Legion World
Posted By: Exnihil LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 03:24 PM
Recently, when I was working on one of the images for the "LMB Monitor Board" thread I used some genogram symbols in the logo I made for Shining Son. That got me thinking... I wonder what a full family tree for the LMB would look like.

WARNING: There are spoilers in the image - don't click it if you don't want to know.

Using Cobie's "fast facts" thread, the LMB wiki, and a couple other sources, I put together this first draft below.

It's very rough and only based upon the info I was able to glean, so there are likely huge gaps and possible misconnections, but I figure it's a good place to start to soliciting feedback for revision.

A couple notes:

- As I didn't want any unconnected islands of characters, I've only put in those that I could connect to the main tree through either familial, romantic, or otherwise established very close relationships (ex. Rocky being Tim's mentor, Cobie and Mystery Lad having been college roomates, or the Everday Girl/Holly Honey/My Whee Fem having been orphans together).

- Resultingly there are some notable ommisions including, but not limited to: Nightcrawler, Candle, Dedman/Viridis, Fanfic Lady, Fat Cramer, Kent, and cleome (among many others).

- The hierarchy is mostly generational, as much as possible, but not entirely. Basically, "home row" is the third from the bottom, with mostly LMBers. Moving down from that point, the next row is non LMB supporting characters (relations, spouses, etc) and the bottom row are the younger characters (young LMB members, children of the LMB). Moving up from "home row" is the "parental" row - but also includes older LMB members such as Abin or Faraway Lad. I've also included Tempest's Avalon characters here as simply a matter of convenience. Above that is the "grandparents" row, but also includes Matlock as he is far older than he looks (He was already old enough to have been on the police force, facing off against the Yellow Kid 60 years ago). The House of Rockhopper then goes one generation higher, but that's an artifact of the software I used (see below). There is then a gap (I should somehow note this that separates a few characters into the far distant past (Pornis, The One Called the One, Numnuts, STU, Pagan Lass, and Stoopid Cat)

- There are a lot of invididuals listed as unknown. Some of these are legitimate (such as EDE's mystery wife) but a lot of them are artifacts of the genogram software needing to have parents listed in order to indicate siblings. The worst example of this is that, in order to show Sketch Lad and his cousins, I needed to go back two generations of "unknowns".

- Varying levels of romantic relationships are represented. I haven't done a legend yet, but basically, here's a guide:

Square - Male
Circle - Female
Diamond - Multiple individuals
An "X" through any of those is deceased

Black - Married
Black with X - Widowed
Brown (crossed)- Marriage Dissolved
Blue (Dashed with Solid underline) - Committed Relationship
Blue (Dashed crossed) - Former committed relationship
Blue (Dashed) - Adopted
Blue (Dotted) - Casual Relationship (short term, or just a date or two)
Blue (Dashed and Dotted) - Very short term/one night stand
Pink - Love Affair
Red - Coercion of some type
Grey (dotted) - Unknown
Grey (arrow) - Minor crush in the direction of the arrow

Green (double) - Very tight friendship/mentoring
Green (circles) - Spiritual connection
Red (squiggly) - Inheritence of a criminal legacy
Red (Triple) - Robot duplicate magically given sentience, changed into a humanoid, and later killed ( wink )

Grey dots between siblings indicate twins/triplets

- There are a couple of odd things that I couldn't full represent (Shark Lad and his "siblings" as genetically engineered, the SHAKES androids, the essense of Hugh Taylor being transferred between women prior to birth, etc.) but I did the best I could, and I think it's mostly self explanatory.

Anyway, take a look, let me know what I missed, got wrong, or otherwise just plain lied about.

Click to enlange:

click to enlarge
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 04:27 PM
You are really awesome Ex, you know that? You're just too cool for words!

My initial impressions is: CROWNING MOMENT OF AWESOME!!!

I'll need to give it a second look to really soak it in, since it's wondefully complex! It's pretty groovy that the LMB can be represented in a way as a huge family tree.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 07:14 PM
Thanks so much, man.

I just took another run through "fast facts" and think I can tie a few more folks into the tree.

A couple questions I need clarification on, though:

1. So "Homecoming Queen", who lives in the LMB's universe, is actually the daughter of the Earth-4 Cobie and Thora, correct? And she was romantically linked to Beagle Boy?

2. Cobie was involved with "Tiffany Spiffany". Is she the sister of "Lester Spiffany". If so, what is the nature of the relationship between Lester and Leap Year Lass? More to the point... is Leap Year Lass just another name for Teeds, or are they two different characters?

3. Is the Emerald Empress still dead?

4. Since Dev Em had an entire career in Counter Intelligence prior to joining the LMB, is he still closer in age to the average LMBer, or is he more Abin/Faraway Lad age?

5. Sonnie Bloke was Numf-El's brother... but since the Ghost of Numf-El has a completely different genetic make-up, does that mean Sonnie is not the GoNE's brother? (holy crap... btw... what an acronym!)

6. It looks like at one point during his Inquisitor days, Sir Roy had a thing for Quislet, Esq. Was this reciprocated? And does Roy have any other family/romantic ties?

7. Icefyre is a male, correct?

8. In the never finished "Tell an LMB Story in Reverse" thread, it was revealed that Zardi is the father of the Light Brigade member, The Flasher. Do either of those two have any other known family/romantic connections?

9. C.J. Taylor. Is he... you know... another brother of those other brothers?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 08:49 PM
1) Yes, you've got that exactly right. She's also the Earth-4 version of Umber.

2) Tiffany Spiffany is the sister of Lester Spiffany, yes (she's an alt on LW). They dated briefly.

*"Leap Year Lass" = Teeds, and that's her official LMB codename. She is Lester's fiancé.

3) Yes

4) I believe he's somewhere in between Faraway Lad and the average LMBer, but I'll let him clarify.

5) Numf's heritage is as complicated as he gets. Basically he's the 'child' of all the multiverse's greatest heroes: Hercules, Luke Skywalker, etc. That includes Cobalt Kid as represented in this reality. How Sonnie is his actual brother is something I'm not sure he ever explained, whether adopted, or brother via another reality, or something else? (They are brothers in RL)

6) Sir Roy and Quislet were engaged for many years though never married. Roy's past was delved into during Five Faces of Death. He has no siblings or other romantic ties (his parents long dead).

7) Correct. He is Semi's half-brother.

8) None that I'm aware of, though Abin has a HUGE backstory for Zardi that remains unrevealed.

9) That revelation is going to be a MAJOR part of Lord of the Oval! So very shown you shall know for sure!

*Cobalt has also dated several others over the years but I didn't want to inundate you to people Cobalt was linked up to. One nicely complex one is Mantis, who is linked to Mattropolis in that both occupy the same space in different realities--meaning, whenever one is on Earth-1, the other is on Earth-3 (further meaning this is the real Marvel Mantis). She dated both Cobalt Kid and Space Ranger for a time (er, but not at the same time).
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 09:21 PM
Brilliant stuff!

possible considerations/additions:

Kent had romantic relations with Myriad (and short-term with Viviane).

Ghost Girl had/has a spiritual connection with Lard Lad.
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 09:58 PM
Igraine, Morgause, and Viviane, while based on real people, never came to LW. They were all shades of Tempest, so was DivineOpalJanell.

All of which, was mostly explained in here.

So, they aren't the ones with parents...as Tempest was their unconscious originator. Though Tempest herself is the daughter of Baroness Janiel and her husband Rober.

That's from my notes, I haven't posted it anywhere.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 10:03 PM
Cobie is right. Dev is older than the average LMB'er, but not as old as Faraway/Abin.

Part of the thing with him is that he looks younger than he is due to his heritage. He may look younger than Lardy, but is older than him by about 5 years.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 10:45 PM
To fill in a gap or two, and cause you a bigger headache.

Dev (along with T-Wolf) and Sharklad share a heritage as well. Their Mothers (from http://www.legionworld.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=2;t=001209 )

They were twin girls named Helena and Suzanne born to Dr.'s Francis and Gretta Aurelius.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/27/12 10:50 PM
Awesome job by the way.
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 12:57 AM
Ex, I am ever in awe of you! This is a-mah-zing!
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 01:04 AM
His talents do seem endless, don't they?
(I mean there was the Cadbury Egg thing, but I give him a pass on that one.)
Posted By: SharkLad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 01:26 AM
Totally awesome, man... a work of staggering genius...
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 02:05 AM
Excellent job!

However, Mordra and Dru's parents are definitely known! Dad (deceased) was Mordru and mom is Mala (alive at this point). Also, Pornis' father/Lardy's grandfather was XXXauron (deceased). Pornis' mother is unknown.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Ghost Girl had/has a spiritual connection with Lard Lad.
Now, there's a dangling plot thread! frown
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 02:57 AM
Oh yeah...plus Hugh Taylor/HUGEMANBREASTS (deceased) was a clone of Lard Lad (though imperfect). Maybe a new spiffy line to represent cloning? laugh
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 03:00 AM
Thanks for all the feedback and the additional info guys!

Tempest - I just read your Revealing Shades story. That was such an awesome recap of all your characters and a perfect way to bridge the continuity between them all. I have to admit, trying to weed through all the old threads and figure out just who was who was a nightmare for someone who wasn't on LW at the time. With that single story, I feel I finally have a clear picture. For the genogram, what I'll do then is add Tempest in (along with her parents) and indicate through some sort of new connection line which other folks in the tree were her shades. I feel like, at a bare minimum, Viviane has too many hooks into other characters to eliminate her from the diagram altogether, but I'll indicate the she, Morgause and Divine Opal Janell are "aspects' of Tempest.

