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Posted by matlock on :
Okay, it's time to take the fight to the Inquisitor, once and for all!!!

Where are you, you yellow dog?

<looks behind the dumpster out back of Shakes>

hmm. Nothing here... where else to look?

Hey, this is kind of like being on "Cops." Bad boys, bad boys....

[ August 08, 2008, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<watches on from omni-com at Castle Faraway>

(Way to go, Matlock! Take it to him and have the showdown we've been waiting for!)

Give a punch for me, Matt!
Posted by Arachne on :
Need a hand from a wandering spider, Matlock?
Posted by Emerald Empress on :
Count me in, Matlock! I still have a score to settle with that whelp!
Posted by matlock on :
Now this is what I call roundin' up a posse! Who else is up for a little justice, angry mob-style?

<checking the alley beside Cafe Cramer>
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :

<Firebomb goes off in back alley, incinerating any close by>
Posted by matlock on :
Luckily my clothes are all still damp with coffee, ever since I got those really bad jitters about day 9 of staking out Cramer's!

<unloads old school Magnum down the alley>

Give it up Inquisitor! Your day is done here!
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :
<whacks bullets away with large axe>

Come and take me if you dare, Matlock! No quarter will be given, so do not dare even ask!

<hurls axe down alley>
Posted by matlock on :
what is it with people always throwing axes at me?

<uses Inertron trash can lid from alleyway in classic faux-shield maneuver to deflect axe>

All those who oppose my shield must yield, wrongdoer!!!
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :
No...not rhymes...I HATE RHYMES!

<leaps at Matlock, grabbing him by the throat>

Do you know how much I loathe you all of Legion World, Matlock? Like Giant Squid before you, you shall fall by my hand...
Posted by Calamity Monkey on :

<bites Inquisitor's ankle>
Posted by matlock on :
<grabbing wildly and finding nothing better than old coffee grounds shoves double roast expresso refuse through eye holes in Inquisitor's mask>

***gasping*** That... was for Fat Cramer!
Posted by matlock on :
We are well met, Calamity Monkey!!!
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :

<staggers back, rubbing eyes, kicking foot wildly>

You'll pay for that. You and all of your LMBP allies!

<red glow starts to flow from eyes>

Feel the full fury of my omega beams!

Posted by matlock on :
I hated to have to use this... my secret weapon revealed.

<removes special ring from lead lined box, placing on finger>

I been holding this baby back for when bullets and trash can lids couldn't help me any more, my special Lavender Kryptonite ring, created from the sample in the evidence room! I hope this thing works! Gimme some good powers!

<strange glow as matlock assumes mirror-like form, reflecting the beams directly back at the Inquisitor>


<follows up with a few more rounds, throwing lid shield for good measure>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<watches on from afar>

Get 'em, Matt!

[ May 11, 2005, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :
<beams come back at Inquisitor, blasting him into the walls! Bursting forth from him, they cause huge trembling, making the walls collapse around him>

N-NO!!! FOOLS!!!

<rubble falls on top of Royal Inquisitor. All pause, wondering if he dead>

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You cannot kill me that easily, fools!

<Inquisitor rises out of rubble, his costume torn. Ugly looking lacerations show underneath, on his skin. He is hideous to look at. His body quivers and he is obviously beaten, the omega beams still draining the lifeforce out of him as he speaks…>

I will break your neck before this ends…
Posted by Calamity Monkey on :
<grabs Inquisitor’s discarded axe>



<throws it to Matlock>
Posted by matlock on :
Inquisitor, this is the end for you. I'm only sorry that the Empress and Arachne missed this!

<slaps him down with the flat of his own blade>

<with a few kicks to the ribs>

Calamity Monkey, this is a good time to throw some victory poop!!!

I'm taking this SOB in.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Unmask him, quickly! WE must know the face that lurks beneath the mask!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Nicely done Matlock (and Calamity Monkey too!). We've finally got the Inquisitor back behind to make him talk!

That was a helluva a fight--we'll make sure we remember it, Matlock!
Posted by Calamity Monkey on :
<hurls victory poop at Royal Inquisitor>

Posted by Arachne on :
[sigh] Missed all the fun again. At least let me string him up for the interogation. [Smile]
Posted by Emerald Empress on :
I can not beileve I missed it as well! But Matlock sure did the LMBP proud. Great job Matt. Perhaps Arachne & I could take turns interrogating him?
Posted by The Red Bee on :
<innocent children walking through the streets, relieved at the recent capture of the Royal Inquisitor>

Posted by matlock on :
That's it! I'm still bruised and battered from yesterday, but I'm coming after you Bee!!! I got safety netting, smoke bombs and I'm gonna make you rue the day you set foot on Legion World!!! You'll be lurking 6 feet under from now on.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
That's it! The hives!

gotta run...
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Bee! No!

At least have the decency to lose the Captain Comet avatar!
Posted by matlock on :
I agree OM. He still looks so clean cut, square jawed etc. He won't look so pretty when I've cleaned his clock for him.
Posted by matlock on :
<gasping, hacking, delirious staggering>

The pollen... the bees....
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<throws cloak to Matlock>

Buildings destroyed...innocents harmed...and it keeps getting worse...

We need to bring this bastard down...

<pulls cloak tighter>
Posted by matlock on :


Cobie. Research revealed... natural enemies of bees... bears... skunks. Aack. certain parasites... wheeeze...

must be of some use. but how? rally the cub house?


the bees will pay a heavy toll.
Posted by matlock on :
<Hrun and matlock tumble off the patio at Cramer's out into the dingy alleyways of Legionworld>

Very well young stripling! Let's see if you have what it takes to beat the old man!

Hey, the interton trash can lid! I need it now more than ever.

<lid in one hand, spinning pretzel maker above head in other, matlock circles his berserker prodigy>
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Though filled with a killing rage Hrun is still an old Barbarian fighter (and just think about how “good” that must make him) so he circles Matlock warily as he eyes up the strange pretzel weapon.

Then he dummy’s left and attacks to the right the blows rain down heavily on Matlock’s inertron trash can lid bending it out of shape but otherwise protecting Matlock.

“Hold back there kid we got to talk” says Matlock but to no avail, the Barbarian is not listening.

Realising that his sword is not powerful enough Hrun sheaths it and draws out Hrunfilgar the battle axe.

“Listen boyo the sword didn’t break this, what makes you think that axe can. Look we really need to talk” Says Matlock.

Hrun attacks and Matlock once more raises the inertron trash can lid. To his horror the axe slices cleanly through the makeshift shield and cuts deep into his arm leaving it limp and useless.

“I have to get away from him, give him time to calm down.” Thought Matlock and activating his coffee vision he blasts Hrun with a Double Espresso knocking him backwards. Taking advantage of the momentary respite Matlock vanishes through Stoopid Cats tesseract system.

to step out in the midst of battle

on this mysterious island

[ June 30, 2005, 06:13 AM: Message edited by: Hrun the Barbarian ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<little boy looks on from his window>

Gee Willikers Ma! Two LMBers are battling in the streets!

“Get ready for school!!!” she barks

“Aw, shucks!” says the kid…
Posted by matlock on :
<Reemerging from the tesseract portal from Greg Evigan Island>

Hrun!!! Where are you boy? Doggone it you get out here right now!

<follows trail of wreckage and coffee pot debris...>
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
<A mob of 100,000 has gathered outside the LMB constitutional convention as Tamper speaks. Many in the mob carry weapons and signs denouncing the dictatorial powers of the Office of Security and its agent.>

...a growing isidious threat growing on the bowels of Legion World. The Office of Security led by the Sexual Deviant Cobalt Kid and the Dudley Do-Right... of Space are a creeping menace to the lives and prosperity of all of you.

I pledge that this convention will restore the rights of the people of Legion World.

<Tamper enters the hall. The most millitant elements of the mob march with their weapons towards the Office of Security, attacking government property along the way. The rest cordon off the Convention Hall subjecting delegates trying to enter with a hail of abuse.>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<little boy pauses in the streets>

Wait! You’re all crazy!

Don’t you remember it was here that Matlock saved us from the Royal Inquisitor?

And it was here that Cobalt Kid and Space Ranger battled the Red Bee! And Dark Stu! And Phineas B. Fuddle!

The Security Office has always protected us, specifically on the streets of Legion World!

*choke* What are you all doing?

<crowd begins to murmur>

“He’s right!” says an old grandmother, “we owe them our lives a thousand times over!”

<bearded dock worker speaks up>

“It’s that evil genius guy, that Tamper Lad! He’s screwing with us!”

<Crazy Lou, the town drunk speaks up>

“I say we tar and feather him!”

<finally, Matlock enters>

“No people! Untamed violence is never the answer! We must look to civilized society and live in peace as we always do. Trust us, my friends, we’ll take care of Tamper Lad!”

“You got it Matlock!” they reply in unison.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun enters,
"Feh! who says untamed violence is not the answer? here, try your vaunted coffee vision powers on this" and he throws the stolen coffee machine from Cramers at Matlocks head.

"Once I have found Stoopid Cat I shall return for you. you old youngster. We have unfinshed business you and I"
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :
Here I am again, back out on the streets...just where Matlock gave me the ultimate beating that finally put a stop to my never-ending spiral of violence...

<The Royal Inquisitor enters a dark alley and runs down another side alley. In his arms is the body of Varalent, recently pulled from SHAKES. The Emerald Eye isn't seen, but the green glow suggests its presence is near>

Wake up Varalent! There's no signs of attack, no bruises...I can't tell what happened. I need to find someone who can...
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :
<looks at Vee's face>

I can't see his face--everything is shrouded in green...

The glare isn't being helped by my mask, but I don't dare remove it. Where shall I take him?

<notices old wino, tries to move quicker>

Hm, this is the seedy part of Legion World that few ever venture into. I need to be careful here...

...but I know someone who is close...
Posted by Lard Lad on :

There you are! I don't take kindly to sucker punches!

***Lard Lad to Security Office. Found them! Lock in on my coordinates!***

<both hands glow purple>

Put him down, Roy! Or this will get...nasty.
Posted by The Royal Inquisitor on :
Lard Lad!

I see running from you simply isn't smart. But I can tell you with all honesty that I won't be attacking you again.

You were away for a long time when I made my way here. I did things I'm not proud of. But I was on Legion World for over a year in hiding and I knew these streets well, thanks to the Red Bee.

The Emerald Eye is speaking to me somehow, I can feel it. Its telling me to get Vee away from you and everyone else. The danger is still very real. Some...*thing* near, and it wants Vee.

So once again, I must bid you farewell.

<pushes a brick into the side of a building and immeditely a platform falls out from underneath him. A tesseract transport picks up the Royal Inquisitor and Vee and sends him somewhere else on Legion World. Normally, the Security Office would be able to monitor or stop this, if not for the damage that Gary Concord and Lonestar Ranger did to the tesseracts months ago to allow them to get around easier>

<the Royal Inquisitor and Vee are gone>
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Posted by Lard Lad on :

***Lardy to Security Office...***

Damn! Where the hell are the other Officers?

***...fugitive has escaped with victim to parts unknown...need full detail scouring streets ASAP!
Meanwhile, I'll go back to SHAKES to search for clues...Lardy out!***


[ August 22, 2007, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: Lard Lad ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<security officers examining streets>

<enter Cobalt Kid with Jailbait Lass taking notes>

Damn, there was a time when I good have just tapped into the satellite monitors of Legion World and seen for myself what happened. But those days are over...which I'm sure Reboot and other members of the LMB are glad about [Big Grin]

So the Inquisitor kidnapped Vee? Or after reading Lardy's report, what the Inquisitor was saying implies something more sinister. I guess we'll have to see...

<notices smashed bottle with liquid. Puts finger to it. Sniffs>

Hm. This is that wino Roy and Lardy saw. If we could get a word with him it'd corroborate the story, though that's not important.


That's interesting. This wasn't wine at all. It was only water.

<pulls off gloves>

We're going to need a full crime scene investigation. Let me know how it goes. Jailbait Lass, follow me...
Posted by Rex Viridian on :
Dammit! They're everywhere! Don't they realize they're little game of cops & robbers is delaying me on my quest to obtain my birthright!
Posted by Gary Concord, the Ultra Man on :

New Faces appear just as strange things start happening. I think I'll be keeping close tabs on this one...
Posted by Lard Lad on :

Crap! There's zombies EVERYWHERE!

<starts blasting>

Looks like they started the Slim's raid while I was gone...but I'm needed here! guys are on your own!

<blasts a zombie before it can bite a civilian>
Posted by shenu on :
The Zombie shambles back its opens it mouth and says....."LLLAAAARRRDDDDDYYYYYYYYY!"

Lardlad looks on in horror as he realizes that THIS zombie is the corpse of none other than Space Ranger.

