idea about her true motives, and no chance after she had neutralised any overt doubts while influencing politicians and the media to her perspective.

Because he was a composite of the Douglas Nolan from that world and the Douglas Nolan of this the rogue empath's mind games had washed over him. Somehow the two consciousnesses had given him immunity to being mind controlled. He had left the team and joined an underground faction that had included several of the Substitute Legion and a couple of students from their Academy.

They had been ruthlessly hunted and killed on sight by former team mates and friends. In the end, six months after leaving the team, only Ral Benem, Grev Mallor and him had managed to get out of The inner systems of the United Planets and relative safety of the outer systems. Thom Kallor and Reep Daggle had lost their lives creating the distraction that allowed them to steal the FTL cruiser.

The outer system worlds were not necessarily in agreement about everything but on the whole they did not want the Dark Circle in their space but the Legion alongside the fleet of the United Planets made daily explosive incursions into the free worlds.

The three freedom fighters were initially keen to help the resistance fighters that the encountered. They trained them, shared what intel they had, fought alongside them. It couldn't be disputed that they helped delay the rise of the Dark Circle but after a further three and a half years they had to admit defeat as the Legion finally stormed the resistance control centre on Avalon.

Doug and Ral stowed away on a freighter and found themselves back in Sol space. They had managed to find lodgings on a mining platform that skimmed the asteroid belt, and so six very scared months they hid out. Ral became increasingly stressed until eventually he boarded a shuttle to Europa. The Atlantean settlement there had been burned out six years before and several new cities had been built on the icy moon, shipping the rich water from below to settlements throughout the solar system. Ral Benem had heard that the township of Nu-Norak Kunville had huge green houses were they cultivated a range of exotic plants. Ral wanted to place his fingers into some real dirt and breath in plant produced oxygen! He had been caught in a market place after he stopped to examine some rare seeds a trader had on display.

Ferro knew then he had to run, as far and as fast as he could!

In a universe of very limited opportunities fate threw Douglas Nolan chance that if he had not been in such a desperate situation he would have never believed... An opening to his home dimension! The defeated Starburst Bandits that the Dark Circle had summoned from this twisted reality were being sent back and as space erupted before him the ancient ship he had stolen to flee was smashed. Praying that his ancient flight ring - something he had resisted using out of principle for years - still had an Eco-protect function, and he dove through the burning mass of flaming steeds and red skinned alien warriors to return back to his original home reality.

He had been back here for a year now and for nine months he had felt relief at escaping the Machiavellian manipulations that had destroyed the Legion dream in that distant realm. But lately... He was reminded about the team he had left behind... How the media had started to challenge them, then the increase in negative reports. That had only been the start of their problems, as the infighting and political interference had crippled them before Psyche had taken full control and warped them beyond recognition. If history were to repeat itself here then they had a year at most before the team would effectively over.

Douglas Nolan vowed that he would do everything he could to ensure that this team would never suffer as the one he had left behind had.

Last edited by Harbinger; 11/08/17 03:26 AM.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 8 November)
Harbinger #940183 11/08/17 03:25 AM
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Otaki, Sister Eclipse and Atom Girl had not wanted to go but Chameleon Boy had assured them that it would take many hours, perhaps days to sift through the information they had snatched from the Media Star Corporation so twenty minutes before they had left to grab something to eat.

"You're a good liar Reep, you almost fooled me as well." Thunder said quietly as their three colleagues left the meadow.

Chameleon Boy gave a smile and shoulder shrug as a reply. Thunder laughted.

With Thunders speed and intelligence it did not take long to find the information they wanted from the surveilance flow that spewed out from the data vampire. Reep Daggle watched his colleague with growing respect as she whizzed through the holo-screens. Every few seconds she would flick a specific points of data and push them aside into a separate stack.

"I think this information is relevant Reep, from what it tells us we have a serious breach. This..." Thunder flicked up a holo-screen, "..appears to be a link directly to our Mission Monitor Board."

"That is alarming..."

"But I believe that this..." she flicked a second screen towards him, "I believe shows messages that Media Star have received from a member of this team sent only yesterday evening."

"Who is it?" Reep's voice was neutral, though his shoulders tensed and he raised his chin as if in challenge.

"You're not going to like this... Media Star were informed that Jan is planning on announcing we will be increasing the amount of planetoid bases we control so the Legion can take a more proactive stance. According to this, Kent Shakespeare leaked information to discredit us."

Reep took a deep breath before saying "I'd better tell Jan."

"Wait... According to this..." Thunder flicked another holo-screen towards her Durlan teammate, "Lu told the Media Star that Harmonia was leading a team to Venus, gave the the address of Loutrahim's old laboratory."

"This is wrong. I didn't think Kent would betray us, but Lu...? Never!"

"And... It seems Gazelle told them about our trip out to...."

"No, we've been made, these records must be doctored. J'izl would sooner eat her own flesh than betray the team to Media Star."

"There's also a record of Tinya reporting our going's on... don't you agree it's strange but according to the timestamps these leaks started happening immediately after Jenni, Amynta and Dkyun Mu returned to us..."

"Surely none of them... And I don't believe Po would either, as non-committal as he is."

"No, I share your scepticism Reep. None of our colleagues would ever sell us out to a scandal sheet..." As she spoke she saw Chameleon Boy smile at her archaic insult.

"There must be something we're overlooking."Reep rubbed his chin as he spoke. The Durlan knew he had to go back over this evidence as the clues would be there if only he looked at them from the right angle.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 9 November)
Harbinger #940213 11/09/17 05:52 AM
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Dr Noah Kabbo sat across from Nasir N'Cube.

Today had been a day of worrisome incidents - discovering that one of the students on Legion World One was a potential poisoner was bad enough. Lu had thanked the counsellor as he gave his report. He knew who had done the terrible act and worse still he could find no sense of remorse or empathy from them while he gently questioned them... There was no getting away from it if he was correct - and he had no reason to doubt himself - the student body appeared to have a psychopath in their midst.

It had then taken Dr Kabbo another six hours to track down the Legionnaire he now sat opposite. Nasir N'Cube had left the gym to train outside the airlock in zero gravity. Noah had left him to it as his natural fear of the dangers involving the vacuum of space over-rid his confidence in the flight ring's eco-protect function. The six hours were long enough for the counsellor to write up his notes from the mornings interviews with the students and prepare himself for this meeting.

Noah had put the worrying thoughts from his encounter with the students earlier in the day behind him as he faced the main teams most powerful telepath. The task here would not be nearly so easy, though at least he estimated whatever the outcome it wouldn't be nearly so bleak...

The team's counsellor kept his eyes shut as Nasir N'Cube meditated.

Standard Titantian psychotherapy would involve both patient and counsellor opening their thoughts out and lightly merging their higher awareness as they discussed whatever problems needed addressing. Most patients subconscious would reveal the source of their pain to the counsellor. From there, the two telepaths shared experience could help facilitate an honest resolution of any underlying problem.

Dr Kabbo did not believe that in this case this approach would work -Titan was simply too powerful a telepath to allow any trauma to become easily visible for examination. As one of the few Alpha Grade telepaths born on Titan of his generation Nasir N'Cube had been taught from a very early age how to manifest psionic shielding that prevented his mind from streaming the thoughts around him like a bank of holo-decks, or from stamping his own personality upon any sapient mind that he encountered. The techniques Nasir had learned to shield himself throughout his life were too well ingrained to give a relatively minor psi-talent like Noah Kabbo's any chance of breaking through. Instead Dr Kabbo had suggested Nasir simply meditate and allow his conscious mind to relax.

