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Author Topic: LSH 41.... SPOILERS

Icon 1 posted      Profile for duck458   Email duck458         Edit/Delete Post     
I'm enjoying the many layers that J.Shooter is bringing to this book. Who knew that this version of the LSH could be so nuanced.

So what.

From: Harrisburg, PA | Registered: Apr 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
could be rabid

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Originally posted by wamu2:
Originally posted by The Man From Cargg:

I can't believe Shooter is making me like my least favourite incarnation of the Legion. If he keeps up this level of writing I might even want this version to stick around after Legion Three Worlds.

it's a dead Legion walking. Geoff Johns loves bringing back stuff as it was or some semblance there off. and the way he gushed over the legion in action all but seals the deal. I am sure next spring or summer(if not sooner) there will be a new book. and these guys will be dismissed as a time trapper paradox or something.
i hope not i'll be really pissed if they do i love pre-crisis legion and i love this legion as well, this is the legion that got me into the fandom

(also as hard as i try i know i will be years before i have every legion issue of pre-crisis and thats a lot of history i wont know and that bugs me. i can get all the issues for this legion.)

why the hell cant dc take a page out of marvels book and just do both

i didn't hate the artwork but i like the other artist better

also in the preview didn't it say brainy was going to give away a secret?

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i do commissions

From: ny | Registered: Jul 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for googoomuck   Author's Homepage   Email googoomuck         Edit/Delete Post     
Originally posted by Gaseous Lad:

I am finding the M'Rissey character annoying just because of his name - I think of the singer every time I see the name, and I can't stand the singer.

I don't recall if anyone else has made this connection, but does the "R" in R. M'Rissey stand for Rich by any chance?

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Originally posted by Tromium:
I wonder if Imra's S&M moment was a subtle nod by the writer to S&M=Shooter and Manapul? I wouldn't put it past him.

At least we know who's the Top & who's the Bottom.

Originally posted by rickshaw1:
"Be shocking.." and he awnsers a call. Classic.

The expression on Irma's face as Garth answers the call is priceless.

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From: Minneapolis Minnesota | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for doublechinner   Email doublechinner         Edit/Delete Post     
This issue really didn't do it for me. Like so many other books I otherwise enjoy, this ish REALLY felt like the padding to reach some trade paperback cutoff. Count me as also being less than thrilled with ANOTHER alternative Legion group. After the Workforce, EarthWatch, Wanderers, Terror Firma, Justice League Earth, it's all too much. Unless this quickly becomes the Legion Academy, then it's OK. The art also didn't do that much for me. It was competent, but Garth's costume looked wrong, and the Legionnaire's lack the distinctiveness that Francis has given them. I'm not a huge manga fan, I thought Coipel's art was interesting at best, but Manapul has really hooked me, and I'm as surprised as anybody. The SINGLE biggest difficulty in reading the Legion has been getting the characters confused. Manapul's style and the effort he put in to making the Legionnaires individuals has really paid off. Viva Manapul! I'm also delighted by the backup, even if it seemed a bit slapped together. You HAVE to make time for things like this if you want the readers to appreciate the specialness of the Legion. It's great that Lyle is once again the creator of the flight rings. I hope we can see a Legion "secret" story about how young Lyle, boy genius, helped Brainiac 5 solve the flight ring problem. I can imagine that Lyle THOUGHT his breakthrough would earn him Legion membership, only to get dissed by Brainiac -- "we already have one genius on the team; do something else useful, like making yourself invisible!" And lo, that's just what Lyle Norg did!

[ May 03, 2008, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: doublechinner ]

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"

From: Chicago, IL | Registered: Jul 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for kcekada   Email kcekada         Edit/Delete Post     
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I liked the artwork WAY better than Manapul's. Can we make this guy the new Legion artist? Please?

I agree that Lopresti is better -- but he's had years of experience. And he's the new artist on Wonder Woman -- so I don't think we'll see him on Legion again any time soon.

I think Manapul will get better with experience. I'm just not looking forward to his revised costume design for Ayla (it was perfect as is!).

I also wish someone would revivie Cockrum's design for shrinking Violet - it was so unique -- and her current costumes in Legion and in Action comics are boring.

Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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As for the story itself, well...

there were some very good moments, and the characterization is really great, but the overall story is moving painfully slow.

I'm also tired of the fake future swearing. It's going on too much -- and frankly, these kids need to clean up their vocabulary a bit.

And do we really need Legionnaires in their undies every issue. I know some people here get their cheap thrills from this (sadly), and I like a sexy Legion (dating back to Cockrum's version), but let's not overdo it.

I do wonder how much life this version has left. Shooter is doing a good job, but I doubt there's enough going on to find a bigger audience. As it stands, I think a Superman & the Legion title by Johns would bury this title.

Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for wamu2           Edit/Delete Post     
Originally posted by kcekada:
As for the story itself, well...

I do wonder how much life this version has left. Shooter is doing a good job, but I doubt there's enough going on to find a bigger audience. As it stands, I think a Superman & the Legion title by Johns would bury this title.

probably. when Johns(most likely) starts the new book next year, the initial sales will be high(look at Waid's first several issues). but then it will probably slack off to the mid 30s.

this has nothing to do with art, style or anything, I simply believe that there isn't that much interest in the LSH. sure, the LSH in Action has received a lot of attention, but most of that is probably because it's in Action. in solo a book even with Superman in the title, it probably won't do that well. and while the 3 worlds will probably sale well, I wouldn't expect that to carry over.