Shenu's voice roils though the streets "Can you bear to see your loved ones die again? I will have my vengance. I will leave LegionWorld in ruins"

Motes of darkness coalesce until Shenu himself stands in the streets before Lardlad.
"Do your worst o chunky one, its time you learned your full power is no match to mine"
Posted by Caliente on :
<flies in from the Ice Palace>

What the--? Really? More? Ewwww! *sighs* I know they're the undead but this is ridiculous.

<fires down white hot flames while floating above the masses>

Ugh, it still smells but at least we're in an open place now. *sigh* I wish the others were here to help... and not in mortal peril at Slim's.

Lardy, do you know who's pulling the strings here? Or how to stop these zombies? I--

<swoops down to knock several zombies off some people>

I don't know how long we can keep this up. (I really hope Nova Girl comes soon... and maybe Tamper Lad if he can be more than useless.)
Posted by Nova Girl on :
Ugh they're eating all the handbags at my favorite accessory store. All those cute little purses and belts ruined. Not to mention the shoes, all those beautiful shoes.

HEY ZOMBIE, those patent leather boots are for me, I find they attract boys like honey attracts ants.

<blasts a bunch of zombies with explosive force reclaiming a pair of size 7 boots>
Posted by Liberty Monkey on :
Fear not Legionnaires! For though you are both the war-bringer of Legion World and the harlot of many gentleman callers, I shall come to your aid! For I have sworn to protect the unnamed citizens of the streets of Legion World with my powers of super-understanding of liberty!

<sees zombies roaming the streets of Legion World>

Much like the mindless consumers of a mass media and materialistic culture, these zombies seem bent on destroying all that is humane and worth living for!

I hope the current plan is to do more than destroy the only remnants of our deceased friends and comrades, my friends! I suggest taking the fight to the enemy!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I will now unleash the greatest antizombie weapon ever conceived. The OscarMayerMatic 5000 is a turnkey solution for all your undead needs. In one end the harvester literally vacuums zombies into the processing unit.

There the processing converts them to "hot dogs".

<The OscarMayerMatic whips into action, pulling zombies into its processing unit. Grinding and crushing sounds are heard as a stack of weiners begins to form at the tail end of machine.>
Posted by Caliente on :
Did that monkey just call me a harlot? I'm married! Jerk. Even if he might have a point... I just don't know where the enemy is.

Also, ew, Tamper. No one wants your zombie dogs. Ick.

<makes two fire swords and begins slicing and dicing zombies>

Although, I guess the gross factor is relative. *shudders* If I wasn't so bad ass, I'd definitely be cowering like the nameless.

Ooh, Nova doll, those are some gorgeous shoes! They aren't eating all the size 9s are they? Try and save me something cute!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<blasts shenu into smithereens>

<fails to hear faint laughter echo after blast>

<looks around>

What?!?! The zombies are still attacking? I was sure that was the zombie master! They should be falling down!

<blasts another zombie>

<behind where it was are 11 boxes of expensive shoes>

Size nines? Excellent!

<takes them to Cali and puts them in her purse tesseract>

Hope you like these, darlin'! Don't worry--I'll put in a voucher with the shop owner!

<smiles and touches her cheek briefly>

Whoops! Here come more zombies!

<the two are now back-to-back surrounded by dozens of zombies>

Cali..<blasts two of them>..don't be offended...<blasts another three>...I just wanted you to know I really care about you. If you never...<blasts>...reciprocate, it's okay.<blasts one lunging for her> Just know...<blasts a quartet of them>...that I love you...<shields them both as a mob of them pile on>...and will always be there for you, even if...<expands shield outward suddenly pushing the mob back about 15 feet>...all you ever want is friendship.

<gasps, assesses situation and sees they're still surrounded>

Cali--set a fire around our circumference to keep them at bay! Then, we'll fly over and pick some off!

<faces her>

What do you think about that?

<looks in her eyes, his tone and gaze suggesting the question alludes to more than just the plan>
Posted by Caliente on :
Wow, those are some serious boots. I-- I'm not sure I can accept them. But, so.. pretty... oh, I suppose I could keep them. But just this pair. And just this once.

<is quick to fire through a big group of zombies nearby>

Okay, I don't like them closing in on us. I don't like it ooooone bit.

<listens as Lardy bares his soul, distractedly firing on the zombies>

(Lo-loves me? But- but... he doesn't even know me. How can this be happening to me? Again? I'm married!)

Um.. uhm... fire? Yeah! I can, uh, do that. The plan sounds good.

<takes a few breaths as she sets the circumference aflame>

As for the rest... Lardy, I think you're a really nice guy. But I'm married now. And I love my husband. *puts a hand on his shoulder* I'll always cherish your friendship. *kisses his cheek*

Besides, you never know. There could very well be another girl out there for you. Have you met Amora the Enchantress..? I can introduce you after we finish zombie slaying if you like.
Posted by Nova Girl on :
Man Cali, you pick up all the strays.

Careful you don't end up like one of those kooky old cat ladies but with icky dorky men instead of cats.

**Nova Girl points out a zombie coming towards them.**

Heads Up Cali. Awww look what's coming, Isn't that sweet.

**A Zombie bearing a bouquet of withered roses, a box of maggot infested chocolates, and a rusty ring approaches Cali and goes down on one knee as to profess his undying, and undead love for her. Nova Girl rolls her eyes.**

Seriously! Girl, what perfume are you using? Cuz y'know I think you should share. I'd like some lovin some time too.

**Nova Girl delivers a mighty kick to the zombie suitor decapitating it as it prostrates before Cali.**

That's for not CALLING me back.

**Looks at Cali, Shrugging sheepishly**

I dunno? He may have been a one night stand?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<holds Cali's hand a moment>

I know when to back off--and I definitely don't want to lose your friendship! But, at the same time, I had to let you know how I feel. Good luck with Actor...he's a lucky guy! <hugs her>

Amora, eh? Hmmm...she pretty hot! <grins>

<turns to Nova Girl>

"icky dorky", huh? Well, I'm not sure exactly what your relationship is with Tamper, but if there's any romantic tension there...well, good luck with that! <laughs>

<suddenly, a wave of zombies separates Lardy from Cali and Nova>

What the hell?!? It's like the zombies--!

<he's interrupted by a voice calling...>


<turning around trepidatiously to the source, he sees not a rotting corpse speaking his name, but a beautiful, familiar blonde woman>

"My only love..."



<and there she is, his first love who was murdered by his worst enemy--the LMBer known as Dazzle Lass!>
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Oh my god! You're alive!

"Yes, my love. I've come back for you. We are reunited at last, righting a most heinous wrong. Come to me."

<embraces her>

<if they weren't cut off from everyone, anyone else would see this is a shambling corpse he's embracing--he's been entranced!>

"My love...we will be together now...forever!"

Yes, oh yes...<tears flow from his eyes>

<slowly the Leelee zombie moves its mouth to his a matter of seconds it will bite him!>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<walking through the streets is the reanimated corpse of Bowels Bursting Boy! Immediately it sets its sights on Tamper Lad...>

OOC: Cobalt might not be there, but my knowledge of some of the more 'tawdry' dead LMBers won't stop me from putting you all in harm's way [Wink]
Posted by The Reanimated Corpse of Lonestar on :

*blasting buildings and normal citizens*

*missing, as fingers fall off*
Posted by Lard Lad on :

<bitten and snapping out of it, Lardy pushes Leelee zombie away>

<'ports to the top of a nearby building>

Damn, I've been bitten! Don't know how long I can stave off infection with the Lard Force...gotta find Cobalt...


[ September 17, 2007, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Lard Lad ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Gaw this has become someone disturbing

*** Tamper Directs the OscarMayerMatic towards the animated cadaver of Bowel Bursting Boy***

Bwahaha Bowel Burst Boy your powers will be contained once you are ground up and encased in weiner casings.

**Tamper's smile turns into a frown as he realizes BBB's power is not only to burst bowels but also to nullify any intestinal like casing like the cellulose membrane which the OscarMayerMatic uses to make its zombie dogs...***

** The entire stack of zombie sausages made by the machine is consumed in the chain reaction as bits of cadaver litter the mean streets of Legion World **
Posted by Caliente on :
Caliente looks at her galpal. "Nova, thanks for the save! And, darling, I'm sure you'd have just as many male suiters if you'd stop biting their heads off." She deadpans. "Literally, in some cases."

Nova Girl just shrugs. Cali continues to fight, slightly distracted by LardLad and the twit. She sees he's in trouble but before she can get to him, he's bitten.

"Lardy! Oh no, that Dazzle person bit him! And after he was so gentlemanly about the whole thing." Cali sighed. (Okay, so it was a tad awkward but whatever. He doesn't deserve to be a zombie for it!)

Frowning angrily, Caliente fries her.

"Crispy. Nice..."

Suddenly, Cali hears Lonestar Ranger's call. She slaps her forehead, feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment until she realizes he's a zombie, too. "Ahhh! Are you kidding me?!" she cries. "He's really dead?

"Wait," Cali's eyes widen, "but, that means Frio... God. Okay, no time to think about that. Focus." She cooks a zombie sneaking up behind Nova Girl. "If he's already dead, then I don't have to hold back."

A smile slowly spreads on her face. Cali sends fireballs through the zombies around her, giving herself a bit of space.

"Finally, I can do exactly what I've wanted to do since the day I met him!" Caliente holds her hands together, creating a giant fire-sword. Wielding it expertly, she slices Lonestar Ranger straight down the middle. "Ha!"

From the ground, both halves of Lonestar Ranger are still trying to move toward her and making incoherent noises. "Ew!" Cali sees the zombie dogs being burst. "Double ew! God, zombies. Whyyy?!"
Posted by The Reanimated Corpse of Lonestar on :


*both sides split apart, go down seperate streets*
Posted by Gary Concord, the Ultra Man on :
So the Empress DID kill him...

<Uses Magnetic Power to gather a vast array of metal containers, dumpsters, trash cans and similar objects and begins magnetically stuffing zombies into them...>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
---------INCOMING MESSAGE---------
TO: Caliente, LMB Leader
FROM: Cobalt Kid, Chairman, Security Committee
RE: Problems

Cali, its Cobie. I'm at Slim's bar, and I can gladly say we've finally taken back Stoopid Cat, Pagan Lass and Space Tart. But Slim is on the loose, we believe in the streets of Legion World, plus one of Lardy's robots is acting funky and seems to be against us.

You're the leader now. Congrats. We'll all follow your lead. You should know I tried to talk to Frio. It...didn't go well. We seem to have problems everywhere. We'll all be joining you in the streets shortly.

Cobie out.

----------END MESSAGE-----------------
Posted by Magistrate Angra Metternich on :

The minions of Shenu bring hell to Legion World. The hour grows closer for our gathering, as the five faces of death will destroy our most hated enemies, leaving this planet to be ours for the taking. Once more I shall bring my rule to Legion World, and each one of us shall have what we desire.

<using Lightning Lad's lightning, blasts citizens below>

It is too late for them now. Already we've made gains they would have never considered.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Out of the shambles of Slim's Bar, Cobalt Kid enters the streets of Legion World to see zombies everywhere>

Bloody Liberty! There are more than I thought. And Slim is out here somewhere...

<grabs Space Tart again>

Everyone stay close. Flyers, take to the air, but not too high. We need to find Caliente and the rest of the LMB.

Everyday Girl--make sure My Whee Fem is okay. She's going all tough guy on us, but you saw all those creeps that she battled.

You too Lardy. That zombie bite is healed, but you can't tell me it didn't take a lot out of you. We can talk more about the robots later.

And Abin, pull yourself together! We've got Pagan and Stoopid Cat now. They should be okay.

Rex, I think we're going to need your power...

<moves forward>
Posted by Caliente on :
Ugh, this is definitely what you call going nowhere fast... Shenu must still be out there. No way can these corpses be animated without him.

<spots Cobalt Kid & Co. and rushes over>

Cobie! Britney! I got your message but we've seen no signs of Slim or anyone else for that matter. Just zombies. Lots of zombies. We've managed to clear the streets of most of the civilians, though there's always a few fanatics.

Lardy, I'm so glad you're all right. *hugs him quickly* But there's more zombies than ever, so be careful. We don't want you turning undead on us... And Abin, it's good to see your family safe at last.

<takes Cobie aside quickly, frying a few zombies that come too closer>

Cobie, listen... I don't know what I'm doing here! I'm no leader-- not yet! I can understand a trial by fire but this is... *shakes head* Too much. Way too much. And Frio-- agg!

You're the one with the experience here, so I really hope you have a plan. Suggestion. Anything. Otherwise we might have to listen to Tamper Lad and who wants that?