Noah had expected Nasir to be somewhat resistant to the idea of this session but instead the telepathic Legionnaire seemed somewhat releaved. There was clearly something troubling the young man and Dr Kabbo was grateful that the Legionnaire had the self awareness so as not to be resistant to a one-to-one meeting.

It also somewhat worried the team's counsellor that a telepath of this calibre could have something seriously troubling them...

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 9 November)
Harbinger #940214 11/09/17 05:53 AM
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Legion World Two, Senior team operations suite.

Element Lad, Sun Boy, Cosmic Boy, Duplicate Girl, Tyroc, Phantom Girl and Mon El all sat around a table.

With Harmonia visiting Venus with Loutrahim, Chameleon Boy requesting a pass so he could check data from a recent mission and Brainiac 5 off base investigating a murder on Nordhelm, these were the Senior Team currently available.

Jan had just returned after spending the last twenty two hours on Naltor at the Titanian Institute of Mental Health with Dr Shakespeare; the cover story they had used was Kent had applied for some training and Jan was joining him to take a well needed break. The Legion leader had received medi-pathic sessions to relieve the recent traumatic experience he'd had on Trom. It hadn't taken Kent much to persuade Jan to attend, in fact the Trommite had appeared grateful for the suggestion. Professor Aven's team had ensured complete discretion so there had been no media leaks. Originally they had planned to be there for two whole standard days but the Legion Leader had proven to be receptive to the treatment s they left early. In part, Jan thought, this was due to Kent's irrational behaviour around the natives - the muscular doctor could wrestle a sauropod to the ground but was somehow freaked out by pre-cogs. Jan didn't understand it personally but respected Kent enough to not create a fuss. And once Doctor Aven himself had given the Legion leader the all-clear they made their excuses and got back in their cruiser to come beck to the teams base.

All of the senior team recognised that their leader appeared to be more relaxed than they had seen him since he had won the last leadership election.

"I have an announcement." Jan said without any welcoming preamble.

"Don't quit Jan" Tinya said.

"Ha, if only..." The Trommite smiled at her, "As you know we gave formal notice to the UP Council this morning that we're leaving Sol in twenty eight hours. Well... I have a couple of proposals for you... Firstly, after Lar's little side mission recently..." everyone at the table apart from Element Lad turned to look at the Daxamite who smiled and shrugged, "I'd like to look at the team structure... Obviously, as Querl reminded me the other day when we spoke about this, while we may not all be well rounded people..." several of the team laughed, "We need well rounded teams... But Lar's strike team could act as an advance guard, if and when they're necessary."

Tyroc spoke, "Hey, we'd all like some action and adventure in this group, don't get me wrong it'd be easier if Lar did all the heavy lifting' but y'know we gotta consider this a bit more. We ain't called Mon El and the Legion of Super Heroes..."

Mon El laughed, "Believe me Troy, I don't want that any more than you do."

The senior team appeared to agree though Jan noticed Luornu hadn't commented. He knew his Cargggite colleague well enough to know she would consider this further before sharing her thoughts.

"Okay, so we can shelve that one for now, though before I get on with some plans... Rokk, Lu, any news on the student that was poisoned?" Element Lad turned to the academy staff.

"Not as yet. It was fifteen hours ago that he presented at the medi-bay... Dr Kabbo interviewed the other students all morning. I suggested he take Titan with him as well but Noah said he knewwhat he's doing." Lu spoke matter-of-factly though her body language showed how upset she was.

"Okay... Noah is the right person to get to the bottom of this so let's wait and see what he brings back. So, moving on... Lu, Rokk. I know we said we'd hold a snap try out for the students next week, well with the way things are going, if Dr Kabbo either clears them all or finds out who is responsible I'd like to hold it tomorrow before we leave Sol."

"At you serious?" Rokk exclaimed.

"Yup, I want the team at full strength before we leave Sol and this Planetoid can accommodate five hundred legionnaires easily, so let's do it." Jan gave a small smile as he replied. Rokk shrugged in response.

"D'you want us to mentor the kids, like the last two lots?" Tyroc said, more as an attempt to diffuse the tension between Jan and Rokk.

"I think that's vital to get them up to speed, as the Academy will have taught them a lot of vital skills but... well, we're not an easy bunch so a mentor would be a good idea. Lu, you have drafted a list of possible candidates, but I'd like to give all of the students the benefit of the doubt. I do trust your opinion but worry that if we are seen to cherry pick the tutors favourites it may disillusion the rest of them."

Luornu agreed with his assessment though didn't look particularly impressed by the short notice she had been given.

Dirk and mon El discussed between them the students that they thought would fit in with the team as Tyroc asked Rokk and Lu if they needed a hand with organising the students to get ready for the impromptu try out. Element Lad smiled to himself a the senior team discussed his idea.

"And, I have one more suggestion I'd like you all to seriously consider for our first mission though it may be controversial."

"You sure? Y'know the media are hounding us so we gotta be purer than the purest, surely? ...The reports the media are spillin' aren't coincidences." Tyroc said.

"We can't sit back and wait for the next attack... if we're out there already we're more likely to be able to respond quickly if it's Daxam or Braal or Colu or wherever that gets it next." Duplicate Girl said.

"That'll be why we'll warp out in stealth mode... the media'll never know where we are. Whoever is targeting us ...well, we'll just be more up to speed on running this base if we're already operational. When we took over this planetoid from the Forge Chosen we saved what data we could from their records. We know of twelve other such planetoids that their disgusting species currently use to terrorise worlds right across the Milky way. I propose our first mission is to take as many of them for ourselves as we can."

"Jan... are you certain about this? You're talking about going to war with the Tyrazzians! We know that there are a lot of people right now that could do with our help out there. Even we don't have the capability to take on a dozen Forge Chosen battle worlds, do we?" Sun Boy asked.

"Oh yes, I know that Dirk, don't worry as we won't be taking them all on at once. Querl and I have developed a plan and in fact have already begun to take action."

"Let's hear it then." Said Mon El as he leant forward.

Jan Arrah smiled broadly but before he could continue they were interrupted. Chameleon boy and Thunder rushed into the command suite.

Before any of the senior team could say anything Chameleon Boy said "We know who the traitor is."

"You're not going to like this..." Added Thunder.

"Cece figured it out from the information we took from Media Star. We've been played... they made us do their dirty work for them. We believe the person who's sold us out is Titan!"

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 12 November)
Harbinger #940475 11/12/17 12:55 PM
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Brainiac 5 – Legion World manager, Professor Querl Dox of Colu, 12th level intelligence
Invisible Kid - Jacques Foccart of Earth, invisibility
Lexikon - Princess Daheenisha of Tamara iv, enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
Andromeda - Kara Zor-El of Krypton, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Retro - Deen Toro of Ventura, limited reversal of personal timeline
Starkling – telepathic swarm-being composed of indestructible ball bearing sized components

Brainiac 5 nodded before asking the Nordhelm Queen if she would object to his investigating the Seer's death.

Queen Throoth smiled at the Legionnaire as she replied. "My Valkyri will give you safe passage and guard you while you investigate this most foul action."

"Thank you, your Majesty, but I believe my colleagues will..."

"Professor Dox, my Valkyri will accompany you to Seer Astor's abode..." the queens tone was strict, before she smiled again, "...otherwise, how will you find it?"

