Legion World
Posted By: MLLASH MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 10/30/08 02:10 AM
Rather than continue to hijack the Missing a Muse gallery, because it looks like I'm not going to stop doing these anytime soon..... here's a thread for all my bad windows paint stuff.

You have been warned.
Not "warned" but informed. Your art is very good Lash. I can't wait to see who you do next.
blush Thank you Quis... you are too kind... I just hope to provide at least a few fun chuckles!

I'll start with what originated as an improperly centered Marvel Girl, and evolved into... the X-HOOTERS Collection! (and remember everyone, it's not disrespectful for gay guys to be hooters-centric!)

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Okay, so maybe I went a little "Power Girl" with Dazzler above... but those were fun to do.

Here's a cover for a JLA story idea featuring the 70's female JLAers... it looks kinda grim and scary and whatnot, but I'm sure what's really happening in the story is that the ladies are all terrorized because the Glop has eaten their favorite phonograph records....

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On the "Missing" gallery thread, Quis wondered if I would try to do more guys... I'm feeling my way and still haven't done one I actually like, but here's the latest attempt... and it's Legion! Sun Boy....

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OOO Sun Boy is cute.

In the JLA ladies is the upper right one Hawkwoman?

And in regards to gay men and hooters:

From Overheard in the office :

Male coworker to female coworker: I like your shirt.
Female coworker: Thanks. It's new.
Male coworker: The ruching makes your boobs look really perky.
(awkward pause)
Male coworker: I guess now would be a good time to tell you I'm gay.
Female worker: Yeah, you had me at "ruching"
Heh heh! Cute!

Yes, that is Hawkgirl (no available mask reference at work... it ended up looking a little like Vixen's).

I think I might practice more with Sun Boy...

At some point I'll attempt some "covers" for the old MEL:TS series EDE and I used to write... coming soon! For now, I leave you with a little Dreamy...

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Posted By: Yk Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 10/30/08 03:32 AM
What kind of phonograph records would 70's female JLAers listen to anyway?

Black Canary: all Rat Pack style stuff perhaps? You know, Frank, Dean and Sammy, lounge lizard crooners tunes? Swing bands?

Zatanna: Bob Marley, The Grateful Dead and maybe some amazing Simon and Garfunkel harmonies?
Or would Z be more of a Hawkwind, The Residents and Blue Oyster Cult kind of girl?

Hawkgirl: definitely the martial music type. Big bands, parades and lots of swelling pride. Yeah. That or power chord bad haircut bands, I can just as easily see Shiera listening to AC/DC or Deep Purple.

Wonder woman puzzles me though, primitive flutes and drum stuff? Sing along harmonies and simple melodies are probably more to her tastes. She's probably very eclectic though and would listen to a bunch of stuff I've never heard of like Tomita or Sparks (heh-nothing simple there).
Black Canary: Captain & Tenille, Donny & Marie

Zatanna: Disco (any)

Hawkgirl: Alice Cooper

Wonder Woman: Joan Baez, Carole King
Looking at the Sun Boy again. I really really like it. I like how the flames also look like fingers caressing him.
For the Y-Kid: Yellow Queen!

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Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Looking at the Sun Boy again. I really really like it. I like how the flames also look like fingers caressing him.
You are definitely inspiring me to practice with this image... thank you!
I think you should do a holomodel contest with these.
Love Zatanna and Dreamy!
Posted By: Yk Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/01/08 04:12 AM
She's adorable!
I'm badly in need of a Rogue's Gallery, thanks Lashie!
Quis, I don't have nearly enough confidence or talent to attempt a holomodels thing... I'm still hoping Sketchy will find time to do another one in 2009...

Heh... I really dug Zatanna's horrified contorted look too, Deany... I'm picturing her walking in on the Glop devouring her 'Saturday Night Fever' soundtrack... lol

(for those who don't read AMBUSH BUG, 'The Glop' was an actual Wonder Girl villain who looked a lot like... pudding, actually. Apparently his m.o. was to terrorize Wonder Girl by eating all her favorite phonograph records.

YK, only the hottest rogues for you... thank you.


The previous 'JLAdies' cover is actually # 1 of a pretend 4-issue miniseries. See the fake solicits and covers for "JLAdies: Revenge of the Glop!"
#s 2 through 4 next week!


Gas Girl!

And a "Matter-Eater Lad: The Series" cover (issue to be determined)

you may not have the confidence, but you do have the talent.
I think you should do a holomodel contest, too. Your pictures look psychedelic or dreamlike, so you could do Holomodel from another realm, with Madame Meander and Dream Girl (the real one, not Brainy's sucky imagination girl) as hosts.
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Yes, the Glop does somewhat resemble Proty!

Quis, again blush and thank you. You too, Cramey, I'm just glad you all are enjoying these.


Unfortunately I won't be able to post anything this week due to no access to any real computer except for at work. I *do* hope to be able to post the new stuff possibly as early as Sunday.

And since today and Monday were D-E-A-D at work, I've done a TON of new pics.

Assuming I don't bankrupt my free photobucket dealie, here's what I'll be posting:

Gas Girl for Toddkins.

JLAdies # 2-4.

MELTS cover ideas for issues:

2 (the special all-"nude" cover!)

6 ("Sissy Hissy")

10 ("...And one Shall Surely Be Fatassed!")

18 ("The Vengeance of Mayavale")

20 ("Super-Size It!")

Plus a portrait of EDE's great MELTS character Two-Face Tess.

Also! Head shots of the Teen Titans ladies-- Groovy 70s AND 80s members. Wonder Girl, Lilith, Tula, Duela Dent, Bumblebee, Bat-Girl, Raven, Starfire and Magenta coming your way.

And that ain't all-- there will also be some Avengers headshots. All this stuff is done and waiting to be uploaded to Photobucket.

Plus whatever else I might find time to doodle on Friday.

It'll be lotsa fun, be there or be unround!
Request! Lash, could you "fandango" Empress Eraser? YK, she could be in your Rogue's Gallery if you'd like. Obviously, she's the arch nemesis of Sketch Lad, but she's hateful enough to go around and try to erase all good people. Even Yellow People.
Empress Eraser. eh?

I'm already getting images in my head based on the name alone, influenced by little things I know about you as well... I'll see what I can fandango together tomorrow between patients!

(getting requests is, like... totally awesome!!!)
I would LOVE it if you joined the CBR Artist & Writers Showcase mb and participated in my Supermodel challenge thread there!


Think about it!
oh, Sketchy, that's a VERY flattering offer but I'm still too new at this. I need to like, conquer the art of trying to draw hands with a mouse (its HARD!!) before I even seriously consider it.

But, on the upside, I was able to do not one but TWO Empress Eraser images today-- and I think/hope you will like them!

Plus! It was a guys day... I attempted three different boy Teen Titans images, one of which... I like! That's a first. I'll post 'em all in the massive image post-a-thon I've got planned for Sunday evening.
Oh, wait-- it's a writer's thing, too...? I'm semi-confident in that area...
Posted By: Yk Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/08/08 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
she's hateful enough to go around and try to erase all good people. Even Yellow People.
Yes. Yes, I see she shops at a rival boutique too. Bob won't be happy...and when Bob's not happy nobody's happy.
She must be crushed.
Crushed I say!
Can't wait to see more of this art! I could go on for a long time, but really quickly Lash.... I hope you hang on to the sorta quirky funky quality. Please don't try and make things look more realistic or even "normal."

I love the stylishness of your artwork, the fandango-ocity!

Art is SO subjective. I hope you don't even listen to me. I hope you follow your own instincts!
Let the massive Sunday night fandango begin!

Firstly, as promised for Toddkins-- GAS GIRL!

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And now... a proposed cover image for Matter-Eater Lad: The Series # 2... those of you who read the script might recall that two of our cast end up nekkid this ish-- and one of those two ISN'T represented as such on the cover. That's why it's funny, see?

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Speaking of MEL:TS, Two-Face Tess is a character Eryk created for the series, a member of the Devil's Dozen.

She was the daughter of that serums-guy from the original ADV Evillo story, the guy who could fix everyone but himself!

Now Tess, as originally presented, was able to remove her face, revealing her inner monster. Later she was taken to the extreme of being an epidermis containing a rampaging demon. I kinda see it like the old Doom Patrol's Negative Man-- Tess can unleash the demon-- leaving her epidermis behind-- but the demon is somehow compelled to return. I think we said somewhere that it was her father's serums that allowed Tess control over the demon inside her.

Anyhoo, here's a pic...

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JLAdies: Revenge of the Glop! # 2 (of 4)

The Glop amps up his terrorism as he threatens to devour every copy of 'Frampton Comes Alive'. While this doesn't bother 8-track tape users, the JLA satellite only has a phonograph installed!

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It's TEEN TITANS time! Let's begin with the undisputed den-mother of the team, WOnder Girl...

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Lilith was the next lass to throw her go-go boots into the Titans' ring...

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Tula appeared next... her actual membership might be debateable, but I call her a Titan...

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So she had a few father issues... who doesn't? It's the fabulous Duela Dent! (Yes, I've taken liberties with the outfits...)

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The Bumblebee broke all sortsa DC rules-- she was a super-hero sister, she was an unheard-of THIRD female member of a superteam, and she was an even MORE unheard-of SECOND African-American team member. Wholly Toledo! (MAJOR costume liberties taken!)

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Bette Kane, the original Bat-Girl, joins up during the first Titans East/West team-up. Tish-posh on that 'Flamebird" reboot... I ain't havin' it.

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The 80s saw a Titans comeback... starting with this young lady...

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Cute, cuddly, full of passion...

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And last of the Titans ladies for now, Magenta!

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And now I'll give the Titans guys a little time...

The Aqualad image I think has potential, but the Speedy one I actually like...

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Don't go to buggin', Roy!

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Okay, these next 2 are for Sketchy...

Dean, I wanted Empress Eraser to be exotic and beautiful, with maybe a Tyra Banks vibe...

I thought the oversize flowing sleeves and whatnot wouldbe real Empress-ey...

Image one, I felt ended up being a little too Disney or Hannah Montana.

Image two looks sexier to me... let me know what you think!
Image the first:

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Image the second:

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JLAdies: Revenge of the Glop! # 3 (of 4)

The ladies of the JLA call for backup from the one person who knows the twisted mind of the Glop the best-- Wonder Girl! Can the hip Wonder Chick succeed where her unround mentors have failed?

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Here's another from the X-Hooters collection:

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Action shots ain't easy with Windows paint (for me, anyway), nor is drawing hands, as evidenced by this well-meaning but very bad homage to a classic Scarlet Witch pose:

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Possibly my first "most-favorite" character: Hellcat!

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One of these days, I'll get it right. Until then, I still dig this She-Hulk image, flaws and all...

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Crystal, like She-Hulk has served on the F4 and the Avengers...

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...While sister Medusa is an early example of villain-flipping in the Marvel-U (though not as early as Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver...).

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Only EDE and I could (or would want to) bring back Doctor Mayavale!

This is a cover idea for the "Vengeance of Mayavale!" issue of MEL:TS.

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You'll notice the dilated pupils and redness of the eyes? that's what mist-huffing will do for you. Well, that and ascend you to godhood...
In the "Stupid Stalag of Space" arc of MEL:TS, two of our heroes suffer forced super-fatassing at the hands (and eyes) of Nardo! The first victim can be seen on this cover idea.

That's Plant Lad in the foreground after being blasted by Nardo's fatass-rays. Bouncing away scared-like on the right is Weight Wizard... of course, that's Tenzil in the middle, and Tiffany Spiffany on the left!

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When Lester Spiffany gets pissed off, it ain't a pretty sight-- hence this cover to MEL:TS # 6!

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JLAdies: Revenge of the Glop! # 4 (of 4)

The title says it all for the synapse-shattering final issue: "Lo, there shall come... a return to status quo!"

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Okay, kids, I'm just about fandangoed out here... but I'll leave on a Legion note...

From the Taurus Gang, it's Mystelor...

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All great stuff, Lash!

I liked your Wonder Girl solo. It had a 60s folk art feel to it. Also I thought your Aqualad had an androgynous look to it. I liked it though.

I think you did a good job with the Scarlet Witch's hands.

Other particular favorites of mine were your Duela Dent, Bat-Girl, Medusa, Tess Two-Face, Mystelor, and Bumblebee.

Question on Tess Two-face. Is she a descendant of Harvey and/or Dueal?
re: Two Face Tess, I don't think she was meant to be, Quis, but Eryk would know for certain. We'll have to corner him and ask.

THANK you for the comments!
Wow Lash! You really went for it!!! Thank you for the great show.

These are the ones I responded to the most...

Duela Dent
Bette Kane
Magenta -love the color on the eyes.
I prefer the 2nd Empress Eraser, though they are both cool.
JLAdies # 3
She Hulk

What a fun gallery!
re: Magenta, she's a little nuts, right, and I remembered that video with Avril Lavigne when she wore red mascara/shadow and looked all crazy/kewl...

Thanks a bunch, Sketchy!
Posted By: Yk Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/10/08 03:35 AM
I love it that you don't have a consistent graphic for MEL:TS. You make a new one up for each cover lol It's totally original.
Thanks, YK... that's how I'd want every cover, with the "logo" different, but I bet the DC suits would never go for it! laugh

Coming Weds. to the fandango!

Some work with hands... it hasn't improved mmy skills any but it might be amusing to look at!

Also-- some original MLLASH character designs/pics!

And whatever else I can squeeze in tomorrow!
Loving the MEL:TS covers!

You know... I completely forgot that I actually created Tess!
I'm totally looking forward to the original characters. I'm sure fan art will follow!
Hi EDE! Yeah, Tess was all you, and she rawked!

Coming Weds.-- a MEL:TS cover you will really enjoy, featuring everyone's (i.e., YOUR) favorite whipping boy, QUESTAR!

Sketchy, I dunno if any of these characters will interest you-- have you read issues 1 & 2 of Trash Lass, Girl Garbage Collector? But if you get the urge, I'd be lovin' it!

'Dango Update!

I also found time to do some LMB pics... I think they're cute!

All coming Weds.! See ya then!
At one point, I started a thread dedicated to Bits' writers, apologizing for not reading all the works I really want to. Trash Lass stories would fall under that category, too. It's just that my on-the-computer time tends to get all taken up, so I get behind on reading.


That's why I'm so excited to see your pictures of your characters, Lash! I've been interested in them, and now I'll get to see 'em! Again, I'm sure I'll do sketches of them too.
Kewl! Let's get going then!

This week, I was totally trying to work on HANDS and ACTION. You know, trying to make things look more... kinetic, and trying to actually DRAW a hand... there will be evidence of these attempts off and on...

Let's open with a cover idea for Matter-Eater Lad: The Series issue # 12, featuring Questar and the Every 10 Years Monster....

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DOOMED GAY ROMANCE is a "comic" I started here in BITS that features a bunch of short stories and silliness. 2 issues are complete and a third was started.

I decided to attempt a cover idea...

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And if anyone is interested in checking DGR out, you can do so BY CLICKING HERE!
TRASH LASS, GIRL GARBAGE COLLECTOR is another "comic" I started here. The closest example I can give anyone to something it might remind them of is TMK's "The Heckler".

Trash Lass is Brenda Fleer, star of the series... garbagewoman by day, vigilante by night!

I went with pink and gray because I like the 2 colors together.

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Trash Lass has had her butt saved in both issues of TL,GGC by... The Savage She-He!

This large drag queen is secretly Brenda's best pal at work Bobo. She seems to pop up whenever Trash Lass finds her bacon about to be fried!

Both kinda, sorta know each others' secret ID's (Trash Lass definitely knows Bobo is a drag queen) but thus far they haven't discussed their superheroic suspicions to each other.

(the cigarette was something I added when I decided her hand didn't look right. It still looks weird, but I like it)

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Mentally-- er, unbalanced, to put it mildly... the HENPECKER has proven to be a continual thorn in Trash Lass's side! Basically she's a chick who resembles Ellie May Clampett wearing a feathered chicken suit.

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Josie Pickles was plain, overweight and underappreciated... until a space-meteor full of space-radiation crashed through her window and gave her mesmerizing power over ALL (straight) men, and lesbians!

Now and forevermore Josie Pickles is... BIG SIREN!

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The agents of G.A.R.B.A.G.E: Henpecker, Vermin and Pustule!

I toyed with the idea of acceserizing Vermin with a little top hat and a cigarette holder....

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That's all my Trash Lass stuff for now... I think I should note my picture of Big Siren is possibly the first time I was ever able to put down on the screen EXACTLY what I was envisioning. It is, therefore, a favorite of mine now!

Wanna read Trash Lass? Issues 1 and 2 await you WHEN YOU CLICK HERE.
Those who have read any LMB tag-team stuff featruing the Light Brigade might remember Dormant Damsel, the heart and soul of the Light brigade...

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Read "Enjoy the Silence" ,a shortie featuring Dormant Damsel and her boyfriend Coma Lad, written by moi!


Spellbinder narrowly missed being part of the X-Hooters collection...

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Cobalt Kid is sending out some waves of attraction...

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Gary/Nightcrawler thriving at night...

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She's shinister... Leap Year Lass debates whether or not to kick you...

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The perpetually hip, always hep Eryk Davis Ester...

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Totally stole this idea from Freekinos' Sketch Lad image I remember seeing awhile back....

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Only the super-lawyer of space Quislet, Esq can get away with a pink tie--- it's totally hot! Why the mask? I dunno... I thought it looked kewl...

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Purrrr! The irresistable Phat Cramer...

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Weren't those cute? Well, I loved 'em. I'm going to play some more with that thicker line art.

That's all for now! Hope you had fun.... Laters, meat-n-taters!
Whoops! Forgot this Hellcat picture...

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Does it never end?

2 alternate cover ideas for MEL:TS # 20, the final issue....

The first features the 3 ladies behind just about everything in the entire series... it was an early experiment in thick lines, pretty bad...

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This one I'm kinda fond of-- though it appears grimmer than anything that really happens-- it's the kind of thing I just don't have time to do at work....

(oh, that's Tiffany Spiffany, Tenzil, semi-villainess Saturn Queen, Calorie Queen, Plant Lad and Infectious Lass!)

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Lash, my favorites this time are Savage She He and LYL. Just my opinion.

I have done a couple of sketches of Trash Lass, based on your picture of her, but I need to see a full body shot, to understand her costume. (I need to read the dang stories about her to get to know her, too.) In my mind, I see her in jeans and a t-shirt and work boots and gloves, but that's probably her day job look. Her superhero image looks pretty glamorous and pristine in pink and grey with the swooping blonde hair.

I'm SO glad you've found a way to visually present your ideas. Thank you for the image of Sketch Lad, too! I think he's overdue for a new look! Got any ideas?
The LMB are hella kewl!!!! And the mask really rawks!!!
Lash! Gas Girl was a treat- thanks! And Crystal was an unexpected smile-inducer!

I really liked the Medusa image, among others.

Henpecker cracks me up.


Hellcat shows your work on hands is reaping benefits-- that's a cool image.
Hi Dean! The Savage She-He *is* pretty kewl, huh? And I too loved LYL's "shinister" pic.

As far as Trash Lass, well, nothing's really set in stone... I know for her day-job, she's likely wear an orange or neno-green jumpsuit like the trash collectors here. And anything you would want to incorporate into her costume I *know* would be awesome. You've just got that "IT" that knows what works and what doesn't! ANYthing you've drawn I'd love to see! And if I didnt make it clear on the TL Secret Files thread, that picture you did was mesmerizing.

A new look for Sketch Lad? Well, I'm a fan of the old look, but change can be good sometimes, too. I'm going to play with this some.

Quis! I'm glad you enjoyed your LMB image, and all the LMB images... those were a lot of fun to do... I may have to try some action shots.

Toddkins!! I'm glad you liked Gas Girl... I will have to try a "do-over" now that I've gotten a bit more experience in with the windows paint. I liked that Crystal "thick line" image enough that it made me want to revisit the whole "thick line" style for the LMB pictures... (Hmm. I'll have to do a Mystery Lad next!)

I thought Henpecker was funny too... it alwasy makes my day to hear someone was amused by one of my characters!

YOU GUYS always make my day. Thanks for looking at my stuff and being so supportive. laugh
Sweetie. Proty.
Oh yes, and LYL's v. good.
Teeds! You never come out and play anymore. But if a Proty image might draw you out, then a Proty image is what you shall have! (not before Weds., though...). And your approval of the LYL image makes me happy!
Hello... hello... noc...noc...noc...this thing working???

Searched this thread twice and couldn't find a "Blockade Boy." Gary working on the search function?

Must be a problem with the search function.
Blocks! This situation will be rectified ASAfP! Look for your LMB Blockade Boy image... coming SOON to the fandango!!
These space-rawk so hard it makes my ears hurt!

Heh! Cobie I'm totally digging your new avatar!
Me too! Very cool in the way I'm leaning to the side to the magnetic effect can be seen. Quite dynamic, like I'm checking out the girl to my left (reader's right).

(Shh, don't tell but its Teeds I'm looking at)
My avatar actually look a lot like me back in my college days!
Hey, mine too! I had lots of blue shirts and sweatshirts too then!
Hard to believe that MLLASH has been stalking you both for that long.
Actually, when I first 'met' Lash, I was an 18 year old college freshmen! *choke* He's been a major influence on me wink laugh
What? No Lardy pic? frown

Originally posted by MLLASH:
Gary/Nightcrawler thriving at night...

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Nice job! Thanks!
I'm tickled pink to see my LMB wp art used as avatars-- it space-rawks! And gives me even MORE reason to continue stalking... *sinister cackle!*

Lardy! You (along with Mystery Lad and Blocks) can look for your fandangoed images SOON!

Gary! I really thought yours came out cool-- I'm glad you liked it too!
Coming tomorrow evening!

Get first glimpse of the team from the past that will figure into Trash Lass' present!

MLLASH does the LMB... again!!! 8 more innocent LMB members fall victim to my 'pen'! And call me a freak if you must, but I have a crush on ALL these images!

And-- Proty visits the year 2008; all for Teeds, all-AWFUL!

Plus: The LMB Experience! and whatever ELSE I can manage to squeak in!

All-out semi-artistic antics, FANDANGO-style! Miss it not, effendi!
Time for more fandangoin'....

opening up here with a couple of Trash Lass Girl garbage Collector-related images...

up first, the teen team from the past whose secrets will haunt Trash Lass today...

That's Doubledare, The Snatch, Goodbad Girl, Freak-Smasher and the blonde boy in front, Homeboy...

(click for a larger image)

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Trash Lass from issue # 1, a scene I all "Avon calling!" I decided she needed a chest emblem of some sort... maybe the recycle logo?

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Jeepers! NOW Proty's done it... stranded in 2008!

Can the marshmallow of morphing blend in? He'll certainly try...

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Trash Lass from issue # 1, a scene I all "Avon calling!" I decided she needed a chest emblem of some sort... maybe the recycle logo?

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Classic Frank Miller's Elektra pose!
The LMB Experience...

inspired by DC's old CHASE comic and Faraway Lad's Golden-age version of the LMB, the LMB EXPERIENCE was a version of the team that was set in the late 60s and early 70s.

It's probably my favorite to date...

check it out here: THE LAST DAYS OF THE LMB EXPERIENCE director\'s cut

Anyhoo, there were lots of members on the team but only 5 remained by the time of this story...

They were:
ACID LAD, who could metabolize drugs into illusion-casting...

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SUNDOWN, projector of darkness...

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BOY 54, an ancient vampire who fed on lust instead of blood...

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RHINESTONE COWBOY, whose studded suit could emit blinding lights and whose fists could cause blinding pain...

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With a paranormal balance ability, ROLLER QUEEN always landed on her feet...

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And now...

MLLASH does the LMB, series 2!

Let's get the ball rolling with Mystery Lad! Why is he missing an eye? I don't know, but he's both boyish and badass!

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Blockade Boy is where it's at!

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Lardlad! He's shirtless because he's got a Hercules-thing going on... until the lardforce bloats him up... with POWER!

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What's Caliente doing? I'm not sure but I *am* sure she should keep doing it...

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SO hot, so cool.... it's Frio chillin'!

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Lad Boy has a twinkle in his eye...

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Li'l Rhino might poke you if you're naughty...

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Once known as Shadowplay in Candlelight, currently known as Candle, she will always be our Shady...

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Okay, that's all for now... hope it was as good for you or at least as fun!
Lash, you're a MACHINE! So much fun. Thank you!
Lash, these are all fabulous! Great work!

Now, you need to consider going in a more avian direction... wink
Originally posted by MLLASH:
And-- Proty visits the year 2008; all for Teeds, all-AWFUL!
It is awful -- yet amusing.
I bet if you did a cheap web-comic with these Lash, you could gain some readership (and cash)!
Sketchster, thank you as always... you might want to know that I have created not 1 not 4 but 3 new Sketch Lad fandangos... each with a different style. How cute are they? Well, I wouldn't say "no" to ANY of 'em. wink COMING SOON!

Rocky, your wish is my already-done command! Rockhopeer Lad, fandango-style, coming SOON!

Teeds, your critique could desribe the reaction I usually hope to provoke from you... LashLad

Cobie, I'm always for cash. As long as the readers enjoy a mostly talking-heads comic... laugh Oh yeah, you'll definitely want to check out the next wave of LMB head-shots...
Lash ... those are awesome! Very cool ...

LASH! A Mystery Lad pic. What fun!