From further into the fray comes a cry of, "Not me!" that sounds suspiciously like Nova Girl.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oh, you're a leader Cali. Baptism of 'fire' suits you. But I'll gladly lend a hand.

I suggest we regroup somewhere, and soon. The citizens are clearing the streets and a strong amount of LMBers are holding off the zombies to the East End. Then you can call the roll, and get us on the offense, and maybe we can start figuring out what's going on here. Too many threats at once--it must be part of a larger plan.

Other than that, I have some ideas of what's happening and I'll share them all with you. Also, I believe we can trust Rex Veridian, and frankly, we can use his power considering so many LMBers are off-world. So I'll follow your lead...

(AKA - if you want, create a new thread for an LMB meeting! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Have no fear, Caliente. You may be new to the leadership position, but you are not alone.

< Looks over at Cobalt Kid >

Cobie dear, you have a little Tart on your shoulder.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oh, thanks! [Eek!]

<hands Spacey off to the Security Office field medics>

Put her with Pagan and Stoopid Cat, but not at the Security Office, rather, Medicus Two. The streets aren't safe, but we seem to be okay on this side of town.

<walks back over to LMBers>

I had to save her, Crujeckie. I'm sure you understand. <looks uncomfortable>

We'll follow Cali's lead, but we can both help her by keeping everyone else in line.

<puts arm around Crujectra>

We seem to be the only two LMBers left not covered in zombie. Too bad we don't have a few moments to spare... [Wink]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Perhaps a little holiday after all this is over. We have been a bit busy lately...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
“ahem!” says a soft voice “I don’t want to spoil this little romantic moment, but do you want me to do something about that”

Turning Cobalt and the Princess are horrified to see three Zombies falling from a window above them. hands outstretched greedily towards them and the words they have come to hate rumbling out of there fetid misshapen mouths


As rotting fingers entwine into the Princesses hair, Cobalt is knocked to the ground. Rolling quickly he gets to his knees in time to see ……..

The Zombies gone? How?

Faraway Lad is standing there smiling. “You two are getting too old for this game, time was The princess wouldn’t have let them get the drop on you like that old boy. Lucky I got here just in time to send them faraway”

“Cru are you OK” shouts Cobalt rushing to her side, “they didn’t… didn’t bite you did they?”

“No my dear I’m fine thanks to Faraway” and she quickly hugs Cobalt aware of the horrible fate that could have befallen her.

“Now” smiles Faraway, “I came back for the inauguration ceremony of the new leader and find Zombies shambling around all over the place anyone care to fill me in”
Posted by Rex Viridian on :
Well now, the energy available to me is much stronger out here. This should be fun! [Smile]

Weaving together the wisps of green mist, Rex forms a bright green combination garbage truck, street sweeper with arms protruding from it's sides. The machine hits the street and barrels off into the mob of zombies ambling towards the LMBPers. Grabbing undead bodies with each set of arms, it tosses them into the garbage compacting compartment. At the same time, it rolls over dozens of others and sweeps them into it's rapidly rotating brushes, ripping them apart and vacuuming them into the collection bin. Unfortunately for the zombies, while it is a mean green garbage machine, it doesn't recycle.
Posted by The Computer Tyrant on :
[suddenly, in the skies numerous blond, feminine figures clothed in redand blue fly overhead]

[at first, theLMBers are elated: all the Supergirl robots on the planet are helping out!]

[their spirits dampen quickly, however, when the LMBers realize that all 111 of the robots are not fighting the zombies...but HELPING them!]
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
<Everyday Girl joins Rex Walking behind the Emerald Energy Garbage Truck.>

Ohmygod, Mr. Greengenes, that Garbage Truck Thingie is just like too Rad For Words...

It's just like exactly the type of thing The Emerald Empress (Jebus, I miss Her & Uncle Spacey) would have whipped up...

Did you know her?

<click-click> BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!

<A side street is cleared of Zombies by incendiary rounds>

Watch the alley coming up on your side...
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<Lardy tries to help, but fins himself stumbling. His Lard Force hasn't yet recovered from its corruption from the zombie bite, and the effect on his physical and spiritual equilibrium is pronounced.>

<Suddenly, a voice calls out to him...> me...

<Lardy looks around and sees no one>

help me...I'm trapped...

Hugh? HUGH! Where are you?

the has taken me, my brother...

Where are you?

<suddenly, Lardy's mind is inundated with a powerful wave of information--it's so overwhelming that he faints>

<when he recovers a moment later, the voice is gone>


<gasps, then begins to comprehend the information he's downloaded>

Sprock! I've gotta find Cali immediately!

[ September 19, 2007, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: Lard Lad ]
Posted by Rex Viridian on :
Rex bows deeply towards Everyday Girl
Thank you, my fair lady. Compliments from one such as you are high praise indeed. And yes, that alley does look like a potential hazard, doesn't it.

Grinning boyishly at EG, Rex says

But watch this!

Once again weaving the green mists, Rex points towards the garbage truck. As it reaches the alley, it's side opens up and a huge green ball explodes out of it, and rolls furiously into the alley. The sphere is so large that it just barely fits between the two walls. As it plows through the alley, it flattens the mob of zombies waiting in the shadows. Immediately, a green bowling lane rack emerges from the side of the truck and sweeps the zombie parts into the collection bin.

I counted 30 of them, do you agree? I think that's scored as a turkey. First one I've ever bowled! What fun!

Hearing the screams of many Legion World citizens, Rex's looks up at the sky

Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it IS a bird actually. A bunch of blond ones as a matter of fact. Do they look lonely to you?

Manipulating the mists once again, Rex's laughs

This is so appropriate!

The roof of the truck flys open and suddenly a green energy simulcrum of Braniac 5 comes flying out, yelling "Kara, darling! I can't believe you've come back to me!" Another follows, and then another until the sky above the street is filled with 111 Brainey simulcrums, each of them embracing one of the Supergirl robots. As soon as they touch however, a shimmering green shield burst from Brainy's belt, engulfing each Brainy and Kara, trapping them inside.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
** Watches as Nova Girl flies up intercepts a Supergirl Robot. Wrestling it towards the ground, they smash the OscarMayerMatic causing the remaining contents to splash hight into the air above the city. **

Lovely isn't it? I haven't been knee high in goo since I crashed on that giant space amoeba years ago.
Posted by My Wee Fem on :
Originally posted by The Computer Tyrant:
[suddenly, in the skies numerous blond, feminine figures clothed in redand blue fly overhead]

[at first, theLMBers are elated: all the Supergirl robots on the planet are helping out!]

[their spirits dampen quickly, however, when the LMBers realize that all 111 of the robots are not fighting the zombies...but HELPING them!]

Oh Horse Puckey... As if this day wasn't bad enough already ---now we gotta deal with Cobie's Fantasy Playmates...

<Pulls Security Office Comm Unit from belt>

Jailbait, you listening? Those Damn Superbroad Robots have apparently been taken over by an outside force... They're helping the Fricking Zombies fer Crystal's Sakes! It's time to activate the Robotic Bimbo Protocols...

And save me some of that sushi, I missed lunch...

<Watches the sky with a smug look on her face as the Supergirl Robots are intercepted and held by the emerald energy Brainiac 5's and then start falling, inert, their power cores destroyed by failsafe devices.>

That two week assignment as Head of Security Office Maintenance Cobie gave me as punishment for hiding Brit's Bunny Slippers under his couch just paid a huge dividend.

[ September 19, 2007, 12:16 AM: Message edited by: My Wee Fem ]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<finds Cali, glances over at Cobalt and Crujectra and briefly gives Cobalt the evil eye>

Cali, I've gotta speak to you a minute!

<she gives him that "not again" look>

No, I'm not making another pass at you!'re the leader, and I've got some intel for you...

<takes her aside away from Cobalt and the others>

Sorry, I have a sore point with Cobalt right now, and...<tears spill out>...look...<wipes eyes>..I just had contact with, well, with my robot, the real one I've been looking for that is, and...

<gathers himself> see, it's not just a robot...are you familiar with my brother Hugh? <she looks uncertain> Well, technically he was an imperfect clone of me that was created by Salad-Tosser Lord.

<she still looks unsure>

Well, ever heard of HUGEMANBREASTS?

<she nods...this one, she's heard of>

That's him! Last year, though, he Hummer Lass--yes, it's complicated--during the 52 Affair in a chance encounter in which she mistook Hugh for me. You were off-planet during most of it.

Anyhow, Hugh was never evil, but he was easily manipulated by our enemies because he was so naive and simple minded. And after he was killed, I was, well, stricken by grief and kinda dove into a project to cope with it. I...had a robot created special in my image to kind of give Hugh a second chance...yeah, I know it's crazy...

...and Dru...<fresh tears>...she helped me complete him...captured a bit of Hugh's soul and put it inside the robot for me.

When Dru and I...when Dru and I left for Zerox, I left it here, so it might live the kind of life Hugh never got the chance to. But like Hugh, it was vulnerable to suggestion...

<tries to gather self>

...but the robot's essence just reached out to me and downloaded all the information it had about what's happening. He was taken over by an entity from Earth called the Computer Tyrant. The Tyrant is working with Slim, Shenu (the creep behind the zombies), Angra Metternich (he's apparently alive!) and...the Empress.

<Cali gasps>

Yeah, I know. Apparently, they're calling themselves the 'Five Faces of Death', and they're a force to be reckoned with!

But as for the Tyrant, I think Hugh...or Clive, as he calls himself, still in there somewhere. I know we may have to destroy the Tyrant, but if we can find some way to spare Clive, if it's possible...I hope we can find a way. He...he's all I...all I....<breaks down>

<Cali embraces him and contemplates all he's told her...>
Posted by The Computer Tyrant on :
[the aspect of the Computer Tyrant that is on the scene smiles a cold, humorless smile]

The fools think I had not taken that into account? HA! Those 111 were just the vanguard of the real assault! Before I deployed the 111 Legion World Supergirl robots, they built an additional 200 duplicates at super-speed...each one devoid of the flaws of the originals! HA!

[on the Tyrant's command, 150 of them attack the streets with the zombies, while the remaining 50 surround Legion World from orbit and begin to use their heat vision to create carnage on the surface]

[ September 19, 2007, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: The Computer Tyrant ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Faraway Lad looks up into the Sky. “Great” he says “I save you two from the Zombies and now we have to deal with Cobalt’s dammed libido driven fantasies?”
But it is said with a huge smile. He winks at Cruecktra and says to Cobalt, “just like the old days isn’t it you old bugger”

As a Supergirl robot sweeps down to attack, Faraway sends it …well away somewhere.

“Can you two excuse me for a moment” He asks “I need to sort out a little problem in orbit”

“Sure Far” smiles Cobalt, I built these things I think I know how to get rid of them” and with that he and Cru fly off into battle.

Faraway leaps into the air, sending out an emergency call on his private sub space communicator. He smiles even more when he gets an instant response.

As he arrives in orbit there is a flash as a hyperspace rift opens and out of it fly’s a super Moby Dick of space.

“Ah Horace old chum, nice of you to join me” says Faraway. Could you take care of these orbiting robots for me please?”

A light musical keening is his answer and then Horace is gone. Using ultra energy he swipes at the robots with his tail smashing them to pieces. Three robots form up to attack his face and he simply opens his mouth and swallows them.

Satisfied that Horace will quickly eliminate the orbiting Supergirl Robots Faraway flies back down to land next to Caliente.

“So illustrious leader” he jokes “How’s the first day in the job? Fun isn’t it!”

He reaches out with the Faraway force and sends an attacking zomibie away.

“What’s next”?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

I don't know why you're all looking at me. I only ever built three Supergirl Robots, and one found religion and moved off planet, one died, and the third one has already tried to kill me [Wink]

<makes sure My Whee Fem heard it>

Wow, she barely talks for months and suddenly she's got Space Ranger's confidence matched with Abin's powers to annoy people [Big Grin]

<catches My's evil eye>

I'm kidding, know full well I like having young girls with attitude problems as high-ranking security officers.


Welcome back Far [Big Grin]

<slapping Far on the back as he talks with Cali>

<notices Lardy but says nothing>

The Five Faces of Death, eh? Well, if we had a composite durlan on Legion World for an entire year, that can't be good. But enough of this...

<kisses Crujeckie, rises to the sky, flies off to battle zombies and robots>

Cali, keep me informed via omnicom. I'm here to discuss our next moves, but my powers work best in situations like these...

<begins flying around Legion World at top speed, taking out large armies of zombies and robots>

...and let me know especially if you find Frio...

<looks at hands, both with freezer burn>
Posted by Caliente on :
Okay, okay. Leader means leading. Trial by fire, the puns hurt me.