Querl gave a small smile, "Of course, our thanks. May we leave now?" the queen laughed as she waved him towards the door.

"Thank you Legionnaires, may the Elder Gods guide your steps." She said as they left her quarters.

Five minutes later the Legionnaires were all onboard a slick cruiser flying at several times the speed of sound following the rugged coastline to the east of the queens palace. Two of the Vakyri had joined them though only Astrild spoke to the Legionnaires. She explained that the deceased lord had a holding that overlooked a small fjord, with a retinue of about sixty staff almost half way around the great continent that sat astride this worlds north pole. Since his murder two barons had been openly taking control over his farmland, fishing rights and former staff.

As they skirted along the coast Brainiac 5 contacted Legion World to inform Element Lad that he doubted his mission may delay him from attending the meeting that had been called for that evening.Retro and Invisible Kid stood next to a clear screen admiring the view, both commenting on the rugged coast with steep sided fjords cutting majestically into the abrupt cliffs and steep hills.

"Our home is unique, in beauty and bounty. The Elder Gods blessed our ancestors when they brought them here." Neither Legionnaire had heard the Valkyri approach.

"Oui, they were indeed blessed. You 'ave a beautiful home world Nethrus." Jacques smiled at the armoured warrior as he replied. She gave a small grin in return and spent the rest of the hour long flight stood between the two Legionnaires pointing out places of historic importance or natural beauty as their shuttle flew over them. Both Jacques and Deen asked questions and showed their gratitude for her giving them this rare guided tour of this distant ruggedly beautiful world.

The Fallen Castle Upon The Cliff lived up to its name. Half of the once majestic building lay in rubble at the foot of a sixty foot cliff, while he rest of the building appeared structurally unsound and weather beaten. Down the hill from the front of the castle there was a small town of surprisingly white buildings where the lord's staff would have lived.

"The lord's quarters were underground... I have an access code. He valued his privacy but gave our queen access for when she needed his advice." Astrild said as she guided the shuttle down to a grassy meadow at the side of the ruined castle. As the team left the craft they could see that the castle was not as ram-shackled as it appeared from the air, with strips of motion sensitive lights festooned below ramparts and several obvious touch pads being obvious clues to modernity.

The Legionnaires floated across the dew kissed grass as the Valkyri stomped across it to a dark archway. Astrild held up her hand, flashing an ID chip towards a hidden sensor and the doorway sprung open revealing an unlit corridor that vanished into darkness.

"Andromeda, I'd like you to take a look around outside... see if you can find any evidence regarding whomever was here before us." Brainiac 5 said, adding along the telepathic comms <And make sure we are not disturbed please, it's guaranteed we are being monitored> Kara gave Querl a salute before flying up into the air above the castle.

"Lord Asta was a friend to the Crown, how can we assist?" The Valkyri called Nethrus asked.

"Are there any other security measures we should be aware of?" Retro asked in response.

"None that we know of." She replied, her sister Valkyri's agreed with her.

"Splendid. Let's try to solve this murder then, shall we?" Brainiac 5 motioned Starkling to take the lead. Astrild walked beside the Coluan as he followed the swarm Legionnaire into the dark corridor.

Astrild guided the Legionnaires along a corridor, past several bare ante-chambers and through two huge wooden doors into a central hall.

The stone walls were covered in banners and tapestries that showed the history of this people, from leaving Earth during the 25th century, spending a generation on a Bubble Arc before reaching this distant planet, spending a further two generations seeding the world they now called home with life from their frozen genome banks, to stripping materials from the thick Oort cloud that spun around the edges of their new solar system of the raw materials they would need to furnish their world with factories to produce the technology needed to give them a level of comfort to not just survive but thrive on this cold planet. By the mid 27th century the royal family had been established and their way of life based on their ancient ancestors culture had been established in their laws and customs.

Although there were no signs of any struggle happening Brainiac 5 was immediately aware that the great hall was virtually bare other than a long table, easily ten metres long, and a few chairs were all that remained. This hall would have been the centre of life at the estate, if he understood correctly - which he was quite certain he did - then staff and families would have met here regularly so he expected more furniture and signs of previous activities. Someone had cleared it out in the week since the seer's murder.

At one end there were two large doors while smaller doors ran off both sides of the hall.

"Lord Asta's private quarters were down there. That's were his body was found by his personal valet."

"Is that valet still available to question?" Retro asked the Valkyri.

"Once the lord's murder had been announced Baron Greynail and his bastard sons came here in arms and took everything they could lay their hands on. That included staff of any worth. It is not our custom to act so aggressively at a time of mourning but sadly it is not unheard of along these rough shores so far from the Queen's reach."

"Shall we visit this Baron Querl?" Jacques asked, "per'aps he 'as information we need?"

"No, I believe everything we need will be here." Brainiac 5 was examining a hard light screen as he answered.

"My sisters and I would gladly speak with the Baron..." Nethrus the Valkyri said, rubbing a fist into a palm.

"It would be natural justice." One of her sister Valkyri added.

"And it would split the team and take us away from the purpose we are here for. If we do not find any information here, which I strongly suspect will not be the case, then we can reconsider though until then we need to examine what we have before us."

As the Coluan spoke the swarming mass of Starkling cascaded down from the vaulted ceiling above. <We are not alone, there is another mind present and it is not happy that we are here>

"Yes, I rather thought that might be the case..." As Querl finished speaking the room erupted into madness around them.

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 12 November)
Harbinger #940476 11/12/17 12:56 PM
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The flagstone floor appeared to be covered in hundreds of snakes, writhing and squirming, twisting and rattling their tails. Insects appeared from nowhere to swarm through the air, their pointed stinging tails red and yellow to warn of poisonous stings.

The Valkyri immediately started swinging swords and stamping their feet onto the snakes as each legionnaire took into the air.

"It's an illusion." Brainiac 5 said casually as he looked back to his hard light screen. "Starkling, can you find whoever it is that's responsible for this inconvenience?"

The snakes and insects faded into little clouds before dissipating entirely.

"How did you know?" Astrild asked, her face flushed.

Before the Coluan Legionnaire could answer the lights went out and they were engulfed in darkness. Retro and Invisible Kid attempted to activate the flashlights on their belt buckles but nothing happened.

"Another illusion... our opponent is resourceful, but not very clever. Not clever at all."

A chair smashed against him and had his force field not been activated it would have hurt. Brainiac 5 smiled before he spoke in a voice loud enough to be heard throughout the great hall.

"Stop this charade... you are Lord Asta's staff, I appreciate you are trying to protect this establishment but we are here to discover whoever is responsible for his untimely death. Your illusions may delay us but we will get to the truth."

<I have the person responsible> Starkling sent to its comrades before they heard a muffled cry and the darkness faded.

In the corner of the room Starkling's ball bearing sized components wrapped around a figure.

"Let them go Starkling, we need answers."

"I will get answers." Astrild said before raising her sword and stomping down the hall towards the figure Starkling had captured. Lexikon flew after her and landed in front of the Valkyri.

"No sister... if this person is the source of those foul visions and they cause us any more problems we will allow you to teach them the errors of their ways, but for now let our Coluan friend try. he has ways about him to get to the truth. And we will get the truth."

<Thank you Lexikon, I'd rather not have bloodshed> Querl sent along the legionnaires private telepathic comm link.

Starkling slowly released its hold on the person revealing a young man, tired looking, wearing a deep blue vest top and leggings with a short sword hung low on his belt. The swarm being hung in the air around the young man blocking any route of escape.

