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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
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Panel 1

*Dev-Em writing a note on an omnicom*

Dev-Em: Noyd, it's been very nice talking to you...

Panel 2

*Dev places omnicom in the pot Noyd is planted in*

Dev-Em: Please see that Lester gets this, and thanks.

Panel 3

*Dev-Em walking down hallway*

Panel 4

*Dev-Em disengaging airlock*

Panel 5

*Dev-Em flying through space, away from the ship*

Panel 6

Plant Lad (as plant): Good luck, mate.

*omnicom message is partially visible from pot*

omnicom message: Lester, I need some time to clear my head... am going back to Thrann for some down-time... I hope everything turns out well for you...

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Tenzil: This is Senator Tenzil Kem of Bismoll, aboard private space cruiser, requesting permission to land.

Panel 2

Voice on intercom: Please download passenger and cargo information.

Tenzil: Downloading now.

Panel 3

*Triad appears on viewscreen*

Triad: Tenzil! It's been awhile!

Tenzil: Jumping fishhooks! Triad! It's great to see you girl!

Panel 4

Triad: How are you doing?

Tenzil: Oh, not bad at all! I got this whole Senator gig going on now... keeps me pretty busy, what with the assassination attempts and kidnappings by would-be intergalactic tyrants and stuff!

Panel 5

Triad: Sounds exciting! Well, I'm clearing you for a landing... hopefully I'll see you in the Legion Clubhouse later on!

Tenzil: You can count on it babe!

Panel 6

*shows ship docking on Legion World*

[ July 10, 2004, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*Tenz, Taryn, etc. stepping off ship*

off-panel voice: Tenzil!

Panel 2

Tenzil *elated*: Chuckles!!

Panel 3

*Tenz & Chuck doing a jumping stomach-bump*

Tenzil & Chuck: Dude, wassup!

Panel 4

Taryn, who is holding Plant Lad *to Tiffany*: These people really seem to like Tenzil!

Panel 5

Tiffany: Why wouldn't they? He's just about perfect in every way. A shame you never staked your claim on him... you two would have been a cute couple. Too late for all that now.

Panel 6

*Taryn fuming*

Plant Lad: Do NOT throw me at her.

Panel 7

Chuck: Remember that time we saved the HQ from those little dudes that looked like mucous?

Tenzil: That was rad! So, Chuckles... tell me Dr. Gym'll is still on the payroll.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Chuck: Haven't you heard? Gym'll's a father now!

Tenzil: Wowza! How's ol' grumpypuss taking that?

Chuck: Actually, he's significantly less grumpy these days. Having a kid does that to you, apparently!

Panel 2

Tenzil: Flying tuna! Hear that, Taryn? There's hope for you yet!

Panel 3

*Taryn fuming*

Plant Lad: Please, do NOT throw me at him.

Panel 4

*walking down the corridor to Gym'll's office*

Chuck: ...so the nannites were so dirty, that they consumed themselves!

Tenzil: Sounds like quite the adventure!

Panel 5

Chuck: Well, here's Gym'll's office. See you in the Legion Clubhouse later?

Tenzil: Totally, dude!

Panel 6

*opens door to Gym'll's office*

Gym'll: Tenzil Kem! I heard you were coming to see me! What a delight!

Tenzil: Great to see you, too, Dr. Gym'll! I brought a little present for you! One of those classic cultural rarities that you love so much!

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Panel 1

Gym'll: NIGHT NURSE! I've never owned an issue of this one... truly a rarity! thank you so much!

Panel 2

Tenzil: You're welcome. And now that I've buttered you up...

Gym'll: Yes...?

Panel 3

Tenzil: You got an extra cellular trim ray lying around somehwere?

Panel 4

caption: meanwhile, Taryn & Tiffany explore Legion World...

Tiffany: Wow... this place almost out-fabs Daddy's planet! So Tenzil was once a Legionnaire, eh?

Taryn: A Legionnaire employee. There's a difference.

Panel 5

Tiffany: Still... good contacts he's made there, huh?

Taryn: Apparently so.

Panel 6

Tiffany: Why don't YOU try out for the Legion, Taryn?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Taryn: Well, Bismollgov actually drafted me to join back in the early days of the Legion...

Tiffany: What happened?

Panel 2

Taryn: About that time this parakat that my dad gave an extra ass started organizing an uprising among the pet population on Bismoll. A few well-placed government types blamed my dad for it, and soon, my Legion membership was toast...

Tiffany: Oh!

Panel 3

Taryn (*looking sad, and like she's hiding something*): Then I thought about trying out once they had open membership drives, but, well... I didn't.

Panel 4

Tiffany: Well, poo! I'm glad you didn't become a Legionnaire! Because now we can have fun together! I wonder if there's anywhere nice to shop on this planet? I haven't bought new shoes in a week!

Panel 5

Tiffany: Hey, there's someone I know! Dirk! Dirk Morgna!