Everyday Girl, Faraway Lad, Nova Girl-- stay here and keep at it. I'm going to try and assemble the troops and make some sense of what I've learned.

Cobie, thank you. I... I'll let you know.

<supports Lardy as she makes a strategic retreat>

Come on Tamper, we both know the girl's the real power. We've got to come up with a plan before these Five Faces of Death attack us again!

(And she goes here to do that, taking Lardy with her.)
Posted by Spellbinder on :
< Spellbinder and the Crusader soar above street level, intent on rejoining the fight. Suddenly, four Supergirl Robots appear before them, blocking the way. Spellbinder turns to her twin. >

Feeling up to deflating a couple of blow up dolls, brother dear?

< Crusader grins his reply, and the twins surge forward, their bodies wrapped in telekinetic shields. The shields would not only protect them from harm, but would augment their strength. There is a satisfying clang as Crujectra's first super-punch connects with a robot. >
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<Lardy has slipped away from Cali's gathering>

<stumbles off into a back alley...>

Feel so's the zombie virus, got to be. Des didn't destroy it...just slowed it down.

G-gotta fight it with everything I've got....consequences if I zombify...too dire...

<weaves an energy cocoon of pure Lard Force around self, it and him now invisible to the naked eye>
Posted by Spellbinder on :
< Spellbinder walks slowly away from the two Supergirl Robots she has just defeated. Bruises are coming up on her arms and cheek. Her twin joins her, having just defeated his pair of robot assailants. >

Crusader: Crujectra! Are you all right?

Spellbinder: Well, turns out the little bitches were programmed a little better than I anticipated. < Shakes head in disgust > I can't believe I almost got my butt kicked by sex toys...
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<suddenly, the cocoon Lardy wove explodes>

<and thru the smoke and debris the explosion leaves, a figure emerges>

<walking slowly, eyes glowing bright red, the figure finally screams one word...>

Posted by Zombie Lardy on :
<the creature attacks a pedestrian...>

<...and eats his brains!>
Posted by Gary Concord, the Ultra Man on :
Now that's an appetizing visual.

Okay, the LardButtKnight seems to be beyond help, so...

<Magnetic fields warp around Zombie Lardy and his connection to the Lard Force is cut off.>

I wouldn't try this if he was alive, but since he's undead... this next bit can't possibly hurt him...

<The magnetic fields flex and Zombie Lardy is hauled into orbit where a small iron asteroid awaits him.>

In you go...

<A third flexing of the magnetic fields zips Zombie Lardy into the hollow center of the asteroid>

Now we place this asteroid in a geosynchronous orbit and another menace to Legion World is dealt with, efficiently and humanely.
Posted by dedman on :
*Out of a cloud of darkness dedman emerges*

Man Alive!!!! I spend a few days away to deal with the mess in the poltergiest area and all hell breaks loose. gotta go see where i can help.......
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<flies in>

Dammit know he'll be back. I was sure I'd cured Lardy of his bite. There's no way it shouldn't have worked. LMBers--you need to find away to reverse the effects. We need to look out for our own, rather than lose another one (like Frio).

<turns to Crujeckie>

But that's not why I'm here. Crujeckie, I need your help. Rather, I need the help of someone who will give me great pain when I ask for that help. I'm heading up a small search team, each person picked very specifically. I was hoping to borrow...Bob the Cat? (ugh, I'm going to regret this).
Posted by Spellbinder on :
< Bob the Cat leaps nimbly up onto a nearby planter, putting himself eye level with Cobalt Kid >

Bob the Cat: You want to "borrow" me? What am I? A mix CD? One of Crujectra's sweaters that leave nothing to even your limited imagination?

< Crujectra cuffs Bob on the back of the head, causing the Familiar to screech in annoyance >

Spellbinder: Cobie dear, if you can put up with him, you can have him. Mind you, he's not as powerful when he's not on Psyonia, but he still is able to work some formidable magicks regardless.

Bob the Cat (indignant): Do you mind? Can't a cat have a few secrets? < Turns his attention to Cobalt Kid > I have thought on this matter. I will grant you this boon and lead your mission.

< Crujectra picks Bob up and tosses him to Cobalt Kid, who catches him awkwardly, trying to avoid the cat's flailing paws and, more importantly, his extended claws >

Spellbinder: Yeah, like you had a choice, hairball.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Lucky me.

Jeez Bob, when was the last time you had a bath? The streets of LW reek like zombie innards and I can still smell you.

<kisses Crujeckie>

Thanks [Wink]

<flies off with Bob in tow>
Posted by Gary Concord, the Ultra Man on :
Before you criticize my methods Cobalt, tell me how you would have handled Zombie Lardy!

Sit him in the corner and tell him he's a bad boy?

This way he isn't hurt, much, and he can't hurt anyone else.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
(That bastard won't get the satisfaction of knowing I probably would have done the same thing he did...yet another thing we strangely, or not so much, have in common)
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
Message to Cobalt Kid:

We've discovered a trap left for Hrun the Barbarian, Rockhopper Lad and the Royal Inquisitor on their path. As per Everyday Girl's plan, we're going to disable it before they reach it.

A word of warning: this trap includes Zombie Squirrels. If you come upon any, be careful. They don't eat brains... and I wouldn't want to see you hurt.

Hopefully we'll find the trio well. I miss you. Be safe.

Posted by LARDLAD on :
<beneath the rubble where Lard Lad's cocoon had burst, something stirs...>

*groan* How'd I get under all this rubble?

<blasts rubble away>

Hey...I'm okay! I got the zombie virus out! Guess the power it took overloaded the Lard Force cocoon...

<sees a body nearby, brains eaten>

Damn...poor bastard...

<it twitches and Lardy fries it>

Man, I wonder how long I was out? I gotta go find Cali!

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Jailbait Lass:
Message to Cobalt Kid:

We've discovered a trap left for Hrun the Barbarian, Rockhopper Lad and the Royal Inquisitor on their path. As per Everyday Girl's plan, we're going to disable it before they reach it.

A word of warning: this trap includes Zombie Squirrels. If you come upon any, be careful. They don't eat brains... and I wouldn't want to see you hurt.

Hopefully we'll find the trio well. I miss you. Be safe.

Lolita - be safe yourself. I mean it. And good luck. I know you're in good hands, and even more--I know they are.

- Cobie
Posted by Gary Concord, the Ultra Man on :
Originally posted by LARDLAD:
<beneath the rubble where Lard Lad's cocoon had burst, something stirs...>

*groan* How'd I get under all this rubble?

<blasts rubble away>

Hey...I'm okay! I got the zombie virus out! Guess the power it took overloaded the Lard Force cocoon...

<sees a body nearby, brains eaten>

Damn...poor bastard...

<it twitches and Lardy fries it>

Man, I wonder how long I was out? I gotta go find Cali!


<Flexes the Magnetic Fields holding the iron asteroid in geosynchronous orbit over Legion World and fires it into the sun...>

Bye-Bye Zombie Lardy, We Shan't Miss You.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
*** Tamper Lad rides shotgun on a hover jeep while the Colonel sits in the back seat beaming waving happily to the civilians in their bombed out hovels, while throwing cans of pudding to children reaching out of the blown out windows.

The Colonel stands clearing his throat and brushing his mustache. The dignified but paunchy silver fox signals Tamper who raises the holo camera to capture the speech to come.***

Colonel Wellesley: Fellow Citizens in order to protect your lives and property, and in light of the collapse of Legion World's own security forces I have mobilized elements of Wellesley Hospitality Industries' Paramilitary Emergency Mercenaries (WHIPEM) from our Legion World cupcake plant and Wellesley Logistics' Regional Distribution Centre and instructed them to distribute relief supplies and maintain order here on the well ordered streets of Legion World. Do not be alarmed by the presence of heavily armed soldiers on the streets, we are here to help.
Posted by Magistrate Angra Metternich on :

<more bad luck passes through the citizens of Legion World, as split second decisions are seconds too slow and debris causes more pain>

But perhaps my favorite power of them all, but the most dangerous to use...

<uses Lucien Lad's nostalgia power>

Ah...I recall the days when Legion World was crowded with invaders, when things seemed so hopeless...

<Legion World's cityscape begins to change>

The Supergirl Armies and Zombies march on the streets, but every hour brings more and more exhuastion and hopelessness.

Posted by Lard Lad on :
<rubs his temples>

Okay, gotta remember the sequence of events...Vee Reborn, the E-M pulse, the tesseract calamity, Cali dies, the zombie hordes Slim duels Cobalt to the death, the Ice City falls, battle at the Tower, Legion World's computers rebel, the Supergirl robots, the Eye chooses--no! It's all out of sequence!


Okay, first the Tower. That's where I need to go!


[ September 27, 2007, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Lard Lad ]
Posted by The Computer Tyrant on :
<as the Computer Tyrant assumes command of Legion World's computers, an immediate effect is felt as all systems directly connected to its mother boards begin to function erratically>

<traffic controls switch off, computers of all types go down--including those monitoring and regulating such vital systems as food replication, power generators and public transit>

Soon, I will be able to override Legion World's atmospheric and gravitic controls!!!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
COLONEL!!! Something's happening. Look zombie reinforcements.

Colonel Wellesley: DreadNaught Tamper my Lad. The ladies don't like a man who suffers sweating from loss of nerve.

** The Colonel draws his pistol and empties the 6 chambers of the revolver at the advancing zombie horde. Tamper pulls out his laser rifle and fires. **

Colonel: Yes Lad, that's more like it. We'll make a man of you yet.

** The Colonel's elite squad recruited from the best bakers and cupcake decorators in the whole of the Colonel's business empire locked arms and advanced on the army of zombies. Each held their weapons forward forming an tight bunch of energy lances. The phalynx advanced the wall of energy cutting down masses of advancing zombie.

Tamper's alarm sounded indicating a problem. Turning to the Colonel... **

Colonel that was the Legion World Grid. The EmergencyFailSafe Daemon has detected the Computer Tyrant has taken control of the main operating kernel and has just shut down all systems on the planet to protect its core programming. LEGION WORLD IS DOWN!!!

*** The Colonel looked back at Tamper for a second. ***

Colonel Wellesley: Then we'll just have to do like we did in my day lad. With the power of our muscles and the strength of our will.
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
The streets are pretty croweded tonight!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<sees Cobalt>

<to self> Look what the cat dragged in...
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
(Bloody Liberty, here we go again...)

Tell me Lardy, where are your friends? Where are Gary Concord and the other villains on Legoin World?

Or if you walk the streets alone, where the RMB are numerous, would you care to grace us with your presence?

Perhaps you might see that I mean you, nor any other Legion Worlder, any harm?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I'm perfectly safe when I don't have my back exposed for you to stab me! The sight of you makes me physically ILL!
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
How about a beer together in SHAKES Lardy? Surely you remember the last time we shared a drink together? You told me the name of your newborn son.

Do you remember his name?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
What the HELL are you talking about?!?!?! I don't have any children!

YOU. however, well-- <laughs>
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :

Worse than I thought...poor Helen...poor lil' Hugh...I'll have to check on them...

So tell me Lardy, at long last. How did I do it? How did I kill you? With my magnetism? Or did I stab you? Did I get my hands dirty...?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
You KNOW what you did!!! Somehow you blocked me from teleporting out of the powersphere! I heard your voice mocking me as the flesh melted off my body!

Don't insult me by denying it when you have no one here to posture for!!!!
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Lardy, I will let you believe what ever you must to be at peace, so I will bother you no more.

But I have much work yet to do on Legion World, and I cannot have you standing in my way. I cannot have anyone doing so...

<walks on>
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<yells after him>

I will ALWAYS be in your way, you bastard!!! Whatever you have planned, I WILL be there to stop you!!!!
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
[scratches head in puzzlement]
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
(I hope it doesn't come to that Lardy, I truly don't. Because great change is coming, and if it comes down to it, you'll have to relive those memories...)
Posted by Sir Roy on :
Hail, Lard Lad! I see many abroad the streets tonight! Is that Cobalt Kid walking away?

I hope you did not have another ill-fated confrontation?

<notices Legatus Ferrous Rodentus>

Could it be...? The last time I saw the one known as STU was the Dark Stu Saga...a terrible time of my life. But I'm past that now...
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Good to see you, Roy.

Yeah, that's Cobalt, and he continues to deny what he did, even to my face--the bastard!

I think maybe some of the others are starting to glimpse the truth about him...but he--and STU over there--seem to be planning a power grab.

It may be too late to stop them!
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
I think maybe some of the others are starting to glimpse the truth about him...but he--and STU over there--seem to be planning a power grab.

Do you dare impugn the name of the emperor, you common street-walker?
Posted by Sir Roy on :
This sounds more like the Dark Stu I knew years ago, if its indeed the same one.