Dev/Sharky - Truth or Consequences... whoa! I did not see that coming at all, but that is such a cool twist. It really gives a whole new nuance to the long standing Shark Lad/Furball animosity. It will take a little bit of readjusting of the chart (I have to figure out a better placement to tie you two together, while still keeping Lon in proximity to the Hrykos family and now realizing that Icefyre is Semi's brother, but I'll make it work).

Kent - Great! I'll totally add both of those... I was really bummed about not finding connections for some of the major players.

Lardy - I'll add in the additional Mordra/Dru info, and the Hugh Taylor clone, but a quick question about the XXXauron/Pornis stuff. So are they both sort of ancient beings or is Pornis a more contemporary offspring?

Cobie - While I don't really anticipate the return of Numf and Sonnie, I will add them as brothers even with the continuity mishmash. Is it fair to say, though, that Numf was this "son" of these heroes, but that his "ghost" was the offspring of Golden Girl... or was he originally Golden Girl's kid and then just came back as a ghost after he died?
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 03:40 AM
Oh! Another question for Cobie.:

During the "Thyme Crime" when Phineas was adjusting the timelines of various LMBers, he temporarily adjusted that of Lolita such that she was replaced by the meek librarian, Mary Hatch. I had written that Mary was the child of "Niles and Esther Hatch" and the granddaughter of a "Dr. Ezra J. Hatch".

The question is - Is this still a valid lineage still for Lolita after her timeline was restored, or was "Mary" not an alternate timeline version of Lolita at all, but rather a different person altogether that the universe "subbed in" for her once she was out of the picture.
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 03:44 AM
I had to look something up to make sure. According to "Pyngwyn's Progress" Rockhopper Lad's origin story, Rocky's grandfather was actually Emperor Chrysochome XXXIV. I don't think I ever established what his father's (Rocky's great-grandfather's)name was. "Chrysochome" is Rocky's middle name, "Eudyptes Chrysochome", of course, being the taxonomic classification of the rockhopper penguin. smile

This makes this project no less a-mah-zing. laugh
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 03:52 AM
No prob... easy fix, Rocky.

In order to show Chrysochome and Kestor as brothers, though, I have to include the parental pair. Should I just list the great grandfather as "unknown"?
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 04:49 AM
It's never been established, but why don't why decide right here and now that his dad was Eudyptes XXVII! smile
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 06:34 AM
Ex, thanks for the comment about Shades.

And also, I think this is an amazing endeavor on your part and I thank you for taking the time to create something that will be so useful for all.
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 12:12 PM
(I thought I responded to this awesome thread already)

A couple things:

1) yet again so frikin awesome EX!!

and really interesting to see it all laid out.

2) PB needs to get busy .... he's off on his own with only one arrow pointing at him!
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 12:39 PM
I'm sure if every LMBer who had a crush on Peebs was pointing to him, he'd have more arrows than Oliver Queen. wink
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 06:00 PM
tee hee blush

hug Rocky.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/28/12 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Exnihil:

Lardy - I'll add in the additional Mordra/Dru info, and the Hugh Taylor clone, but a quick question about the XXXauron/Pornis stuff. So are they both sort of ancient beings or is Pornis a more contemporary offspring?
They're all pretty ancient beings. As revealed in LotO, Pornis was actually a minor god in Greek mythology called "Priapus" (look him up in WikiPedia! smile ). His history is not necessarily the same as Pornis', but I feel they are one and the same, nonetheless. So Pornis' folks are even ancient-er! laugh
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/29/12 11:42 AM
wow. Just... wow.

And kudos to you for cataloging the many love affairs of Cobie wink
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/29/12 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
wow. Just... wow.

And kudos to you for cataloging the many love affairs of Cobie wink
I'm super-impressed that you included Rocky's cousin Makarona!
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/29/12 11:42 PM
I'm surprised there's room for any of us on the list given all of Cobies "relations."
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 05:13 AM
Ex, I had some of my names wrong, I looked in my notes.

Anyways, as Tempest is confusing as it is, I made my own little tree, I hope this will help with your project.

click to enlarge
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 04:00 PM
bump for a new page
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
Dev (along with T-Wolf) and Sharklad share a heritage as well. Their mothers.
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Icefyre is a male, correct?

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Correct. He is Semi's half-brother.
Originally posted by Exnihil:
During the "Thyme Crime" when Phineas was adjusting the timelines of various LMBers, he temporarily adjusted that of Lolita such that she was replaced by the meek librarian, Mary Hatch. I had written that Mary was the child of "Niles and Esther Hatch" and the granddaughter of a "Dr. Ezra J. Hatch".
OK, so I think I got the Dev/Sharky section squared away. I've gone ahead and isolated it from the rest of the tree to let you guys confirm.

New connecting lines are:

Red (crossed) - genetically engineeered
Green (cross hatched) - DNA contributed

click to enlarge

So basically:

- Francis and Gretta Aurelius had twin daughters, Suzanne and Helena

- Suzanne had a love affair with Kar Em, from which Dev was born
- Using Dev's DNA as a template, Suzanne genetically engineered Lon
- Lon was raised by Kar as Dev's brother (I used the "adopted" line here)

- Helena genetically engineed Sharky, Beaver, and Woodchuck (among others - indicated by the diamond) using the DNA of Josiah Marner

- Although Suzanne is dead, she maintains a spiritual connection to Helena (sometimes taking over her mind)

- Dev is married to Princess Alyson, with two kids, Han and Jon
- Lon has a current non-committed relationship with Kalla Hrykos (the illegitimate daughter of the former head of the clan Hrykos and an unnamed peasant woman)
- Sharky has a current committed relationship with Lolita (I've included her "Mary Hatch" lineage here, but that can be removed if Cobie doesn't agree)
- Sharky had a former casual relationship with Icefyre, the half-brother of Semi

Look right?
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 05:36 PM
Jeepers this is complicated!

Isn't it about time for a reboot? wink
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Isn't it about time for a reboot? wink
Why... who is Reboot related to? wink
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 08:32 PM
Ex, for Lolita, that history for her would only exist in the Mary Hatch timeline. For now, her past is purposely mysterious so that absolutely nothing prior to her first meeting Cobie is known. (And even that is vague and purposely misleading). 

So yeah, you can remove.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 08:48 PM
Another complicated bit:

Cobie had a short fling with Frio, Cali's sister. Later, Frio had a relationship with Gary Concord, who turned out to be an alternate Earth / reality version of Cobie.
Posted By: SharkLad Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 09:13 PM
So cool, Ex... looks great!
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Jeepers this is complicated!

Isn't it about time for a reboot? wink
OMG ... I'm in!
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/30/12 09:35 PM
I mean MLLASH'S HOARY HOSTS!!! ... I'm in! wink
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 12:09 AM
Looks right. Great job.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 05:01 PM
OK, time for the Cobie and Tempest sections of the tree.

A couple new connecting lines:

-Red (triple dashed) - Parallel world doppleganger
-Grey (double circle with arrow) - Tempest's "shades"; magical mental projections that manifested as real people on LW, but didn't actually exist. I've further indicated these by shading the individuals on the side not facing Tempest.

click to enlarge

So... deep breath:

- Cobie has been married three times (twice annulled to Space Tart then HPV, currently "soul-bonded" to Spellbinder).

- He's had past committed relationships with Debauchery Damsel and Lolita, more casual relationships with Princess Makarona, Princess No-Protection, Sure Lee and Tiffany Spiffany, and flings with Thora, Frio, Dessert Rose, Golden Girl and Myriad.

- He's had children with Space Tart - Ulgorith, Thora - Umber, DD - The Archduke of Tiime, Dessert Rose - Robot 99, Golden Girl - Numf El, and Myriad - Triplicate Girl

- His two parallel world selves, Gary Concord and the Earth 4 Cobie, have had relationships respectively with Frio and the Earth 4 Thora, the latter of which produced Amber (also known as Homecoming Queen), a parallel world version of Umber.


- Tempest, from the lineage shown highest has, in the past, projected "shades" that seemingly had various relationships with Legion Worlders. These include:

- High Priestess Vivianne, once married to Cobie, also had romantic relationships with Loser Lad (who also dated Space Tart), Kent Shakespeare (who also dated Myriad), Future, and had an affair with Abin Quank (which produced a "shade" daughter, Divine Opal Janell).
- Morgause (HPV's "sister") who had a relationship with Loser Lad.

- I have only included these 3 Shades (of many) as they have the most LW specific relations. For the same reason, I've removed the 3rd "sister" of HPV and Morgause, Igraine.

- For Tempest's ancestry I've only included the direct lineage (not the full extent including aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) to try to keep this line as directly LW-centric as I could. (I followed a similar guide earlier for Red Arrow, who also has a extensive character specific lineage).

- I do have a question, though, Tempest, about the generational placement of your lineage. Reading through your wiki article, I get the sense that these magical/fey characters are extremely long-lived and date back to the Middle ages. Is that correct?


Additional stuff:

- Amber had a relationship with Beagle Boy

- Caliente is married to Actor Lad and had an earlier love affair with Tamper Lad. Her twin sister, Frio, as previously mentioned, had relationships with Cobie and Gary Concord

- Faraway Lad is married to Gigglebot Girl, but had a brief affair with Space Tart.

- Tamper Lad had a relationship with Thora

- Mystery Lad was Cobie's College Roomate

- Sonnie Bloke is Numf's "brother" but I can't figure out how that would work, so I'm just going to say that they are very tight.

- Tiffany Spiffany's brother Lester is engaged to Leap Year Lass.

- All of the characters with an "x" line proceeding to a diamond is just my shorthand to indicate that their particular character-specific sections of the tree have been cut out for the purpose of this image.

