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» Legion World » LEGION CLUBHOUSE » The Legion of Super-Heroes » Adventure Comics 4/507 Preview/Discussion (Spoilers) (Page 4)

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Author Topic: Adventure Comics 4/507 Preview/Discussion (Spoilers)
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Raven and Torquemada, the magic Green Lantern. No idea if I spelled it right.

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
I love everybody & you're next!

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I loved the art on the Legion story. That full page of Mysa on her throne was stunning!!
From: elizabeth,nj | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dev - Em

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Liked the Legion story. Interested to see where Levitz takes the Mysa/Blok story thread. Drake and Dawny was nice.

Superman Prime stuff cracks me up for some reason. I'll probably stick with this through the transition.

From: Turn around... | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Possibly an evil Legionnaire

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Eh, I walked away from it this issue. I flipped through the Prime stuff, and I liked seeing the threeboot Legion again just because I think wherever that is going can be interesting, and there was one or two panels that piqued my interest, but the main story didn't have enough to grab me and I'm not paying $3.99 for an 8 page (or was it 11, someone counted) Legion story. I might come back for the Conner story (hey, it was my fave for a long time) but I doubt it.

When Levitz comes on full time I'll probably check the Legion out again, but right now I just don't think it's worth it, especially with knowing there is a transition coming up. Kinda how I feel about Teen Titans, might check in once Conner and Bart return but until then there is no point.

So GIVE ME SPOILERS! As I won't be reading the book itself and I hope you all enjoy it!

Long Live the Legion.

Long Live the Legion!

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Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Originally posted by stephbarton:
Eh, I walked away from it this issue. I flipped through the Prime stuff, and I liked seeing the threeboot Legion again just because I think wherever that is going can be interesting, and there was one or two panels that piqued my interest, but the main story didn't have enough to grab me and I'm not paying $3.99 for an 8 page (or was it 11, someone counted) Legion story. I might come back for the Conner story (hey, it was my fave for a long time) but I doubt it.

When Levitz comes on full time I'll probably check the Legion out again, but right now I just don't think it's worth it, especially with knowing there is a transition coming up. Kinda how I feel about Teen Titans, might check in once Conner and Bart return but until then there is no point.

So GIVE ME SPOILERS! As I won't be reading the book itself and I hope you all enjoy it!

Long Live the Legion.

Click Here For A SpoilerPrime is addressing the reader, bemoaning how we think of him as a joke and wishing they'd left him out of Blackest Night. He flips to the end of the story and is horrified by what he sees.

On New Earth, a black ring downloads Alex Luthor Jr.'s memories and revives him in the Hall of Justice. Luthor stays behind from the rest of the Lanterns, suddenly disappearing with a bunch of black rings in his hand.

In the 31st Century, the 3B Brainiac 5 is annoyed that the UP won't let him excavate old San Francisco, or San Diego I can't remember, in order to find the comics that document New Earth, as he believes they could've used them to prevent their Dirk and Jan dying. Light Lass alerts the Legionnaires that a time anomaly has occurred, Prime has just walked out of his house.

Prime demands that his parents drive him to a nearby comic book store. During the drive he seems lost in thought while staring at a picture of himself and Laurie. His father, Jerri, asks that Prime please not hurt him and his mother, but Prime is offended by that question. He did what he did to Laurie because she stopped liking him, but he knows his parents love him. When his mother, Naomi, honestly admits she's deathly afraid of her own son. Jerri worriedly tries to apologize for his wife, to which Prime tells him to shut up. They finally get to the store, and as Prime leaves the car, Naomi tells Jerri to drive off. He responds that Prime would just find them anyway.

In the store, Prime angrily demands for an issue of Adventure Comics #5 to know what happens to himself. The clerk tells him he can ask online for spoilers even though the book hasn't come out. As Prime types away, Alex pops into the story and incinerates a customer who compliments his "Black Lantern costume". Alex comments to Prime about how the computer, and the internet itself, serves as an excellent conduit for the rage of us readers who hate Prime so goddamn much. Prime shoves his head into the screen, but that doesn't hinder Alex. Using his abilities he amps Prime back into Superman-Prime, complete with the armor, and continues to egg him on about how we see him as a one-dimensional joke with no heart. Prime insists that his parents love him, to which Alex tells him not to confuse love with obligation. Alex's whole plan is to get Prime as angry as he usually was, when Prime gets hit with kryptonite and red flames. He looks up, and more Black Lanterns are on the scene. The Blood Pack, Baron Blitzkrieg, Major Disaster, Bushido, Charaxes, and Sun Boy and Element Lad. Alex gives the "spoiler alert" that Superboy-Prime dies next issue. Prime, horrified, demands to know what happens next-

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Click Here For A SpoilerBlok punches through the hallway of Legion HQ, angrily stating he needs to find the White Witch. Phantom Girl and Brainiac 5 are behind him, and while Tinya tries to go after him, Brainy notes how love makes most of the Legionnaires, with the exception of himself and Quislet, do stupid things. He also notes how Mordru's attack has caused Blok's outer shell to start falling apart.

Dawnstar and Wildfire follow Blok, and the two agree to follow him to Zerox to find Mysa, despite objections from Brainy and Cosmic Boy. Drake and Blok discuss their respective relationships, and Blok muses on the idea that the xenophobia plaguing the universe, and xenophobia itself, can stem from fear of falling in love that the world can't allow. Blok cites Romeo and Juliet as an example, the two lovers who had to kill themselves in order to be together because of their arguing families. Blok and Drake both agree it's the worst story ever.

