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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel One

*shows Taryn's ship in orbit around Thrann, on its last legs, sputtering noises coming from it*

Panel Two

Taryn: Grife! "Legion of Substitute Space-parts"... this thing better hold together long enough to get me to the ground.

Panel Three

*Taryn's ship lands in Thrann's spaceport*

Panel Four

*shows Taryn walking away from ship*

Taryn: *whew*! That wasn't so bad!

Panel Five

*Parts of ship fall off as Taryn walks away from it*

Panel Six

Taryn: Now... to check out this planet and see if Tenzil's still here...

[ June 10, 2004, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*Thora coverses via vid-com with Azura and Eve*

Thora: ...and the Loy woman has YET to show up!

Panel 2

Azura: She must think you are a simpleton! This is a slap in the face! YOUR face!

Panel 3

Thora: NO one-- male OR female-- slaps Thora!

Panel 4

Eve: Now ladies, I'm certain there's an explanation for Ms. Loy's tardiness...

Panel 5

Thiora: Silence, Eve! I've tolerated your wishy-washiness long enough!

Panel 6

Eve: How DARE you...?!!

Panel 7

Thora: I dare MUCH, Eve... as you well know.

Panel 8

Azura: Settle down, people... remember that the three of us are allies. Thora, if Loy won't come to you...

Panel 9

Azura continues off-panel: ...perhaps you must go to HER.

*Thora grins evilly as the light from the vid-screen gives her an unearthly glow*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Tiffany laying unconcious on a bed*

Panel 2

*Water splashes on Tiffany, waking her up*

Tiffany: Wha--?

Panel 3

*A large-nosed woman stands over top of Tiffany, having just poured the water on her*

Hazel: Ah... good! That finally woke you up!

Tiffany: Where am I? Who are you?

Panel 4

Hazel: Where are you? My poor dear! You are in the place you least want to be. They call me Nasal Hazel, but just Hazel will do. I've been a prisoner here for awhile.

Tiffany: "Prisoner"? *Gasp*!

Panel 5

Hazel: You're in Nardo's super-stalag of space, dearie! The prison-camp where no one escapes, or so they say!

Tiffany: "Super-Stalag of Space"? *Gasp*!

Panel 6

Hazel: Don't worry too much, though. Fortunately, the girl's wing ain't nearly as bad as the boy's. Nardo doesn't seem as interested in us, for some reason. Now get up. I've got a whole bunch of laundry to do, and you're going to help me.

Tiffany: "Laundry"? *Gasp*!

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Panel 1

*shows inmates walking back toward barracks*

False Pretenses Lad: Aaaaah. Another day, another bucket of slop for dinner.

Weight Wizard: I'm famished! I can't wait!

Panel 2

Lester: Can't wait to eat slop? Moron.

Blockade Boy: Don't pick on him!

Panel 3

Lester: Shut your HOLE, Kid Crew-cut. I'm hanging on by a THREAD here... I don't know WHAT'S happened to the man I love, I'm worrying myself SICK over him, AND I'm being worked like a sub-puppy... and YOU freaks could have gotten me and Dev out of this. But you REFUSED! REFUSED

Panel 4

Key Kid: We explained why we...

Lester: Shut up! I have half a mind to expose your little scheme to... WHAT the...?

Panel 5

Lester: Jeebus! Over there-- is that Tenzil...? TENZIL!

Panel 6

*Tenzil calls from across a crowd of inmates*

Tenzil: Lester!!

Panel 7

*Lester shoves Weight Wizard aside*

Lester: Outta my way, blondie!

Panel 8

*Tenzil and Lester embrace, thrilled to see each other*
Panel 9

Lester: *a tear streams from his eye* I almost didn't recognize you without your sunglasses!

False Pretenses Lad: *sarcastic expression* So much for him worrying about "the man he loves".

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel One

Lester: I'm so excited! I can't believe you came to rescue me! So... when do we leave?

Tenzil: Uh... well, Lester, you see... that's just the problem. I didn't exactly come to rescue you. Tiffany and I were looking for you, and...

Panel Two

Lester: Tiffany? You're here with that self-centered, stuck-up, boyfriend-stealing sister of mine? Bah! I don't care if I never speak to her again!

Panel Three

Tenzil: Look, she was really worried about you, and we tracked you down to this planet, and then there were these giant elephants, and then there were these three-eyed guys, and they shot Tiffany, and...

Panel Four

Lester: Shot her!?! You let my darling sister get shot by the Nardroids?!? Hmphh! She better be okay... or I'm never speaking to you again!