I guess the eye got lost when Tsarin Lad was in pieces after viewing LEGION LOST through his dimensional holoscreen and wasn't recovered when he finally pulled himself together as Mystery Lad.

Cool- are these in the avatar 'menu'? How else are people adopting these as their avatars?

Everyone else's is great, too. You're really providing some fun amid all the Legion-related stress that's floating around like a sentient, fractious stormcloud.
Sharklad! Thank you, my finny funny, bitey friend! Please read the rest of this post!

Toddkins-- see how hot you are! Even with one eye! Your praise makes me feel so nice, thank you SO much! As far as getting these pictures as avatars goes, all you have to do as far as I can tell is request your image over in the SCIENCE POLICE forum! Nightcrawler, as always, is super-sweet about putting them in the avatar list! All the fandango fanatics are doin' it!


I haven't had a lot of time to do much lately, but when next I post, these LMBers already have images ready:



POVERTY LAD (lookin' tres sexy I might add!)

SHARKLAD (see what posting here gets you?)




and possibly my favorites yet:


and... REBOOT!


Also-- NOT a holomodel competition, mind you-- but THREE proposed new looks for Sketch Lad! Which one will YOU prefer? Do tell! WATCH this THREAD!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Sharklad! Thank you, my finny funny, bitey friend! Please read the rest of this post!
awesome! can't wait to see!

Can't wait to see the new Sketch Lad looks!

So, Lash, here's a request. Now that you've totally got me hooked on drawing the characters from Trash Lass, could you do 'dango images of ALL the support characters? You've covered the leads. That is, if/when you get time.

It's so fun that you're doing this!
It's that time again!

MLLASH does the LMB series 3!

We'll begin with a babe born from an old tag-team thread. Soon she took a life of her own... it's SPACE TART!

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Who needs money when you look this cute? POVERTY LAD hangin' out...

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NOVELTY is ready to either zap you or kiss you...

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SHARKLAD is either really happy to see you or really hungry...

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HARBINGER is blowing in the wind...

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It's the LMB's mystical master himself... the fabulous BEVIS!

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It's HEALEX! The original "Infectious Lad' design (Healex' avatar) is by the sextastic Poverty Lad.

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Fans of Bloom County will get this: Naked came... ROCKHOPPER LAD!

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Girl robot or robot girl? It doesn't matter when you're as hot as... MECHANA!

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Before she came to the LMB through a wormhole-thingie and was stuck at age 17 forever, UMBER posed for this graduation photo...

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Is he a bug-faced electric-antennae alien or is he a handsome hero with retro shoulder-fins or is he a racially diverse hot chick with big boobs? It depends on which REBOOT you're talking about.

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I *really* enjoyed coming up with those images! I hope you got a grin from seeing them! And now....


Hey, you might not like any of 'em but humour me and pick one!
We'll open with SKETCH THE TWINK. You might see him coming out the trendiest clubs, probably all hopped up on something fun. I personally want one of these shirts...

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Next it's SKETCH MY HOMIE...

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And lastly, SURFER SKETCHY getting tickled...

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Heh! Dean's so adorable!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. That's it for now, more later I'm sure!
that is sprockin' awesome, my friend! thanks so much for a much needed pick-me-up!
Cool, I got Lashed! Thanks! Gary, any chance I can have my fandago'ed image as an avatar?
They're all so much fun! You make me want to draw the LMB now. Love Space Tart's blue eyelashes!

I like Surfer Sketch the best. It looked like he was pinching his own nipple! Hee! Hey, those surf boards in the sand and salt water can chafe!
Thanks so much, Lash. Rocky looks really swell! I love the little Opus silhouette!

They're all fabulous!

And I like the surfer and the twink best of the Sketch Lads.
I vote for Sketch the Twink. He looks very serene and has a great aura.

Your guys make me laugh and the women are all beautiful. What a pleasant world to inhabit!

LMB Group Poster demanded!
I'm going for Surfer Sketchy with the Jungle Red nail polish.
Sharky, you're very welcome!

Hee! Rocky, I couldn't not include Opus in some form on your costume. I'll always love that li'l flightless waterfowl. I'm glad you approve!

Cramey, thank you so much! I did attempt an image with 2 LMBers (actually it was yourself and Leap Year Lass, I called it "LMBabes") but I wasn't satisfied. I'll go ahead and post it for you though on my next round of posts. I'll see what I can do about a group shot...

Hmmm... the hand doing the tickling on Surfer Sketch is supposed to be an off-panel babe... I was worried that wouldn't be clear enough.
Now that you mention it, I can see it.
Originally posted by MLLASH:

Hee! Rocky, I couldn't not include Opus in some form on your costume. I'll always love that li'l flightless waterfowl. I'm glad you approve!

It could be a medal of some sort. He could be a member of the Order of Opus! laugh
Mostly Trash Lass-related stuff this week, so see her SECRET FILES thread for that, but here's one I promised to post for Cramey... I don't love it but I don't hate it either...

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Oh, here's two more designs for LMB Experience characters... they don't actually appear in the story but they are mentioned...

First it's The Living Afro. Think Medusa or the Legion's Spider Girl, only she's a sistah and stuff.

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And this is Belle Bottom... see those flares? Now imagine them with abilities like Dr. Octopus' metal arms. And she can "air walk" with them too. Props to Kid Psychout who, iirc, used the "Belle Bottom" name in a reply on the original LMBE thread and gave me the idea.

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Hmm... forgot about this alternate cover for MEL:TS # 6, the spotlight on Lester Spiffany...

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Just doodlin'... it's Sun Boy looking a little kono'd.

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Lydda's a bit torqued after finding out about Sinde....

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It's a group shot of select LMB members, suitable for pin-upping!

What happens when an emergency arises and the only LMBers present are Cobalt Kid and a bunch of the hot chick members? Let your imagination wander...

(oh yeah, this is Caliente, Frio, Harbinger, SpaceTart in the back and Mechana, Cobie and Spellbinder in the front. Where were certified LMBabes Leap Year Lass and Phat Cramer? On a mission at the space-icecream shoppe.)

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OMG, I'm SO stealing that idea for a drawing! (That and a new drawing of Surfin' Sketch Lad in the Twink T.)
You realize, of course, Lash, that you now need to do the equivalent for the fabulous boyz of the LMB! wink
Wonderful, thanks Lash! Please now let's see the boyz!

Oh, and the others are great additions to your gallery, especially love the Lydda and Belle Bottom!
Sketchy! I didn't want to interrupt the flow of your "Tips" story, but I wanted to tell you that my definition of a twink is any young cute trendy guy, gay or straight... I think that's the general definition too but I'm not sure. I'm TOTALLY looking forward to your pic of Sketchy in the twink shirt and your LMB stuff. (I still have your old LMB trading card drawings saved somewhere.)

Rocky, you KNOW how easily influenced I am. Coming soon: MUSCLE LMBEACH! Or maybe LMBoyz Night Out...

Cramey, thank you! I think Belle's a cutie and Lydda always rawks! I'll "bring on the boyz" next time!
I really get a sense of fun with your Sun Boy.

And I've never seen Lydda looking so self-assured. That sort of look would scare off the boys, not her super-strength. I've always seen her as being pretty timid in spite of having super-strength.
Sun Boy's become my default guy Legionnaire to doodle, Quis, probably because you complimented my first drawing of him awhile back... plus my thing for redheads.

Lydda the badass? 'Bout time, says I!
I'd like to see your take on Brainy and Chameleon Boy
Well, I'm a sucker for requests. Consider them posted the next go-round!
Originally posted by MLLASH:

Rocky, you KNOW how easily influenced I am. Coming soon: MUSCLE LMBEACH! Or maybe LMBoyz Night Out...
I can't wait to see these! I may swoon! gasp
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Originally posted by MLLASH:

Rocky, you KNOW how easily influenced I am. Coming soon: MUSCLE LMBEACH! Or maybe LMBoyz Night Out...
I can't wait to see these! I may swoon! gasp [/b]
just make sure that there is a sopha nearby. You can't trust that there will be a gentleman around to catch you.

Now there's a picture: Rockhopper Lad swooning on a sopha.
Quis demanded it and what Quis wants Quis gets!

First, its Chameleon Boy...

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Brainy in an extremely rare laid-back moment...

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And now the 2 together... Cham is doing his best Blockade Boy impression, probably to keep Brainy from killing one of Luornu's remaining selves or from blowing up the HQ again...

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So, doing those got me feeling totally Legion-licious... and the floodgates opened!

Lightning Lad...

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Ultra Boy...

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I love this image, but doesn't Thom kinda look like former Family Feud host Richard Dawson?

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Tenz clowning around with Vi... Tenzula says: "I vant to eat your blood...!"

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Dru: How you doin'?

Jacques: How you doin'?

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Mon-El and Shady...

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Tenzil, why doncha' just kiss 'er instead a' talkin' 'er ta' death !!

[shakes fist] Aaaahhhh, youth is wasted on the wrong people !!

**Sorry. Couldn't resist. These are adorable.**
A brief history of "Matter-Eater Lad and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Series"...

Okay, so a long time ago-- a full reboot ago, even, back before anyone ever guessed there would ever be a 3boot... EDE and I started writing "Matter-Eater Lad: The Series", a comic that featured many neglected (and unintroduced) reboot LSH characters.

Once the Titans/LSH "white-out" of the reboot happened, we had to refocus the series... so MEL & tLSH was born from the ashes of MEL:TS! (You can read the issues thus far here!)

ANYhoo... the point of all that was to tell you where these next 2 characters come from... they are part of Uncle Space's (formerly Uncle Sam) all-new FREEDOM FIGHTERS!

From MEL and the LSH, this is Space-Sister:

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Now keep in mind, in the reboot, the original Colossal Boy costume never existed. What a shame, thought I! Plus the long-lost LSH tradition of barettes was much-missed...
Another member of those Freedom Fighters, Aladdin Lass...

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Okay, I freely admit to adding her because the name tickled me, but I eventually wanted to reveal that she was the daughter of Kantuu...
Great stuff MLLASH!

I really like the Brainy & Cham together. Cham looks like "You can't do that Brainy!" & Brainy is "What? What do you mean?" Solo Brainy is like "I don't have time for you to take my picture."

And then there is Muscle Beach Jo.

Garth's sensative side comes through in this picture.
Hi, Cleome! Thank you so much!

Quis-- I'm thankful you gave me the urge and nerve to do more guy Legionnaires! THANK YOU!
Only one LMB image... I really enjoy drawing the Frio and Caliente characters...

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You would think that I shouldn't have to encourage a gay guy to draw some beefcake. wink

PS: I really like Space Sister
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
You would think that I shouldn't have to encourage a gay guy to draw some beefcake. wink
I know, right?

On the other hand, that's one tasty pic of Jo laugh
Thanks, Rocky-- but I think this one is my favorite of the bunch... Jan and Condo...

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(and please note I'll be doing an LMBeefcake attempt before bedtime tonight...)
Okay Rocky, Cramey... this one's for you!

Let me set the scene...

Sketchy is just walkin' over the dune to this WTF scenario: Lardy is totally crackin' up because Cobie doesn't realize Lardy gave him a Bi-beer (Bi-beer dates back to early LMB tag-team threads!). Meanwhile, Blockade Boy is torn between hurlin' and runnin'...

CUTE!! (click to enlarge the frivolity)

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Jan and Condo make a cute couple!

Nice treasure trail on BB!
Dang it!!

Just like what happened to me on the Legion #48 thread, I'm busted for noticing a man crotch again!

Day-am! What is Lardy wearing and what's going on in there?

What's that called? "Dude, you just did a ball check!" Is that right? Something else else like that.


Anyway, I love that Sketchy's walking up to the scene and he's like,
"D'oh! Lardy just gave Cobie a Bi-Beer!"

Blocky's all,
"D'oh! Cobie's gonna be checkin' out my trail any second now!"

Lardy's all,
"Hah! What sport!"

Cobie goes,
"Ball check!"

I need a nap.
Heh heh heh... I was wondering why QUIS hadn't noticed Lardy's ummm... swimming attire... lol
You need to post a Lash Lad picture!
Absolutely! And he needs to be in a group shot on the other side of the beach! wink
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Heh heh heh... I was wondering why QUIS hadn't noticed Lardy's ummm... swimming attire... lol
I saw the sock he stuffed in it.
A Lash Lad picture, you say? But that would be so-- narcissistic, and everyone knows I'm not like that!

To prove it, in my first self-portrait I am generously sharing the spotlight with EDE! wink

click to enlarge (my ego) even further! wink wink

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That's just adorable! Lash looks totally hawt and EDE is rolling his eyes ever so subtly.

Fabulous, as always! laugh
It's now time at the fandango to MAKE FUN OF MLLASH'S CHILDHOOD SELF-MADE COMICS!

That's right, I did it! Maybe you did too! But were your childhood ideas good enough to be stolen years later by Rob Liefeld? heh heh! It's funny because it's BAD!

So back in the day, early to mid 80s, like many a true geek, I used to draw my own comics! At first I stapled them together like real comics but later progressed to just drawing them in notebooks (which I still have!). There was lots of action, death and resurrection and badly drawn shenanigans! Plus fashion shows, just like in Betty & Veronica!

I had this team of underground super-babes which could be considered Birds of Prey only with lots of members! (no pun intended)

There was the team set in the future (strangely not Legion-sized or even Legion-derivative).

There was the team set in this guy's house until his house got trashed and he decided to buy a skyscraper and enlarge the team to 15 members and move them into the skyscraper where the story takes a semi-direct riff from the JSA in Adventure Comics' "Death of Batman" story. EVERYone got their asses kicked!

There was the team set on the mountain who was actually a new team using the old team's name but was attacked by the original team's old foes.

Fun. I really need to dig those notebooks out soon.

I'm blanking on a LOT of that old stuff, but I'm going to share a few doodles...

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These three chicks were part of the Skyscraper guy's team. The ones on the right and left's powers were completely stolen from Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl. The babe in the middle had an atomic punch, which was kewl, but get THIS-- she originally also had WINGS that she lost in the big fracas that destroyed dude's house! This was almost a DECADE before TMK did it to Dawny. Bow before me, Giffen!

Oh, and yes-- these lasses DID sometimes stop posing in awkward model stances long enough to fight crime!
This is Poltergiest and Sparky, 2 of the last chicks I created for the Birds of Prey-ish all-girl team. I realize now that I was drawing Poltergiest to look like a teen/adult version of the little girl from the Politergiest movies, may she RIP.

See that pink bloblike thing? No one else could and it obeyed Poltergiest's every command, sort-of like Johnny Thunder's thunderbolt if it were blobby instead of lightning-ey. Mostly it just knocked stuff around.

Sparky was your basic on-fire at all times chick, unless she got wet. Then you could see her eyes and hair. Heh! They were best buds!

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Hey! It just hit me that Sparky is very Frankie Raye, the Herald of Galactus known as (iirc) Nova... now did I create her before or after Byrne? Damn him!

This was another member of the all-girl team, she had a codename but mostly went by her real name, Alannah. I can remember she was my very favorite to draw (which I think shows here). She could give people the spins, you know, vertigo, and make 'em sick.

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After I finshed that Image of Alannah, I thought "she'd make a good Black Canary. that "bubbles" effect looks like Black Canary.

So I drew Black Canary, another longtime favorite of mine. One of these days I'm going to master that damned half-jacket!

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And because no fandango should be Legionless, here's "Projectra remembers"....

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Stay tuned for further opportunities to bash MLLASH's childhood! Plus the usual goofiness.

Bye for now!

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I just love the characters created by Lil Lash!

When I was a kid, I made up a group called the Gallant Gang! It was some kind of combination of the Legion and the Teen Titans. I don't remember individual characters at all!
S'almost bedtime for me, but I'll leave you with an old favorite of mine, first in a series featuring the cast of GROOVY TEEN TITANS: THE SERIES...

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Lashie, did I ever tell you how much I love your randoms?? Frio and I have been cooing over them for ages!!! laugh

I can't wait to get a new icon. But which image to choose?? Decisions, decisions...
These are fun! I thought Sparky reminded me more of Magma than Frankie, but then I liked Amara much more than Miss Raye.

Originally posted by MLLASH:
That's right, I did it! Maybe you did too! But were your childhood ideas good enough to be stolen years later by Rob Liefeld? heh heh! It's funny because it's BAD!
Hee-hee! I had pages and pages of WHO'S WHO style write-ups (mainly 'cause I can only draw in pretty much three head-on poses). My ideas got stolen by Dan Slotts (The Cavalry's one of the INITIATIVE teams, but I thought of it first!)

I had a member named Silhouette (who was a member of NEW WARRIORS at Marvel) who was pretty much a combination of Phantom Girl, Shadow Lass and Saturn Girl-- but she was a ballet dancer!

Hmmm. There was also a Snapdragon (I think there's been multiple characters using that name) who fought crime with a quarterstaff and a sentient plant sidekick.

I had a Mystress (I know that name's been used, but I can't think where) who created great walls of fog through which she could teleport and time-travel.

There was also a gal I called Sweet Revenge, who was like a driven, Batman character out to avenge something or other.

Funny, I can't remember any of the male characters just now. I was obsessed with pairing them up. Everybody had to have their love-at-first-sight object-- *much* more important than an actual, y'know, super-villain!

I'm scared to think about what this reveals about me! Ha!
Hi Dean... do you still have any of your old Gallant Gang renderings?

CALI! I'm thrilled to see you here! I said elsewhere here that you and Frio are among my favorite LMB characters to windows-paint. That whole fire and ice theme just kicks.

Toddkins! Man, your stuff was stolen by high-calibre writers though, dude. I *love* Dan Slott and NEW WARRIORS was quite the "HOT BOOK" back in the day!

My Liefeld-used characters were names-only and both were in NEW MUTANTS/X-FORCE: Feral and Shatterstar.

My Shatterstar was actually a hot space-chick who had Starfire-ish powers, she was part of my future/space-team's continuity.

I had 2 feline-characters. One was in the Birds-of-Preyish all-girls continuity ("The University" it was called, one could consider it an all-girls X-Men, maybe?). That cat-character was part of a rival gang (totally lifted from the Hellions' first appearance, IIRC).

The other cat-lass was in the space-team's continuity; I had my primary team, but there was also a team of heroes who protected a particular planet (shades of the Amazers on Xanthu!) and a team of teen aliens-- Bah. My memory is getting all balled up.

But-- Christmas has come and gone, I'm home alone and there's not much to do, so I think I'll go pull out that box of my old comics, read through as much of it as I can take without getting ill, and come back with all sorts of new fandango'd images we can get a giggle from!
I love pretty pose Lash.
heh heh... In preschool they called it "sitting like a gentleman".

Okay, so I pulled out my box of old self-made comics notebooks. The University ran for 13 completed notebooks, and a 14th was started. now keep in mind these are all 70-page notebooks (except for # 13, which was 100 (!!!) pages), so this crap was pretty extended.

So far this has been fairly painful.

# 1 is pretty much mostly a bunch a full-page shots introducing the large cast of students... Oh look, there's a bunch of giant robots that look suspiciously like Sentinels from the classic Neal Adams Sentinels saga (which I read-- and loved-- reprinted as Giant-Size X-Men # 2 and later in an early form of baxter Adams/X-Men reprints). Shh. Don't tell Marvel, I don't want them suing me.

oops! There goes a bunch of castmembers! Those robots mean business. Elaine, I hardly knew you! But your costume sucked anyway and I had an idea for a replacement with your powers. Sally, look out! OWWWCH-- that's gotta sting. No one tell Gail Simone about this, please.

Oh gawd, no... they even pulled the old "switch costumes to fool the robots' sensors" trick. Roy Thomas is going to have me assassinated.

Jiminy H. Christmas! There's the chick who looks like Infectious Lass, only her hair is blue and her facial markings are green. That definitely places this after S/LSH 218, my intro to Drura (I wouldn't back-collect S/LSH # 201 until later). Hmm, I changed her up enough not to have to be worried about DC's legals-- I even gave her hypnotic antennae instead of super-disease inducing powers. Go team Lash!

No dates at all on this one.

Man, that was hideous. I'm scared to look at # 2...
Okay, here we go with # 2...

Hmm. 2 new students... one whose powers are a direct steal from Life Lass and another who controls nature, whatever that means.

Oh, several pages of new costumes... just what these brand-new characters needed. Oh Vina... you looks just awful with that Belinda Carlisle circa-Head Over Heels haircut.

Apparently, these chicks all trained by whaling on each other. They needed a danger room! Looks like the nature-controlling chick won. unfortunately, she's a loser when it comes to fashion. Her purple and white striped outfit is ripe for fandangoing.

Oh how cute! An awards ceremony...

Airborne. I like her. Her outfit's cute. Her powers are flight and invulnerability. No super-strength so mostly she just threw rocks at her opponents or bashed their heads in with a 2 by 4.

Oh fun... more pose shots!

Uh oh... 4 more new students... there's Night (or Leslie if you prefer). She greatly resembles Nightwind in skin-tone and eye markings but then she diverges pretty completely. I remember liking her a lot... I'll have to do an image of her.

No dates, but there is a note to myself: "Get your $12.50! Look for clothes!" Well, honestly, where was I shoppng that $12.50 would buy ANYthing fashionable?

Next: # 3, if you dare...
The super-heroines of Bryn Mawr!

And Lash, if anyone could look fashionable on $12.50, it's you.
Let's peek atThe University # 3...

Awesome! I found a way to get rid of characters without having robots kill them-- they graduate! I'm sure Melanie, Valerie and Jana were very excited to escape with their lives.

"The Headmistress" is mentioned... so someone IS running the show, from somewhere... it's been very PEANUTS so far, no adults...

Oh fun. Another giant robot. I didn't steal the image from anything so it looks absolutely ludicrous. But the girls' giant-robot-fighting skills have certainly improved, as no one was killed. Yay!

Oh gawd, not 3 more pages of new costumes...!

Hmm, I had this gravity-controlling chick code-named Goddess. She looks cool.

lol Apparently, for a while, Vina (she was a sorceress, pretty prominent throughout) shaved her head altogether and replaced her hair with a magic flames... so we have a bald chick with flames shooting from her head.... Still, it was pretty distinctive.

FINALLY-- a training room. I was wondering when the girls were gonna start whaling on each other again...

WHOA-- a DUDE! And he's EVIL! His midas touch has turned 3 students into GOLD! Apparently, gold crayola turns to green after so many years...

OHMYGAWD-- a "big eye" panel! Could this be my first Keith Giffen steal? It would be far from my last (remember, I was a Gif-fan frm the days of All-Star Comics, The Defenders & Challengers of the Unknown although I was too young to realize it then).

Still no dates...

I'll refrain from further rambling about this now, but watch this thread for some University girls soon!
Lash asked: "Hi Dean... do you still have any of your old Gallant Gang renderings?"

I don't! My family moved every couple of years when I was a kid, so things got tossed out all the time. I just remember the name Gallant Gang. It is pretty catchy.... but if you think about it, it might be kind of embarrassing to be in a group by that name. "Oh yes, look how gallant we are!" smile

Lash, you are SO prolific! It's great.
No, YOU'RE great. smile Well, I'd have liked to see some of Sketch's olde-time drawings. Maybe we can work in the Gallant Gang somewhere, all-new and all-different. It will be cute when villains say, "Run! Here comes the Gigi!"

So I ditched work yesterday after an hour and a half because I couldn't deal with it. As penace, I went in today for 6 hours. I spent at least 1 of those hours working on the following University Girls for the next post-party:


Airborne (sans rocks or 2 by 4)

Vina with flamey head and with regular hair

Nature (the poor 80s fashion vixtim!)

Leslie AKA Night

Melanie, who I mentioned as graduating, I'm calling her Light.

note to self: Do Sonic's strappy costume for a possible re-use somewhere...
And now, some students from THE UNIVERSITY...

Here is Goddess, who could control gravity. I think in my kiddie mind I was trying to draw her all beads and flowers thinking that would be mythological. Instead she ended up looking pretty hippychick. I like hippychick.

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Here is Airborne, real name Timmi... to this day I still like her costume, I think she's cute!

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Nature... who definitely has the distinction of having the worst outfits of all these girls... way 80s. She even switched to a white/black version of this suit for a while... I guess I finally figured out she looked like a criminal and switched her back to white/purple.

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Night, who brings to mind Nightwind from the Legion... though I cannot be positive she had debuted in the Giffen look yet when I drew this. Surely she had.

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Melanie, AKA Light who got to graduate instead of getting killed by a giant robot...

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Another costume I really like. Sonic was kinda Dazzler-ey in that she could convert sound, but not to light, to destructive force bursts.

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Wanna replace your hair with magic flames?

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Lyle takes Condo to his first pride rally....

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(Yeah, they're REAL drunk!)
Totally prolific, Dude!
More greatness, Lash! It's not just the characters and drawing, it's the colors, too, that mesmerize. I would really love to see an entire comic would be like with all this brightness.
I'm having too much fun to stop, Sketchy!

Thanks, Cramey... I think Laura Allred used to color her hubby's work on X-Force & X-Statix with super-brightness.

I will admit to having a LOT of fun coloring these...

And because you gave me the idea (mentioning the colors!), I did some SUBS work today... namely COLOR KID and CHLOROPHYLL KID (will post soon)!
And now, MLLASH presents the SUBS, fandango-fied!

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I like Polar Boy the best. So cute with the boy next door look.

I like Color Kid's club kid look.