"The Baron took everything... so what do you want from my lord's keep?" He looked at the Valkyri's with anger and resentment.

"We are here to discover what has happened to him. We are not some coarse burglars." Astrild said.

"Hey kid, we're the Legion, you heard of us, yes? We're the good guys." Retro said.

"No! Lord Asta said it was you that would be the death of him... he said that he would need to talk to one of you, a time spinner and..."

"That was me, your lord spoke to me..." As Retro gently said this the young man grabbed at his sword and with an angry howl he sprung towards the Legionnaire. Starkling was fast enough to stop him by once again engulfing the young man within its swarm only this time the Legionnaire slammed him rudely to the floor.

The Valkyri Nethrus strode across and pointed her sword at the young mans face, the only part of him the swarm hadn't covered tightly.

"We have no wish to hurt you but will do so if you try our patience again."

"Hey... c'mon, give the guy a break, okay?" Retro approached him and the young man tried to wriggle free. "What's your name there bud? I'm Deen."

"Magnus.. Magnus Laviksen." He grudgingly admitted.

"Okay Magnus, we're gonna release you and then we'll speak. If you don't like what you hear then you can challenge me and the Valkyri here are my witness I'll face you in combat. And you Nordhelmers are pretty bloody tough so you know you'll rip me up. So, how's about we talk first and if you're not happy after that you can kick my ass... okay?"

<Retro! Are you insane?> Jacques sent.

<Nope, Lexi taught me this last time we were here. Trust me>

<I concur, if we cannot persuade him to help then we should have no doubts that Retro is sufficiently trained to deal with this man's threat> Brainiac 5 added.

Lexikon smiled at her teammates as they telepathically discussed the matter.

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 12 November)
Harbinger #940477 11/12/17 12:58 PM
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Legion World Two - the office of Dr Noah Kabbo.

In his mind Noah could clearly visualise a great static tidal wave towering over him, expanding in all directions towards infinity, created by the powerful psi-mutation that gave the Titanians their mental gifts. This was Nasir N'Cube's mindscape; his mental shielding.

It sparkled like sunlight upon ripples in water and seemed to shimmer when he did not focus upon a definite point. The undulating light appeared to construct a complicate lattice pattern with layers upon layers of differing width and length. In a way, Noah thought, it was incredibly beautiful.

And even as that thought passed across the surface of his mind Noah Kabbo had a sudden chill. Underneath the surface of the glittering edifice of mental screening that protected Nasir and those around him from the Legionnaires prodigious mental abilities there appeared to be a hint of something else - like bruise breaking through to the surface of skin, there was a shifting darkness... a behemoth in the dim reaches, a shark circling around its prey within the pristine depths. There was only one reason for his being able to sense such a thing, Nasir's subconscious was finally showing the councellor what was going on behind the colossal psi-walls it had erected to protect itself.

And Noah Kabbo knew in that instant Nasir N'Cube, the alpha-grade telepath the Legion called Titan had been compromised! With that thought the psi-wall began to crack and the darkness behind it coalesced into an enormous face...

While still maintaining a calm appearance upon the astral plane they both shared Noah Kabbo reached into his belt pouch of his physical body to withdraw an anaesthetic patch and quickly slipped it onto the young telepaths hand immediately rendering him unconscious.

As Titan slumped onto the floor Dr Noah Kabbo let out an explosive breath! It took him a few seconds to re-orientate himself back into the corporeal plane. He knew that half a second longer in that mental state and the odds were his mind would have been totally destroyed in the psionic assault, and, he thought, if it had not been for Nasir's own subconscious alerting him to the other presence he would not have had those split seconds of opportunity to slip an anaesthetic onto the young telepath's hand.

Perhaps what was most worrying was the face that had been revealed.

If the form that the counsellor had witnessed in the Legionnaire's mind was truly a representation of their opponent that had compromised Titan then the team were in for a hard battle. This opponent had access to the senior team as well as virtually every meta-being in the UP. Noah Kabbo had known this face for all of his life, this opponent had been involved with his family, had even taught his mother to become a medi-path.

The face of his attacker had clearly been that of the well established Psi-Surgeon who had almost single handedly set up the Titanian medi-path facilities, had a seat on the High Council of Titan and often represented and spoke for the Titanian Survivors at the United Planets Senate, had personally helped train both Saturn Girl and Titan...

Nasir had been used as a proxy by his most esteemed mentor. The Legion had been betrayed by one of their most trusted advisors and also perhaps the highest ranking telepath in the galaxy...

Noah Kabbo checked that Titan was fully unconscious before leaving his office. The door irised closed behind him and he slumped against a wall and slid down to sit on the floor. The Legion's counsellor felt physically sick! He took three deep breaths then slid onto his hands and knees before pushing himself up onto his feet. He knew he had to tell the senior team but before he could get his hand up to his face to speak into his flight ring Mon El and Thunder appeared in a flurry.

"Noah? Are you...?" Before Thunder could finish her question he answered.

"I'm fine, thanks, but Nasir..."

"We know, he's a traitor. That's why we're here." Mon El said bleakly holding up a pair of incapacity cuffs while Thunder showed the neural neutralising circuit she held, a standard issue Takron-Galtos device used to stop telepaths from accessing their psionics.

"No, you're wrong. He's been used. The real traitor is on Naltor in the Titanian Institute. We've been betrayed by Professor Aven."

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 12 November)
Harbinger #940497 11/12/17 08:03 PM
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Harbinger Things are heating up and i'm excited for whats to come.

Kabbo is a treat and a great spy. he got to all the students and figured out it was Kid Pulsar just in the nick of time.

Poor Lu she really cares for her students. She's a great teacher and i hope she gets to kid Pulsar before he wakes up as i doubt his mistress will keep him out of the game for long.

Speaking of his Mistress...Titan is revealed as the traitor sort of as he's being controlled by Aven? Something else else tells me we've got someone else to go after and that Aven is a pawn as well. unless that was just a mistyping and it should have read master?

Poor Doug. he has some serious PTSD going on and i hope he's right and able to stop what's coming. I wonder if he's shared any of his history with the Senior Team? they might find it useful.
Noah noted it started with the XS, GL, and WW return...could something have slipped through?

Kaboo did a great job subduing Titan and I'm glad his own mind helped to alert Kaboo.
Titan's mind sounds very pretty.

The investigation on Nordhem might hold some clues to this as well. hopefully Retro doesn't regret that challenge. But glad Brainy has his back.
I wonder if the Queen knows more than she's saying....
Starkling is a joy to watch in action thinking of the swarm and how it works.

Can't wait for more.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 12 November)
Harbinger #940499 11/13/17 02:43 AM
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I'm with Omni, Starkling is one of my favourite character concepts in all the fanfics's such a great alien visual and power effect smile

You did an excellent job ratcheting up the tension in the past few posts! I'm glad Titan's not actually a bad guy, and Aven is an inspired choice for a villain; totally out of left field but it's someone we know so it still feels like a development that makes sense. Can't wait to see where they go next with this knowledge!

Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 12 November)
Harbinger #941145 11/27/17 02:59 AM
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Another vote for Starkling! He's really mastering his power at this point.

Interesting visuals when Kabbo probed Nasir's mind.

Aven as the traitor - didn't see that coming and, like Omni, I have to wonder if there isn't somebody controlling him - which is a scary thought, given Aven's level of mind power.

