Think of the possibilities!

Of course, it would have to be set during the late 70s-early 80s.

Superman in the Marvel Universe pretty much outfights the entire Hostess Fruit Pie Avengers lineup.

Beast does a long-range scan of Supes and says, "Oh, My Stars and Garters! We might be looking at another Nefaria scenario!"

Wonder Man keeps punching and punching Supes with no results, until Supes says, with only mild annoyance, "That's really not very nice, son." Then Supes gently flicks Simon away with one finger.

Over in the DCU, Hulk wipes the floor with the Satellite Era JLA, until the last one standing is Ollie Queen. There follows the dialogue below:

"Heeey, Jolly Green. Cool your jets, now. I just wanna talk."

"Stupid Beard Man trying to trick Hulk!"

"Perish the thought, big guy. I'm not that stupid. See, I'm throwing my weapons aside. Now let's talk."

"Beard Man want"

"Yeah, I mean, trust me, I know what it's like to be different, to think different, to be misunderstood."

"Beard man...understands Hulk."

"You got it! So why can't we be friends? Let's shake hands on it."


And as they shake hands, Hulk reverts to Bruce Banner.

And Ollie looks at the rest of the team with a smug expression which, for once, he's earned.

Still "Fickles" to my friends.