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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
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Panel 1

*Tiffany kicks Doc M in the face*


Mayavale: What the-- AWWWWK!!

Panel 2

*Tiff punches him*


Mayavale: Blessed Hannah! She's gone berserk!

Panel 3

*Tiffany rips one of Doc M's extra arms off*

Tiffany: Son of a sub-dog!!! You'll pay for what you've done...!

Mayavale: EEEeeeeeeekkkk!

Panel 4

*Doc M, bloodied and bruised*

Mayavale: No more, Ripper... I beg you...

Tiffany: Ripper...?

Panel 5

Mayavale: Have you so soon forgotten, Ripper...? Forgotten the other tortures you inflicted on me...?

Panel 6

*mists begin to swirl*

Taryn: AGAIN with the mists. Here comes another wacky story.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*scene of a particularly mean looking kid terrorizing smaller kids on the play ground*

Mayavale: Don't you remember when you were Hank "Ripper" Smith, terror of the schoolyard?

Panel 2

*shot of Ripper's parents bringing home a new puppy dog*

Mayavale: Your parents believed that by buying you a pet, you might learn to master your sadistic tendencies!

Panel 3

*Shot of an older Ripper being imprisoned*

Mayavale: But instead you became famous for the massive killing spree you went on at the age of eighteen!

Panel 4

*Shot of the little puppy dog lying dead*

Mayavale: But few knew of your first victim. Poor little defenseless Pickles. I was Pickles!

Panel 5

*Mayavale's image all giant and looking more menacing than ever!*

Mayavale: YOU deserve to DIE for what you did to ME!

Tiffany: I... deserve...

Panel 6

*Tiffany delivers a massive punch to Mayavale*

Tiffany: NOOOOO!

[ August 30, 2004, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*shot of Mayavale exploding into white light*


Panel 2

Mayavale's apparition: You have grown, Tiffany Spiffany. That surprised me. But you're still a traitorus, betraying skanch! Mayavle shall return! Return! RETURNnnnnnnnnn.....****

Panel 3

Tiffany: Praise Mooga! I thought he'd NEVER leave.

Panel 4

Tiffany: Time for us to... *gasp!*

Panel 5

*shot of Tiffany surveying her bruised, battered and emotionally drained buds*

Tiffany: ...pick up the pieces?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Shot of Westerner helping Tenzil to his feet*

Westerner: I don't rightly know what came over me, pardner...

Tenzil: Willikers, Westerner! You sure pack a wallop!

Panel 2

*Others are stuggling to gain their bearings*

Taryn: I think we better get out of here as quick as we can...

Panel 3

*The gang cautiously exits the monastery*

Noyd: I hope you guys know the way back to the ship...

Panel 4

*Qut-ube and a group of monks appear and start pointing at the gang*

Qut-ube: Get them!

Tenzil: Jillikers! Looks like it's time to high-tail it outta here!

Panel 5

*The gang starts to run, Lester noticebly struggling to keep up*

Lester: Stupid out-of-shape body! Stupid knife-wielding monks!

Panel 6

*Questar picks up Lester in his anti-grav field, while the others run from the monks*

Questar: While my teleportation powers seem to still be on the flux from Mayavale's meddling, I, Questar, can still give you a lift, Lester!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*shot of the gang, running Scooy-Doo style*

Panel 2

Tenzil: Zoinks! They're gaining on us!

Tiffany: Jinkies!

Panel 3

Lester: Why don't ya zap 'em with a brain-blast, Sis?

Taryn: Give it a rest, Lester-- she just saved us all!

Panel 4

Tiffany: I wish I could have saved poor, poor Pickles...

Plant Lad: Speaking of pickles...

Panel 5

*the gang face a dead-end*

Plant Lad: ...looks like our butts are pickled, now.

Panel 6

Questar: NO! Not while I, Questar, draw breath! I will buy you all time to escape by taking on the lunatic monks myself!

Westerner: Pah! This is a job for a man, not a boy, boy. I'll do the selfless sacrificing 'round here! You git outta here with the others.

Panel 7

Taryn: If you gentlemen can reign in your testosterone for a moment, it looks like no one needs to commit suicide here... LOOK!

Tenzil: MAN, is he ever handy, or what...? Heh. "Handy".

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Big Toes is waving from the cockpit of the Westerner's ship, whilst operating the controls with his feet*

Panel 2

*Big Toes starts blasting the monks with laser beams from the ship*

Westerner: Well, I'll be... that ape boy is using the stun rays on The Setting Sun to take out that mob o' hippies!

Panel 3

*Big Toes lands the ship, and waves for all of them to get on board*

Tenzil: Let's get off this crazy planet!

Panel 4

*The gang is now onboard the ship*

Westerner: I'll take over, if you don't mind!

Tiffany (looking out cockpit): What's that in the distance?