Dirk: Tiffany Spiffany! Long time no see, beautiful! What brings you to Legion World?

Panel 6

Tiffany: Lester, actually.

Dirk: Les? How's he doing? The Metro club scene just hasn't been as happening without him around!

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Panel 1

Tiffany: Ummm... he's... not feeling too good.

Dirk: I'm sorry to hear that.

Panel 2

Tiffany: Hopefully, he'll be feeling better very soon! So, you're a Legionnaire now?

Dirk: Oh, NO-- but check THIS nass out!

Panel 3

*Dirk glows like the sun*

Tiffany: Wow!

Panel 4

*Dirk back to normal*

Dirk: I'm honing my powers here. Not a cadet, I didn't have to become one since I was already friends with the Legion. They think I might be able to harness heat as well as light energies!

Tiffany: That's SO starriffic!

Panel 5

*Dirk leans in to Tiffany*

Dirk: Yeah, I am. So... you up for a little Lav-action?

Panel 6

Tiffany: Huh?

Dirk: Lav-action... you and me in the bathroom.

Panel 7

Tiffany: DIRK!

Dirk: It HAS a lock!

Tiffany: You dated my brother!

Panel 8

Dirk: Yeah, for about 15 minutes... spent in the lav.

Tiffany: You-- you PERV!

Panel 9

*turns to Taryn*

Dirk: Whatever. Who's your cute friend?

[ July 12, 2004, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: + ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Taryn: Taryn. And I'm more than you can handle.

Dirk: Oh, I can handle quite a bit! I didn't date your brother or anything, did I?

Panel 2

Tiffany: Come on, Taryn. Let's get out of here.

Taryn: Just a sec.

Dirk: Yeah, what's the rush? Taryn and I were just getting acquainted.

Panel 3

Taryn: Listen, hot stuff, you may think that all you have to do is flash a little cash or brag about your Legion connections and every girl around is just going to swoon over you, but that's just not true. It's going to take a lot more than that to impress any girl who's actually worthwhile. You've just insulted Tiffany here, and you think you can just turn to me and I'll fall right into your arms? What a jerk!

Panel 4

Dirk: So, I take it that's a no on the lav-action?

Panel 5


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Panel 1

caption: and speaking of lav-action...

*rear veiw of Lester, who has remained on the ship, sitting, head facing down*

Lester: ...stupid... so stupid...

Panel 2

*rear view again as Lester throws the omnicom*

Panel 3

*closeup of Lester's face; a single tear streams from his eye*

Lester: How could I... be so stupid...?

Panel 4

caption: and, on Legion World...

Tiffany: We're going to get into trouble!

Taryn: No we're not. Diplomatic immunity.

Panel 5

Tiffany: But you knocked a WALL down when you punched Dirk through it!

Taryn: They called that Shirley woman to clean it up!

Panel 6

Tiffany: She didn't look too happy about it either.

Panel 7

caption: and, in another part of Legion World...

*Plant Lad, still a potted plant, sits on the ground as folks-- mainly women-- walk by*

Plant Lad: Sweet!

Panel 8

*we see a girl walk by in a short skirt*

Plant Lad: Not bad.

Panel 9

*we see the lower half of who is obviously Kid Quantum walk by*

Plant Lad: HOT DAMN!

[ September 02, 2004, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Tenzil's hand picking Plant Lad up*

Tenz: Noyd! I wondered where you'd gotten to!

Panel 2

Tenz: Dr. Gym'll wants to see you.

Panel 3

caption: Soon...

*In Dr. Gym'll's office, the super-fat Noyd is lying on two of Gym'll's couches, placed side by side*

Dr. Gym'll: Well, he's quite obese all right.

Tenz: Can you do anything for him, doc?

Dr. Gym'll: We'll see.

Panel 4

*Dr. Gym'll running some experiments on Plant Lad*

Dr. Gym'll: Hmm... interesting.

Panel 5

Tenz: Well... what's the verdict?

Dr. Gym'll: Have you tried diet and exercise?

Noyd: Yeah, man. But my weight seems to stay constant, no matter what I do!

Panel 6

Dr. Gym'll: We can try a cellular trim ray, but that can be kind of dangerous.

Panel 7

Plant Lad: I'll take the risk, man! Anything to get back to being my nice skinny self!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*Lester on ship, looking depressed*

Lester: *choke!*

off-panel voice: Cheer up, mate!

Panel 2

Lester: Who the-- YOU?!!

Panel 3

Lester: P... PLANT LAD...? But.. you're so skinny!

Plant Lad: Ah, that's right-- you never saw me before Nardo fatassed me!

Panel 4

Lester: Does this mean... Gym'll has a cure?

Plant Lad: Sure as my name's Noyd, man! Let's go, the gang's waiting for you!

Panel 5

Lester: YES!! I can't wait to get this weight off and go hang out with Tenzil on Bismoll for a while!