Tenzil: I don't know. I haven't seen her since it happened...

Panel Five

Lester: Venturan Walking Money! Now I suppose we've got to rescue Tiffany from the girl's camp acros the way as well as escaping ourselves! Could this situation get any worse?

[ June 12, 2004, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

False Pretenses Lad: Sure it could get worse. The Nardroids could zap you with their Punishment Rays again.

Lester: *to FP Lad* Y'know what? I disliked you instantly, and being around you more has only fostered that dislike. My dislike for you has blossomed like some sort of space-lilly. Why don't you, I dunno... kind of disappear until later in this story? Maybe you could turn up again when some cannon-fodder is needed...

Panel 2

Tenzil: *to Lester* I see you've made some new friends!

Panel 3

False Pretenses Lad: Fine. I'll leave you alone. Never mind that I know where they're holding the *making quote marks with his fingers* "man you love"!

Panel 4

Tenzil: But... I'm right here!

Panel 5

Lester: *Lester grabs FP Lad* Dev!! You know where he is? Is he alright?!?

Tenzil: Dev? Who's Dev? Oh yeah-- "the hot pop in Popping Hotties" Dev.

Panel 6

Blockade Boy: Uh oh! Someone's jealous!

[ June 13, 2004, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

caption: Later that night...

Tenzil: Okay, so here's the plan... False-Pretenses Lad here says that Dev-Em is being held in this building here.

Panel 2

Tenzil: I'll eat us a tunnel there... which we can use to grab Dev-Em and bring him with us...

Panel 3

Tenzil: In the meantime, Key Kid and his squad will sneak over to the spacecraft hangar and hotwire one of Nardo's ships...

Panel 4

Tenzil: Then we tunnel to the hangar ourselves, and blast off...

Panel 5

Tenzil: Once we've got a ship, we quickly fly over to the girl's camp to rescue Tiffany and whoever else...

Panel 6

Tenzil: Then we fly off into space, and soon enough I'm back on Bismoll and chatting with Taryn about how her tea with Thora went!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Key Kid: Of course, we'll notify the space-authorities of Nardo's whereabouts and close down his Super-Stalag for good!

Panel 2

Lester: Fabulous, let's get to it. Tenzil, get to chomping!

Panel 3

*shows Tenzil bite into the floor* >munch!<

Panel 4

Blockade Boy: Well, I guess we're out of here too...

Lester: Look, guys, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot but I just wanted to say...

Panel 5

Weight Wizard: Yes...?

Lester: ...Hurry the hell up and don't blow it!

Panel 6

*Weight Wizard, Key Kid & Blockade Boy exit the barracks, looking disgruntled*

Panel 7

Lester: FASTER, Tenzil-- eat it faster!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*inside the tunnel*

Lester: Okay, I understand why we had to bring False-Pretenses Lad along, since he knows the layout of the place, but how'd we get stuck with Opposable Big Toes Boy?

Tenzil: *Chomp* Don't worry about it, Lester! Besides... you never know when a guy with four hands'll come in... er... handy!

Panel 2

Lester: Sheesh! Okay... but he smells kind of funny. I don't think I can stand being down in this enclosed environment with him much longer!

Tenzil: *Chomp*!

Panel 3

False-Pretenses Lad: We should almost be there...

Tenzil: I'll tunnel up through the floor, which should take us straight to Dev-Em's cell!

Panel 4

*a darkened room, focusing on a hole in the floor*

Tenzil (voice in hole): Let Big Toes there hold your lights while you climb out!

Panel 5

*Tenzil climbing up through hole*

Panel 6

*Tenzil and FPL pulling Lester up*

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1 should be a smallish rectangular panel running across the top of page

*lights come on, Tenzil & Lester look startled but FPL is smiling*

off-panel voice: Boldy venturing where no incarcerated sentient has dared venture before, I see?

Panel 2 is a rest-of-page splash featuring Tenz, Les & FPL staring down Nardo; also in the shot should be Dev-Em, bound and sickly looking, and Plant Lad, who instead of his former svelte self now easily weight 500 pounds and is lying in the floor helplessly.

Nardo: I've made a list but I'm not bothering to check it twice-- you've been VERY naughty, boys!

Lester: Dev!

Tenzil: Is Dev the fat dude?

Plant Lad: K... kill me...

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel One

*Lester notices FPL smiling*

Lester: You... you betrayed us! You led us into a trap!

False-Pretenses Lad: And you doubted my super-lying powers? Jerk.

Panel Two

Nardo: Seize them!

