Legion World
Can someone please headline this thread for me? I figure everyone would enjoy seeing it at the top of the page everyday.

The one rule is you can't post in this thread, so nobody reply. Got it, this is a monument, and you can't come close to it!
okay, no posting, got that.

Anything else oh most wonderful security guard, I mean chief?

rather fine statue though, isn't it?
I think it's really great of you to give all the pigeons in LW a place to perch like that.
I aim to please wink
Though I doubt you'll get many who would volunteer to clean up after them.
This thread is off-topic and offensive.

It's time for [Linked Image]...

laugh wink smile
Hm, that's interesting. Well, I'll leave that up to Eyrk Davis Ester, after all, he is the deputy leader around here. I just allow myself to be honored, I don't clean up pigeon poop smile .
Doesn't mean I won't keep posting to it, though... lol
I wish I could figure out how to put cool things in my posts like that Stu! Sadly, I cannot, and have to use these guys: confused lol tongue mad urk , the last being my personnal favorite

This may be offensive depending on how you look at it. The artist seems to have created a statue that is completely proportionate to me in real life, although you can just see it better on the statue wink
Actually, after looking at that statue more closely, I think it's time for...

[Linked Image]

Funny I thought your nose was much smaller. tongue tongue

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(What else could he be talking about on a bust?)
And I'm sure you don't have that thick a head of hair too
Originally posted by Harbinger:
And I'm sure you don't have that thick a head of hair too
I think those are extensions. laugh
I'm glad that nothing any of you say can be taken for a more subtle meaning.

This statue has been rendered beautifully, I hereby declare this: Whomever posts reply #44 on this thread has to clean up all the pigeon poop on it for the next fifty years.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I'm glad that nothing any of you say can be taken for a more subtle meaning.

This statue has been rendered beautifully, I hereby declare this: Whomever posts reply #44 on this thread has to clean up all the pigeon poop on it for the next fifty years.
Sez you.

To both lol
I tell people not to post, and in ten minutes this thread is on page two. I see that I'm not the one giving orders around here...

Ah, that is a nice statue though...
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I tell people not to post, and in ten minutes this thread is on page two.
I refuse to dignify that with a response.
I tell you what. We'll headline it after you're dead.
You're the master of reverse Psychology Cobaltic one.

And are you sure your ears are as flat upon your head as the Statuette depicts?


Yoiu're right , it is a nice statue!
It's the "Statue of Puberty"...

(much thanks to Night Court)
I think this statue has reached its limitations.
I agree. There is really no way it could ever be improved, it is the very epitomy of excellence.

And the ears aren't flat! They're very handsome looking smile
Anyone for curried pigeon?
*still waiting for this thread to be headlined*
We've definitely reached a new high (or is that low?)

Virtual reality is weird. laugh
who's "Cobalt Kid"?
I'm still waiting for Kruel to show up. laugh

Ha, someone remembers when my brother created a name and came on one night wink . Thanks Stu for the memory! Kruel may one day show up!

For information on Cobalt Kid, just grab any history book of Legion World, the LMBP or general history really, and you'll probably see a picture of the legendary poster on it's cover!
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The artist seems to have created a statue that is completely proportionate to me in real life, although you can just see it better on the statue wink
You'll have to take my word for this, of course, but some things on this statue do not measure up to the real thing angel
wink Princess, my crush on you grows more and more everyday! Of course, when I'm around you, I can't control what grows...
Sounds to me like my sister is feeling a little jealous of all the flirting you've been doing with the other women of Legion World, Cobie. You know what a fragile ego she has sometimes... wink
It's common for women to feel that way around me:)

Usually it's me though that's in awe of your sister wink !
Wow, that's a pretty nice statue smile
Aha! So the thread for the statue of the legendary Cobalt Kid has been headlined! For all newcomers to see!

Everything is as it should be! No need to thank me, I figured this would be a good addition to Legion World!

Thanks Gary!
Photos, please! smile

And congrats on 800 posts, Cobie!

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
Hey, I didn't even notice it! I was so excited about getting this headlined, that I forgot I was approaching a milestone! Thanks Gary!
Wow! The statue of Cobie is like well HOT!
Statue? What statue? Did someone steal a statue?

Oh, I get it! The Emperor has no clothes!

(Now THAT would be a great pic, CK!)
I still don't know who this guy you're talking about is ...
Apparently, the Statue has vanished, or else it never was. Perhaps it was all a sham.
Threads should be headlined for a day, like Member of the Moment.
Originally posted by Semi:
Apparently, the Statue has vanished, or else it never was. Perhaps it was all a sham.
It was all a sham. I sure hope you guys didn't PayPal Cobie that $150 "statue restoration fee," like I did...!

(Now my poor little niece will have to do without a Christmas present this year... frown )
The statue hasn't vanished. I've just had it temporarily relocated to my suite at the Embassy so that I could... polish it angel
Does that explain the 50 cases of turtle wax sitting on tha palace steps?
Not likely, the Princess is well known for keeping her fleet immaculate.
I've always said that big powerful weapons of mass destruction can look shiny and pretty too with just a little effort smile
It adds a whole new meaning to "shock & awe"
The statue looks good to me guys, I'm glad you like it too smile .

Crujeckie, if you ever want me to model for you, just let me too wink !

And Thanks Gary for headlining this thread for a day! You know how to make a guy feel like the specialist LMBer of all!
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I'm glad that nothing any of you say can be taken for a more subtle meaning.

This statue has been rendered beautifully, I hereby declare this: Whomever posts reply #44 on this thread has to clean up all the pigeon poop on it for the next fifty years.
By my count, it looks like our resident Green Lantern Abin Quack picked up the 44th post! Sorry bud, but while your brother and I are out busting criminals, you'll have to keep the statue in good shape!
if we have to put up with this statue, can we at least build a fountain around it?
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
[b] I'm glad that nothing any of you say can be taken for a more subtle meaning.

This statue has been rendered beautifully, I hereby declare this: Whomever posts reply #44 on this thread has to clean up all the pigeon poop on it for the next fifty years.
By my count, it looks like our resident Green Lantern Abin Quack picked up the 44th post! Sorry bud, but while your brother and I are out posting criminals, you'll have to keep the statue in good shape! [/b]
Not a problem Cobie, I'll just use my new power ring to...

Oops... Dammm... Uhhh Cobie, that wasn't supposed to happen...


I wouldn't do that to your statue on purpose...
Should have built the statue out of gold instead of malachite.
Hm, by accidently giving the statue a scar on it's face, could it be that you've made it even more handsome?

You know, I think you may have! Wow, that is a really good looking statue smile ...
Ya'Know Cobie... I think I can fix that scar...

I've been practicing with my new power ring...

Let's see now...

Oh MY GOD!!! Holieee Nasss!!

I'm Sorry, Cobie... I never thought THAT would happen...

But... Well at least the scar is gone...

I think I better go practice some more...
That wasn't very kind to give the statue a bit huge zit on the end of it's nose.
i thought it was a fin ...
Maybe is was a siamese twin.
But why are they joined at the hip... er, below the hip, that is...? eek
Is he a semi-Carggite?
Wait a minute, it seems that extra piece of statue on the nose has fallen off. Hm, now with the scar removed and that 'zit' fallen off, the statue looks even more handsome!!! Wow, that is a really good looking statue!
Hey, Cobie...

I've got it this time... I've been practicing all night... *YAWN*

Nothing can go wrong now...

Ummm... Nass... Oh Sprock...

He's really gonna Kill me this time...

<Flees in abject terror>
eek OMIGOSH...!!! eek

[Linked Image]

...Look what you DID!!! urk tongue

lol lol lol lol

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Go ahaid, splain dat aways)
That's a mighty fine statue there, Cobie. And how thoughtfull for you to provide the weary traveller with a place to sit.

Sharky, looks like it has its own fountain built in
Hm, I sense that by displacing the handsome statue of Cobalt Kid (which still exists in another reality, The LMBP Spectre told me), you've accidently brought forth a statue of a bidet. Since a bidet is used to clean a part of the body that allows for more enjoyable salad-tossing, I can only assume that Abin Quanck and Poverty Lad are under the control of Salad-Tosser Lord.

Sigh, when the inhabitants of Legion World decided to honor the legendary Cobalt Kid with a statue, I had no idea so many LMBers would fall victim to the insidious attack of Salad-Tosser Lord.

But wow, that was a pretty handsome statue smile
Ummm... Cobie...

I'm gonna fix your statue... Just as soon as I get a little more practice...