<turns to the Legatus>

You speak as if you have royal authority rodent, yet we honor no such grace! By what royal right do you give such commands and what would you intend of Legion World?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<Lardy holds back and pushes anger back, belied only by a slight blue flame flickering from his eyes...lets Roy talk instead>
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
By this authority!

[whips out imperial crest of Cobaltus Primus Augustus]

We intend nothing less than to uphold the honor and exalt the eternal glory that is Legion World!

Are you with us... or will you join Lard Lad in the potato mines?
Posted by Sir Roy on :
If this be the path you and Cobalt have chosen than I am surely against you. Whatever power you may wield sorcerer, you would know that magic's greatest weapon is iron, and iron is something I always carry by my side.

<grips sword, as well as long spear around back>
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I'm with you, Roy!

<unsheathes his sword--yes, a literal sword [Smile] , as well>
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
[laughs heartily at Sir Roy's naivete]

You think I fear iron?

I draw my magic from the power of cold iron! Why do you think I am called Legatus Ferrous Rodentus -- the Iron Rat?

Plebeian, be grateful that my imperial slave girls await to ply me with figs, dates, and... oysters. [Wink] I will take my leave of you this evening.

We shall meet again, I am certain!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Harrumph! He's a coward underneath it all, Roy. Just like Cobalt, always running and hiding 'til they can assure their situation is to their advantage.

Roy, I trust you start to see my point, now? Will we be allies through this maelstrom?
Posted by SharkLad on :
[SharkLad steps from the shadows ...]

I'm not sure what the sprock is going on here, but I am on team Lardy for the duration ...

Posted by SharkLad on :
and still am ...
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
<runs out of SHAKES into the streets>

The question is, where to find him though?

<looks around>

Hm, there's Shark Lad. It was only a day ago he saw me basically have a mental breakdown and threaten to kill Lard Lad. I bet he can understand losing control, but its still too embarrassing...I need to get it together. For Cobie.

No telling who else I'll run into here...
Posted by SharkLad on :
<lumbering along the streets>

I can't believe matlock kinda blew me off back in the Office of Security ... lucky I was able to ditch Lard's sword for the time being ... I can really use something to drink ... I'll give matlock another shot after I hit Shakes ...

<spies Lolita crossing the street in front of Shakes. Considering the last time they met she was holding a pretty big gun, he approaches her with some caution>

Hey, Lolita! It's me, SharkLad ... what the sprock is going on here? How have things gotten so out of control?
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
Hi Skarky...I guess I owe you an apology. I kinda used the 'Security Office needs Lardy for questioning' bit you were giving as a way to get close to Lard Lad...and then pull a blaster on him. But at the end of the day, I'm no killer.

<puts head down>

I don't know how things have gotten so out of control.

But I have a hunch...and maybe you can offer me a little protection...
Posted by SharkLad on :
As long as blasting Lard has been taken off the table for now, I'm game ... I gotta get back to the Office of Security at some point to meet with matlock about something, but for now I'll follow you like a trail of chum ... where we going?
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
That's the question. I'm not sure, I just know who we're going after.

Both Clive and Cobie were last seen with an odd assemblage of Legion World citizens. And while Time Teller Lad is holed up at the Rookery--which appars to be Grand Central Space Station these days with all the traffic in and out--, and Raging Bull is hard to get a hold of, there is one other Legion Worlder that we might be able to find. He's mysteriously shown up in recent months with little or no explanation of why, though it seems quite odd, considering he's from the 1700's of Earth.

Who is the man called Tomahawk? And what mystery does he hold? I say its time we find him and ask.

He led a expedition into the mountains of Legion World. For what purpose? Who is Tomahawk?
Posted by SharkLad on :
The only thing I know about Tomahawk is that he sucker-punched once ... I still owe him for that ... you want to go looking for him, I'll be right beside ya ...

when was the last time anybody seen him? last I heard, he was still up in those mountains whining about being abandoned ... mountains ain't really my scene but if there's water we can follow, I'm game ...
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
I think when he went into the mountains with the rest of them. And now Cobie's dying, Clive is dead, Raging Bull is nowhere to be found. Its quite suspicious that there's no trace of him.

We do know one thing--he likes whiskey. I was just at SHAKES, so I know he's not there, but perhaps one of the other bars.

In fact...if he has anything at all to do with this, it'd make sense to check out where it began, at the O.K. Corral, where the fight happened that lead them into the moutains.

It could be just a dead-end, but I'd say its worth checking out. Rather than sit around as Legion World spirals into chaos...
Posted by SharkLad on :
like I said, baby ... where you lead, I'll follow ... O.K. Corral it is ...
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Originally posted by Jailbait Lass:
... Raging Bull is nowhere to be found. Its quite suspicious that there's no trace of him.

I am? Er, I'm not?
Posted by Tomahawk on :
Hey pal, got a light?

<gets light from Raging Bull>

Busy night on the streets tonight...


<walks on>
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<Sometime later, Sir Roy makes his way through the crowded and panicked streets of Legion World>

From the chatter I've been listening to all day, it seems like just about everyone has been out on the streets these last few days, including both Raging Bull and Tomahawk, the two I'd like to speak to.

I wonder where Space Ranger has gone off to now? I know Gary Concord is a suspect.

So many LMBers suspicious by their absence...are they afraid of being attacked?

I'll be sure to check on Quis too, and find out more on Exnihil and the 'second Shooter'.

<finishes monologue>

(I always was a wind bag)
Posted by Raging Bull on :
If the Second Shooter was seen on the Gassy Knoll, then it's a sure hint that his identity is LardLad.
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<turns down dark alleyway>

Bloody Liberty, this way reeks of tobacco smoke. Mayhap some citizen believes himself to be a chimney...

<walks through the smoke>

Who goes there? I recall this passage from several years ago during my time of hiding from the Office of Security. It leads to a figurative maze of side streets of back-alleys.

<hears noise, footsteps>


<pulls out sword, prepares for battle>

I fear no mist nor any foe who'd fight like a coward...

<a few street rats run out>

'Tis...nothing but vermin. I'm starting to panic myself. Ha! Wait until I tell Quis.

<turns around to leave...>


<falls backward, after being smashed in the face, drifiting into unconsciousness>

Posted by Rody the Super-Rat on :
Originally posted by Sir Roy:
I fear no mist nor any foe who'd fight like a coward...

<a few street rats run out>

'Tis...nothing but vermin.

You got something against rodents, you big speciesist bully?
Posted by shenu on :
<appearing out of nowhere>

Hmmm... I see things are moving quite apace here on the mean streets of LegionWorld.

<walks down an alley>

Sir Roy?!?! Wait who's that in the shadows?


<the figure flees> voice of command has never failed, it can even call the dead back to life....yet this person has resisted it.


<5 zombies break through the pavement of the alleyway and begin pursuit>

Hmmm...Sir Roy, he is nothing to me. He would have been useful as the Royal Inquisitor but now...useless. I will leave him

<Vanishes in a puff of sulphuric smoke>
Posted by SharkLad on :
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<rises to feet, blood rushing out of wound on head>

...c-can barely stand...foul, cowardly attack...

need to get to Medicus Two...wouldn't have survived if not for Sheenu...maybe not so bad after all...

<slumps against wall, walking forward>

LMB, help me please...I feel I may pass out again...
Posted by Everyday Girl on :

<Pulls Omnicom from her belt>

Space Ranger and All Security Officers in the Vicinity of... <Looks at a street sign> Pov Place and Lurker Ave, respond... Officer Down... I repeat Officer Down...
Posted by Space Ranger on :
<Lands next to Sir Roy, kneels and begins First Aid.>

Brit, you said "Officer Down" where is the officer?

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(I don't think I'm gonna like her answer...)
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! Mr. Sir Roy is the officer...
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Are you aware that "Sir Roy" here is also known as the Royal Executioner?

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(I know it's a dumb question, but...)
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! Like Duhhhh! Of course I know that. Everybody like knows that!
Posted by Space Ranger on :
<Two Redshirt Patrol Officers cautiously enter the alley. Behind them is a Paramedic Rescue Unit. Ranger turns to address them.>

I've stabilized him. Transport him to the Security Office Infirmary and hold him there under guard.

<Ranger pulls out his Omni com.>

MY, patch me thru to the Takron-Galtos duty officer...
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
< Nobody grabs the Ranger's Omni-com from his hand>

Ohmygod! Just what exactly do you think you're doing OFFICER Space Ranger?
Posted by Space Ranger on :
<Looks back and forth between Everyday Girl and Nobody/No-One with a very confused expression on his face>

Umm... Returning the escaped prisoner to custody?

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(What did I do wrong?)
Posted by Sir Roy on :

Ev-everday Girl, thank space...


Not doing well at all...heh...I'm on your side now Ranger, just like old times in the Alt ID Rebellion...don't think I haven't forgotten that...

<rubs head>

I'm in bad shape. Attacked, but managed to live through sheer luck... longer a prisoner Ranger...just trying to prove I can make amends...
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
<Waves the waiting paramedics down the alleyway>

Ohmygod! Sam, Tony, you guys take over... Get Sir Roy to Medicus Tower soonest and ask Doc One to get me an update on his condition ASAP...

<Turns back to Space Ranger>

Sir Roy had my back when I took down the Red Bee. He also put his life on the line to save Mr Vee during that Five Faces of Death Fiasco. Not to mention fighting side by side with Hrun, Gramps, Mr Faraway, My, Jailbait, and I at the Deadly Tower...

He's proven himself...

Now don't you have an assignment to complete, Officer Ranger?
Posted by Sir Roy on :
h-hit me with a blunt object...same type of M.O.

Must be a reason he's using old technology...
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Any Idea who it was Mr Sir Roy, Sir? <Smiles at Roy>
Posted by Sir Roy on :

No, none, though it obviuosly went to some trouble to keep it hidden from me. Up until now we weren't sure if the assassin was using surprise against us or intentionally keeping his identity a we know its both.

He's strong too...<rubs head>

And Brit--thanks for sticking up for me <smiles>
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
<suddenly Everyday Girl recieves an INCOMING MESSAGE>

------------INCOMING MESSAGE----------

From: Jailbait Lass
To: Everyday Girl
Cc: My Whee Fem
Topic: Attacks

Brit, how is it going with Gary Concord? Is he a suspect? I may have found an alternative suspect myself.

Also, we need to discuss your uncle Space Ranger and his return. So many mysteries on Legion World, as if they are all converging...

- 'Lita

--------------END MESSAGE----------------------
Posted by SharkLad on :
Say, Everyday Girl ... what's going on? Where's the downed officer?

I've been tracking Tomahawk, but no luck so far ...
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! Hi Sharky the downed officer was Mr Sir Roy. He's been taken to Medicus Tower by the paramedics.

Listen, Sharky, do me a favor... I know you've been helping Lo... Jailbait Lass as much as you can... just... stay as close as you can to her... I've got a feeling she might be a target.

And yeah, we want to talk to Tomahawk... and Gary Concord...
Posted by SharkLad on :
so far no leads on Tomahawk ... I'll try to hook up with Jailbait Lass, well, um, you know know what I mean ... I think I might check out the O.K. Corral again too ... no one seems to agree with me about "John Doe's" identity so I'm gonna see what I can dig up ...

Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! So what's like around here that someone could have been trying to keep Mr Sir Roy away from?

<Notices a small shop a few doors down from the location of the attack on Roy...>

That shop? Could that shop possibly contain something someone is trying to hide?
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
<runs through the streets, with Shark Lad following>

Sharky, we've got to get to Medicus Two stat! I wanted to be there when Lardy tried this...
Posted by Tomahawk on :
<suddenly leaps out of the shadows, grabbing Jailbait Lass and pulling her aside>

DON'T MOVE. Shh...shh, by quiet...

<hand over her mouth, other hand across her arms and chest, as her feet wiggle>

I hear you been looking for my pretty lady...and I want to know why? You best speak fast, because I don't know ya, and I don't take kindly to accusations.

<pushes her free>
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
Let go of me!

<pulls out blaster, prepares to fire>

Get your damn hands off of me!

<terrified, Lolita recalls the Red Bee from years ago>'t move...

<hand shaking, holds up blaster>

You...reek of tobacco and whiskey, you know that? What do you think you're doing grabbing me like that in an alley?

And why did you let me go?

You're wanted for questioning right now. For several attacks, including one murder, and possibly a few more. So speak fast 'Tomahawk'. Who are you, how are you here in the 31st Century and what the hell happened to all of you up in those hills?
Posted by Tomahawk on :
I got no idea what makes you think I answer to you, or anyone else around here. Put that damn gun down right now, or I'll snatch if out of your hands and smack you with it. Hear me?