Ral looks like he is giving someone the eye of stage. A boyfriend waiting in the wings?
I think I just melted from the Chem/Lyle pic.

He's looking at YOU, Quis! Holt <--- Ral & Quis!

Thanks, Cleome! Hmmm... This inspires me to do more Space-Pride images....
If there's no recent Vi/Ayla, I'll request one. Because I'm a sentimental fool that way...
Cleome, I'll get right on it! Look for it shortly!

Meanwhile, here's one for Quis...

The scene: Space-Pride Disco Night!

The sitch: Quislet, Esq is oblivious to the lusty looks tossed his way on the dancefloor from Ral and Brek. Ral attempts a little tush-push to get Quis' attention, so Brek decides to go for broke with a more direct approach!

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Ayla takes Violet to her first Space-Pride!

Violet: Ayla, look what they're DOING!!

Ayla: Nothing I've never seen before...

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From this thread, which rocks: ULTIMATE Substitute Heroes

Here's my origin for ULTIMATE NIGHT GIRL...

Eccentric Professor Jath became the talk of Kathoon (known galaxy-wide as 'The Dark Planet') when his daughter Lydda was brutally murdered by a gang of brutal murderers.

He discovered a way to re-animate his daughter, but many of her body parts had been crushed by the gang.

So he "borrowed" parts as needed from other recently-deceased young ladies, sewing them onto Lydda.

When his daughter was once again whole, he placed her lifeless form beneath his wacky-looking machine and turned it on.

Lydda lived again!!!! And even better, had gained super-zombie strength for her trouble!!!

Lydda, being a fun-loving zombie sort, decided to help protect others from brutal murderers by applying for LEGION membership!

She arrived at LEGION WORLD, eager and excited, yet tragedy quickly struck!

Since all on Kathoon see well in pitch darkness, there was never a need for light of any type.

Once she disembarked at Legion World, Lydda quickly discovered that bright lights or sunlight neutralize the force that reanimates her body, making her collapse into a lifeless corpse until she is covered in darkness again!

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Cleome, I'll get right on it! Look for it shortly!

Meanwhile, here's one for Quis...

The scene: Space-Pride Disco Night!

The sitch: Quislet, Esq is oblivious to the lusty looks tossed his way on the dancefloor from Ral and Brek. Ral attempts a little tush-push to get Quis' attention, so Brek decides to go for broke with a more direct approach!

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I am glad to see that I tastefully kept my shirt on. But who wants a sub when Colossal Boy's brother is where my eyes are focused. (Call me a size queen tongue )
True, you have left your shirt on, but please note it's a belly-shirt that exposes your sexy treasure trail! Poppin' hotties!

Hmmm... Colossal Boy's brother...
Originally posted by MLLASH:

Ayla takes Violet to her first Space-Pride!

Violet: Ayla, look what they're DOING!!

Ayla: Nothing I've never seen before...

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love Awwww... love

Thanks, MLLASH !! (I baked these rainbow cookies just for you.)
these are soooooo good, Lash!
Hey, Lash,

I was wondering where people were getting those nice avatars, I had no idea that you had such an artistic streak! Congratulations, these are very good. I think I'll disagree with you on one thing, though, you certainly are getting to the point where you could make a model competition...fandango style.

Sharklad, Doc... thank you both!

Nothing this week*, though I have posted a TON of stuff on the Museum thread. It's Tenzil, Dru and Calorie Queen... how could I not?

*Though the night is still young...

My access to a non-work computer will be very limited from now until mid-March, so unless I break down and get that library card (what the hell do they require to get one anyway?), it will be a while before I post anything new.

But when I do post, expect a TON of stuff. I'm focusing on the Legionnaires from MATTER-EATER LAD & THE LSH. Hopefully I can somehow do a group shot of ALL of 'em.

Moons of Colu! Get a library card, Lash! All they need is a driver's license and an address, so they know where to go to bust your kneecaps when you don't return their books on time.

Mid-March is too long to wait for more fandango.

Ultimate Night Girl - icky... but in a good way.

Love that party Quis shot - not only does he keep his shirt on, he keeps his mask on so evil doers won't learn his identity.

Ayla and Vi, very sweet.
THANK YOU, Cramey for the comments! I totally wanted Ultimate Lydda to be creepy in a good way. One of these days I'll write (or draw?) on ELSEWORLDSY-type tale about her to show how awesomely fun she is!

re: the library thing, turns out you don't even need a card to use the computers, but I can't upload my stuff to the library computers for uploading to photobucket. (Did that even make sense?)

But I'm thinking I can swing something in the next week or 2.

TONS of Matter-Eater Lad & The Legion of Super-Heroes stuff done, including panels taken from the script.

Also did a massive group shot, tried to include all 17 members but could only fit in 13. So the other 4 got their own shot.

I'm especially fond of my Sensory Lad costume.

Unfortuantely, I feel I "draw" Hate-Face to be too cutesy.

I'm REAL proud of my Zoe-as-hot-Nurse (iirc, EDE and I were going to return her to the LSH as chief physician because she still retained the healing powers originally mentioned way back in that LEGION ANNUAL). And you won't BELIEVE who her new boyfriend is!

Dreamer is especially fun to do.

If I could figure out how to fit a traditional comic book-looking page onto windows paint, with panels and all, I'd try to "draw" a series for fun. Maybe MELatLSH.

Anyhoo, watch this thread for the mega-post funfest.
Okay, the good news: I now have a "real" computer in my home! The less-good news: It's not through cable so it's a little slow!

Still, I can start posting some stuff now, and anytime I like in the future. Woohoo!

As promised, it's all MATTER-EATER LAD and the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES for the nonce.

This is the shot where I tried to get everyone but couldn't fit 'em all....

click to enlarge

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And here's the rest of the guys I couldn't fit...

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It should be noted that SKETCH LAD started a great thread of MELatLSH art that heavily influenced my takes! His spectacular work on MELatLSH can be found WHEN YOU CLICK HERE!
SENSORY LAD was created by Eryk. He's an Athramite complete with all 47 athramite senses. Not much gets past him. I'm rather proud of my Superman-inpsired costume design for the li'l guy!

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Insect Queen from Xanthu, and Braino. You might know him as the noblest being of all time!

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Thunder, Hate-Face abd Dreamer....

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Currency Kid and Storm Boy.... Our Storm Boy was the gay one from the Super-Companions, not the powerless reject that Geoff Johns would later reveal went nuts and joined the Justice League of Earth.

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3 more Eryk additions:

I'm getting an Asian vibe from Nemesis Kid. That was never written in by either Eryk or myself, but I'm liking it.

That's Pol Krinn, or Cosmic Kid, subbing for his bro.

Blast-Off is the sister of the original Blast-Off who was killed by Mordru, keeping alive the fine Legion tradition of sisters replacing their dead brothers!

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We hadn't yet gotten to the part where a much-powered down Zoe joins the team as a physician because of her healing powers. I rather like this picture.

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I rather like what she's wearing!

Lash, great fun! and thank you for the plug.
i love andromeda!!!!
Thank you Sketcy & Disaster Boy!

Here's 3 more images for tonight.

First up is the FREEDOM FIGHTERS. The living embodiment of the American Way known as Uncle Sam in our time has evolved over 1000 years to become the living embodiment of the United Planets! He is UNCLE SPACE! His costume is supposed to be based on a UP flag but I didn't have one to reference.

The ladies with him are SPACE SISTER, the funktastic Daxamite; SHIPOOPI, the girl who's hard to get (because she's a flying speedster/teleporter) and ALADDIN LASS, carpet-riding girl genie!


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I want to get with Space Sister ... she's hot ...
After I did that image, I reread the scripts and realized I had forgotten NASAL HAZEL. I decided I liked her a total sex-bomb, despite having a larger-than-life proboscis!

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Space-Sister rocks indeed, Sharky. I especially like writing her totally awful "written by a white dude trying to be space-street" dialogue! Sweet Klordny!

Here's a creepy Insect Queen image.

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I see Space Sister is using an old Colossal Boy costume.
Indeed! See, in the reboot universe (where MELatLSH is set), the original Colossal Boy costume never existed, and I couldn't bear the thought of that!
I think I most enjoy your 'dango drawings of your original characters. They're so funky!
It's nothing but some junk if it ain't got that funk. wink

Tried a couple of panels from the script....

From issue # 1 (dialogue by Eryk Davis Ester):

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Tenzil: It's an Earthquake beast on the loose!

Nightwind: It can't affect us while we're flying.

Dreamer: There are innocents in its path, however. The aura of one of them is the prettiest shade of purple. Her great-great-great-great-great-great grandson will be pivotal in discovering a cure for the Pain Plague, but only if we save her.

Sun Boy: Well, I guess I better get that overgrown camelephant to lighten up!
Also from issue one... Dreamer ending the fight between Andromeda and Thunder (and racking up a couple of 'don't #$#%! with me' points for herself).... dialogue by me...

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Dreamer *looking uber-scary*: Look at my fingers, Thunder.
Me in a towel to see if anyone is paying attention!

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We're paying attention! laugh
That's a horrible looking towel. Get rid of it at once!
Oh, you boys!

A proposed cover for MELatLSH. Any Reboot fans out there able to name all three of these members of Dagon the Avenger's LSV?

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This panel could be used in any Space sister appearance "on-screen". With some sample dialogue from the script to imagine her saying (written by me):

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Space Sister: *waving finger* Yo, homes-- Space Sister don't need permission to do jack. Word!

Space Sister: You need to zip it, Endora.

Space Sister: *groan*

Space Sister: I love me some gumption!
A scene from MELatLSH # 1, Thunder and Andromeda let out some pent-up anger....

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A Panel from issue # 2. Dreamer and Hate-Face are alone at HQ when Organus attacks. Hate-Face has just (barely) beaten Organus and is already creeped out by Dreamer....

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Dreamer: *is suddenly behind Hate-Face* Excellent work!

Hate-Face: *startled by her* EEEEEEK!

(dialogue by me)
From issue # 3... Eyeful Ethel becomes SUPERVISION! (dialogue by me)

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Ethel: My eyes-- so many different powers-- the Eye of Ekron has made me into-- Supervision!
TWO panels! (dialogue by me... will do more EDE next!)

Panel 5

Space Sister: And where is this lost space-cracker o'yours anyway, Sam?

Uncle Space: A good question. And one I don't know the answer to. Fortunately, I figure I got one partner here who can smell 'im out...

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Panel 6

Uncle Space: ...Right, Hazel?

Nasal Hazel: You bet, Sam! I met him when we were all battling Nardo* and I never forget a smell like HE had!

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Nemesis Kid & Storm Boy wake up in a Dominator dungeon.... (dialogue by EDE)

Nemesis Kid: It's about time you woke up...

Storm Boy: I'm used to waking up in some strange places, but this takes the space-cake.

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The following panel by EDE is already hilarious as it is written, but I thought adding a beefcake poster of himself in Lester's room threw it over the top! (dialogue by EDE)

Caption: Wowzers! *I* certainly didn't see that coming! And speaking of Tiffany Spiffany's brothers, let's check in on brave and noble Legionniare, Currency Kid!

*Panel shows Lester all laid up in bed on board a space cruiser, with Insect Queen bringing him a drink*

Insect Queen: Look, Lester, we know you had a traumatic time on Aleph and everything, but that's the last gin and kono I'm making for you.

Lester: Hmph! I didn't just have a "traumatic time", I was shot! I was almost the first member of the new Legion killed in battle! You'd certainly feel differently if you were going home to erect one of those gold statues for me!

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
The following panel by EDE is already hilarious as it is written, but I thought adding a beefcake poster of himself in Lester's room threw it over the top! (dialogue by EDE)
That's brilliant!
Yay, Eryk saw! I miss our co-writing dude*!

*You notice how I used the macho "dude" term of endearment so as not to make you uncomfortable with another guy missing you.
Can we see another picture of you in a towel?
[fans self]
Possibly more towel shots coming up! You will want to check this thread frequently! Daily even! wink

Meanwhile, here's a scene that never had the chance to occur (yet anyway)....

See, we were going to reveal that Colossal Boy was not in fact killed by the stupid Emerald Eye "heart's desire" thing during the "Emerald Vi" arc, but was placed in a deathlike coma from which he eventually awakened! (Nura had already informed Tenzil of this which explains Tenzil's thoughts re: Colossal Boy during his conversation with President Marte Allon in issue 2!)

Also, I had it in my head that Gim and Zoe were going to hook up.

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Jumpin' Fishhooks!

I'm just catching up on all the brillance today! Jeenyius! So many great drawings! Lash...I don't know where to start!

I humbly bow before your magnificence!

I want to repost so many, but this one especially laugh

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PS - This M&LSH fan desperately needs more M&LSH!!!
Me too! Thanks, CObie!
Not feasible for me right now. But I'm sure we'll get back to it full force at some point.
I'll be ready EDE!

Meanwhile, by request! Cobie and Pov enjoy the spoils of space-victory!

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
I'll be ready EDE!

Meanwhile, by request! Cobie and Pov enjoy the spoils of space-victory!

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Wild, crazy and weird and I love it! Who are those girls? I want to draw pictures of them!

So awesome, and so perfect! You know I don't discriminate which aliens I partake in laugh
Heh! Thanks Sketch and Cobie!

I'd like you to meet:

Cobalta, queen of the blue-skinned incredibly-shaped amazons of Hourglassia.

Ssssssssissssssssi of Unexplored Asteroid VII.

DD(DD) from the gas giant Knokkerz.

(Unpronounceable) from (Unpronounceable). Pov calls her "Nugrape".

Tasha from Frisskiz.

Sketch, have at it! I must see your take, I know it will space-rawk!
Fandango Fan Art... Cobalta

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GREAT FRIKKIN' SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lash, I LOVE drawing your characters. You're so creative and imaginative.
Oh gosh, Sketchy, you truly humble me. You're so awesome!

Maybe in Trash Lass vol. 2, this alien Lass Legion can make their way to earth.... I'll have to come up with more serious names...
"Cobie, you're actually going to get it on with a girl with three eyes?"

"Of course! The better for her to gaze in admiration at my handsome face and physique! And did you see that wonderful set of...er, shoulders?"
More dango fan art...

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(UNPRONOUCEABLE)!!!! Or as I (and Pov) like to call her, NUGRAPE! DELICIOUS!

Dean, you so RAWK! Hey, I'm on vacation until Thursday, what are your online hours gonna be (PM me if you prefer)? I'm not gonna bug ya or nothin', promise!
Glad you like the sketches, Lash.

I'll be here on and off. Today's my day off, but I have a couple of different appointments. sigh.

PM me or email me... what do you have on your mind?
Grape Girl is welch-nigh the most enigmatic character on this thread. (Sorry. Couldn't resist.) So cool ! grin
I count myself as one of Dean's biggest fans! I swear if I ever come into money I will pay him double his year's salary to do nothing but draw my ideas! Thus swears MLLASH! (hoping there's a billionaire relative I've never heard of out there who loves me!)

FANDANGO FANS! I am currently focused on the UNCANNY EXCELLENTS and the monthly GALLERIES here at the badass BITS forum! But feel free to post any requests you may have and I will 'dango them out for you here. I'm a sucker for requests!

Meanwhile, here's honoring Sharklad's earlier request... wink

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Could Cobalta's father have been Nardo? Does she reject her father's evil ways? Does he secretly admire her, even if she thinks he's scum?

In Top Ten #4, there's a one-panel character named "Underwoman" - dressed in 1950s-style underwear. She'd fit right in.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Meanwhile, here's honoring Sharklad's earlier request... wink
Hummina, hummina, hummina ...


Um, I need a few minutes by myself ... I'll be in, um, my tank ...

Surely somewhere there's a sauna in that big HQ! Otherwise, this picture of Dirk, Jan and Jo makes no sense!

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I love dirk's treasure trail. Is Jan annoyed that Dirk is muscling in on his alone time with Jo?
hmmm ... it's been over a week since the last towel pic ... surely Lash has taken a shower or two since then, so ... turn over the towel pics and no one will get hurt!
Now now, NMRL, this is an ART thread... wink
Anyone who actually sat through reading my ramblings on stuff I did in my 80s childhood might remember my mentioning a team set in space. They were (are) the STARSEARCHERS.

I was in the mood to do something different, so here's the first 3 female members of that team (more joined later).

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The lass is pink & white is SEVEN. See that black jewel clasping her cape? It was an ancient space-artifact that gave its owner super-strength and semi-invulnerablity. Catch was it could only have 12 owners in its "lifespan". SEVEN was the 6th owner, counting down from TWELVE. (I never revealed anything about the previous 5 owners). Another catch was if you commited MURDER using the abilities, you instantly lost them... To this day, a cool idea, I think...

The butterfly lass in the middle is IRITT, from a planet where humanoids have insect-like qualities. She could fly with her wings and also had some minor telepathy...

The lass in blue is RENEE ESMERELDA, a sorta witch/Green Lantern type (in that she mainly used her abilities to create solid things out of thin air)....

I'll have to do the guy STARSEARCHERS sometime. JOHNNY COMET is especially cute!

Guess which longtime member of the LMB was snapped recently in a towel...!

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damn you, paparazzi!
Lash, please don't kill off Sharky ! I'm still recovering from the losses of Thin Girl and Rain Girl !!

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Gosh. I just took another look through the fandango-- LOVE IT!! laugh (Especially the Caliente/Frio half faces picture thing. So cool! And hot!! wink The puns, they burnses.)

Anyhoo!! Just wanted to say how cool I think what you do with Paint is. I can barely figure out how to use the damn thing. And you end up with pictures that show so much using so little!

love laugh
Wow!! It is unbelievable how much imaginative and inventive artwork you are putting out! It's really great and inspiring!!
Thank you, Cali-- what can I say, you're inspiring! love

Boyblue, you're my new favorite new poster! Welcome to Legion World!! Holt

Here's a Titans shot, done just now and I'm totally drunk so I think I did okay considering. Can't quite figure out Speedy's little mask thing though!

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Thank you for the welcome ;-)

You really did this while you were drunk?? Great!!
So I will also give it a try in that mood soon *lol*

I think you did good on Speedy's mask. Aqualad looks so serious. And Lilith looks appropriately spacey.

And is Speedy so happy because he's groping Aqualad?
S'true, Boyblue, my "artistic talents" are the same wether drunk or sober... bad!

Quis, while I'm of the opinion Young Speedy wasn't too particular about whom he groped back in his younger days before he straightened himself out, I think I was intending here for him to be groping a beer can or something. I probably should have shown that, heh heh! But the interpretation is open!

Here'a a Robin/Duela Dent image, done while sober...

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Was originally going to submit this to the "DANCE" museum ebhibit, but it didn't turn out too dancey. Still wanted to share.

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hmmm ... no new shower pics ...
I'm a Harvey girl in a Harvey world

Well, not really but I *am* an unapologetic fan of the old Harvey comics line. Lots of great female characters in those books. Sometimes I wonder whatever might have become of them....

For instance, maybe obsessive Little Dot and super-strong Little Lotta are now an item...?

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Well, probably not...
Pearl (or 'Poil') the longsuffering girlfriend of Spooky the Tuff Little Ghost... did she dissolve into formless ectoplasm in despair?

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I hope not...
Wendy is possibly not such a good little witch anymore...

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Did poor little Mayda Munny ever score with Richie Rich...?

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Maybe in High School?
I like to think little Audrey and Gloria Glad went on to top model superstardom, wearing their ribbons and bows proudly in ad campaigns for Baby Phat and L.A.M.B.

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But I guess in all likelihood that didn't happen.

Man I could use a Harvey Comics fix....
My first windows paint done on the all-new all-now laptop is a tribute to our departed Yellow Kid, he will be missed terribly.

A Moment of Silence on Legion World.

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
[b]I'm a Harvey girl in a Harvey world

Well, not really but I *am* an unapologetic fan of the old Harvey comics line. Lots of great female characters in those books. Sometimes I wonder whatever might have become of them....

For instance, maybe obsessive Little Dot and super-strong Little Lotta are now an item...?

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Well, probably not... [/b]
Nope, I see them as a couple.

Now you have Lotta as the femme, right? wink
That's really sweet of you, Lashie. Looks good, too.

frown I know Art would've like it.
That's a very nice idea, Lash.
Thought I would attempt some new LMB images....

Here's the LMB's Kent Shakespeare, cool-headed and multi-talented...

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Raging Bull, whose real name might or might not be Travis....

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LOL Cool. laugh
And 3 more LMB images to make a nice even total of 6.

Here's Rickshaw!

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Dedman (AKA Deddy!)

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And Avengers fan supreme Stealth.

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Thank you, Lash. smile laugh smile laugh
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Thought I would attempt some new LMB images....

Here's the LMB's Kent Shakespeare, cool-headed and multi-talented...

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Holy Cannoli !! I graduated college with KS' evil twin and never knew it until today!

I feel really damn bad now about all those Winathian jokes I used to make in Figure Studies class. Forgive me, Kent. I-- I didn't know.

You're very welcome Stealth! Cleome-- Heh!!

there's something about the DOOM PATROL...

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Karen is thrilled to be appearing in a regular title again. Here she's telling you just how high DOOM PATROL will rise in sales. OR... she's telling your honky-ass self just what to go to yourself. The man won't make a fool of her man Mal!

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SHARKLAD shows up with flowers. You:

a) Slam the door

b) Invite him him but keep your distance

c) Invite him in and rock his dorsal fin

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oh please, please let it be "c" ...
Having met Sharky in person, I would say C. is the best choice.
Is that chum in the water behind him or something worse?

Just watch out for Orca Lass, Sharky.
She likes to eat Great White livers.

(Great job on ALL of these, MLLASH. They're very charming.)
Thank you Shady!

You can't tell if LEAP YEAR LASS is feeling mischievious or smug. You:

a) Make polite small talk to gauge her reaction.

b) Compliment the colors of her aura.

c) Put on shin gaurds.

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I say ...

choice B
No way-- it's "c" all the way! wink
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Thank you Shady!

You can't tell if LEAP YEAR LASS is feeling mischievious or smug. You:

a) Make polite small talk to gauge her reaction.

b) Compliment the colors of her aura.

c) Put on shin gaurds.

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Why can't she be both smug and mischievious at the same time?
I have to say that I find these to be quite remarkable.
Thank you, MysticLuna!

I was reading Todd's Calling the Roll and decided to do a new fandango of his Mystery Lad character... I think it turned out kinda sexy.

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I think he turned out like a good date, he looks all interested in what I have to say.

Awesome work, Mllash!
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 09/13/09 01:50 AM
I dunno, look at that little half-grin he's got going on, like you've got something on your nose and he doesn't want to embarass you by pointing it out...

[wipes a bit of pizza sauce off of his nose]

Holy crap! He can see me through the monitor!
Golly- I'm flattered! Love that pic-- you couldn't know this, but my eyes pretty much are that color (though they do turn greyer or a little green at times, depending on mood, lighting, what I had for dinner...)

If I ever manage to swing a trip to one of the LW con get-togethers, I'll have to get a fake tattoo question mark like that!

Originally posted by MysticLuna:
I think he turned out like a good date, he looks all interested in what I have to say.
Uh-uh. Hmmm. What'd you just say?

Originally posted by Set:
I dunno, look at that little half-grin he's got going on, like you've got something on your nose and he doesn't want to embarass you by pointing it out...

[wipes a bit of pizza sauce off of his nose]

Holy crap! He can see me through the monitor!
Now, Set-- don't betray all my secrets! After all, I have to live up to my name.

You missed a spot. No. Not there...
All NEW! All NOW!


# 1, starring Shady, Stealth & Arachne in:

"The Guy Who Mugged Me (or tried to anyway)"

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Very cute. Thanks, Lash.

Eryk Davis Ester in:

"A Few of my Favorite Screams" (feat. Leap year Lass)

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Quislet, Esq in:

"Layman's Terms"

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Very cute. But the anal retentive lawyer needs to point oout that "$(%^!@%ED" is two syllables! wink
Lovely, MLLASH!
(I'm gonna save it and cherish it.)
*blush!!* Thanks, Shady... and just so you know, I posted my first image of you way back in November of 2008... Here it is!

Originally posted by MLLASH:
Once known as Shadowplay in Candlelight, currently known as Candle, she will always be our Shady...

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Thank you Sharky and Stealth! Quis, thanks for the clarification! laugh

Set. I want to fandango Set. (Stop it, you know what I mean.) But there's no avatar and I haven't met him in person... all I know is he's really cool and writes awesome Saucy stories and the whole kung-fu grip thing. Could this be enough to come up with a Set image???
Apparently so.

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The first one is beautiful, too!
Thanks, Michael.
Your mom is so lucky!
I see Shady's morale-boosting powers remain unabated! Thank you so much!

My 1-panel Onevision drawing starring Saturn Girl/Caroline might have been a smidge oversexy, so instead I decided on doing a sweet image of both her and Scott.

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Stealth must use that picture on the last page as an avatar from time to time.
I agree!



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Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 09/22/09 04:36 AM
I wow, I just noticed the picture of me with Kung-Fu Grip up there. Cool!

I can't describe why I have kung-fu grip on a family-friendly forum. Or this one even. smile
Here's a serene Mystic Luna...

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The Shirley/Brainiac 5 feud origin! (this entire plotline is off-panel)

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I look hot, all calm and magical, not to mention a bit sexy!!

Thanks, Lash, I love it!!
You certainly look happier than Shirley!