And what does a guy who throws lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers have to do with a Bidet???????

Maybe some radishes and onions too..
You know what Abin, don't even worry. No need for you to fix the statue at all. Ever Again. EVER.

I'll just have the LMBP Spectre send it back when she ever shows back up (where has she been lately?).

This bidet statue isn't quite as nice on the eyes as the old one though, that's for sure...
But, Cobie... I had post number 44... and you said whoever had post number 44 had to clean the statue... So what are you mad at me for??? I tried...
Out of the kindness of my heart, I've decided that Abin does not need to any longer clean up Pigeon poop on this statue. (Hopefully, that'll get him to stop).

I've decided that whomever posts on post 88 will be the new LMBer that has pigeon poop clean up duty for the next fifty years. If this thread gets this long, although it shouldn't be a problem since I told everyone not to post on it and they have... smile
Hmmm... 19 more, Ummm... 18 now...
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
since I told everyone not to post on it and they have... smile
Like I'm going to fall for that one again.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
You know what Abin, don't even worry. No need for you to fix the statue at all. [b]Ever Again. EVER.

I'll just have the LMBP Spectre send it back when she ever shows back up (where has she been lately?).

This bidet statue isn't quite as nice on the eyes as the old one though, that's for sure... [/b]
<Fixes Cobalt's statue and brings it back to this universe>

Only because you were kind enough to ask smile

I'll be in the Hall of Fallen Heroes if anyone needs me...
Wow, thanks Spectre! smile smile smile

Just let me know if there's anything I can do for you wink ...
Just wanted to post!!!!
I appreciate the offer, but I already have a girlfriend. You're cute though, thanks anyway smile
My pleasure wink
12 more... 11 now...
All I can say, Cobie, is that when anyone is preparing for that "special date", he or she should visit your statue. After all, you can never be "too fresh."
Wow, that is a pretty good looking statue (now that's it's been fixed by the LMBP Spectre).

All of you stay away from it. The statue of the Bidet is down the street now, it stands adjacent SHAKES and the Starfield lounge!
Heh-Heh-Heh, (rubs hands with a feindish gleam in his eyes) just eight more posts to go...
No Abin, you don't want to have post 88! Stay away from the statue! Let someone else wander into it!

Wow, it is pretty good looking though, isn't it wink
But Cobie, the pigins, or pidgins, or pidgeons, Oh hell... the friggen birds... they're getting it all dirty...
Abin, stay away from post 88! The birds will be fine! I'm calling your brother if I have to...
If I end up with post 88, I could just cast an invisibility field over the droppings. Wouldn't be too much work.
He does seem to be getting closer and closer to the magic post doesn't he?
[tempting fate] wink
Hey, Cobie, are you out there?

Come take a look at this... it's really cool...
Hey, have any of you guys seen Cobie?

Oops, Now I've done it!!!

Sorry CK, It was an accident! Honest! I didn't mean to hit Post #88. Really!

Oh Well, I guess I better get that statue cleaned up.


Not AGAIN!!!! laugh
I knew this was gonna happen! As soon as I saw Post 88 I knew I'd see 'Abin Quank' as the latest reply... here we go again...

Well, it is a really good looking statue though...

mad evil mad
Hmmm... whoever did that statue must have been slightly confused about Cobie's sex. Nice Pair of Knockers though...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Nah, can't be real)
Can someone tell me what's going on here? I'm too lazy to read all of these posts.
Cobie thinks he deserves a statue ...

everyone else pretty much thinks he's nuts ...

that sound about right, Cobie?
What happened was the denizens of Legion World decided to honor me with a statue in respect to my legendary status. The one condition was that no one could post on this thread. Of course, now we're on page seven smile .

People keep wrecking the statue, but it keeps getting fixed! But it really is a good looking statue though...

How did my statue suddenly become a girl though?
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
What happened was the denizens of Legion World decided to honor me with a statue in respect to my legendary status.
<Snicker... Cackle... Guffaw...>

Ummm... <Chuckle> Yeah... Right... Cobie... <Chuckle> Whatever you say... <ROTFLMAO>
Well, it was either Cobie or the even MORE illustrious Bidet Boy... laugh
or Piddlin' Pup ...
All I know, is that Cobie's likeness is scaring customers away from SHAKES. I wish they'd move his memorial down closer to the sewage treatment plant.
Since I'm almost as lazy as SuperladKid (I read the WHOLE first page)I have come to the conclusion that Cobie is right. No one should EVER post in this thread.
Quick STU, lock it again!
Originally posted by SharkLad:
or Piddlin' Pup ...
You know, now that I think about it, Piddlin Pup would make a nice addition to the statue. And provide a way to recirculate the water in Sharky's Pool...

A little concentration and some power ring work...

There... Well almost... the stream of water is supposed to go into the pool... not on Cobie's leg... But otherwise...
I like it, I liiiiiiiike it ...
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
How did my statue suddenly become a girl though?
It's you in Homecoming Queen mode.

wink lol
Originally posted by the Yellow Kid:
Since I'm almost as lazy as SuperladKid (I read the WHOLE first page)I have come to the conclusion that Cobie is right. No one should EVER post in this thread.
Quick STU, lock it again!
I'm not an advisor in this forum anymore! frown

But here, try these, imported directly from the Trophy Room:

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by STU:
<strong>It's you in Homecoming Queen mode.

wink evil laugh
Well Pov, now this has really become my favorite thread. When we start are road trip for those other cheerleaders, lets visit this one too! The search for a real life Homecoming Queen is on!

I'd like to let you all know that I appreciate your sentiments and am glad you've enjoyed the statue of Cobalt Kid. I know you all look up to me, but you're all great posters in your own right.

BTW, every time a new page hits, the statue goes back to normal so there is no pee, boobies or pimples on it anymore! So no locking the thread, we have to see if it dies on it's own! But if it does die, then thank you all for doing as I asked and not posting wink !
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
BTW, every time a new page hits, the statue goes back to normal so there is no pee, boobies or pimples on it anymore! wink !
Yo Cobie,

Look Buddy, the narsassistic statue is one thing, but a self-reparing narsassistic statue is just a bit over the top. So right here and now a little power ring magic will just remove that last function.

Well, whatdya know, it actually worked right for once...

Shirt off... Knockers Up... Pimple on nose... And good old Piddlin Pup doin' a number on Cobie's leg...

Hmmm... wonder why the boobs are two different sises?
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Hmmm... wonder why the boobs are two different sises?
It's done out of consideration for those visitors who have differently-sized hands.
But even now, it is a good looking statue, isn't it laugh
Hey, c'mon, guys. All CK did was ask one simple request not to post on this thread. Now you've gone and ruined the statue. I can't believe how inconsiderate some people are. You won't find me doing anything with such blatent disregard for other people's feelings.
I mean, really, how hard is it to just keep quiet and not disturb a nice thread. So why don't you all make Cobalt Kid happy and just leave the thread alone.
Well, ok, I promise not to post here again, if Cobie removes his bidet from its current location, which is too close to SHAKES for comfort.
See, that's the spirit. Now with a little more cooperation, soon this entire thread will belong to Cobalt Kid's.
I doubt it, but we'll see smile !

Oh, and that's Pov's bidet, he created it! Tell him to move it! My poor statue is next to the Embassy, so visitors can take a look at the daily worship it recieves from the denizens of Legion World!
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I doubt it, but we'll see smile !

Oh, and that's Pov's bidet, he created it! Tell him to move it! My poor statue is next to the Embassy, so visitors can take a look at the daily worship it recieves from the denizens of Legion World!
Oh, well, deal's off. I'll continue to post here. Shame on you, Cobie, shirking responsibility for your bidet like that. Where woud the french be if they had that kind of attitude?
At least it's a big bidet, this is where I take my daily dip... am I allowed to do that?
Sure... just watch out for the shark...! eek
Bidet Shark --- French cousin of the Pool
Shark. Definintely a bottom feeder.
Semi, someone should do something about this bidet statue. My statue seems to have been fixed back to normal by the denizens of Legion World who worship and love me, but this other statue needs to go.

Thanks denizens of Legion World for fixing my statue! It really is a damn good looking statue!
Just wanted to let you know that I've stopped posting here so you can have your statue left unmolested, CK.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Semi, someone should do something about this bidet statue. My statue seems to have been fixed back to normal by the denizens of Legion World who worship and love me, but this other statue needs to go.