Panel Three

*Nardroids capture Lester and Tenzil*

Panel Four

Tenzil: Oof! What are you going to do with us?

Nardo: Come on down! You are the next contestant on "Who Wants to be Super-Fatassed?"! Ha ha ha!

Panel Five

Nardo (turns to FPL): Well done, old fellow! There'll be extra slop for you tomorrow!

FPL: Gee, thanks!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Tenzil thought caption: Jeebus! If only I hadn't ordered Taryn to visit Thora... I may never see her again... I hope she's alright...!

Panel 2

caption: Whatever DID become of Taryn, one might wonder...

Taryn thought caption: Gee, I wonder if Tenz and Tiffany ever found Lester? Maybe I should check in...?

Panel 3 <rest of page panel featuring Taryn joyfully dancing on a dancefloor surrounded by the Super-Companions and other Thrannians; most of the guys should be shirtless>

Taryn thought caption: Nah, I'm sure they're fine...

NEXT ISSUE! "Stupid Stalag of Space" continues --maybe even concludes!-- in the story that could ONLY be called "...AND ONE SHALL SURELY BE FATASSED!"

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Panel 1

*shows Taryn at club*

caption: It's really odd being Taryn Loy.

Panel 2

*shows Taryn smoking a space-doobie with her Thrannian pals*

caption: Dad was never around unless he was experimenting on me.

Panel 3

*shows Taryn in pool with Thrannians*

caption: Mom ran off after he gave her those extra breasts. I haven't seen her in years.

Panel 4

*shows Taryn & pals watching a drag show*

caption: I've had to be an adult since I was 12.

Panel 5

*shows Taryn & pals drinking at a restaurant table*

caption: Maybe age 19 is early to have your second childhood, but I never got to have my first one.

Panel 6

*Taryn & pals on the beach*

caption: I've been on Thrann for 3 days now... 3 of the most glorious days of my life!

Panel 7

*Taryn & pals bowling*

caption: The guys here treat me well, they respect me... and they're SO fun!

Panel 8

*Taryn lifting Shower and Treehugger victoriously as they sit on either palm*

caption: They've even made me the official "Fairy Princess" of the Super-Companions!

Panel 9

*Taryn & the Companions having a slumber party, watching holovision*

caption: I may NEVER leave Thrann...

Holovision: We interrupt this broadcast of the BOYZ 4 U concert to bring you this awful announcement...

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel One

*Picture of Tiffany on screen behind newscaster*

Holovision: Tiffany Spiffany, heiress to Earth's swankiest jewelry establishment and one of the most eligible young women in the galaxy, has apparently been kidnapped!

Panel Two

*Shot of bottle hitting spaceship*

Holovision: Sources say that the Space-Freighter Valium came across a message in a bottle, claiming to be from Miss Spiffany.

Panel Three

*Shot of Taryn and Tenzil at the Space-Truckstop*

Holovision: Apparently, Miss Spiffany was travelling with popular Bismollian senator and former reality TV star Tenzil Kem, whom some reports have linked her with romantically, in search of her brother Lester, who has apparently been missing for some weeks.

Panel Four

*Shot of Nardroids*

Holovision: According to the message, Tiffany and Tenzil are being held prisoner by "icky red three-eyed bulbous-headed guys".

Panel Five

*Shot of Tiffany doing laundry*

Holovision: Tiffany describes the conditions in the camp where she is being held as "indescribably horrible". Apparently, her kidnappers are forcing her to do manual labor!

Panel Six

*shot of newscaster*

Holovision: It is not yet clear how Tiffany managed to get a message to the outside world, or what can be done to rescue her, but you can be sure that this station will keep you abreast of developments!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Taryn: Damn, damn, DAMN!!

Splash: What's wrong, Princess?

Panel 2

Taryn: That's LESTER'S sister! She and Tenzil DID get into trouble, I KNEW it!

Panel 3

Othar: Yeah, they were tracking down Lester and our bud Dev-Em for some reason.

Taryn: HER reasons. It's HER fault.

Panel 4

Othar: She seemed quite the fiesty, gassy gal.

Taryn: Othar, we've got to go find them! Not only Tenzil and Tiffany. What became of Lester & Dev-Em?

Panel 5

Othar: Well, it's hard to imagine anything Dev-Em couldn't handle.

Taryn: Yet they're ALL apparently missing.

Panel 6

Shower: The Super-Companions don't mind helping, Taryn-- Dev-Em IS one of us, after all... and Lester too, kind-of...

Mzgrzz: But can't we wait until after the BOYZ 4 U concert...?

Panel 7

Taryn: Oh, absolutely.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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