All things have ended here, even those that never began. Dreams have crumbled to dust, and lives faded out of memory.

Logic decrees that all things begun must end. This was His destiny, and it was fulfilled. They have called Him by a thousand names. He was Night. Death. Apocalypse. Entropy. Time. To a few who have dared to look upon His face that was not a face, He has been known as the Time Trapper.

To all that lives, all that moves, all that hopes tomorrow will dawn, He was the Enemy.

All things have ended here, even those that never began. Dreams have crumbled to dust, and lives faded out of memory. This was His kingdom, and its last day has come...


This is not right. This is not the way things should be. Dream Girl should not be dead. Sun Boy should be here with us. Every fiber of my being, every neuron, every synapse screams out the wrongness of it. I will not rest until I find out what it is. END ENTRY

"Where in the hell is Brainy?", Cosmic Boy yelled.

"The same place he's been for the last two weeks, in his lab.", replied Shadow Lass.

Cosmic Boy gazed over the assembled Legionnaires. They had only recently defeated the armies of Lemnos, but not without cost. Dream Girl had been killed in the assault, and Sun Boy had left the Legion to lead a band of super-powered beings that were previously soldiers in Lemnos's army. Not to mention the fact that Orando, Projectra's homeworld, was among the planets destroyed by Lemnos and his cronies. Victory had come at quite a high cost indeed.

.....More later....

There's room for all God's creatures...right next to the mashed potatoes!