Thanks denizens of Legion World for fixing my statue! It really is a damn good looking statue!
I vote to move Bidet Boy's statue down to the vacant lot next to SHAMELESS-HUSSIES bar. Maybe the Empress could accomplish that for us.
As you wish! <Zzzzztt!>


Was there anything else you needed done, Semi dear?
Why thanks Empress. Now that you mention it, I was thinking of adding a picture window to the bar so that we'd get a nice view of the Orion Constellation. Framed, of course, in triple-marine varnished Honduran mahogany, with titanium reinforced safety glass. Please? smile
Empress, could you continually fix my Statue when punk kids try to wreck it? I'll up your salary if you do wink
How do you like the paint job I did on your statue, Cobalt Kid? I tried to use your favorite colors.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Empress, could you continually fix my Statue when punk kids try to wreck it? I'll up your salary if you do wink
Really Cobie, using your position as head of security for personal reasons? Paying employees of the security office to perform non official tasks? Outright Graft and Bribery? In Public??

Oh by the way... Don't you think that the way Dean arranged the for spray from Piddlin Pup to change colors as it hits your statue's leg to be just so inspired?
I think we need to add a statue of Space Tart next to Cobie ...
Seems to me that Cobie Cakes should start doing a little public relations work for himself. After all, I'm only going to be in office for a few more weeks, which means that when the new administration takes over...

... there might be a new sheriff in town.
Originally posted by deanlegion:
How do you like the paint job I did on your statue, Cobalt Kid? I tried to use your favorite colors.
Thanks Dean! Now it has a nice modern look to it too smile !
Originally posted by SharkLad:
I think we need to add a statue of Space Tart next to Cobie ...
*Sniff!* Thanks Sharkey! I wouldn't mind seeing a statue of Space Tart up there myself. There is a statue of Spacey in the hall of fallen Heroes, but I'd rather see her next to mine... frown
And Abin, the budget for the Security office is totally up to the Head of the Royal Guard to spend wink !
Originally posted by Crujectra:
Seems to me that Cobie Cakes should start doing a little public relations work for himself. After all, I'm only going to be in office for a few more weeks, which means that when the new administration takes over...

... there might be a new sheriff in town.
Gasp! Princess, you're right! Seems to me that while the denizens of Legion World love me, other posters may not find this statue very tasteful! I better start getting ready to reapply for Chief Security Officer?

What do the candidates say? I hope my position as Head of Security is safe! I've run a tight ship and have brought a lot of people into the office! Plus I led an assault on Thora's world and formed the resistance to her invasion!

I hope the office of security and the statues of Legion World aren't affected by the underhanded politics of election time smile !
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I've run a tight ship and have brought a lot of people into the office!
And under the desk, dear. Don't forget all the good deeds that've been done under your desk.
wink There are those.

Don't forget one of those good deeds held off an invasion though! smile
Put that in your campaign literature:

"Willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done."
Sounds like my motto wink
Cru said "what", not "who".
That of course, if my other motto wink

I have nine all in all...some even say their written all along the streets in Legion World in secret symbolism. Like the Paris is designed according to the Da Vinci Code! Essentially, some even say Legion World itself is a gigantic tribue to the legend of Cobalt Kid, but I don't know if I'm willing to go that far wink
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Essentially, some even say Legion World itself is a gigantic tribue to the legend of Cobalt Kid, but I don't know if I'm willing to go that far wink
I think that would probably be stretching the truth just a tad, dear wink
Oh Well, Time to clean the statue, Again.

eek eek eek eek eek eek

OH MY GOD!!!!!

How the Sprock Did That Happen!!!!!
Originally posted by Abin Quank:

OH MY GOD!!!!!

How the Sprock Did That Happen!!!!!
cool ... what do you think Cobie uses the third one for?
That third one looks like a giant arm gripping an apple...
yeah, but why is it shoving the apple up there?
Hmmmm... Can't let this fall too far... after all everyone should see the statue's new pose... Cobie does love the recognition he gets from this thing... Even when it shows him and Piddlin Pup doing THAT...

If I'm elected LW Leader, I'll get a CREW out there to clean that thing... NO one should have to touch THAT!!!

Um, unless in fun, of course.
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
NO one should have to touch THAT!!!
Touch it? I don't even like to look at it ...
Any leader who makes sure my statue is kept clean and not sexually assaulted has my vote! smile smile smile (Have to take care of the security office too...)
Hm, good to see no one has posted in this thread lately tongue

Anyone who promises to keep this statue clean and unmolested has my vote...
If I'm elected I'll not only make sure it's clean and unmolested, I'll see about having it placed at the very entrance to Legion World so all our visitors see it before anything else!

Somehting as stunning as this statue should be the cultural centerpiece of our corner of the Multiverse! cool
I am working on the final plans for the Cobalt Kid Museum. Not only will it feature the legendary statue in a tastefully-appointed, bird-free atrium, there will be a room devoted to each stage of his life, with plenty of extra rooms for the future (we're thinking of 5-year slices up to age 20, then yearly collections).

Of course, only as leader will I be able to ensure that these plans become reality.
And graffiti-free, sparkling clean bathrooms. With bidets in private stalls, of course.
* SIGH *

I suppose I'll have to clean that Too...

Maybe I should run for LW Janitor!
There's a place for everyone at LW! smile

Though of course in the Prime administration, you'll have the title of custodial engineer , complete with an honorary doctorate from the Online School of Wasteology!
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
[b]* SIGH *

I suppose I'll have to clean that Too...

Maybe I should run for LW Janitor! [/b]
I nominate Abin for LW janitor ...
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
[b] [b]* SIGH *

I suppose I'll have to clean that Too...

Maybe I should run for LW Janitor! [/b]
I nominate Abin for LW janitor ... [/b]
Seconded wink tongue
Originally posted by Vee:
If I'm elected I'll not only make sure it's clean and unmolested, I'll see about having it placed at the very entrance to Legion World so all our visitors see it before anything else!

Somehting as stunning as this statue should be the cultural centerpiece of our corner of the Multiverse! cool
Hm, this candidate is looking very good right now...
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
I am working on the final plans for the Cobalt Kid Museum. Not only will it feature the legendary statue in a tastefully-appointed, bird-free atrium, there will be a room devoted to each stage of his life, with plenty of extra rooms for the future (we're thinking of 5-year slices up to age 20, then yearly collections).

Of course, only as leader will I be able to ensure that these plans become reality.
And so is this candidate...

I'm torn between the two right now, but only because they care about the important issues (to me)!

Cramey and Vee, you're both looking like great leaders to me wink !
But... but... but... I'm only slightly less good-looking than you! smile
Note to Cobalt:

Quit sucking up to the candidates for the Second most important position in the Legion World Administration. I am the only candidate for the Most important position. And in the Immortal Words of El Kabong "and don' you fergit eet"
Abin, buddy. There is no question that you hold the most important elected office on Legion World. Why, we would be in deep doodoo if not for you! And I would also point out that not one single person has chosen to challenge you for re-election because you are so supremely qualified....head and shoulders above everyone else actually. cool
Oh! Did I fail to mention that in my administration the region surrounding the entrance to Legion world would become the Cobalt Kid Zone. We already have places called the Rimbor zone, and the Braal Zone so it seems like a huge oversight that there hasn't already been a Cobalt Kid Zone. I will right that wrong!
The Cobalt Kid Zone...hm, it just fits so well around here. Great thinking Vee, you're starting to look like the top candidate to me! smile smile smile !

Anyone else have any good ideas?

All I can offer, if elected, is to give Cobie Cakes AND his statue a permanent position in the Royal Bedchambers, whenever they want one...
Originally posted by Crujectra:

All I can offer, if elected, is to give Cobie Cakes AND his statue a permanent position in the Royal Bedchambers, whenever they want one...
All I can say is... I'm Not Cleaning Up After That!!!

Just Jealous, I guess...
Originally posted by Crujectra:

All I can offer, if elected, is to give Cobie Cakes AND his statue a permanent position in the Royal Bedchambers, whenever they want one...
wink What more could a man ask for? Pricess, as always, you know the way to my heart...
But Cobie, you've had a standing offer from ME for THAT. All you had to do was take me up on it! laugh
It's the Bazooms isn't it? I just don't have the Bazooms! frown frown
They are a power unto themselves... wink
But your charms are guaranteed to work on most of the rest of the Legion World population wink !

We strait guys are just a different breed I guess wink ...Bosoms hold such power over us...
I am fascinated by busoms ... I catch myself staring into them sometimes ... I feel like I might fall in ... like a black hole ...
Hey, Sharky!