Panel 5

Tenzil: It looks like some kind of zoo or something! Fly us in closer, Tim-Thee!

Lester: Closer? I thought we were getting off this stupid planet?

Panel 6

Plant Lad: Hold on, man. I want to see what it is as well...

[ August 31, 2004, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Tiffany: *gasp!* There's that giant gorilla-thing that grabbed me...! It's now locked in an energy-cage!

Panel 2

*sees the preboot Sden*

Plant Lad: Dig that big lizard-looking dude with the tentacles-- reminds me of me when I'm an octopus vine-- 'cept I'm not that ugly. Check out that firey cage it's in...

Panel 3

*sees the preboot Mordecai*

Taryn: Look at THAT thing... I'd hate to have to go a round with it!

Panel 4

*sees the preboot Jungle King*

Lester: Poppin' hotties! Did you take a gander at that GORGEOUS dude in the leopard-skin loincloth...? What's he locked up for? Maybe we should go help him...

Panel 5

Tenzil: There's lots more folks and things down there, too. Maybe we Should...

Panel 6

*ship is struck my blaster fire*

Plant Lad: ...Get the eff out of here? Yep, we should.

Westerner: I agree with the rockabilly. Hang on tight, pardners, ladies...

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*The Setting Sun dodges laser fire from the planet*

Panel 2

Westerner: Yee-Haw!!! Looks like we got outta the range of them laser cannons!

Plant Lad: Good piloting, Tim-Thee!

Panel 3

Tenzil: That was impressive the way you took down Mayavale, Tiffany!

Tiffany (blushing slightly): Why, thanks! I don't know what came over me, exactly!

Panel 4

Taryn: You kind of surprised me as well. There may be a bit more to you than I thought at first.

Tiffany: I've been thinking... the way I went all crazy and took Mayavale down... maybe that's one of my powers as well?

Panel 5

Tenzil: You mean some kind of berserker fighting ability? Could be!

Lester: Oh, brother. Not more of Tiffany's supposed "powers".

Panel 6

Tiffany: Well, I don't know. But kicking six-armed hippie fanny sure takes a lot out of a girl! I think I'll go take a nap! Wake me when we get there!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*Tiffany exits*

Tenzil: Jillikers! I just realized-- I don't know where "there" even IS! Our mission to defatass Lester has been a dismal failure...

Lester: TELL me about it!

Tenzil: ...and we can't return to Bismoll and I don't have a CLUE what to do next.

Panel 2

Taryn: Actually, I smoothed things over with Thora. In fact, to honor the deal I made with her, we will have to return to Bismoll.

Panel 3

Tenzil: Wow, Taryn! Good work! But I still can't help but wonder...

Panel 4

*looking at Noyd, Questar, Big Toes & Westerner*

Tenzil: ...well, about you guys.

Questar: What about us?

Plant Lad: Yeah, what about us?

Panel 5

Tenzil: Well, don't you all have, like, lives to get on with or something?

Panel 6

Questar: I, Questar, have no intention of returning to Zentor, the planet that deceived me so callously, until it is time to pick up my next paycheck for my holoshow! And even then I have no intentions of remaining there long. Instead, I, Questar, choose to accompany my new friends and the woman I... like a lot!

Panel 7

Plant Lad: And I sure as eff don't wanna return to Simballi. I've never been to Bismoll before... maybe I could score a record contract...

Panel 8

Westerner: Shucks, Tenzil-- without me, I don't even know how ya'll would GET to Bismoll. Looks like I'm along for the reide a mite longer.

Panel 9

Big Toes Boy: My role in this cosmodrama is predestined to be increased shortly. Therefore, he whom you all know as "Opposable Big Toes Boy" shall continue with you on this journey.

Tenzil: *gasp!*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Plant Lad: You know... this reminds me of a Durlan saying...

Panel 2


Tenzil: Tiffany!

Panel 3

*Tenz, Taryn, and Noyd burst into room where Tiff was napping, she is sitting up, crying*

Tiffany: It's horrible... horrible...

Panel 4

Tenzil: Tiff! What's wrong?

Tiffany: Oh, Tenzil! I just had the worst dream! *Gasp*! It must have been one of my psychic visions!

Panel 5

Noyd: What happened, babe?

Tiffany: The ship! We must land the ship! Or we'll all be destroyed!

Panel 6

*Tiffany leaps up, and runs from the room*

Taryn: Tiffany! Wait!

Panel 7

*Tiffany bursts into cockpit*

Tiffany: We must land, now!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*Tiffany pushes Westerner aside, and is adjusting ship's controls*

Westerner: Smokin' succatash! What's got into you, gal?

Tiffany: We must land NOW and get off this ship!

Panel 2

Westerner: Shoot, li'l lady, if you need to use a lav, there's one in the back...

Tiffany: I don't! My super-female intuition has given me a premonition... if we remain aboard this ship, we will all perish!