On Zerox, the three are amazed at how much brighter and nicer the planet's become, if not somewhat ruinous. Blok mentions that he feels better inside Mordru's former palace when he falls on his knees in pain. Just then, the three are greeted by Mysa, the Black Witch, sitting on a throne of skulls. On the wall behind are the visages of Alan Scott, Zatanna, Raven, Torquemada, Blue Devil, and Kid Devil.

Mysa explains that she has purged the planet of the dark magic which has ruined it, and that she has been using Mordru's black magicks for good. But she also says that she fears resting since Mordru is technically inside of her and she might lose control. But she is not sorry for her choice. As she touches Blok, reeving in pain, she changes her appearance back to the White Witch, and white light envelopes Blok. Standing in the remnants of his shell, he now stands taller and stronger, his appearance now darker, polished stone. The two kiss as Drake and Dawny's hold hands in silent amazement. Suddenly, Mysa screams in pain as her appearance changes back. She can only stay as the Black Witch, now and forever, if they are to be together, and Blok agrees to stay by her side and aid her.

As the two Legionnaires depart, Drake and Dawny muse on the enormity of the sacrifices Blok and Mysa are making, and they understand that they themselves would make the same one if they were in the same situation.

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Quiet member

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so where's Quislet hiding now? [Smile]

Kid/Red Devil...hmmm...he's presumed dead in Teen Titans but who knows? I hope he'll be back soon.

From: Hayward, CA | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Matthew E:
Here's what I want to know about the main story.

Did it play out just like it did in Superboy-Prime's copy of the issue?

If it did, Prime is either really into cooperating with destiny or stupider than I can wrap my brain around.

If it didn't, then just what was in his copy of the issue?

This is what happens when you take a punchline and try to make a serious story out of it.

The issue is exactly what he read. He read the beginning of the book and then flipped to the end of the story. He flipped to the ending at the exact point it showed him doing it in the comic and he missed all of the story between the page where it shows him flipping to the end of the story, and the end of the story. I think it works perfectly.
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Originally posted by Candle:
On another thread, which I can't seem to find at the moment, someone (Nightcrawler?) posted a way to get to a picture from another story besides Lo3Ws that showed the first 3 prisoners that Mordru robbed of their powers.
One was an older version of Alan Scott.
I forget who the other 2 were but one was the one that you think looked like Raven, but wasn't.

I think one of the faces we see this time is:
and another's is Dragonmage,
both people that Mordru said he tortured and stole their powers from.

I wish I could find that first picture, again.

Superboy posted the images.
From: San Diego, CA | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Icefan:
Originally posted by Pariscub:
Spectre Hal Jordan (?)

Never heard of him LOL
But I've never been a Green lantern fan

Ze Frainch Legion fan

From: Edinburgh, Scotland | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
The Man From Cargg

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Originally posted by Glen Cadigan:

Unless you're on the hotline to DC, you really shouldn't pass your interpretations off as fact. Paul Levitz has already stated that he's essentially picking up where he left off. This issue made a reference to the state of the Sorceror's World after "The Magic Wars." The only post-Crisis Legion story that they need to dance around is "The Death of Superboy," and that one story alone does not mean that everything that followed (or preceeded) it took place in an alternate continuity.

This is the same Legion that was published in the Baxter series. This is the same Blok that was going through adolescence and was therefore undergoing physical changes back then. When they get around to it, they'll either explain away the "Death of Superboy" storyline or ignore it entirely.

These are comic books. It's not that complicated. Everytime there's a continuity goof, it doesn't mean that there's an alternate universe. It means that these are products put out by multiple hands over a long period of time, and contradictions will occur. If they were all by the same person, it could be argued that it was all part of a master plan, but they're not, so they need to be judged for what they are, and not what they're not. All the comics that Paul Levitz wrote back in the '80s happened. This is the same Legion, only at a later point in time.

And Jim, the backup was 11 pages long, so it's worth buying!

I agree Glen... the Legion of Magic Wars et al was so long ago... I doubt I would notice a continuity goof unless it was major. The important thing is... this feels like the "real" Legion... or at least like the original one. Unlike the Earth Prime Legion... one has the sense that there is a rich history behind these characters... even if it isn't always 100%consistent to past storylines.

The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.

From: Hamilton | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sarcasm Kid
Bring Back Lian Harper

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Thank you! Finally, someone who manages to make sense!

I want to be hated by lies
Bring Back Lian Harper

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From: Bronx, NY | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
A forever cadet!

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Thanks, Nightcrawler, we can always coundt on you!

'In the twinkling of an eye'
I'll be dancing in the sky!

Come, join me!

From: Salem, Oregon USA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Thank you! Finally, someone who manages to make sense!

Except maybe the writers who are paid to tell the stories. How hard would it be to be consistent. Looking forward to Paul's run. I hope he finds a way to ignore Johns' run as much as Johns has ignored what Paul wrote.
From: San Diego, CA | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Silver Age Lad
Part-time member living in another century

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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Thank you! Finally, someone who manages to make sense!

Except maybe the writers who are paid to tell the stories. How hard would it be to be consistent. Looking forward to Paul's run. I hope he finds a way to ignore Johns' run as much as Johns has ignored what Paul wrote.
I totally agree. When you think about it, since Johns started the revival of the classic Legion there have been well over 100 books (including the Mon-El/Tellus etc run) that's $400+ to buy them all. If the average is 40K readers, then readers have shelled out $16Million on those titles. If out of that little lot someone cannot be paid to ensure continuity, then what are the editors being paid for?

"Our devotion to each other was unexplainable"
"You were kids"
"No Batman, we were Legion"

From: Ancient Kingdom of Northumbria, UK | Registered: Aug 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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