Styx You are getting sleepy... veeerry sleeeeepy... Styx

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Linked Image]
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
But your charms are guaranteed to work on most of the rest of the Legion World population wink !

We strait guys are just a different breed I guess wink ...Bosoms hold such power over us...
True enough I guess. Oh well, there is something else I can offer...don't forget that I have the power to SHRink and, more importantly, grOW anything to whatever size is desired. cool Just think about the possibilities!
Why...I could make the Cobalt Kid statue so massive that it could be seen as far away from LW as Rimbor!
Well Vee, this idea is appealing to me...and the citizens of Legion World will be delighted, not to mention the poor citizens of Rimbor who will finally have a heroic figure to worship!
And Lash, who is that a picture of?
It's me, Cobie! I'm wavin' atya, see!
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewl wink ! laugh laugh laugh

Lookin' good Lasher! I remember looking at the other picture you posted of yourself a few years ago too! I really need to get a photo up of me too!
In light of all the attention and affection that's been lavished on your bidet, Cobie, I had the following T-shirt made for you:

[Linked Image]
Yes, Cobie-kins you are WAY overdue for posting a picture!

And Stu-- I want one of those shirts!!!!!
I'll send you one of those shirts if you can send me one of these shirts in return... wink laugh

[Linked Image]
Are you going to make a pair of underwear out of it...?

Way ahead of you. wink
Originally posted by MLLASH:
It's me, Cobie! I'm wavin' atya, see!
He's flashing you that "Vee for Victory" sign again!
Wow! This Cobalt Kid fellow is quite handsome!

I wonder what kind of family he comes from...
the very finest ...
On my world, we refer to my family as "Equestrian", the finest knights on the world. Perhaps I can call on you one evening Tiffany and take you out to dinner?
Unfortunately, I'm only here for the weekend, and I have plans for tonight and tomorrow.

Besides, I kind of get the feeling that you're exactly the kind of guy that I don't need to be involved with...
I completely understand, not a lot of people can handle the life I live wink .

I notice you are currently enrolled in Mayaville University, I occasionally give lectures there detailing the life of Princess Crujectra...
Yes, I know. I'm staying with the Princess at the Embassy while I'm here. She's spoken very highly of you and your services to her.

I'm having a pretty nice time at Mayavale U. though. As you know, it's a nice, small private school. It's a great place for a bored young heiress to figure out exactly what she wants to do with her life.
Mayaville University is a beautiful school, just perfect for someone like you. There's never any rush to figure out what you want to do in life either, so make sure you enjoy life while you can wink
Still working it huh, CK?
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Mayaville University is a beautiful school, just perfect for someone like you. There's never any rush to figure out what you want to do in life either, so make sure you enjoy life while you can wink
You are a charming one, aren't you? Maybe I'll see you again when I come back for another visit in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I'll keep that dinner invitation in mind...
Originally posted by Tiffany Spiffany:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
[b] Mayaville University is a beautiful school, just perfect for someone like you. There's never any rush to figure out what you want to do in life either, so make sure you enjoy life while you can wink
You are a charming one, aren't you? Maybe I'll see you again when I come back for another visit in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I'll keep that dinner invitation in mind... [/b]
I'll have something to look forward to then for the next few weeks. And definately keep that dinner invitation in mind, the offer will still be on the table wink

Well, Vee bumped it, it's too late to stop!

The crowd of Legion World denizens is already congregated to pay homage! Who can blame them, that is a pretty good looking statue wink

Arachne, Miner and Stu, what can I say? The citizens of Legion World demand to worship their idols, and I only aim to please tongue

If you will all please move behind the safety barriers. Please! The demolition crew can't start setting the charges until you are all behind the safety barriers.

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Never saw a crowd move that fast before! Or roll out the Red Carpet for a Demo Crew.)
Space Ranger, please, there are plans for a statue of you in the works right now as well, although the probability of a Space Ranger statue depends on the continued sucess of the Cobalt Kid statue, which has brought great revenue to the Legion World orphan's fund charity.

Besides, the denizens of Legion World love their heroes wink
I wonder if the rumors are true that the new section of Legion World currently being called ??????????? is going to be called the honorary forum of Cobalt Kid? I hope not, I think that might be too much...

Maybe we should get that new reporter, Giant Squid, to do an expose on it!
Giant Squid seems to have the low-down on my personnal life nowadays! My legions of fans are convinced that I'm going to pick one of them to be my new intern!
**BUMP** By special request of the Security Chief. Don't want to get on the wrong side of the law, not yet anyways.

There's a few cobwebs on the statue, and Abin Quank is down and out with the flu... guess we'll just have to pray for a strong wind to clean it up.

Oh my! Look! There's a little donations box at the base now to help defray the costs of maintaining the statue!
Hey! My sister has a statue! You've even been bowing down to it! See, here it is, in "Tales" 323:

[Linked Image]

So when do I get MINE? I want worshipers, too!
You know, I just realized, Cobie's likeness looks a lot like the Thinker with clothes painted on.
Wow, I forgot how beautiful this statue is! And to think, it stands prominently in town square, one of the first things you see!

You'll probably get your own statue soon enough Grey! The denizens of Legion World couldn't help but give me one first, I'm there favorite celebrity/super-hero. I've tried to be modest about it, but it is a bit flattering!

And to think, no matter what jealous Legion Worlders do to it, the LMBP Spectre said that everytime a new page is added to this thread, the statue goes back to normal! So now it's magically secure smile !

Aw, thanks guys! What a good looking statue!
Oh, so any damage we do to it isn't lasting?

I think I'm going to enjoy this.
*hires JCB* [Linked Image]
*revs it up* [Linked Image]
*Grabs videocamera and gets ready to tape the whole thing*

I wonder how much a piece of the statue would sell for? smile
*charges at full speed, knocking the statue into 17,670,002 microcells* smile

*prepares to repeat in 10 posts time [Linked Image]*
*quickly hires an Imskian to grab all the pieces possible and boards a cruiser for Imsk to make some easy money laugh *
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
I wonder how much a piece of the statue would sell for? smile
Depends on which piece. wink
Originally posted by STU:
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
[b]I wonder how much a piece of the statue would sell for? smile
Depends on which piece. wink [/b]
Well, given that the biggest is around 10 micrometres in diameter, I'd say where it's from doesn't matter smile
You of course know that by the next page, the statue will be back?

Don't worry boys, I'm not too arrogant to create this statue myself. The denizens of Legion World demanded that their greatest hero be given some type of monument, and I could only go along with it.

Sadly, I now have so many females looking to date me (and males!) that I don't have as much time as I used to!

And...since I promised Gary long ago that I'd post more pics of myself for headlining this thread (which he did smile ), I must stick to my word and get to it!

So Cru, Gary and everyone, I dropped off my role of film earlier this week smile !

Anyway...what a good looking statue wink

Behold, the statue is back...bigger and better than ever! (Like my bonus check!)
I always knew my Eye of Ekron would make me rich!
Oh, good! With the statue regenerating itself constantly, I'll never run out of pieces to sell! Certain... parts are very much in demand, after all. Pretty soon I'll be able to get my OWN mansion! *greedily counts money while waiting for SoM to come back and wreck the atatue again*
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
You of course know that by the next page, the statue will be back?
Yup, which is why I added this smile

Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
*prepares to repeat in 10 posts time [Linked Image]*
Originally posted by Emerald Empress:

Behold, the statue is back...bigger and better than ever! (Like my bonus check!)
EE, you're an absolute doll love Not only do you get a bonus check, I'll also give you a raise wink !
And SoM and IB, it's such a good looking statue though! The denizens of Legion World are so fond of it, look at how a crowd gathers around every day to pay homage to it!

Why, I can't even walk around Legion World without a pack of fans following me and begging for a minute of my time...although all the young ladies are nice wink
*gets tired of waiting for a new page to rebuild it, so I can destroy it again...*
*Uses his A-1 Martian-made disintegration pistol on the statue. Nothing remains of it smile *
SoM, I think it would be good for the morale of Legion World if the statue were to remain up! To remind the citizens that there are other heroes here who don't bend to the will of Stu the Terrible!

Now that I've reconstructed your statue once again, would another bonus be asking too much, Cobie?
wink How about another raise?
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
To remind the citizens that there are other heroes here who don't bend to the will of Stu the Terrible!
Oh, I don't know about that. Quite a number of folks around here have bent to me... laugh
But not willingly...?
Not only willingly, but they paid me!
Yeah, but what a good looking statue wink
Now that Cobie is an amoeba (or ameoba wink ), his statue has been changed to reflect this. That is to say, the statue is now the size of an amoeba -- invisible to the naked eye!