You are more than welcome, Luna!
Oh, Lash, you crack me up! Very important off-panel moments.
I heart the fandango thread!
Great stuff Lash. I particularly like the one Candle's using as an avatar.
The Ayla / Pol one = lol Love it!
Tee hee! Thanks Cramey-- more to come!

Sketchy, the fandago threads hearts YOU! Please visit more as soon as you are able!

Thanks, Arachne, I love Shady's avatar also-- props to Gary for cropping it out of the 1-Panel Onevision and making it look so swell!

Cobie, of course we've known for years that Ayla's sexual badgering of poor gay Pol was no more than an attempt at revenge on his big brother! Now we have off-panel proof!
This thread is awesome.
Thanks, Lou-- I have attempted a couple of Loser Lad images since you came back the other day, but I wasn't happy with them... I want to get it just right!
Longtime 'Dango-dawdlers might remember this post:

Originally posted by MLLASH:
Anyone who actually sat through reading my ramblings on stuff I did in my 80s childhood might remember my mentioning a team set in space. They were (are) the STARSEARCHERS.

I was in the mood to do something different, so here's the first 3 female members of that team (more joined later).

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The lass is pink & white is SEVEN. See that black jewel clasping her cape? It was an ancient space-artifact that gave its owner super-strength and semi-invulnerablity. Catch was it could only have 12 owners in its "lifespan". SEVEN was the 6th owner, counting down from TWELVE. (I never revealed anything about the previous 5 owners). Another catch was if you commited MURDER using the abilities, you instantly lost them... To this day, a cool idea, I think...

The butterfly lass in the middle is IRITT, from a planet where humanoids have insect-like qualities. She could fly with her wings and also had some minor telepathy...

The lass in blue is RENEE ESMERELDA, a sorta witch/Green Lantern type (in that she mainly used her abilities to create solid things out of thin air)....

I'll have to do the guy STARSEARCHERS sometime. JOHNNY COMET is especially cute!
STARSEARCHERS have been on my mind a lot recently.... I did some images of more of the cast ages ago and never got around to posting them until now.
Johnny Comet, all-around ladies man and self-proclaimed fastest blaster in space!

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Team leader Overthink was a real smug bastard!

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Urrmit was driven a bit crazy. The unnamed planetoid his race lived on was destroyed by the evil empire because they could harness the power of suns... and if that wasn't enough, some of them could shapeshift also! There was one female of his race off-planetoid when this happened... and she's one of the empire overlord's highest-ranking assassins. No chance for an Adam-n-Eve scenario there!

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Rikk and Krysalis are brother and sister. Don't look it, do they? That's because as babies they were taken by this dude who was a total riff on the High Evolutionary and mutated!

He has vibratory abilities and she weaves a superhard crystalline substance at will.

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K'zle (pronounced 'kuzzle') was my attempt at being weird, I guess! He was a sort of gelatinous blob with octopus tentacles for arms. He joined the Starsearchers along with 8 other young characters when they were all rescued from a prison-ship for young 'undesireables'... sort of like juvenile delinquents of space. Only they were NOT delinquents, they were all anti-empire and turned in for being loud about it!

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The only other of those young characters I can remember is Gorgonna, who could turn you to stone if she so desired! I did this one tonight. Now I'm off to peruse my old Starsearchers stuff and see who else was there...

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Great space! I forgot ALL about these kewl characters! They joined a little into the third story...

Nekrona is a planet whose life-forms could all be placed easily within what we call 'horror'! This is Vamp!

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Bluu was a gravity manipulator!

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Doc Battle had a talent for healing and causing pain, too! She didn't start having a huge role until later on...

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The undisputed overlord of the Rexallian Empire, OMARR SHALB.

I dunno what it is about red-skinned evil butch aliens, but that's the skin-tone I chose for the Rexal race....

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Omarr's wife, and undisputed Queen of the Rexallian empire. Don't think she doesn't have her OWN agenda... she needs a name! I never got around to naming her....

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Some more of the younger STARSEARCHERS....

This is Drey Danger...

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Mharva was fairly marvvy I thought! In her first appearance after being rescued by the Starsearchers, she declared that she would "use my wings and stings" against the Empire.

Basically, she was a failed Empire experiment. Aside from the obvious wings for arms, her snakey tail is supposed to have a deadly stinger-thingie attached.

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Ronar was one of the young aliens that joined the Starsearchers with K'zle, Gorgonna, Drey, Mharva and others...

I never got around to writing the story. but he is Queen Shalb's son from a previous marriage... Overlord Omarr's stepson, who he secretly had captured...

His being from Rexall made him quite unpopular, but he was actually kind of sweet... and what a sad situation...! PATHOS!!!

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Mharva reminds me of postboot Jeckie, a little, and Cockrum's Quetzal, too.

Ronan is wonderful! Love the 'hair' and the eyes, especially.

Please continue this fascinating journey into the Starsearchers!
ooooh ... shiny ... pretty ... Starsearchers very cool ...
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 10/29/09 12:55 AM
So we have at least a tantalizing cruel hint as to what some of these characters can do, but what is Drey Danger's deal?

Overthink's power isn't obvious either. I'm guessing some sort of mental attack, as he fills your brain with extra thoughts.

Seven is a totally cool concept, with that item that can only have twelve owners. Very distinctive!

Omarr's wife could be named with the same letters, more or less. Morra? Ramora? Moara?
I HEART the Starsearchers!
First, the remainder of the "9 little aliens" that were brought into the group...

Hoppa is from the same planet as Iritt, where the humanoids are all insect based... I really wanted to explore the various tribes there... I'd imagine the mantis-based tribe is pretty frightful... MOST of the planet, probably...

Anyway, Hoppa can leap and fight like nobody's business... she can also EAT like nobody's business...

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I guess this would be called a rip on Benjamin Button nowadays, but back then I wanted a comic relief character. So we have The Elder.

What's so funny about him? His race is born really old and ages backward. (how childbirth WORKS there is something I would have to work out still)

Anyhoo, see the cane? He doesn't need it physically but to HIM, being young is weird and awful and something he has very slowly aged toward... kinda like getting old for us.

So he's funny, 'cause he's all "you whippersnappers get off my lawn!!" and stuff. At age 18, 17 or whatever, The Elder knows he has a finite amount of time left.

He's a telekinetic (possibly telepathic) and his powers only get stronger as he gets younger, which is also worrisome to him.

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Starlette was worshipped as a goddess on her planet... Omarr was NOT having THAT. "Hard light" powers make her formidable!

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Does Temp make sense? To me, a race used to living on a world as hot as Mercury would probably be near to freezing to death in any other not as hot climate. PLUS he gave off such intense heat he would endanger most other places.

Therefore, most of the time, Temp is covered in a fireproof thermal suit (like on the left) and even then he still feels pretty cold even though he's giving off heat (that yellow glow)... gawd, now I'm confused!

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Shady, Sharky!! You make my day, thank you for the comments!

Set! In my old stories, Overthink was a telekinetic/telepath. Nowadays, I consider him more like Brainiac 5 at his most bastardly, and would write him like that.

I too love the concept behind Seven, and one goal would be to one day tell the stories of Twelve, Eleven, Ten, Nine and Eight. Losing that jewel and the powers it supplies cannot be an easy thing to face... or can it?

The similar letters thing makes sense... I'm leaning toward Manora.

As for Drey Danger and his deal... lemme check these old notebooks...

Drey was the one the other young aliens gravitated to as their leader... Overthink didn't care much for that... the 9 little aliens were almost a team within the team...

Drey vows to use his "great strength" against the Empire... he's shorter than everyone else... Home planet of Jupiter, so in most normal-grav situations, he's a total powerhouse. In greater gravities, he's less so. Everyone seems to love him except the Elder (jealousy? maybe).

Dean, the Starsearchers HEART you big-time!!

Well, that was my interps of the main cast. There were a few throwaway characters that were too awful to even revisit, but I rather like these guys.

Thanks to all for checking them out!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
With a paranormal balance ability, ROLLER QUEEN always landed on her feet...

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You 'precoged' Drew Barrymore in her new movie.
I'm impressed!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Jeepers! NOW Proty's done it... stranded in 2008!

Can the marshmallow of morphing blend in? He'll certainly try...

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Proty's solution for 'fitting in' = birthday .
We love our cake!
Shady, I can remember as a little kid in the 70s *loving* watching the ladies roller derby on TV... so when I was writing an LMB version set in the 70s, I knew there HAD to be a Roller Queen!

One of these days I'm going to re-do the images for entire LMB Experience, now that I feel more confident.

Okay, I couldn't resist a group photo of the 9 little Starsearchers.... no more Starsearchers for now, promise!!

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Queen Azura, Thora and Saturn Queen... they were behind lots of the plots in MATTER-EATER LAD: THE SERIES 1-20.

But how might they have looked, had those scripts had an artist?

Here's a possibility....

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Queen Azura of Femnaz fares the worst. I see her as clownishly grotesque in a desire to be the perfect specimen of her image of womanhood.

Thora retains the bowl cut but has longer hair. She also ensures you always keep your eyes on her face.

Eve changes the least... I see her as remaining classicly beautiful but just a wee more zaftig.

I love the 'injected' lips and the many colors of eyeshadow!
Thora looks a bit like a Vulcan and Eve looks like a Counselor from STNG!
(Speaking for the ladies, "We thank you!"
QueenAzura Thora SaturnQueen

Nicely done!
You just get better and better.
My favorite Starsearchers are K'ZLE (sorry I left the e off on the poster but I think the name still workshrug); Ronal (probably because he's a kid); and Starlette (she's beautiful, of course).

I like the bird girl, too.
But would she need robot arms and hands like Sneckie?!
There's a K'zle poster? Where's the K'zle poster????
Here's an all-new all-now ROLLER QUEEN image!

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
There's a K'zle poster? Where's the K'zle poster????
I did a Halloween series on MEL's Halloween site.

I put posters on all of those recent Museum threads that are on Bits at the moment!

I LOVE the movement suggested in your latest Roller Derby girl!
Thanks!! Shady, you've rekindled my interest in the LMB Experience.... here's an updated ACID LAD... rest of cast to follow!

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SUNDOWN, you better take care...

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
SUNDOWN, you better take care...

Beautiful pic, Lash. Unfortunately, you've given me a Gordon Lightfoot earworm for the rest of the day. wink
Thanks, Rocky! That's not at all a bad song to have stuck in your head, huh?

Next up is PEACE-TAKER....

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The flighty BELLE BOTTOM...

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Hands ~ love Acid Lad's right hand and Sundown's left especially.
Hands are always the hardest, unless you leave them completely out like with Belle Bottom!
Her expression, expressions are as hard as hands really, makes up for the lack of hands, though.

You're getting great at expressions.
Everyone's on this page (and others) are wonderful.

More beautiful work! Acid Lad gives me naughty thoughts ...

Shady, thank you for the comments! Feedback rocks! I can actually doodle a passable hand with pen or pencil, but one thing I've learned with Windows Paint is that doodling a passable hand is REALLLLLLLY difficult. Plus the workspace is so small, it's easy to leave out the hands (like with Belle above). I decided to get over it and work more hands into the images, starting with these LMBE images. I do wish I had made Acid Lad's other hand less clawlike! I'll consider the claw-hand one of his illusions... yeah, that's it! wink

Speaking of Acid Lad, thanks, Sharky! Gotta admit, I've got at least a partial thing for most types, including the sexy skinny hippie!

And now, the LMBE lass with "elastic" locks, THE LIVING AFRO!

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Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/08/09 07:37 PM
"Oh no! Don't you be messin' with the Fro!"

I, no joke (well, yes, it was a joke) wrote up a character for Mutants & Masterminds named The Fro, who was a blaxploitation version of Marvel's Medusa (or DC's Spider-Girl or Lady Godiva), with animate hair. She could make her hair hard enough to block bullets, or batter down doors! Her teammates included the Inscrutable Foot (just as terrible a racial caricature, a former Chinese street thug who had a bionic foot from an alien experiment that was super-powered, and jerked him around in combat, flipping up to deflect bullets and stuff, throwing him terribly off-balance in the process) and a scrawny mulleted trailer denizen wannabe-cowboy (inspired by Kid Rock) named Twister, who had the power to spin really fast and zipped around like the Tasmanian Devil. Like most Bud-drinking NASCAR fans who wear cowboy hats and snakeskin boots, he'd never lived on a farm and found horses kind of frightening up close.

Echoing what was said upthread, given the limitations of the style, you do an amazing job of conveying attitude and expression both facially and through use of posture!
I have trouble drawing hands even in the best of conditions!
I think a lot of people do, that's why a lot of cartoonists use 3 fingers and a thumb ~ Gina's work has some 3 fingered drawings.

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I think you're absolutely right to just keep doodling away and having fun, because that's what showns in your work.

I just wanted to encourage you with the great success of your work and maybe chide you a little when you leave the really hard parts totally out!
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I just found a photo for another of my favorite ANTM ~ Jade from cycle 6.
It's one of her few smiles, really.
I think she's a pretty good match for your drawing!
Shady, I do appreciate the encouragement as well as the chiding, seriously! I promise I'm not a bit touchy about my 'art' at all! It makes me feel good that people even look at it, and it's quite thrilling when someone cares/likes it enough to comment. It has become a needed creative outlet for me, I'm glad I "found" Windows Paint!

Isn't Gina DC's stuff cute? I'd love to see her do a LSH-babies story!

Your casting is spot-ON! I'm honored to have The Living Afro postered! Jade was a terriffic choice. I remember having a love/hate relationship with her when she was on ANTM. She makes a great TLA! Please feel free to cast any of my characters!!

Set, I *know* you have a great knack for character creations, humorous or serious. You've inspired paint-doodles from me before, on the LSH board, iirc. Hmmm... I need to find that thread...
RHINESTONE COWBOY, the badass who used his powersuit to blind you before he whupped your ass! Glen Campbell was his biggest fan.

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Hey Lash,

I may not comment but I always check out this thread when I see you've posted, just to see what's new.

I think you are very talented. I've used Paint and I couldn't do nearly the things you do.
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Originally posted by MLLASH:

Okay, I couldn't resist a group photo of the 9 little Starsearchers.... no more Starsearchers for now, promise!!

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Lash, I've been doin' sketches of The Nine Lil Aliens, and since I don't have Photoshop right now, I'm unable to color them. So, how 'bout some descriptions of how they look?

Starting at 12 o'clock, moving clockwise...

The Elder - think Bejamin Franklin or George Washington meets a surfer dude... of space.

Temp - Super clean and simple design, much like what you've done.

Mharva - Lots of feathers and scales detailing. Her head feather/scales will be a showy crest.

Hoppa - Much like your design, an emphasis on insectoid exoskeletal armor and powerful legs.

Ronar - Like his wicked parents, his look will be based on Aztek Gods, but he'll have a punk rock edge.

Drey Danger - Maintains the barbarian look.

K'zle - Blobby and tentacle-y!

Gorgonna - Greek Goddess meets Reggae!

Starlette - Prim and proper Victorian fashion meets Victoria's Secret.

I've done a ton of sketches.

Dean, they sound magnificent! When you are ready, please feel free to post them!
While I wait for Dean's takes on the li'l aliens (is it soon yet????), I thought I'd dig out some old images I haven't posted yet.

An upgrade to Windows 7 has totally changed up Windows Paint... lots more stuff now, but it is going to take some getting used to and practice.

Meanwhile, here's a couple of old images, from MLL'ESTER's cult favorite series Matter-Eater Lad & the LSH!


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The Freedom Fighter named SHIPOOPI, the girl who's hard to get (because she is a flying speedster teleporter!)

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LOL Love it. smile

Originally posted by MLLASH:
An upgrade to Windows 7 has totally changed up Windows Paint... lots more stuff now, but it is going to take some getting used to and practice.
They upgraded paint? Hell must be getting mighty chilly.
Awesome! I love SHIPOOPI!
Poor FEMbrain!

I love Shipoopi, too!
And here's some more chewies - Chewies
laugh laugh laugh Thanks, ya'll! While working a little overtime today, I knocked out a couple more things with old-skool windows paint... I will practice the all-now Windows paint tonight.

Don't you kind-of wish this issue of LOIS LANE *did* exist???

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An idea for a 1960s LEGION story... When FEMbrain joined the LEGION!!

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Unfortunately for FEMbrain, this happened to be the exact moment Superboy walked out on the Legion to join the Super-Companions!
What a fun and bizarre concept, which I love!
Credit for FEMbrain goes to Cobalt Kid!

the all-Membrain thread
My first Windows Paint 7 image, the upgrade certainly didn't improve my art!

But at least I know I can continue The Excellents and the rest!

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Bizzare is right.

It must be fun hanging out in LASH's brain!

And Cobie's and Sketch's and . . .
Okay, so I've decided that FEMbrain should be a retroactive regular thorn in the Legion's side, specializing in placing Superboy in weird gay-ish crises.

Here's an example of the first such one....

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FYI... he freed Colossal Boy who instantly grew and smashed Brainy and Dirk free!
I thought Colossal Boy because Supes is a size queen. wink
Hmm... I totally would have solved this by making the boys actually be a cross-dressing Triplicate Girl!
Ohhh, I like that ending, EDE! Very silver-age and keeping in tradition with the LSH's history of members dressing up as differently-gendered Legionnaires (Ayla, Brainy and Dirk have done it in the past)!

Plus it still works with my envisioned last panel to the story, in which Brainy wonders who really IS Superboy's favorite boy friend.
I think it's Gim also ...

nice stuff!
An ode to Shady...

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Ohhhhh, she's beautiful, sweetie!
You made an otherwise rough week, one to hug
how lovely!
Great eyes. smile
Thanks guys!!

Here's a proposed Ram Boy design which will mean EDE isn't the only interesting-hat wearer anymore...

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Very cute.
The rhino thinks the ram is very cute.


I need to go ni-night.... :yawn:
LOVE the horns ...
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Starsearchers stuff....

Omar has a team of assassins, all complete badasses! Here's some quickie renditions...

VENOMA is from an unnamed planetoid that was destroyed by Omar; the one and only other survivor of the race that lived there is the Starsearcher once known as Urmitt, but now officially known as UNNAMED.

Like Unnamed, Venoma can emit solar bursts from her hands, but unlike Unnamed, she's also a shapechanger. To give a little hint of her personality, she actually supported Omar's destruction of her home planetoid.

WITCHERY is from the same planet as the Starsearcher known as VAMP. NEKRONA is the planet's name, and it can be seen briefly in the Starsearchers preview comic! Witchery is a scary ghost/witch/demoness chick...
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INFERNAL comes from Mercury like Temp; unlike Temp, he doesn't give a crap what his intense heat sends up in flames, as long as he gets to enjoy the lifestyle Omar provides for him as one of his premiere assassins.
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Slaggar is a native of Rexall, and like all those natives is a weapon unto himself, able to emit destructive radioactive blasts. He's also REALLY big.
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It's better not to get on the bad side of SHADOWSHADE. Her home planet is (the remains of) Saturn, and like everyone there, is unique unto herself. Her uniqueness manifests in a cloying, smothering darkness.
Slagger reminds me of Yul Brenner ...
For a second I thought Slagger had a 'fro.
Thanks for the comments, guys! Slaggar is indeed as bald as Yul B., as well as being the eldest of Omar's villains.

Next up is PEDE, who hails from the same planet as IRITT and HOPPA. The planet is called SEKSHA. Sekshans are all insectoid; most stick strictly to their own tribes. Pede, however, is an equal opportunity killer. Imagine a 10-foot tall scary centipede all up in your grille. Ick! I know I can trust Dean to make him look as scary as he deserves to...

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And if it seems there is a lot of muliple characters from the same planets, this is true. The STARSEARCHERS "universe" consists of our 9 planets plus a handful of others. That doesn't mean there aren't a WHOLE lotta unknown planets out there though...
KILLDA is a butch super-strong badass who is OBSESSED, and I mean REAL obsessed with the jewel that gives Seven her abilities. In fact, in my original kiddie Starsearchers stories, Killda does succeed in killing Seven and becomes the next owner of the jewel. (That didn't last long, as the jewel has that "no kill clause" built in; the first time Killda commited murder while in possesion of the jewel, she reverted back to her regular-level super-strength and was slain herself). Later on the jewel was shown once more, worn by a young man who had organized a team of freedom fighters for his home planet.

None of that stuff is happening THIS time, though I am debating on keeping the "no-kill" curse of the jewel...

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In the original stories, KRUULER here was Overthink's brother. I'm not convinced I'm going that route in the official all-new all-now version, though it is still possible.

KRUULER is a telekinetic who specializes in using his power to hurl sharp objects (like these throwing stars) into his prey's vitals. He's not very nice.

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Oh yeah... he also replaced one eye with that thingie up there, which gives him various other powers (it blasts, has x-ray vision, etc)
So that's our badasses... Kruuler, Killda, Pede, Shadowshade, Slaggar, Infernal, Venoma and Witchery. I'll be excited to see what Dean does with them visually... they will probably show up around issue 4-5...
At some point I will definitely have some fun illustrating the baddies. I have a few Starsearchers errands to tend to to get the first sequence launched. Shouldn't be too much longer.
The trouble with naming them a group of 'assassins' is that it takes the comic violence to a whole nother level.
Assassins kill.
That's all they do, that's the mission, like, every time.

That's up to you and Dean, of course.
I just wanted to make sure that somebody said it, I guess.

The characters themselves are very interesting.
ShadowShade is great, the big guy, too.
The bug is so buggy! Bugs are just so creepy terrible.
Witchery is a kewl name and look.
She reminds me a little of a spirit witch in a Shaolin Temple cartoon I used to see a lot.
(I've been around so long almost everything reminds me of something! tongue )

I love your creations and series, both of you!
Hi, Shady-- I want to address your concerns. STARSEARCHERS is going to be fun, but these guys are in a huge war with Rexall and there is for sure going to be some nastiness. Omarr's assassins really ARE just that-- killers to the core. Omarr is no Mr. Nice Overlord himself. I just don't want you to be surprised by some of the battle scenes.

As for The Starsearchers themselves, some of them live by a higher moral code than others. I'm still debating keeping the "no-kill" curse of Seven's jewel... I think it would be an interesting problem to saddle a warrior like Seven with, but I also fear it might limit her somewhat.

Anyhoo, readers should fully expect violence in this series, PG-13 level for the most part.

Jackie, Hi! And thank you!! Your stuff is awesome too!
Hey ... this doesn't belong on page 2 ...

Mas Excelentes, por favor!
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I had a hooteriffic day once ... the antibiotics helped a lot ...
oh my
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Here, FEMbrain and an unidentified LMBer re-enact a famous ROLLING STONE cover...

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I love, love, love it! Awesome!!!
Great stuff, Lash!!!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Thanks guys!!

Here's a proposed Ram Boy design which will mean EDE isn't the only interesting-hat wearer anymore...

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I've been Lashed! Awesome!
A design idea for a slimming-effect Bouncing Boy costume.

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I actually really like the BB design.
Being able to detach one's legs before weighing in is also a wonderful way to 'beat' the scales!
just documenting here some recently posted to other threads images of LMBers


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FEMbrain takes a liking to Crymsun

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Love the eyewear!!
Love Crymsun and then his run from FEMbrain.

FEMbrain is such an appalling creature!
First rate horror stuff!

cleome is beautiful and the Myron panel is cute.

It's like having a 3 course meal!
Very satisfying!
I kinda like that FEMbrain is kinda hilarious ("kiss these lips I painted on my brain-container" or whatever) and over the top ("I have removed Lois Lane's head and wired it to this computer!") and also scary. Real silver-agey! Cobalt Kid did a magbnificent job when he described how she should look, didn't he?
Originally posted by MLLASH:

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Where's the Off-Panel Moment of Myron's gay cousin getting a hold of Grell-era Rokk ...
Reading all this again makes me glad to have escaped the high boots and boob window. Eep.
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Originally posted by MLLASH:

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Where's the Off-Panel Moment of Myron's gay cousin getting a hold of Grell-era Rokk ...[/b]
Actually, this is the off-panel explanation for Rokk's skintastic costume...

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Unrevealed... until NOW!

Why SINDE is STILL happy as a clam...

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Yep, post-Cosmic Boy, Sinde is a SUPERSTAR!!!!
Power Boy (the LMB's):

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laugh I fell behind in this thread-- shame on me! (Can I just say how much I wish I were witty like you? I loved the Ram Boy/MLLASH adverts. ADORABLE!)

love to Cali!!!!

Hey everyone, check out the REWRITE LSH HISTORY thread, it's awesome fun!

here's the all-new founders 3, Lightning Lord, Princess Projectra and Chemical King!

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ReWritten history: Anti-Lad and Calorie Queen

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ReWritten LSH history: Laurel Gand/Satan Girl:

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Cera Kesh AKA Push from the ReWritten LSH. For me, she keeps the freckles; but she LOSES her body-image issues and works with what she has!

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Cera looks great, Lash!
Beautiful stuff, Lash!!!
Thank you Crym and Sharksy!!

Here's Astraal Lad, pondering wether or not to 'enter' Lightning Lord...

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Originally posted by Caliente:
laugh I fell behind in this thread-- shame on me! (Can I just say how much I wish I were witty like you? I loved the Ram Boy/MLLASH adverts. ADORABLE!)

it was my new outfit designed by lash that got ur attention wasn't it. wink
That suit IS pretty eye-catching!