- I know, Cobie, that you also had a relationship with Antiquated Forms of Communications Lass, but she's clear on the other side of the tree and I can't figure out how to connect her to you without crossing like 50 lines. I'll give it a think.



Look about right, guys?
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 05:33 PM
- I do have a question, though, Tempest, about the generational placement of your lineage. Reading through your wiki article, I get the sense that these magical/fey characters are extremely long-lived and date back to the Middle ages. Is that correct?
I am not going to make definitive time line for any of Tempest's ancestors. The storyline between Janiel and Raudulfr started in the middle ages, he was released from the lake in the 2950s. Raudulfr was born in the early middle ages, and his mother was about 19 when she gave birth to him.

I like Marvel's Asgard, so their history will stand as such (though I really won't delve too much into it). As for the maternal side of the family, Janiel obviously came before Titania, and Oberon is probably a few years younger than Janiel. But they have all definitely been around longer than the Middle Ages.

Awesome edits on they chart!
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 06:25 PM
Cool, glad you dig it!

I think what I'll do for the final complete version is put in some sort of "break lines" to indicate general eras.

1. The bottom one will go as high as the earliest Rockhopper Lad ancestor shown and refer to the 30th/31st centuries.

2. Above that, I'll put a block for the 20th/21st century for characters explicitely originating from there. Dedman and the Yellow Kid come to mind, but I'm sure there are others.

3. Above that, I'll have a vague "Middle Ages" block where I can put Raudulfr and his parents.

4. Above that, a vague "Ancient" block for Pagan Lass, STU, etc. as well as your Janiel line.

5. And the highest level will be a "Prehistoric" block for godlike ancient beings like Pornis, The One Called the One, etc.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 08:45 PM
A few more things...(don't shoot me wink )

- no worries on how to connect AFC Lass with Cobie. For the record, it's been revealed that Cobie lost his virginity to her.

- Cobie hooked up with Kara, an LMBer who was also Icefyre's cousin.

- another complex one: Cobie briefing dated Danger Damsel, then just Anne, who is now deceased. She also dates Sciopio Taltarus, who is also deceased. Anne had a sister, Sara, who dated Invisible Brainiac. I know, I know, not exactly what you wanted to hear for adding MORE. :eel:

- Eryk has had a longtime on-again, off-again romance with Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal II. FYI, her brother, Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal I is deceased.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
A few more things...(don't shoot me wink )
Not at all... I love this stuff

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

- Cobie hooked up with Kara, an LMBer who was also Icefyre's cousin.
OK... well let me ask you this, then... Is she merely Icefyre's cousin... or also that of his half brother Semi? That is to say, is she a cousin through the shared parent (which, for simplicity's sake, I'm assuming is their father)?

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

- another complex one: Cobie briefing dated Danger Damsel, then just Anne, who is now deceased. She also dates Sciopio Taltarus, who is also deceased. Anne had a sister, Sara, who dated Invisible Brainiac. I know, I know, not exactly what you wanted to hear for adding MORE.
That is actually perfect, because "Sara" worked at Cafe Cramer. I've been looking for a way to link in FC, and if the only connection was FC to Sara to Ibby, I would have thought that was too loose. But if I can tie that same girl into the Scipio Taltarus thing, than I think that's more than enough to justify a "Cramer" block. w00t!

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

- Eryk has had a longtime on-again, off-again romance with Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal II. FYI, her brother, Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal I is deceased.
Yeah, I actually did that one already, but I haven't shown the Lardy/Eryk section again since the first draft.

OK... so if I don't mind adding all these things, then I feel no compunction about continuing to pester you with questions. wink

Here's the latest thing bugging me:

STU and Raging Bull. It is stated that they are brothers, but Abin established that STU hails from ancient Egypt. Does that mean the RB is from that time period, as well (which I really hope is the case, because it opens up a cool possibility as to why there is so much "Bull" symbolism in ancient religions)?
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 09:25 PM
If we're going in and recording all these flings, IB had a "fling" with Spelling Bee. Everyone else thinks they just made out, but...

She's only appeared once, but she's gonna appear again soon.

I love how much you're loving this, Ex. Nearly anyone else I know would have gone nuts from all the history behind this.
Posted By: Abin Quank Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 09:28 PM
Also it has long been established that Stoopid Cat and Fat Cramer are brother and sister.

How that works has never been revealed. LOL!

Great Job EX!

What are we going to name Ex & My's first child?

Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/01/12 11:14 PM
As long as you're still loving this!

Since only Icey ever acknowledged Kara as a family member, I'd say she's only his cousin, not Semi's.

Not sure on Raging Bull but I love your ideas for him also being ancient and all the Bull symbolism in religions.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/02/12 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
What are we going to name Ex & My's first child?
Hmmm... well... I've always been fond of the name, "Phineas". wink

A little background behind Ex's "crush" on My Whee Fem:

Half of the characters included in this project I never even heard of until I started doing the research for that LMB Monitor Board symbol project. When I came across "My", I was stopped in my tracks with what a cool - yet relatively unexplored - concept she was. Even in a technologically advanced 31st century setting, there was still a place for this little Asian assassin girl who just uses knives and swords. I totally got this image in my head of "Deadly Little Miho" from Frank Millers' "Sin City" - "She'll cut you quick... she'll kill you quiet... you won't feel a thing."

For a while now, I've been mulling over writing an LMB story called, "The Long Klordny" that would have a very "film noir" feel to it. There are so many cool characters that could fit in: Matlock- the detective; Quislet Esq. - the lawyer; a couple old Primary Color Gang characters like Red Rage - the washed up boxer and Blue Cheese Lad - in my mind, small time criminal "Fast Eddie Stilton"; certainly Exnihil - the corrupt executive; and definitely My Whee Fem - the exotic femme fatale.

So, anyway, smitten with this fictional girl, I added Ex's feelings toward her as canon during a LMB Halloween story that Emily Sivana and I wrote together last year called The Dead Man\'s Tale .

OK... enough of all that, on to the update.

This time out, the Lash/Cru section:

click to enlarge


- Lash is currently married to the wealthy publishing heir, Josh Seigel, with whom he recently became the adoptive sugar-daddy to LMB member, Karie. Through an as yet unrevealed set of circumstances, Lash is also the father of

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Shining Son</span></span>.

- Previously, Lash has had short term relationships with Matt Damon, Raging Bull (who also dated Mattropolis, a hero who occasionally trades places with the Universe 3 heroine, Mantis), a "hard light hologram" of Raging Bull called G. Stallion (who later died during the LMB Zero Hour), and Large Handsome - the late inheritor of the Handsome crime cartel - also known as the criminal, Middlefinger II.

- For a time, an alternate universe version of Lash, known as Micheal Lorenzo Lash - or the Reverse Lash - troubled the LMB.

- Lash's close friend, Sketch Lad, was the creator of the being known as Globe Girl, a heroine that he based off of now deceased LMB member, Silicon Sandra. Sketchy is also cousins with twin sisters, Absolute and Sure Lee, the later of which - as mentioned in the previous section - dated Cobie.

- The House of Jectra - ruled by King Hrold and Queen Suzyn - brought forth the LMB twins, Prince Mykel AKA Crusader (who is married to the sorcerer Maxx) and Princess Crujectra AKA Spellbinder (who has, in the past, dated Raging Bull's brother STU and LMB member Ultra Matt AKA The Boy with Ultra Powers, but is currently "soul bound" to Cobalt Kid).


- Spellbinder's relationship to STU, and their subsequent offspring, is part of a story called "The Children of the LMB". I won't go into the full details of the story - which can be found in Cobalt Kid's Written History of the LMB but, suffice to say, their children, Blu and Lu - along with those of Beagle Boy and Homecoming Queen (Amber, the daughter of the Universe 4 Cobalt Kid and Thora), Beaglegirl, Black Beagle, and Orbeagle (collectively called the "Beagz of Prey") - no longer exist.

- I wasn't going to include these five children but, after reading Cobie's synopsis, I was pretty moved and felt I should. "The Children of the LMB" is a viscious - but poignant - bit of LMB history. I don't think it actually occurred as a proper story - rather played out in small bits - but the collective result is, in my opinion, pretty darned powerful. I've indicated that these children have been erased from the timeline by coloring their respective blocks black.


Other stuff -

- I've already discussed the Leap Year Lass - Spiffany connection but, after reflection, decided to move it to this block of the tree to be in closer proximity to Lash. (Ideally, I'd try to make a triad of Lash, LYL, and EDE... but EDE is too closely tied to the Lard Lad block to make that possible).

- The Middlefinger Legacy: so... "Middlefinger," had been a criminal moniker that had been inherited by the murder of the previous holder... up until Middlefinger VIII (formerly Princess No-Protection) who merely assumed the title, not following protocol. Resultantly, there are currently 6 different active Middlefingers as of this writing... with a "War of the Middlefingers" quietly brewing behind the scenes. I've only included the Middlefingers with direct hooks into the LMB here, namely Large Handsome (Middlefinger II), his brother Molock (IV) and the aforementioned Princess (VIII).

- Although we discussed the possibility in this thread of STU's brother, Raging Bull, hailing from Ancient times, I don't feel comfortable indicating that here without some sort of consent/affirmation. Accordingly, for the time being, STU comes from Ancient Pre-Egypt, RB is contemporary... stranger things have happened.

- Cobie, in your "Written History" you refer to STU and Cru's daughter as "Dru," but in the original post she was called, "Lu," so I decided to go with STU's authorial intent.

- I haven't included the previously used "x-arrow" notation for off-chart connections because - in this case - all of the right pointing lines lead to one place: a romantic connection to Cobie - what a surprise! wink

Corrections and additions welcome.
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/03/12 06:27 AM
Can I be proud of you? Because I am. This is such an amazing task, thank you. I'm loving these.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/03/12 06:23 PM
Thanks so much, Tempest!