All the better to allow the good people of Legion World an unobstructed view of the towering, larger-than-life statue of their beloved Leader for Life (me)!
Fortunately, I just happen to have my Freedom Lover's Portable Electron Microscope and Viewing Screen in my pocket, so I'll set it up here to magnify Cobie's statue for all to admire.
Thanks FC!

My statue still stands as a Beacon of Hope for Legion World. Cobalt Kid will always be the favorite hero of Legion world, no matter what you're propaganda says!

Besides, this statue has the magic of the LMBP Spectre behind it! It'll still revert back to normal on the next page, no matter what I look like wink ! Ha! I may be an amoeba now, but the statue lives on!
No need to wait, Cobie. You forget that I wield not only the Staff of Justice but also have mastery over size changes. Just a little concentration and.....


There you go, one statue back to normal size! And another blow against tyranny!
Alright, nice job Vee!

We won't let Stu Tyrant ruin Legion World! The statue stands tall again!

(And what a good looking statue... wink )
STU! mad mad

Tyrants are not allowed to mess with Cobie's statue! Now I'm mad!

*uses powers over light to turn STU's mansion/place a horrible shade of pink with purple polka dots and large red lettering that reads "STUpid Sucks! "*
Okay since Vee restored the statue to normal, I guess the first thing I need to do is change it into a giant ameobae.

<Flash of green energy>

Well, that worked fine. Now I need to change it back.

<Flash of green energy>

Hmmm... Well, thats almost right, if Cobie really was a kangaroo to start with, but it's not what I wanted...

<Another flash of green energy>

Now that's much better... except for the acne... He's a kid he'll never notice...
Why BOTHER Abin?

*blows it up again*
Because if I fix it, you can have more fun blowing it up... Believe me I know how much fun it is to mess with this statue.

<Green energy once again restores statue, almost, kind of...>
Abin!!!! You left off his......Oh my goodness!
Cobie's NOT gonna like this! You'd better figure out how to fix it! Quick!!!!
Oh my!

Under the cicumstances, Cobie might prefer if you blew it up again.
That does look strange. Is this, like, a Henry Moore sculpture now?
Hey, but that back on there!

(Gasp! Imagine the fortune someone could make selling that piece on ebay...)
Poor ABin. He sure tries hard to help but...by any chance is he related to Calamity King?
Wow, what a great looking statue (when it's restored to normal)!

Of course, now that I'm back to me again, I remember how good looking it was wink
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Hey, but that back on there!

(Gasp! Imagine the fortune someone could make selling that piece on ebay...)
I think that WAS one of the pieces IB sold on E-Bay. He got a nickle if I remember correctly...
You misunderstood him Abin, he really got 333 Pieces of pure gold for it!
Cobie, That was 3.33 Pieces of Cold Nickle. I guess Amoeba's don't hear very well...
All that for a knee cap?
I thought he said Hub Cap... lol
Are you sure it wasn't the codpiece?
Nah, Cobie put that away for safe keeping.
He did, but I stole it again. It wasn't easy, though, I had to look really hard with my magnifying glass to find it.
Say, I wonder what the statue would look like if I blasted the arms off?

*blasts arms*

I present, the Cobie de Milo!
Hm, it's still really good looking wink !
At least without any arms we don’t have to see the statue constantly, “ahem”, readjusting his accoutrements Mano

But Far, when it did that, the masses of Legion World would swoon, and security officers would have to make sure that the sexual energy wouldn't result in a Legion World wide orgy!
I didn't see any swooning masses. Did the rest of you see any swooning masses?
They had to be taken to the medical center. When the statue lost it's arms for this page, a rumor about the missing face sent the girls into a frenzy! Next thing you know, a full scale riot broke out! All that because a good looking statue...

You know how it is Arachne! These citizens love their security officers and heroes! wink
*sticks a Dr Doom mask to the statue with Inertion-based glue. The head of the statue will seperate from it's body before that comes off laugh *
How did I know that something like that was coming wink ? And how did I know it was coming from either SoM or Abin wink ?
And just to make Cobie happy, a green energy beam dissolves the rest of the statue, leaving the head, with mask firmly in place sitting upside down on the pedestal.

PS The pedestal is now a formless mass of mystery metal. (Mostly tin with some lead and U-235 mixed in.)
Well, might as well finish it off and make plutonium! Then move on to the next page of course to admire the beautiful statue again... wink

...and see what else you and SoM can think up...
"Keep that stupid statue off of page one!!!!!!!!!!!"
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
"Nuff Said!!!!!"
Is this the thread you don't want us to post to, Abin? Just want to be sure so I don't post on it. laugh
Hey! I thought we weren't supposed to be posting to this thread, anyway!

Maybe we should headline it again...?
Was it this one or the other one, EDE? Guess I'm confused now with all the statues floating around! laugh
Wow, what a beautiful statue wink !
<A residual green energy charge, triggered by the LMBP Spectre's Magic, flares and returns the statue to it's previous condition. This will now occur each time the stature is restored by the LMBP Spectre>
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
<A residual green energy charge, triggered by the LMBP Spectre's Magic, flares and returns the statue to it's previous condition. This will now occur each time the stature is restored by the LMBP Spectre>

How the hell did *this* end up here?!

Well, I guess property values on this forum have gone right down the toilet... frown
Hey, what the hell?! That's not fair, someone is using moderator abilities!

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary frown frown frown .

And after I promised I wouldn't post in it unless someone else did...

Can someone please move this back, or do I have to tell on you?

(Not In My Message Board. Yeah!)
erf? [Sniffs statue. Lifts hind leg.]
Thanks Gary! (I think it was Gary)

smile smile smile smile smile

I am forever in your debt! Your the best!
Originally posted by Krypto the Superdog:
erf? [Sniffs statue. Lifts hind leg.]
[STU follows Krypto's lead]
I'll keep bumping this thread until the activity on the MMB is double that of the Legion forum!

Got that Abin, OM, Arachne, SoM and the rest?!

Just to keep the denizens of Legion World happy to have one great thread alive wink
You said "if the MMB is not covered with threads with recent posts from that day
by Friday, i'm bumping my statue to page one" - this is Tuesday/Wednesday!!!!! [depending on where you are - still not Fri tho.]

If it wasn't for Abin's curse, I'd SMASH this again, but it's hard to smash something that's already auto-smashed smile
Oh, good, the statue is back!

I've missed being able to climb up on top and see pretty much the whole of Legion World.
Wondered where it had gone. Makes me sort of nostalgic for the "good ol days" *sniff*
*posts on basket and rear of statue*
Help Wanted: Receptionist

Must fit in with office decor, answer phones, greet clients, and other tasks.

Position requires flexability.

Apply at Quislette's Super Law Firm of Space
HeyheyHEY! lol


I take a few measly weeks off and look what happens...

<Green Energy forms a giant hammer and smashes the Ugly Statue into a bezel million disconsolate and disparate pieces, then forms an energy barrier around each piece so that the statue can never, EVER, be re-formed!>

<Quislette's Want Ad is now located at the front door of the Som/OM Governmental Office Building.>
Hrun wishes to place offerings at the feet of most holy statue, who has destroyed this?

By the sacred Valkyrie of upssalla I will have the head of the man responsible for this.
Thank you, my loyal fan!

I understand that the vandalism of a few posters is very upsetting to the rest of the general Legion World public!

Since this thread has been kindly bumped, I will now continue to keep it on the first page for awhile wink .

Just for your return, Abin laugh

And CALLING ALL LMBERS WITH SUPER-POWERS!: Those strong enough to bypass Abin's powers and fix my statue, you will be rewarded! LMBP Spectre! Lucien Lad! Others!
*adds a Madness Bomb to the statue wreckage, which will drive the first person stupid enough to attempt to reconstruct it absolutely raving mad smile . If they're not already. Which for trying to reconstruct it, they must be tongue *
Emerald Empress, I know your powers are enough to get around all these madness bombs and green auras!

Can you restore the statue without risking harm to yourself?

LMBP Spectre, can you?
Hrun stands in the wreckage and stoops to pick up a small round object. It explodes.

After a few moment silence Hrun looks at his hand, shrugs his shoulders and returns to his search for the source of the green energy at the base of the statue
Foolishness! Neither the madness bombs nor the puny green energy can stand against the Emerald Power of the Eye of Ekron!