When Jan said "this planetoid can accommodate five hundred legionnaires" I thought, Harbi's going to go wild with this one - and I'm along for the ride!

Holy Cats of Egypt!
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 24 December)
Harbinger #942028 12/24/17 03:42 AM
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Legion World Two. The private quarters of Tellus.

Tellus swam.

The Hykraian Legionnaire knew he had still had a way to go before returning to his full health, though the light duties he had been issued with in the year since returning to the 31st century alongside the fantastic space Dr Shakespeare had created for him filled with methane sea from Mother Ocean all helped.

The golem called Mordecai had also, in an unexpected way, assisted as well. Its surprisingly gentle childlike mind purred with contentment as it went about its way within the methane filled chamber and this background psychic chatter made the immense space feel somehow more like home. Tellus knew that several of his team mates could not see why he tolerated the golem in his home space, but they were so blind to the benefits of its presence that the bulky telepathic Legionnaire pitied their lack of understanding.

Ganglios had felt increasingly tense of late, he could feel the pressures that the senior team were under and the recent footage on various once-friendly media-streams had made several of his teammates anxious. For several weeks now he could attest that there had definitely been an undercurrent of displeasure and disquiet ripple through Legion World Two.

As he languished in a gentle swoop a psychic bolt struck him, knocking the Hykraian off balance to collide awkwardly with one of the mezzanine levels. Tellus flipped himself over, onto the broad level and hunkered down.

He had lived amongst the humans for almost a decade now, spending two of those years a thousand years in the past, and still had never felt such a thing - it was as if a great psychic whirlpool that he had somehow been unaware of had suddenly stopped its torment and the currents slapped together in the space it once held.

Whatever it was, it was obvious someone with vast mental powers had been affected and the psionic plane had been wiped clear of their influence. Tellus slowed his pulse and began to meditate, letting his thoughts come and go with an easy ebb and flow, as he slowly expanded his psychic senses trying to find whatever it was that had caused such and sensation.

It did not take him long to locate the cause: Nasir N'Cube was unconscious in Dr Kabbo's office. The Titanian's mind was blank as if erased! The pods on Tellus' back began to pulsate with an deep red as he tensed up. There must be some trouble on Legion World Two for a telepath of that calibre to suddenly lose all of his mental facilities in such a dramatic fashion.

Mordecai mewled, the gentle golem sensing the change in mood of its comrade.

<Stay here my friend, I will return soon, I promise> the Legionnaire sent before dashing towards the airlock of his quarters.

"Did you feel that as well?" Bina Nawoti's voice called out after the Hykraian. The young psychic from Lunar Colony One was racing along the corridor, obviously alerted by the same sensations that had driven Tellus from his quarters.

<Otaki, we need to assist our friend>

"Right there with you Tellus." She said as she raced along the corridor behind him. They needed to investigate what had happened to their telepathic team mate.

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 24 December)
Harbinger #942029 12/24/17 03:43 AM
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Legion World Two, outside of the Counselling suite.

"C'mon Cece, we can be on Naltor in an hour and sort this out once and for all."

Mon El turned away and started to stride down the corridor.

"Lar, you need to stop. We can probably find and catch Aven but how many others has he affected? Let's be serious here, it'll include the Titanian Council and the Naltor High Seer undoubtedly... And if we storm in there we'll effectively be invading and killing any support for the Legion. We'll be hunted down by every world government and won't get any support. Even the Khunds would shun us for that..."

"Yeah, Lar... If Aven can control someone as powerful as Nasir we really need to be careful." Dr Kabbo added, sounding a little scared as the realisation hit him about how serious the problems were that they faced.

Mon El swore loudly. Thunder arched an eyebrow in reply, while Dr Kabbo muttered "...yup, that sums up my thoughts too." Mon El gave a apologetic shrug.

"So what do you suggest Cece?" The Daxamite asked.

"We need to box clever here as we know Aven... Or whoever is ultimately behind this, will have influenced more than our friend Nasir, the media troubles prove that... so let's get the senior team together and start our counter offensive."

"You're right... Noah, look after our boy..." Mon El pointed back towards the counsellor's office and the unconscious Legionnaire, "We'll get onto this." and with that Mon El zoomed away along the corridor.

"Noah, is there anything else you'd want the senior team to know?" Thunder asked the team's counsellor.

"Ahh... Yes, Titan has been fighting the control command, that's why he was exercising so much, distraction techniques... His subconscious alerted me. Aven isn't in total control, at least not with A Grade mind like Nasir's...."

"Okay... So you think whoevers behind this isn't taking full control... Or at least can't keep control. That may be why Aven kept coming back rather than just sending one of his medi-path team.... Hmmmm, interesting. Okay, thank you Noah. I'm sure Jan will want to talk to you some more. If you need anything just yell and I can be back here in a flash." Cece could see that Noah looked exhausted and a little bit scared so added, "Don't worry, we'll get through this, you wait and see. The Legion are onto Aven now and we both know that when this team sets its aim on someone nothing will stop us from getting it."

She smiled warmly before giving the counsellor the neural neutraliser. Nothing was said but they both understood Dr Kabbo would need to attach in to their teammate. With a sad smile and a salute Thunder vanished in a blur as she raced after Mon El.

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 24 December)
Harbinger #942030 12/24/17 03:44 AM
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Thunder flew through the door to the Senior Team's operation suite and came to an immediate halt.

In front of her was a holo showing Naltor with the High Seer's palace and the newly built Titanian refugees citadel. Element Lad, Sun Boy, Cosmic Boy, Duplicate Girl, Tyroc, Phantom Girl and Mon El were all on the other side of the holo in the midst of a heated conversation. She felt a chill run across her neck at the thought of the Legion being stupid enough to blatantly attack these two areas. From the raised voices she heard she knew this was not a simple discussion happening... she had interrupted what sounded like the beginning of a full on argument.

"... and you could be out again in minutes!" Jan Arrah's voice was stern.

"Jan... stop, think about...." Tyroc started to argue.

"As leader I believe this is the best way forward... Okay then..." Jan Arrah said.

"Wait a second, you gotta be kidding, right? You're away to commit an act of war? You want us to invade Naltor?" Sun Boy sounded incredulous.

"If I may speak..." Thunder said as she walked around the holo display, "When Reep and I were examining the evidence we noted issues that could be matched with internal scans from here."

"Go on Cece." Chameleon Boy said.

"Tinya ran with Titan and one day later send a coded message to Media Star... we know that, we have evidence. Sorry Tinya. Lu... you ran with Titan and in contact with Media Star almost immediately afterwards. Jan, sorry but you're just back from spending a whole day with Aven's medi-path team... and there's more. Do you really believe that the team will follow you if they knew any of this? You are all potentially compromised and talking about breaking galactic law to potentially start a war because of what could easily be perceived as a vendetta. You must reconsider your actions. I would suggest we enlist a telepath we can trust... Imra Ardeen..." Cece Becks had spoken softly but her body language was that of someone supremely sure of their facts.

"We have Tellus and Dr Kabbo here, between them they can sort this out. How do we know you are not affected?" Element Lad said, dismissively turning away from Thunder as he finished.

Thunder smiled blandly and spoke softly. "Titan's own corruption began once he had lost the additional mystic abilities that he had shared with my sisters and I. One of these is the impossibility of ever being controlled by a mortal... my father could only influence us with the full support of his dark Pantheon... I know I am free of this corruption so am not speaking out of turn, merely genuine desire to help."