Once I started scratching the surface of thing, I kept getting sucked in deeper and deeper. It's like a huge logic puzzle or something that I just have to solve.

Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Also it has long been established that Stoopid Cat and Fat Cramer are brother and sister. How that works has never been revealed.
I think I came up with a fairly simple solution for that which makes a lot of sense and doesn't violate anything else that's come before. Take a look and let me know if you agree:

So... the Abin/Ibby/Ex/Emily block (or the "It's all about Everyday Girl" block):

click to enlarge


- Abin Quank, the patriarch of the Quank Clan, is the widower of the late Pagan Lass, an ancient Pre-Egyptian sorceress, herself the daughter of the goddess Bast and one of her concubines, Numnuts the Semi Incomprehensible (whose apprentice was the mage, STU).

- Abin also had affair with High Priestess Vivianne (a Shade of the LMBer Tempest) the union of whom produced a daughter, Divine Opal Janell (also a Shade)

- Abin's adopted brother Bart Quank (known as Space Ranger) had a serious relationship with the late Emerald Empress.

- Abin's late wife Pagan Lass (who was served by her familiar Stoopid Cat, himself a creation of Bast) had previously been married to an another man and, during that relationship, had given birth to Princess Diana of Valhalia.

- Princess Valhalia and Hrun the Barbarian (himself the son of an affair between a Barbarian woman and a time traveling Matlock - who, being much older than his appearance would indicate actually had 9 other children with his wife from earlier in his own personal timeline) are the parents of Everyday Girl.

- Everyday Girl, for her own protection, was placed in an orphanage as a small child (where she was close friends with fellow orphans Holly Honey and My Whee Fem) was later adopted by her grandmother Pagan Lass and Abin, who she considers to be her "Gramps".

- Everyday Girl is in a committed relationship with Sam Pureheart but previously had a huge crush on Invisible Brainiac.

- She is also protected by two small sprites named Nobody and Noone, very ancient residents of the Cack dimension. These cacks resemble tiny versions of Cobalt Kid and Eryk Davis Ester for reasons that date back to a time travel trip to Ancient Greece that Cobie and EDE haven't even as yet undertaken (but which Shark Lad has), as related: HERE


- Invisible Brainiac is currently in a commited relationship with Blaze, but has previously been linked to Spelling Bee, and a young girl named Sara (a barista at Cafe Cramer) whose sister Anne (also known as Danger Damsel) previously was involved with Cobie.


(Rampant plugging of Exnihil-authored LMB stories to follow wink )

- Exnihil (after a long and convoluted series of events involving the collapse of a rogue timeline, related: HERE - which is well worth a read if ever you get a free day or so) is the son of Amelita Ward and Leo Gorcey.

- As related in the previous post, he has undeclared feelings toward My Whee Fem, and had an awkward near romantic faux pas with Red Arrow after he got too drunk: HERE

- He is also very close friends with the talismanic mage, kenaustin, who first encouraged Ex to travel to Legion World, and later taught him a valuable lesson: HERE


- Red Arrow (AKA Emily Sivana) is the product of a long lineage of both heroic and villainous personages (abbreviated here reflect just her LW specific adventures). Of note is the fact that her uncle Lex Knight seems intent on getting her into an arranged marriage with an individual of his choosing for seemingly nerafious reasons.

- At Invisible Brainiac's encouragement she finally entered into a romantic relationship with her long-time associate Sebastian Sage AKA Question Lad. Previously she had a crush on LMB member Power Boy.


Other Stuff:

- I wound up having to drop the "crush" line that Ibby had toward Lolita (as she is currently better placed in the Shark Lad block) but added the Everday Girl crush toward him, as that was more intense in any case.

- I have a feeling that I'm missing some sort of connection between Power Boy and his earlier persona Disaster Boy, but I'm not entirely sure what the deal is there (maybe this is included in the Lord of the Oval epic?)

- Abin had stated that Fat Cramer and Stoopid Cat were brother and sister but that the actual mechanics were unknown. Given that the goddess Bast was explicitely stated to have concubines, it made a lot of sense to me that Fat Cramer's feline race was very likely to have been a product of that system. Perhaps all cats are in some way siblings, as the descendants of Bast. Like I said up top, this is just my suggestion, and can be removed if there is disagreement.

So... look good?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/03/12 08:41 PM
I like the Cat theory!

It also means...dun-dun-dun!!!...that they are related to Queen Connie, now deceased and Vee's cat, and Jinx, Eryk's calamity cat! (FYI, Eryk also had a Calamity Monkey, who became Liberty Monkey, before going back in time to have adventures with Tomahawk).
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/03/12 11:24 PM
You wanna make Ex's head explode...don't you?
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/04/12 05:17 PM
Oh, I crossed that line a long time ago, Dev. wink

OK... the Rocky/Lardy/Eryk block:

click to enlarge

- Rockhopper Lad is the heir to the throne of the Pyngwyn Colonies of the planet Hyustyn. The son of the current emperor, Eudyptes XXVIII, and the Empress Maryss, his patrilineal predecesors include former emperors Chrysochome XXXIV and Eudyptes XXVII.

- Also included in the royal family are Rocky's sister Princess Adelie, his cousin Princess Makarona (who used to date Cobie) and his great uncle Krestor.

- Romantically, Rocky has been involved with the late Blaine Fey (Openly Gay Lad of Earth 4) and, for a time, fellow LMB member Lard Lad. He also acts as the mentor to Tim Temp, the hero known as Time Teller Lad.

- Both Rocky and his sister have been seen to have parallel duplicates on Earth 4, his - the Evil Emperor Penguin, and hers - the heroine Rockhopper Lass. Siblings also, I haven't listed the full lineage of the earth 4 Rockhoppers as it is merely parallel to Rocky's own.

- As the heir to the throne, Rocky knighted and served as the patron to the late Sir Roy (formerly the Royal Inquisitor), who had long been engaged to Quislet Esq.

- Time Teller Lad himself was romantically linked to the late Clive Taylor, a robot duplicate of Lard Lad who was granted sentience, and who himself had earlier dated Babette, a robot server at SHAKES bar.


- Lard Lad (of whom Clive was a robot duplicate and the late Hugh Taylor AKA Hugemanbreasts was a clone) is one of a pair of twins (the other being EDE) that came from the union between the ancient gods The One Called the One and Pornis (the latter of whom was the child of the late god XXXauron).

- Apart from the ealier noted relationship with Rocky, he has also been romantically involved with the late Leelee (known as Dazzle Lass), Hummer Lass (although this may be more of a deep affection as opposed to romance), the woman known as Girl Girl or Hermaphrodite Helen, and the late sisters Mordra and the sorceress Dru (daughters of Mala and the late Mordru).

- Through various means, Mordra has mothered two children with Lardy against his will, both of whom have later been given to Helen for their upbringing. The first, Helena, was carried to term by Mordra, while the latter, Hugh Desmonius, had his essence magically transferred to Helen, who then physically birthed him.

- Mordra herself was married to the heir of the Clan Hyrkos, Damyen. Following his death, and that of his brother Collus, leadership of the clan has passed to an illegitamate child of their father and a peasant woman, now going by the name Kalla Hrykos - known for a time in LMB circles as Hot Chick. Kalla is currently involved with Dev Em.

- Lardy also has a spiritual connection to the wraith, Ghost Girl, the nature of which has not been revealed.


- The other One Called the One/Pornis twin is Eryk Davis Ester who is currently married to a mystery woman, but has, in the past been romantically linked to Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal II (the sister of the late Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal), and Antiquated Forms of Communication Lass, the later of whom is close friends with Lucifer Lass - a girl who serves The One Called the One and (although at one time represented herself as a possible duplicate of Eryk) has recently claimed that she is his sister (though she makes no such claim toward Lard Lad).

How'd I do on this one?
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/04/12 09:42 PM
...and here's the whole thing put together again, with all the suggestions and revisions thus far (along with a legend) and some roughed out dividing blocks (I'll gussy it up later, it's just as a general guide).

I think the only additions I've put on that haven't already been discussed are:

- A former romantic relationship between Icefyre and Italian Boy
- A tight friendship between Lash and Rhino
- A crush from Thora to Outdoor Miner (Really? Apparently, she was taken with his "soulful green eyes"!)
- The Danger Damsel/Scipio Taltarus romance
- And looping Harbinger in as part of the Numf-Sonnie tight bond.

click to enlarge

That's what I've got thus far.

I'd love to get some more folks in, but am at a loss as to how the rest fit in.

Some ommisions thus far (not at all complete I'm sure) include:

- Arachne
- cleome
- Dedman/Viridis (I know he's married to Disdemona... but is there anyway to connect the pair to the main trunk?)
- Disaster Boy (Is he connected somehow to Peebs, other than Peebs having pretended to be him?)
- Fanfic Lady (In a relationship with Deirdre and avatar of Amora the Enchantress but, again, anything connecting that set of characters to the larger group?)
- Helena Handbasket
- Kid Prime
- Kid Voodoo
- Lucien Lad
- Nightcrawler
- Nova Girl (was she involved romantically with Tamper Lad or just close friends?)
- Poverty Lad
- Seahorse
- Shadowplay in Candlelight (I was thinking as a "maternal" figure to Sarcasm Kid but, again.. what are the LMB hooks?)
- Suddenly Seymour
- Whitelighter/White Raven
- The Yellow Kid (I can do a whole Primary Color Gang section, but how to best connect the whole thing?)