Emerald light harmlessly detonate the remaining madness bombs & enevelopes the disparate particles of statue, wiping them clean of the puny green energy and instanly re-assembling the statue (adding a little more mass and fullness in a particularly beloved lower area. wink )
Thanks EE! Everything is as it should be now!

Ah...that really is a handsome statue... wink
Why yes, actually, it IS! eek

But does Gary know you're using his Brad Pitt mask on your statue??? wink lol
Dreamer Awakens fitfully, a glow of perspiration about her face and bosom, the Naltorian nymph exclaims, "that statue has a big package!" *hee hee* Dreamer
Hmmm... The Empress should know better...

<Watches as the statue slowly dissolves into a mound of Green Energy encased Rubble.>

She can Temporarily reverse the effect but unless she's willing to stand guard here 24/7 it will always reassert itself after she leaves. and now I've added a little feature that will cause the effect to magnify everytime the Empress has a sexual thought. So, in order to really protect this piece of junk she'll have to be here 24/7 and Stay totally celebate!
Careful, Abin! Empress mught get it into her mind to pay you back in spades for event thinking of that! laugh
Dreamer I foresee a reckoning - a great a final reconking Dreamer

... or was that just a wrecked statue? (YAWNS) *hee hee*
Well Vee, it seems she now has a choice... Guarding Cobie's Statue or Guarding Cobie's Office... lol laugh wink tongue tongue tongue
Dreamer Confesses that she's been betting on the ponies for years and uses her largess of Venturan walking money to have a bigger, grander statue of that legendary hero, Cobalt Kid, erected. Dreamer

And did I mention that I hired an all-new Workforce to run security 24/7?

*tee hee*
Miss Terious, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship...

You'll find that Legion World's greatest hero is excellent company to be in wink
Confesses that the new Cobalt Kid Statue is if anything even worse than the old Cobalt Kid Statue and therefore shall suffer the same fate...

Or better yet...

<Green Energy flashes brightly and the statue is transformed into a group stature of the four most statuesque female legion worlders proudly displaying their obvious charms>

There!!! A statue of Spellbinder, Harbinger, Saturn Girl, and Miss Terious Replacing that ugly piece of junk should put this controversy to rest... FOREVER!
As nice as this statue is, and it is NICE, there is still something missing.

Ah, I know.

<Has Junior security officers and interns begin building a statue of Cobalt Kid in the middle of the four women statues.>

There we go. Something else else for the ladies!
<A preset burst of Green Energy reshapes the fifth figure into a completely antomically correct likeness of Invisible Brainiac>
*SoM has one of his robots quickly cast some clothes over the iB figure*
Cobie's statue has turned into a regular statue menagerie! Glad to see IB recognized...and clothed! wink
Dreamer Hops in her Legion cruiser and captures a medium to large asteroid, hiring the greatest artisans of the 31st century to reshape it into a statue of that great poster, the Cobalt Kid.

The statue is placed slightly behind the lovely one of me and encased in INERTRON (tm), then painted yellow, and covered in protection spells by the magi of the Sorcerers' World. Dreamer
Now that is a fine statue.

I also liked the two of us posing for it and the fun that ensued... wink
Abin, do you want to do it or shall I?
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Miss Terious:
<strong> lol

P.S. did I mention that the combined effect of the defensive spells being activated and the super-heating and cooling of the magma from the core of Legion World have altered the statue subtly? It now looks like a statue of the Royal Inquisitor.

P.P.S. SoM, it might be helpful if a few random Mad-Bombs found their way (Encased in green energy of course, to prevent premature detonation) into the magma pool. That way anyone crazy enough to try visiting/viewing the statue will something to play with on their way to it. lol
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Now that is a fine statue.

I also liked the two of us posing for it and the fun that ensued... wink
Dreamer I had a Dreamer
Now it seems that they're going to build yet another statue! Even more, the denizens of Legion World are getting the money from SoM's government budget! How'd they get access to that?
Abin, Madness bombs are ready if you want to lower them in smile One thing though - if they manage to break the protection spells to view it, won't it be destroyed? laugh

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Now it seems that they're going to build yet another statue! Even more, the denizens of Legion World are getting the money from SoM's government budget! How'd they get access to that?
Simple, they hacked through an "unattended" security office computer.

Fortunately, the only part of the budget they can draw upon through there is the Security office's own allocation smile
Luckily the budget for the Security Office is unlimited wink . How else do you think I pay everyone so much overtime laugh
Stiletta Dreamer
And I want my statue to be mechanized to so the hands can do a little of this...

"Talk to the hand", Cobie? wink

But, what if Miss Terious or some other Legion World lady wants to strike up conversation with your statue? laugh
*makes some oh-so-subtle modifications to the plans for the new statue tongue *
Hrun returns with diamonds to lay at the feet of the noble lord Cobaltus.

"what is this!!!!! Again the barbarians of Legion World attack this most handsome of posters by destroying his statue." I will fashion my own small statue of him to place in a postion of safety.
Isn't this like Cobalt Kid statue version 6.0 we're on by now? wink
Future, the mano graemlin was to show my willingness to use my 'hands' when the need arises. If there was different kind of graemlin, I'd explain the other body parts that I'm willing to use...

Hrun, tis good to see you, brave and honored warrior! Once more, I offer you wenches and treasures for you tribute!
Ah, I get it!

You mean like this, Cobie? ==> SuperMobyDick

Dreamer Kanoodle Dreamer
It's seems that my statues, no matter how many there are now, are still getting attacked.

But they forgot one thing mate...I'm Cobalt Kid.

<magnetically grabs all of SoM's bombs and hurls them into the atmosphere. After EE's power disrupts Abin's again, he remolds all five of his statues to their original forms.>


<Builds his own statue of Abin Quank and SoM. To describe it would be to get banned...>
Stiletta ? Dreamer
Ha! The greatest thread of all highlighted once again!

Rejoice, denizens of Legion World!

tongue to SoM, Miss T and Abin!
Selected by Cobalt Kid to be highlighted for a day!
Great choice, I don't think I have ever been here.
Wow, highlighted twice in its lifetime! That's more than most threads will ever be able to say.
Shouldn't that title read "Living Legendary Poster"?

Don't underestimate the importance of statuary! Perhaps this thread should be permanently headlined. Dr. Brian Osbourne of Queens University (obviously a big brain) explains that statues are important as statements of our culture. They serve the didactic purpose of presenting, in simplified form, who we are as a nation.

However, "who we are" can change over time.
Space is slow and time is fast, explains Osbourne (what a great line! - FC) - so perhaps stuatues should be first built out of "ice cream and candy floss" - then, if they stand the test of time, cast them in bronze.

This may be why Cobie's statue keeps getting destroyed and rebuilt - it is reflecting the evolving consciousness of Legion World.

(I'm rushing right over to my statue now to rebuild it out of ice cream - rather like that idea...)
Triad Thank you Cramey for adding depth to this tres shallow thread.

Ah, hell, for old time's sake...

Kanoodle! Triad
Originally posted by Future:
Wow, highlighted twice in its lifetime! That's more than most threads will ever be able to say.
Yeah, but once was in SPHQ smile
That little incident should remain forgotten mad

But of course, that mens that this thread has been highlighted THREE times in it's existence! Far more than most others! laugh
The Statue of Cobalt Kid, a.k.a. Cobiemandias

I met a poster from another board
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the MMB. Near them in the thread,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose pout
And puckered lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its poster well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Cobalt Kid, king of posters, Double Trapper:
Look on my post count, ye n00bs, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The inane, one-word posts stretch far away.
< from the future , Exnihil suddenly appears behind the statue of Cobalt Kid>

My god... does every super-villain thrive on irony?

<he bends down an digs at the base of the statue, retrieving his next target, the eighth timepiece. He winds it, and reburies it. He pauses for a moment... then sighs>

<span style="font-size: 10px;">...will they learn stop him in time? Please, Cobalt Kid... remember... find the paper ...</span>

OK... eight o'clock.

<again, he disappears >
Oh, goodie! Thanks, Stu!

You found Bidet Boy!!