I know, I know... the book ate the sales charts years ago and some of you have been reading it since before Shooter had a writing gig. but that doesn't change the fact that at this point in time the audience is probably around low 30s. even with Geoff Johns and George Perez on art the book won't be able sustain Countdown numbers. and you take it to the bank.

From: chicago, IL | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Semi Transparent Fellow

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I really liked the art in this issue. The problem for me is the plot. I read this issue last night and can't for the life of me remember what it was about. I know there's something about an alien threat that's been dragging on for issues and issues it seems and moving forward at a snails pace. And then there's snippets of Legionnaire life and little incidents, but there's no focus to the individual issue. In the days when I really enjoyed the legion, there was a self contained story or adventure in every issue (or two at most) with the backstory proceeding through a longer arc. The issues story gave a sense of completion while the back story kept the interest up for the next issue. I know Shooter is capable of this type of writing, because he used to do it. I wish he'd return to it.
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for reckless   Email reckless         Edit/Delete Post     
I disagree with the people who feel that nothing happened in this issue. The Legion infiltrated the UP, Lyle was arrested, we found out that the UP leadership has changed and is now anti-Legion, and they created a new alternative Legion to be at their beck-and-call. Yes, there is a lot of stage-setting, but that is largely because Shooter inherited a Legion with characters who had been given little-to-no characterization. After seeing this slice-of-life snippets, readers are more likely to care about the characters when they go into battle.

While I understand the desire for self-contained stories, do they really exist that much in comics anymore? I wish they did, because the ability to tell an interesting story in such a confined space is a true art. However, I can't think of any book that regularly has self-contained stories. They usually are changes of pace from multi-part epics. Moreover, for the Legion, there is an intrinsic danger in doing too many self-contained stories; with so many characters, some will get lost and fans of those characters will get annoyed. I think that is why Shooter is generally having a main plot involving 4-5 Legionnaires each issue (the infiltration of the UP in this issue) and a couple of subplots building for future issues or running from past ones (Timber Wolf/Projectra, Cham, Ultra Boy's concern about Rimbor) involving a few others.

On a few other fronts, M'rrissey's plot looks interesting. I assume he sold the plans or a scan of a flight ring (which dovetails nicely with the history of the flight ring). I wonder what patent laws are like in the future.

Registered: Oct 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for doublechinner   Email doublechinner         Edit/Delete Post     
Good points, reckless. But, like STF, I think issues with more of a narrative direction to them work better--they stand up better as chapters in the larger story.

I agree it IS good to know more explicitly about the UP's anti-Legion turn--it does advance the larger plot. But, I completely lost patience with this ish was Lightning Lad on the phone with UP poobahs the whole time. I don't know if the scripting was klunkier this issue, or if I'm just tired of it, but it completely rubbed me the wrong way. I think it's a joke that has gone on too long and lost its humor. Plus, if the UP has gone anti-Legion, WHY did they restore transmatter priveleges and dispatch the team to Rimbor? I hope Shooter pays off that seeming inconsistency.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"

From: Chicago, IL | Registered: Jul 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Awkward Pause Boy

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Not a lot going on plot-wise that interests me, but Mr. Shooter continues to pander to my short attention span and desire to see more legionnaires. So, as with the last few issues, it was a good read.

Timber Wolf's change of tune for Imra was another 180 degree shift from last issue's depiction, but more understandable than Ayla's shift in last issue.

Even though the legion seems to remain a fairly bumbling group, I'm glad the depiction of Cosmic Boy and Brainy as masterminds has stopped. Saturn Girl's competence is certainly shining through now. And I hope that happens more consistently for more legionnaires too.

The insert about the flight rings was nice to see too--a nice bit of fertilizer for legion continuity.

From: Portland, Oregon | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Askanipsion   Author's Homepage   Email Askanipsion         Edit/Delete Post     
The art in this issue was just...okay. I hated how the ponytails were drawn...especially on Irma. I like Francis' artwork MUCH MUCH better.

I didn't hardly recognize Giselle....she looked like a totally different character.

Poor Cham....he needs bird love.

I think the art kinda ruined this issue for me. I have liked his art before...just didn't seem right for the Legion though.

From: South Florida | Registered: Jan 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Kid Quislet
Vote for Mighty Mog

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I found it interesting that Saturn Girl wanted to take a team with "muscle" this time on her upcoming trip to Rimbor. She had T-Wolf and Star Boy with her on Triton, but they don't count?

I have to say I am enjoying the Shooter writing much more than the Waid effort. I would like to see Mr. Shooter just leave the Waid version behind and blaze a new trail. I keep thinking the incorporation of the Waid version into these new stories is holding back the pace of the last few issues. The characterization has been great, and in just a handful of issues we've been getting a nice rotation of Legionnaires featured. Due to be featured soon: Dream Girl, Dream Boy, Sun Boy, and maybe a little more Phantom Girl, Element Lad, and Triplicate Girl.

"My dance card was getting fuller than a contestant's at a Jandan shurg-off." - Exnihil, The Lost Klordny

From: Frederick, MD | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
I love everybody & you're next!

Icon 1 posted      Profile for lil'rhino   Author's Homepage   Email lil'rhino         Edit/Delete Post     
Faboo story.
Bland art.
Jo in his undies! Yaaay!

From: elizabeth,nj | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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