Those are the ones that immediately jump to mind, but who else might I have missed?
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/04/12 10:26 PM
Disaster Boy is not connected to Peebs other than Peebs thinking it was a cool name to steal when he first showed up on LW. DB having just departed. Very Mystery Lad ... Sensor Girl-ish. laugh

In my imaginary world ... it never caught on and everyone started calling Power Boy .. Power Boy ... because of his many powers and well he's powerful.

anyhoo ... Disaster Boy's evil parents from his alternate dark future X-Men-esque timeline ... named (planet) "Qward" ... are named Cosmos King and Saturnine Queen (evil dopplegangers of Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy)

They've shown up as villains in Legion World's main timeline briefly.

Disaster Boy had a crush on a "falcon" (or a hawk). who may or may not be a statue. big emphasis on the MAY. or it could have been a companion .. i don't know ... it's one of those weird historical things like Power Girl's pregnancy that just IS ignored.

Disaster Boy is however, a very real Legion Worlder and about to kick some butt in The Lord of the Oval novella.

anyway, there's an attraction between Disaster Boy and Peebs but nothing in canon yet.
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/04/12 10:27 PM
unless of course Power Boy finds out about Disaster Boy's thing for falcons ... then it most likely will be off ...
Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/04/12 10:33 PM
Power Boy is quite promiscuous and open but he did have a bit more than a passing interest in Question Lad ... which is interesting ... but not reciprocated.
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/04/12 10:46 PM
Rocky is (or maybe was) Deirdre's employer (she is on staff at the Rookery), so they have a professional relationship that may be a way to get her and Fanfie on the chart. Sir Roy also had a professional relationship with Rocky, since he was a Knight of the Pyngwyn Colonies.

[Edit: Oh, there he is! Duhh! Ex, you are so 'way beyond mere awesomeness!]

Technically, the Blaine that Rocky was romantically involved with should be called "Openly Gay Lad", as noted, the Blaine Fey of Earth-4. The evil Blaine Fey of Earth-1 was involved with the Emperor, but that Blaine never adopted another name.

I like that you found a way to get the Emperor and Rockhopper Lass in. smile
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/04/12 11:35 PM
Also, when Rocky was Deputy Leader under Joeboy, Lad Boy served as his secretary (he was promised a cushy job during the election). I guess a lot of people have worked for Rocky at one time or another. laugh
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 04:18 AM
Originally posted by Exnihil:

- Apart from the ealier noted relationship with Rocky, he has also been romantically involved with the late Leelee (known as Dazzle Lass), Hummer Lass (although this may be more of a deep affection as opposed to romance), the woman known as Girl Girl or Hermaphrodite Helen, and the late sisters Mordra and the sorceress Dru (daughters of Mala and the late Mordru).
Lardy also had a (complicated) sexual thing going with Kalla Hrykos for a time.

And let's not forget his current situation with Tempest. they started out flirting a lot and then finally did the deed. After that, she kind of pushed him away, though he was head-over-heels. Since they've been together on the Oval mission, it looks more and more like she really does feel the same way about him, though both haven't had time to really sit down and talk about it.

Kalla is currently involved with Dev Em.
Actually, it's Timber Wolf she's involved with, not Dev.

Lucifer Lass - a girl who serves The One Called the One and (although at one time represented herself as a possible duplicate of Eryk) has recently claimed that she is his sister (though she makes no such claim toward Lard Lad).
Recently, (in Lord of the Oval) Lucy has revealed that she is Eryk and Lardy's half-sister, the product of a union with the One and an unknown father.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 04:31 AM
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Lardy also had a (complicated) sexual thing going with Kalla Hrykos for a time.
Cool, that's an easy add.

Originally posted by Lard Lad:
And let's not forget his current situation with Tempest. they started out flirting a lot and then finally did the deed. After that, she kind of pushed him away, though he was head-over-heels. Since they've been together on the Oval mission, it looks more and more like she really does feel the same way about him, though both haven't had time to really sit down and talk about it.
That one's a little trickier... damned Cobie keeps gumming up the works with lines to like 100 different ex-girlfriends. wink It'll take a little shuffling, but I'll give it a go

Actually, it's Timber Wolf she's involved with, not Dev.
That's just a typo, the chart has it correct

Recently, (in Lord of the Oval) Lucy has revealed that she is Eryk and Lardy's half-sister, the product of a union with the One and an unknown father.
Cool, that's the way it appears in the chart, anyway, I just wasn't sure if it was official. Guess I'm actually going to have to sit down and catch up on LotO one of these days... that's where all the good stuff seems to be happening these days.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Guess I'm actually going to have to sit down and catch up on LotO one of these days... that's where all the good stuff seems to be happening these days.
Fuckin' right, it is! nod

Posted By: Power Boy Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Exnihil:
[QUOTE] Guess I'm actually going to have to sit down and catch up on LotO one of these days... that's where all the good stuff seems to be happening these days.
It is really good reading if I do say so myself.
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Originally posted by Exnihil:
[b]Guess I'm actually going to have to sit down and catch up on LotO one of these days... that's where all the good stuff seems to be happening these days.
Fuckin' right, it is! nod

laugh [/b]
You and me both!

Posted By: Shining Son Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 07:19 PM
While I realize it's partially luck and connections, I'm honored to have made it onto this project in my first year! And to have even accidentally inspired it!

I will do my best to live up to it.
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 07:33 PM
Man, this is awesome, Ex. Your family tree captures things about my character which I didn't even remember.

Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Originally posted by Exnihil:
[b]Guess I'm actually going to have to sit down and catch up on LotO one of these days... that's where all the good stuff seems to be happening these days.
Fuckin' right, it is! nod

laugh [/b]
Of course, when we finish LotO you'll probably have to revise the chart AGAIN. I estimate Cobie'll have 10 more ex-girlfriends by the end.

On a lighter note, I might have Blaze fry MY ex-girlfriends which will mean somewhat less work for you tongue

Originally posted by Power Boy:
unless of course Power Boy finds out about Disaster Boy's thing for falcons ... then it most likely will be off ...
That's a scene I'm looking forward to reading. I can just imagine Power Boy's reaction.

Or maybe Peebz will be like, "Well I'll try anything once..."
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/05/12 07:34 PM
Say, where was Everyday Girl's crush on IB revealed? I remember knowing about it, but I don't remember how I found out.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/06/12 12:44 AM
Should I bring up Gear?
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/07/12 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Say, where was Everyday Girl's crush on IB revealed? I remember knowing about it, but I don't remember how I found out.
It was sort of an ongoing thing, but I think:


was the first time you were made aware of it.


OK... update time with a bunch of new stuff:

click to enlarge

First, corrections-

- Added the "Earth-4" designation to Blaine Fey

- Added Lardy's relationships to Kalla Hrykos and Tempest

- The latter required a little bit of juggling, so now Tempest doesn't appear in the midst of her shades, but rather merely connects to them across the chart (from an implied narrative perspective, I think I actually like this layout better, anyway).

- Added Power Boy's crush on Question Lad.

- Changed the color designation of Tempest's shades to grey, because I added the "half-black" to be a new designation for "undead" characters like Numf El and dedman.

And now, additions:

- Added a professional relationship between Lad Boy and Rocky.

- Added a Fanfic Lady block, including her marriage to Deirdre (who works at Rocky's Rookery), and the fact that she has occasionally swapped places with the Earth 3 sorceress, Amora the Enchantress.

- Added Poverty Lad as having a tight bond with Faraway Lad (when Faraway Lad "died", it was Pov who eventually brought him back to life... if that ain't a bond, I don't know what is).


- Added some complicated time travel stuff around Looks that Kill Lad and Viridis Lament - which also necessitated the addition of the 20th/21st century block, namely:

- Added the late LMBer Looks That Kill Lad, along with his parents, Satanicus Omega and Annak Macneil (the connection between the two is the "coercion" line as his father impregnated her through demonic deception), along with his close friendships to both STU and Lucien Lad.

- Added the fact that LTKL was, on several occasions, chronally exchanged with the 20th century pop artist, Britney Spears, as seen near the bottom of the page: Here

- I am assuming that it was during one of these exchanges to the 20th century, that Looks That Kills Lad had his adventures alongside the LMBer Lucien Lad who - as an original native of the 20th century - was known at the time as the "Queen of Diamonds". The LTKL/QoD 20th century crossover is discussed, Here . The QoD is extremely long-lived, later serving with the LMB as Lucien Lad.


- Britney Spears, seen in her 31st century costume, here , was also instrumental in the creation of the LMBer who would later be known as dedman/Viridis Lament.


- Long story short, deddy, originally a 20th century enforcer from Cairn named "Knuckles," accidentally became imbued with mind control powers. He traveled to Earth where he used these powers to form a top selling industrial metal band. Jealous of his success, Britney headed a group that planned to assassinate him. When he was hit with the group's laser bomb, however, he wasn't killed at all but rather....

- He was transported back in time to the Pre-Egyptian age where he used his powers to make himself pharaoh, married to his consort, Lis-Aun-Tahla-Moon. (I think this storyline is really exciting, because that means deddy was actually the pharaoh during the era contemporary with STU and Pagan Lass).

- Both he and his consort were later assassinated in Egypt as the result of a plot by his underlings, but he was shunted into the "Poltergeist Area," which he was able to exit at will, corporeally manifesting throughout history until, finally, in the 31st century he joined the LMB as dedman.

- Recently having taken on the name, Viridis Lament, he is currently in a committed relationship with Disdemona, and employs a trio of minions named Hecubus, Succubus, and Autobus. GIven their nature, I've placed this trio as having originated during the same era as Nobody and Noone, as that seemed to make sense, but that can be modified if additional info proves that incorrect.