I just went and was hoping for a good cleaning. angel
Oops! shocked

Water pressure's a little low... now "Cobie" has a Dirty Sanchez. angel
Originally posted by Stu Rat:
[b]The Statue of Cobalt Kid, a.k.a. Cobiemandias

I met a poster from another board
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the MMB. Near them in the thread,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose pout
And puckered lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its poster well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Cobalt Kid, king of posters, Double Trapper:
Look on my post count, ye n00bs, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The inane, one-word posts stretch far away.
I've always said STU was Legion World's greatest bard!
BardA. In Boston you said he'd make a great Big BardA. lol wink
He's sure got the height!
And the imposing Mega-rod. wink
And the RACK...! eek
And the former life as an S&M model working for a mean old lady!
Hey, his granny's nothing but goodness!! mad wink
Um, Lashina ... WTF?
Is this the new style of poetry criticism?

A classic and a keeper, Stu Rat!
Thanks! I think this has inspired me to start a new thread... coming soon! wink
<as Phineas B. Fuddle activates his celestial mechanism in his Orrery , a whiteout of chronal regression begins to spread across this establishment>

<Legion World is dying>
--------via omni-com---------

Now this villain has gone too far! laugh

Robbing the citizens of Legion World of their favorite work of art!


My work is never done...

But the Quank Family has an Understanding with Cobalt Kid now, so...


Holy... Ships!


Well, I certainly didn't expect THAT!
Hmmm ... I wonder if Cobie is going to mind having a piercing there ...
bump ing classic threads is fun
The original statue and still the greatest wink laugh
Originally posted by Ex Nihil:
<as Phineas B. Fuddle activates his celestial mechanism in his Orrery , a whiteout of chronal regression begins to spread across this establishment>

<Legion World is dying>
It's fun to look back at old threads and chuckle at posts made under accounts that had different names at the time.
The tourists aren't stopping by Cobie's statue as often as they used to. Legion World NEEDS tourist dollars!

Maybe putting Orlando Bloom's head on the statue would get some of the tourists back.
Originally posted by Ram Boy:

Maybe putting Orlando Bloom's head on the statue would get some of the tourists back.
It wouldn't be the first time the lovely and talented Mr. Bloom graced a statue.
I just thought I should clarify something; I didn't mean Orlando Bloom's ACTUAL head.
Rocky, is the ice sculpture of Orlando Bloom still around, or has it turned into an Orlando Bloom slushee?

Because if it's still around, we can use THAT to draw in the tourists, and then put Jake Gyllenhaal's head on Cobie's statue.

It's a win-win!
Good question. It was on Earth-4, which the Evil Emperor Pyngwyn has since turned into an ice world, but that was much later. Of course, I can always make another ice sculpture. Perhaps of Mssrs. Bloom, Gyllenhaal and Cobalt together?
Rocky, you're truly inspired! So, essentially a statue of Cobie, Jake and Orlando would be like this -

[Linked Image]

- but a little bit different. The tourists would be throwing money at us hand over fist!
Yes. That's about the right pose. I don't think they should be wearing their hair up, though. Not too long, either, or it may cover things that oughtn't to be covered. Now who gets to be the one in the middle?
Naturally, I would be front & center wink
<looks at Cobie statue>

Damn, I love him like my brother, but that statue NEVER gets to be less of an eyesore! Might have to look into legal about that....

<scribbles a note on his Omnicom>
Many LW posters do not realize there are five official Cobalt Kid statues & threads and several unofficial ones spread throughout Legion World.

When Legion World needed a hero, I was there. And I always will be.

<close up on smile with shiny white teeth>

Damn! It TALKS?!?! Grife, does it have a motion sensor or a string in the back?!?

You should see what it does around females!
Quoth the Rhino: *GASP!*
What's all this fuss about a fancy bidet? Is it because of where the water comes out? 'Cause I'm totally over that. Sure, the first time is a bit startling, but Cobie's "statue" knows its way around Uranus!
Is'at stupid statue all dirty again? *HIC*

I suppose I'll get around to cleaning it one a these days... *HIC*

Mebbie Tomorra... *HIC*
Rereading this thread was fun!

Random Statue of Cobalt Kid fact: in early 2004 to play a joke on me, moderator Stu moved the thread to the Science Police Forum; Gary moved it back. But when he did so, he created a duplicate copy of the statue thread by accident. So of the original thread "The Statue of the Legendary Poster known as Cobalt Kid" actually has become two threads! And then both kind of went on their own with their own set of posts over the last 7 years, though this one has remained the main thread. So Stu's joke created another Statue of Cobalt Kid!

Of course, longtime Legion Worlders remember that in addition to this thread there was the Second Great Statute of the Legendary Poster known as Cobalt Kid created by Pagan Lass during one of the most fun eras of LMB in-character shenanigans ever, as well as Third Great Statue of Cobalt Kid which was hilariously locked by Lash during the 'win a chance to have a thread headlined week' in Fall 2004.

During this period of immense statue building (before the controversy), Founder\'s Park was created which contains a 4th Cobalt Kid Statue (you can note the slight outrage at this in the opening posts).

There is an additional statue hidden from public view at the Psyonian Embassy for Cobalt Kid's role in the helping Psyonia in the Ggrrgg/Psyonia War, but you'll have to ask Crujeckie about that. This would be the fifth or sixth depending on where you place the duplicate statue created by the thread convergence mentioned earlier.

Yes, Legion World sure does love its greatest and most legendary hero! This doesn't even go into the statues of bidets and Michael Jackson Pov put up all over Legion World to distract the masses. laugh
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Is'at stupid statue all dirty again? *HIC*

I suppose I'll get around to cleaning it one a these days... *HIC*

Mebbie Tomorra... *HIC*
Jeepers! Abin, you could look like you could use a trip to Cafe Cramer!
I believe you're right, Cobalt Kid. He just had a conversation with Pov's butt.
Why? *HIC* Has Cramey sharted spikin' th' coffee? *HIC*

Wazzat his butt r his head? I kin never tell... *HIC*
No fault of his own... I'm often told I'm talking out it. shrug

I think Cobie's ego hasn't been massaged nearly enough lately, so we need to erect yet another statue in his honor. Since it's wintertime, I'll be glad to make another ice sculpture. Would twenty meters tall be big enough?
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Would twenty meters tall be big enough?
For which part of him?

<span style="font-size: 9px;">I was thinking of his enormous biceps. Get your mind out of the gutter!</span>
Gosh, if I make his biceps alone twenty meters tall (that's their height, not circumference), then the whole statue would be somewhere around 150--that's about 500 feet. We would probably need to install a beacon at the top.
A shining beacon of heat and light. That's our Cobie (or is it me?).
You're both pretty hot! wink

It would have to be a cool light, though. Putting a hot beacon on top of an ice sculpture would be a bit unwise, I should think.
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

I think Cobie's ego hasn't been massaged nearly enough lately, so we need to erect yet another statue in his honor. Since it's wintertime, I'll be glad to make another ice sculpture. Would twenty meters tall be big enough?
I salute your good sense, Rocky!

Smart posters know that massaging my ego usually equals a quick erection of my statue!
Well, thank you, Cobie. I think I'll go with my original plan of a twenty-meter sculpture. We don't want it to be a danger to the migration of space-geese.

<Rocky concentrates and gesticulates a moment and a 20-meter ice sculpture of Cobie appears>

Now, I think, in fairness to all the other contributions made by the other LMBers, it would be swell if you'd let me make another sculpture of another LMBer nearby (but not so close as to detract from yours). I think a Lash sculpture would be the best choice. Suggestions?
I suggest a sculpture of Lash and myself waving to the masses, and several gushing fans going into hysterics! Why, it would be as realistic as possible!
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Smart posters know that massaging my ego usually equals a quick erection of my statue!
[Red Forman from "That '70s Show"/] "Put some clothes on! Nobody wants to see that." [/Red Forman]
A brilliant suggestion. I'll leave this sculpture right here and--walk with me, please. Thank you. All right. Here we go!

<Again Rocky concentrates and does a little more gesticulation. Soon there is an ice sculpture of Cobie and Lash waving to a crowd of their hysterical fans.> I think that will work nicely. Now, if nobody minds, I think I need to take a little lie-down.
Certainly! That's quite a bit of work you've put in--and all for the good of Legion World!

In addition to lying down, may I suggest the consumption of alcoholic beverages while in the presence of belly-dancers? It's typically how I relax.
Change the belly dancers to go-go boys and you've got yourself a deal! laugh
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I suggest a sculpture of Lash and myself waving to the masses, and several gushing fans going into hysterics! Why, it would be as realistic as possible!
Agreed! ;-D
I'm glad you both like it. I used my strongest ice magic on it, so it should take at least 100 years before it even begins to melt a little.