<eyes blaster>

Now calm down. I grabbed you because I didn't want you screaming to that giant shark friend of yours I seen you walking around with. Not too long ago there was a bar fight and I ended up cracking him in the jaw. Once the fight calmed down, I realized it was a sucker-shot and the last thing I want is a dang-blasted giant shark chasing me around an alien world over one thousand years after my proper time period. You can say its a little over-whelmin'.

<as she lowers blaster, dusts self off>

I'll gladly tell you whatever you want to know. I can see the dissapointment in your face. You thought you'd cracked the case after all, didn't you? Thought you had your man? I'm sorry sweetheart, but there ain't much I can help you with.

I'm as guilty of shooting that crazy Cobalt Kidas you are, and I didn't kill Clive. But yeah, I know 'em both from being over those yonder hills.

As for who I am, I'm Tomahawk, same as I always said. And I'm from 1772, the year of our Lord, and from the American Colonies. Soon to be the United States of, if things go acccording to plan.

Now...lets move this somewhere cozy where giant sharks with guns and the law on their side ain't chasing me.

I've got a little place up the street I like.
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
<quietly taking it all in>

You sure talk fast.

<looks at manilla folder; looks at Tomahawk>

Okay, I'll go with you. But I know I look really young to you--know that I'm not helpless. I've trained with the best of the best, and I'll never be helpless again. I'd as soon shoot you through the back or rip out your eyes if you lay a hand on me again.

I'll follow and hear your story. Either you're guilty and I'll bring you in myself--or with my ferocious and reliable friend Shark Lad--or I'll hear your story and start to get some answers.

<leaves Shark Lad a trail, anyway, for back-up>
Posted by Tomahawk on :
Fair enough. Follow me...
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :
<appears in the sky above the city streets>

<voice magically amplified for all to hear>


Where are you, my wife? Come to me, to your beloved husband, that we may at last reunite!

Posted by Legolas on :
Keep it down!

some of us are trying to hide...
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :
<hears Legolas with magically enhanced senses>

Who was that? I...sense Zardi's stench upon him!

<reaches out with magic trying to locate Legolas>
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :
There! I sense him!

Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image Click for fullsize image

Death Bringer and Corpse Taker

The scents of two prizes... the elf and the shade of Lardi...

The Master will be pleased.
Posted by Legolas on :
(the animated life-sized cloth cut-out of Legolas elusively darts down the street, at the farthest reaches for Death Bringer and Corpse Taker's senses. By the time they reach the place they believe they saw Legolas, the cutout has ascended the facade of the Psionian Embassy, and it waves at them from a great distance. Onward it leads them across the crepuscular shadowscape that is Legionopolis after the working day has clocked out)
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Originally posted by Legolas:
(the animated life-sized cloth cut-out of Legolas elusively darts down the street, at the farthest reaches for Death Bringer and Corpse Taker's senses. By the time they reach the place they believe they saw Legolas, the cutout has ascended the facade of the Psionian Embassy, and it waves at them from a great distance. Onward it leads them across the crepuscular shadowscape that is Legionopolis after the working day has clocked out)

Click for fullsize image

Click for fullsize image

and Moe
Click for fullsize image

<Larry, the Djinn, whisks the three to the top of the Psionian Embassy where they are waiting for Legolas as he hoists himself onto the roof>

Moe: Okay elf, yer trapped... Give it up.

Curley: That's Right, Yeah...

Larry (the only one of the three that has realized that the figure in front of them is definately NOT Legolas): Oh Sugar...
Posted by Cobaltus on :
Hm, the streets of Legion World have been rather tame lately. Perhaps we did too good a job cleaning them up a few months ago.

Perhaps it's time the Inter-Galactic Space Circus came to Legion World?
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<sees teenagers hanging around the streets>

Move aside sentients! Do you not have jobs to attend to? Educations to be cultivated? This loitering by the youth of Legion World is fast becoming a problem that must be dealt with!

<approaches teens, who scurry away>

I found the moral decay among Legion World’s citizenry is growing everyday, festering like a boil, much like Chief Lardy explained to me. It is a shame that, I, who have worked so hard to find a place on Legion World, must now be confronted by those who take it for granted. Yet for all the change we try to make, there is so much resistance…

<looks at face, which is mirrored by a puddle from a recent rain>

…like my own face…which continues to scar no matter how many times I heal myself. The brutal scars given to me by the Dark Lard during Thyme Crime will not seem to go away. It seems I will be scarred terribly, much like I was in my earlier life. As if…all the changes I’ve tried to make for myself have been for naught.

No…I cannot think that. I have to stay strong…have to focus…

…focus on Legion World…

<moves on, seeing an illegally parked cruiser>

You, sentient! Move this cruiser immediately or face my wrath!
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Okay, If I was Ram Boy's Leadership Office where would I be?

My are you listening? Ram Boy is the LMBP Leader! Where is his fracking office?!?!
Posted by My Whee Fem on :
Okay Spacey, I took care of it!
Posted by Power Boy on :
These streets ARE becoming untamed. I can't even loiter in peace anymore ... and why's that girl so damn plucky.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
*below the streets in the sewers of Legion World, Cobalt Kid, Exnihil and Question Kid emerge following a secret path out of Cobie's - Exclusive Midnight Lounge*

Well gents, Furball gave us a way out and we did it. He should be joining us shortly.

The question is: where to next? This is the most dangerous place we can be and security is crawling everywhere. We need to make our way topside and head to our next location--it isn't too far from here.

And then we can find out who was smuggled to Legion World...and why?

[ February 27, 2011, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Furball on :
Furball moves throughthe sewers of Legion World until he fets to the ladder he needs. Climbing up it, he pops the cover silently and replaces it as silently as he can. He moves to the shadows out of sight.

Above him, Dev flies by scanning the sewers.

"Predictable brother...too predictable."

Furball waits forr a few seconds and then runs ro the corner and turns to find his friends waiting for him.

Cobie looks at him, "little close to the action, isn't it?"

"Maybe, but the last place they're gonna look is right next to where they are...they're gonna figure I threw Lardy in the opposite direction to buy us time...not that I threw him right where we were headed. Besides, they've split up...Dev is searching for us, and Lardy is probably going to get more help. It buys us a little time. Where too next?"
Posted by Power Boy on :
hmmm my 'spider sense' is tingling.

< standing on a manhole when he feels it shake under his feat >

wha ... !! Guess that was just the floor tingling.

< whips out his mega rod, ready for action >

< ...... sees Cobalt Kid, Furball, Ex and others climbing up onto the street>

What have you guys got yourselves into this time? I nearly blasted you ....
Posted by Red Arrow on :
"Don't worry. At least half of us are worth 4 points in a Tournament. We will survive," Question Kid said.

"What street is this?" Question Kid asked.

Posted by Power Boy on :
"eh ... I never thought to ask what the name was"

"But let me assure you, you are in the thick of the 'untamed'. Main street untamed if you will. I like to hang out here sometimes on the weekends 'cause I'm from Apokolips ... reminds me of home. [Smile] "

"Do you need a ride home?"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Good to see you, PB. We're trying to be incognito--seems it's getting tougher to conduct business unimpeded by the Security Office these days.

So we'd appreciate if you'd keep seeing us a secret. Unless you'd like to join in? I can promise adventure, running from police and very likely booze and sensual misunderstandings. It's been awhile since you've had a good adventure on Legion World. [Wink]

We're sticking to the dodgy sections as we make our way to our next destination.
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<not far off, Sir Roy again begins his day yelling at teenagers to go home after a night of debauchery and drinking; he begins making his way toward the LMBPers on the run>

Power Boy again? He seems to enjoy loittering!

Citizen! Wait there! Who are you talking to?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Great...this will be trouble. Sir Roy has bought into Lardy's recent speeches more than anyone.

Let him get close. If he sees us we'll have to resort to action.
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<it's too late, however, Sir Roy has now seen them>

Halt where you are! Nobody make a move!

Outrageous that you think you can walk around the streets when three of you are wanted. Cobalt Kid, Furball, Exnihil, I am placing you under arrest.

I'm afraid the tables have turned. No one person is above the law, former Security Chief.

<pulls saber from it's sheath>

Come along quietly and this will be much easier.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Cobalt's smiling face suddenly changes in front of them all, transforming into a cold, almost mean stare>

I'm not going to let you arrest us today, Inquisitor.

<magnetically yanks Roy's saber away, sending it hurling down the alley>

Let me be clear: many of my fellow LMBers believe you deserve a second chance on Legion World. I do not.

I witnessed you murder a sentient right in front of my eyes. To me, you will always be a murderous piece of garbage to be taken down like all the other infiltrators on Legion World. So walk around with your badge and take comfort in your authority all you want; I will not recognize it.

Once before, long ago, you tried to act as the security of Legion World. And with Fat Cramer, I gave you a beating I know you haven't forgotten.

Now stand down, or get it again.
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<Roy is stunned by the words, which rip deep into his soul>

H-How dare you? You arrogant, contemptuous knave. You think you answer to nothing but yourself, but you are wrong.

I will arrest you all, or die trying!

<Roy gets into fighting position; after being unnerved however it triggers a physical change to him, causing the artificial treatment for his burned face to one more stop working, and his face slowly begins returning to it's scarred form>

Stand down, villains!
Posted by Furball on :
Furball looks from Cobie to Roy.

"Don't do this have no chance against us and you have to know that."

He crouches ready to move at Cobies signal...hoping that this can be avoided.

"We need to do something fast boss, we're too exposed right now and the longer we're in one spot...the worse it is."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<magnetically, the saber comes flying back up the alley, cracking Roy in the back of the head, buffaloing him and knocking him out cold>

There, that will be us some time, he'll be out for hours. I'll move his body over here where he won't be found. We can't waste much more time and have to keep moving.

<with Power Boy now in tow, they continue to slip through the back streets...>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<turning to Furball>

Hope you didn't think that was too rough. Felt like it was the quickest solution less the two of us had to get really rough.
Posted by Furball on :
"Thanks. I really didn't want to fight him. We do need to keep moving...even if it's just random."
Posted by Furball on :
Furball ran slightly behind the rest and stopped, looking around. He starts up again, catching up to Cobie.

"We headed anywhere in particular?"
Posted by Furball on :
Furball kept pace with the others. things were not going as he had thought they would, but they weren't that bad yet either to be honest.
Furball motioned to a building to the right and they all entered.

"We'll be okay here for a while."

Furball sat back in the shadows watching the doors while the others got a little rest in one of the back rooms.

He felt bad about what he had done to Dev and Lardy, but that too was necessary if what Cobie thought was happening was.

It wouldn't be the first time he had gone against his brother, and it probably wouldn't be the last. Hell, he had told Cobie about his actual nature years before Dev...and telling Dev was only because he had run across him in human form at his quarters. He hadn't really known how to tell Dev that he was him...with a twist. He had never had a childhood to speak of...just a lot of tests after coming to consciousness in the lab. His "mother" was not exactly very nutering...but she hadn't counted on him retaining Devs memories up until the point she took the samples. That kept him grounded no matter what she had done to him.

Dev seeing him was just one of those things that was really hard to explain..."hey, I'm you...only younger, with hair and a slightly different power set." His shape changing ability was limited to his larger furrier form and a human form that retained some bizarre wolfen like appearances. A set of teeth with fangs, ears that were smaller than Devs' but with a more distinct point to them.

Telling Cobie about it was something that he felt he had to do. He had grown weary of being the mascot to the group, and since Des was Security Chief at the time, he figured an unknown agent would be benifical...and boy was it. It had been shortly after the establichment of Legiuon World that they began their missions. Furballs absence amongst the group was just attributed to his seemingly beastial nature...nobody thought twice about it if he was gone for a month at a time. Sure, Dev worried once and a while, but that was usually negated by something else that happened soon afterwards. More than likely the fallout of whatever assignment he had been on that Cobie would send Dev to clean up.

Furball was the closest friend that nobody knew Des had. That aspect of it was gone now, but they had both decided that this one was too big to keep certian charades going. Besides, people were starting to notice things. Candice, bless her heart, had apparently known for a while and never said a word to anyone. Lardy suspected something...but could never seem to stay focused long enough to prove it. Then there were Devs' kids. They both knew...but kids are observant in ways that adults aren't. It was part of why he loved his niece and nephew so much...they treated it like a game, and they were good at it.

There were others that suspected something was going on, and he had to avoid Shark Lad during one assignment...and that nearly caused the destruction of a planet that eshall remain nameless as to not upset anyone on Legion World.

He wondered, as they rounded another corner, how things would shake out after this assignment. His Legion World cover was blown at this point, but that was something that they had anticipated for...I mean they were actually surprised that they had gotten away with it for this long.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Power Boy steps over the threshold .... leather boots making a crunching noise on the dust.