Panel 6

caption: funny he should mention Bismoll...

*scene is a governmental building, lots of politican types sitting*

Bemil Vek: Then we are agreed!

panel 7

Bemil Vek: Senator Tenzil Kem and his party will NOT be allowed to make planetfall on Bismoll until hostilities with Taltar can be resolved!

*title/credits run along bottom of page*

The Super-Road Trip... of Space! part 1: How Green Was My Legion

NEXT ISSUE: The first year of Matter-Eater Lad ends with Part 2 of the gang's Super-Road Trip! You'll hate yourself if you miss "Here There Be Everywhere A Monster!"

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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bite into the all-caps

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Page 1

*scene is a full-page splash featuring Tenzil, Tiffany, Plant Lad, Opposable Big Toes Boy, Lester, Taryn and Questar floating in airless space, looking scared*

caption: SPACE!! The final frontier! In space, no one can hear you scream! A humanoid can only survive unprotected in space for mere moments!

Is this the final issue of Matter-Eater Lad, you ask, gentle reader? Why else would the writers be killing off the entire cast? And just who is that handsome fetchingly-dressed blonde fellow with the gang, looking like he's about to toss his cookies?

Have I missed an issue? Will it still be available at my local Comics Outlet? I wonder what I should have for dinner? Does this outfit make me look fat?

These questions and many more float through your fanboy skull and we-- the writers of what we affectionately refer to as MEL:TS-- intend to answer every last one of them!

But in order to do so, we must turn back the clock... so turn the page, faithful reader... turn the page and prepare to marvel!!

[ July 13, 2004, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Caption: 2 days earlier...

*Dr. Gym'll is using the cellular trim ray on Lester*

Lester: What do you mean its not working? You stupid three-armed freak! It worked on Plant Kid!

Panel 2

Gym'll: I... I don't understand it. It's on the same setting I used on Plant Lad, but it's just not having any effect!

Panel 3

Tiffany *leaning down towards Gym'll, her breasts almost in his face*: Oh, doctor! Isn't there anything you can do for my poor brother?

Gym'll: Hmm... you say it was a Kryptionian that this Nardo character used to facilitate his super-obesity experiments?

Panel 4

Tenzil: Yeah, doc. A fella by the name of Dev-Em. Say, what happened to Dev, anyway?

Lester: Do NOT speak that name around me! I never want to have anything to do with that creep again!

Panel 5

Gym'll: You know... it would really help if I could examine him as well.

Lester: That charlatan has abandoned me in my time of misery, no doubt to return to Thrann and prey on other unsuspecting youths who might fall for his soft brown eyes and sweet words, without realizing that they are all lies!

Panel 6

Gym'll: Then... I'm afraid there may be nothing I can do to help you...

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Lester: WHAT!!?? Tenzil said you were smart-- but you're STUPID! You're STUPID!!

Tenzil: LESTER, that's ENOUGH!!

Panel 2

Gym'll: Truly, lad... I am sorry. But even though I can't help you myself, I can certainly refer you to a specialist... after you sign my credit voucher, of course.

Panel 3

Tiffany: Certainly.

Plant Lad: Man, Lester, I'm sorry...

Panel 4

Lester: *sigh* It's not your fault, Boyd...

Plant Lad: Noyd.

Lester: Whatever. But I DO have one question...

Panel 5

Taryn: Yeah?

Panel 6

Lester: Does this outfit make me look fat?

Panel 7

Tenzil, Gym'll, Taryn, Tiffany, Plant Lad: Yes.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Caption: Soon, the gang has convened on board their ship...

*Tenzil and Taryn on in the cockpit, with Tenzil at the controls*

Tenzil: So, Gym'll recommended we see this guy on Zentor...

Taryn: That's close to Bismoll...

Tenzil: Yeah, I thought maybe we could stop by home on the way. You know... see if there's any new bills I need to ingest or anything...

Panel 2

Taryn: Are you feeling bad that you didn't get to hang out with your Legion friends more?

Tenz: Oh, it's okay. I'm sure I'll see them again sometime soon. It's not like the universe is going to be wiped out in some vast reality-altering event or anything!

Panel 3

*Tiffany walks in*

Tiffany: Well, Lester's asleep. At least the sedatives Gym'll gave him are working.

Tenzil: We'll find a cure for him, Tiff.

Panel 4

Tiffany *places her hands on Tenz*: I know you'll do everything you can...

Panel 5

*shot of Tenz (sunglass slightly lowered) and Tiff looking deep into each other's eyes*

Panel 6

Tiff: Tenz! Watch out for that space-freighter!

Panel 7

*close-up of Tenz's hands at the controls*

Panel 8

Tenz: Whew! That was close! Uh... why don't you take the controls for awhile, Tar?

Taryn: After that... sure. What are you going to do?

Panel 9

Tenz: I'm going to go try to figure out what we should have for dinner. My chefly urges are welling up!

[ July 14, 2004, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

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