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» Legion World » LEGION OUTPOST » Mission Monitor Board » 2008: the ultimate MEET-UP at San Diego: wrap-up, pics and sharing experiences (Page 44)

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Author Topic: 2008: the ultimate MEET-UP at San Diego: wrap-up, pics and sharing experiences
Honoring the Primary Color Gang

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Yes, yes you were, STU.

Abin: You know what to do with a Cali sandwich? No but neither do Cobie and CJ!
CJ: Yeah, we do. She's smiling, isn't she?

Context... who needs it?

From: Sunny Cali-- er, Planet Earth? | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Honoring the Primary Color Gang

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A Caliente, courtesy of Monkey-Eater Lad...
Click for fullsize image

...a Frio, also courtesy of MEL...
Click for fullsize image

...and a Super-baby-boy print that I picked up for $1!
Click for fullsize image

I'll try to figure out a way to scan in my sketches, too. (I got a Moonstar, Bouncing Boy, Robin and Nightwing.) Pictures of the con will be coming, too! Probably sometime tomorrow...

[ July 27, 2008, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: Caliente Queen ]

Abin: You know what to do with a Cali sandwich? No but neither do Cobie and CJ!
CJ: Yeah, we do. She's smiling, isn't she?

Context... who needs it?

From: Sunny Cali-- er, Planet Earth? | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Monkey Eater Lad
Gorilla Griller

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Alas monkey eater lad had to skedaddled outta there for a highschool reunion. It was great seeing you guys again meeting you new folks. Photos (composited) to come !
From: Alameda, CA | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Well, due to some pretty unfortunate circumstances, I had to leave this morning as soon as possible, so I was only at the con for about 36 hours after traveling across the entire country and spending a good amount of $ to do so. But it was still so worth it just to meet everyone again or for the first time.

CJ, thanks a ton for all your help man on getting me out of there. I shall be returning your signed Kirman Invincible TPB via mail. (Unless this was just your excuse to stand in line and have him sign another one you sly dog [Big Grin] ).

Cali, what happened in the room with CJ and me last night will be forever me secret.

And Scott and Caroline--I'm so sorry I never got to meet you guys face to face [Frown] . We will soon, I promise! Somehow, some place.

Its been a pretty rough day for me, involving long flights and waits and even a quick 'crying alone in the corner at the airport trying not to be noticed' sequence, but I'm home and things are okay. Rather than get into any of that, I'm spending this last ten minutes thinking about all the fun I had yesterday and last night.

I can't wait to see the photos, especially the ones Abin took of me with Princess Leia, Psylocke, Plastic Girl, and various other young ladies. And the cool one MEL took of me and Marvel Girl!

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Also, since I don't see it mentioned anywhere on the site here, 19 of us had a little rooftop pizza party last night which was just incredible. I got to talk to old friends like Darden and Rob and Stu and meet people I never have before like Director Lad and Seymour and Rocky, and it was just so cool.

Then about 14 or so of us went to this cool 'dueling pianos' bar and had a pretty fun/crazy night! By about midnight we were down to about 8 and starting doing mind-eraser shots and getting crazy. Stuey--I knew you were pretty buzzed! So were so many other people!

Then at 1:30, CJ, Cali, Michael Grabois, Actor and me searched all over for another place that was open and found one that was only doing shots--so of course I had 'em line up the patron gold tequilla! After slamming those down I was definitely feeling it. What a great night. I think I had about 6 hours sleep total for the two nights I was there.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Blockade Boy

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Originally posted by Kid Cobalt:

Its been a pretty rough day for me,

hmmm, when you wrote that you had to get out quick, i had a good one-liner about "pink" or "blue," which somehow doesn't now seem appropriate.

Hope everything works out quickly and well.

From: East Toledo | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Proud Moments at Panels

The Batman Panel (with Grant Morrison & Paul Dini): "When are you guys going to give us the long awaited return of Ace the Bat-Hound...and make him cool?" - Cobie

"Ace is dead!" - Grant Morrison

"He's mounted in the cave!" - Paul Dini

15 minutes later at the Geoff Johns Panel...

"Geoff, Grant Morrison just told me Ace the Bat-Hound died off-panel. Can you and Ethan Van Scriver do a Ace the Bat-Hound: Rebirth?" - Cobie


Geoff Johns Panel (again): "There is a member of the latest version of the Legion named Dream Boy. Can you have Superboy Prime punch off his head in Legion of 3 Worlds please?" - Cobie

"I'll make a note of it" - Geoff Johns

"Haha, hell yeah man!" - some guy in the back as I walked back to my seat.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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That was funny! I forgot about it until right now. We were definitely getting loud at that point!

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Glad you made it home safe Des. And have a safe trip Stu.
From: San Diego, CA | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I want to thank everyone for the great time at the Legion World dinner party tonight before I head to bed for the night -

Quislet, Esq.
Outdoor Miner
Sir Tim Drake
Fat Cramer
Faraway Lad
Gigglebot Girl
Director Lad
CJ Taylor
Kent Shakespeare
Rockhopper Lad
Suddenly Seymour
Abin Quank
My Roommate (who babysat the table with Ronda for us during the Legion Panel and 1 hour prior line waiting - Much Thanks to both of them)

(Sorry that Ronda, Scott, Caroline, and anyone I forgot couldn't make it over.)