"I hope this isn't going to get ugly, even my sense of humor dosn't want to see a full scale civil war"
Posted by Red Arrow on :
"If it comes down to a civil war, things could get very messy. All the money coming in to the Security Office is going to purchase weapons," Question Kid commented.
Posted by Power Boy on :
"ahhhh ow"

< Power Boy grabs his ear as a shrill sound comes from it. He rips out an ear plug and throws it across the floor >

"What the ... I think I've been cut off from my satellite head quarters."

<Power Boy has a base of operations orbiting LW. A collection of small asteroids, where he's installed a natural atmosphere acts as his home and headquarters>

"In fact it seems like all communication off world has been cut off. The noose is tightening folks."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
That's very alarming. It's either Lardy, going a step further than I ever though possible, or something far more sinister.

Our next stop is still a few blocks away so we need to pick up the pace. It's up the hill here...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<hands Ex a water bottle>

Even though we're on Legion World, everyone stay hydrated and be aware of things like that. Who knows when out next proper meal will be?

<aside to Furball>

Couldn't be worse than those three weeks in Bismoll, eh? [Big Grin]

<continues up the hilly street>
Posted by Power Boy on :
<Resists urge to use Super Speed up the hill. Instead uses his enhanced senses and telepathy to constantly scan for trouble. Mega Rod out and ready.>
Posted by Furball on :
Muttering to Cobie..."three weeks in hell is more like it, I hated that place."

Takes a swig of water and walks up to Power Boy, "You watch the front, I'll scan behind and above."

To Cobie as he falls to the rear of the group.

"You realize that even if it is's worse than we thought...even worse than when you promised we'd deliver the Virgin Twin Daughters of Winath to the Coronation Ceremony."
Posted by Red Arrow on :
OCC: Orange is for Question Kid, Red Arrow is normal, and if need be Soul Gem Spirit is Green. )

Red Arrow diligently read the files Dev and the others already had. These streets were as untame as Dev said they were. And Red Arrow felt at home somehow. Too bad the signs weren't up to date, she reach for her compass but it just spun around. Residue Magnetism, she infered. Red Arrow decided to climb up to get a better view. She took out a pair of binoculars and pointed towards the hills. The advantage of high ground.Red Arrow decided to make her way over there.

Oh no. Not again. Question Kid, do you ever learn? She thought when she saw them. Then a blast of energy barely missed her. Red Arrow then begin launching two arrows for every 30 seconds.
Posted by Furball on :
Furball looked around.

"Who the hell shot at her? Stop now and get a move on. Des, take the others and move. I'll take care of her."

Arrows start hitting the ground close to them...extremely close. He swats several away and grabs a manhole cover from the street.

"Alrighty then Cobester...Furball Special if you will."

Cobalt Kid smiles and with a not so gentle magnetisc push sends Furball towards Red Arrows position.

As he sailed through the air swatting the arrows away as they started intensifying in regularity, he mentally noted that he was going to get Cobie back for that launch.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Follow me; we're almost there now. It's critical we reach this rendezvous and get the needed information.

PB, speed up ahead if you need to.

Ex, try not to get woozy here...
Posted by Red Arrow on :
These were clearly not street-levelers. Red Arrow had only three arrows left in her quiver. One of them was poison-tipped, one was electric, and one was a net. She decided to launch the electric one first, but it did not seem to make any damage. She then frantically fired the net arrow and prayed she would not be killed.
Posted by Dev Em on :
OCC <the probelem of posting with twocharacters.>
Posted by Furball on :
Furball sliced through the net as it came at him, and then landed on the roof behind Red Arrow.

"Look Arrow. You got one left and I can guarantee that the poison I smell on it is not going to work the way you think it will. We can do this one of two ways. You can go back and tell the Chief that we got away...or they can find you here when they finally get around to looking for you."

He could see her nervousness.,,smell it, but there was something else that was throwing his senses off.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, you're a nice kid and I think you have a lot of potential...but I can;t have you following us either."

Furball moved toward her. She stood still, not knowing what was going to happen.

He reached past her face in a heartbeat and snapped the last arrow in half, and then destroyed her communicator.

"We need to talk again after this whole messy business is over...there's something...that I can;t put my finger on."

Furball moved to the edge of the building and stepped off. "Be seeing you cutie."

[ February 27, 2011, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Furball ]
Posted by Power Boy on :
PB races ahead at super speed ... to the approximate rendezvous point. He quickly puts up a telekinetic shield around the area ... using super vision, super hearing, and telepathy to scan the darkness.
Posted by Furball on :
Furball hit the ground and looked back up the building and sighed.

"What the hell is Taylor thinking sending a kid like that after us?"

He turns and starts toward the rendevous point.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Up ahead, a very large structure begins to stick out above the trees; the road has no become almost desolate with forest on either side and no on insight. They have moved to the very outskirts of Legionopolis, the Capital City of Legion World and to where the lush countryside begins>

We're just about here. Power Boy is ahead and tells me we're clear. Furball is about to rejoin us. I'd love for the master of this residence to be home so some of you could meet one of Legion World's greatest citizens. But more likely, he has far more grandiose matters to attend to.

Space Ranger will meet us here and he should have one of the final pieces of the puzzle. This meeting is of the utmost importance. I couldnt risk us to go to Grand Central Space Station to look for clues ourselves.

Ex, I hope you brought some herbs for us to relax with.

Gentlemen, before you is Vee's Variable Villa.

<as they come to the top of the last hill, they see the most grand structure on all of Legion World>

*The fellowship entered Varalent's Variable Villa...*

[ February 27, 2011, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Red Arrow on :
"We're heading for the hill advantage I see," Question Kid commented. "As someone in military intelligence, we are going to need a stradegy. Sure Red Arrow and Sir Roy aren't exactly hard-hitters, but they are going to have Prep advantage very soon."

[ February 27, 2011, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Red Arrow ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev landed in a dark alley.

"My God, what the hell did I just do?"

If anyone was around to see, they would have noticed that his face went blank for a second.

"Thanks honey, I understand." He said softly.

He grabbed his personal com-link and dialed. "Tell him to meet me at his place in about 5 minutes."
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev has just left the Rookery and is flying at top speed through the city. Vehicles are being pulled from the sides of the street in his wake.

"No, no, no, no, no..."

He promptly arrives at his home...
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev is on his way back to the Rookery when Lardy's call goes out.

He lifts up for a higher vantage point and sees trouble near the security office, he arcs that way, a grim look on his face and his eyes glowing red.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev is flying past every danger spot he can find and flash frying bees as fast as he can.

"This is going to get us nowhere. There's too many of them and too few of us."
Posted by Furball on :
Furball is running at top speed through the streets, following his instincts.

"LOLITA! Cobie needs you! Legion World needs you!"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{flying overhead, Hot Chick does her best to destroy swarms with her light powers}

{thinks} By the Eternal Void! Of all of the threats for the Dark Oval to drop on Legion World, they choose the Red Bee? Out of all the terrorists are weapons of mass destruction they could have deployed, using him is the cruelest act imaginable! {incinerates another swarm} Why, had I succeeded in unleashing the Great Plague a couple of years ago on Legion World, it would have put it out of its misery rather quickly by comparison!

{smiles} Ah, Kalla, you've transitioned from a zealot to an opportunist in such a short time... {more bees are incinerated}
Posted by Furball on :
"Damned bees are getting thicker. Thank the gods I have tough skin. Still hurt like hell though."

Sees Hot Chick flying above him a few blocks away.

"HEY! Don't suppose you want to help a guy out here?"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{spots Furball flagging her down}

{flies over to him}

Well, hello, handsome! Need a lift?
Posted by Furball on :
"Sure enough beautiful. I need to find Lolita...we need her to deal with this problem. Any ideas?"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{thinks} I do not know much about this "Lolita". However...the Chief told your brother that she "hangs" out in the establishment called "Cramer's" quite a bit. Should we check there?
Posted by Furball on :
"Good a place as any. Gods, I hope they haven't hit Cramers already..."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Let's go, then! {grabs him under the armpits and they fly to Cramer's}
Posted by Power Boy on :
< Power Boy fights in the skies above Legion World ...

seeming to be everywhere at once, smashing through the tide, and incinerating huge swarms with his lazer vision >

<after dispatching a large cloud --- > "Let's see how much time I can buy the others ... "

<With a Roar he plumets into the next swarm>
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev is searching Legion World for Power Boy. Seein ghim fighting another swarm of bees, and realizing more and more no matter what they do they are hopelessly outmanned for what is happening, flies down and grabs hum from the street.

"Don't fight me, and keep blasting away. I need to get you to Cobie and Lardy. Not sure if you can help, but you said something earlier about sensing where things were not that might be some help in finding Red Bee."

[ March 07, 2011, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
On the streets of Legion World Lard Bots swoop down making a series of arrests, mostly for minor code offenses such as jaywalking and especially being out after curfew. Some citizens are confused and "resist arrest". Some of these are beaten pretty badly, as are some who vaguely resemble the Red Bee's description.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Red Arrow was busy today aiding local police in investigations. There were at least five bank robberies today, and all of them were being carried off by super-powered beings. When they stopped for lunch, she couldn't help but overhearing some people say they felt sympathy for the bank robbers. "This government deserves everything they get," she heard one man say.

"There's a hostage situation at the bank at 1873 Chestnut street. The suspect is a hot," The police officer said, the word "hot" used to describe superpowered beings. Red Arrow and the officer arrived at the scene. There was five bank employees and four customers being held hostage. A bank employee had put marked bills in when the thief told her not to, which created a big problem.

Red Arrow asks, "Do we have the authority to enter this situation?"

"Yes, as a Fed you can enter," The police officer affirmed. Red Arrow used the intangibility equation and entered slowly through a side wall. One of the thugs was scared and dropped his weapon, only to be laughed at by another member.

"Why isn't it my old friend?" A masked thief smiled. Red Arrow ignored the taunt and reconstituted herself. "Please surrender now," She said.

"Fed, we are not murderers. We just want money like everyone else in this universe. But not getting caught at all is better than being charged with theft," The leader said, levitating as he spoke to her.

"And even though you have a cool superpower, these folks aren't as fortunate. See my friends here have fire, ice, and other cool powers that could kill them," He explained further. Unfortunately, by the time he finished explaining that Red Arrow was already on the move. She used a flash arrow to distract thieves, while she took two of the hostages out.

Red Arrow felt sad that the thieves decided to make a hole in the ceiling and escape with the money, but the police officers assured her she did a good job. "None of the hostages were harmed," The police officer said.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Question Lad was sitting at Bullseye's in Charltonburg, enjoying a good meal. Keyes Communications kept broadcasting the elections, but he was getting bored with them. He took out his Susanoo 3000 and bought the latest Proud Xudarians album, "Sunrise on Oa". He loved the music, listening to it before bed made him dream of being a Green Lantern.

The only thing that interested him was a report from Nasger. His home system was in the news so this had to be big. A Salvadorian official was visiting Legion World. At that moment he noticed several young men near the bars look serious. There was something familiar about them but he couldn't put his finger on it...and suddenly the Keyes switched to a commerical and they left.

Question Lad asked for the check and left the restaurant. There was intense fog this night, giving Charltonburg the feel of England. He was going to attend a seminar on Caesar Augustus at Magnus University when he got an emergancy call on his Omni-Com.

"Hernando Suarez of Salvador's body was found below the O'Neil Highway. Requesting all availiable Federal Agents until the Chief of Security is availiable," The police officer said.

Question Lad forwarded the message to Dev-Em, knowing this was going to be a messy investigation. Nasgerian politics are not for the faint of heart.
"Our prilimenary autopsy findings indicate that the suspect was burnt from the inside out," The LWCSI scientist explained to him.

"The better to cover up evidence," Question Lad said. This was all to familiar-- he bore memories, none of them his own, of the military regime on Madeira. Many officers had fled to other regions of the empire following the demise of that governor. Question Lad noted the laboratorie's findings. The LWCSI asked about Dev-Em, and Question Lad answered he is busy elsewhere.

Question Lad was exploring the neighborhood the politician was staying in. He was staying in a place called the Shelley Hotel. The politician spared no expense, and had stayed in the Ozymandias Suite. Question Lad could barely contain his laughter at the title.

He went to ask the receptionist for a look around, when two young men walked besides him. One of them said, "Hey there you are! We've been looking for ages for you."

"I have never seen you before in my life," Question Lad said.

The other one said, "As forgetful as ever. We've better get him home." Question Lad decided to play a long in order to avoid bringing more civilians involved in whatever this was. He followed them to their small green car, remembering to take off his gloves before entering the vehicle.

"Tell me, do you work for Colonel Velasquez?" He asked.

The driver said, "General Velasquez. But you are already in trouble for asking questions."