I did a Rewritten LSH Rond/GL with Danielle/Miss Terious, but HATDED the Rond image and Danielle's suit... I hated to dump the Danielle face shot though, 'cause I liked it... here it is, cropped out:

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these are really cute, i especially like Cos, Glorith, and Sinde.
I love Glorith and Projectra
Originally posted by MLLASH:

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NICE! love

Like that the cleavage is accentuated (though maybe it could be even moreso!), but I guess the spiky shoulder pads would make her look too evil?
Too evil AND too old! We had to teenybopper her up for this... it's totally Beach Blanket Glorith!
Thank you Peebs and Matt!
These are great pics! Keep them coming!
Thanks, BBear, I will, this whole rewrite LSH thingie has my brain a poppin' with ideas-- I was totally hoping you liked Astraal Lad!
Rewritten LSH: TEEN SUGYN!

He's shirtless but overweight (though not to his adult proportions yet!). AND he loves his wine.... LOVE him!

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(Jeepers! The re-written LSH has a LOT of blondes/platinum blondes!!)
Okay I'm not totally happy with this rewritten LSH history TEEN QUICKSAND, but I also think it's pretty good since I'm all drunk and stuff:

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After some advice from a certain... kicky poster, I came up with this all-NEW all-NOW TEEN MEKT, which I actually REALLY like; what ya'll think??

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Teen Mekt is a dreamboat!!
He should be on the cover of Venusian Octi-Tiger Beat!!
heh heh! Thanks Rhino!

here's PLANT LAD (whom I always picture as a shaggy-haired singer type after using him in MEL:TS-- even though this is actually Chlorophyll Kid here), JUNGLE KING and STAR GIRL from the rewritten LSH history:

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These are so good! Where's Cannus though?

I can't wait to see you attempt a portrait of the whole 2010 Legion too!

I just hope it doesn't burn you out Keith Giffen-style.
I'd like to attempt Cannus AND Tellus, but I just *KNOW* I'd eff 'em up badly.

I might try anyway for $h!+s and giggles, though...
I altered a few things on Teen Glorith:

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^ She looks a bit drunk but that works IMO. I can see teen Glorith being a bit of a lush.
TEEN Tellus! I fandangoed ol' fish-face as best I could...

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aww i never thought of tellus as a teen before. cute.
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Lash? Lash? LASH!!!

Li'l Lu is so cute!
Dirk's cute, too!
And SOOOO in character!
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
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Oh FEMbrain! Superboy is just going to date Brainy's girlfriend to make you jealous. Kal & Kara do make a nice couple.
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Oh no Poor Lana!
Love Jeckie's hair in that last one! Almost looks like a turbin!
Beehives are SO hard to windows paint!
LOL I bet!
Originally posted by Mattropolis:
Oh no Poor Lana!
Don't worry-- he tricked FEMbrain by using his X-RAY vision to make it SEEM like he had killed Lana...

...or, something. Something else else Silver-Agey.
I was worried that FemBrain had secretly replaced our Superboy with Superboy Prime...
Good thing he didn't singe Lana's bow ...
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Thanks for the comments, guys! Slaggar is indeed as bald as Yul B., as well as being the eldest of Omar's villains.

Next up is PEDE, who hails from the same planet as IRITT and HOPPA. The planet is called SEKSHA. Sekshans are all insectoid; most stick strictly to their own tribes. Pede, however, is an equal opportunity killer. Imagine a 10-foot tall scary centipede all up in your grille. Ick! I know I can trust Dean to make him look as scary as he deserves to...

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And if it seems there is a lot of muliple characters from the same planets, this is true. The STARSEARCHERS "universe" consists of our 9 planets plus a handful of others. That doesn't mean there aren't a WHOLE lotta unknown planets out there though...
I've begun design work on the assassins; asked Jayke for his input. I'll have something to post pretty soon. I'm really looking forward to illustrating Pede, here!
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Good thing he didn't singe Lana's bow ...
I know, right? Couldn't have that!!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
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Oh, no!
Poor baby Brain, or is it baby 'Bran'?
It sort of looks like a muffin.
At least, the part we can see.

Gads, what a mess that would be!
She must have used Red Kryptonite or something.
I hope!
heh heh heh... See, baby Legionnaires = Cute.

baby villains = NOT cute!
but Angelina Jolie would probably still adopt one ...
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That FEMBrain sure gets around. smile
Don't she though??? WHICH DCU superstar will be love-swindled by her NEXT?

meanwhile, straight out of our Rewritten LSH History, SATAN GIRL (aka Laurel Gand) battles the cotton-candy-colored meance of the Sun-Eater...

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Very nice, Lash.

I love the color pink. Underneath my gawky, geeky, grumpy surface, I'm such a girly-girl at heart.
Thank you FFLass! love

Also from the rewritten continuity...

LUME's sacrifice remembered (totally going on memory with the little guy)...

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Laurel Gand is sexy, with her messy hair battling cotton candy!
Thanks, PeeBee!

Now here's our very own Mattropolis...

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Very nice, Lashie! Almost as cute as the real Matt! laugh
nice star placement. wink
Thank you, Rocky!

Originally posted by Power Boy:
nice star placement. wink
I was going to make it reaLLLy big like the space-cowboys belt-buckles, but decided he wouldn't be such a show-off. smile
Just adding my 2 from the KARIE collection...

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and The Case of the Ridonkulous Derby!

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Very cute, almost as cute as Karie herself!
Thanks Shady, yes Karie's a realllll cutiepie!!!


Ummm, Dean, there's going to be some characters coming into play soon so I thought I'd give you a heads-up with my windows-paint versions of how I drew 'em so you cam come up with designs.

And I know you remember Jaykub Comet, he's coming up!

First is OMEGAN. Basically, he's a planetary teleporter and can fly. Teleportation is unique and considered very valuable in the Starsearchers 'verse.

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SHATTERSTAR is what I called her but then Rob Liefeld stole that name! SO now I am wracking my brain for a replacement name and probably a new set of powers...

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Cool! I was just going to say... there aren't enough characters yet. (end sarcasm) tongue

I'm looking forward to seeing who these folks are and how they'll fit in the picture.
laugh I know, right???
Ok, KYMELIA is your standard Rexallian bio-nuclear blaster. And yes, for some reason I drew her hair that way back then. Please save her from this fate! smile

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I think that should be it, unless I need to pull one more outta the notebook... but I think I can make it work with these 3 and Jaykub.
Documenting EDE's birthday paint...

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There are soooo many treasures in this thread!

Love the E on the beret!
You're very sweet! Thanks, Matt!
Ugh, not the "sweet" word....

But "treasures" was a sweet (and flattering) thing to say!

Documenting Cru's HBD pic...

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I think that's... Crystal?
Back in the old days, yep.
Ah. I don't read much Marvel but I've seen pictures of her.
i love Lorna and mantis!
They all look awesome! This one is my favorite:

Originally posted by MLLASH:
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lol I bet, Cobie!
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Thanks guys! smile
I don't recognize the brunette but I can hardly wait for a Wanda!
Or do you already have one that I've forgotten?
She's Black Widow. I did a Scarlet WItch but wasn't happy with it. frown It got deleted!

Now, I'm all on the HARVEY characters again... in a world where they are a super-team...

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I never thought I would type this...

I really like Ballbuster
Ballbuster AKA Lotta Little... the super-strong backbone of the team! Plus... she may or may not be a lesbian!!!
OH... I thought she was a he with a bad Jan Arrah 70's style haircut...
It's always disappointing when you find out a hot dude is actually a lesbian...
<spits out coke>
Originally posted by MLLASH:
It's always disappointing when you find out a hot dude is actually a lesbian...
As evidenced by this cartoon from DOOMED GAY ROMANCE...

Originally posted by MLLASH:
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Been there!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
It's always disappointing when you find out a hot dude is actually a lesbian...
Roberta Gregory has a great comic strip in one of her collections with the reverse. The "World's Angriest Dyke" is horrified when she realizes that she's been flirting with a cute young gay dude!
heh heh! Roberta and I should talk shop! smile
And in case the previous images/names aren't as easy to get as I thought...

MONEYBAGS = Richie Rich

DEVIL KID = Hot Stuff


HEX LASS = Wendy

CIRCLE GIRL = Little Dot

ECTO LAD = Casper
Sheer Brilliance!!
WOW now I really feel like a dumb jock. Except Im not a jock
Watch for thrilling adventures of the ALL-HARVEY SQUAD!!!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
heh heh! Roberta and I should talk shop! smile
I've met her in person. She's very sweet and mellow, unlike her most famous characters: they're the ones who spend tons of time flying off the handle. lol

I think this collection (Amazon link w/preview) has the story I mentioned; if you ever feel inclined to have a look at it.
P.S. - The Harvey Heroes are awesome. I think I have a bit of a crush on "Dot."
Lash, you should really consider turning some of your stuff into t-shirts ... the Harvey Heroes would look awesome ...
Cleome, Circle Girl is pretty cute, huh?

Sharky, you think? I wouldn't know how to begin. How do I begin? That sounds fun!
you can usually find a print shop (silk screen shop) that will do it for you. you may have to provide the tshirts but hanes is usually a cheap place to start.

sf had a hanes warehouse, where we could buy un-designed (plain) tshirts.

there are lots of online places but seems like they may not do ur design but, you can just pick from their clip art. booty. and there's shipping.

google: silk screen tshirts, custom tshirts, screen print tshirts .... and that should get you some places in your area.

here's a place in my hood, but they're pretty local. maybe be worth calling them and asking how to place an order and submit designs.

a place in your area would be better cause you can go in rather than having to call, etc.
You know what... I am going to look into this!

thanks for the idea SHarky and the info, Peebs! free t-shirts for you two when this gets rolling!

I made a t-shirt once at cafepress.com ... it came out pretty good ... in fact, I think I may make another ... hmmm ...
just adding with some recent birthday Images:

Sketch Lad

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Cobalt Kid (with Space Tart)

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Posted By: Karie Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 07/23/10 12:40 PM
Lash, you should so do shirts. I'd wear them!
I would soooo wear the Mattropolis one you made. Also, Lorna, Mantis and scenes from DOOMED GAY ROMANCE
Okay, you guys are very inspiring. I'm looking into T-Shirt prices now.

One thing: I hate white t-shirts. Everyone likes black, right? Slimming, perfect for night-wear...
Oh.. man.. I've been away from this thread far too long. I love these pics, Lash!

And.. oh yeah.. I'd love me a Crymsun T-shirt!
There are sites where if you download a picture to them, you can order T-shirts, cups, hats, notebooks and other things with the image.
Tinypic's has that ability and they're part of photobucket.

I haven't done it with any of the pics I've done for here or any of the ones I found here because the images aren't really mine.
But, you might work something out with people here, either for the finished product or for the right to have your images printed on something.

Just a thought.
"Harvey Heroes" In action

Hex Lass puts a spell on you...

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Thank you Crymsun! You were missed while you were away!!

I priced T-Shirts yesterday. I want to make it as affordable as possible. Stay tuned, MLLASH's T-SHIRT FANDANGO is looking like a good (and quite affordable) possibility, as well as STARSEARCHERS attire. smile
If you need any help with anything, you know where to find me


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Golden Eagle

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Lilith is LOVE!

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Beast Boy (Tiger Beat pictorial)

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You made Gar sexy. No one has ever done that for me before!
Then the above windows paint is Tiger-Beat WIN!!!!!
LUV dango art!!!
I'd need to carefully look back on the body of art to decide what I'd want made into a t-shirt.
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:

I'd need to carefully look back on the body of art to decide what I'd want made into a t-shirt.
I'd sell nothing without your permission and a 50/50 split!! Or 40/60, whatever... hit me up about it!

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Wonder Girl

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Shark Lad was representin' at the legion dinner last saturday!

(shoulda got a pciture 'doh!!)
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Where is the Lilith/Charlie dance scene?
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WOW! Love it!
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tee hee hee hee!

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OMG love it!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
tee hee hee hee!

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I find this picture so... creeptastic ...
Originally posted by MLLASH:

Guess which longtime member of the LMB was snapped recently in a towel...!

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Originally posted by SharkLad:
damn you, paparazzi!
Love this so much!
maybe I should get that pic put on a t-shirt ...
I would buy it
So in seeking out images over the web of stuff to post at the Facebook site, I sometimes come across images of real-life folks who remind me of Legionnaires.

Then I add a little Windows Paint to make them even more Legiony... here's the first 3 I've done...


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I do that too!
Love yours, especially Projectra.
Really good casting, Lash!
Thank you Shady and Sketchy! smile

I can't do anything too elaborate but if the person's look and clothes colors are mostly there, it's fun to add a little dash of Legion spice.

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Love it!

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That is awesome!

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Nice Ultra Boy!
Originally posted by MLLASH:

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So freakin hot!
Originally posted by MLLASH:

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I think I love Dreamy now!
Thank you Sharky and Quis! I've just about wore my arm to a nub today on these, they were a LOT of fun! One more to post...
Lash rules...his art is love.

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Originally posted by Dev Em:
Lash rules...his art is love.
DEV is love Thank you!
Oh and Tyroc is awesome!

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<3 Streaky!
I had a run there of just falling into pics of people (and a cat) that looked Legiony to me... now such pics elude me...
Originally posted by MLLASH:

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yeah ... I've just joined the LSV. later guys.
Came across this image... her blondeness and the fact that she's in red plus her angry look just screamed Calorie Queen circa S/LSH 212 to me. Fortunately, Taryn chilled out later on...

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
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Too bad my cats are both super-villains. shake
Oh, FEMbrain... how I've missed your wiley (yet predictible) brand of villainy...

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Originally posted by MLLASH:

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Oh, FEMbrain... how I've missed your wiley (yet predictible) brand of villainy...

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Why oh why haven't I done Fembrain fan art yet? SO kooky and hilarious!
You must rectify this oversight!!

Hey, maybe she should join the Starsearchers cast... hit on all the guys... LOL!!
Um .....TOTALLY! (Also, check your email. I have a couple questions for you.)
Going there now.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Bette Kane, the original Bat-Girl, joins up during the first Titans East/West team-up. Tish-posh on that 'Flamebird" reboot... I ain't havin' it.

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I dusted this off and tried to spruce it up:

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Originally posted by MLLASH:

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Whoa. And I luv the treatment, Lash.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Thanks!! Shady, you've rekindled my interest in the LMB Experience.... here's an updated ACID LAD... rest of cast to follow!

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Acid Lad would look good in a towel pic...
I SO admire your courage and freedom of stroke on your manips, MLLASH!

I worry over every little pixle and it takes me forever.
I'm trying to lighten up and float, a little more like you!
My thing has been to find an image I need to do as LITTLE as possible to, the big exception being that Tyroc.

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Just uploading some old stuff to the thread, nothing new...


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Originally posted by MLLASH:

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Looking sexy!

Maybe it's time Spacey & Cobie reconnected wink
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Could be, Cobie!!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
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love love love
Thank you Rocky!! laugh

DEV EM of the LMB

This is a man who is half-Durlan and half-Daxamite, a man who is very tough.

Also a man who has a sense of humor, and is very kind.

I tried hard to capture those aspects here.

He's got a wry smile, because something is funny... he's got a half-caucasian half-orangey Durlan skin tone... and he's tough enough to take you down if he needs to!

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I like your window paintings and your descriptions that go along with them!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Thank you Rocky!! laugh

[b]DEV EM of the LMB

This is a man who is half-Durlan and half-Daxamite, a man who is very tough.

Also a man who has a sense of humor, and is very kind.

I tried hard to capture those aspects here.

He's got a wry smile, because something is funny... he's got a half-caucasian half-orangey Durlan skin tone... and he's tough enough to take you down if he needs to!

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thanks Tempest! I really wanted Dev to like his, I've "known" him for years but have grown to just j'adore him!!!

For reals Dev! truly hope you like! hug
It's great. I absolutely love the grin you have on him. It fits with how I see him. Thank you so much,.
Oh, and it's going on 11 years for some of us bro.
Originally posted by Dev Em:
It's great. I absolutely love the grin you have on him. It fits with how I see him. Thank you so much,.
>whew!< So glad you like, I was kinda nervous about it!! And NOTHING makes me nervous--!!

Well, except libraries. And airplanes. And anything that is even slightly different from what it was before. And... wink
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Oh, and it's going on 11 years for some of us bro.
Boy, tell me about it... if I think about it too much, it blows my mind.

I was SO VERY LUCKY to stumble into the GREATEST GROUP of internet friends a person could have ever imagined back then.

And I'm even MORE appreciative these days, with stuff like Facebook bringing us all closer than ever before.

*happy sigh* You guys all ROCK.
Awesome to see Dev get the Lash treatment! Very cool... only thing left out of the description is that he has the heart of Ambush Bug...
Lashie is so cute when he worries about silly things. wink
Thanks-you so much for the new pic of me!
She's very gorgeous!

I love the other's too.
Dev actually looks a lot like himself, ya know?
Great stuff!
It does Shady...it actually looks more like me than I thought...which is tres cool.

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While most of my fandangoing has been posted to facebook of late, I have been convinced to do more here for legionworld.net.

First though, I am going to assemble various recent birthday 'dangos and FEMbrain 'dangos that were previously posted elsewhers! I'd better get on that now...
So here's the recent onslaught of FEMbrain 'toons, previously available only at the Facialbook...

As you will quickly make note of, FEMbrain's reign of marriage-minded terror continues on the DCU unabated...

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Now this particular image had its genesis during a PM between myself and Peebs, so blame him:

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I loved all of these on facebook and the latest one is TOTALLY TITS! "My Goofiest Adventure" *must* become an ongoing comic book!
Thanks Cobie!!

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more more more more more more more more
more more more more more more more more
more more more more more more more more
more more more more more more more more
more more more more more more more more
more more more more more more more more
more more more more more more more more
more more more more more more more more
I have some suggestions for the fans.

FYI: I'm not really into boob windows, but I'd rather be in one than falling out of one.
Sprockin' awesome! I LOVE THESE!
Thanks ya'll, this one particularly amused me, I guess because all 3 characters involved are so amusing smile
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<span style="font-size: 16px;">Ha, ha, ha!!!</span>
I just j'adore that nutbag FEMbrain.
I just j'adore consternating Ester.
Here's FEMsy as Mantis...

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Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
<span style="font-size: 16px;">[b]Ha, ha, ha!!!</span>[/b]
I would've thought the Debutante would be more angry at having her head stolen and replaced with a big brain ... shrug
It really cleared my sinuses.
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I wonder which one of them likes meatloaf the most?

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I have never been more of a FEMbrain fan.
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
It really cleared my sinuses.
Jeez. And for centuries now, I've been doing it the hard way.
CRAP-- I was so tickled I forgot to color in that space by Femmy's arm...
Faster, FEMbrain! Kill! KILL!!!!
So if there are Green Funyuns out there, would those be Fembrain's version of Kryptonite?

[Linked Image] <span style="font-size: 24px;">?</span>
FEMbrain has no known weaknesses... except that she's such a giver. smile
I think it's 'bout time FEMMY, Teeds and Cleome had a girl's night out... BRB with that... smile
If it's Saturday night and we have Funyuns, a ring toss would likely ensue. I just hope that it's a family-friendly ring toss...
FEMbrain sure got over that Zombie thing quickly ...

and I'm glad all the heads (from her FEMbrian/Teeds transplant) got back on the right shoulders .... OR DID THEY !!! wink
You'll find out...WHEN IT'S TOO LATE.

(FEMbrian, huh?)
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I'm cold as ice, and yet my hair/makeup has never looked hotter!

There's a moral in this... somewhere...
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:

(FEMbrian, huh?)
crap! people always spell my name brain ... so I inadvertently did the opposite with FEMbrain! (I almost did it again btw!)
My friend Sigmund gots another interpretation of the situation.
I believe now I'd like to see FEMbrain enslaving Peebs... with PASSION!
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Amazing. Also, Lash, I'm kind of in love with how you draw hair.
*blush* Thank you Future... I always did like big hair... those danged formative 80s, y'know! smile
Originally posted by MLLASH:
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This has filled me with happiness! LOL!!!!!

laugh laugh laugh
PB is definitely rocking the floppy hair look like nobody has since Scott McCloud, or the lead dude from Those Darn Accordions.
FEMbrain can't force Power Boy to marry her...because he totally wants to! Probably has the space-chapel booked already!
I've even heard that PB did an internet search on "We've Only Just Begun karaoke version mp3"
lol This has been a TOTAL hoot tonight smile
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
FEMbrain can't force Power Boy to marry her...because he totally wants to! Probably has the space-chapel booked already!
BAHHH!! How is Peebs going to end up both Mr. Teeds AND Mr. FEMbrain!!!!
Because what FEMbrain wants, FEMbrain gets.
Originally posted by Power Boy:
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
[b]FEMbrain can't force Power Boy to marry her...because he totally wants to! Probably has the space-chapel booked already!
BAHHH!! How is Peebs going to end up both Mr. Teeds AND Mr. FEMbrain!!!![/b]
FEMbrain *will* --to use the current popular terminology-- 'cut a bitch'. lol
Trish, please. I am a debutante. I know how to deploy the cut direct.

Besides, I need gay future husbands for things like thread material. I don't think that's what FEMbrain wants, so we could probably work out an agreement.
"Trish, please".... lol
Who's on the cutting edge, Fandango Boy?

Oh it's SO you! This deserves a new Teeds fandango...
I can't help but feel guilty ... like Peebs' boob window is causing all this strife!

And now, possibly the best windows-paint image I've ever done, just for TD! NOW: with j'adorable haircut and cool-ass space-barrette!

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I like this one too:

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GASP! That one IS cute... I forgot about it! But the new one is more "artsy". smile
Loving this. The world needs more Teeds art.
Not really, but I (the world can stuff it) want more Fandango! Don't stop now, Lash! FEMbrain ain't tired and it's not like she cares if YOU are.
Heh heh... give me some ideas!
Speaking of sleep...Sandman. FEMbrain goes Vertigo.
Hmm. I'll see what I can come up with... BRB...
Almost done... I am quite amused...

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For Mayavale, right?
Oh, Femmsy killed him PAGES ago wink
<span style="font-size: 72px;">EXCELLENT.</span>
Three out of three Fembrains agree. As does a Future, so I whipped something up for Lash to show my appreciation for his faboo fandango:
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I find myself strangely...intrigued...by Fembrain... shocked
GASP!!! Don't let her HEAR you--! Too late!

You're in for it now, buddy...!
Originally posted by Future:
Three out of three Fembrains agree. As does a Future, so I whipped something up for Lash to show my appreciation for his faboo fandango:
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OMG!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!!!
Thank you so MUCH, they are ADORABLESAUCE!
Fembrain is the grooviest (which is exactly the trap she wants me to fall into).
And I will be posting them EVERYWHERE!!! laugh smile laugh smile
Originally posted by Future:
Fembrain is the grooviest (which is exactly the trap she wants me to fall into).
Hmmm... Future, do you have a previously done LMB-ID/character image done? Maybe Joeboy did one...
Originally posted by MLLASH:
GASP!!! Don't let her HEAR you--! Too late!

You're in for it now, buddy...!
Aw, I'm too much MAN for her! nod
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Hmmm... Future, do you have a previously done LMB-ID/character image done? Maybe Joeboy did one...
I think Joeboy did do a design for me. I recall it being very Captain Universe.

Why Lash, whatever are you up to!
Also, I went ahead and split the micros into separate images for your reposting pleasure, Lash:
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Originally posted by Future:
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Hmmm... Future, do you have a previously done LMB-ID/character image done? Maybe Joeboy did one...
I think Joeboy did do a design for me. I recall it being very Captain Universe.

Why Lash, whatever are you up to!
Must be a three-way with me, you and Fembrain! lol
>nefarious chuckle<

Oooh, nothing... *whistles*

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*gasp* ElasticLad

What a shocking twist!
FEMbrain is gonna PLOTZ... PLOTZ, I tellsya!
The arrow's pointing to the brain, right?
fandingo took my baby
Originally posted by MLLASH:

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Originally posted by MLLASH:

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Thembrain could be Carggite...
Hembrain could be an Athramite (and a contestant on Project Runway 3011)...
Limb-brain could be a Treeman.
Just uploading a couple things posted elsewhere:

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HAH! I love these!
Matty, Your birthday one is a personal favorite of mine smile
I still love these. It makes me want to put down the canon Legion micros and show the LMB more love.
Lash, I love that birthday one too.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
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This reminds me I shouldn't have had ice cream this afternoon.
Originally posted by Future:
I still love these. It makes me want to put down the canon Legion micros and show the LMB more love.
LOVE your LSH micros!! There's plenty of time for the LMB, but you should go where your muse takes you... I have been reposting your micros on the LW Facebook page BTW!
Fun fact! Thank you, sir. I should go take a FB look.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

Hembrain could be an Athramite
HEMbrain has spirally knees and elbows.
When FEMbrain met HIMbrain...

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Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Hembrain could be an Athramite
HEMbrain has spirally knees and elbows.[/b]
FEMbrain needs to pull some Catwoman-style correction on this piece of work.

click to enlarge
Awww, HIMbrain has chutzpa! Surely FEMbrain will soon fall for his charms?
Or, as is more likely, pull one of her head/body-switching jobs on the misunderstood thing...
[Linked Image]
lol This is REALLY funny.