Whew. I feel like Roy Thomas trying to tie all this continuity together. wink
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/07/12 03:32 PM
Wow, awesome connection between Dedman and Pre-Egypt! I never realized that before!

Also (I almost don't want to tell you anymore because I'm feeling guilty!)

- CJ Taylor’s connection to the Taylor’s will be coming shortly in LotO

- If you’re trying to tie in Arachne, she used to be Cobalt’s bodyguard. (Not sure if that makes it harder though to connect someone else to Cobie).

- Helena Handbasket is in a relationship with Seth Gaterra

- I would say Tamper Lad & Nova Girl are ‘formerly romantically linked’

- This is a little more than you need to know and complicates things even more than ever, but in the early Security Office days, when Space Ranger & Emerald Empress were dating and Cobalt Kid was dating Mantis, there were times when there was some implied swapping—where Ranger & Mantis hooked up and then Empress & Cobie hooked up. It was more along the lines of everyone just being promiscuous but in hindsight there’s kind of a juicy, kinky vibe to it.

- Earth-4 Cobalt Kid has a widow named Zhiya, as introduced in LotO.

- Nightcrawler is in a relationship with Mowgli, who is also a Legion Worlder & LMBer. Not sure how else to tie them to the chart other than Nighty being an LW founder.

I’ve been looking at the graph and am just overwhelmed with how awesome it is. It embraces the complicatedness of LMB history and just makes me smile from ear to ear.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/07/12 05:18 PM
Thanks so, much!

Your recorded histories have been some of the prime sources for this, so just as much credit should go to you, as well, for keeping track of all this in the first place!

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Also (I almost don't want to tell you anymore because I'm feeling guilty!)
Not at all... keep 'em coming. The more comprehensive this winds up being, the more helpful it will be as a possible aid to future stories.

CJ Taylor’s connection to the Taylor’s will be coming shortly in LotO
Cool, I was holding off on CJ until then.

If you’re trying to tie in Arachne, she used to be Cobalt’s bodyguard.
D'oh! I actually meant to put that in the last update. It'll be in the next one. Although... wow... a non-romantic Cobie connection to a female?!?!

Helena Handbasket is in a relationship with Seth Gaterra.
I'm not familiar with Seth... any good sources I should check out for his background?

I would say Tamper Lad & Nova Girl are ‘formerly romantically linked’.

Earth-4 Cobalt Kid has a widow named Zhiya, as introduced in LotO.
No prob... I'll add those in.

Ranger & Mantis hooked up and then Empress & Cobie hooked up. It was more along the lines of everyone just being promiscuous.
That one might be a little trickier... I'll see how I can shuffle things around but, at first glance, that one might have to be ommitted. I'll give it the old college try though, before saying that definitely.

Nightcrawler is in a relationship with Mowgli, who is also a Legion Worlder & LMBer.
I think what I'll wind up doing with Nighty, unless something else comes up, is to put him in some sort of indicated group with Cru, Lightning Lad, and Kid Prime as the LW founders.

A couple questions of my own now for some things I can't find any follow up on:

- Kid Prime once received a letter from "Ma and Pa Prime" revealing the startling secret that... he was adopted! Any resolution to that plotline?

- Space Tart once randomly showed up on LW with a baby she "found" which was later given into the care of lil' Rhino. What ever happened with that?

One other note, for anyone wondering where Joe Boy/Kid Marvel is. I'm still puzzling through all of Emily Sivana's stuff, because I have a sneaking suspicion that she and Joe Boy share a heritage through Shazam... I just have to find out how best to show that.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/07/12 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Exnihil:
[b]If you&#146;re trying to tie in Arachne, she used to be Cobalt&#146;s bodyguard.
D'oh! I actually meant to put that in the last update. It'll be in the next one. Although... wow... a non-romantic Cobie connection to a female?!?!
I recall a conversation somewhere on the MMB where I said that exact thing to her and she replied along the lines of "want to get punched through a building?"

Thus, a very appropriate bodyguard / protected security chief relationship was born! laugh

Originally posted by Exnihil:
Kid Prime once received a letter from "Ma and Pa Prime" revealing the startling secret that... he was adopted! Any resolution to that plotline?
Nope! Still dangling 8-9 years later!

Originally posted by Exnihil:
Space Tart once randomly showed up on LW with a baby she "found" which was later given into the care of lil' Rhino. What ever happened with that?
I kind of remember that. Was that on Legion World? If not, we can always say it was Robot 99, who was actually left on the doorstep years earlier by Dessert Rose. It was likely a nod for me to do another "Cobie's evil offspring" joke that I missed. Or who knows what it was? shrug

Originally posted by Exnihil:
One other note, for anyone wondering where Joe Boy/Kid Marvel is. I'm still puzzling through all of Emily Sivana's stuff, because I have a sneaking suspicion that she and Joe Boy share a heritage through Shazam... I just have to find out how best to show that.
I wish Joe would be on LW more! (And draw more!). He still posts regularly (and hilariously) on facebook.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/09/12 03:49 AM
OK, a bunch of new stuff. I think I need to start increasing the resolution on these jpgs because the wider the whole thing gets, the smaller the text. It's getting a little hard to read - you can still make out the labels on this one, but I think the next one I'll have to print out larger. Anyway :

click to enlarge

So... new stuff, left to right:

- Shuffled around the Rockhopper family to add in Seth Gaterra/Helena Handbasket, et. al., basically eliminating the family tree structure for Evil Emperor Pyngwyn and Rockhopper Lass. It's still implied, as they are parallel duplicates of Rocky and his sister, It's just not explicitly shown.

- The reason for that was that the Seth Gaterra connection I had to make to loop him in was as a member of the "Covenant" along with Rockhopper Lass and his committed girlfriend, Helena Handbasket. Also shown is his former romance with a woman named Dalnaturi, which was later wiped from the time stream.

- In the "Cobie" block, I added the Earth 4 Cobalt Kid's widow, Zhiya; Tamper Lad's former romance with Nova Girl; and Cobie's tight bond with his bodyguard, Arachne.

- Added in Doctor One as having a professional relationship with Sam Pureheart, as they are both members of the LW Medical community.


Next up, a big section for the Primary Color Gang.

I feel like I should make a note explaining the "deceased" designation I used some of these characters.

As most people know, but for the benefit of anyone who didn't know him, "The Yellow Kid" was a very creative and well-liked member of our community who died in real life a few years back. He was the creator of a whole passel of characters collectively known as "The Primary Color Gang," that I am very, very fond of. I would really be remiss in not including his characters here.

Of these characters he wrote, several of them "died" within LMB continuity, in stories that YK wrote himself. These characters would be: Red Rascal, Blue Boy, Kid Blackout, Big Blue Mean Mutha, and Red Menace.

To that list of "in continuity" deaths, I've also gone ahead and indicated that three others should be considered "deceased" as they were either Primary or Alt ID's that Yellow Kid wrote under. These would be: The Yellow Kid himself, Red Gentleman (also known as "Red Arthur" during the Yahoo Board days) and the Gay Green Giant.

My only intention to moving them to that status is out of respect for Art, so if anyone feels it's inappropriate, just let me know, and I can alter things accordingly.

In any case the PCG is:

- Yellow Kid himself, born in 1894 (close enough that I'll group him in with the 20th century folks) was later transported to the 30th century where he formed his first villainous iteration of the PCG with the Gay Green Giant, Blue Cheese Lad and Red Rascal, the latter two of which were notably older criminals, BCL having squared off against Matlock in the 2960's

- The "Red" mantle passed through three other hands during the PCG's days of villainy - Red Gentleman to Red Rogue to Red Fist, while the Blue passed to Blue Boy (romantically linked to the criminal Lady Dismal). An additional member, Kid Blackout also served during this period.

- Following the move to Legion World, a new heroic iteration of the PCG was formed with Yellow Kid, the Gay Green Giant, and members Big Blue Mean Mutha and Red Menace, both of whom died while trying to save Faraway Lad's life.

- The "Red" mantle during this heroic period then passed to Red Rage, and finally to the Red Chef, while the Blue passed to Blue Tooth Kid.

- Additionally of note is that the Gay Green Giant was romantically linked to a member of a subgroup called the Orange Agents, named Jimmy.

- All of this is very abbreviated, feel free to read their full history: HERE


- Next, a new block for Kid Marvel, along with his sister, Kate Harvestar. As part of Red Arrow's backstory, it is said that. as a Sivana descendant, she possesses some sort of formula for summoning the current bearer of the Shazam legacy, and... as that is Joe Boy in LMB mythos, I figured the "spiritual connection" line would best represent that.

- Moving to the right, I've added in Nightcrawler (and his committed relationship to Mowgli), Lightning Lad, Kid Prime (along with his adopted parents Ma and Pa Prime), and Saturn Girl... all four of whom have a shared professional relationship with Princess Crujectra as the founders of Legion World.

- Finally I added in Monkey Eater Lad as the curator of the Museum of Legion-Arts and gave him a professional relationship with Sketch Lad and Drake B as artists whose collections are housed there. Future would fit in that group, as well, but he is better placed in with the High Priestess Viviane relationship.
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/09/12 04:05 AM
Wow, phenomenal work, Exxy!

I like the 'Ages' timeline. Ghost Girl should actually predate everyone else, for details not too widely known yet [I can PM you about it if necessary].
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/09/12 04:11 AM
Yeah absolutely, shoot me a PM. Predate everyone? I am super intrigued.
Posted By: Invisible Brainiac Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/09/12 05:02 AM
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
[b] Say, where was Everyday Girl's crush on IB revealed? I remember knowing about it, but I don't remember how I found out.
It was sort of an ongoing thing, but I think:


was the first time you were made aware of it.