"Rubbish... you're probably working for your father... get her out of here, she isn't Senior Team! Throw her out!" Jan bellowed as he gave the final order.

All of the other Senior Team members present seemed stunned, both Tyroc and Phantom Girl actually stepped backwards in shock.

"Jan..." Tinya began, "Maybe she has a point, so perhaps..."

"No... I've had enough of this. You're all going to listen to me now. We'll deal with Aven directly. We dont need Imra. We'll tear his empire down around him. We'll show the galaxy who's really in charge! The Legion will take the fight to..." That was as far as Element Lad got before Chameleon Boy, having walked up beside the teams leader as he ranted, casually slipped a set of incapacity cuffs onto his wrist immediately knocking him unconscious.

"We are in a serious mess." Reep said, looking from eye to eye with everyone in the room. "You can bawl me out later but that... that was not Jan Arrah speaking so we have to assume that he, and perhaps quite a few more of us are compromised as Cece just said. So, what do we do now?"

"We need Imra." Sun Boy said, "Imra's the only telepath we know we can trust."

"What about Tellus?" Lu said abruptly.

Chameleon Boy and Duplicate Girl exchanged a look that said more than words ever could.

"Oh goddamn it.... I don't know why but I'm so angry at the thought of Imra being here... he's gotten to me too hasn't he?." Duplicate Girl shook with anger as she spoke. Sun Boy put a hand gently on her shoulder in sympathy.

"So, it's decided then... I'll go get Imra and we can figure how many of us have been influenced." Reep looked at the Legionnaires present and none spoke. The Durlan lifted his hand to his mouth and spoke into his flight ring.

"Henry, could you open a warp to the Lightning Ring Estate on Winath please. I'll take Cece and we'll bring Saturn Girl back with us." Chameleon Boy said.

Within a matter of seconds both the Durlan Legionnaire and the daughter of Black Adam were stood on a deep porch of a large house overlooking acre after acre of corn fields. The dark sky above showed strange constellations that neither recognised.

"We'll get this fixed Reep." Cece said quietly.

"I hope so, if not I really think we'll be too discredited to effectively continue, once the media hear about Jan and Nasir... if they don't know already, the Legion will be finished for good..."

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 24 December)
Harbinger #942031 12/24/17 03:44 AM
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It was eighteen minutes later when the warp opened back into the senior team's operation suite and Reep Daggle and Cecelia Beck led a tired looking Imra Ardeen onto Legion World Two.

Rokk Krinn gave his old friend a hug and offered her a nearby seat. The Titanian former Legionnaire smiled and declined saying she had the girls to nurse in two hours so they needed to get on with the job in hand. she had taken information on the current situation from Reep Daggle's memories but wanted to double check by reading the other members of the senior team, if they didn't mind.

All of them knew that Imra had the highest level of ethics when using her abilities around her friends and teammates so anything she read that was not pertinent to the investigation would never be divulged. Rokk volunteered to go first. Saturn Girl placed her hands on the sides of his head and leant in towards him.

"You're clear Rokk..." she said with a relieved grin, and sent him a personal telepathic message <though you need to work on those mental defenses a bit Rokk, you've forgotten some of my training>

The Braalian gave an embarrassed grin in response and stood back to allow Tyroc up to face the telepathic probe.

"Oh, you're clear Troy, that's a relief, eh?" Imra Ardeen smiled warmly. After Tyroc had stepped back Imra turned around and sat down in the chair Rokk had offered her moments before, wiping her hand across her brow as she did.

"So... Lar, do you want to go next?" The question was asked with a smile, though everyone knew that as the teams most physically powerful member Mon El would be a coup for the enemy to control. Mon El pulled up another chair and sat opposite his former teammate.

"Aah... you definitely need some assistance here Lar..." For almost a full minute Saturn Girl sat face to face with the Daxamite. Both had their eyes closed. Eventually Mon El took a long deep breath and smiled before opening his eyes.

"I felt that Imra, you're losing your touch..." he smiled as he said it and she echoed his grin back.

"This is very worrying... Lar, I'm so sorry... You had a strong suggestion implanted to publicly execute the High Seer of Naltor and his court if you ever met them. Whoever did this is really sinister. They want you to go after them... I'll need to meet with the entire team and all the support staff. Who's off base right now? Can you recall them?" Imra Ardeen stood up off her chair and looked at her former teammates, her expression made it very apparent that she was not going to wait for a discussion.

As Imra spoke Reep and Troy shared a knowing smile. Saturn Girl was one of the founders of the team and also had been one of their first leaders. She may have retired several years before but she could still have them to jump into action with just a few words.

Luornu spoke up, "Imra, before you go any further can you check that I'm okay? I've a horrible feeling that I can't shake and I know it's not right... Jan was the same only worse... We took him to the medi-bay and placed an anaesthetic on him so he'll be fast asleep for hours. He really worried us earlier..." Luornu Durgo-Taine had always been incredibly focussed and strong willed. When she had initially applied for membership both Rokk and Garth had made lewd jokes about how useful she would be to the team. Imra had seen just how much of an asset someone with the Cargggites strength of mind could be so had insisted the boys agree to her joining them in their new club and treating her respectfully. That same indomitable Cargggite now appeared to be anything but focussed and controlled - whatever the impulse was that had been planted in her psyche it was affecting her core believes to such a degree that Duplicate Girl looked terrified.

Luornu had approached the seat opposite Imra but at the last second had turned and started to flee. Mon El gently caught her and kept her still. The Cargggite started to cry... something that they had not seen even when Chuck had been murdered.

"Lu... relax sweetie, this won't hurt you... ah! There!" Saturn girl placed her hand lightly on the back of Luornu's head and gritted her teeth.

"Whomever our opponent is they are one nasty bit of work." Imra muttered as she focused her psychic might into her friends mind.

Duplicate Girl started to whimper then suddenly stood up straight and quickly turned around to hug Saturn Girl.

"Thank you Imra... Thank you." The Cargggite hugged her Titanian friend tightly.

"You had a couple of really nasty suggestions planted in your head there Lu. They're gone now, don't worry." Imra took Lu's hands in her own. "You're fine Lu, though now any murderous impulses you have are all your own." They both smiled at each other and Dirk, who was stood next in line, laughed out loud.

"Now," Imra said, looking around the room, "Before we go any further I'm going to contact Garth and let him know I'm staying here until we've dealt with this once and for all. He can look after the girls tonight without me..."

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 24 December)
Harbinger #942032 12/24/17 04:47 AM
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Harbi, I really love the focus on Tellus and the respect given to Imra - also how quickly Imra got down to brass tacks smile

Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 24 December)
Harbinger #942047 12/24/17 01:10 PM
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Great stuff, Harbi! I like the scary intelligent strategy of implanting suggestions into the Legionnaires' minds... I loved the scene where Reep and Cece hit on bringing Imra in and convincing everyone to submit because who knows who is compromised.

I liked how Mon and Lu submitted. Lu's strength of mind and Imra's determination were great.

Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 24 December)
Harbinger #942302 12/30/17 01:40 PM
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Good installment Harbinger.

I liked the spotlight on Tellus as well. It was good to check in on him before things go crazy as its clear from Tellus and Otkia's psychic "maelstrom" they felt.

Mordecai is still a bit of a mystery and i hope we see more of him.

Titan's power and his corruption by "Aven" are super strong and the psychic backlash is just the beginning. i still think someone is controlling Aven.