(I'm just glad Peebs escaped FEMbrains shackles in time to be oogled by Lash !!! And now it looks like FEMbrain has her hands full with HIMbrain. nod )
lol I *TOTES* love that you are keeping up with her continuity--- please continue, I may need to ask questions later! smile
... it's not easy ... with the body switching, and the head switching then the mind switching ... I may need to start a spreadsheet ...
Originally posted by Power Boy:
I may need to start a spreadsheet ...
I DEMAND one! I need it to catch up on my Fembrain continuity, STAT!
Perhaps it's time FEMbrain get her own title... SUSPICIOUS COMICS.
You are so outrageous!
Don't ever change.
I shan't! laugh

AND NOW... those with delicate constitutions will NOT want to scroll any further... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

[Linked Image]
lol Ha! I'm TOTALLY checkin' out the boobs! lol

As we all know (especially me wink , Lardy never lets a little thing like gender get in his way! tease
My brain might be located elsewhere for the nonce, but my feet don't let little things get in the way, either.
But him I'd probably just mace.
Speaking of Teeds' brain...

[Linked Image]
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
But him I'd probably just mace.
Me...or Himbrain? hmmm
Both of you. Yeah, I have brain-case mace. It pays to be prepared.
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Both of you. Yeah, I have brain-case mace. It pays to be prepared.
Well, have to warn ya, I've built up a resistance to mace over the years... wink
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Well, have to warn ya, I've built up a resistance to mace over the years... wink
Well, yes. But have your shins? smile
Originally posted by Future:
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
[b]Well, have to warn ya, I've built up a resistance to mace over the years... wink
Well, yes. But have your shins? smile [/b]
D'OH! eek
Are we talking about mace as in pepper spray or the kind of mace Hawkman carries?
Yes and yes.
I had a feeling Teeds had both in her arsenal... frown
What about mace the seasoning? It adds so much to cookies, and fruit cobblers, too.

Yes, but it's rarely used as a weapon, though I'm sure if anyone can figure out how to use it as such, it's Teeds.
[Linked Image]
This shit has GOT to end.

My hair does NOT go with HIMbrain's hue.
I'm with cleome on this one, Teeds!
Throw a fruit pie in his 'face' and get the exchange going, ASAP!
Spreadsheet, spreadsheet!
And to think we scoffed at those Hostess ads.
Yeah, never underestimate a hostess!
<--- debutante, remember?
More switched-head shenanigans... coming tomorrow!
There's a difference between a hostess and a debutante?!
Originally posted by Candlelight:
There's a difference between a hostess and a debutante?!
It's all in the attitude. Hostesses serve; debutantes... don't.

I'm waiting for Fembrain to crash a cotillion. All those debs in white dresses would wipe the floor with her.
[Linked Image]
I demand a FEMbrain Hostess twinkie ad!
She's way too busy switching LMBers heads to do that...
[Linked Image]
Am I interpreting this correctly?!
Umm, well, ya know, as correctly as I get!
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
[Linked Image]
Is Rocky about to get to know me a little better than I might like?!!!

And is that my head on who?, Power Boy's body?!
Tell me it isn't so! faint

On second thought . . .
Yep, FEMbrain has switched all your heads! She's kookie that way!

This of course all started back in one of her earliest Silver-Age appearances, when she removed Lois Lane's head and wired it to a super-computer to boost Lois' intelligence to FEMbrain levels, and then forced Superman to choose which of them he wanted to marry...
Early FEMbrain hijinx:

Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
laugh laugh laugh Thanks, ya'll! While working a little overtime today, I knocked out a couple more things with old-skool windows paint... I will practice the all-now Windows paint tonight.

Don't you kind-of wish this issue of LOIS LANE *did* exist???

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Hmmmmm..... With all that head transplanting, I wonder if FEMbrain ever dated the Ultra-Humanite?
I'm pretty sure she made a monkey out of him.
[Linked Image]

I can't help but want FEMbrain to always win!
Yeah, well, it's not YOUR head on someone else's body, mister!
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
[Linked Image]
We are rocking those new heads and bodies !!!
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
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lol Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
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lol Aw, God, I know what Lardy/me would REALLY say in that situation! (Must...resist...obvious...dirty PUN!) lol

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Lash lawyered up!
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According to my spreadsheet, FEMbrain's body is currently un-headed.

Now that two heads are on MLLASH. And FEMbrain's head is on Quis ...
GASP!!!!! Well, this is a mystery that MUST be solved, LOL... BRB!
<span style="font-size: 72px;">DAMMIT, COBIE!</span>
[Linked Image]
Now, now... we musn't blame Cobie... FEMbrain's charms are pretty hard to resist...
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Lash lawyered up!

And that Cobie never really resists ANY BODY, does he?!
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<span style="font-size: 72px;">*GROAN*, LASH.</span>
Originally posted by Candlelight:
And that Cobie never really resists ANY BODY, does he?!
<span style="font-size: 72px;">BINGO, SHADY.</span>
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:

We are actually at a missing body right now. lol
I love Space Tart here btw ... 'What is going on ?'

She's seen it all.

Lash is right! Only Batman can resist her charms! That beautiful grey body and sexy-sneaky personality make it easy to forget she has a brain for a face!

But I reap what I sow! Ester?!! My body is doomed!!
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[quickly hides Tastykakeâ„¢ wrappers under the desk]
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Hubba hubba!

These are the most ridiculous yet !

The little Satan face on the cupcake !!! lol
BEFORE and AFTER with FEMbrain

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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Lash is right! Only Batman can resist her charms! That beautiful grey body and sexy-sneaky <span style="font-size: 34px;">personality</span> make it easy to forget she has a brain for a face!

But I reap what I sow! Ester?!! My body is doomed!!
Cobies ALWAYS say that, but they really mean:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Lash is right! Only Batman can resist her charms! That <span style="font-size: 42px;">beautiful</span> grey <span style="font-size: 42px;">body</span> and <span style="font-size: 42px;">sex</span>y-sneaky personality make it easy to forget she has a brain for a face!

But I reap what I sow! Ester?!! My body is doomed!!

And THIS is what I'D put on Cobie's shoulders, a sea pig/cucumber:
[Linked Image]

Where's this coming from?
Does a head switch turn one baaadddd?
Shady is ON FIRE!!
Wow! After the sea pig/cucumber head switch (!!!), I'd like to see FEMbrain take on L'il Debbie.
I think when the dust settles, Lardy shall propose marriage to FEMbrain!
You want all the women Lardy ... How quickly you've forgotten about Thora of Taltar !
hmmm ....perhaps Fembrain can put my head on Thora's body...
FEMbrain vs. the LMB

It's been full of hottentots running amok, heads being switched and general ridonkulousness!

But this, like ALL great sagas... MUST END.

And end it will!

[Linked Image]

*****endnote: I couldn't find Joeboy's Future character reference and have NO clue what Future looks like so this look for him is very much ad-libbed and is totes me guessing. Future, if it is too far offbase, we can find some criz-azy explanation for it... like, maybe it's Dev in disguise sleeping in your bed or something... Which I almost like better anyway! lol
I've always assumed 87.5% of LMB adventures were Future's dreams!
BEFORE & AFTER with FEMbrain

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BEFORE & AFTER with HIMbrain

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If he tries to hit on Rosie the Space-Riveter he's gonna be sorry.
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
[b]FEMbrain vs. the LMB

It's been full of hottentots running amok, heads being switched and general ridonkulousness!

But this, like ALL great sagas... MUST END.

And end it will!

[Linked Image]

*****endnote: I couldn't find Joeboy's Future character reference and have NO clue what Future looks like so this look for him is very much ad-libbed and is totes me guessing. Future, if it is too far offbase, we can find some criz-azy explanation for it... like, maybe it's Dev in disguise sleeping in your bed or something... Which I almost like better anyway! lol [/b]
Since I all but never appear in your stuff...I love that idea.
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
[b][b]FEMbrain vs. the LMB

It's been full of hottentots running amok, heads being switched and general ridonkulousness!

But this, like ALL great sagas... MUST END.

And end it will!

[Linked Image]

*****endnote: I couldn't find Joeboy's Future character reference and have NO clue what Future looks like so this look for him is very much ad-libbed and is totes me guessing. Future, if it is too far offbase, we can find some criz-azy explanation for it... like, maybe it's Dev in disguise sleeping in your bed or something... Which I almost like better anyway! lol [/b]
Since I all but never appear in your stuff...I love that idea.[/b]
Yeah, Dev, you're gonna think that until I get a hold of ya!
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
[Linked Image]
I care!
Lash, as always your fandangos are right on the money! I like that both you and Joeboy deduced my haircolor naturally. Although, perhaps it's Dev trying to impersonate me ... for re-admission into a club he's still a member of! Choke. The perils of LMB membership.
Yay! Glad to hear it, Future!

Dev, this little thing with FEmbrain and the LMB just kinda happened... it was really tickling me to see everyone's heads switched... but because it wasn't thought out much I figured I'd better end it because I really had no idea how everyone was gonna get thier proper heads back, lol I'll be sure to Dev-up the 'dangos soon!!

Also, while I like the Future image of him shirtless in bed with touseled hair, I probably should do one of him in a costume...

Thanks everyone for playing along while your heads were switched unmercifully! love
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
Also, while I like the Future image of him shirtless in bed with touseled hair, I probably should do one of him in a costume...
See, being shirtless in someone's art is a compliment. That means I have fans that want to see it, right? SunBoy
<----------------- Yep! wink
I was just yanking yer chain Lashie. No worries. But of you do use him...make Giffen proud.
Lash Lad basks in the glow of a woman he has adored for over a decade. Much love to my Shady always!

[Linked Image]
A picture with you is one of the best things ever, LASH!

I know lots of artists before me have done LMB designs, and I have loved them all from Freekinos, to Sketch Lad to Crujectra, Joeboy and beyond. But I have my own way of seeing us and our LMB characters so that's why I "draw" (or more correctly, move the mouse around the pad) them as I do; It's just my vision of us and I hope previous LMB designers (as well as my artistic subjects) know that! I have to keep it pretty simple due to the media I'm using....

The idea for this 'dango popped into my head tonight, and I *HAD* to fo it *NOW* despite having had several beers... and I **know** I have left some folks out but there's only so many I can fit in my limited space... I was trying to remember the original "Legion of Message Board Posters" thread and those I 'drafted' for that... before others posted... apologies to those I left out -like Engine Joeboy- who has been gone for like 10 years, LOL. Cobie, who else did I draft in that post???

Anyhoo, I kinda love this, despite it's bad-ness!

[Linked Image]
Originally posted by Candlelight:
A picture with you is one of the best things ever, LASH!
My love and respect to you always!!
Shady has been KICKING NASS and TAKING NAMES. (But not taking brains, because she has manners -- unlike a certain blue-and-brown-wearing sentient.)
FEMbrain, spokesmodel for HOSTESS SNACK CAKES, has NO idea what you are talking about!

By the way, I would be remiss if I did not say for the record that I had a dream last night involving... TASTYKAKE brand cupcakes.

I blame Cleome and, to a lesser extent, the devil.
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
FEMbrain, spokesmodel for HOSTESS SNACK CAKES.
I'm waiting for her Star Search-style spokesmodel showcase, maybe to the music of the Pointer Sisters. Billy Ocean?

LMBP draftees
Credit one Ms. Fat Cramer for this idea:

[Linked Image]
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
[b] FEMbrain, spokesmodel for HOSTESS SNACK CAKES.
I'm waiting for her Star Search-style spokesmodel showcase, maybe to the music of the Pointer Sisters. Billy Ocean?

LMBP draftees [/b]
Kick ass!! I remembered all of us!!
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:

I know lots of artists before me have done LMB designs, and I have loved them all from Freekinos, to Sketch Lad to Crujectra, Joeboy and beyond. But I have my own way of seeing us and our LMB characters so that's why I "draw" (or more correctly, move the mouse around the pad) them as I do; It's just my vision of us and I hope previous LMB designers (as well as my artistic subjects) know that! I have to keep it pretty simple due to the media I'm using....

The idea for this 'dango popped into my head tonight, and I *HAD* to fo it *NOW* despite having had several beers... and I **know** I have left some folks out but there's only so many I can fit in my limited space... I was trying to remember the original "Legion of Message Board Posters" thread and those I 'drafted' for that... before others posted... apologies to those I left out -like Engine Joeboy- who has been gone for like 10 years, LOL. Cobie, who else did I draft in that post???

Anyhoo, I kinda love this, despite it's bad-ness!

[Linked Image]
I absolutely love this pic! It's both badass yet has a certain emotion to it.

As Teeds as shown, you got us all!

With Shady being a big part of LW these past few years, it's been great having all five of us posting at the same time--for a solid period of time--for the first time in years!
Awww, thanks Cobie. hug

Next time, I'll do the 5 of us grim-n-gritty, for sh!ts and giggles!!

I'm very proud of this one, though... possibly due to beer!
[Linked Image]
We rule!!
Yep, I'm clearly saying Dammit Lash, are you Drunken Drawing AGAIN?
Rhino doesn't look sexy enough. I blame Teeds, and, to a lesser extent, beer.
I think I look plenty sexy!!
(perhaps a more plunging neckline?)
Talking out your...beer...again, Lash.
I also blame Teeds' nailpolish.
Not even drunk would I match my nailpolish to my hair.
Her neckline needs some plunge as well!
[Linked Image]
*tee hee!* It's kinda awesomeballz!
Ester ain't the only one who can wear a hat, let me tell you.
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
Rhino doesn't look sexy enough. I blame Teeds, and, to a lesser extent, beer.
For the luvva Ester--DON'T BLAME THE BEER!!! mad
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
I think I look plenty sexy!!
(perhaps a more plunging neckline?)
Yeah, and where's all the excessive bodyhair, huh, Lash?!?! confused
In my mouth, Lardy! YUM! *teeheehee*

After some... "encouragement" from a certain dango-dweller, I present the all-NEW all-NOW TD/Little Debbie ad:

[Linked Image]
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
[b]I think I look plenty sexy!!
(perhaps a more plunging neckline?)
Yeah, and where's all the excessive bodyhair, huh, Lash?!?! confused [/b]
Confession: I have ZERO chest hair!!(my calves are hairy though)
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
[b]I think I look plenty sexy!!
(perhaps a more plunging neckline?)
Yeah, and where's all the excessive bodyhair, huh, Lash?!?! confused [/b]
Confession: I have ZERO chest hair!!(my calves are hairy though)[/b]
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
[b]I think I look plenty sexy!!
(perhaps a more plunging neckline?)
Yeah, and where's all the excessive bodyhair, huh, Lash?!?! confused [/b]
Confession: I have ZERO chest hair!!(my calves are hairy though)[/b]
The hairless chest yet hairy calves of RHINO!

[Linked Image]
click to enlarge

Out with the product placement, in with the quasi-plunging neckline!
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
The hairless chest yet hairy calves of RHINO!

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
click to enlarge

Out with the product placement, in with the quasi-plunging neckline!
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
BAH!!!! My origianl vision was debbie-taunt-tastic, as is WELL-KNOWN.
Originally posted by Power Boy:
What's YOUR body-hair ratio, Peebs? *bats eyelashes innocently*
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]
Frake is SPACE-CRAP next to Rhino! As is well-known, he is debbie-taunt-tastic!
Love the lil'rhino shots, expecially with the hairy legs!
I totes LULZ that Class of 2000 image!! I should totes do one sober next time.
Cobie, Lash and Candle look like MIDGETS compared to me and Tsarin for some strange reason! <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">(drunk Lash)</span></span> lol
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
Originally posted by Power Boy:
[b] lol
What's YOUR body-hair ratio, Peebs? *bats eyelashes innocently*[/b]

That's a ratio right ??
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Cobie, Lash and Candle look like MIDGETS compared to me and Tsarin for some strange reason! <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">(drunk Lash)</span></span> lol
Tres likely!
Originally posted by Power Boy:
Originally posted by Maltshop von Sockhop:
Originally posted by Power Boy:
[b] lol
What's YOUR body-hair ratio, Peebs? *bats eyelashes innocently*[/b]

That's a ratio right ??[/b]
Close enough! It means I can use my (overactive) imagination in alllllll the right places! Debbie-taunt-tastic!
Life's better that way.
click to enlarge
Whoa... way to bring me back to planet earth...


Referring to Peebs' previous post...
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
click to enlarge
FEH!!! Both of my previous versions are debbie-taunt-tastic compared to THIS.

SUCK IT, depresso!!!
[Linked Image]
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Cobie, Lash and Candle look like MIDGETS compared to me and Tsarin for some strange reason! <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">(drunk Lash)</span></span> lol
Well, we were just alot younger than you two, in those days.
It's so nice to see hats (and crowns) making a comeback.
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Cobie, Lash and Candle look like MIDGETS compared to me and Tsarin for some strange reason! <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">(drunk Lash)</span></span> lol
The 3 of us were supposed to be sitting but I forgot to draw the chairs.
Characters inspired by ANAGRAMS REVEALING:

[Linked Image]

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And of course the original:

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[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Is Bad Sister the arch rival of Saucy Jones? If not, that needs to be rectified ASAP!
Originally posted by Risky Barton, boy adventurer:
The hairless chest yet hairy calves of RHINO!

[Linked Image]
Hubba-Hubba! What a MAN!
Originally posted by Future:
Is Bad Sister the arch rival of Saucy Jones? If not, that needs to be rectified ASAP!
Yes! This... must... happen!
I tried to do a pic of Saucy and Bad Sister having a disco dance-off but I was not happy with it.
Originally posted by Dr. Gwen Roil: Girl Psychiatrist:
I tried to do a pic of Saucy and Bad Sister having a disco dance-off but I was not happy with it.
I would have been happy with it! laugh
If at first you don't succeed, Doc...

(Hey, it works for Brainiac 5...)
Originally posted by Risky Barton, boy adventurer:
And of course the original:

[Linked Image]
[sulks] No matter how much styling gel I use, I can NEVER get my bangs to do that!
[Linked Image]
I. Love. It.
Could they wind up frenemies?
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 09/25/11 10:11 AM
Saucy space-rawks!

Duel of the Disco-Dancing She-Devil Divas? Oh yes!
So this week I launched a blog dedicated to the numerous silly characters I have so much fun with on windows paint.

Some of the stuff there has been previously seen on LW, and some of it is brand spanking new.

Ultimate goal is to one day have it be a daily stop for folks looking for some quick, simple cartoons to read, like an internet funny pages for those who enjoy my oftimes-incomprehensible sense of humor and poorly-rendered yet amusing art style.

Do drop by the Full Frontal Fandango. and have a giggle.

LMB and DC/Marvel-related stuff will still continue here; the FFF is for my own twisted concoctions, including FEMbrain which I co-credit Cobie with for inspiring me to doodle her after he first saw her name here at Legion World! And a special thanks to Teeds' numerous anagram threads, which continue to provide a rather incredible amount of inspiration!
I j'adore IT ... mucho !!!
J'adore YOU mucho! smile
laugh hug

Learn what it takes to party like the NO REHAB GIRLS!

After death advice in PALE EARL SAYS!

He's too cool for DC or Marvel... but maybe not Vertigo! Meet UNCLAD MAN!

Shot through the heart by the ARCHERY STUD FOLKS!

Saucy Jones meets Bad Sister, Yo! (previously seen here but now slightly redone)

Worst student *EVER* in "I TEST SATAN!"

link below, do drop in!

Celebrate Assisi with HARK, NEON COW!

MIMAW LILLY works overtime to save the gays!


What is the secret of MY KEN HAIR DAD?

Click link below to see it all!
I want a Mimaw Lilly coffee mug, a Mimaw Lilly keychain and a super-sexy, see-through Mimaw Lilly shower curtain (it will be so ironic when my manfriend walks into the bathroom and sees me looking all worked-up and sudsy as I shoot him my best come hither look right over Mimaw Lilly's disapproving visage!)!
I can *almost guarantee* Mimaw Lilly t-shirts at some point in the future smile

Thanks Rammy!!

Pale Earl's ghost t-shirt. Be just like Pale Earl, only alive!!

More crap you can buy coming soon, I had to start with something simple!


Got one of these terrible windows paint images you want on a t-shirt? LET ME KNOW.


All-special super-MASSIVE pre-weekend edition!

FEMbrain offers a lesson for ladies!

DEVIL KID: a Harvey Hero!

Pale Earl meets Wan Paulette!

FRENEMY: The girl you love to hate!

Mimaw Lilly concludes her attempt to save the gays!
Sunday Funnies at the Fandango:

DUG BY LISA travels a decade ahead in time, to see what WILL be on Lisa's mind!

Hot actress bemoans typecasting!

Meet the newest teen super-team THE CARNY KIDS!
It's MONDAY and it AIN'T PRETTY at the Fandango:

IT'S NANETTE! has pulled "The All-Nighter!"

You've been given a PIECE OF MIND!

And when strikes-- THE SEMI-FEVER OAF?!!?

Click link below to find out!
All-super-special Legion Worlders only SNEAK PREVIEW!

This goes on the Fandango tomorrow, but YOU see it TODAY...

Have you ever wondered about FEMbrain... BEFORE SHE WAS A SUPER-VILLAIN?

[Linked Image]
Was she also obsessed with ponies?
FRENEMY is awesomesaucey! I really do love to hate her!
She's just AWFUL, isn't she!!

Thanks to all who drop by the FFF, you are very much appreciated!
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Was she also obsessed with ponies?
Mainly she was obsessed with the brain-growth ray and the replacing her head thing... wink
Originally posted by LASHbrain:
All-super-special Legion Worlders only SNEAK PREVIEW!

This goes on the Fandango tomorrow, but YOU see it TODAY...

Have you ever wondered about FEMbrain... BEFORE SHE WAS A SUPER-VILLAIN?

[Linked Image]
I, more than half, suspected FEMbrain's original head to be pink or something ... or for the brain in a globe to BE her original head.

lol !!
Tuesday at the Fandango:



FEMbrain: Just an ordinary gal!
Nanette made me spit on my computer screen. lol

Thanks a lot Lash. frown

You can be TOO funny.

Oh, that Nanette!! She's SO trouble!! laugh
<span style="font-size: 20px;">LOVE!</span>
J'adore you!!


FRENEMY lays the burn on you!

RISKY BARTON continues to explore the hidden depths of the unknown!

PALE EARL chats up Wan Paulette!

... I wonder what will happen when Nanette meets a Frenemy ...

bwahahahahahaha!! she seems all about open hostility. not back handed comments LOL.

lol lol lol
Some Frenemies are subtle... some, not so much smile

Surely Nanette's alcohol and drug abuse will eventually lead her directly into a Frenemy's path...!

Experience the heartbreak of BILLY NO-ABS!

Bad Sister, Yo!: Supermodel!

RISKY BARTON's current adventure concludes!

Be a NO REHAB GIRL this Halloween!

See what BALD GUY IS dreaming of...


Click below to see it all!
Saturday our loud and proud Fandangos:



Money is no object when I LOVE A QUEEN!
<span style="font-size: 16px;">Truer cartoons were never fandangoed!</span>
*blush!* Mucho love and j'adoration to Ram Boy!

Do expect sneak previews here... such as this one (and feel free to tell me if you think it has 'legs' as a recurring character or makes a better one-off gag...) A *LOT* of these are one-offs who I eventually get more ideas for...

THANKS and love to all of you!

[Linked Image]
Digging it! The world needs more Dane Dorrance-type action.

With a name like "Krall", though, it makes me think he's Eastern European... and that water in the Baltic Sea has got to be COLD!
He's spying in warmer waters, I reckon! Thanks, Ex!!

TODAY at the FFF:

See what is DUG BY LISA.... of space!!

The Uncanny Excellents continue to be re-intro'd... meet Smokestack: Smokes matter in all forms!

And only YOU can decide: WHICH was GAYER? (1980s edition)

click link below!
Would Krall have a different expression on his face if that were a devil merMAN menacing him?
It's Tuesdango Tuesday!

Click on over and see:

OLD MAD SUE graduate to recurring character status!


Move over, Lois Lane-- here's AMANDA RAVEN!

I am totally re-drawing and finishing the GIRL ZOMBIE series I started here; it will be re-done and re-launched at the FFF. It will be an ongoing strip-type thing, 2 panels or more per post. If you read it previously, check it out again, some things will be tweaked and the whole thing will look MUCH better... (I *cringe* at those old windows-paints now!!)

click to enlarge
Buy your very own happiness at Full Frontal Fandango Fashions! This guy doesn't regret it at all:

click to enlarge
Wednesday at the 'dango:


FRENEMY strikes again!

Join the RISKY BARTON Fan Club for Adventurous Boys!
Thursday Fandango funnies:

FEMbrain's Hints for Harlots!

My HOT zombie boyfriend!

SUCK IT, depresso!
Love, love, love the FRENEMY ones!!!
Thanks Cobie!!

PALE EARL experiences a ghostly goodbye

Be depressed by Gretchen Canker

GIRL ZOMBIE gets ready to rock
Good thing FEMBrain didn't say, "Is that ALL you got?", or I'd be even more enraged!

I agree with Cobie, I particularly love the Frenemy ones.
Lots more Frenemy action is coming, each meaner than the last smile

Luda Crust and Caption Box return!

The hotness of Hippie Activist!

and Do YOU have a FRENEMY?!?!
Sunday Fandango Funnies:

Dr. Gwen Roil diagnoses you!

A yellow sir is scared by WHAT?

Wendy the good witch all grown up!
Ditch the Monday blahs and drop by the Fandango!

Enter the strange world of the MOD MAX MODELING AGENCY!

And GIRL ZOMBIE welcomes you to DEADVILLE!
An upcoming FEMbrain 'toon, that YOU get to see NOW!