Panel 3

Westerner: Shoot-a-mile, ma'am! Where'd you learn to program a ship like that?

Tiffany: I... don't know, I just knew. I must have absorbed the information from your mind with my ever-increasing powers! Gosh-- soon I'll be-- omnipotent!!

Panel 4

*Tenz, Taryn & Noyd enter*

Tenzil: What the sprock's going on?

Westerner: The li'l lady's done went and changed our course on us.

Panel 5

Taryn: Looks like we're going to be landing on that planet. The geogronav says it's named "Baskh".

Plant Lad: Never heard of it.

Panel 6

Tenzil: Tiffany! You can't just run around freaking out and mutinying and stuff.

Tiffany: When people question me, it makes my berserker rage kick in.

Tenzil: >Gulp!< Well, if Westerner doesn't mind a pit-stop...

[ September 02, 2004, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Shot of the ship landing*

Panel 2

Tiffany: Now, we must get off immediately! I've foreseen the ship being destroyed in a terrible explosion!

Lester: Tiffany! Stop this stupid psychic crap now!

Panel 3

Tiffany: Don't make me angry, Lester!

Westerner: I think maybe it's best if we do as the li'l lady says!

Panel 4

*The gang disembarks the ship. They've landed on the outskirts of a Baskhian town*

Tenzil: Hmm... I wonder what kind of planet this is?

Taryn: Just be careful, everyone.

Panel 5

*The gang begins to walk into the Baskhian town. Noticeably, all of the citizens are dressed in black.*

Tenzil: Hmm... not much for the latest fashion trends, are they? I wonder if there's a store that sells sunglasses around here?

Panel 6

*Tenzil inside a store, spies an aisle with Umbra 3000s*

Tenzil: Ah, yes! Hmm... hope they take Venusian Walking Money!

Panel 7

*Tenz leaves the store, wearing his new Umbra 3000s*

Tenzil: Ah, now I feel complete again! And I picked up an extra pair in case we need to make that chili recipe again!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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*smallish panels run along top, last panel is larger splash-style*

Panel 1

*a dark room, where an obviously-female figure views the gang on a vid screen*

caption: And, nearby and taking note of the new arrivals...

female: What's this...? I cannot believe it!

Panel 2

*still viewing vid*

female: What timing! Could the Luck Lords be wanting a date, perhaps? That they would guide these morons to this planet, here and now...

Panel 3

*still viewing vid*

female: Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. A cataclycsm brought me here and circumstances seem to be working in my favor!

Panel 4

*the female is revealed; a stunning, voluptuous platinum blonde... with a hint of evil in her face*

female: This is going to be SOOOOO cool....


Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

caption: Tartarus; the palace headquarters of the Heroes of Tartarus, or HOTties...

*Drura in foreground, Pan in rear*

Policy Pam: Drura...?

Drura: I'm fine now, Pamela. Truly.

Panel 2

Pam: Then PLEASE come with me to the meeting...

Drura: NO! I can't face them... after I lost control like that, and hurt them all... and allowed the Dozen to escape.

Panel 3

Pam: But everyone understands. It was madness, discovering that the man you loved was someone else using distorter tech.

Drura: How... how is he...?

Panel 4

Pam: Well... he's out of the black zone... still condition red, though...

Dura: I wanted him to die, you know.

Panel 5

Pam: Yes.

Drura: Give me a moment. I'll be down.

Pam: Great!

Panel 6

*As Pam exits, Drura is looking at her private vid-monitor. Clearly visible on it is a LEGION logo*

Drura: Yes. I think it's for everyone's benefit that I accept...

Panel 7

*Drura's finger pressing "SEND"*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*The gang are in a restaurant*

caption: The planet Baskh...

Tenzil: So, exactly how long do we have to wait on this planet before it's safe to leave?

Tiffany: I... I don't know. I foresaw the Westerner's ship, the Setting Sun, being destroyed in a terrible explosion. I'm not sure when...

Panel 2

Lester: So we're stuck on this stupid planet with all these stupid people moping around dressed in their stupid all black jumpsuits because of you stupid belief that you've got psychic powers? Does anyone else think this sounds stupid?

Panel 3

Noyd: Lester, man, calm down. I know you're upset because the attempts to de-fatass you have all been a dismal failure. You don't have to take it out one your sweet sister.

Panel 4

Tiffany: Thanks, Noyd! You're certainly a gentleman!

Panel 5

*Noyd blushes*

Waiter: Here's your food...

Tenzil: Uh, actually, we haven't ordered yet...

Waiter: Oh? You want to order... okay. Most of our customers don't care what they get anymore.

Panel 6

Tenzil: Jillikers! Why is everyone on this planet so mopey and depressed?

Waiter: We just don't have much to live for, since the plague struck.

Panel 7

Taryn: Plague? What do you mean? Our scanners didn't indicate any widespread epidemics on this planet...

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