Question Lad rolled his eyes. "This is not Salvador, you have no authority on this planet. If you were the ones who murdered Suarez..."

The driver slammed on the brakes, "We have arrived." It was a closed-up building in the heart of Charltonburg. Question Lad was pushed out the car and led him inside. The driver telekinetically sealed the door behind them. He noted the bloodstains on the ground and the smell of bleach.

"Time for us to have alittle fun. You can't just mess with Erebus, little Security Council Officer," One of the men who entered with him pinched his cheek, and in return Question Lad grabbed his face. The man collapsed in an instance. Memories...memories of torture and horrors...horrors done to thirteen year old schoolgirls and seventy year old professors. And the fact that these men, no these monsters, have been fleeing justice ever since.

And he had invisibility. He used this invisibility to sneak up behind one of the men examing the unconsious one. Question Lad executed a Nelson hold on the man.

"This is not Salvador. I cannot torture you for information until you are sentenced to death by garroting. Please surrender now," Question Lad explained.

"Yes...I surrender," The man answered. However, the fight was not over as the driver was sent back inside the building. This time, the driver was carrying a dagger with a lion emblem on it.

Question Lad was astounded. This was the same sword General Velasquez offered him when he was approached to join Erebus. He couldn't help commenting, "That would look so much better in my hands."

"You are a lion's cub, O Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness--who dares to rouse him?" The telekinetic quoted as he launched his attack. Question Lad countered this by developing an invisible forcefield. (Genesis 49:9)

"Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow," (Isaiah 1:17) Question Lad answered, creating invisible spikes. The telekinetic used his power to reinforce his dagger.

"Your sins are no less than mine. I don't remember the exact verse," He finally got through Question Lad's defenses and Sebastian could see the lion emblem on his dagger, and he dodged it quickly. The telekinetic bent down to pick up his dagger, "But the scepter will never depart the house of Judah. Velasquez does't care that the Benjaminites are in control of Legion World."

Question Lad took advantage of this to grab the telekinetic and absorb this man's powers and memories. It was a tragic story, in which this poor clergyman was driven insane by a pirate attack on Orellana. He quickly let go before the man faded into unconsiousness.

He asked, "Why?"

"This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another," (Zechariah 7:9) Question Lad smiled. The man handed him the Lion's Dagger and surrendered into custody.
"Two of the three suspects are wanted for war crimes on Madeira, and Governor Juz is demanding their return. The Nasgerian Crown thanks me for my services, because this act by Erebus could be considered treasonous," Question Lad read the last paragraph of his report aloud. He glanced at the clock and realized it was 3:00 A.M. Sebastian exited the Charltonburg Police Station and returned home.

[ April 15, 2011, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Emily Sivana ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
***Memo for Question Lad***

Sebastian, I am sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner, but I have been in meetings wwith the King of Daroon for several hours.

After dropping Furball and Hot Chick off at Webers World, I have become delayed by events involveing my family and Lard LAds children. We are currently under attack and I do not know when I will be able to get in contact again.

Please handle the affairs at the Office to the best of your abilities, and see if you can find Abin. He would be of great assistance to you in this time in case anything happens in my absence.

The government has been made awware of my delay and are in the process of taking the necessary steps to insure the dsafety of Legion World at this time.

Take care Sebastion and good luck.

-Dev Em

***End Memo***
Posted by Emily Sivana on :

Dear Abin Quank,

The Security Council needs your assistance. As a resident of Sector 1417, I am well aware of the Green Lantern Corps' devotion to freedom and peace. I have requested someone from my sector, Korma Suu, to help sort out this political mess caused by Nasgerian soldiers on Legion World.

In Brightest Day and Blackest Night,

Sebastian Sage
Question Lad sent the message quickly. He was disappointed at Dev-Em's response. This meant he was going to have to deal with General Velasquez directly. Sebastian theorized Velasquez is planning to overthrow the current Governor of Salvador. But as a Security Officer that was none of his business. He would have to be friendly.

[ April 20, 2011, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Emily Sivana ]
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
"It is good to visit Legion World. I have heard rumors of this place, but our Sector is pretty far from the United Planets. Now, it appears that Abin Quank is attending to other affairs. However, I have alerted my superiors and hopefully he will come shorty," Korma Suu of Korugar said. They were sitting in the lobby of the Virgil Hotel, which was currently doubling as a sort of embassy.

Question Lad looked down at his folded hands, "That is alright by me. We can discuss..."

An alert went out on the office. Apparently there was something going on at the LWIRS building.

Korma asked, "Why is the dot so close to our location?"

"It's right next door," He explained as they exited into the street. Question Lad and Korma Suu began talking to the police, who said it was a strange occurance. However, those inside were not taking hostages. They were looking for one person, and they intended to kill he or she.

Question Lad asked, "Do we have footage?" The officer in charge said they were having problems getting through government security, so Question Lad solved that problem and they got footage.

Question Lad and Korma Suu looked at the footage, and then at eachother in shock. "A Thunderer of Qward?!?"

The officer asked, "What is a Thunderer?"

"A Thunderer of Qward is from the Anti-Matter Universe," Question Lad said. There were still vacant expressions. "Most children in Sector 1417 grow up listening to Tales of the Green Lantern Corps*. But we need to get in their fast, if they are going to Qward it will be too late..."
*= Alan Moore worked on Green Lantern if you didn't know, so it ties in perfectly.

Korma Suu was already placing a forcefield bubble around Question Lad. She tried to mantain a straight expression as they ascended upon the roof. When they arrived inside the Thunderers had already killed two of the workers.

"The ring, fools! We want the Yellow Power Ring," one of the Thunderers said.They were trying to decide which of the workers looked the most like a photograph they posessed, and were killing the unlikely candidates.

They immediatley began firing on Korma Suu, who placed hard-light ropes around the hands of the Thunderers. Question Lad had hacked into everything and began directing the employees out while she battled with the Thunderers. Something caught his eye in the closet.

He opened the door slowly and a man was inside. This man stayed on the floor, and it looked like he was begging for mercy.

"Agent of Qward...take the ring but not my life," The man said. The ring flew out of his hands and appeared before Question Lad. He held it out to him but Question Lad said, "That is not a Yellow Power Ring. That's a diamond ring."

"I...I..." The man shook his head. "I lost the Yellow Power Ring a long time ago."

Korma Suu reappeared before Question Lad, and stared down at the man. She said, "It is over. What are you afraid of, Qwardian?"

"He's one of their agents, isn't he? Afterall, he is wearing yellow," He said.
"Pick something from the catalogue," Red Arrow said.

"I think it's time to be alittle more friendly," He smiled and pointed to a picture. "I would like something like that"

[ April 20, 2011, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Emily Sivana ]
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Korma Suu said, "I will be returning to the sector with two of the criminals. General Velasquez is requesting a full pardon for Tertullian Chavez."

"Hmm..." Question Lad thought. "I think I know what's going on." They parted from the Virgil Hotel and went in seperate directions. Korma Suu was going to the spaceport, while Question Lad was journeying below Legion World to Celephais Asylum. The underground location was meant to minimize the number of escapees and it was successive so far.

Question Lad said to the guard, "I like your security procedures here. It's very efficient."

"Yeah. Personally, I can't wait until Charltonburg starts hiring more police. I'm tired of working in this looney bin," The guard replied. The guard led him to the cell, and shut the door behind them both.

The man barely looked up, and kept writing:

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Pashan

"Who has been numbered and found wanting?" Question Lad asked.

"You know. Our minds touched so I know. The Romans are fools, and they have so many tribes on their side. Others are siding with the Persians and who can blame them? And who really cares about the Samaritans?" Tertullian rambles on and on. Question Lad is without a doubt that this man is some sort of schizophrenic.

"Forget about the Romans and Persians. Why did you come to Legion World?" He asked.

"I came to Legion World because it is an Alexandria. There are so many types of people, it is a center of learning. I am a simple seminary student," Tertullian replied. These statements sounded sane to Question Lad, which only confused him further.

"Why did you kill that man?" Question Lad asked.

Tertullian said, "My godfather gave me the job shortly after you rejected it. Suarez sacrificed his children in the fire, he was beyound salvation."

"You shall not--"He began to speak, but Tertullian managed to build up enough telekinetic energy to override the power dampeners. Question found himself thrown until the floor.

"You shall not judge me with you condemnation of my judgement! Listen to me, I know you are the chosen one. The angel told you that much when you met him," Tertullian continued. "We are brothers of the same tribe! You cannot run from destiny! I could not run from those pirates who beheaded my superiors and placed their heads on spikes--"

Question Lad was trying to get in contact with the guards, but they said nothing was wrong. Tertullian got closer to Question Lad who shielded his face in fear.

"We are normal to the outside world. All the Benjamites are out fighting for the Romans, so it's just the two of us," Tertullian stated.

Question Lad was frightened. He decided to bang on the glass, but Tertullian was trapping him with telekinesis. The two young men looked at eachother, neither sure what to do next.

"But did I give up? No, I did not give up! The pirates went down in fire and pain. Did you know? I have pyrokinesis and telepathy too, but my uncle had a highly skilled telepath lock them away. I want them back!" He shouted.

"And I want to leave. Can I leave?" Question Lad said.

"No, you are the chosen one. I will not hurt you, but if I have to destroy the entire Roman Empire to get you to see your destiny I will," Tertullian said.

"But if I'm indeed the chosen one, then it has been predetermined that I will fight alongside you one day. So if I leave now it won't make a difference," Question Lad pointed out. This made the telekinetic sigh and release all the shielding.

"Peace be with you, Sebastian." Tertullian said as Question Lad quickly exited.

Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Question Lad was running up the burning building, narrowing escaping a burning piece of wood coming down on his head. He heard feminine laughter in the distance, and did his best to focus on the task at hand.

As he ran up the staircase, a tall woman with red hair descended down the steps. Question Lad's attention was diverted by the sound of a safe crashing to the floor, and he glanced at a woman with black hair making her way out of a window with the loot.

It was at that moment that he felt an upper-cut. The woman asked, "What cannot be captured? Question Lad's attention!"

Question Lad asked, "What should be planned in advance?"

"What--?" The woman asked before she fell face-first upon the floor. Question Lad quickly hand-cuffed her.

"It's over, Quark. No more riddles," He said.

"Bah, you are an amateur! The Riddler will return someday. Then you will see true villainy," She said, looking down. When she looked up Question Lad was gone and Legionopolis firefighters and policemen were entering the building.

The woman with black hair was standing on a balcony carrying the loot. She said, "Now here's a riddle, made especially for you Question Lad. What does every adult make in his or her life?"

She threw the loot and then herself over the balcony. Question Lad, fortunately, had brought zip-lines and used one to grab the woman.

She smiled, "I knew you would save me. You are the hero." As they returned to the ground, he could see the officers scrambling to pick up the loot off the ground.

Question Lad said, "Sometimes there is no wrong answer, Echo. We call those subjective questions." He turned her in to police custody. The sargent says, "We found some electronic files earlier. Can you take a look at them?"
Three hours later Question Lad was deciphering crossword puzzles, word searches, and anagrams in order to break through Riddler's massive security systems. His hacking skills kept hitting this things, it was like playing Mindsweeper.

A support staff worker suggested, "Maybe you want to take a break? Go get some lunch at Bullesyes."

Question Lad smiled at this idea. He changed into business casual clothes and entered Charltonburg. He wore a suit with a yellow tie, looking like a typical salaryman going out to lunch. The waiter was...well...he couldn't tell if the waiter was male or female.

The news was talking about identification of Red Bee's victims bodies. The waiter paused in pouring the coffee. The waiter whispered, "Taylor. Where are you?" She then asked, "Did you want cheese on your burger?"

"Not today, thank you." Question Lad was distracted by what was happening outside the window. There was some sort of robbery being committed by a masked figure wearing green and white.
Question Lad arrived on the fourteenth floor of the building, and everything was quiet. Sure there were sirens outside, but it appeared both he and the villain were ignoring them. He occasionally found civilians tied and thrown into closets, but no injuries at all. This was was a robbery pure and--

"No! The question mark goes at the end of the sentence," The masked robber attacked from the ceiling. Sebastian could not tell from the voice if the robber was male or female. The robber apparently had super-senses because Question Lad was having little luck at hand-to-hand combat.

"There is no need to make this a felony," The criminal said. "I have no quarrel with you, Question Lad."

"Who are you?" Question Lad asked.

"I am Syntax. But I must be going, I have business in Britonopolis to attend to," The criminal said. The next thing Question Lad felt was the impact of a stun grenade, as the criminal made his exit. The police thanked Question Lad for his assitance in freeing the civilians, but he was lost in his own thoughts. Who was Syntax? And what did Britonopolis have to do with any of this?


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