[Linked Image]

The above FEMbrain 'toon, slightly altered... spot the difference!

Don't blame me, I voted for The Situation!

and GIRL ZOMBIE gets Freaky in da club!

GIRL ZOMBIE continues with Bram, Shepard & Junior!

MLLASH: The 99%!

and more bitchy FRENEMY hijinx!

Click link below and SUCK IT, depresso!
Thursday, GIRL ZOMBIE continues...

That's all I'm posting today though. Do stop by and catch up, it kills time but not your urge to live!
FRIDAY Fandangos:

GIRL ZOMBIE: It's all in the details!

DUG BY LISA gets jurassic on your ass!

OLD MAD SUE reacts to a bad economy!
Saturday at the FFF:

JUST WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT returns for its second outing! and PALE EARL SAYS continues to issue advice after death!
Pop over to the Fandango, I need some views!

Today's posts were the old HIMbrain intro (he's going to be a regular foil for FEMbrain, I think!) and some more bitchy Frenemy action!

See how NO REHAB GIRLS like to party!

IT's NANETTE in a Halloween mystery!

and GIRL ZOMBIE resumes!
I kinda wanna find out .... especially when HIMbrain calls me BABYCAKES
Child, I took yesterday off from the interweb, but today I am back with the good stuff!

Will Boy Adventurer RISKY BARTON and his pal HOLDEN SHOWERS survive the zombie hordes of Fabulous Mountain?

Will Lydia survive her encounter with Junior, Bram, and Shepard?

Will I do a fandango to honor one of my favorite TV shows???

There's only one way to find out: click below!

Meet (and hire) MAID MAN!


and GIRL ZOMBIE continues!

2 brains don't make a right!

JUST WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT... the big break-up!

DUG BY LISA.... grandma style!

PALE EARL encounters another afterlife apparition!
Make MONDAY slightly less horrifying at the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO:

GIRL ZOMBIE goes to pieces!

DR. GWEN ROIL, GIRL PSYCHIATRIST tries out some new therapy!

And FRENEMY teaches you that frenemies aren't always just one female...

Join GIRL ZOMBIE to see what's on the slab!

JUST WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT-- the unseasonably tanned!

Witness the aftermath of FEMbrain and HIMbrain's first date!

Click below to see it all, FULL FRONTAL style!
Hump Day Happenings:


Girl Zombie's origin concludes and the vengeance begins!

Luda Crust is large and in charge-- and Caption Box better not forget it!

Coming shortly: Bad Taste Appointment Reminders: The Eye Doctor version!

Uncle Creepy puts the squeeze on Risky Barton!

Loud Dames: A Frenemy poem!

Girls just wanna have blood in Girl Zombie!
I was totally wondering why she wasn't called Girl Frankenstein!
omg, I haven't read the fandango in a while ... and there are just too many funny ones ... i have to pace myself ... or my eyes might explode .... but it might be worth it.
Take your time, they aren't going anywhere! They are UNSTOPPABLE like a zombie infestation, NYAhahaha!!

*prepares tomorrow's toons*

FEMbrain's super-hero tryout seems kinda Legion-y!

Pale Earl and new pal bond!

and 'How's it gonna be' with Bev and Girl Zombie??!
Saturday sillies:

The HILLS have EYES (and mouths)!

More SAD CHAT with Gretchen Canker!
This was on FB and the FFF yesterday but felt like I had to include it here!

[Linked Image]
I think I sat behind that "Holden Showers" fellow in 10th Grade English Lit.

Of course, back then he wasn't a blond...

Holden is a natural blonde, as will be seen this upcoming week at the FFF when I post the image a certain Legion Worlder requested! laugh
Couldn't be the same guy then, unless he was pulling a "Shelley Duvall" so we'd all take him more seriously...
Remember back in the days when Peebs was horrified that FEMbrain was going to force him to marry her?

Times have space-changed!

[Linked Image]
Hubba hubba!

(Everyone knows that doomed love is the best kind of love-- at least in comics.)

'adequately' *sigh* love Styx

high praise from FEMbrain!
Poor Peebs!
i know, right... I feel like he should find comfort from someone... but which someone? *ponders*
Wonder what her "O" face looks like? hmmm

shrug Prolly not much different, I guess. smile
I would guess not smile
I simply couldn't go to bed leaving Peebs all distraught and stuff, so here he is on a date with Teeds:

[Linked Image]
And- watching from afar, another member of the LMB thinks only of the happiness of his two friends:

[Linked Image]
Just better and better, Lash.
HA! I wonder what Teeds will think of THIS !!!
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Wonder what her "O" face looks like? hmmm

shrug Prolly not much different, I guess. smile
I theorize that it would actually be an "a," for "adequate."
Thank you Rammy! Peebs- she saw it this a.m. and I was told it elicited a chuckle... which is about the highest praise I'M gonna get from HER!
Cleome-- OMG!! I love the "A" face lol


ANGST CORNER launches with your hostess Poetry-Slam Patty!

and meet the heroes FEMbrain hates most: GALACTIC HERO GATHERING fact files # 1!
Lash ... you are a genius.
Wow... thank you, that makes me feel recognized and celebrated... excuse me... I have something in my eye--!
BAH!! Everyone knows I demand AMUSEMENT, not presents.

But I'll take the presents, too.

Power Boy, Lash...whatcha got for Teeds?
Okay you must choose between Disco-Dino or more LMB/FEMbrain related crap!
Choose, ha!

FEMbrain first! (This is, I'm sure, her motto.)
Here I am, selflessly consoling my pal Peebs after his no-doubt disastrous date with Teeds! I'm such a giver, I awe myself sometimes...

[Linked Image]
Okay, who is getting amused here?
Meanwhile, Teeds is NOT sitting around crying over one disappointing date (she's aiming to have a second one)...

[Linked Image]
Aiming for something, all right.
Poor Peebs, he's so unlucky when it comes to love ...

maybe it's because he keeps dating WOMEN, unavailable, hard to please WOMEN.

(did I ever tell you about the time lil' PB lost the spelling bee ... and the word was 'women' ... after completing many more difficult words in the rounds before. coincidence? )
Right, says the gay dude who keeps getting gaga over the chicks. Isn't that supposed to be the other way around? Is this a high-concept space-sitcom? Is your wacky roommate Space-Dino? Why haven't you brought me a Diet Coke yet?
... I read a story recently that claimed diet soda contributes to abdominal fat. I'm looking out for you.

The story was courtesy of yahoo news.
Obligatory mention of my feet, your shins, etc.

(I've been doing this a lot of years.)
[Linked Image]
Is he DEAD?
I'm leavin' when the movie's over, Trish.
[Linked Image]

The scene that followed this has been deleted for those who find the image of brain-cases being kicked in too graphically violent...
Posted By: Pov Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/14/11 03:44 AM
Volkin' in the Wagon, OOH, YEAH!


Meet-- STARREX: terrifying space-dino with nelly amusing li'l gay arms!

Old Mad Sue on ballet!

GIRL ZOMBIE: Something else else about Mary
Tuesday's plug was delayed in case of delicate constitutions:

Toilet humor with IT'S NANETTE!

Bathroom wall scribblings by RISKY BARTON!

GIRL ZOMBIE continues in "Quite contrary"!
I took yesterday off, Trish! But today the FFF is back with a vengeance!


Also, Pale Earl and Ghostly Greg get bullied!

and GIRL ZOMBIE continues with "Human waste"!
Get down on Fandango Friday!

AT LAST-- Dr. Gwen Roil meets "Dr." Ron Diva!

FEMbrain issues fashion advice!

and "Bros before hos" in Girl Zombie!
Cerebral nudity is not hot!

You must buy a pair of TRISH JEANS!

and hormones run wild when The Cad Brothers move to town!
Monday, Monday... get fandangoey...

with FEMbrain's lessons for lasses!

Risky & Holden's Tiger Beat-style pinup!

Girl Zombie: "The lucky one"!
A little promotional ad I threw together at a friend's urging...

[Linked Image]

Pepper-Spraying cop vs. FEMbrain!

Beware: the I GLARE LIST!

BAD IDEA MAN... is he hero or villain?

Girl Zombie continues, COMPLETELY unseen in any form from this point on!
LATE-NIGHT Tuesday addition:

Welcome to LARRY'S LEGIT LAIRS, featuring Shasta!

Galactic Hero Gathering fact file # 2

When Old Mad Sue was young... IRE GIRL!

And coming tonight: the next GIRL ZOMBIE!
FEMbrain vs. Pepper Spray Cop was brilliant!

Bad Idea Man: I hurred and then I hurred again!
Thanks Rammy! J'adore you!

Thursday/Friday funnies:

The 3 C's of a NO rehab Girls Thanksgiving!

Rebecca Black Friday!

Deep in hot water with Risky & Holden!

The Secret Granny code---- TRANSLATED!

(Girl Zombie returns Monday)
Saturday SIllies!!



The "regular guy with hot chick" mystery explained:

The first-ever FFF CROSSOVER, with FEMbrain and...????:


[Linked Image]
What Granny means to say is...


FEmbrain/Luda Crust crossover continues:


American Horror Story:

FEMbrain vs. Luda Crust, conclusion!


Pale Earl & Ghostly Greg, post-bully:


Friend or-- FRENEMY?

GIRL ZOMBIE: There goes the cure

Just uploading stuff posted elsewhere on LW...

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]
Just because I haven't hyped myself lately doesn't mean there's not TONS of new stuff at the FFF!

You're doing yourself a disservice by NOT clicking here: http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

STOP disservicing yourself!!!
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
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click to enlarge
SHAME on you for not visiting my site lately. You should rectify this oversight now. Let me help...

Risky Barton & Holden Showers' latest misadventure:


Deck the halls with It's Nanette!:


And then be sure to look at all the other stuff you've missed.
Some amusing stuff today!!

T-Rex vs. Aaron in a gay bar:


Gift ideas to enrage your pets:


And THIS I quite love... Print it out and put it with your Holiday cards...

Blah blah blah silly blah blah blah bad blah blah blah FEMbrain blah blah blah click below.

The toga pic reminds me of how often I'm tempted to deck the cats out in Xmas gear. Butterscotch the Evil would look fetching in a harness with bells and some felt reindeer antlers. OTOH... she already has that expression 24/7, even when she's asleep. So I might as well save my money.
Animals in clothes tickle me to no end... I blame the Legion of Super-Pets...
Nothing new today but don't let that stop you from visiting the FFF and going on a cartoon click-on spree.
At the crafts fair I attended a couple of weeks ago, there were people who had their dogs decked out in Christmas lights. Maybe you should try your hand at lit-up Krypto and Streaky, if you're bored.

They would both probably light ME- on fire!

New stuff:

Avoid a massacre this Christmas with this simple advice:


When drag queens clash:


Just what is Granny's pip? Find out:


Scare the brats on your Christmas list with this:


Confessions of a Girl's Boarding School:


Blame this one on Set and the *SIGH* thread:


Nudist hero Unclad Man continues his war on crime:


Need motivation? Best not click here:

Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 12/19/11 10:05 PM
Originally posted by MLLASH classic:
Avoid a massacre this Christmas with this simple advice:

Totally!! I laughed .... and then checked my prescription.
Thanks guys! Peebs your post made me realize I had misspelled prescription! It's now corrected.
meet Dottie Apples:


Santa's secret:


The Breakup: What he thinks is not what she's thinking

Jeepers! This stuff is kewl and stuff, but when will stuff-lovers get to see the next installment of Girl Zombie?
I admit to being remiss with Girl Zombie of late! It's a matter of me just sitting still and doing it, which I shall do... why not right now?

Check the FFF in, like, 30!
GIRL ZOMBIE: On a mission:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

What you're getting from Old Mad Sue:


Larry's Legit Lairs holiday commercial starring Shasta:


Shasta's previous appearance, in case she tickles you (she tickles ME for sure):


Frenemies are happy for you this holiday season:


And lastly, BAD IDEA MAN returns with a craptastic holiday idea:

Fandango gang Christmas cards

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

click to enlarge
I can't go viral without YOUR HELP!

So please visit the FFF and forward stuff like a MOFO! TWITTER- FACEBOOK -GOOGLE PLUS! It's all good!
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 12/28/11 05:22 AM
You totes need a shot of Atmos doing product placement for Atomic Axe body spray!
I've never tried to do Atmos before...

NEW at the FFF:

In the kitchen with Granny (translated):


It's Nanette! in Dec 26th 7am:


Mer-Man loves FEMbrain!:


The secret origin of Unclad Man, from an idea by our very own EDE:


Nanette: All-NEW, all-NOW, all-2012:

You know how I feel about these!

Well, It's been a fairly uninspiring 2012 so far. Nothing new up, although I am well-prepared for Valentine's day!
Inspiration will hit....
It is I, mortal!

Here to promote my first 2 fandangos of 2012!

Click here to learn handy information on dumping unwanted tricks:


(clicking the toon makes it bigger and easier to read, mortal!)

Witness Ron Diva moving in on Dr. Gwen!:


2012: Year of the fandango!

I shan\'t believe differently!!!
WHEN to go from 'It's Complicated' to 'Single'... FIND OUT HERE:


IS your SON going to grow up to be a FLAMING HOMO? Probably, but look for THESE telltale signs:

Originally posted by Power Boy:
*bashful titter*
is wet girl ranch a real girl. me likey.
Old Mad Sue on Facebook:


You + Diet divided by Frenemy =

Once you go Yeti, the rest are confetti:


Pale Earl meets Granny Ghostly:


Originally posted by MLLASH classic:
Old Mad Sue on Facebook:

I'd been wondering for some time whatever happened to Marilyn Quayle... Thanks, LASH!
Didya ever wonder what it might be like if an everyday person thought she was an honest-to-Marvel Comics god? Meet DeeDee:

Learn the lyrics to the FEMbrain jingle:


Larry's Legit Lairs spokesmodel SHASTA is back with an important announcement:

Missing bra? Sherlock Jack's got your back:


DeeDee is my new favorite character. What happens when someone who thinks they are an immortal god is slightly inconvenienced? It ain't pretty:


My yeti fetish continues:

Forsooth, the righteous wrath of the fair maiden DeeDee is understandable!
New DeeDee 'dango tomorrow, and I'm pretty certain she will graduate to her very own category then as well. Currently toying with names for it... "It Ain't Easy Being DeeDee" is under consideration! Suggestions welcomed!

New today:



A Friday the 13th quandry:

Originally posted by MLLASH classic:
New DeeDee 'dango tomorrow, and I'm pretty certain she will graduate to her very own category then as well. Currently toying with names for it... "It Ain't Easy Being DeeDee" is under consideration! Suggestions welcomed!

I was thinking something like "Life With Mortal Fools!"
I wanted her name in the title, but agree "mortal" should be there as well! So I went with: "'Tis DeeDee... mortals!" Which I picture as her addressing us all!

In this 'dango, DeeDee leaves for work (as only she can):

Granny will only accept certain ways of phrasing some things:


DeeDee meets FEMbrain!!:


Coming this week: New installments of GIRL ZOMBIE, RISKY BARTON, OLD MAD SUE and DR. GWEN ROIL! (I know, because I did them today... and boy am I tired!!)
Oh, it kinda' looks like the girls are holding hands off-panel. Soooo cute!

Also, tell Frenemy that I finally polished off the last of that chocolate cheesecake an hour ago. [buuurp!] Complements to the chef!
CLE! You *so* BAD!!! **BURRRRP**

Risky Barton meets Holden Showers' cousin Lucky... this can't end well, people!!


Dr. Gwen Roil: Girl Psychiatrist and Ron Diva: Lifestyle Counselor GET CLOSER... but that Ron Diva seems shady:


The Full Frontal Fandango Mission Statement (with special guest stars galore):


Bad Idea Man has opinions about the free-love hippie internet:


Girl Zombie continues... PG-13 from here on out, be warned:

DeeDee... Everyone's favorite chick who think she's a goddess... went on a date. Here's how it it ended:


Innumerable Old Mad Sue fans must now meet her arch-nemesis!!:


That wacky DeeDee I love so much is at it again! This time, she's engaged in her favorite hobby:


DUG BY LISA returns-- and it's the starting point of a mystery character who will span the ENTIRE fandangoverse!!!:


GIRL ZOMBIE continues, and a major character is OFFED:

A familiar face from the last DUG BY LISA now appears in the OLD MAD SUE strip:


Risky's little crush on Lucky did NOT sit well with Holden. But will Risky be threatened when Holden seems likely to "Enter: Don Aplomb"?!?


Another hilariously awful poem from my angsty youth! That's right, Poetry-Slam Patty and ANGST CORNER are back:

It's like Robert Smith (sure does explain the hair in the picture!) and Alanis Morrisette had a baby boy, named him Lash and then forgot him on a tour bus, where he was eventually found by PJ Harvey who taught him all about writing poems!

It's angstastic!

Yipes, been awhile since I pimped myself here! The Blog is chugging right along though, but I'm got way too much stuff on there to do individual links back to Jan. 23!!

But here's some valentine-related stuff:

FEMbrain & DeeDee eye the same guy

Luda Crust & Caption box

Gretchen Canker\'s first Valentine...

Dr. Gwen Roil: Girl Psychiatrist and Ron Diva: Lifestyle Counselor

what NOT to get your NO rehab girlfiend

an Old Mad Sue valentine

My phantom valentine (Pale Earl)

FEMbrain\'s valentine message for DeeDee
Finishing off the lovefest at the fandango:

A Frenemy Valentine

Happy Valentine\'s Day from Granny

Love is Risky (Barton)

DeeDee: "gods" get lonely too
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 02/14/12 10:48 PM
The Frenemy Valentine is perfect. She's a surgeon of mean!
She wields a bitchy scalpel, always ready to cut!

So I've horned in on the "What people think I do" meme:

It\'s Nanette\'s What People Think I Do meme!

FEMbrain\'s What People Think I Do meme
Coming tonight: New GIRL ZOMBIE, which I will try my best to continue every Sunday evening until the conclusion!

To tide you over until then, find out:

Why there is no FRENEMY \'What People Think I Do\' meme
luvs and lulz !

.. damn right.
Thanks Peebs! Very few hits from here lately though. *GLARES* (Yes the website tells me, *tee-hee*) So I know you're all a bunch of space-frenemies. *resumes glare*

Anyhoo, here's the newest stuff:

GIRL ZOMBIE resumes: http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/2012/02/19/girl-zombie-fake-friends/

RISKY in the JUNGLE: http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/2012/02/20/jungle-action/

JOURNEY into MYSTERY and find out what DeeDee does for a living: http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/journey-into-mystery/

The many crimes of FEMbrain # 1: http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/2012/02/23/the-many-crimes-of-fembrain-1/
2 hits from here today! Thank you, whoever you are smile

EDIT: Now 5! smile smile
The Many crimes of FEMbrain # 1:


T. Gretchen I. F. .... http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/sad-weekend/

Angst Corner:


GIRL ZOMBIE is SO close to the finish:

So much justification for my long-standing meme-phobia over there!

Awww, memes are cute smile
Edpecially if you pronounce them "mee-mee".
Too much like pop quizzes that get sprung on me before I'm even dressed!

eek eek
Catchprase, catchphrase, innuendo, *glare*.

Pimping of site. Link below, click it.
[Linked Image] Future likes this.
lol I've been illin' with an ear infection so didn't feel like doing any proper pimping...

Or any new doodles, which is why today I am pilfering an old one from this thread for the FFF! smile

While I'm here, I might as well pimp my latest doodles:

DeeDee's on top of the world once she learns how worldwide the Fandango site is:


FEMbrain horns in on the 'THAT AWKWARD MOMENT WHEN' craze:


Everyone's favorite trainwreck Nanette schools her own therapist:


Jill Ikers: Girl Detective!:


Plus other stuff! Click on all of them, it makes me happy and counts as karma points in your favor. smile
BTW, in retrospect, I expected a dude with a name like "Aplomb" to have a mustache.

Jill Ikers! What a great concept.

I did a silly Adventure Comics 300 homage:

BEWARE what you wish for! With GAY MARRIAGE also comes... GAY DIVORCE COURT:

And NOW... The TOP 10 Full Frontal Fandango 'toons of all time... (according to my site's stats):

1. Stop not watching COMMUNITY

My li'l love note to the gals of Greendale really took off on the Community Facebook page!

2. FEMbrain\'s WHAT PEOPLE THINK I DO meme

When I jumped on the meme bandwagon, this was the one that really seemed to skyrocket. Due no doubt to FEMbrain's sexiness!

3. It\'s Nanette\'s What People Think I Do Meme

I love the Nanette character and this is my fave of the meme-themed doodles I did.

4. Gay Divorce Court

Yep, a doodle I posted YESTERDAY is now my 4th most-viewed 'toon! This one seemed to tickle everyone, and it was fast to get a few LIKEs and SHAREs on Facebook which catapulted it up quickly in views!

5. Is YOUR son GAY?

Apparently one way to get hits is to scare straight parents, tee-hee! I'm proud of this one because it very much evolved from LW. The script came straight from Doomed Gay Romance and it was one of my earlier windows paints that I re-doodled for the FFF.

6. FEMbrain\'s Angelina Jolie\'s leg meme

Another meme I jumped on quickly, ensuring FEMbrain has TWO spots in the FFF top 10! I'm quite proud of the pun I came up with for this one laugh

7. Thanks, Dave Cockrum

This love letter is more to Infectious Lass and deviates from my general rule of NOT using established superheroes at the FFF but I wanted to express my love for Dru on Dave's birthday. It does contain an all-new Dru doodle by me though. Posting at LW's Facebook page helped it get major hittage.

8. Don\'t Put Troy & Abed in the mourning...

Another very recent doodle, I timed it to coincide with COMMUNITY's return this month and hit their Facebook page with it!

9. A T-Rex walks into a gay bar...

JEEPERS! A *third* gay-themed doodle makes the top 10... go figure!

10. Why there is no FRENEMY What People Think I Do meme

The FRENEMY doodles make an appearance in the Top 10 (they also hold the # 11 slot as well) Frenemy + a hot meme = views!

So I guess if I ever do a gay-themed COMMUNITY 'What People Think I Do' meme doodle, I'll blow up the interwebz! wink
Such joyous diversions, darling!
Jeepers! I keep expecting a Fembrain texts-from-Hillary meme!
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Jeepers! I keep expecting a Fembrain texts-from-Hillary meme!
Your expectation is my command smile

You loved it, didn't you?
... like a G6!
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:

10. Why there is no FRENEMY What People Think I Do meme

ALSO a personal fave!
YOU'RE a personal fave. laugh
laugh hug
LASH, are we going to get a group shot of the Community dudes, too?

<--- Is never satisfied.
I wish I thought I could pull off Chevy and Joel. I was rather proud of my Troy and Abed though... maybe if I use that original doodle as a base, I might find the nerve to attempt to add Pierce and Jeff to it... I'll think upon this! It would probably be a swell way to get some hits from their Facebook page come the season finale!
Cliche vs. zombies:


Shirtless Friday the 13th guy needs help again:


ATTN: Gay Marriage Advocates:

Jeepers! My doodling may have slowed down but my blog lingers on! There are a couple of new items:

Understanding your Frenemy:


FEMbrain's 'They Said I Could Be Anything' meme:


Risky Barton and Holden Showers enter the danger zone!!

I love FEMbrain.
I totes wore my FEMbrain t-shirt yesterday!
Do you think she likes Kelly Clarkson?
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I totes wore my FEMbrain t-shirt yesterday!
Pleeeeeeeease make a picture of yourself in it!!!
THAT'S RIGHT SENTIENTS! FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO FASHIONS IS IN EFFECT! Featuring FEMbrain and DeeDee and other assorted silliness... more designs to come!

Order for Father's Day NOW!

Originally posted by Power Boy:
I love FEMbrain.
And she j'adores YOU as well.... Mister FEMbrain!
Had an almost month-long doodle block there, but I'm kinda getting back into it:

Green Lantern's GAY!!!! Which hero will "switch" next???


Money buys love... of a sort!

Ask Super-Woodchuck:

Hee hee

And so cute!
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 06/06/12 04:10 AM
Fembrain and Frenemy need to throw down. I don't think the universe is big enough for the both of them!
FEMbrain *IS* the frenemy in all her relationships smile

New 'toons:

BAD IDEA MAN has heard about something new he might wanna try:


Granny's back, as confounding as always:

I was proud of this recent Full Frontal Fandango milestone:

[Linked Image]

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by. Feel free to go on a click-spree there any ol' time!
Happy Father's Day, especially to Step-Dads:


The Calamity Posse!

GIRL ZOMBIE returns!

As does everyone's favorite depresso, Gretchen Canker!

AND-- a new DeeDee! How I've missed her...

I may have re-found my doodle-groove. I kinda missed it.
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 06/18/12 06:39 AM
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
Happy Father's Day, especially to Step-Dads:

That one cracked me up!
laugh Then I have accomplished at least one goal!

Thanks Set!
Meet the newest super-freak team of all:

new GIRL ZOMBIE: Hunter and Hunted posted:


Weds- new Gretchen Canker
Thurs- new DeeDee
Fri- launch of a possibly re-occurring 'toon titled "In Memphis, Happiness Is..."
Sat- new Old Mad Sue

Sun- links for all 4 posted here!
Gretchen Canker looks on the bright side:


DeeDee's previous jobs # 1 (owes a Thank-You to EDE, as I recall):


One thing that can make a Memphis, TN resident's day (I am sure every city has a street like this):


View Old Mad Sue's Facebook page:

Everyone's favorite alcoholic druggie has a question about the Obamacare ruling:

News to surprise no one:

Tom Cruise's next wife?