Thunder's cool head is greatly appreciated. i feel like if it wasn't for her things would have gone in such a different direction. You lay it out so clearly that if the Legion just charges in they will start a war and be on the run.
It makes sense now how the team sent messages to the media. They were psychically "hijacked". good intrigue.

Wow Jan! Wow! glad they were able to knock him out.

Imra! back and agreed with everyone that her being back doesn't discredit the psychics they have. but she is the best and I understand why they can trust her. It also makes logical sense since they don't know who has and has not been compromised on the team.

Imra clearing out all of the psychic influences from the senior team was well done and i liked how you gave examples of that conditioning. Mon-el's was the scariest i think. but now i wonder who else has been tainted?

can't wait for more!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 31 December)
Harbinger #942333 12/31/17 06:13 AM
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Nordhelm, above Lord Asta's Estate:

Andromeda - Kara Zor-El of Krypton, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability

Andromeda could see the armoured air craft approaching from miles away and slowly flew towards it.

Her X-ray vision had alerted her that inside there were sixteen heavy armed men on board, while the craft itself was armed with twenty four kinetic missiles in tubes ready to be fired at one side and three laser cannons on the other.

Well, she thought, so much for this being a friendly visit...

Holding her flight ring out to scan the ship she quickly flicked through the hard light readout it produced. Once she had found the right wavelength she activated the flight ring function to override their crafts internal comms system.

"Hey guys, as I'm sure you are aware this is Andromeda of the Legion. I'd be really grateful if you were to land now and we have a little talk..."

Even as she finished speaking the laser cannons aimed and took fire. The three bolts of energy ripped through the air and blasted against her, exploding harmlessly.

"Now come on guys, you know that wasn't going to work, so before you do something that annoys me how's about you just land down there...." four kinetic missiles fired in her direction. At super speed the young Kryptonian grabbed them and zoomed up to the edge of the planetary atmosphere and hurled them out into space, before she flew back down towards the air craft.

"Guys, you're gonna irritate me if you continue these games." Even as she said this in a low tone to be broadcast over thewir internal comm system underneath her mask of star field cloth that hid her identity from the general population of the 31st century Kara smiled. The warriors of this distant world didn't stand a chance... and it was always fun to prove that to them, as bullies like these needed to be taught lessons.

"Legionnaire, you are trespassing in Lord Greynail's airspace. You will leave now!" the voice was heavily distorted but the message was clear as it boomed out of the aircraft. "You have ten seconds before we..."

"Guys, stop this stupidity. I'm here as a guest of Queen Throoth..." four more missiles fired along with another round of laser cannons. This time she remained still and allowed them all to harmlessly explode against her.

"Legion scum, get off our planet, you're not wanted here..."

Kara Zor El had heard enough.

She focussed her gaze on the ground below and blasted a pit with her heat vision. Once she was sure it was deep enough she gave a blast of super cold breath to put out the fires. As she did more missiles exploded harmlessly against her.

"You guys need a serious lesson in how to treat guests..." And with that she flew at super speed towards the attacking craft. The laser cannons tried to track her but she was far too fast, ripping them clear from their moorings as she passed them, then reaching up she smashed through the hull of the craft and crushed several parts of the engine. As it erupted in smoke she withdrew her hand and flew up to the side of the damaged craft and ripped the door off. At super speed she raced inside and grabbed several of the warriors and threw them outside. She moved so fast it appeared that they had vanished in the blink of an eye to their comrades. In under a second the whole squad were mid air. Still moving at phenomenal speed she plucked the falling warriors from the air and placed them in the pit she had just blasted into the hillside. After all sixteen warriors were in it Andromeda swooped up to the air craft and stripped it of weapons and engines in seconds before carrying the now empty husk of the craft and lowering it over the pit, trapping the warriors underneath. With a flourish of speed she took the weapons up to the upper reaches of the atmosphere and threw them into space, behind the missiles she had flung there a minute before.

Second later she landed at the side of the pit and casually reached down to lift a corner of the aircraft to peer underneath

"I did warn you, so unless you need urgent medical attention you're all going to have to wait here until we're finished."

Several of the soldiers cursed and swore though she could tell they were grateful she had only decided to trap them. Under the laws of this cold world they were all aware that she would have been within her rights as a guest of the Queen to have dealt with them in a far harsher manner.

After checking none of the warriors needed urgent assistance Kara returned to the sky above the castle to continue her surveillance.

She would make sure Querl had every opportunity to find out whatever it was he needed without being disturbed by such rude thugs...

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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 31 December)
Harbinger #942334 12/31/17 06:15 AM
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Nordhelm, within the former banqueting hall of the Fallen Castle Upon The Cliff

Brainiac 5 – Legion World manager, Professor Querl Dox of Colu, 12th level intelligence
Invisible Kid - Jacques Foccart of Earth, invisibility
Lexikon - Princess Daheenisha of Tamara iv, enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
Retro - Deen Toro of Ventura, limited reversal of personal timeline
Starkling – telepathic swarm-being composed of indestructible ball bearing sized components

After the brief telepathic discussion Starkling released the young man and Retro pulled up two chairs, indicating the young man should sit opposite him.

The Legionnaires and Valkyri, at Retro's insistence, moved away from them towards the far end of the hall.

"Magnus, what happened to Lord Asta? I only met him once and never got the chance to thank him..."

The young man glared at the Legionnaire sullenly but didn't speak.

"C'mon Magnus... If we're to speak then you need to say something too or it'll get boring real fast." Retro gave a small grin.

The young man shrugged his broad shoulders and turned his face away. Retro sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Magnus, I'm trying to help, would you prefer if I did some talking first, tell you about myself?" The young man glanced up at the Legionnaires face and nodded. Retro took a deep breath and told his story, about waking up on Ventura with no memories and the ability to reverse time. He showed the young man his skill by asking him to draw his sword. After the Legionnaire had reversed that action the young man stared for long seconds with his mouth open. Retro smiled and asked the boy how he had ended up in this castle.

His voice was quiet, broken with emotion as slowly he began.

"Lord Asta... He brought me here after my... After the spirit pictures started. My village is a hundred leagues inland and they drove me away, said I brought Loki upon them... He said it wasn't a curse but like his second sight it could be used to serve the Crown... He helped me learn. He... He was always kind, even when he needed to reprimand me he never struck me, or any of the staff, not once..." Magnus Laviksen wiped at his eyes before the tears that sat in them fell.

"He did seem like a kind man, when I met him..."

"He knew he'd die if he told you. He said it would get him..."

"What would get him?" asked Retro as he leant forward towards the young man.

"He called it the White Beast... Said it was trailing you Legionnaires, tracking you from world to world and making sure the tour failed. He said if he told you what was coming it would stay behind and get him..." the tears began to fall and this time the young man didn't wipe them away. "He said he needed to do it and I had to be brave and listen to him... I wish he'd never warned you, he'd still be here if he didn't go to the Queens palace that night."

"What else did he tell you Magnus? What did he ask you to listen to?"

"He told me you'd return and I had to tell you... " the boy looked nervous, "He was scared when he got back that night, said he'd changed the future... I didn't understand some of it... quantum fluff and temporal anomm.... Anomom...Something else else...."

"Anomaly?" the Legionnaire suggested softly.

The boy nodded before continuing. "Lord Asta said that he'd given you a chance, but that your enemy would know he'd told you her plans so she would change them. Said the future paths were shortening..."