Thank you all!

From: San Diego, CA | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lightning Lad

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Sorry you had to leave so soon Des, and under those circumstances. Please give the future Mrs. Cobalt our sympathies. And, yes, we will get a chance to get together one day. Maybe get you to come out to UT and show you how the clubs works there. [Smile]
From: Utah | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
CJ Taylor
Schako Lad

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So here's some photos to start. For some reason my photos of LWers involve drinking...


From: Denver, CO | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
CJ Taylor
Schako Lad

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Originally posted by Kid Cobalt:
Proud Moments at Panels

The Batman Panel (with Grant Morrison & Paul Dini): "When are you guys going to give us the long awaited return of Ace the Bat-Hound...and make him cool?" - Cobie

"Ace is dead!" - Grant Morrison

"He's mounted in the cave!" - Paul Dini

15 minutes later at the Geoff Johns Panel...

"Geoff, Grant Morrison just told me Ace the Bat-Hound died off-panel. Can you and Ethan Van Scriver do a Ace the Bat-Hound: Rebirth?" - Cobie


Geoff Johns Panel (again): "There is a member of the latest version of the Legion named Dream Boy. Can you have Superboy Prime punch off his head in Legion of 3 Worlds please?" - Cobie

"I'll make a note of it" - Geoff Johns

"Haha, hell yeah man!" - some guy in the back as I walked back to my seat.

Add one more- the DC Universe panel on Saturday.

"My name is Cobie, and I talked to Grant and Geoff about this yesterday. Any plans to bring Ace the Bat-Hound back?" - Not Cobie

After some audience applause...

"He's in Ambush Bug Year None. He makes a hell of a strawberry daiquiri." - Keith Giffen

See Cobie's first panel question... Newsarama - DC's Dark Knight panel

[ July 27, 2008, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]

From: Denver, CO | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
CJ Taylor
Schako Lad

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Wed - arrived in SD. Met with everyone at the booth. Wandered the floor with Scooter, used the phrase "Whoa!" more times than a Blossom rerun. Jeff Moy is at the con, with a special spread of the Legion. Watched our very own Rhonda move behind a table and become a professional, signing autographs and being the celeb she really is. Walked a long way for supper, had chocolate for dessert. There may have been other people eating my chocolate.

Thurs - More whoa-ing with Scott. Introduced Director Lad to the Walking Dead while he introduced me to Invincible. Robert Kirkman didn't recognize me. Had supper at a brewery, more chocolate for dessert. Headed to the Love Shack (the one room able to contain DL,Kent,Seymour, & Rocky) for some down time awaiting most beloved poster. Said poster arrived with biceps. After closing down a bar not even 1 hr after arriving in SD, Cobie crashes on my floor. We talk comics for two hours, with the conversation ending something like this...

"Man, Morrisson is writing the best Batman!"
"I know, right! Kyle Rayner and Connor Hawke should have their own buddy book"
"That's a great idea! Spidey is my favourite character."
"Green Arrow is mine. I remember-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Fri - About 4 hrs after falling asleep midsentence, Cobie begins using whoa. Cobie meets Joe Kelly when I bring him to a Robert Kirman signing. I got photos with him, he poked my brain, still doesn't recognize me. Ace, the Bat-Hound's slow return to the DCU begins. Chris Batista will "talk your ear off" about DnA Legion. Girls in costume- Abin made sure Cobie found all the ones under legal age. Pizza party, MEL sketches, outing alt ids (HRUN?!?!- no way!), dueling pianos, more not sleeping.

Sat - Change in plans. LW takes a photo with Jeff Moy. More floor, panels, lots of Black Lanterns, VU knows about Static in Teen Titans, Zatanna ongoing. A noticeable lack of chocolate and Kirkman, Quis wanders with a sociopath but reads the Umbrella Academy anyway. Paul Levtiz, Matt Wagner, Gail Simone, and Marc Andreyko. Legion love-in panel, Cali still rockin' the mic. Supper, snogging with Quanky Boy is followed by more time at the bar. No whoa

From: Denver, CO | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
CJ Taylor
Schako Lad

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Originally posted by Kid Cobalt:
Well, due to some pretty unfortunate circumstances, I had to leave this morning as soon as possible, so I was only at the con for about 36 hours after traveling across the entire country and spending a good amount of $ to do so. But it was still so worth it just to meet everyone again or for the first time.

CJ, thanks a ton for all your help man on getting me out of there. I shall be returning your signed Kirman Invincible TPB via mail. (Unless this was just your excuse to stand in line and have him sign another one you sly dog [Big Grin] ).

Cali, what happened in the room with CJ and me last night will be forever me secret.

My best to Sue and the family Cobie.

Hmm... I gave you a Kirkman signed Invincible trade? Guess I'll just have to go back and get another...

Too late Cobie, she told EVERYONE. But I still disagree with her, it's not about size...

[ July 27, 2008, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]

From: Denver, CO | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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