I'm in one of those moods I think where I take my image of your LMB personas and doodle them.

And if the idea that any facet of yourself is rolling around in my brain isn't enough to weird you out, here's the first doodle. Remember, my windows-paint doodles are super-simplified and vary greatly from your official LMB versions.

[Linked Image]

Standard Liefeld "standing around" shot. Nothing special, I'm getting back into practice. LMB Teeds is always fun for me to doodle, as is Peebs and Rocky. I really enjoyed doing Dev!! I love brown and black together, and his skin color and face.

Had a devil of a time with Cramey. I think because there's not really enough room for her with me putting Teeds in the foreground like that. Bah!!!
Is Teeds ... our leader?!?!
Nah, she was just easiest for me to doodle first smile
I am a free-agent bosser-arounder!

And the pic makes me look cute and slightly annoyed, so I'd call it a 'dango well done.
I was pretty much going for cute and slightly annoyed with you, so Yay me.

I am now working on an all-girls image because as is well-known I prefer doodling girls.
"all girls" dosn't sound like "Power Boy action scene" to me!
Originally posted by Power Boy:
"all girls" dosn't sound like "Power Boy action scene" to me!

[Linked Image]

Peebs, I'll do your action scene next. Of course, your old buddy MLLASH isn't going to allow you to go into action without him. smile

Ah, the Teeds image cropped is just about as close to perfect as I will ever get.

You know what the chicks around here never do anymore? Revolt. So FEMbrain is back to take care of that little problem:

[Linked Image]

Shady was perfect to me right off that bat. I agonized over changing Cramey's face but the more I looked at it the more I liked it. FEMbrain was no problem for me.

I had the worst time with Space Tart's hair and Stealth's *LIPS* of all things. I can't tell you how many times I re-did those lips and YES what you see is the best it ever got. smile

I'm also trying to work more with noses instead of doing my standard (though adorable) little half-U for a nose. smile

Oh, I'm so amused.

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Shining Son brightens things up

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Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
...as is well-known I prefer doodling girls.
Pity post.

What is WRONG with you sentients? You KNOW Lash laid that down so someone could pick it up. Is Lardy on jury duty or something?
Originally posted by Leap Year Lord:
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
[b]...as is well-known I prefer doodling girls.
Pity post.

What is WRONG with you sentients? You KNOW Lash laid that down so someone could pick it up. Is Lardy on jury duty or something?[/b]
D'OH! <facepalms>
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
Peebs, I'll do your action scene next. Of course, your old buddy MLLASH isn't going to allow you to go into action without him. smile

Ah, the Teeds image cropped is just about as close to perfect as I will ever get.

You know what the chicks around here never do anymore? Revolt. So FEMbrain is back to take care of that little problem:

[Linked Image]

Shady was perfect to me right off that bat. I agonized over changing Cramey's face but the more I looked at it the more I liked it. FEMbrain was no problem for me.

I had the worst time with Space Tart's hair and Stealth's *LIPS* of all things. I can't tell you how many times I re-did those lips and YES what you see is the best it ever got. smile

I'm also trying to work more with noses instead of doing my standard (though adorable) little half-U for a nose. smile
Wow! This is fantastic! You've really gotten so good with composition. It's like a great 70's - 80's cover.

I like the the way you do their hair, especially Shady.
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I totes wore my FEMbrain t-shirt yesterday!
Hold the phone! Is this real? I want one!
FEMbrain + LASHhand!

Shady looks like a fem with a tank of sea pigs and a wide-open schedule.

Crames looks kinda like Lauren Bacall....if LB had really sharp teeth. And was a humanoid cat.
'Sabout time I got some pity!!

Yes, Cobie, you too can own a t-shirt with one of my doodles on it. Just like the Full Frontal Fandango spokesmodel:

[Linked Image]

Order crap from here (I need to sell one more to get a royalty check anyway):

Full Frontal Fandango Fashions
Before he bought that shirt, he was homeless and going nowhere. Now he's all smiles and life is his playground!
DRUNKEN CALIENTE DOODLE!!!! Like she's ever even HERE anymore... *blank stare*

[Linked Image]
FEMbrain brings home Olympics gold! (sssshhhhhh! don't ask questions):

Why stop at just one FEMbrain?
You gonna give her ideas.
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:

Oh, I'm so amused.

[Linked Image]
AT least you didn't draw me with a Liefeldian crotch!!!

"Is that a shovel in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"

Not to mention the Liefeldian "man boobs".

... or double jointed Liefeldian backs!
Well, I ran out of room... *tee hee*
Yeah, we know you were trying to get a room.
Hmm. One wonders, drunkenly, just what Leap Year Lord looks like... fandangofied! Let's find out...

[Linked Image]
BAH. A lord is a dude, as everyone knows.

DOUBLE BAH. This drunken crap is the best it's gonna get tonight. I tried to throw in some festive-ness, like the patented LASH-hand and bitchen power-bubbles, but I couldn't invest too much more effort. TRIPLE BAH.


[Linked Image]
Also, the floppy hair has to go. Peebs owns the floppy hair.
You're only fooling yourself if you try to deny my lordlike XX ways.
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
BAH. A lord is a dude, as everyone knows.

DOUBLE BAH. This drunken crap is the best it's gonna get tonight. I tried to throw in some festive-ness, like the patented LASH-hand and bitchen power-bubbles, but I couldn't invest too much more effort. TRIPLE BAH.


[Linked Image]
he stole my floppy hair ... 'cause he's evil ... check out those eyes. and that shirt ... it says evil.

I don't get the "4" on the shirt tho ... EVIL!
I'm sure the IV was meant to symbolize how many years between leap-years.
OH .... of course .... I had a dumb moment.

That costume is TOO intellectual .... and we all know from comic books that smart people are EVIL!

"Do any of you DARE call me wrong?"
Just kicking to be clever.
Taking a more literal approach, what if Leap Year Lord literally could leap over years-- a teleporter whose range was in a 4 year span only? Could make things complicated for this character. Not that you would know it from this lame less-than-half-assed paint:

[Linked Image]

There aren't enough characters in orange boots for my taste, so this helps with that. Also, anyone else think the timestream is sorta super-gay?
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 08/02/12 08:00 AM
I think the timeline looks delicious in a rainbow sherbert sort of way.

You got your lime, raspberry, lemon, strawberry and blueberry. Yum!

Leap Year Lord, huh? It's like King For A Day, but after inflation!
His costume reminds me of sausage.
Then it isn't a total loss!
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The Starburst Bandits ... ALSO HAVE PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by lowercase mllash:

[Linked Image]

BTB ... LYL's hands look ... a bit cloven.

Reminds me of the devil, and fried chicken.
BAH-- it's not like I put any effort into this!! PS/ I had fried chicken today (at KFC).
It IS possible for me to complete a story, you know. See for yourself in the supersize concluding post for GIRL ZOMBIE:


Also, what does my Granny have to do with Game of Thrones?:

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Set Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 08/15/12 06:48 AM
Ooh, Imra, Shady and Drura, that's a selection I've never seen on the same page together!
[Linked Image]
This is my new favorite fandango ... yes that includes fandagos of my Peebz and FEMbrain ones that make me spit coffee all over my computer!

all hail and bow down before Nura Nal!
damn ... I just remembered THIS:


was my previously favorite .... agh ... does not compute ... arghh ....

Steller Dream Girl with pop art white hair vs. FEMbrain on Hilary HILARITY .... GAH!!!!!!

How do I choose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... I have to run to the bathroom to make cleanign up my head explosion easier!
Awww I'm kinda proud that I've forced this choice on you through my skillz smile
It ain't easy being FEMbrain:

Wasn't one of the blog title contenders "Pervvy Nerd Fandango"?
It might yet become one!

Just like the newest category: THE HAPPY MEMPHIAN!

And here's In Memphis, Happiness is... # 2!

A little lesson Lash has learned in his life (and needs to remember always):

Looking forward to Fall weather? Your frenemy knows why:

When FEMbrain met Phyllis Diller:

Phyllis Diller would have been such a great super-villain.

I love FEMbrain, but I ordered the Peace of Mind t-shirt. FEMbrain would have been just too hard to explain to people. That is, people who aren't our kind of people.
Oh Cramey!! I hope you love it. Please make a picture of yourself wearing it, I could use a new Fandango Fashions Spokemodel!! love love

Heh... FEMbrain is nothing if not a (ridiculously awkward) conversation starter. smile
Granny VS. her most annoying nemesis!

DeeDee's previous jobs # 2:

[quote]Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
[b]When FEMbrain met Phyllis Diller:


I LOVE P.D. !!! WHY did she not work much after the 80s???? I guess she retired with her millions to Dolly World.
BAH!!!! What does a guy gotta do to get hits on his crappy-ass blog around here, debase himself????

As may be well-known, I'm not above that...

And I am also not above shame, believe it or not...

THERE, ARE YOU HAPPY?!!?! Click the link in my sig regardless, Betsy.
*sigh* I suppose I should do better work in order to get more hits... but that's HARD. frown
Learn just how wicked FEMbrain can be:

I never noticed her beedy lil eyes before!


Also-- STARSEARCHERS # 1, now available at the Fandango! Rest of series to follow!

Getting into the head of an evil sorceress...

[Linked Image]
Dear Lash

... Time Out ... is a travel magazine and for some reason they have this on their cover ?

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> [Linked Image]

which makes me crack up so much .. I took a photo on my phone and set it as my phone's wallpaper ... which is doubly funny because when I get bored I check my phone .... hahahahaha!

It aslo reminds me of Lash. Because he used the term. and I'm not sure I would know what the term meant without him using it.
Hmmm I wonder if FEMbrain has ever had a mysterious pregnancy!

No, nor will she ever.

Should the day ever come she is knocked up, she will know damn good and well who is responsible smile
Originally posted by lowercase mllash:
Getting into the head of an evil sorceress...

[Linked Image]
Nicely done. I'll have to break out my Siouxsie and the Banshees albums this weekend.
FEMmy is more the 'army of clones' type, I think.
I imagine her impregnating random simpletons with her science experiments ...

(in the FEMbrain language *simpleton* = people.)

FEMbrain\'s Presidential Endorsement
Hmm... I predict it would be at least 5.7% funnier if Fembrain referred to her as Dr. Jill Stein!
FEMbrain likes her mostly because she's a fellow jailbird smile
Dr. Gwen Roil: Girl Psychiatrist and Ron Diva: Lifestyle Counselor get political:

Who is DeeDee voting for, you wonder?

Bah! I've heard that buffoon Donald Trump is now trying to claim that Thor wasn't born in America!
I'd vote for Thor.
Which party is Nanette affiliated with?


I wonder if any of your characters will endorse soft gay-porn model Andre Barnett, who is running as the Reform Party candidate?
This is in the realm of possibility, now that I know about it smile

Today, however, we take a break from the soul-crushing world of politics and visit the soul-crushing world of beauty pageants:

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<span style="font-size: 18px;">WHERE IS THE OLD MAD SUE ENDORSEMENT??</span>
Oh yeah, Ester's gender-reversed identical cousin looks interesting, but let's get the view on O.M. Sue.
It's too late for Old Mad Sue to endorse, but based on her actions here... well, I think I can guess which way she voted!
Vote for Power Boy!!!!

ok that's it Nam'Lor I'm going to bed.
Posted By: .. Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/06/12 11:20 PM
What is Fembrain's opinion of the candidates?
Originally posted by MLLASH:

FEMbrain\'s Presidential Endorsement
Posted By: .. Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/07/12 12:56 AM
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by MLLASH:

FEMbrain\'s Presidential Endorsement
Geez, how did I miss that?
LIFE SUCKS or Why I Love Dean Lee
Posted By: Pov Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 04/24/13 04:40 AM
Succubi are so insatiable... <3 wink
The artwork is incredible! The dialogue fits.

I don't know that I agree that "Life sucks!" Maybe this guy's life sucks. Maybe he needs a hobby. smile

Nice to have you back, Lash.
LIFE SUCKS... succubus... get it? HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! I slay me sometimes.

Thanks HWW, I'm never far from LW... my laptop was giving me fits with the new format- especially the Search function, which I always have loved- but nothing will keep me from tormenting you all for long! smile
Just FYI-- it appears tonight I may have picked up a near-lethal virus on the laptop!! It took me, like, 3 hours and my BF's tablet thingie that I previously hated but now see the benefits of to figure out how to work past whatever the frag had gripped the laptop in its evil iron hand. Though the evil has been bypassed currently, it appears the evil has not been entirely vanquished.

So what I'm trying to say is, if I disappear from the 'net, it's this virus thingie (that I still am apparently fighting). Mattropolis/Matt Crider and Dev-Em/David Sopko and Dean Lee have my text number if someone needs to get ahold of me. BT Dubbs, I'm long past the whole "ZOMFG I NEED TO BE SO PRIVATE NO ONE CAN KNOW WHO I AM" crap, so if anyone wants or needs my text number just tell Dev.

--Hope this isn't my laptop's last hurrah...

Originally Posted by MLLASH

I love it! This needs to be a recurring feature, stat!

Sucks about your laptop, Lash. I've been there and it's so freaking frustrating. Also, I've also had some trouble adjusting to the Search function, which I also love. You have to expand every search to like 10 years manually each time.
Oh, and if I get your #, drunken texts will be rampant at 2:00 am on the weekends! Mostly about Nardo, Thora, etc.
Great to see the Lash/Lee collaboration continuing! Dean is sorely missed around these parts. frown

Hey! Where did your protagonist get his "Starsearchers" coffee mug? More importantly... where can I get one?
Lash is an essential service. Laptop viruses shall not be tolerated!
The laptop was totally gone for 2 solid days, I was cut off from the world, it was terrible.

BUT, we managed to fix it with only a bit of fuss and minimal screaming. No ashtrays or priceless Ming vases were smashed.

Cobie your drunken texts are always welcome and will be returned with equal drunkenness on weekends!

Ex, Dean loves an Easter egg doesn't he? I selfishly wish he weren't so busy these days but am glad he's so busy working. Yes he's very missed here, and I hardly ever see him on FB anymore either.

SO, since I'm pretty much taking a break from doodling, I decided to keep the blog going by presenting my thoughts in my usual abrasive though still semi-adorable style:

You're Not a Geek Unless You Watch These Shows
I don't think FEMbrain appreciates being on page 2, sentients.
BTDubbs, I would totally do some more doodles to post here (in fact I started one tonight), but for some reason Photobucket seems to have lost the ability to upload pics from my laptop. I've had this issue elsewhere too. I'm hoping it eventually corrects itself because I don't know what to do.
Sheeeesh my buttaloon. My shiznit has been at Photobucket since the dawn of me doing internet stuff! It shouldn't suddenly no longer work. It's being investigated.
I hear the Science Police are on it . Maybe Dvron with his little pom-pom hat.
This was the new FEMbrain 'toon I started. I think it was me and FEMmy, about to go cruise for guys or something. (My hair's a mess right until I can get it cut). Colors are weird and blocky, I can't even get Windows-stupid-Paint to work right these days. *hurls ashtray*

click to enlarge

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To be continued....
She so crazy, she think she gonna be TEEDSbrainy!
I have several lighting fixtures that match FEMbrain's hairstyle perfectly!
[Linked Image]
You know how shape-changing aliens give themselves away by not using contractions?

Trish, gurrrl, everyone knows I would not mess up an apostrophe, even if I was drunk enough to apply crayons to my face like that.
"WAIT!!" you exclaim with puzzlement. "WHAT does FEMbrain plan to do with the REAL Teeds?"

It turns out, FEMbrain didn't have to bother with Teeds at all. Because FEMbrain saw THIS happen on Teeds' recent playdate at Lash's place...

[Linked Image]

Yep, they are still in the tubes.
Originally Posted by Thriftshop Debutante
You know how shape-changing aliens give themselves away by not using contractions?

Trish, gurrrl, everyone know I would not mess up an apostrophe, even if I was drunk enough to apply crayons to my face like that.

Yeah that typo is pretty glaring; I blame my amusement at Femmy's face...
FEMmy doesn't have my star power, neither!

So re: that tube. Can I escape through the boob window?
[Linked Image]
Okay, who took that holo of me in that super-long line for the space-loo?

Well, this "plan" of FEMbrain's certainly seems well-thought-out.
Also: I think I can teleport or something. If I'm still in the tube, it's to stay clear of the smoke, little mister.
*COUGH!!!!!* What?
[Linked Image]
The fronting in that panel is staggering.

Cobie has a sad when I DON'T threaten him. As for Ester blaming his headwear on me...please, Trish.

Go get 'em, FEMme!
Might I say that FEMmy has your sexy/needs to pee stance down pat in that panel!
"It's me... that girl you like... Thriftshop Debutante or whatever!"... *chuckles to self*
<notes Lash's solicitation of celebration of his jeanyus>
I just wanna know why Edie has bird poop dripping from his hair! lol
These are great! FEMmy is at her most daring and clever yet! Will Cobie figure it out and put the moves on her? Causing a jealous EDE to unknowingly do the same without realizing its FEMmy? And is Lash getting a buzz as his tube fills with smoke?

Yay for the return!
Confident in her ruse, FEMbrain space-sandwiched herself between Cobalt Kid and Eryk...

[Linked Image]

The look on Eryk's face plainly stated that he was not fooled by FEMbrain, as did his thoughts: "This must be a joke! Surely Cobie sees right through this nonsense, too!"

"At LAST-- it's HAPPENING! Teeds and I are totally hooking up!! And don't call me Shirley!" thought Cobalt Kid.
At last!
Surely that boyish handsome smile will entice FEM-Teeds!
[Linked Image]

And speaking of Cobie.... (to be continued)
Teeds looks a bit worse for wear lately.

She must be burning the candle at both ends ... and in the middle ... in an oven ...
Oh Eryk, you're LMB training prepared you for this! Surely you remember danger room program "drunk aggressive Lardy"?

[Linked Image]


The length of a Lash Tube of Space?
A voice that dripped with the sensuality of some sort of Marvin Gaye/Barry White super-hybrid boomed out from behind FEMfauxteeds just as she was about to capture Eryk in her clutches!

"HEY TEEDS! If Eryk doesn't wanna play..."

FEMfauxteeds whirled around to a shocking sight!

[Linked Image]


HA, HA, HA! Just Kidding! TO BE CONTINUED!
Originally Posted by MLLASH
...dripped with....

Yikes! That's not even me but I'm still popping over to the Titans board for their industrial-strength penicillin stash.
My classic strategy! Robe and all!
Having had quite enough, FEMbrain decided to take matters-- and her ratty wig-- into her own hands!

[Linked Image]

FEMbrain was so livid, part of her statement was left out of the word balloon!

Cobalt Kid gasped in horror. "FEMbrain?!!? Space-crap!! I've already hit that!"

Not wanting his broseph to feel bad for being fooled, Eryk exclaimed "Wow! FEMbrain's disguise was so great, I never would have known--"

"SILENCE!!!!!" FEMbrain interrupted. And then, came weirdness....
The next part of FEMbrain's campaign of terror against the LMB is plotted (YES, I plot these things... sort-of), and will be posted soonesque.

Until then, here's a little tease for my next mini-project with Dean Lee! Long time fandango-fans may recognize these ladies from a very old windows paint here!

[Linked Image]
OH!!! HI! You're back! I totally wasn't expecting that!!

Okay then! So, while MLLASH was distracting you with nonsense, FEMbrain's nefarious plan has reached fruition off-panel (how conveeeeeeeeeenient!) and she's ready to reveal her latest, greatest, most successful abomination/experiment!!

[Linked Image]

Yeah, so I'm totally hoping a Composite LMBer hasn't been done in previous fanfic I haven't read...


Awesome!!! It's about time the LMB had a Composite LMBer! Hopefully the Eryk half doesn't keep us from making out with at least one hottie!
I would've combined Lash and Teeds!
Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid
Awesome!!! It's about time the LMB had a Composite LMBer! Hopefully the Eryk half doesn't keep us from making out with at least one hottie!

You'll still make out Cobie, but it will be a disaster. Oh wait. Nothing will have changed.
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
I would've combined Lash and Teeds!

Lash, we gotta stop hanging around the combine unless Ester is on Touston or something.

We should probably avoid the thresher too.
Posted By: Pov Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 11/30/13 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Quislet, Esq

You'll still make out Cobie, but it will be a disaster. Oh wait. Nothing will have changed.

Since EDE gave me the idea, I started a Lash/Teeds composite image but have yet to be inspired to finish it... *sighs ennui-ishly*

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Originally Posted by MLLASH

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eek eek WTH IS that all over your carcass, LASH?! ElasticLad

To quote MST3K: "Jeez, even Scarface didn't do that much all at once!!"

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Originally Posted by MLLASH
DRUNKEN CALIENTE DOODLE!!!! Like she's ever even HERE anymore... *blank stare*

[Linked Image]

And yet I still managed to find it to go *squee* and *lulz* and laugh laugh laugh!
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oh, don't tell me.
She drops them in her brain-tank! The special neon space-lubricant is then saturated with minty freshness!

What about Pop Space-Rocks? (In a space-bottle?)
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Enjoy this thread while ye may, sentients! I hear Comic Code Authority footsteps in the space-hall....
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Has FEMbrain been hanging around with LASHtot?
Ho ho ho!

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Originally Posted by MLLASH

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Hey, early evidence of Ryan Bertroche love!!
Originally Posted by MLLASH

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Mister Eater-Lad... heh heh heh...
Originally Posted by MLLASH
Now this particular image had its genesis during a PM between myself and Peebs, so blame him:

[Linked Image]

Peebs and I never PM anymore... (dabs tear)
Originally Posted by MLLASH

[Linked Image]

Dang... both Teeds and EDE look pretty banging here!
Originally Posted by MLLASH
[Linked Image]

heh heh heh. I'm funny!!
Originally Posted by MLLASH
And now, possibly the best windows-paint image I've ever done, just for TD! NOW: with j'adorable haircut and cool-ass space-barrette!

[Linked Image]

This looked cool. TD doesn't properly appreciate my artsiness!!
Originally Posted by MLLASH

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(hearty chuckle) FEMbrain's death was just in jest of course.
ATTN: Straight chicks and gay dudes

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Originally Posted by MLLASH
[Linked Image]

Hey this was kinda cute!!
FEMbrain's latest plot is a far cry from her mostly harmless head-switching and tricking people into marrying her plots!!!

click to enlarge
(click to enlarge)
I think that's a nearsighted FEMbrain-bot. How would such a thing bring our (real) FEMmy closer to marrying a hunky superhero?
I think she plans on one swooping in to save St Jude!
She knows a thing or 2 about lost causes, eh?
Your favorite superfly girl bad-guy on the men's room wall at the dyke bar!

[Linked Image]
(working on one, if I can make it semi-acceptable)
uh-oh. Looks like a certain thrifty missy has forgotten just whom she is dealing with around here... this might get messy.

[Linked Image]
Grim 'N' Gritty?
Superfly girl catfight!
I'm totes into your stern face!!
Getting the inside of your eyebrow to touch the inner corner of your eye is advanced shit, Trish!
You're nothing if not advanced!!
Originally Posted by MLLASH
Your favorite superfly girl bad-guy on the men's room wall at the dyke bar!

[Linked Image]
Yes, yes, yes!!

And I'm loving all the ones I'm just getting caught up on. Including the untold story of how FEMBrain avoided Death!
Who would win in a fight: HIMBrain or the Composite LMBer?

click to enlarge
Hey, EDE! I remember Uncle Space, and Shipoopi: the girl who's hard to get. That one guy looks like Reflecto. Was the chick in Colossal Boy's old costume Tyroc's girlfriend, whatsername? And who were the others?!?!

[Linked Image]
ALADDIN LASS! (the name of the veil chick just came to me) How CUTE is the name ALADDIN LASS? Very! (is amused by self easily)
That's Space Sister and Reflecto, apparently!
SPACE SISTER! lol One day I'm gonna reread MEL:TS and MEL&tLSH in one sitting!
Conjure Lass, promised ages ago.

[Linked Image]

Now we gotta get Conjure Lass back.
Originally Posted by MLLASH

click to enlarge

I love Dee Dee in any medium!
Originally Posted by Thriftshop Debutante

Now we gotta get Conjure Lass back.

I sent her an e-mail several weeks ago, but never heard back from her. frown
She's on Facebook pretty regularly.
Does this mean we're getting more FEMbrain adventures? smile
I was unsure about posting this but hope everyone sees it as the tribute it is meant to be. It was done under the influence of Ambien but I decideed I liked it.

Cobie, Lardy, and Lash have taken it upon themselves to personally deliver the statue honoring their fallen friend DEV-EM to LMB HQ. But as is so often the case in highly charged emotional circumstance, emotions and tempers can flare...

[Linked Image]

We can safely assume a healing group hug followed beneath the DEV-EM statue.
Posted By: Pov Re: MLLASH's bad random windows paint fandango - 01/22/16 05:16 PM
I think that the scotch + general bumbling will lead to you guys literally beneath the DEV-EM statue and going nowhere fast due to Lash's gum -- which, as an Ambush Bug fan, Dev would almost surely appreciate. AmbushBug
[Linked Image]
Don't exactly need costumes to snag the more loose-of-morals characters around here, do you?
Channeling Ma Hunkle?
I love this! More!

Dev would already be cracking up!
© Legion World