"What do you mean? He warned me that we had fifty days." Retro felt a sudden chill. The warning that the Queen's Seer had given him had been shared with the Senior Team and they were planning on being ready for that deadline.

"He said... The evil eye the gods put upon me wasn't to be scared of... I'll never live up to him..."

"Magnus.... Listen to me. Lord Asta was a kind man and a hero. He gave you support when you needed it and by doing this you are repaying him for that kindness. Your talent, those spirit pictures you call them? You cast these images into the minds of people don't you?"

"Yes... the gods gave me the evil eye... cursed me..."

"No, the gods gave you a gift, a tremendous gift and if you don't have family here then perhaps you should join ours... We need brave people like you."

"I have no sponsor to allow me to leave the estates."

"There's two of Queen Throoth's personal Valkyri over there... And Lexikon is an honorary Sister of the Sword so somehow I reckon we can get the permission you need."

"Legionnaires," Brainiac 5 said loudly, "...we need to leave now."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 31 December)
Harbinger #942335 12/31/17 06:16 AM
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"Magnus is coming with us Querl." Retro said. The Coluan glanced towards the boy before nodding his agreement.

"Yes, it would be unsafe to leave him here..."

"No, I mean he needs the Academy. He's an untrained illusion caster and has no family or allegiance..." Retro glanced at the Valkyri before adding, "Other than to the Queen. If she allows it I'd like to sponsor him as one of our Academy students."

Astrild turned to the boy and asked if he would like to join the Legionnaires, to serve them as a representative of both the Queen and as heir of the Asta Estate. He looked dumbfounded at the offer until she said that she would personally petition the queen on his behalf if he wanted her too.

Magnus Laviksen smiled through his tears as spoke:

"Lord Asta told me you would say this and asked me to give you a message from him once you had..."

The air darkened and formed into an image of the deceased Lord Asta.

"Legionnaire... My humblest apologies but the warning I gave you has altered the path from the present into the future." the aged lord appeared to rub his forehead before continuing.

"There is a beast... An ancient white beast that has followed you to this world and it will be here within an hour to murder me for warning you of its mistresses plans. You must look after Magnus as he will be left orphaned and without land. The pathway may have changed but no all of its stops need be dark..." the illusion smiled.

"The enemy you face will be alerted to the warning I gave you earlier... She will change her plans and your wondrous headquarters will be attacked sooner than she had planned. This gives you an opportunity... A slim opportunity. You must leave here and use that man made of light from the future to transport you directly four thousand and six hundred leagues due galactic north and west of your satellites most northerly point..." the image smiled as he recited the spatial distances before continuing, "...Be ready as you will need to fight to survive but at least you now have a chance. In the end you can overcome this foul attack on your home as they have not had time to prepare as they wanted but the cost will be high if you don't take this opportunity."

The image remained as it appeared Lord Asta brushed dust from the front seam of his jerkin. There was silence for a couple of seconds as the Legionnaires and Valkyri stared in disbelief.

"Legionnaire..." the image spoke again, "You need to leave now! The attack is beginning even as you listen to these words. Go!" the Lord said with some urgency as he appeared to flick his hands out as if dismissing staff. With that the image popped out of existence and the hall went dark again.

Brainiac Five quickly used the telepathic link to ask Andromeda to join them as he lifted his flight ring to his mouth to bark an order to Henry. Having worked out the distance and directions from the deceased lords archaic measurements carefully Brainiac 5 relaying the coordinates. As Andromeda swooped into the hall a honey and violet warp ripped open in front of them.

"What's going on Brainy?" Andromeda asked as she flew over her teammates.

"It appears Legion World Two is under attack, we have the opportunity to stop it from happening." The Coluan smiled quickly as he answered.

"Cool... I'm in the mood to punch things..." and with that Kara Zor El dived through the warp, closely followed by the Legionnaires, the two Valkyri and the young illusion caster Magnus Laviksen.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 31 December)
Harbinger #942336 12/31/17 06:17 AM
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Hey Guys, thanks again for your support above.

As there have been a lot of talking-head scenes lately I promise very soon things will get a bit more exciting.


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 31 December)
Harbinger #942393 01/01/18 01:16 AM
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I love the scene with Kara taking the missiles...I feel like she enjoys having powers more than her cousin does smile

Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 31 December)
Harbinger #942397 01/01/18 03:27 AM
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Wow, things are coming to a head (no pun intended) faster than I thought! Cool beans!

Re: Legion Worlds 5 (updated 2 January 2018)
Harbinger #942450 01/02/18 01:30 PM
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Legion World Two, the central medi-bay

Imra Ardeen Ranzz stood at the foot of the bed.

Element Lad's mind had been twisted so cruelly. The anger and fear of his childhood after Roxxas had exterminated his people that he had strived so hard to come to terms with had been unleashed and focussed back in on himself. Dr Shakespeare had told Imra that Jan had been getting more anxious but the muscle bound physician had never thought it could have been anything as serious as this, he had assumed it was the pressure of the job leading the team that was behind it.

Imra nodded and gently took the big man's hand. His mind had been compromised too; suicidal impulses alongside and burning desire to push Jan... Kent Shakespeare had been set up to lead his lover astray. Whomever was behind this has cleverly calculated how much they could manipulate each member of the team to create the perfect storm of fear, anger and self destruction that had they been forced to fight they would have been slaughtered.

Imra felt sick but took a deep breath before reassuring Kent that she would personally see to it that Jan got better.

Tellus, Otaki and Dr Kabbo, the psychics on board Legion World Two each had small traces of suggestions too. Tellus was to retreat to his quarters and avoid contact with others, Otaki was to find solace in meditation and stay away from any tense situation between her teammates while the team's counsellor had a simple command to always believe in the positive when it came to the senior team - no matter what they said or did Noah was to give his full support. Each of these impulses were simply amplifications of their own feelings, not anything too far from what they had felt in their core anyway as all psychics did when surrounded by so many unguarded minds, so Imra could see how bit by bit these needs could be fed into to isolate the only beings here that could possibly understand the situation clearly. It was a clever strategy...

It was what she found in Nasir N'Cube's mind that upset the former legionnaire the most. He had joined the team after the destruction of titan as he understood that the Legion were the best bet of combatting serious threats to the galaxy. But it was the feelings he had about the moon of Saturn's destruction that had given their opponent a way in. Like all Titanian's he knew that Harmonia Li and the Time Institute had somehow been linked with their home's destruction, and of course on some level he was angry and upset. This anger had been fuelled, along with the distrust and need for some form of payback... a visceral need for revenge. This had been slowly amplified and twisted by Aven with each meeting. Nasir had fought these feelings, his natural compassion and intelligence had blocked the impulse for a while, but that drip-drip-drip of psychic poison had eventually taken its toll. And even asleep as he was the young telepath's mind ached with grief and fury. Imra knew she would need to support him if he was to fully recover from the mental invasion he had sustained. Their enemy had twisted the young man's natural emotions into something horrific that in turn were eating him up like a psychic cancer that eroded the tight mental defences allowing the toxic thoughts to leak out around him. Without even being fully aware of this his presence would trigger anger and recklessness in those around him, not a lot at first but over time he would tear the team apart.

Imra wiped her eyes, there would be time to rest and reflect afterwards, as right now she needed to get this information to Dirk and Lu and Reep. Her head ached like nothing she had felt before but she had no time to stop as the senior team needed to know that Saturn Girl had just figured out who could be behind this, and she was certain it wasn't Professor Aven.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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