Thanks Ex, for making me aware of this thread I should have been aware of, but quite simply forgot!
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/09/12 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Ghost Girl should actually predate everyone else, for details not too widely known yet [I can PM you about it if necessary]
Got Kent's message and, yep, that's a darned good reason. smile Good stuff.

So I changed Ghost Girl's location and was able to crack the code with a bunch of new additions (ironically, eight of them of them were actually relationships that I wrote into Onevisions, but forgot about).

New adds:

- The Original LMB inspiration - Engine Joe
- Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass
- Sarcasm Kid
- Jerry
- Blacula
- Lone Wolf Legionnaire
- Suddenly Seymour (along with Audrey)
- Seahorse
- Crymsun (and his pal, Clovyr)
- Awkward Pause Boy
- Xben
- Legion Reference File Lad (Chaim Mattis Keller)
- and Arm Fall Off Boy.

I'm going to hold off on generating the image, though... because I want to see if I can wrap up the whole thing and just do a final version.

Major ones still outstanding - so if anyone can think any LMB specific connections - let me know, are:

- Bicycle Repair Man
- Blockade Boy
- Cleome
- Dave Hackett
- Director Lad
- Giant Robotic Lesbian (is she a real robot... did Loser Lad build her?)
- Gladys the Senient Disco Ball (wasn't she pregnant at one point?)
- He Who Wanders
- Kid Quislet (I desperately want him to be Quislet Esq.'s junior law partner wink )
- Kid Vudoo
- Kid Krypton
- Lance's Realm
- Legion Tracker
- Minesurfer
- Novelty
- Ram Boy
- Reboot (I think I need some sort of clarification on his nature. Is he humanoid... cyborg... an A.I.? And how do "Sanity or Madness" and "Glitch" tie into this?)
- The Red Bee
- Rickshaw
- Senor Widebottom
- Set
- Whitelighter
- and Zardi

Oh, and Cobie... scanning through Lord of the Oval... is Romaltus supposed to be your uncle?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/09/12 09:07 PM
Yeah, Romaltus is Cobalt Kid's uncle, the younger brother of his father.

Blockade Boy's big moment in LMB history is when he saved SHAKES from the Royal Inquisitor during the Dark Stu Saga. At that point in time he was workign for the Office of Security if that helps somehow?

Giant Robotic Lesbian lives & works at SHAKES, so you can connect her to Semi and Vee. She's an actual alt ID of a poster whose origin purposely remains a msytery.

You could imply Director Lad & Actor Lad are colleagues?

Reboot is close friends with Actor Lad if you want to add him in there?

In a crazy way, the Red Bee is related to Lard Lad and Eryk Davis Ester. You see, the Hive are actually the progeny of Pornis (the entire race, as bread and inbred via the Hive Queens). The Red Bee is essentially a rogue Hive 'King' mutant that was too powerful and too indepenent to remain part of the Hive, and therefore shot off on his own. His origin in Bits had him at least a thousand years old (a couple thousand? It's in the 80 page giant thread), so you can group him going back that far. I can check later when I'm not at work. laugh
Posted By: .. Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/09/12 09:35 PM
In regards to Gladys, yes she was pregnant and last I knew we didn't know who the father was.
It seems Gladys has the morals of a man.

Anyways, I know for sure that both Lardy and I were involved with her, not sure who else did.
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/10/12 03:34 AM
How would you indicate a alternate reality child of a characters doppelganger that is actually from the future of that alternate universe...which thanks to the actions that he helped bring about does not exist anymore.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/10/12 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Viridis Lament:
In regards to Gladys, yes she was pregnant and last I knew we didn't know who the father was.
It seems Gladys has the morals of a man.

Anyways, I know for sure that both Lardy and I were involved with her, not sure who else did.
I did a story about this in the LMB 80 Page Giant that I thought was pretty good and pretty funny, but I don't think it went over too big with some of the people who created Gladys! So it may not be canon? Basically I think Gladys was hooking up with all kinds of people in the Security Office (not Cobalt though). But ultimately, the 'baby' was self-replicated since Gladys does not need another sentient to create a baby. It was a bit of a cry for attention.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/10/12 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
How would you indicate a alternate reality child of a characters doppelganger that is actually from the future of that alternate universe...which thanks to the actions that he helped bring about does not exist anymore.
What do you mean?

There are several of those on there already. They are outlined white with a white fill and white text connected with white lines.

Try adjusting your monitor resolution...


Hmmm... keep trying. smile


New Stuff:

- Added the Red Bee as the descended from Pornis and the Hive Queens (with a cool new connecting line to indicate Hive-based relationships)

- Added the fact that Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal II is the reincarnation of 20th century chess master, Bobby Fischer; which then allowed me to tie in:

- Lance's Realm (who is also infused with Charlie Sheen's Adonis DNA) as having a professional relationship to Bobby, and the fact that Lance bonded with:

- Rickshaw, as the two of them became friends when they undertook a mission together to solve the riddle of the mystical chess play called the "Octopi".

- I also added Rick as having a tight bond with Legion Tracker (more MMB than LMB, really... but any port in a storm)

- Added Giant Robotic Lesbian to the SHAKES block

- Added Nova Girl's parents (including the supercool character, her father Colonel Wellesley). I've never really seen much of Tamper Lad's writing... but I totally dig what I've come across during this project... I wish he were still active in LMB stuff.

- I suddenly realized that not only are Caliente and Frio not twins... but they're not even sisters! I guess that was just an assumption that seemed so natural that I just wrote it into my memory as something that I had read. Odd. Anyway, clipped off that connection, as well as their parents.

- I'm not sure whether I mentioned this one before but the deceased Lonestar Ranger is on there, as well, as having tried to force Caliente into marriage.

- Added Reboot as Actor Lad's friend.

- Added Cobie's uncle, Romaltus

- Added a professional realtionship between Arachne and Blockade Boy (it seemed like a good fit because of sort of "defensive" roles each held in the Security Office).

- Added Director Lad - not in relation to Actor Lad, but rather as part of nicely coincidental "holo-vid" block formed between Exnihil and the Primary Color Gang member, Blue Boy. A little more explanation:

- Yellow Kid had written that after Blue Boy gave up his life of crime he became a model/actor on the holo-vid show, Metropolis Place (think "Melrose"). Exnihil is the head of the holovid Production Company, Exnihil Productions (which put out the game shows "LEGIOPARDY" and "Survivor: Marzal".

- So what I did is make a "professional" relationship between Ex, Director Lad and Blue Boy as all being in "the industry" (I left Actor Lad out of that group - both for his Caliente hooks and the fact that all depictions I've seen of him seem to imply that he's more of a stage actor, anyway).

- Once I introduced the "Survivor" aspect, I was able to add both the host, Jeff Proty, and three other LMBers (Novelty, Language Arts Lad, and Floating Foxlike Creature) all of whom had been in the Survivor:Marzal Final Four with Lardy.

- Once I got those three in, I also added Floating Foxlike Creature's one-time crush on deceased LMBer, Foxy Loxy.

- Added Jerry's parents, Ji Daggle and someone that Jerry calls "the Time Trapper". I don't know if I buy that, though. That's a little like Barney Stinson's mother telling him his father was Bob Barker. wink

- Added Gladys the Sentient Disco Ball and her self replicated baby (I think it's a great idea, Cobie... and I haven't seen anything written to the contrary.)

-Added Ram Boy as being tight with Lash, and Lash's romance with Boy Zombie.

- I think I am going to add the Quislet Esq./Kid Quislet professional connection and then just retroactively introduce it the next time I do a Onevision thing. I sort of alluded to it in the LMB Monitor Board Symbol thread and Kid Q seemed to like the idea - even taking on the symbol as his avatar, so... shrug


Which means....

This thing is super close to being done.

Of the other LMBers I had targeted:

- I'm going to hold off on CJ Taylor until whatever is coming up in Lord of the Oval.

- Similarly, I'll hold off on Zardi (pending whatever Abin eventually reveals).

- I think Bicycle Repair Man, Kid Krypton, SuperboyMMDJR, and Set have never really been involved in any LMB-y stuff (although with a name like "Set" - I really want him to be the actual Egyptian god. A contemporary to Bast... who just hangs out with mortals because we're just so darned much fun.)

- Similarly, although Dave Hackett and Minesurfer (and the late l.e.g.i.o.nJOHN) took part in the "What are your LMB powers" thread, I think that might be the extent of their involvement.

- I might throw in Senor Widebottom as being tight with Rhino, and group Whitelighter in with the Museum of Legion-Arts block .

- Possibly, I might put cleome as having a relationship to Suddenly Seymour's pal, Audrey, via "The Green". Cleome is a humanoid sentient plant in the LMB-verse, right?

- I feel like if I dig deeper I can find something for Kid Vudoo, as I think he used to be quite active (maybe a professional relationship to Semi, as a fellow tavern owner).

- But, sadly, I've got bupkis for one of my favorite posters... He Who Wanders. Even Cobie's "Written History" just sort of alludes to the fact that he's a heroic loner... a deep space wanderer ala Mon-el (entirely appropriate, given that "M'Onel" actually meant "He Who Wanders" back in the day) who helps out the LMB. That's totally cool... but not very conducive to linking him to another member. I think I'll have to wind up finding someway to tie in his Hot 100 project in.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/10/12 09:51 PM
And here's the image with all the last few rounds of updates (I know I said I was holding off until the final one, but I'm playing around with resolution vs file size, trying to find the right balance that keeps it legible, but doesn't take forever to load) :

click to enlarge
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/13/12 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
[b] How would you indicate a alternate reality child of a characters doppelganger that is actually from the future of that alternate universe...which thanks to the actions that he helped bring about does not exist anymore.
What do you mean?