Ah, here come the go-go boys!
What's this? Looks like a clear violation of Ordinance 12-B-II, I'd say.

<hips out ticket-writing Omnicom>

<Rocky soon returns to the Rookery to find a ticket waiting for him from the Security Office for erecting statues without a permit, along with a "melt and desist" order>>
Bah! Overuled by LMB Deputy Leader!
Tch. Someone doesn't know the limits of his authority. In all law enforcement matters, yours truly is the highest authority. You and Ram Boy have authority over the LMB, not the Security Office. And as an Officer yourself, you should know this.
Surely this is going to lead me to becoming evil again.
I think you'd better have my orange plaid thong at the ready. I may be joining you!
>takes orange thongs out of storage<
Tch. I hope these thongs aren't constituting intended bribery of this office.
<Rocky heads back to the Rookery with Lash>

I don't like this, Lash. I know I hurt Lardy when I left him, but I had no choice. There's something different about him. Not evil in the way we became evil. This is different. And scary!
You know, Rocks... Lardy's been evil before. Not cute evil like we were, but UGLY evil... real, real evil!!!
When Lardy and I were together, I would see glimpses of what he could be. Just little things he'd say or do. Not often, but every now and then. I always told myself I'd never allow that to happen to him. Then, well, when we weren't together any more, I figured it was nothing to worry about because he had no powers, but now! I just don't know.
I hear he's mass-producing Lard Lad robots. Why? And why not mass-produce Lash Lad and Cobalt Kid robots instead? That makes a lot more sense!!
They'd certainly be more decorative! Wait a minute! Lard Lad robots? Oh, Dywh, not again! It's taken Time-Teller Lad so long to get over that Clive business. Oh, Lard Lad robots spell "trouble"!
<Cobalt is oblivious to back and forth about statues>

Noble citizens, I'll gladly take pictures with you and sign autographs! I only ask that some of you go henceforth and grab me a scotch; splash of water please, no rocks!

And you, young lady. I don't know what race you are, but your purple skin intrigues me.

<crowd gathering>

Ah, see how Statues of Cobalt Kid and Lash Lad bring about goodwill on Legion World? It's not that we saved the universe entirely on our own every time--it's just that we looked so damn good doing it!
[LWG stands several feet away from the statue, observing silently]

/This... Cobalt Kid has a nice enough face, but I get the feeling there's not a whole lot going on underneath it./

[he shrugs, gets out his pocket Omnicom, and writes]

<font face="chalkboard"><span style="font-size: 15px;">A whole lot of city traversed, but still getting nowhere.

It would be easy to give up, just retreat back to Cramer's cafe'. It was peaceful enough there.

But... no. I can't know true peace until I solve the mystery of where I came from, and what my connection to these people is.
</font f></span>

/I know who has answers, and where they've gone. So that's where I should be./

[LWG vanishes once more.]
As The Official Cobalt Kid Statue Cleaner of Legion World (see posts 44 and 88 of this thread) I guess I better get busy...


Green Energy washes over the statues


That should do it... anybody needs me I'll be at Shameless Hussies havin a lil drinkie...

I wonner if Lash an Cobie have ever done that in real life???
Hmph. How come Cobie's statue is the only one that's clean? Fat Cramer's is a little dusty, ans mine is positively filthy!
love CobaltKid
<Exnihilo approaches the statue of the Legendary Poster known as Cobalt Kid, with an evil grin on his face. In his hand, he holds tight to a small brown bag>

Silent voice of the black diamond: ARE YOU PREPARED, MY SERVANT?

Exnihilo: Indeed. This shall be my masterwork of EEEEVIL! The destruction of this symbol of the LMB's heroism shall stand as a harbinger of their impending doom!


Exnihilo: Fear not... with each passing moment, the EEEEVIL grows inside me.


Exnihilo: None of those. I have a far more insidious plan, something I like to call... "The Myron Marks Gambit"!

Silent voice of the black diamond: THE... MYRO...?

Exnihilo <pulling out his brown bag and holding it up dramatically>: YES! Myron Marks... the man famed for his care for the wretched denizens of urban parks... the winged rats known as... pigeons!!!

Silent voice of the black diamond: I DON"T... I'M SORRY... WHAT?

Exnihilo <reaching into the bag, and pulling out a handful of birdseed, he tosses it at the statue>: The methods of destruction you describe are too pedestrian. With this gesture, this symbol will degrade over time... each passing day another step toward the complete degradation of the LMB!

Silent voice of the black diamond: I LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

Exnihilo <continuing to toss birdseed>: Can you not see the genius at work here, black diamond? Soon... flocks of pigeons will arrive to consume this seed. The very skies will turn black with their numbers. Within mere hours the natural consequence of their consumption will be... their waste! Thousands of birds will begin to befoul this monument to heroism and... over time... the corrosives therein will wear away at the statue... just as the morale of the LMB will be worn away at our reign of terror!

Silent voice of the black diamond: SIGH...YOU KNOW, I FEAR THAT "EVIL" MAY NOT BE YOUR CALLING.

Exnihilo <laughing as he continues to toss birdseed>: Mwah haHA! Mwah haHA! EEEEEEVIL!!!


Exnihilo <not hearing the diamond as he continues to toss birdseed>: EEEEVIL! Mwah hahahaha! EEEEEEVIL!!!
Rond went for a walk through the park after his coffee.

He saw hundreds of pigeons surrounding a statue.

" ugh that's disgusting. They're like rats with wings. Legionworld is going down hill. Maybe it's time to take the time bubble back to the old days when villains had Os at the end of their names and we wore our underwear over our tights."
Bloody Liberty!

Someone tricked the pigeons into returning in the middle of Flying Lemur season! The Lemurs are irritable and killing all the pigeons!

That handsome statue has turned red from the pigeon guts! Now it matches my new costume!
Want me to change your statue's colors? How about pine green, bgztlian blue, maybe polka dot pluberry?
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

That handsome statue has turned red from the pigeon guts! Now it matches my new costume!
It's so sweet of you to wear the costume that I worked so hard to make wink
Poppin' Planets!

That's a rather self-indulgent statue in the middle of Legion World. In my old days, I'd have assurenly bombed it.

Ah well. Those days are over. And I'd feel guilty about the Lemurs.
Wait, wait, wait... I didn't realize the pigeons were being killed! We have to do something! I can't believ... *gasp*
Alas, poor feathered friends frown
I hate pigeons ... I saw some pigeons fighting over a fried chicken leg in the street once.
Who knew Flying Lemurs favorite food was pigeon head?
A lot of Chinese restaurants here serve fried pigeon. anyone want any?
*gets the high explosive ready for old times' sake*
^ lol
I hope the nose doesn't land on me.
Cobie's statue was going feature in the ending of Planet of the Apes, but the directors changed their mind at the last minute.
"We vant to show vere ze apes came from, not vere zey ver going," said Director Brain-In-A-Can before being escorted to accent therapy by his auteur assistant, Mallah.

Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
I hope the nose doesn't land on me.

Better than the...er...something else falling on you. shocked eek
Oh, the something else isn't very big so I'm not too worried wink
Bah! One glimpse of the legendary phallus of Cobalt Kid and statue gazing will become your favorite new hobby!
I assumed they were talking about one of your tiny, little ears.
Oh. About those, I can only feel great shame, though it does explain why I never listen to anyone.
Yes, so Lady Cobalt says. wink
I thought Reboot and I demolished that ugly thing for good years ago...

Ring do your thing!

I hope Cobie likes looking at THAT!
*grabs popcorn* I will enjoy this...
It's been a while, hasn't it.

But that statue deserves everything that's been done to it, including the 67 and a half tons of pidgin poop...
And I see the crotch is now completely flat.

I mean, it hasn't ALWAYS been flat, right?
OhmyGod! He usually like pops a tent whenever he tries to pat my pert little derriere. I like think he gets off on the danger he's like putting himself in. lol
That was a disturbing little fact. I feel the need to drink that memory into oblivion now smile
OhmyGod! Now you know how I feel. {Giggle}
Cobie never pats MY behind thankfully, so I don't quite know how you feel smile
"It's not only that lovely, supple derriere, it's the chance of being turned into swiss cheese by hand guns."

- Cobalt Kid, mistakenly telling the Ambassador of Toonar an inappropriate story on their most religious holiday.
Looks like Abin has anothet reason to deface the statue...
It's not like I NEED a reason...
It helps keep people on your side though wink
© Legion World