There are several of those on there already. They are outlined white with a white fill and white text connected with white lines.

Try adjusting your monitor resolution...


Hmmm... keep trying. smile

I spent 5 hours on this with no results. wink

There is a character introduced in the Oval story named Gear. He is the Earth 4 alternate universe version of Jon Em (the son of their Dev Em), who has come back from one of their possible futures to try and prevent certain things from happening / or change what did happen.

With what happened in the Oval, his future does not exist anymore and he is now stuck in the present.

He is basically a cross between Cyborg (or Cable) and Forge. Part machine and an insane inventor who can whip up just about anything he can imagine, given the right materials.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">He will be staying in the standard LMB universe and joining them after the Oval story is complete.</span></span>
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/13/12 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
[QUOTE]There is a character introduced in the Oval story named Gear. He is the Earth 4 alternate universe version of Jon Em (the son of their Dev Em), who has come back from one of their possible futures to try and prevent certain things from happening / or change what did happen.

With what happened in the Oval, his future does not exist anymore and he is now stuck in the present.
OK... that should be an easy add. A question though... so it's not that the Earth 4 Dev or even the present day Earth 4 Jon doesn't exist any longer, right? It's just that the future which would have brought Jon to become Gear is gone? Is that about right?

A couple other notes, I noticed that I never gave the explanations for a few of the connections a couple posts up that only actually occurred in stories that I wrote myself.

First off: Blacula, Lone Wolf Legionnaire, and Suddenly Seymour as tight with dedman/Viridis. This was established in a story called "The Dead Man's Tale" in which Ex and Red Arrow go to a Halloween party at "dedman's Den" and meet some of the "spookier" residents of Legion World. Also appearing in that story were Fat Cramer, the Ghost of Numf-El, and Doctor Mayavale (Although Doc doesn't appear on this chart as he'd need a connecting line to everyone else, as we've all betrayed him. wink ) I placed Blacula as originating in the 20th Century (the 1970's, natch) but that can always be modified if it's not the case.

Secondly, the block of Awkward Pause Boy, Xben, Legion Reference File Lad, Arm Fall Off Boy, and Crymsun. These five became close buddies after, together, they were the only LMBers available to defend the LMB Headquarters in the story, "Who Was Middlefinger IX?".
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/13/12 04:21 PM
They both still exist in the here and now (LMB time). Just through the course of events, his future is no longer valid, so he cannot return to it.
Posted By: Everyday Girl Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/14/12 01:25 AM
Ohmygod! That family tree thingy is like incredible, Mr ExNyquil. You deserve a lot of like congratulations and junk for doing it. Especially when you have to research all the like places Mr Cobalt has stuck his...

Well anyway, Gramps said you were asking about MR Zardi, I don't really like know a lot about him except that he's like six or seven days older than dirt, For Reals! His origins go back to a time before even Gram was born. And somehow he's got a history with Mr Lard-Butt that goes back to previous like incarnations and stuff. And he doesn't like Miss Shady Candles at all! Cuz she like freed some of his captive dragons. And his chief dragon, Brightbody Blackheart, has vowed to burn Legion World to a cinder once Mr Zardi has convinced Queen Hoo-Rah to resettle the Cacks from their dimension to his castle.

Oh and you need like a new kind of like line on your chart for when you connect Mr Cobalt to all of the girls he's "involved" with. Cuz he's like the biggest slut in the universe and junk.

Ohmygod I almost forgot and junk! One more thing you need to know about Mr Zardi is that he's really like powerful and with Gram and Mr STU gone. Well The LMB doesn't have much magic to fight him with...
Posted By: Whitelighter Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/16/12 12:13 AM
Whitelighter is Tempest's sister, but I need to check with her to confirm if that's still true on here.
Posted By: OpalWitch Re: LMB Family Tree - 05/16/12 05:27 AM
Originally posted by Whitelighter:
Whitelighter is Tempest's sister, but I need to check with her to confirm if that's still true on here.
It is not here, sorry, sis.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 08/24/12 10:54 PM
Bump for a new page
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 08/24/12 11:01 PM
OK... I've been in a bit of a writing slump for about a month now, so I thought I should revisit this project in the hopes that it might inspire me.

I did a fairly major overhaul here, incorporating the last three months worth of LotO developments, as well as everything from my own Long Klordny story, but I'm sure there are a lot of mistakes, so feel free to help me out here.

Here we go (click to enlarge):

click to enlarge

From the left:

- I cleaned up the whole "House of Rockhopper" section, and tried to add some Earth-4 stuff, namely: added the Earth-1 Blaine Fey and his marriage to the Evil Emperor Penguin, added Tempus as the Earth-4 Time Teller Lad.

- I used the Earth-4 Rockhopper Lass as a launching point to build out "The Covenant". I know it's not complete but I've got Rockhopper Lass, Helena Handbasket, Seth Gaterra, and the recently deceased Clarke Marlowe.

- Added Clarke's newly introduced brother, Phil Marlowe, as well as their presumedly deceased parents.

- Added the Durlan, Juj Rinhold as Lardy's friend (I know there is a lot more to him, but it's good as a starting point).

- QUESTION: I held off on adding C.J. again, because I'm a little fuzzy... so he's not related to Lardy and Eryk? It was just a red herring?

- QUESTION: I had Mordra listed as deceased, previously, but she turned up again in LotO... were reports of her death greatly exaggerated?

- QUESTION: I was going to add Whitelighter as connected to Tempest, but what is their relationship? Clearly they've worked together, but from LotO they don't really seem like friends necessarily.

- Added Serj's (Ontronik's) romantic connection to Helen, as well as his friendship with Lumberfox. Ideally, I'd also like to have a connection to Lardy as well through the Lard Knights (along with Dom Deluise... but for now, that'll keep).

- Added Gear as an alternate world Jon-Em (also new symbol for a person from the future, not yet added to the legend).

- Dev is dead!!! Well, I'm glad I spent six months making an action figure for him... that thing is now a collector's item... ebay, here I come. wink

- Added the fact that Ibby's old GF, Sara, has taken up the mantle of her deceased sister as Danger Damsel II.

- Added the Geequoan rogue, Chace, as temporarily causing Blaze to crush hard on him.

- Added the fact that heretofore mysterious orphan My Whee Fem is actually the daughter of deceased gangster, My Yeol Min, and his also deceased wife. Also added her brief emotional relationship with Exnihil. (A lot more in store for My... I just have to get off my ass and write some more.)

- Added the fact the Primary Color Gang member, Blue Cheese Lad used to work for My Yeol Min.

- Temporarily broke off the Lash/Handsome Family link, as well as the "Middlefinger" legacy, until I can figure out how to show it without crossing a bunch of lines

- Fleshed out the Handsome family with Molock Handsome's newly revealed deceased wife, and his two heirs - Junior Handsome and the deceased Lotta Handsome. Also showed that Junior has a professional relationship to both Ex and Director Lad, and that Lotta had a romantic relationship with PCG member, the Red Fist.

- Added a whole section for the Power Boy family of characters. The "Drinking Buddies" - Gravity Kid, Atomik, Taur-El, and Nam'Lor. Also the fact that Nike Samothrace trained him and that he is - at least partially - genetically based on the New God, Titus.

- QUESTIONS: Ok, so first off the placement of the "New Gods". Wikipedia places their creation as occurring during the passing of the Norse Gods, so I placed him in the "Middle Ages" block. Is that a fair statement, Peebs? Also, I added Disaster Boy as his unwilling servant from the same period. Is that true or is DB a more recent guy? Also... I'm a little fuzzy... they just killed one another, correct?

- Got confirmation that Viridis Lament is not, in fact, the same person as dedman. Nevertheless, the cemetery located near "dedman's den" is called "Mourning Greens". Hmmm....

So that's what I've got for this one. What is wrong?
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: LMB Family Tree - 08/24/12 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Exnihil:

- QUESTION: I held off on adding C.J. again, because I'm a little fuzzy... so he's not related to Lardy and Eryk? It was just a red herring?
Yep! Total red herring! Brilliant, I know! smile

- QUESTION: I had Mordra listed as deceased, previously, but she turned up again in LotO... were reports of her death greatly exaggerated?
Nope, she's still dead. That's her ghost! But--psst!--I'll betcha she's got plans to not be as dead anymore!
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: LMB Family Tree - 08/25/12 12:47 AM
Yep...red herring. Just cost one team mate. tongue
Posted By: Caliente Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/22/14 08:22 PM
Old thread bump, what?

Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid
Another complicated bit:

Cobie had a short fling with Frio, Cali's sister. Later, Frio had a relationship with Gary Concord, who turned out to be an alternate Earth / reality version of Cobie.
Omg, I totes forgot about that! Lulz~

Also, Frio and Caliente aren't related - they're just close friends. You know... before Frio went all weird and evil. wink Although, I think she went nice again after all that trying to take over the universe nonsense.
Posted By: Exnihil Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/22/14 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Caliente
Also, Frio and Caliente aren't related - they're just close friends. You know... before Frio went all weird and evil. wink Although, I think she went nice again after all that trying to take over the universe nonsense.

Yeah... I finally found that bit near the end of my work on all this:

Originally Posted by Exnihil
- I suddenly realized that not only are Caliente and Frio not twins... but they're not even sisters! I guess that was just an assumption that seemed so natural that I just wrote it into my memory as something that I had read. Odd. Anyway, clipped off that connection, as well as their parents.

See all the time you could save me if you post more. smile
Posted By: Caliente Re: LMB Family Tree - 04/22/14 08:58 PM
I could have.... but then you wouldn't have gotten to discover all sorts of fun things out! wink See - I'm helpful.
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